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The Pyramid Mystery by Edgar Cayce. Shocking facts about the sphinx - photo Prediction of schema nun Nila

An amazing find was made under the Egyptian Sphinx - a whole 12-story city is hidden under the surface of the earth, reports Day.Az with reference to.

A bit of history

According to the official version of modern science, the Egyptian Sphinx was built around the 25th century BC. from a single piece of limestone, as a kind of divine likeness of Pharaoh Khafre.

During the decline of Egyptian civilization and the attacks of the Persians, the sphinx, as a symbol of the Egyptian gods, was partially destroyed.

Fortunately, most of it was buried under the sand, which made it possible to conduct all kinds of research and dating.

As a result of which, it became possible to insist on a complete revision of the views of official representatives of armchair science.

Older than civilization

Firstly, in 1991, a professor of geology from Boston analyzed the erosion of the surface of the sphinx and came to the conclusion that the age of the sphinx must be at least 9,500 thousand years, that is, the sphinx is at least 5,000 years older than scientists thought!

Secondly, Robert Bauval, using modern computer modeling techniques, discovered that about 12,500 years ago (11th century BC), in the early morning, the rise of the constellation Leo was clearly visible right above the place where the sphinx was built. He logically assumed that the sphinx, which is very reminiscent of a lion, was built on this site as a symbol of this event.

Well, the third nail in the coffin of the views of official science was hammered by policeman-artist Frank Domingo, who painted sketches. He stated that the sphinx had nothing to do with the face of Pharaoh Khafre.

So now it was safe to say that the Sphinx was built long before any civilization known to science.

Huge voids under the sphinx

Of course, all these discoveries and statements could have been hidden under a thick layer of dust from scientific rooms, but then, as luck would have it, Japanese researchers arrived in Egypt.

It was 1989, when a group of scientists from Waseda, led by Professor Sakuji Yoshimura, using modern electromagnetic radar devices, discovered tunnels and rooms right under the sphinx.

Immediately after their discovery, the Egyptian authorities intervened in the research, and the Yoshimura group was deported from Egypt for life.

The same discovery was repeated in the same year by Thomas Daubecki, an American geophysicist. True, he managed to explore only a small area under the right paw of the sphinx, after which he was also promptly expelled from Egypt.

Three very strange events

In 1993, a robot was sent into a small tunnel (20x20 cm) that went from the burial chamber of the Cheops pyramid, which found a wooden door with brass handles inside this very tunnel, into which it successfully rested.

Next, for 10 years, scientists have been developing a new robot to open the door. And in 2003 they launched it into the same tunnel. It must be admitted that he safely opened the door, and behind it the already narrow tunnel began to narrow even more.

After that, tourist access to the pyramids was finally closed, and all research results were classified. Since then there has been no official news.

secret city

But there are many unofficial ones, one of which is actively lobbied and promoted by the American Casey Foundation (the one, by the way, who allegedly predicted the discovery of some secret room under the sphinx).

According to their version, in 2013 they drove through the second door of the tunnel, after which a stone slab with hieroglyphs rose from the ground between the front paws of the sphinx, which told about a room under the sphinx and a certain Hall of Testimony.

As a result of excavations, the Egyptians got into this very first room, which turned out to be a kind of hallway. From it, the researchers went down a tier below and found themselves in a round hall, from which three tunnels went to the Great Pyramid.

After that, a 12-story building was discovered, going underground. The dimensions of this structure are truly grandiose and more like a city than a building - 10 kilometers wide and 13 kilometers long.

In addition, the Casey Foundation claims that the Egyptians concealed a certain rod of Thoth, an archaeological artifact of world significance, which supposedly has the power of technologies unknown to mankind.

More questions than answers

Of course, at first glance, the theory of Cayce's followers seems to be complete nonsense. And everything would have been so if the Egyptian government had not partially confirmed the discovery of a certain underground city.

It is clear that there was no information from the official authorities about some energy force fields. Also, the Egyptian authorities did not recognize the fact that they did get into the city, therefore, what was found there is also unknown.

But the fact of recognition of the discovery of the underground city remains. So the Sphinx gives people a new riddle, and we just have to make every effort to still solve it.

Apparently, the American prophet of the twentieth century, Edgar Cayce (1877–1945), was the first to put forward the version of the connection between the Great Egyptian pyramids and Atlantis. Today we know a lot about E. Casey, about his phenomenal gift, which unexpectedly manifested itself in 1902. E. Casey was then engaged in photography.

One cloudy evening with drizzling rain, after a long filming, he came home and, after playing with his six-year-old son, fell asleep. Taking advantage of this, his son enthusiastically began to play with his father's heavy camera, which had a magnetic flash.

The boy was very interested in finding out what was inside the device and touching its buttons.

After pressing one of them, a flash went off and burned out his eyes. E. Casey immediately woke up and stared at his son, who pressed his hands to his eyes.

All that night, E. Casey spent in the hospital, and in the morning the doctors announced to him that one of his son's eyes should be removed, and the second, if he sees, then no more than 10%. Hearing this, E. Casey fainted, waking up from which he fell into a trance ...

When E. Casey visited the doctor, his condition did not change, but he kept mumbling something indistinctly. Having listened to this muttering, the doctor made out that it was ... Latin, in which E. Casey, having no medical education, gave a prescription for medicine for the treatment of his son.

The result of the son's treatment was amazing: one of the child's eyes was completely cured, and the other - by 50%! So Edgar Cayce became a "healer in a dream." And since then, he has given over 30,000 prescriptions, all of which have been recorded and stored at Duke University. Although in some cases his advice was unsuccessful, in most cases it was beneficial to those being treated.

Being engaged in diagnostics, E. Casey soon discovered the ability to see the past and predict the future. So he became, as the journalists called him, a "sleeping prophet." E. Casey received his revelations in a state of trance: he lay down on the couch, folded his arms on his chest, closed his eyes, fell into a slumber and began to breathe deeply.

Having entered a trance, he could answer a variety of questions regarding both the past and the future, spoke about the fate of individuals, entire states, and even about what would happen to our planet in the distant future ... He, for example, predicted the First and Second world wars, naming the exact date of the end of the last, the beginning of the economic crisis in 1929, the proclamation of India's independence, the formation of the state of Israel and much more.

Dozens of books have been written about Casey, which have sold millions of copies. We can say that E. Casey was an extraordinary person, not without a desire for sensationalism, but most of his predictions came true with stunning accuracy ...

E. Casey was a deeply religious person and lived according to the principle "not for himself, but for others." In a trance, he gave advice to the unemployed on where to find work, and told businessmen where to invest their money or how to avoid ruin. He helped to find treasures and oil fields. And he did all this completely disinterestedly, being content with the modest salary of a Sunday school teacher. 14256 recorded prophecies of E. Casey have been preserved, which have not yet been fully deciphered ...

In the last 25 years of his life (from 1920 to 1945), E. Casey was completely captured by the pictures of sunken cities and ruined temples located at the bottom of the oceans and seas. He saw the times when they were still on the surface of the earth and when they were visited by numerous crowds of people, beautiful and wise. It was then that E. Casey realized that this was Atlantis. Of the two and a half thousand records of E. Casey, devoted to "reading lives", one third was devoted to Atlantis.

What did E. Casey say about Atlantis?..

He believed that Atlantis was located in the Atlantic Ocean between the Sargasso Sea and the Azores, that it was destroyed as a result of a paranormal cause in the process of three successive cataclysms that occurred between 15,000 and 10,000 BC. e., as well as human activity. According to E. Casey, the Atlanteans were familiar with electricity, used flying and spacecraft-vimanas, and also had the ability to telepathy and telekinesis.

After some time, one image filled the visions of E. Casey: they were crystals. Carved from transparent quartz, they glowed with inner fire. And then in his visions one terrifyingly huge crystal began to appear, in the faces of which an unstoppable force was felt!

Even Plato in his "dialogues" said that the Atlanteans themselves brought trouble. However, his story ends without revealing the secret of the tragedy. Perhaps it was E. Casey who managed to reveal it, who once had an insight about the true cause of the death of an ancient civilization!

Here is what he said about it:

“Was it worth it for mere mortals to know the application of spiritual laws to material principles, because there was a huge destructive power in this.

When the Atlanteans made special facets for activating the forces of solar radiation in order to create energy for ships and generate electricity, these forces, turned to the elements of the Earth, caused the first catastrophe.

Here is another statement by E. Casey:

“The Atlanteans used crystals for temporal and spiritual purposes. They were the most powerful accumulators of energy from solar radiation and starlight (Thus, long before his death in January 1945, E. Casey predicted the invention of the laser. - AV). Their energy helped the Atlanteans build palaces and temples and develop psychic abilities in themselves. But this was not the main crystal - Tuaoi - "Fire Stone".

It accumulated the energy of the Earth, and its rays burned through the most powerful walls."

In his revelations, E. Casey saw a large hall where Tuaoi was located. This hall was called the "Hall of Light". Servants of a secret cult gathered in it and listened to the "voices" of distant galaxies. But a certain time passed, and at some point the nature of the Earth rebelled against them. The main crystal allegedly caused a series of cataclysms that destroyed Atlantis. After the first and second cataclysms, part of the Atlanteans, taking with them a few crystals, began to move to the nearest continents. This is exactly what E. Casey explains the presence of common features in the civilizations of South America and Ancient Egypt.

At first, E. Casey's statements were treated with a fair amount of skepticism. But soon, to the surprise of many, some confirmation of what he said appeared. In particular, it turned out that the word "Tuaoi" has a parallel meaning similar to E. Casey in the languages ​​of some peoples. Moreover, the legendary ruler of the American Toltec Tezcatlipoc, as the legends say, owned a wonderful "frosted mirror". In it, he could see distant lands and hear the thoughts of other people.

In addition, there is also evidence that the surviving Atlanteans came to Europe. This is evidenced, although it may seem strange, by the great Julius Caesar himself. The druid priest told him about the progenitors of the Gauls, who came from the "Isle of the Crystal Towers". From other priests, the Romans also heard about the sacred stones of the Druids, but, despite the search, they could not find them.

Judging by the statements of E. Casey, many Atlanteans, having learned from their soothsayers about the coming catastrophes, managed to escape by scattering around the world. E. Casey said the following about this:

"The remains of the Atlantean civilization can be found in the Pyrenees, Morocco, British Honduras, Mexican Yutacan, in some parts of America, especially near the Gulf Stream."

The clairvoyant predicted that evidence of Atlantis would be found in the Bahamas and Egypt. And indeed, as we saw above, in the late 1960s, under water near Bimini Island (Bahamas), fishermen saw symmetrically arranged stones of the correct shape. Later, as we know, many expeditions of Atlantis explorers worked here with some success.

E. Casey told a lot of interesting things about Ancient Egypt and, in particular, about the Great Pyramid ...

He claimed that the pyramid of Cheops was built using levitation, that is, the laws of the universe about the soaring of material bodies in the air. This happened between 10490 and 10390 BC. e. (How can one not recall the hypothesis of R. Buvel, which completely coincides with the statement of E. Casey! - A.V.). This pyramid contains the "Hall of Initiation", and the purpose of its construction is much higher than the burial place of the pharaoh.

However, the main thing in the prophecies of E. Casey was the statement about the “burial” under the pyramid of Cheops of the Great Testament to people ... The information stored in the Great Pyramid covers the entire history of mankind until 1998. E. Casey speaks of this as a period when "the Earth will change its position, when the Great Messiah will appear on Earth to fulfill the prophecies displayed in the vault."

E. Casey claims that the pyramid of Cheops contains mathematical and astronomical calculations that the Earth will end its cycle in 1998 (?!). This year, perhaps, the polarity reversal of the earth's poles will also occur (?!). The appearance of the messiah, also expected in 1998, will cause changes on "Earth". There are indications in the Great Pyramid of what these changes will be. However, they are all encrypted ...

Around the same time as the pyramid of Cheops, the Sphinx was created. When in 1920 E. Casey made a stunning statement that he allegedly sees some kind of cache under one of the paws of the Sphinx with written information about a civilization that existed long before the construction of the Egyptian pyramids, no one seriously believed this.

But in the 1980s, after the death of E. Casey, Egyptian archaeologists first noticed that the lower block of the Sphinx is much older than its upper part. This was the first signal that the prediction of the American prophet was confirmed and that the story of the Sphinx was not as trivial as it seemed at first glance.

Acoustic sounding revealed the fuzzy outlines of some small room under the Sphinx, but whether this is the hiding place that the American clairvoyant spoke about is still unknown. Let's hope that sooner or later time will put all the dots on the "i" in this matter ...

Before his death, E. Casey indicated the location of another of the surviving, but flooded temples of Atlantis, which is located east of the Bahamas. Indeed, in 1995, in this place, one of the submarines discovered the remains of a large stone structure, reminiscent of the famous megaliths of the British Isles. They lie at a depth of about 200 meters, and among them are the collapsed multi-ton slabs surrounding the main sanctuary.

Currently, research is being carried out there, and it is possible that soon humanity will see evidence of the former greatness of Atlantis raised from the bottom of the ocean ...

And E. Casey also said the following thought:

“The record of how to create the crystal is in three places on Earth at the present time: in the sunken Atlantis, or Poseidonia, where part of the temple will still be exposed under the sediment near the place now known as Bimini, off the coast of Florida (see previous paragraph! - A. V.). Secondly, at the Temple of Records in Egypt, where the subject worked with others to seal records brought from their country of origin. Thirdly, the records were delivered to the current Yutakan, where a few years ago, archaeologists discovered stones of the most ancient construction ... "

Finally, here is one more, the last prediction of E. Casey ... According to him, in the early 1930s, he traveled on a UFO into the 21st century and learned from his crew that it would be around the year 2000 on our planet:

“... There will be a movement of the poles. There will be displacements in the Arctic and Antarctica, resulting in volcanic eruptions in the tropical belt... The upper part of Europe will change in the blink of an eye. The earth will crack in the western part of America. More than half of Japan will sink into the sea ... "

At the "International Congress of Ufologists, Astrologers, Clairvoyants" held in 1997 near Chelyabinsk (in the vicinity of the picturesque Chebarkul Lake), a map of the world compiled on the basis of E. Casey's prophecies was shown. On it, black paint shaded the countries and territories that will go under water as a result of the upcoming geoplanetary cataclysms.

Among these territories were the Scandinavian Peninsula, and the entire Baltic, and most of England with Japan, our St. Petersburg, and in general most of many coastal regions. In particular, he saw the American cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles, New York and Mexico City lying in ruins...

And only one place on our planet, according to E. Casey, will remain almost untouched by this gigantic catastrophe - this is a huge continental plate on which our Russia is located! ..

Russia in these events will suffer less than other countries, although the 30 millionth army of China will nevertheless invade our borders and reach Lake Baikal, but the “yellow stream” will not go beyond this line, Russia will find control over the aggressors with the help of ... aliens.

The region from the Urals to Lake Baikal will become something like a modern "Noah's Ark", that is, in the 21st century Russia will become a hope for all countries of the world. Although the current state of affairs in our country does not inspire many with optimism, let's hope that E. Casey was still right and his forecast will come true ...

Indeed, we have been ill with socialism, now Russia is writhing in agony from the inoculations of wild capitalism. No other country has had such historical experience, perhaps it will help us find the golden mean, and we will be able to combine all the positive of the two systems into one whole?

In any case, E. Case predicted that Russia would be able to bring together all the religious and mystical values ​​and develop its own consciousness:

"All this will no longer be communism in the usual sense of the word, but rather ... the teachings of Christ, his idea of ​​​​communism."

It is curious that the era that E. Casey speaks of and which is close to the year 2000 coincides, as it turned out, with the so-called End Time. It is understood as the highest point of the precessional cycle of the rise of the stars of Orion's Belt.

This circumstance is similar to that which occurred in the distant XI millennium BC. e. and which coincided with the First Time (lowest point) of the same cycle.

One can relate differently to the prophecies and predictions of the great American clairvoyant.

But his statements about Atlantis, the history of mankind and the disasters that befell it, about the pyramids of Ancient Egypt, etc. - all this information, it seems to us, is of some interest to readers, and therefore we introduced them to it.

Sevinj Mammadaliyeva is an Egyptologist, she lives and works in Cairo, in one of the research institutes at the Cairo Historical Museum. Sevinj Mammadaliyeva plucked up courage and, ignoring the conservatism of modern historical science, suggested that the Egyptian obelisks are nothing more than a display of aircraft on which certain creatures arrived on Earth, who founded an ancient civilization on the territory of modern Egypt.

They brought with them the knowledge that allowed them to manage stone giants and build grandiose structures. They brought with them technologies that are several orders of magnitude superior to modern nanotechnologies. That is why the Egyptians deified these creatures.

This conclusion Sevinj allowed to make many historical facts, to which academic historical science turns a blind eye.

The article caused a wide resonance, accusations of an unscientific approach rained down on Sevinj, but this brave young scientist stoically endured everything. “Well, they won’t kill me, after all, these mossy pundits!” she exclaimed. And survived. And she wrote another article - this time about the riddle of the Sphinx.

- Why did you choose this topic?

Because in Egypt, wherever you turn, everywhere there are only solid riddles! And the mystery of the Sphinx is no less burning than space obelisks or the pyramids themselves. On the one hand, the erection of this huge statue (height over 20 m, length 72 m) did not require any methods unknown to modern science - such as moving huge blocks and monoliths with the power of thought or antigravity. (At least, bold scientific minds believe that the movement of huge monoliths at the then level of technological development was possible only with the help of something transcendent.) The Sphinx is carved from limestone, the layer of which in this place comes to the surface, and it was enough to create primitive instruments. There are no mysteries here - unlike the same Aswan obelisk. The question is: who, when and why created it and who does it represent?

History textbooks claim that it was created four and a half thousand years ago under Pharaoh Khafre, who built the second largest of the three great pyramids. Like, there is even a portrait resemblance between him and the Sphinx. Isn't it true?

For the last two decades of the last century, it was thought so. It was believed that the Sphinx is an image of the god Harmachis, and the portrait resemblance to Khafre is explained by the deification of the pharaoh. However, in the 80-90s, when the attention of the whole world was riveted to the emergency state of the Sphinx, and scientists studied it in every possible way, several sensational discoveries were made. Firstly, the age of the Sphinx is much older - it is older than the pyramids. This conclusion was reached by Tokyo archaeologists, led by Professor Yoshimura, who checked the Sphinx statue and its surroundings with echolocators. (The reference was not to the age of the blocks the Sphinx was made of, but to the "age" of their processing.) In 1991, Boston professor of geology Robert Schoch, in turn, provided evidence that the Sphinx was created seven or even more than a thousand years ago. Schoch made this conclusion while studying the erosion of limestone.

Robert Bauval, a fan of the version that the Sphinx was built almost like an observatory, as an indicator of the main astronomical events such as the equinoxes, proved that the date of the "birth" of a lion with a human face is 10500 BC. Today, many free-thinking researchers are inclined to this opinion.

Secondly, the portrait resemblance of the Sphinx and Khafre was also questioned. Police artist Lieutenant Frank Domingo from New York carefully compared the face of the Sphinx with the face of Pharaoh Khafre, and came to the conclusion that the features of the Sphinx were not copied from Khafre at all. By the way, both Domingo and Schoch were inspired by amateur Egyptologist Anthony West, who had been studying the secrets of Ancient Egypt for many years. West is a fan of Atlantis, he believed that the Sphinx was created by the Atlanteans, who come from ... Mars. He argued that the development of our earthly civilization was influenced by a certain civilization on Mars. So, he interprets the famous "face on Mars" as an alien analogue of the Egyptian Sphinx.

- I'm sorry, but do you believe in all this?

I will refrain from answering this question. Because I don't want to be seen as a charlatan, as West was known among professional Egyptologists. However, I know that many Egyptian scientists, while officially denying West's theories, do not laugh at them in the lobby. In our last conversation, I already emphasized that the Egyptian scientists clearly know something, but they hide it in every possible way, moreover, they do not let anyone else into their secrets.

In addition, the American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce claimed that many of those who left the dying Atlantis settled in Egypt, and the Sphinx was created by them. By the way, French archaeologists indirectly confirmed the version of this person, respected even among academic scientists. They found that the proportions of the face of the sculpture are not typical for an ordinary person. So the Sphinx may well turn out to be a sculptural portrait of an Atlantean.

As for West, whether he is a charlatan or not, time will tell. However, the ardor with which he studies Egyptian riddles, his perseverance with which he attracts professional scientists to study the riddles, causes real respect. It was at his suggestion that Robert Schoch began to study the erosion of limestone and came to the conclusion that heavy rains "tried" over the sculpture for a very long time. But all the other buildings on the Giza plateau - the Great Pyramids, etc. - had a completely different weathering profile, characteristic not of showers, but of wind. It was the profile of weathering, more precisely, "pouring out", that allowed Shoh to make an earlier dating of the Sphinx. Other scholars were forced to agree with Schoch: the heavy rains needed to cause the observed erosion of the Sphinx ceased to fall in Egypt thousands of years before 2500 BC. - the year of the official birth of the Sphinx.

West himself, however, believed that floods "tried" over the Sphinx, that it was in the era of the Great Flood, but, respecting the geological experience of Schoch, he changed his point of view. Which, however, did not greatly change his theories about the antediluvian origin of the Sphinx and the civilization of the Atlanteans.

Domingo, as I said, also turned to Egyptian riddles after West's request in 1993. He traveled to Egypt and compared the features of the Sphinx to the diorite statue of Khafre, which is kept in the Cairo Museum.

- But why did he turn to the police artist?

Domingo had a wealth of experience in criminal forensics based on facial comparisons. Modern experts are equipped with chic equipment, have special computer programs that allow for such an examination. Domingo, using graphical computer programs, made a point-to-point comparison of the features of each face. After the comparison, he provided the official conclusion that the two compared faces definitely could not belong to the same person. In principle, I believe that this examination could not have been carried out at all if the results of Schoch regarding surface erosion clearly indicate that the Sphinx is four thousand years older than Khafre.

So with the question "when the Sphinx was created" we can say that we figured it out. With the question "who is depicted" - it is also more or less clear: not Khafre. But who then?

- You said above - Atlantean. Is that what you wrote in your article?

- (Laughs) No, I don't say that directly! But I quote Edgar Cayce's opinion. By the way, I really respect this phenomenal person. At least for one fact. Casey claimed that under the left front paw of the statue there are underground tunnels and some kind of cavities. He "saw" them with the help of his clairvoyance. And what? That Tokyo expedition led by Ishiromura, who determined by echolocation the time when the limestone of the Sphinx was processed, discovered that it was under his left paw that in fact there was a narrow tunnel leading towards the pyramid of Khafre.

It starts at a depth of two meters and goes down obliquely. Doctor of geophysics Thomas Dobecki found under the left paw of the Sphinx and a five-meter cavity in the form of a rectangular chamber. The fact that there are voids and tunnels was also written by ancient scientists. For example, Iamblichus, a Syrian representative of the Alexandrian School of mystical-philosophical teachings, who lived in the 4th century; the ancient Sumerians, who claimed that the secret refuge of the Anunnaki was a "place underground", where a tunnel led, the entrance to which was covered with sand, and a creature very similar in description to the sphinx guarded the tunnel; Pliny, a Roman historian of the 1st century AD, who claimed that under the Sphinx there are secret rooms hiding treasures and magic items, as well as the tomb of a ruler named Harmachis, and even called the Sphinx "The Great Sphinx Harmachis, standing guard since the time of the Followers Mountain"; the Roman historian of the 4th century Ammianus Marcellinus, who wrote that these premises were created in order to "preserve the wisdom of the ancients from the bloody flood"; the Arab writer of the early Middle Ages Altelemsani, referring to the information of the scientist Masudi, who lived in the 10th century; author of the same century Mutherdi ...

Yes, even Herodotus, the "father of history"! He spoke of the Egyptian priests, who, according to tradition, recounted to him ancient legends about the "system of underground living quarters" designed by the real creators of Memphis.

So maybe Casey isn't clairvoyant at all? He simply could know all these legends and made an assumption, which later proved to be true!

You might know, or you might not! Casey believes that all the historical evidence of the civilization of the Atlanteans was brought by the surviving representatives of this people to Egypt and hidden in the "Hall of Chronicles" - a small pyramid located on the line between the right paw of the Sphinx and the Nile River.

But in your last work on obelisks, you suggested that the ancient Egyptian civilization was founded by "newcomers from Heaven", as the Egyptians called their gods at first. In your new work, you give a version about the Atlanteans. I think there is some contradiction in this...

I don't think it's a contradiction! After all, no one has yet proven one hundred percent who the Atlanteans are and where they themselves came from. According to West, a fan of the "Martian version", the Atlanteans could very well be from Mars. True, I would not argue about Mars, but the fact that aliens have visited and are visiting our planet is, in my opinion, no secret to anyone. So let's get back to the "who" question. West and Casey are not the only ones who claim that the Sphinx depicts an unearthly creature. The ancient Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder wrote about this. He believed that confirmation of the extraterrestrial origin of the Sphinx is the "red face of this monster" and the "third eye" directed into space above the bridge of the nose.

Helena Blavatsky also spoke about this. She argued that it was these two signs that the Atlanteans who arrived in Egypt had, and the Sphinx reproduces the image of their priest Ra-Ta, and not at all King Khafre. Blavatsky admitted that Khafre simply ordered that the Sphinx be given some resemblance to itself - as far as it was possible.

One point remains unclear. If we assume that the Sphinx is an image of Atlanteans or aliens (or both "in one bottle"), then where does the lion's body come from?

Some historians say that the whole thing is in the cult of the gods of Egypt. Others argue that nature itself created the Sphinx, and then people simply completed the similarity. These experts cite many natural sculptures that are in the vicinity of the Giza plateau and in other places in Egypt to prove their version.

Yes, I personally saw such a natural sculpture. At first it seems that this is a warrior, and then you clearly see a woman in front of you ... Very impressive!

I saw it too, it's really impressive. But this version does not seem correct to me. Because the Sphinx has a too adjusted position - its face looks exactly to the east. And it is no coincidence. And the body of a lion is also not accidental. Because if we accept the correct dating of Robert Bauwell - it seems to me the most correct and closest to reality (Schoch with his storm erosion also does not remain out of work: strong prolonged showers in these places also happened earlier, this is proved by geophysicists) - then we we see that a certain astrological epoch falls on those millennia - the era of Leo. This is 10970-8810 BC.

The body of the lion is explained by another lion - the constellation Leo. Robert Bauvel, who argues that the orientation of the sphinx facing east is not accidental, and that this is of great astronomical significance, draws attention to this fact. It was not for nothing that the ancient Egyptians identified the Sphinx with various solar deities. For example, with the aforementioned Harmachis (Gor-am-Akhet) or "Horus on the horizon" and Sheshepankh Atum ("The living image of Atum"). By the way, there is an opinion that the Greek word "sphinx" is an abbreviation for "Sheshep-ankh". So the orientation of the Sphinx strictly to the east is a consequence of the connection with the fact that Horus and Atum were solar deities.

Bauval suggests that the Sphinx was built to mark the day of the vernal equinox. Moreover, Bauval and many other scientists are convinced that the Giza pyramid complex is a reflection of the position of the stars in the constellation of Orion ten and a half thousand years before our era. Having created a computer simulation of the starry sky for that period, Bauval and his colleague Hancock found that on the day of the vernal equinox after sunrise, the Sphinx "looked" across the Giza plateau directly at the constellation Leo. Today, because of the procession of the earth's axis, the Sphinx "looks" no longer at the constellation Leo, but what matters to us is not what is now, but what was at the time the Sphinx was built.

When the geodetic plan of the complex of all the pyramids in Giza, not only the three Great ones, fell into my hands, I saw with the naked eye that the three pyramids form an isosceles triangle, one of the vertices of which is located between the right paw of the Sphinx and the Nile River - the sphinx is almost parallel to its right side Nile. By the way, in 1980, it was in this place, when the Egyptian land reclamators drilled to a depth of fifteen meters, that a large piece of Aswan granite was discovered. But in these places only limestone is found! Aswan granite is very far away. Where is the granite from? What is he doing there? Maybe the "hall of records" of the Atlanteans, which Casey spoke of, is located exactly there?

In addition, with its paws, the Sphinx rests on the eastern side of the square, in which the rest of the buildings of the Giza Valley are inscribed. If we multiply all their parameters, then the product will be equal to the duration of one cosmic year - 26,000 years.

The Giza plateau, the pyramids, their sizes, ratios of sizes and other figures have been studied by Egyptologists far and wide. And today, many people believe that all these ratios can be simply "far-fetched", because if we have a lot of all sorts of numbers, then with a great desire, we can identify any patterns between them. Perhaps all these parameters, triangles, similarity to various constellations are just "far-fetched" purely mathematical delights?

Yes, this opinion is known. But why is it that no one is engaged in all these, as you put it, mathematical delights in other places? The planet is full of mysteries! However, everything that concerns the correspondences to the constellations, in particular, Orion (from which, according to many myths of various peoples, the Heavenly gods descended), the Giza plateau can be seen very well. Here, judge for yourself. If we take the distance from the alleged "hall of chronicles" to the southeast corner of the Khafre pyramid and take it as a certain conventional unit, then the distance to the southeast corner of the Cheops pyramid will be seven tenths of this unit, and to the southeast corner of the Menkaure pyramid - one and a half units. Many will ask - so what? And the fact that in astronomy these proportions have long been known. If we take the distance from the Sun to the Earth as a conditional - that is, astronomical - unit, then the distance from the Sun to Venus will also be seven tenths of a unit, and from the Sun to Mars - one and a half units. Therefore, it can be assumed that the pyramid of Cheops points to Venus, Khafre - to the Earth, and Menkaure - to Mars.

- But the Sphinx has something to do with it?

And he - judging by his position - monitors the sunrise and the rotation of these planets.

There is an ancient saying that says: "When the Sphinx speaks, life on earth will descend from its usual circle." Or another, tougher option: "When the Sphinx speaks, life will end." How can you explain this saying?

If we assume that the "hall of records" actually exists and is located exactly where Casey and other researchers assume, then the Sphinx is nothing more than a guardian of knowledge. And who knows what this knowledge will bring us? Life may not end, but the fact that we will radically change our ideas about it is absolutely certain!

By the way, there is a prediction: when the world is on the verge of death, the statue will come to life and speak and tell us about all its secrets. But then it will be too late... The fact that ancient knowledge is incredibly important for us was suggested by Anthony West in the 70s. He, and before him also the French mathematician and occultist Schwaller de Lubicz, believed that certain symbols were encrypted in Egyptian art and architecture, which were both mathematical and mystical in nature. And if we decipher them, then we will solve all the Egyptian and not only riddles. Many, even academic scientists are sure that in ancient Egypt the priests had more advanced scientific knowledge than even what we have now. From whom did they receive them? It is officially considered that from an older, disappeared civilization. And since the Sphinx is the same age as this civilization, it is quite possible that it is he who points to the cache, the treasury of this knowledge.

You said that the Japanese and other scientists have discovered voids and tunnels leading from the Sphinx by various methods. Have these tunnels been explored? Maybe the Japanese made some excavations?

Almost no excavations were carried out. The tunnels were explored by the same method of echolocation, but only at a distance of several meters. For some reason, further research was curtailed. The official explanation is that it was difficult to explore further, it is required to create new equipment. What do you mean difficult? Echolocation is not drilling, not excavation. Listen to yourself what the rocks lying under your feet "say" and that's it.

However, none of this was done. More precisely, it was not possible to do something, the Japanese left the Giza plateau. From this we can again draw an indisputable conclusion that the Egyptians are clearly hiding something. And so clearly that it catches the eye of the entire scientific world.

Later, however, the famous Egyptian archaeologist, Dr. Zahi Gavas, director of the Giza Archaeological Complex and the Department of Antiquities of Egypt, told King Gustav and Queen Silvia of Sweden that he, together with members of the expedition of Dr. Joseph Martin Shor, discovered a disguised secret chamber under the front paws of the Sphinx. In this chamber, they allegedly found a jug of an unusual shape and a rope coiled in some incomprehensible way, but most importantly, the entrance to a narrow tunnel. Up to this point, everything seems to be normal and, in principle, there was no doubt in the scientific world. But then Zahi Gavas said that they were prevented from going into the tunnel ... by some kind of incomprehensible nature of the light field. And supposedly even a bullet could not penetrate it.

Of course, some members of the expedition tried to penetrate the field, but the daredevils immediately felt bad. However, the expedition had special equipment at its disposal, and with its help it was found out that the tunnel ended at a depth of 32 meters with a vertical shaft flooded at the bottom with water. The water was allegedly pumped out, and a burial chamber with four columns and a black granite sarcophagus was opened. They did not open it - they were afraid. Because of the superstition of local residents who believe that the Sphinx strictly guards the "glorious place of the beginning of time", where the first divine ruler of Egypt, Ra-Gorakhti, is buried, and that his burial is protected by terrible spells of the gods, and therefore mortally dangerous for a mere mortal.

- And why do you always say "supposedly", "as if"?

Because I don't believe in it all. If this were the case, the scientific world would already be trumpeting this discovery with might and main. And then, if the entrance to the tunnel was protected by some kind of "light field", how did you manage not only to get into the tunnel, but also to find a burial chamber there, and even pump out water from it? Appliances? So the field did not even let a bullet through! Yes, and all this talk about spells, mortal danger for "mere mortals" ... This is all at the level of a journalistic sensation, but not at the level of the work of a serious scientist, which, no doubt, is Zahi Gavas. He officially announced only the following: humanity is not yet able to open doors to other worlds - this is a matter for future generations. Like, remember that saying that if the Sphinx speaks, then life will end. Therefore, further research on the Great Sphinx and the surrounding area has been discontinued.

Do you think that Havas actually found something? After all, the king of Sweden is not the kind of person who can be hung up on his ears!

Yes, he absolutely found something, and a documentary film was made on this topic, and not one, but Egyptian scientists are again hiding something! But the version has already penetrated into the press that it is the Sphinx that is the real main entrance to the Great Pyramid. The version, by the way, is quite old, based on hundred-year-old maps compiled by members of the Masonic lodge and the Rosicrucian Order. According to them, the Sphinx was a structure crowning an underground hall, connected to all the pyramids by radially divergent corridors. These plans were drawn up on the basis of information found by the alleged founder of the Rosicrucian Order, Christian Rosicrucian, who is believed to have entered a secret chamber underground and found a vault of books containing secret knowledge.

- And how do you feel about the version that the Sphinx is actually not he, but she?

So far, I have not come across scientific evidence for this, so I can’t say anything. Basically, anything is possible. By the face of the Sphinx, especially disfigured by time and vandals, it is very difficult to judge the gender of this creature. By the way, scientists, examining the face of the Sphinx, came to the conclusion that this is a portrait of a person from a now non-existent race. Outwardly, its representatives were similar to Africans and Native Americans - Indians. In all this history, only one thing is clear: the Sphinx is a monument to a lost civilization that existed when there were no sands of the Sahara in this territory. After all, it is known that the sands either advance or retreat, and therefore the Sphinx was repeatedly dug up. It is difficult to imagine a civilization that would put up such a significant monument for all mankind in the sands, knowing that they can hide it sooner or later.

We recall the legendary predictions of the city on the Neva.

"Inkerimaan Commandment"

Those who lived in St. Petersburg for a long time or were interested in the legends of the city must have heard the myth about the so-called "Inkerimaan commandment to wander in the labyrinth." This enigmatic book, which many antiquarians were looking for like the Grail, allegedly contains ominous prophecies to the city on the Neva. In the manuscript, which, according to legend, was created more than 1000 years ago by the aborigines who lived on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, there is a prediction that one day a great city will grow in the swamps. This city will be cursed, and for several generations it will be haunted by "three tormenting troubles" - evil water, evil fire and hunger. On the eve of every disaster, mysterious soothsayers will appear in the city and will announce the coming sign - the appearance of the Red Moon in the sky. It is curious that the memories of the inhabitants of the Northern capital, who survived the severe flood in November 1824, have come down to us, in which people said that during the elements they saw the Red Moon behind the clouds. There is a city tale that the “Inkerimaan commandment to those wandering in the labyrinth” contains a recipe for removing the curse: a blond horsewoman on a white horse with three flowers should appear and go around the city three times with the words - “The troubles tormenting the city are over!”

Stone Atakan

The legend about the ominous Atakan stone, on which human sacrifices were made in ancient times, has been around for several centuries. When Peter I began to build a new capital, the builders threw a stone into the Neva, even the exact place was indicated - in the area of ​​the Liteiny Bridge. However, even after the “drowning”, the stone has not lost its great power and continues to demand new victims. Many associated the mysterious explosion in the fall of 1876 during the construction of the bridge (22 people died) and the catastrophe (near the bridge) of the bulk carrier Kaunas in 2002 with the sinister influence of Atakan. The old-timers said that the stone causes floods to satisfy their "hunger".

Serpent under the "Bronze Horseman"

Another old St. Petersburg legend claims that under the Senate Square, exactly under the monument to Peter, a giant prehistoric Serpent sleeps. So, for example, under Senate Square, according to ancient beliefs, a giant snake lives, for the time being without showing any signs of life. The old-timers said that when the monster wakes up (or is awakened), the city will be crushed. There is also a story that Etienne Maurice Falcone, the sculptor of the Bronze Horseman, was well aware of this legend and took it very seriously. It was he who chose as a pedestal a huge boulder, the so-called thunder-stone, which was delivered from the Izhora forests by thousands of people and horses. Allegedly, the sculptor knew that only a stone struck by lightning could hold the Serpent. And, of course, it is no coincidence that Peter tramples a snake on a horse.


In the spring of 1834, Egyptian sphinxes were installed on the University Embankment, specially delivered from Egypt to St. Petersburg. The statues are more than 3.5 thousand years old - they once guarded the temple of the god Horus near the city of Thebes. Probably hundreds of city tales are dedicated to these monuments. So, according to one of the legends, sphinxes should not be disturbed - this can threaten death. According to another legend, the sphinxes survived more than one flood (the knocked-down chins of the sculptures, according to the urban myth, speak just about this), and allegedly Nicholas I ordered them in Egypt to protect the city from floods. The then authorities assumed that there was a sacred connection between St. Petersburg and Egypt: the city is located almost on the same meridian with the pyramid of Cheops. Moreover, if the ancient building is located on the 30th latitude, then the city on the Neva is on the 60th. Thus, the "Egyptian meridian" is the axis of symmetry for the "Petersburg latitude", and the line itself at this point becomes perpendicular to it.

The Bolsheviks, who decided not to tempt fate and leave the statues in place, allegedly knew about what awaits the city if the sphinxes are removed.

Madame de Tabe's prediction

In the middle of the 19th century, the Parisian Madame Tab (she is Anna Victorine Savigny) was one of the most famous soothsayers in Europe. In the 1850s, she warned the people of St. Petersburg, “Beware of fire and water! A major natural disaster is coming. St. Petersburg will suffer the fate of Messina... St. Petersburg is in danger of being swept away by a grandiose wave into the Gulf of Finland or, conversely, into Lake Ladoga, depending on which side the water is pouring from.” True, Madame did not indicate the exact date.

Prediction of schema nun Nila

The famous Russian old woman of our time, schema-nun Nila, is known for many of her prophecies. For example, in 1994 she predicted the outbreak of war in Chechnya. The future that Mother Nile saw looked rather sad (the coming of the Antichrist, the war with China, famine), nevertheless, the ascetic said that Russia was under the protection of the Virgin and would be able to avoid global catastrophes. True, the schema nun did not promise anything good to the city on the Neva, as well as Moscow: according to her, in the place of St. Petersburg there will be a sea, and the capital will partially go underground.


A relatively modern urban legend. Allegedly, in the Cathedral of the Savior on Blood there is an icon on which four fateful dates for Russia are encrypted. Three dates - 1917, 1941 and 1953 - were supposedly announced, the fourth date is known only to the insiders. There is a legend that the last date means a flood in St. Petersburg, and according to other versions, the beginning of the third world.

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