Encyclopedia of fire safety

Specific weight of rebar of all diameters. Weight per linear meter of reinforcement. How many in a ton of reinforcement in linear meters How many kilograms in one meter of reinforcement

The weight of the reinforcement is a very important parameter both for the construction and for the construction of various buildings (for example -). The mass of metal elements must be taken into account when planning the construction of the building itself. It determines the rods in free and stressed zones, the distance between the bars, etc.

In addition, the cost of construction will depend on the weight of a running meter of metal stubble. It is cheaper to purchase metal rods at wholesale depots, where the price is indicated per ton. The calculation in construction is made in running meters. Therefore, it is important to be able to calculate how many meters of rod are in one ton.

1 Correspondence table for reinforcement weights for different diameters

The standard mass of reinforcement of one or another diameter is regulated by GOST 5781-82 standards. The standard calculation table looks like this:

This table is absolutely easy to use. In the first column we select the diameter of the rod in mm, which will be used, in the second column we immediately see the weight of one linear meter of a rod of this type.

Third column shows us the number of linear meters of reinforcement in one ton.

1.1 Calculation of reinforcement weight

The first and easiest way to find out how much a meter of reinforcement weighs is to use an electronic calculator for similar calculations.

To work with it, you only need to know the diameter of the rod with which we will work. All other calculation parameters are already included in the program.

Two other ways to find out how heavy is the rebar meter, is somewhat more complicated. Let's look at them in order of increasing complexity.

Since reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm and 14 mm is most often used in private construction, we will take just such rods as the basis for calculations.

1.2 An example of calculating the weight of reinforcement (video)

2 Calculation by standard weight

Calculate the amount of reinforcement, necessary for construction (provided that we have the table at hand).

  1. Draw up a building construction plan, taking into account the creation.
  2. Decide on the diameter of the rods.
  3. Calculate the amount of reinforcement used in meters.
  4. Multiply the mass of one meter of reinforcement of the desired diameter by the number of rods used.

Example: 2322 meters of reinforcing bars with a diameter of 14 mm will be used for construction. The weight of a running meter of such rods is 1.21 kg. We multiply 2322 * 1.21, we get 2809 kilograms 62 grams (grams can be neglected). For construction, we need 2 tons 809 kilograms of metal rods.

2.1 Calculation by specific gravity

This method of calculation requires certain knowledge, skills and labor. It is based on a formula for calculating mass, which uses quantities such as the volume of a figure and its specific gravity. To resort to this method of calculating the running meter of reinforcement it is worth it only if there is neither an electronic calculator nor a table with GOST standards at hand.

Reinforcement is called metal rods, rods or ropes of various shapes and sections, intended for construction work in order to fasten specialized structures. Reinforcement is indispensable in the manufacture of any kind of devices made of reinforced concrete in order to enhance its strength. According to its characteristics, it is divided into strength classes and can be of various diameters, which affects the effectiveness of its use in reinforced concrete building structures. This article will help answer the questions "How many meters in a ton of rebar?" and “How much does a meter of rebar weigh?”.

In terms of labor costs in production, the presented rolled metal products can be:

  • light (with a diameter of up to 12 mm);
  • heavy (with a diameter of 12 - 40 mm).

With a steel rod diameter of 12 mm, it is customary to call it reinforcement 12 ( A12) is the most popular rolled metal product in domestic construction.

In the manufacturing process of A12, GOST 5781–82 is strictly observed, and according to its purpose, it is classified into tense and unstressed. According to the choice of production technology, the following types of fittings are distinguished 12:

  • cold drawn;
  • hot rolled.

Cold Drawn A12 reinforcement is necessary for the manufacture of reinforced mesh, it is supplied in coils (riots) of 6–12 meters and is a reinforcing wire.

hot rolled A12, being a high-quality type of rolled metal, is made from steel with a rounded section, finds its application in the reinforcement of stressed and ordinary structures, gives sufficient strength to reinforced concrete structures and prevents damage during mechanical deformations.

Distinctive features of fittings A12

This rolled metal product can be made of steel of different grades, depending on its application and the requirements for its characteristics. Most often, low-alloy structural steel products are required. This is due to the fact that such products are easily subjected to arc welding.

The main purpose of the A12 is strengthening of reinforced concrete structures, as well as the formation of frame devices to resist the increased load. A diameter of 12 mm is the minimum for the construction of a strip foundation and its grillages, if the reinforcement frame is knitted from four rods. Rental by class happens:

  • smooth profile (without corrugation) - class A1;
  • periodic profile (with transverse corrugation at an angle to the axis of the rod) - class A3.

This building metal is presented from the manufacturer in rods or coils. The scope of its application is very wide. For the arrangement of the foundation, it is recommended to use hot-rolled reinforcement in the form of rods with oblique corrugation, the presence of which ensures optimal adhesion to concrete. This interaction of materials ensures the strength and durability of the reinforced concrete building structure. The transverse arrangement of reinforced rods in the foundation prevents cracking of concrete and reduces the force load on the resulting structure, and also protects it from deformation.

Advantages fittings A12 that appear in construction:

  • high degree of strength;
  • relatively high plasticity;
  • minimal susceptibility to corrosion;
  • high resistance to thermal, chemical and mechanical influences;
  • the possibility of creating various configurations of structures by welding and by mechanical connections;
  • possibility of application in stressed structures made of reinforced concrete.

There is currently a fairly large selection of graded steel on the building raw materials market. Recently, there has been a gradual transition, using the example of Europe, to products from A500S steel to replace the previously popular A400. This fact, quite logically, is explained by the fact that with the full preservation of the quality characteristics of rolled products, its cost in production is reduced, due to the saving of raw materials in the process of construction operations, up to 10%. For construction costing, this amount of expenses is simply colossal.

A feature of the production of rolled products from this steel grade is the absence of oxidation and, as a result, the absence of rust. At the same time, mechanical, chemical and thermal qualities remain at a very high level. The displacement of the A400 steel grade by the A500S grade in the rolled products makes it possible to reduce its concentration during concreting and, as a result, the consumption of A12 reinforcement. The technical characteristics of the steel used do not allow the welds of the finished structure to collapse. All this leads to an increase in the strength of floors, columns and walls of buildings.

Weight per linear meter of fittings 12

For construction work, it is customary to calculate the amount of reinforcement in linear meters, but it is sold mainly by weight. It turns out that in order to buy the required amount of rolled metal and know exactly its cost, it is necessary to convert the calculated need in meters into units of weight, that is, kilograms, tons, etc. To do this, you can use presented by the table. An alternative to the presented tabular data is an independent calculation of the data, starting from the size of the diameter.

Diameter, mm Diameter, m Weight 1 meter, kg Number of m in 1t
6 0.06 222 4504.5
8 0.08 395 2531.65
10 0.1 617 1620.75
12 0.12 888 1126.13
14 0.14 1210 826.45
16 0.16 1580 632.91
18 0.18 2000 500
20 0.2 2470 404.86
22 0.22 2980 335.57
25 0.25 3850 259.74
28 0.28 4830 207.04
32 0.32 6310 158.48
36 0.36 7990 125.16
40 0.4 9870 101.32

The mass of one meter of reinforced rolled products is shown in the table as diameter to weight ratio. Having information about the mass of reinforcing steel, it is possible to determine the coefficient of reinforcement of the structure (the ratio of the weight of rolled metal to the volume of concrete).

In order to calculate the need for reinforcement, you will need data on how many linear meters one ton of rolled metal contains. The number of meters per ton is a value that depends on several factors. From the presented table it is clearly seen that the footage largely depends on the class of reinforcement.

How many meters in a ton of rebar 12?

In accordance with building codes, the amount of reinforcement in the strip foundation as a percentage of the reinforced concrete element in the section should be at least 0.1%. In an example, it looks like this. If a sectional area of ​​the strip foundation is 100 * 240 \u003d 2400 cm square, then the calculated number of rolled bars for longitudinal reinforcement is found by multiplying the resulting volume of the foundation by 0.001, that is, 2400 * 0.001 \u003d 2.4 cm square.

Next, you should resort to the reference data of the table from the manual for the reinforcement of reinforced concrete elements of monolithic buildings. Since we are interested in reinforcement with a diameter of 12, it is obvious that only 2 reinforced rods are needed for the estimated volume of the foundation. The calculation of the consumption of reinforced rolled products for a slab foundation is similar.

Reinforced concrete today is the most common material used in the construction of multi-storey buildings, roads, tunnels, bridges and any other objects. Reinforcement is an important component of such structures - non-reinforced concrete, although it can withstand significant compressive loads, practically does not work in bending and tension, collapsing at relatively low loads. But the use of metal rods - conventional or prestressed - eliminates this drawback. Often, builders find themselves in situations where they need to know the weight of the reinforcement in order to calculate the required amount of material for construction. The reinforcement weight table will help them with this. You will find it below in the article, in the reinforcement table, the value of the mass of metal rods of all diameters is presented.

Of course, first of all, the mass of the rod depends on the thickness. The larger the diameter, the greater the weight. Today, in construction, metal rods with a diameter of 6 to 80 millimeters are most often used. The mass of 1 m of reinforcement, the thinnest, weighs only 222 grams, while for the thickest this figure is 39.46 kilograms. As you can see, the difference is huge. Therefore, knowing the weight of the reinforcement will also not be superfluous when calculating the pressure of the structure on the base - a few unaccounted for tons of load can have a detrimental effect on the reliability and durability of any building.

How much does rebar weigh

In order to find out the reinforcement weight, it is easiest and most convenient to use the special table below.

Rebar weight table

Diameter, mmWeight of 1 meter of reinforcement, kgLinear meters per ton
6 0,222 4504,5
8 0,395 2531,65
10 0,617 1620,75
12 0,888 1126,13
14 1,21 826,45
16 1,58 632,91
18 2 500
20 2,47 404,86
22 2,98 335,57
25 3,85 259,74
28 4,83 207,04
32 6,31 158,48
36 7,99 125,16
40 9,87 101,32
45 12,48 80,13
50 15,41 64,89
55 18,65 53,62
60 22,19 45,07
70 30,21 33,1
80 39,46 25,34

All data indicated in this table fully comply with the current GOST. The error can be a maximum of a few percent - such errors will not cause significant trouble and will definitely not cause damage to the structure.

With a table at hand, you can quickly calculate the weight of a rebar, for example, with a diameter of 32 mm. Find the corresponding diameter in the first column and you will immediately find out that its mass is 6.32 kg per 1 m, and a ton includes 158.48 meters.

Why do you need to know the weight?

Often, professional builders have a question - what is the weight of a linear meter of reinforcement. Why do they need it? The fact is that when purchasing rods for the construction of large structures, it is not bought individually, as in individual construction, but in tons. But it is difficult to calculate how much a certain mass of material will last if you do not know how much a meter of reinforcement weighs. Knowledge of the total mass and specific gravity of the reinforcement, 1 meter, can be done in seconds in the simplest calculations, having obtained the total length of the metal rods. To do this, we take the entire mass of the necessary rods, and divide by the weight of 1 running meter.

Calculation example

To reinforce the beams, 2.5 tons of rods of 25 diameters are required. We take from the table the value of the mass of 1 meter, equal to 3.85 kg. Next, we translate tons into kilograms, multiply by 1000, it will be 2500 kg, and divide by 3.85, we get 649 meters of material. The standard length of a metal bar is 11.7 m, to find out the required number of rods, we divide 649 by 11.7, we get 55.5 pcs. Thus, you can count the number of rods with any section. This will help, especially in private construction, to check whether the correct amount of material has been delivered to you.

The reverse situation may also take place. The specialist knows how much material he needs, and also knows the optimal diameter. Having learned the theoretical weight of a meter of reinforcement, it is enough for him to multiply this number by the total length of the required metal rods to determine how much material is needed for construction.

The scope of fittings is the construction industry. This type of metal products is produced in the form of rods used as the main part that serves to reinforce reinforced concrete structures. The metal takes on the main tensile and bending load, making it possible to impart strength, reliability and durability to a reinforced concrete structure.

Characteristics of metal rods A12

Reinforcement with a cross section of 12 mm has the greatest demand, due to its convenience and lightness. And when knitting frames, the necessary rigidity of the product is manifested. During the construction of suburban brick houses, a strip foundation is used, the construction technology of which requires the use of reinforcement with a small diameter. In such cases, twelve-millimeter rods are most suitable.

In the process of production of reinforcing bars with the marking "A12" GOST 5781-82 is carried out. The characteristics of the A12 fittings are divided according to their purpose into prestressed and non-stressed. Depending on the specifics of the technological process, products are classified into the following types:

Types of reinforcement depending on the manufacturing technology

  • cold drawn- reinforcing wire intended for the manufacture of reinforced mesh;
  • hot rolled- steel rods with a rounded section, used for reinforcing structures.

Such products are made of different types of steel, the choice of which depends on the requirements and scope of the future product. Reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm is found with a smooth profile, which corresponds to class A1 and with a corrugated surface, corresponding to the A3 marking. Rolled metal products are supplied by manufacturers in rods or coils.

Scope of reinforcing bars

12mm rebar is widely used in the following fields:

The use of 12 mm reinforcement in construction

  • frame-monolithic construction;
  • installation of support frames;
  • reinforcement of concrete structures;
  • awnings and stairs.

Also, metal rods can be used as an anchor when pouring a columnar foundation. Rolled metal 12 mm is used to overcome deformation, form the basis of the frame, bundle individual elements, including those with a transverse arrangement.

Linear weight

The weight of reinforcing products is influenced by various factors, among which the most significant are the following:

  • diameter of the metal rod;
  • surface type - smooth or with transverse corrugation;
  • metal class.

Russian specialists use specially designed tables to calculate the weight of metal products, the basis of which is GOST R-52544. In accordance with this State Standard, the weight of a running meter of reinforcement 12 is 0.888 kg.

Without the use of special tables, it will not be difficult to calculate the weight of the reinforcement. The weight is equal to the volume of the body multiplied by the average specific gravity. The volume is calculated by the formula: cross-sectional area multiplied by the length. According to the standards, a meter is taken as a unit of measurement.

Thus, cross-sectional area \u003d Pi * radius squared (radius is equal to half the diameter). S \u003d 3.14x0.006 2 \u003d 0.00011304. Respectively weight = 0.00011304x7850 = 0.8874, where 7850 - a standard indicator of the average specific gravity of twelve-millimeter rebar.

If you have access to the Internet at hand, then it is even easier to calculate the mass of 1 meter of 12 mm reinforcement using special calculators that allow you to calculate reinforcing products of any brand and thickness.

How many meters of twelve-millimeter rebar in one ton

In the tables developed taking into account GOST for reinforcement, the following data are given for the number of meters contained in a ton of rolled metal:

  • diameter 5 millimeters- 5347 meters;
  • 6 mm- 4504 m;
  • 8 – 2531;
  • 10 – 1620;
  • 12 – 1126;
  • 14 – 826;
  • 16 – 633.

From the excerpt of the tabular values, it can be seen that one ton contains 1126 meters of reinforcement with a cross section of 12 mm. Standardized indicators are aimed at facilitating the process of calculating the number of reinforcing bars required to create various types of foundations or other structures.

Advantages of 12 mm rebar

Twelve-millimeter metal products have a number of advantages, manifested in the following areas:

  • high level of strength of frames made using reinforcing bars;
  • sufficient plasticity of the material;
  • minimal risk of corrosion damage formation;
  • high degree of resistance to such influences as chemical, thermal, mechanical;
  • ample opportunities to perform various configurations of frames;
  • use in stressed reinforced concrete structures.

The results of calculations carried out using tables, formulas and calculators are averaged values, since in reality reinforcing bars do not have a perfectly round cross section. To determine the required amount of rolled metal, the data obtained will be sufficient.

An important point in the calculations is the fact that the calculated and actual weight of the reinforcement 12 mm may differ from each other. Despite the careful control of GOST, metal bars are made from various types of steel and with different surfaces, and therefore the deviation of the values ​​varies in the range of 0.2–3%.

If you need to find out the weight of a running meter of a pipe, fittings or other rolled metal, then our metal calculator is the most convenient and simple solution.

First you choose the nomenclature for which you want to calculate meters to tons.

Next, you choose the size of the product.

For the convenience of using the calculator, we have developed an interactive search bar that will facilitate the selection of product sizes.

If it is round steel, then the list contains diameters (rebar 10.12, etc., circle).

If you want to know the weight of the pipe, then pay attention to the wall thickness.

To find out the weight of the sheet, you need to select the thickness, and then the calculation of the mass will take place per square meters.

Then data in meters or tons is entered in one of the fields

If you enter values ​​in the "meters" field ("square meters" to find out the weight of the sheet), then you will find out the total mass of the entire length (for example, the weight of the reinforcement).

If you are interested in calculating the length by weight, then you need to enter data in the “tons” field.

You can record and print your results

Our calculator allows you to record the received calculations in a special field so that you can easily see your latest calculations. To do this, you need to click on the "Record" button, and the result of your calculations will appear in a special field.

Also, after you have calculated all the necessary data, you can click on the "Print" button and get a printout of the results in a convenient form.

You can compare prices for selected items from all suppliers.

To do this, you need to write down your calculations. Please note that in the field with the recorded results there are positions that are of interest to you. Next, click "Calculate the entire application online", and the system will take you to a page where the results of processing suppliers' prices will be shown.

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