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"Tomorrow the Third World War will begin!" - Athos elders made shocking predictions. Terrible prophecies about the third world war Athos elders when there will be a third world war

After writing this article, I began to understand the prophecies more. As a result, the book "The Future of Russia in Prophecies" was written. Where I cite only verified prophecies, the source of which has been found. This article would have to be rewritten. But I decided to leave it as is, marking those prophecies that I began to doubt.
The last observation concerns the prophecy of Elder Martin Zadek (1769) "Constantinople will be taken by Christians without the slightest bloodshed ..." I came across a Muslim text that the Orthodox could know about. This is a hadith about the capture of Constantinople without firing a shot - however, by Muslims. I'm only making an assumption that Elder Martin Zadeka might have expressed not a prophecy, but an opinion based on this text, and I wouldn't use it now.
Muslim text that may have influenced Martin's opinion:
"Abu Hurayrah said: "Once, the Messenger of Allah, salaAllahu alayhi wa sallam, asked:" Have you heard about the city, part of which is located on land, and part - in the sea?
When they answered "Yes!" He said the following:
"The Hour of Judgment will not come until seventy thousand of the sons of Ishak organize a military campaign against this city! When they get there, they will take the city without a fight, without firing a single arrow, only saying:" There is no deity worthy worship except Allah and Allah is Great!" and that part of the city that is in the sea will fall. And they will say a second time: "There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Allah is Great," and that part of the city that is on land will fall. And when they say for the third time: “There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Allah is Great!” The gates of the city will open before them. .And after leaving the distribution of trophies, they will return back." "Muslim", "Fitan" 78, 2920."

The same applies to the predictions of Methodius of Patara, which influenced the formation of the opinion of the Greek monks. In particular - Paisius Svyatogorets. Methodius of Patara did not say what was prescribed to him. And we are dealing with the prophecies of a certain monk Methodius, who is supposed to have lived in Syria. In particular, he said: "Under him (the Greek King - John) the Ismailites will be divided into three parts, and he will kill the first part with a sword, baptize the second part, subdue the third part, which is in the East, by force." This was later repeated by Paisius Svyatogorets. At the same time, I also discovered a Muslim hadith, which could serve as a primary source for Methodius, whose prophecy, in this part, is most likely an opinion.
Muslim text:
"Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said:" The Romans will descend at Amak or Dabiq (two places in Sham, near Halb - p.p.) and an army will come out to them from Medina from the best inhabitants of the Earth on that day. And when they line up into the ranks, the Romans will say: "Give us those who were (with you) in captivity! We will fight them. " Then the Muslims will answer: "No. We swear by Allah! We will not give you our brothers!" And they will start to fight with them. One third of them (Muslims) will run away (run away from the battlefield - p.p.), Allah will never forgive them. Another third of them will be killed - the most worthy witnesses (martyrs) before Allah. And (the last) a third of them will win. They will never be tested and will open (conquer) Constantinople."

“There will be a war, and where it takes place, there will be no people. And before that, the Lord will send small illnesses to weak people, and they will die. And under the Antichrist, there will be no sickness. And the Third World War will no longer be for repentance, but for extermination.” The sister asked: “So will they all die?” “No, if the believers are washed with blood, they will be counted among the martyrs, and if the unbelievers, they will go to hell,” answered the Father” (St. Lavrenty Chernigov / 4 /, p. 99).


“Until we repent for regicide by conciliar repentance, we will not live well, we will bathe in blood.”

(/12/ “Salt of the Earth” (Film 2), Schiarchim. Christopher, 1:46).
“Then Father /St. Barsanuphius of Optina/ spoke about the Jews, about China, and about the fact that everyone is going against Russia, or rather, against the Church of Christ, for the Russian people are God-bearers. It contains the true faith of Christ.”

(Rev. Varsonofy Optinsky (+ 1913) in the book: A. Krasnov / 2 /, p. 268).
O. Nikolay Guryanov: Nothing good awaits us. Well, if the Germans come to us, but not the Americans.

(/12/ "Salt of the Earth" (Film 3), father Nikolai Guryanov, 1:42).
"St. Cosmas Etalos predicted a third world war. He described it as short and terrible, that it would begin on the territory of Dolmatia (Serbia)” /50/.
“This war of the world, perhaps of the entire New World Order, against Russia will be terrible in its consequences for humanity, claiming billions of lives. The reason for it will be painfully recognizable - Serbia. After the resurrection of Russia, there will be a Third World War and it will begin in Yugoslavia. The winner will be Russia, the Russian Kingdom, which will be able to establish lasting peace and prosperity on earth after the war, although it will not conquer most of the lands of its opponents.

(Elder Matthew Vresfensky / 44 /).
“The war between Russia and Germany will begin again through Serbia. Everything will be on fire! ... Big sorrows are coming, but Russia will not perish in the fire. Belarus will suffer greatly. Only then will Belarus unite with Russia... But then Ukraine will not unite with us; and then more crying! The Turks will again fight the Greeks. Russia will help the Greeks. Afghanistan is in for an endless war. Know! There will be war here, and war here, and war there! .. And only then the warring countries will decide to choose one common ruler. You can't participate in this! After all, this one ruler is the Antichrist.”

(Elder Vladislav (Shumov) / 44 /).
“When he had the strength to speak with those around him, he repeated - grief will begin with the events in Syria. When terrible events begin there, start praying, praying hard. From there, from Syria, everything will begin !!! After them, expect grief with us, hunger and grief.

(Reverend Bishop of Sissania and Siatitzi Father Anthony /51/).
Almost dying words of the Odessa elder Jonah (Ignatenko). He said that a year after my death, great upheavals would begin, war would begin, famine would begin. He died on December 20, 2012. It will last two years, he said: from 2014 to 2016 and end with a big war.

He answered the question of how the Third World War would begin.
He was asked:
- And how will she be?
- Will. A year after my death, all this will begin.
- And how will it begin that America will attack Russia?
- He says: "No."
- And what, Russia will attack America?
- He says: "No."
- Well, what then?
“And so he said that in one country, which is smaller than Russia, there will be very big serious disorders, there will be a very big war, there will be very, very much blood, it will be two years, after which there will be a Russian Tsar.”
Here are his last words /59/.
As they say, the elder predicted that the first Easter after the beginning of the turmoil in Ukraine would be bloody, the second - hungry, the third - victorious.
His words: "There is no separate Ukraine and Russia, but there is a single Holy Russia" / 60 /.
There will be persecution, harassment, marks. And then there will be war. It will be short but powerful.

(/12/ “Salt of the Earth” (Film 4), Archimandrite Tavrion, 4:22).
“There will be a war. But it will be like a blessing, like God's mercy. And if there is no war, it will be very, very bad. And so people will be cleansed with their blood and will not live to see the press. ... China will go from the east and from the north and occupy almost all of Russia, but it will not reach the Penza region.”

(Skhiigumen Alexy (Shumilin) ​​/ 21 /, p. 43).
After people finally decide and stand firm, not accepting anything, the Lord will allow the last action - war. And if a person signs himself with the cross: “Lord, save, have mercy!”, even then the Lord will save everyone who can be saved until the beast reigns. (/12/ "Salt of the Earth" (Film 4), Archimandrite Tavrion, 4:26).
“There will be a war, and where it takes place, there will be no people. And before that, the Lord will send small illnesses to weak people, and they will die. And under the Antichrist, there will be no sickness. And the Third World War will no longer be for repentance, but for extermination.” The sister asked: “So will they all die?” “No, if the believers are washed with blood, they will be counted among the martyrs, and if the unbelievers, then they will go to hell,” answered Batyushka.

(teacher Lavrentiy Chernigovsky /4/, p.99).
“But Father said that the Lord would take the weak, and others would be cleansed by diseases. There will be those who in the war will wash away their sins with their blood and will be counted among the martyrs. And the Lord will leave the strongest to meet with Him.”

(teacher Lavrentiy Chernigovsky /4/, p.95).
“As one of the steps to world domination, the authorities /USA/ will bring the lives of their compatriots to the altar of Baals. These authorities, consisting of people professing Judaism degenerated into Satanism, in anticipation of a false messiah, the Antichrist, will go to any lengths to cause wars and tragedies of world significance.

(Father Anthony in the book: A. Krasnov / 2 /, p. 91).
“When I read prophecies about Russia to him / Schema-Archimandrite Christopher, he said: “It’s sad, and as it is written there:“ for extermination ”(World War III), the Lord will simply take His souls so that there is no outrage. But he said that there would still be a revival of Russia, that there would still be a tsar.

(Book: Schema-Archimandrite Christopher /20/, p. 212).
Schema-Archimandrite Christopher “He said that there would be a war, a terrible famine all over the earth, not only in Russia. Rivers, lakes, reservoirs and oceans will dry up, and all glaciers will melt, and mountains will leave their places. The sun will be hot.

There will be a Third World War for extermination, there will be very few people left on earth. Russia will become the center of a war, a very fast, missile war, after which everything will be poisoned several meters into the ground. And it will be very difficult for those who remain alive, because the earth will no longer be able to give birth.

As China goes, so everything will begin ...
The first end of the world is the global flood, and its second end is the time when earth and sky will burn with fire. The earth will become dead, and after that there will be people again, new people, there will be a new age, there will be a renewal of light.”

(Book: Schema-Archimandrite Christopher /20/, p. 88).

“Shortly before his death / Schema-Archimandrite Christopher / once said: “The Lord has added another twenty-seven years. There will be great calamities in these years. The elders pray very much that there will be a war, and after the war there will be famine. And if there is no war, it will be bad, everyone will die. The war will not be long, but still many will be saved, and if not, then no one will be saved.
From the day of his death (December 9, 1996, editor's note) twenty-seven years must be counted. And what will happen there is unknown.”

(Book: Schema-Archimandrite Christopher /20/, p. 257).
The war will be short; if there is no war, then no one will be saved, and if there is, then many will be saved. (/12/ "Salt of the Earth"

(Film 2), Schiarchim. Christopher, 2:03, 2:05).
“They will take out the corpse - and there will be war. … If there is a war earlier, many will be saved, but if there is a famine, no. ... She pointed to the tip of her finger and said: “That’s how much is left, and if you don’t repent, then the Lord will not give that”

(mother Alipia (Avdeeva), “In the pasture of the Mother of God” / 15 /, p. 21). (Most likely, we are talking about the corpse of Lenin - ed.)
Once Matushka /Alipia (Avdeeva)/ told us for a very long time what troubles were approaching us - war, famine; horror seized both of us ... “Do not worry about anything, do not collect food or money, there will be terrible hunger and cold, the war will begin as soon as the corpse is taken out. Disasters will be terrible, but the Lord will take His people earlier, will not allow them to suffer. You can’t leave Kyiv: whoever stays alive and works at state-owned enterprises will receive 200-300 grams of bread and a crown”

(“In the pasture of the Mother of God” / 15 /, p. 138-139).
“War, everyone will be at war, they will fight with sticks, beat each other, many people will be killed. When they beat with sticks, they will laugh, and when they hit with a gun, they will cry (03/04/92).

(Scheme nun Macarius from the book “Given by God” / 30 /, p. 186).
Shortly before her death / mother Alipia (Avdeeva) / said that only seven years of a quiet life would be: “And then it will be, it will be, horror, what will happen! Help the Lord to all living on earth! There will be war, there will be no bread, but you cannot leave Kyiv. Whoever stays alive and will work at state-owned enterprises will receive 200-300 grams of bread. Go to my grave. I am helping you now, and then I will help you even more.”

(“In the pasture of the Mother of God” / 15 /, p. 126).
“The war is approaching very quickly, that before the war, the Mother of God will appear in a dream and warn about it ... The Tsar is coming ...”

(St. Athanasius (Seated) in Kharkov / 51 /).
“But the next step is the conquest of Russia by other peoples: foreigners, Caucasians, Chinese. Now they are only present in the country, mainly engaged in market affairs. Foreigners, as always, are trying in every way to humiliate the dignity of the Orthodox and put their paw on the innumerable treasures of Russia - Little, White, Great. But there will be a time for their direct rule.”

(Father Anthony in the book: A. Krasnov / 2 /, p. 183).
There will be a terrible famine, then a war, it will be very short, and after the war there will be very few people left. And only after that we will have a new king.

(/12/ "Salt of the Earth" (Film 2), Schiarchim. Christopher, 2:11).
“There will be heat after the war and a terrible famine all over the earth, and not only in Russia. And the heat is terrible, and there will be crop failures for the last five to seven years. At first everything will be born, and then it will rain, everything will be flooded, and the whole crop will rot, and nothing will be harvested ... The sun will be very hot. He said that after the war there would be so few people left on earth, so few ... that Russia would be the center of the war. People will be thirsty, they will run, look for water, but there will be no water.”

(Book: Schema-Archimandrite Christopher /20/, p. 333).
“Father / Schema-Archimandrite Christopher / said:
“Just as the Lord preserved Noah for the continuation of the human race, so now, whom He chooses and shelters, they will remain, so that later a new humanity will be born. There will be a new tribe, and there will be another king (in Russia). After us there will be a renewal of the world (Russia).
This will be before the coming of the Antichrist. Only after the war and famine will there be a revival of Russia.

(Book: Schema-Archimandrite Christopher /20/, p. 334).
“Many countries will take up arms against Russia, but she will stand, having lost most of her lands. This war, about which the Holy Scriptures and the prophets narrate, will be the cause of the unification of mankind. People will understand that it is impossible to live like this, otherwise all living things will perish, and they will choose a single government - this will be the threshold of the accession of the Antichrist.
Then the persecution of Christians will come, when echelons from the cities leave deep into Russia, we must hurry to be among the first, since many of those who remain will die.

(teacher Seraphim Vyritsky /3/, p.45).
/ Schema nun Anthony / “said that the Lord would send five infectious diseases from the East, which would carry away half of the people – the elderly and children.” She said deplorably: “What a pity for the kids. The Lord will take away half the people. This will be all before the war. The war will be quick, where a lot of people will die. Everyone who walks in trousers will be taken to war, even old women who walk in trousers. They will all die / in the war - approx. comp/".

(Prophecies of schema-nun Anthony /29/, 05:40).
“Mother / schema nun Nila / spoke with sorrow about women and girls who walk in trousers:
- It is forbidden for women to wear men's clothes, and men - women's. For this, you will have to answer to the Lord. Don't wear it yourself and stop others. And know that women who wear trousers will be drafted into the army during the coming war - and few will return alive. (Scheme nun Nila / 13 /).
According to him / o. Nikolai Ragozin /, it seems that first there will be a war, then the Antichrist. Father Nikolai said that according to the Scriptures, 7% will remain after the war from all mankind. The Lord will send many birds to peck at the corpses, just as Moses led his people out. When a person meets a person, then there will be joy. Then people will gather and say: we are few, one king is enough. Before that, the Orthodox Tsar will not be long.

(/12/ "Salt of the Earth" (Film 1), Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin, 1:22).
“It will be such a war that no one will be left anywhere, except in the gorge.” And he said that they would fight and two or three states would remain, and they would say: let us choose one king for the whole universe.

(teacher Lavrentiy Chernigovskiy /4/, p.96).
“Last time there will be no demons in hell. All will be on earth and in people. There will be a terrible disaster on earth, there will not even be water. Then there will be a world war. There will be such strong bombs that iron will burn, stones will melt. Fire and smoke with dust will reach the sky. And the earth will burn. There will be very few people left and then they will start shouting "Down with the war and put one king."

(teacher Lavrentiy Chernigovsky /4/, p.122).


“Before the end of time, Russia will merge into one great sea with other Slavic lands and tribes, it will form one sea or that vast universal ocean of the people, about which the Lord God spoke from ancient times through the lips of all the saints:“ The terrible and invincible kingdom of all Russia, pan-Slavic - Gog Magog, before whom all nations will tremble." And all this, everything is true, as twice two makes four, and without fail, as God is holy, who from ancient times foretold about him (the last Russian Tsar) and his formidable dominion over the earth.

By the combined forces of Russia and others, Constantinople and Jerusalem will be filled. When Turkey is partitioned, almost all of it will remain with Russia, and Russia, together with many other states, will take Vienna, and about 7 million indigenous crowns will remain behind the House of Habsburg, and the territory of the Austrian Empire will be settled there. France for her love for the Mother of God - St. Madonna - will be given up to seventeen million Frenchmen with the capital city of Reims, and Paris will be completely destroyed. The House of Napoleonides will be given Sardinia, Corsica and Savoy. The unchanging account of the world and Russian war will be 10 years ... "

(Teacher Seraphim of Sarov /34/).
“In the north, the Russians will invade the Scandinavian countries - Finland, Sweden, Norway and conquer them. This will happen because, although these countries will formally remain neutral, it is from their territory that the first serious blow will be delivered to Russia, the victims of which will be civilians.

“Turkey will allow American ships and aircraft to enter its straits and airspace to strike at Russia. From now on, the countdown for Turkey will begin.”

(Athos Elder George / 51 /).
“In Greece, the government will fall within a few weeks, and we will go to the polls. This is where the ruling junta in Turkey will attack us.” (Athos Elder George / 51 /).


“The eighth ecumenical council is being planned. If this happens, then after the cathedral it will no longer be possible to go to temples, grace will leave. If the council takes place, then China will attack Russia ... "

(Elder Adrian /51/).
“Reverend Leonty Ivanovsky said that the communists would come to power again and destroy monasticism. Monks and nuns will be exterminated without exception, they will be put under the knife and a terrible persecution will be raised against Orthodox Christians. Then the hierarchies will enter into a direct and open bond with the Catholics and will plant obvious heretics in churches. The Mother of God in the altars of these temples Herself will invisibly flip the thrones and it will not be possible to go to those temples. And then the Lord will lead the Chinese against us.”

(Reverend Leonty Ivanovsky /48/, recorded according to the recollections of the spiritual children of the saint).

“Was that a war (the Great Patriotic War)? There will be war. It will start from the east. And then from all sides, like pruzi (locusts), enemies will crawl to Russia. This is going to be a war!"

(Reverend Theodosius (Kashin) /44/).

“When you hear that the Turks block the waters of the Euphrates in the upper reaches with a dam and use them for irrigation, then know that we have already entered into preparations for that great war, and thus the way is being prepared for the two hundred millionth army from the sunrise, as Revelation says.”

(St. Paisios Athos /44/).
“The Middle East will become the scene of wars in which the Russians will take part. A lot of blood will be shed, and even the Chinese will cross the Euphrates River, with an army of 200,000,000, and reach Jerusalem. A characteristic sign that these events are approaching will be the destruction of the mosque of Omar, since its destruction will mean the beginning of work on the reconstruction of the Temple of Solomon, which was built on that very spot.

(Elder Paisios /51/).
“China will go to war against us with a 200 million army and occupy all of Siberia to the Urals. The Japanese will be in charge in the Far East. Russia will be torn apart. A terrible war will begin. Russia will remain within the borders of the times of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

(Prophecy of the elder monk-schemnik John, who labored in the Church of St. Nicholas the Pleasant in the village of Nikolskoye (Yaroslavl region, Uglich district) of the Yaroslavl diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church / 51 /).
The elder / Archimandrite Seraphim (Tyapochkin) / said what was revealed to him about the future of Russia, he did not name dates, he only emphasized that the time for the fulfillment of what was said was in the hands of God, and much depends on how the spiritual life of the Russian Church will develop, how much strong will be faith in God among the Russian people, what will be the prayerful feat of believers.

The elder said that the collapse of Russia, despite the apparent strength and rigidity of the authorities, would happen very quickly. First, the Slavic peoples will be divided, then the union republics will fall away: the Baltic, Central Asian, Caucasian and Moldavia. After that, the central power in Russia will begin to weaken even more, so that the autonomous republics and regions will begin to separate. Further collapse will follow: the authorities of the Center will no longer actually recognize individual regions, which will try to live independently and will no longer pay attention to decrees from Moscow.
The biggest tragedy will be the capture of Siberia by China. This will not happen by military means: due to the weakening of power and open borders, the Chinese will begin to move to Siberia in droves, buying up real estate, enterprises, and apartments. Through bribery, intimidation, agreements with those in power, they will gradually subjugate the economic life of cities.
Everything will happen in such a way that in one morning the Russian people living in Siberia will wake up ... in the Chinese state. The fate of those who remain there will be tragic, but not hopeless. The Chinese will brutally crack down on any attempts at resistance. (That is why the elder predicted the martyrdom at the stadium of the Siberian city of many Orthodox and patriots of the Motherland).
The West will promote this creeping conquest of our land and support China's military and economic power in every possible way out of hatred for Russia. But then they will see the danger for themselves, and when the Chinese try to seize the Urals by military force and move on, they will prevent this by all means and can even help Russia in repelling the invasion from the East.
Russia must endure in this battle, after suffering and complete impoverishment, she will find the strength to rise in herself. And the coming revival will begin in the lands conquered by the enemies, among the Russians who remained in the former republics of the Union. There, the Russian people realize what they have lost, realize themselves as citizens of that Fatherland that still lives, wish to help her rise from the ashes. Many Russians living abroad will help restore life in Russia... Many of those who can escape persecution and persecution will return to their original Russian lands to fill abandoned villages, cultivate neglected fields, and use the remaining undeveloped subsoil. The Lord will send help, and, despite the fact that the country will lose the main deposits of raw materials, they will find on the territory of Russia both oil and gas, without which a modern economy is impossible.
The elder said that the Lord would allow the loss of vast lands given to Russia, because we ourselves could not use them worthily, but only polluted, spoiled ... But the Lord would leave behind Russia those lands that became the cradle of the Russian people and were the basis of the Great Russian state. This is the territory of the Grand Moscow Principality of the 16th century with access to the Black, Baltic and North Seas. Russia will not be rich, but it will still be able to feed itself and force itself to be reckoned with.
Another question was asked about the possibility of restoring the monarchy in Russia. The elder replied that this restoration must be earned. It exists as a possibility, not as a predestination. If we are worthy, the Russian people will choose the Tsar, but this will become possible just before the reign of the Antichrist or even after it "- for a very short time" (Archimandrite Seraphim (Tyapochkin) / 40 /).
“Something like a coup d'état will happen in Russia. In the same year, the Chinese will attack. They will reach the Urals. Then there will be a unification of Russians according to the Orthodox principle ... " (Elder Vissarion (Optina Pustyn) /44/).
Elder Vladislav (Shumov):
11. There will be such a war in Russia: from the west - the Germans, and from the east - the Chinese!
12. The southern half of China will be flooded by the waters of the Indian Ocean. And then the Chinese will reach the city of Chelyabinsk. Russia will unite with the Mongols and drive them back.
13. When China goes to us, then there will be war. But after the Chinese conquer the city of Chelyabinsk, the Lord will convert them to Orthodoxy.
(Elder Vladislav (Shumov) / 44 /).
Archimandrite Seraphim (Tyapochkin): During the memorable conversation, a young woman from a Siberian city was present. The elder said to her: “You will accept martyrdom at the hands of the Chinese in the stadium of your city, where they will drive the Christian inhabitants and those who disagree with their rule.” This was an answer to her doubts about the words of the elder that almost all of Siberia would be captured by the Chinese (Archimandrite Seraphim (Tyapochkin) / 40 /).
“The end will be through China. There will be some unusual explosion, and a miracle of God will appear. And there will be a completely different life on earth, but not for very long. The Cross of Christ will shine over the whole world, because our Motherland will be exalted and will be like a beacon in the darkness for everyone.” (quoted from: Flower Garden of Elder Nikolai (Guryanov) / 33 /).
“The coming evil through the Chinese dragon disturbed the mind. We remembered other prophecies of the ecumenical saints about the yellow race, which, like a giant avalanche, will fall on the world with hatred and swallow everyone. Experiences resulted, as always, in a prayer to the priest: “Father! What should be done to stop the Chinese invasion? - The father's quiet answer: “Everyone, the whole world needs to beg the Royal Martyrs to intercede for us. They are waiting for our prayers. Remember where They suffered, where Their bones were burned to ashes. The answer of the Elder stirred up consciousness: the Urals is the land of ancient sacrificial cults, next to the lands of the dragon. And the quiet words of the father sounded again: “The blood of the Royal Sacrifice cries out to Heaven and will stand as an Indestructible Wall for evil. They won’t pass through it… They disappeared into our little country.” The heart clenched with bitterness and pain that the Royal relics were destroyed by fanatics: “If there were relics, we would encircle them along our land to stop China ... But there are no royal relics!” - Batiushka shook his head contritely and crossed himself: “What should I do?! My precious ones! They are Great Saints, They were terribly hated by Satan himself because They crushed his power. How they were tortured and destroyed, and how they tortured us and will continue to torture us for the Tsar! (The flower garden of Elder Nicholas (Guryanov) / 33 /).
All the evil that will be concentrated in Russia will be swept away by the Chinese. (/17/ St. Blessed Pelagia of Ryazan).
“The Chinese are worse for us. The Chinese are very evil, they will cut without mercy. They will take half of the land, they don't need anything else. They don’t have enough land (27.06.88)”, (Scheme nun Macarius from the book “Given by God” / 30 /, p. 186).

“I remember how Slavochka said… a war will break out between Muslims and Orthodox, and then the yellow race (Chinese) will conquer our land. Buddhist temples will be built. And then only Muslims and Orthodox will unite to protect their land, homes and families. He also said that there would not be war everywhere, just people would wake up in the morning, and there would be Chinese everywhere. And then we will leave our houses and go into the forest. I remember how he talked about the war in Israel…”. Krasheninnikova V.A. “Sent by God” /25/, p.69).
Slavochka said that Satan wants to kindle a war on the planet between Muslims and Christians. But God will not allow this war. Therefore, the Buddhists will rise.
Those who resist (who do not want to go to a Buddhist temple) will be killed or hanged immediately. (Russian Angel. Youth Vyacheslav. Film 2, part 1 / 24 / 1:26:00).
Our country will be at war with the Chinese. The Chinese will come here as if they were their own territory. And someone will resist them, there will be bloody battles, and somewhere they will land troops. / Commentator: The Chinese army has 25 million people, which is 25 times larger than the Russian one and 50 times larger than the American one; in the event of an all-out armed conflict, the Chinese can put another 400 million reserve troops under arms; three years ago China introduced basic military training in schools (1:19:19). China - a model of the New World Order (1:23:00) / (Russian Angel. Otrok Vyacheslav. Film 2, part 1 /24/ 1:16:00).
Slavochka said: “The population will be sterilized. Almost all men and women will be killed to such an extent that women will serve as priests.” (Russian Angel. Youth Vyacheslav. Film 2, part 1 / 24 / 1:28:00).
“The yellow ones will go, they will cut out families. And there will be streams of blood - up to the nostrils of the horse. They will go from the direction of Tyumen, they will seize the whole of Siberia, but they will not reach Penza. There will be war. For seven cubits the earth will burn.” (Schiigumen Alexy (Shumilin) ​​/ 21 /, p. 64).
“The time will come when Russia will be torn apart. First they will divide it, and then they will begin to rob wealth. The West will contribute in every possible way to the destruction of Russia and will give up its eastern part to China before the time comes. The Far East will be taken over by the Japanese, and Siberia by the Chinese, who will begin to move to Russia, marry Russians, and in the end, by cunning and deceit, will take the territory of Siberia to the Urals. When China wishes to go further, the West will oppose and will not allow it” (St. Seraphim Vyritsky /3/, p.44-45).
“…when the East gains strength, everything will become unstable. The number is on their side, but not only that: sober and hardworking people work for them, and we have such drunkenness ... ”(St. Seraphim Vyritsky / 3 /, p. 44).
“... in the Far East of Russia, cities will become empty, especially military towns, people will leave from there, since there will be no light and heat. And the Chinese, Koreans and Vietnamese will begin to massively populate this territory and will be at home. And a terrible war with China will begin ”(youth Vyacheslav in the book L. Emelyanova / 7 /, p. 94).
Lately there will be a mixture of faiths, our girls will marry non-Christians. China will go after us and occupy our Russian land, they will marry our girls. This is unacceptable, this is a terrible sin, since they will go to war with us, they will strangle us. (/12/ "Salt of the Earth" (Film 2), Schiarchim. Christopher, 2:27).
“Slavik said that Satan wants to start a war between Muslims and Christians, but God will not allow a world war between them. Muslims and Christians will have to unite, because the Buddhists and the Chinese will rise” (lad Vyacheslav in the book L. Emelyanova / 7 /, p. 249).
“They will try to quarrel Muslims and Orthodox, but then the “yellow race” - the Chinese, will begin to conquer our land. They will build their own Buddhist temples. And then Muslims and Orthodox will unite to protect their land, homes and families. He also said that there would not be war everywhere - people would just wake up in the morning, and the Chinese would be everywhere. And then we will leave our houses and go into the forest. I remember how he talked about the war in Israel ... ”(the youth Vyacheslav in the book L. Emelyanova / 7 /, p. 194).
“He said / Father Guriy / that there would be a war soon. The service has already been cut. God endures, endures, and then, as if shy, and the cities will fall (Moscow, St. Petersburg ...) At first there will be a civil war. All believers will be taken away, and then bloodshed will begin. God will save his own, and remove the unwanted. Then China will attack and reach the Urals. 4 million Russian soldiers will die for swearing (foul language), because we desecrate four mothers with foul language: the Mother of God, the Earth, the Church and the mother who gave birth to you. Archangel Michael will frighten the Chinese, and they will accept Orthodoxy, and they will let us choose a Tsar. 11 million Chinese will die in the war” (Radiant Father (about Abbot Guria) /8/, p.78-79).
“America will make peace with Russia for the sake of appearances, but American soldiers will stand on all the borders of Russia. They will begin to import American products and consumer goods to Russia ... Everything will be American, even cinema. And their factories and factories will all close at this time, and many will be empty, unemployment will appear. … Evil time is the time of substitution and replacement of everything: feelings, faith, products.

At this time, America will have a conflict with China, and when they are on the brink of war, the Americans will be afraid of China at the last moment and set it on Russia. And a terrible war with China will begin. The war will be such that sometimes, without a single shot, vast territories will be captured by them: in the evening, the inhabitants will fall asleep as Russians, and in the morning they will wake up as Chinese. But in many cities and towns there will be bloody battles. Slavik said that the Chinese would kill our men and boys and sterilize our population in the conquered territories. On the conquered and remaining lands, the Chinese will be cruel in everything ... ”(the youth Vyacheslav in the book L. Emelyanova / 7 /, p. 250).
There will be a war with China, China will attack. Capture Siberia and go to the Urals. Then other countries will oppose China and begin to reject China. Then "porridge" will begin on our land. Such will be the bloodshed, and then they will turn on the atomic weapon (/12/ "Salt of the Earth" (Film 1), Archpriest Nikolai Ragozin, 1:20).
China will go across Russia, but it will go through not as militant, but as going somewhere to war. Russia will be like a corridor for him. When they reach the Urals, they will stop and live there for a long time. The Mother of God will pray for China lately, and many Chinese will see the steadfastness of the Russians and wonder: why are they standing like that? And many will repent of their error and receive mass baptism. And many will even accept martyrdom for Russia from their own. Then there will be rejoicing! (the elder himself rejoiced at these words, and tears flowed from his eyes). (/12/ "Salt of the Earth" (Film 4), Archimandrite Tavrion, 4:23).
“Slavochka said that “the Chinese will suddenly take over everything. They will come in so quickly and quietly that no one will hear. I also asked him again: “Quietly - like in slippers?” And he said: "Like in slippers." According to the youth, the war with China will be very fast and the Chinese will calmly come to us as if they were their own territory, because they have their own prophecies, and they consider our territory (the former empire of Genghis Khan) to be theirs. The capture of our territory will happen very quickly. Slavochka said: “The Chinese will land troops. You wake up in the morning, look out the window - and there are Chinese, look through another window - there are also Chinese, everywhere there are Chinese.

Somewhere in places there will be bloody battles, someone will try to resist them, but basically they will easily and almost without a fight come to us and very quickly seize our territory right up to the Urals. The Chinese will not touch the northern regions - mainly those areas where roads are being laid will suffer. Slavochka said that there would be fierce battles near Yekaterinburg, in the Far East there would also be strong battles in places, and they would capture Chebarkul without a fight. Slavochka said that “the Chinese will land troops in Chebarkul. And before that, joint exercises will be held here, and the Chinese will know every bush.” So in Chebarkul - Slava said - there will be Chinese.
Slavochka said that the Chinese would do a lot of trouble and be very cruel to our population. Slava was an intelligent boy and never called anyone names. But when he looked at what the Chinese would do with our population, he could not stand it and said: “Oooo oblique!” I was very surprised by this, but Slavochka called the Chinese like this for their cruelty. Slava said that the Chinese would shed a lot of blood. They will kill almost all the men and sterilize the boys. Slavochka said that men would be killed so much that "even women would serve as priests." I was so surprised at this and asked: “How is it? A female priest? It doesn't happen - I couldn't." And he smiled and said:
"I could, Mom."
Slavochka said that the Chinese would remake Orthodox churches and Muslim mosques in a Buddhist manner: they would place statues of Buddha inside, the roofs would be made with cornices turned upwards, as in China, and a dragon image would be placed at the bottom in front of the entrance. And this dragon, instead of a bell - with a lingering sound (Slavochka even tried to reproduce this sound for me) to call the people to worship the Buddha. The people will be forcibly driven into these converted Buddhist temples so that they worship the Buddha, and whoever resists - "they will be hanged right there for warning, almost in doorways - especially priests."

Slavochka said so: “All those who resist will be killed or hanged immediately. A lot of blood will be shed." The Chinese will not stand on ceremony with anyone - those who do not worship the Buddha will be killed immediately. They will not care who is in front of them - whether Muslims or Christians - they will not spare anyone. And therefore, now, when I see how new churches are being built, it doesn’t make me very happy, because I know Slavochka’s prophecies about these new churches. The Chinese will do a lot of harm to our people. So - those people who, in their naivety, are waiting for the Chinese and think that they will help us in some way - are deeply mistaken. (Krasheninnikova V.A. Sent by God /25/)
“China will overwhelm most of Russia, of course, Ukraine is part of it. Yellow will be all the lands beyond the mountains and after them. Only the power of the faithful Andrei, his great descendant Alexander and the closest shoots from their root will be preserved. What stands, will stand. But even this does not mean that the Russian Orthodox state will be preserved within the limits of the rule of the Antichrist, no. The name may remain, but the way of life will no longer be Great Russian, not Orthodox. A completely non-Russian beginning will dominate the life of the Orthodox inhabitants in the past.
The yellow invasion is not the only one. There will be a black invasion - hungry Africans stricken with incurable diseases will fill our cities and villages. And it will be much, much worse than what is happening now because of the dominance of immigrants from the Caucasus and Central Asia. Although these will not leave you with their attention - their number will grow. They will willingly accept everything that they are offered for lentil stew: they will enter the united “church”, they will accept the Antichrist” (Fr. Anthony in the book: A. Krasnov / 2 /, p. 139).
“Siberia will be “yellow”, completely. The Far East is Japanese, but for Siberia, for its oil and gas, gold, everything else, the battles will not even be with ours, but with the Americans. Even though the star-striped club is in the hands of world Zionism, they will not be able to defeat the Chinese. And yellow rivers will flow to European Russia. The whole south will burn, Slavic blood will spill!

The Japanese will not give the Far East to the Chinese - the islanders will simply have nowhere to live. The Japanese know about the coming tragedy of their islands: it was revealed to them through the wise men from ancient times” (Father Anthony in the book: A. Krasnov / 2 /, p. 190-191).
“In the Urals, most people will remain under the Chinese, since the seizure of the territory will be quick. A terrible famine will begin ”(lad Vyacheslav in the book L. Emelyanova / 7 /, p. 247).
Slavochka said that when the Chinese reached the Urals, they would develop an appetite and move on. And when they gather further, then the Americans for the first time in the world will use psychotropic weapons against them. And Slavochka said that any nation has these weapons, but for the first time in the world, for the first time, they will massively use them against the Chinese.” (Russian Angel. Youth Vyacheslav. Film 2, part 1 / 24 / 1:28:00).
“The Chinese will go with a wall to conquer the lands of different nations, people living there will be killed, and then the Americans, for the first time in the world on such a large scale, will use a new psychological weapon against the Chinese, which affects only this race, and drive them back. The Chinese under the influence of these weapons will flee through all the conquered lands back to China, and there they will hide in dark places and tremble as if in fear. The effect of this psychological weapon is such that even in China they will never be able to be normal people. All Chinese who have fallen under the influence of this weapon will die out ”(lad Vyacheslav in the book L. Emelyanova / 7 /, p. 251).
“The time will come when the Chinese will attack us, and it will be very difficult for everyone. Mother / schema nun Nila / repeated these words twice.
“Children, I saw a dream. There will be war. Lord, from the age of fourteen they will put under arms, they will lead youngsters to the front. Children and old people will stay at home. The soldiers will go from house to house and put everyone in a gun and drive them to war. Robbery and debauchery of those who have weapons in their hands - and the earth will be littered with corpses. My children, how I pity you! - Mother repeated many, many times. (Scheme nun Nila / 13 /).
“The East will be baptized in Russia. The whole heavenly world and those who are not on earth understand this, they pray for the enlightenment of the East ”(St. Seraphim Vyritsky / 3 /, p. 44).
“As China goes, so everything will begin. There will be a mixture: our girls and women will marry the Chinese, but this will be a terrible deception, the purpose of which is to occupy our territory and destroy us. Batiushka said that joining with the Chinese is very bad.” (Book: Schema-Archimandrite Christopher /20/, p. 88).


Venerable Phodosius of the Caucasus (1948). “There will be a war ... From all sides, like pruzi (locusts), enemies will crawl to Russia. Many countries take up arms against Russia, but she will stand, having lost most of her lands.

Rev. Lawrence of Chernigov (+1950). “There will be a world war. There will be such powerful bombs that the iron will burn, the stones will melt... And then they will start shouting "Down with the war and install one king." “There will be a war in Russia ... Big sorrows are coming, but Russia will not die in the fire. Belarus will suffer greatly. Only then will Belarus unite with Russia... But then Ukraine will not unite with us; and then a lot more crying!

Blessed Pelageya Zakharovskaya (+1966) “The Russian people will be strangled by all means! Still ahead! There will be a war, and then they will choose the Antichrist!”

Elder Matthew Vresfensky (+1950). “There will be persecution, harassment, marks. And then there will be war. It will be short but powerful."

Archimandrite Tavrion (Batozsky) (+1978) “The battle will begin ... Russia will stand in this battle and a revival will begin after complete impoverishment. The Lord will send his help to Russia, but the state will lose most of its mineral deposits. There will be new ones! For Russia, the Lord will leave those lands from which the Great Russian country was once founded.

Schemarichimandrite Christopher (Nikolsky) (+1996). “The war will not be long, but still many will be saved, and if not, then no one will be saved.”

Elder Joseph of Vatopedi (+2009). “There will be wars and we will experience great difficulties. ... Trials should not terrify us, we should always have hope in God. After all, thousands, millions of martyrs suffered in the same way, and the New Martyrs suffered in the same way, and therefore we must be prepared for this and not be horrified. Patience, prayer and hope in the Providence of God must be. Let us pray for the revival of Christianity after all that awaits us, so that the Lord would really give us the strength to be reborn. But this harm must be endured ... "

I cited these predictions only to once again emphasize the inevitability of the course of world history, which is destined for mankind by God. But most importantly, he brought them so that we would not lose heart. The victory will be for Russia. And therefore I give here predictions about the revival of Russia.

Righteous John of Kronstadt (+1909). “I foresee the restoration of a powerful Russia, even stronger and more powerful. On the bones of the martyrs, as on a strong foundation, a new Russia will be erected - according to the old model, strong in its faith in Christ God and the Holy Trinity - and it will be, according to the testament of Prince Vladimir, as a single Church.

Elder Alexy Zosimovsky (+1928). “To those who say that Russia is doomed or has been destroyed for a long time, this is a complete lie. It will not disappear and will never perish, however, for this, everyone will have to go through a complete cleansing of the entire Great Russian people from all filth and vices, which means going through great and difficult trials. Pray to God for repentance. Russia will not perish and will not be destroyed until the end of time!”

Archbishop Feofan (Bystrov) (+1940). “Russia will rise from the dead. And the whole world will be surprised. Orthodoxy will be reborn and triumph in it... The great elders said that Russia would be reborn, the people themselves would restore the Orthodox monarchy. God Himself will put a strong king on the throne.

Rev. Lawrence of Chernigov (+1950). “Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will make up a mighty kingdom. The Orthodox Tsar, God's Anointed One, will nourish him. All schisms and heresies will disappear in Russia. There will be no persecution of the Orthodox Church. The Lord will have mercy on holy Russia ... In Russia there will be a flourishing of faith and the former rejoicing ... ".
Equally interesting are van Rensburg's visions of World War III:

The war (the third world war) will start around April or May.
- Russia will attack and advance quickly without any significant resistance all the way to Spain.
- England will conclude a secret agreement with the Russians and give out Western military secrets. (For fear of being attacked by Russia)
- America, having learned about the betrayal, will begin to fight the British in Egypt.
- Within one night, Russia will attack and sweep through Turkey (Iraq) on the way to the Suez region, and Turkey will not offer any resistance.
- The Russians will face the American army in Syria and Palestine (Israel?), where they will be stopped.
- Palestine will be destroyed in the course of hostilities.
- This war will be destructive and everyone will be expected to take part in it, more people will die in this war than in the Great War of 1914.
- The war will be very cruel, fast, destructive and terrible. Many nations will be destroyed by instantaneous air attacks and terrible bombs.
- Some Arab nations will side with the Americans. Many oilfields in the Middle East will be engulfed in flames, the Red Army will be defeated by more technologically advanced US weapons.
- American troops will defeat the Russians in Syria and Palestine, Palestine will be completely destroyed.
More blood will be shed in this war than ever before. Weapons of mass destruction will be used, but the worst of all will be "electric beams" that sow death and destruction, even the earth will be destroyed and only a few will be able to survive.
- British and American troops in Germany will be completely destroyed. This war will be one of the most terrible battles in history - "a great well will be filled with blood"
- "Russians will not have time to think"
- It will seem to the majority that the Russians in Europe will be able to win, due to which many will be very gloomy and depressed.
- The Russians will break through to Spain and advance further up to Gibraltar, but when they are stopped there they will turn back and attack England from the air, despite the treaty between them. England will be destroyed - "as it was in Germany, where women and children were destroyed, so it will be with England. She will sink even deeper into poverty, terrible events will not leave people alone and firebombs will rain down on England, where even bunkers won't save people."
- At this moment, a miracle will happen: the Spaniards, Americans and Germans will defeat the enemy. German troops will be equipped with a secret weapon that was hidden at the end of World War II. One German mighty force will come into action that no one expected! The world will say: "God helped the Germans otherwise than Germany could have done it."
- Russian troops retreat and bombard England, despite the treaty.
- Spain takes possession of Gibraltar.
- German and American troops are victorious over the remnants of the Russian army.
- When these events happen, there will be a man in Germany who will take the reins of power into his own hands. They have been preparing this introduction for many years and the weapons that Germany will produce will be of such a nature that many countries will be afraid to attack her. They (the Germans) will also be liberated, will get back all their lands in Europe and will become so powerful that after the end of the third world war they will sit at the head of the table. The English space will be empty. because it will no longer be a nation.
- At that moment, Germany will have the opportunity to avenge all her hanged people, after one war.
Bouvier, Bernhard: That which saves the future for Europe. In: Magazine 2000plus, in 2002, Special 11/171.
"Irlmaier was at one time a frequent visitor to the G. family in Chiemsee. Then young G. said that Irlmaier said that there would be a worldwide earthquake. First of all, the USA was affected. Earthquakes would be strongest along the Rhine valley with us. "However, here" (in Bavaria) it will be possible to feel earthquakes. During the Russian campaign, aftershocks will still occur, namely, in such a force that both offensive and defensive operations will suffer from it. "
“Mr. G. heard the following statements from Irlmayer from his parents:
"Things are going loose with the war in the Middle East."
" Spheres of influence and circles of interests of the United States and Russia are colliding: nevertheless, the tension is already less. "
"US/Russia Peace Conference in Budapest."
"The American president is killed, then the vice president immediately declares war on Russia. By almost the same hour, huge masses of Russian tanks are already rolling along the autobahn near Passau to the west. The inhabitants of Passau froze in surprise and horror."
"In the south, the Austrians on both lanes of the Salzburg autobahn are fleeing in the direction of Munich by the tens of thousands in a stampede."
"The Russians are pushing them out of the way with tanks, cars that have blocked the autobahn passage west of Passau and are driving at high speed in the direction of the Rhine."
"After 3 or 4 days, the west wind begins to blow and western planes drop a large amount of yellow dust between Salzburg and the Baltic Sea," under which everything turns black. Nobody survives in Vienna. "
"The remnants of the Bundeswehr - completely taken by surprise - run away, drop their weapons, leave trucks and a few tanks ready for use in a panic."
"The city of Denver is being cremated from a submarine with a missile."
"Russians land in Alaska."
"There is a second moon in the sky."
"3 days of darkness. No one survives in Northern Germany."
"Massive famine after the war, as many did not survive after all this. ""
But more interesting are his predictions that relate to the present and possibly the near future:

The media will deliberately spread disinformation - "the candles of information will be extinguished."
- A new outbreak of communism in Western Europe.
- The USSR will collapse, but in secret this policy will be consistently carried out by Russia.
- Europe will have one government. Although it will look good on the outside, in reality this government will be diabolical and corrupt.
- Countless foreigners will flood Europe, as a result there will be a huge increase in nationalism, riots, arson, heavy clashes up to civil war. (especially in England)
- The financial collapse of Europe will probably be accompanied by famine.
- Representatives of Eastern Europeans will be shot during peace negotiations
- Civil wars in England, France and Russia.
- A ruler from the Near/Middle East "will settle on three haystacks". (occupies or will fight with three neighboring countries)
- Japan will be destroyed by an earthquake.

In particular, there are many prophetic prophecies about the Third World War. According to these prophecies, the battles and battles of the peoples, with short breaks, will continue until the beginning of the XXII century. Military operations will begin after a tectonic cataclysm, when international agreements, laws and UN regulations are not respected. The regression of civilization will affect the whole world. In some countries there will be a violent change of power. At the initial stage, there will be a conflict between Turkey and Greece, Israel and the Arab countries.

According to the prophecies of the Indian prophet Osho, published in 1986, it is America that will provoke the Third World War: “And all these are signs of the decline of society, brought to a state of suicide; a society that has lost the meaning of life and feels that no one has any reason left to continue to exist. Everything depends entirely on America, because America is in a hurry to enter the Third World War ... The threat comes from the White House in Washington. It is now the most dangerous place on Earth... Nevertheless, the American people will still have time to avert catastrophe. And if the people of America cannot do anything, then the politicians will drag the life of the entire planet to the cemetery.”

“Russia will become an ally of America. There will be an armed conflict between China and Russia… In the future, China will become a stronghold of Christianity… By human standards, this will happen in the distant future, but this is only a moment in the heart of God, for tomorrow China will wake up.”

Reverend Theodosius(Kashin), Elder of Jerusalem (1948):

“Was it a war (World War II). There will be war. It will start from the east. And then from all sides, like pruzi (locusts), enemies will crawl to Russia. This is going to be a war!”

Elder Vissarion(Optina Pustyn):

“Something like a coup d'état will happen in Russia. In the same year, the Chinese will attack. They will reach the Urals. Then there will be a unification of Russians according to the Orthodox principle ... "

Osip Terelya:

“At the beginning of the 21st century there will be a terrible war. I was shown a map of Russia in a ring of flashes of fire. Hearths blazed in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, in the Baltic states and throughout the Far East, where China became Russia's enemy ... "

Hieroschemamonk Seraphim Vyritsky warned of China's future might:

“When the East gains strength, everything will become unsustainable. The number is on their side, but not only that: they have sober and hardworking people, and we have such drunkenness ... "The time will come when Russia will be torn apart. First they will divide it, and then they will begin to rob wealth. The West will contribute in every possible way to the destruction of Russia and will give up its eastern part to China before the time ... "

Archpriest's prediction Vladislav Shumov from the village of Obukhovo, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region (October 1, 1996): “Father Vladislav often told his spiritual children about what awaits them in the near future. He warned about the upcoming events in Russia:

- There will be such a war in Russia: from the west - the Germans, and from the east - the Chinese!

The southern half of China will be flooded by the waters of the Indian Ocean. And then the Chinese will reach the city of Chelyabinsk. Russia will unite with the Mongols and drive them back.”

Schemaarchimandrite Seraphim(Tyapochkin) from Rakitnoye prophesied about the future development of events in Russia (1977):

“During the memorable conversation, a young woman from a Siberian city was present. The elder said to her: “You will accept martyrdom at the hands of the Chinese in the stadium of your city, where they will drive the Christian inhabitants and those who disagree with their rule.” This was the answer to her doubts about the elder's words that practically all of Siberia would be captured by the Chinese. The elder assured that the future of Russia was revealed to him, he did not name the date, he only emphasized that the time for the fulfillment of what was said was in the hands of God, and much depends on how the spiritual life of the Russian Church develops, how strong faith in God will be among the Russian people, what there will be a prayer feat of believers. The elder said that the collapse of Russia, despite the apparent strength and rigidity of the authorities, would happen very quickly. First, the Slavic peoples will be divided, after which the union republics will fall away: the Baltic, Central Asian, Caucasian and Moldova. After that, the central power in Russia will weaken even more, so that the autonomous republics and regions will begin to separate. Then there will be an even greater collapse: the authorities of the Center will no longer actually recognize individual regions that will try to live independently, and will no longer pay attention to decrees from Moscow.

The biggest tragedy will be the capture of Siberia by China. This will not happen by military means: due to the weakening of power and open borders, the Chinese will begin to move to Siberia in droves, buying up real estate, enterprises, and apartments. Through bribery, intimidation, agreements with those in power, they will gradually subjugate the economic life of cities. Everything will happen in such a way that in one morning the Russian people who live in Siberia will wake up ... in the Chinese state. The fate of those who remain there will be tragic, but not hopeless. The Chinese will brutally crack down on any attempts at resistance. (That is why the elder prophesied martyrdom in the stadium of the Siberian city of many Orthodox and patriots of the Motherland.) The West will contribute to this creeping conquest of our land and in every possible way support the military and economic power of China out of hatred for Russia. But then they will see the danger for themselves, and when the Chinese try to seize the Urals by military force and move on, they will prevent this by all means and may even help Russia in repelling the invasion from the East.

Russia must endure in this battle, after suffering and complete impoverishment, she will find the strength to rise in herself. And the coming revival will begin from the lands conquered by the enemies, among the Russians who remained in the former republics of the Union. There, the Russian people realize what they have lost, realize themselves as citizens of that Fatherland that still lives, wish to help her rise from the ashes. Many Russians living abroad will help restore life in Russia... Many of those who can escape persecution and persecution will return to their original Russian lands to fill abandoned villages, cultivate neglected fields, and use the remaining undeveloped subsoil. The Lord will send help, and despite the fact that the country will lose the main deposits of raw materials, they will find on the territory of Russia both oil and gas, without which a modern economy is impossible.

The elder said that the Lord would allow the loss of the vast lands that were given to Russia, because we ourselves were not able to adequately use them, but only polluted, spoiled ... But the Lord will leave behind Russia those lands that became the cradle of the Russian people and were the basis of the Great Russian state. This is the territory of the Grand Moscow Principality of the 16th century with access to the Black, Baltic and North Seas. Russia will not be rich, but it will still be able to feed itself and force itself to be reckoned with. Another question was asked about the possibility of restoring the monarchy in Russia. The elder replied that this restoration must be earned. It exists as a possibility, not as a predestination. If we are worthy, the Russian people will choose a tsar, but this will be possible just before the reign of the Antichrist or even after it - for a very short time. (From an article by Alexander Nikolaev “Memories of the Future.”)

Visions of Father Anthony(website Temples of the Satka region, Chelyabinsk diocese). Teachings, prophecies:

“China will overwhelm most of Russia, of course, Ukraine is part of it. Yellow will be all the lands beyond the mountains and after them. Only the power of the faithful Andrei, his great descendant Alexander and the closest shoots from their root will be preserved. What stands, will stand. But even this does not mean that the Russian Orthodox state will be preserved within the limits of the Antichrist's rule, no. The name may remain, but the way of life will no longer be Great Russian, not Orthodox. A completely non-Russian beginning will dominate the life of the Orthodox inhabitants in the past.<…>

Siberia will be "yellow" completely. The Far East is Japanese, but for Siberia, for its oil and gas, gold, etc., all the battles will not even be with ours, but with the Americans. Even though the star-striped club is in the hands of world Zionism, they will not be able to defeat the Chinese. And yellow rivers will flow to European Russia. The whole south will burn, Slavic blood will spill!

The Japanese will not give the Far East to the Chinese - the islanders will simply have nowhere to live. The Japanese know about the coming tragedy of their islands: it was revealed to them through the sages. Now they are buying up land, but the Far East of Russia looks like the most tasty morsel for them.”

Prophecy of the Elder Monk-Shemnik John, who labored in the church of St. Nicholas the Pleasant in the village of Nikolskoye (Yaroslavl region, Uglich district) of the Yaroslavl diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church:

“China will go to war against us with a 200-million-strong army and occupy all of Siberia to the Urals. The Japanese will be in charge in the Far East. Russia will be torn apart. A terrible war will begin. Russia will remain within the borders of the time of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. The Monk Seraphim of Sarov will come. He will unite all the Slavic peoples and states and bring the king with him ... "

The Prophecies of Dannion Brinkley(USA). He "received" his superpowers in the summer of 1975, which came as a result of a lightning discharge passing through his body while talking on the phone. After the injury, Dannion's spirit flew through a dark tunnel to an angel who escorted him to the "crystal city". There Brinkley visited the "Temple of Knowledge" and received thirteen visions contained in certain "boxes". The angel showed him 117 pictures of possible future events, 95 of which were fulfilled before 1998. Dannion was resuscitated 28 minutes later. after the declaration of death. He later described his visions in Saved by the Light (1995).

8th and 9th "boxes": China's war with Russia. “In 1975, I thought my visions had come true. A border conflict arose between the Chinese and Russians. But now it is clear to me that the events I have seen are in the near future. After numerous incidents in the Far East, a huge Chinese army will break into Siberia. With heavy fighting, the Trans-Siberian Railway will be taken. This will provide China with victory and control over the oil regions of Siberia. I saw snow, lakes of oil and blood, thousands of corpses and empty burnt cities.”

In the predictions of Jane Dixon claimed that the war of conquest of red China with Russia would last from 2020 to 2037:

“... the new superpower - China - will go on the offensive against Western troops in the Middle East: the Chinese army will fill all of Asia, including the Asian regions of the (former) Soviet Union, on the first attempt. Millions of yellow soldiers, armed with the most modern weapons, including nuclear weapons, will invade the Middle East. Here the decisive battle between China and America and their allies for world domination should take place. Numerous "yellow" troops will inflict a mortal blow on the (former) USSR, conquer all of its southern regions and, together with other Asian armies that came to the rescue, capture the Middle East, North Africa, Eastern and Southern Europe. But the decisive battle will be won by the West. At this time, many inexplicable cosmic phenomena will occur.

(pdf with photos)

As it turned out, Orthodox people of high spiritual life have been talking about the Third World War for a long time. This world war will involve Russia, Constantinople, Turkey and the straits. Modern Greek and even Byzantine seers tell us about this. Byzantine prophets spoke about these events almost from the very foundation of the Byzantine Empire. So there is a legend that the emperor Constantine, when choosing a place for the capital of the future empire, witnessed the battle of an eagle with a snake. From “The Tale of the Capture of Constantinople by the Turks”: “And suddenly a snake crawled out of its hole and crawled along the ground, but then an eagle fell from the sky, grabbed the snake and soared up, and the snake began to wrap around the eagle. Caesar and all the people looked at the eagle and the snake. The eagle, however, disappeared from view for a short time, and, appearing again, began to descend, and fell with the snake to the same place, for the snake overcame it. The people, running up, killed the snake, and took away the eagle from it. And the emperor was in great fear, and, having called together the bookworms and the wise men, he told them about this sign. They, on reflection, announced to the Caesar: “This place “Seven Hills” will be called, and will be glorified and exalted throughout the world more than all cities, but since the city will stand between the two seas and the waves of the sea will beat it, it is destined to shake. And the eagle is a Christian symbol, and the snake is a Muslim symbol. And since the serpent has overcome the eagle, it is announced that Islam will overcome Christianity. And since the Christians killed the snake and took away the eagle, it is shown that in the end the Christians will again defeat the Muslims, and they will take possession of the Seven Hills, and they will reign in it.
According to legend, a mysterious prophecy was engraved on the tomb of the first Byzantine emperor, Constantine. Its text was first published in the 17th century in the book of Dorotheus of Monemvasia "Collection of various historical writings" (Constantinople, 1684), and then reprinted in Minh's "Greek Patrology".
“In the first year of the indiction, the power of Ismail, who is called Mahomet, will defeat the clan of Palaiologos, take possession of Semikholm, will dominate it, many people will destroy and devastate the islands to Pontus Euxinus. In the eighth year, the indicta will ruin those who live along the banks of the Istra, the Peloponnese will be desolated, in the ninth year it will fight in the northern lands, in the tenth year it will defeat the Dalmatians, turn back for a while, [but then] against the Dalmatians [again] raise a great battle, but those partial he will be defeated. And numerous, like foliage, [fighters] to the western [peoples] will follow, they will start a war on land and sea, and Ishmael will be defeated. His offspring will rule for a short time. The fair-haired clan with his assistants will completely defeat Ismail and Semiholmie with special advantages [in it] will receive. Then a fierce internecine strife will begin, [lasting] until the fifth hour. And there will be a triple voice; “Stop, stop with fear! And, hastening to the right country, you will find a husband there, truly marvelous and strong. This will be your master, for he is dear to me, and you, having received him, do my will.

This prophecy speaks of the fall of Constantinople and the subsequent return of its fair-haired family, which will defeat the Ismailis (Turks). According to the interpretation of Joseph of Vatopedi, “internecine strife” should be understood as a war between Christian peoples. That is, a certain fair-haired clan will defeat the Turks and capture Constantinople, but later some, apparently, European peoples will get involved in the war, opposing this fair-haired clan. Mutual extermination will begin, which will be stopped by a voice from heaven. Further, it is said about the acquisition of the Tsar by the Greeks. His name is John.

Prophecy of Methodius of Patara: “A voice will be heard from heaven: “Stop! Stop! Peace to you! Enough vengeance on the unfaithful and obscene! Go to the right land of Semiholmia, and you will find there a man standing near the two pillars in great humility, bright and righteous, enduring great poverty, severe in appearance, but meek in spirit "... And the command from the Angel will be announced:" Make him king and put the sword into his right hand with the words: "Be of good cheer, John! Be strong and conquer your adversaries." And, having received the sword from the Angel, he will strike down the Ismailites, the Ethiopians, and every unbelieving generation.”

St. Tarasios, Patriarch of Constantinople: “An internecine strife will rise up, and the whole infidel race will perish. And then the holy king will rise, in whose name [letter]; - initial, a; - final. .
These are far from all the prophecies about the Greek Tsar. It must be understood that here we are talking about the Greek Tsar, and therefore the Greeks spoke about this in such detail and so much.

However, Byzantine prophecies do not tell us about the time of World War III. True, in the prophecy on the tomb of Constantine the Great there are some references to time (years of the indiction), but they still defy interpretation. A hint of the time of the return of Constantinople we find in other prophecies.

Joseph Vatopedsky gives us a hint. His prophecy has existed on the Serbian part of the Internet since at least 2008. It is likely that Joseph uttered it to Serbian pilgrims. Now it has also appeared in Russian, but, I would say, somewhat artistically embellished. The Serbian text is more concise.
“The Russians will enter Constantinople, but later they will give everything to the Greeks. At the very beginning, the Greeks will hesitate to accept or not the new territories, but will accept them later and will rule over what was once a Turkish possession. The Greeks will return to Constantinople 600 years after they left it” [Russi ћe liberate Tsarigrad, or after that, on the green table, give Grtsima. Grtsy ћe chekati At the same time, yes, at Tsarigrad, ali ћe, on the edge, at last, 600 years, again at Tsarigrad.]
Constantinople fell in 1453. That is, Joseph is talking about the year 2053.

Blessed Alipia (Avdeeva) 1910-1988 “The war will start against the apostles Peter and Paul. You will lie: there is an arm, there is a leg. This will happen when the corpse is taken out.” True, it must be said that Blessed Alipia lived according to her own calendar, which she called the Jerusalem calendar. There is an assumption that this may be an indication of November 2, when the Russian Church celebrates the New Martyrs Peter (Kravets) Deacon and Martyr Paul (Bocharov), Alma-Ata (1937). There is another prediction that cannot be verified. Allegedly in 2002, a certain pilgrim Nikolai in Diveevo had a vision of Seraphim of Sarov, who told him: “The war will begin immediately after my holiday. As soon as the people subside from Diveevo, it will start right away! » That is, the war will probably begin between August and November (of course, if the prophecies are genuine, and correctly interpreted by us).

Duration of the war

I met the indication that the war would last two years three times.
St. Schemamonk Paisios Svyatogorets (Eznepidis) 1924-1994 “Know that Turkey will fall apart. There will be a war that will last two halves. We will be winners because we are Orthodox.”

Schema-nun Anthony (Kaveshnikova). 1904 - 1998 “The war will be two [years]. Fast."

Schema-Archimandrite Jonah of Odessa (Ignatenko) 1925-2012 “There will be a war. It will last two years.” “The first Easter will be bloody, the second will be famine, and the third will be victorious.”
Concerning the last prophecy it is necessary to say a few words. It seems to me that the listener has an interpretation error. . Schema-Archimandrite Jonah spoke about the unrest in Ukraine and the Third World War. The listener, however, could not separate what relates to Ukraine and the present time, from what should be attributed to the world war. This mistake became obvious in 2017, since it is already clear that the war in Ukraine lasted more than two years. Consequently, the two years that Schema-Archimandrite Jonah of Odessa is talking about is the duration of the Third World War.

Year of the end of the war

We can read about the year of the end of the war in the so-called Kutlumush manuscript, which was found in the Athos monastery of Kutlumush. She gained wide popularity after the publication in the book “On the End of the Age and the Antichrist” by Joseph of Vatopedi (1995). Although, there is information that she first became known from a letter from the Greek priest N. Papanikolopoulou. (;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;) . The original text is in the monastery itself. We know this text as twenty-four succinctly formulated paragraphs talking about the past and the future (presumably starting from paragraph 14). And only the last point is presented in some detail. Maybe literally. And in it we find important information. Here are the prophetic lines:
1) the Great European War;
2) the defeat of Germany, the catastrophe of Russia and Austria;
3) the triumph of the Hellenes over the Hagarians;
4) the defeat of the Hellenes by the Hagarians, supported by the peoples of the West;
5) beating the Orthodox;
6) the great confusion of the Orthodox peoples;
7) the invasion of a foreign army from the Adriatic Sea. Woe to all who live on earth, hell is ready;
8) short-term appearance of a great husband among the Hagarites;
9) new European war;
10) an alliance of Orthodox peoples and Germany;
11) the defeat of the French by the Germans;
12) the uprising of the Hindus and the separation of India from England;
13) the reduction of England to its own limits;
14) the victory of the Orthodox and the massacre of the Hagarites;
15) worldwide confusion;
16) widespread despair on earth;
17) the struggle of the seven powers for Constantinople. Three-day mutual extermination. The victory of the strongest power over the other six;
18) an alliance of six powers against the victor; new three-day mutual extermination;
19) the cessation of enmity by God's intervention in the person of an Angel and the transfer of Constantinople to the Hellenes;
20) the conversion of the Latins to the intact Orthodox faith;
21) the spread of the Orthodox faith from east to west;
22) the horror and awe she inspires in the barbarians;
23) the removal of the pope from spiritual authority and the appointment of a single Patriarch for the entire European world;
24) in the fifty-fifth year - the end of sorrows. In the seventh [summer] there is no accursed, there is no exile, for he returned to the arms of the Mother [about his children rejoicing]. This will be, this will be done. Amen. Amen. Amen. I am Alpha and Omega, First and Last. The end is a single flock of true Orthodox faith. Servant of Christ, the true God.

In this prophetic text, we meet something that we have heard before: the massacre of the Hagarians (Turks), the capture of Constantinople and its return to the Greeks, as well as the end of the war by God's intervention. Thus, the prophecy unambiguously refers to the Third World War. And everything ends with an indication of a certain fifty-fifth year, as the year of the end of sorrows. Taking into account the fact that we assumed 2053 - the year of the beginning of the war, and considered its duration equal to two years, then here is a clear indication of 2055.
If we apply the statement of Jonah of Odessa about three Easters, we can see that the war will end after April 18, 2055, when Easter will be celebrated, which Jonah calls not yet victorious, but hungry. Victorious he called only the next Easter.

The beginning of the war is presumably August-November 2053.
The first Easter after the start of the war - called bloody - is May 3, 2054.
The second Easter since the beginning of the war, called hungry - April 18, 2055.
The third Easter - April 9, 2056 - will be celebrated when the war is already over. That is why it is called victorious. So, probably, the beginning of the war is August-November 2053, the end of the war is May-December 2055

We find a hint of the year 2055 in the prophecies of St. Kosma Aetolian. And here we are interested in the last point:

St. Cosmas of Aetolia (Constas) 1714-1779
15. "In the City (Constantinople - Smirnov A.) so much blood will be shed that a three-year-old bull can swim in it." [p.113]
16. Troops heading for Constantinople will pass through the Musini Valley. Let the women and children go to the mountains. They will ask you: "Is the City far?" Answer: "It is close." By answering this way, you will avoid many troubles. [p.113]
17. "When you hear that the fleet is sailing in the Mediterranean, know that the Constantinople issue will soon be resolved." [p.114]
18. “The troops will not reach the City and half way when they receive the news that the “desired” has come. [p.114]
19. “There will be another foreign army. She will not know Greek, but she will believe in Christ. They will also ask: "Where is the City?" [S.115]
20. "The Antichrists (Turks. - Smirnov A.) will leave, but will return again, then you will pursue them to the Red Apple Tree." [p.116]
21. “The Turks will leave, but they will return again and reach Eksamily. Of these, one third will perish, one third will believe in Christ, and one third will go to Kokkini Milia.” [p.117-118]
22. "Then it will come when two summers and two Easter holidays come together." [p.120]

In the 18th century, St. Cosmas described military actions connected with the solution of the Constantinople question. Obviously, we are talking about events, the description of which we also meet with other Orthodox seers. The prophetic words of St. Cosmas are full of geographical names or allusions that should be understood by the Greeks. We are interested in the twenty-second point: "Then it will come when two summers and two Paschalia come together." I make the assumption that two paschals are an indication of the year when the Orthodox Easter coincides with the Catholic one. Such coincidences happen quite often. In the period of interest to us, such coincidences will occur in 2045, 2048, 2052, 2055, 2058. The meaning is clear that we are talking about the time of the end of the war. And this year, Orthodox and Catholic Easter will be celebrated on the same day - "they will come ... two Paschalia together." Regarding what does "two summers...together" mean? This explains how the unprecedentedly warm winter of this victorious year, that is, we are talking about the winter of 2054-2055.

Events preceding

There are many prophecies that before the war there will be a rise in food prices and even famine. I will not quote them here now, those who wish can familiarize themselves with them.
I suggest that we live in a period that corresponds to the opening of the third seal in the Apocalypse. This period is described in economic terms: when the third seal was broken, “a black horse comes out, and on it is a rider who has a measure in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four animals, saying: A quinix of wheat for a denarius, and three quinixes of barley for a denarius; but do not damage the oil and the wine” (Rev. 6:5, 6). Whether this increase in prices will be gradual, or whether it will happen before the war itself as a result of some kind of upheaval, is not yet clear.
It should be noted that the Kutlumush manuscript singles out the seven years from 2048 to 2055 as a period of some kind of instability, which, as we have already understood, includes two years of war in 2053–2055.
"24) in the fifty-fifth year - the end of sorrows. In the seventh [summer] there is no accursed, there is no exile, for he returned to the arms of the Mother [about his children rejoicing]. This will be, this will be done. Amen. Amen. Amen. I am Alpha and Omega, First and Last. The end is a single flock of true Orthodox faith. Servant of Christ, the true God"

What will happen starting from 2048? What does “damned” mean, what does “exile” mean, who must return “to the arms of the Mother”? We don't know yet. From this text, we can only understand that from 2048 to 2055 some mournful events will occur.
However, we have predictions that say that some five to seven years will be crop failure due to catastrophic weather conditions.

Schema-Archimandrite Christopher (Nikolsky) 1905-1996 “He said that there would be a strong war and there would be very few people left (on earth). There will be heat after the war and a terrible famine all over the earth, and not only in Russia. And the heat is terrible, and there will be crop failures for the last five to seven years. At first everything will be born, and then it will rain, and everything will be flooded, and the whole crop will rot, and nothing will be harvested. All rivers, lakes, reservoirs will dry up, and the oceans will dry up, and all glaciers will melt, and mountains will leave their places. The sun will be very hot. He said that after the war there would be so few people left on earth, so few ... that Russia would be the center of the war.
My experience in interpreting prophecy tells me that many seers often combine several events into one. Or, as it were, they compress time, talking about events stretched out in time, as following one after another (for example, after Putin there will be a Tsar, although there will be many other things between Putin and the Tsar). So Nil the Myrrh-streaming (died in 1651) says that the seas will dry up before the arrival of the Antichrist. I do not exclude that Schema-Archimandrite Christopher could also see the last times (if this is a prophetic vision, and not an opinion), and perhaps his prophecy refers to the very last times (the times of the opening of the seventh seal), but it may be that in this mournful seven years there will be lean years, and this, in turn, will lead to an increase in food prices.

In A. Solzhenitsyn's book "The Gulag Archipelago" I came across an interesting episode. In 1916, a certain old man came to the house of the Moscow locomotive engineer Belov and told his wife Pelageya that she needed to take care of her one-year-old son, since he would be the new Russian Tsar. And that in 1953 power would change, but for this it was necessary to start gathering forces in 1948. Viktor Belov, that was the name of Pelageya's son, grew up, joined the army and began working in the autorot. Then he got into the government garage. In 1943, the same old man again came to Pelageya's house and announced to Viktor Belov that he would be Emperor Mikhail, and that power would change in 1953, and for this it was necessary to gather forces in 1948. But he did not say how to gather strength. In the same year, Victor wrote his first manifesto to the Russian people, and read it to four employees of the Narkomneft garage, where he worked at that time. Nobody gave him away. A year later, he writes his second manifesto, and reads it to ten garage workers, then introduces two more people to it. And this leads him to the Lubyanka, where A. Solzhenitsyn met him in cell number fifty-three.
This episode of my life seemed interesting to me. Because we are meeting here with years that are similar to 2048 and 2053. Without a doubt, the unknown old man was mistaken. In the twentieth century, Russia was not ready for the return of the monarchy. Who was this old man? And why did he come specifically to the son of a locomotive engineer, Viktor Belov? We probably won't know. Perhaps there was another mistake. The old man could have received a revelation about the 48th and 53rd years, but he decided that these were the years of the 20th century. In any case, the years that the seer, unknown to us, somehow recognized, are very similar to the years that we meet in other prophecies, but in relation to our 21st century.
And if the Kutlumush manuscript only hints at some negative changes that will begin in the world from 2048, then the far-sighted old man speaks of a change in the political system in Russia.
Great Tribulation

In the Kutlumush manuscript there are two points before the battle for Constantinople, but after the massacre of the Hagarites.
15) worldwide confusion (;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;.);
16) widespread despair on earth (;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;.);
Seraphim of Sarov spoke of something similar. Further, we will quote this prophecy in more detail, where Seraphim said: “Next, mothers, there will be ... such sorrow, which has not been from the beginning of the world!”
Here the words of Christ are involuntarily recalled. When the disciples ask Him about "times and dates", Christ gives them, among other indications of the approach of the end times, such signs: "Then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, and will not be" (Matt. 24:21) Evangelist Luke conveys the same words differently: “but on earth there is despondency of the nations and perplexity” (Luke 21:25)
It is possible that both the Kutlumush manuscript and Seraphim of Sarov have in mind the tragic events that will begin everywhere. If we live in the period described in Revelation as the time of the opening of the third seal, then the next period, the opening of the fourth seal, is described in the following ways:

"And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and on it was a rider whose name was death; and hell followed him; and power was given to him over the fourth part of the earth - to kill with the sword, and with famine, and with pestilence, and with the beasts of the earth." (Revelation 6:8)

The opening of the quarter seal is, in my opinion, the beginning of the Third World War. When it is said: “power over the fourth part of the earth”, the Eurasian continent is meant, where the bloodiest events will unfold.

It must be assumed that sorrow and confusion, widespread despair, despondency of peoples and bewilderment, await the whole world. If we take Russia separately, then we have a prophecy attributed to Theophan of Poltava (1872-1940), which is known from the words of his cell-attendant, now schemamonk Anthony (Chernov). Video of the conversation with him can be found on the Internet:
“Theophan repeatedly repeated that events would develop in such a way that all human efforts would not bear any fruit, that Russia would be on the verge of complete collapse and at that moment a coup would take place. The army will take over and save
It is likely that things will go so badly in Russia that only the army will be able to restore some order. Apparently, this will happen between 2048 and 2053. Perhaps the unknown old man, who prophesied to Viktor Belov, foresaw a period of anarchy in Russia, and therefore said that in 1948 it was necessary to gather strength.

Tsar in Russia

There are many predictions about the election of the Tsar in Russia. True, there is no unanimity among different seers - whether the Tsar will be elected before the war or after the war. In any case, the war and the election of the Tsar are side by side, and I think that this event is chronologically after the military coup. I make this assumption on the basis that the coup and the power of the military may be for a short time, while the Orthodox Tsar must ensure a period of stability and prosperity, which is predicted as the flowering of Orthodoxy throughout the world, led by Russia.
"The end times have not yet come, and it is completely wrong to believe that we are on the threshold of the coming of the Antichrist, because one and the last flowering of Orthodoxy is yet to come, this time all over the world - led by Russia ... There will be a period of worldwide prosperity - but not for a long time. In Russia at that time there will be an Orthodox Tsar, whom the Lord will reveal to the Russian people.".
Joseph of Vatopedsky: "There will be a war.... But after this great purge there will be a great revival of Orthodoxy not only in Russia, but throughout the world, such a great upsurge of Orthodoxy. The Lord will give His favor, grace, as it was in the beginning in the first century. When people with an open heart went to the Lord. It will last 3-4 decades"

And here are the words of the Serbian elder Gabriel, from the monastery of St. Luke [Svetoga Luke near Boschanim] (Serbia) 1902-1999.

“Light will come to Serbia from Russia. When Russia becomes an empire, the Russian Tsar will protect us Orthodox. Such grace will be over Russia that when the Russian Tsar enters Serbian soil, it will tremble under his feet. With him such a Heavenly Army and retinue will be. And such peace and grace will be when our Serbian Tsar is crowned. That such is the world, the land of Serbia will rule, that the ear of wheat will be huge. That myrrh and incense will smell throughout the Serbian land ... throughout Serbia. The angels will incense."

“By that time, Russia will become an empire, and then the big countries will only be afraid of the Russian Tsar. Such power and blessing will be with him that all the rulers of the world will tremble wherever he appears. Heavenly power will be with him. The Russian Tsar will protect the Orthodox throughout the world, including Serbia. Then the yellow people will accept Orthodoxy to the surprise of many.”

“Then, when the Russian Tsar enters the land of Serbia, so that our Tsar is crowned, the earth under him will tremble. The Heavenly Power will be with that royal retinue. All Serbia will gather in Krushevets, so that our Tsar will be crowned with the Nemanjic crown, which is stored in a cave, and is waiting for the day when her child will take it out of the cave and bring it before the Tsar. A descendant of the Nemanichs in the female line will be crowned. But he does not know that he is this descendant. He lives in Russia, from there he will be brought and crowned in Krushevets. The Russian ascetic monk will announce this. And he himself will not know that he is the one who will be crowned.”

“Blessed are those who live to see this time. Blessed are the people then. What mercy will be over Serbia. The earth will smell of incense. Angels will burn. Peace will reign. The harvest will be good. And wheat and vineyards and everything like never before. Then all the forces from Kosovo will retreat, they will run away ... they will not dare to wait for the Russian emperor in Kosovo. Then the Tsar will return our lands with his letter and confirm everything that was ours. And everything in Kosovo will be ours again. Because this land is soaked with our blood.” .

Great Diveevo mystery

Elder Gabriel says that a certain Russian ascetic and monk will indicate the Serbian Tsar. In other places it is said, literally: "a great Russian monk and ascetic"
There are predictions that say that the great monk Seraphim of Sarov, resurrected for a short time, will indicate the Russian Tsar. This supernatural event is known as the "Great Diveyevo Mystery". As I understand it, this will be the great Russian monk who will indicate both the Russian Tsar and the Serbian Tsar. Moreover, Gabriel says that the latter will live in Russia. It is very possible that both the future Russian monarch and the future Serbian monarch will be in Diveevo in August 2053 at the feast in honor of the 150th anniversary of the glorification of Seraphim of Sarov as a saint. And then what will happen is what Seraphim himself spoke about.

Here are his words, transmitted to us by Motovilov N.A.: “- I, your love of God, wretched Seraphim, from the Lord God is supposed to live for much more than a hundred years. But since by that time the bishops [Russians] have become so impious that they will surpass the Greek bishops in the time of Theodosius the Younger in their wickedness, then they will no longer believe in the main dogma of the faith of Christ, then it is pleasing to the Lord God to take the relics of the wretched Seraphim until the time from sowing the pre-temporal life and we will sow to resurrect, and my resurrection will be, like the resurrection of the seven youths in the cave of Okhlonskaya in the days of Theodosius the Youngest.
Having revealed to me, - Motovilov writes further, - this great and terrible secret, the great elder told me that after his resurrection he would move from Sarov to Diveev and there he would open the sermon of universal repentance. For that sermon, more than the miracle of the resurrection, a great multitude will gather to the people from all ends of the earth. Diveev will become Lavra, Vertyanovo - a city, and Arzamas - a province. And, preaching repentance in Diveyevo, Father Seraphim will open four relics in it and, upon opening them, he himself will lie between them.

“Another father said to Maria Semyonovna: “The wretched Seraphim could enrich you, but it’s not useful for you, he could turn ashes into gold, but I don’t want to. Much will not increase with you, and little will not decrease. you will be abundant in everything, but then everything will be over. [Now everyone is amazed that the poor Seraphim is taking care of you, taking care of your spiritual and bodily needs; what a marvel is this? will bring to Diveev!” We all thought that Father Seraphim would visit us, but this did not happen during his lifetime].

Rev. Seraphim told the Diveevo sisters: "I will fall asleep in Sarov, and wake up in Diveevo"

“Here, mother,” he said, “when we have a cathedral, then the Moscow bell Ivan the Great himself will come to us! When they hang him, but for the first time they hit him and he hums, - and the priest portrayed his voice, - then we will wake up! O! In, my mothers, what a joy it will be! In the middle of summer they will sing Easter! And to the people, to the people, from all sides, from all sides! After a pause, the priest continued: “But this joy will be for the shortest possible time: what next, mothers, will be ... such sorrow, which has not been from the beginning of the world!” - and the bright face of the priest suddenly changed, faded and took on a mournful expression. Lowering his head, he drooped down, and tears streamed down his cheeks.

The great seer nevertheless consoled the sisters, who were in distress in the mill monastery, with the fact that they would have a cathedral, and gave them strength. The rest of the prophecy concerned the state of the monastery at the end of the world, and he repeated many times to his sisters, with even greater detail in the last two years of his life.

There is also an extremely interesting, but unverified prophecy. Allegedly, there was an appearance of Seraphim of Sarov in 2002 to the pilgrim Nikolai in Diveevo, where the following was said:
“What I say, tell people! The war will begin shortly after my holiday (the year was not specified). As soon as the people subside from Diveevo, it will begin right away! But I am not in Diveevo: I am in Moscow. In Diveyevo, having resurrected in Sarov, I will come alive together with the Tsar.
You can not trust the last text. Maybe the real relics of the saint lie in Diveevo, or maybe the real relics were hidden from the Bolsheviks and replaced for fear of losing the shrine. In any case, we have to wait until 2053, and become witnesses of the Diveevo miracle. And then we will know the names of God-appointed monarchs for Russia and for Serbia. The Greek King named John will be revealed during the war, as the Byzantine seers write about.

China's involvement in the war

When examining this issue, the following is striking. The Greeks hardly talk about China. True, Paisius the Holy Mountaineer spoke of the Chinese army, which would cross the Euphrates. But this may be an opinion based on the words of Revelation, which speaks of an army of two hundred million that will come from the "sunrise":
“In the summer of 1987, I asked the Elder about a future world war, the one that is called "Armageddon" and which is reported in the Scriptures. With paternal interest, he gave me various information. And he even wanted to discover certain signs that would convince us that we really are in the generation of Armageddon. So he said: “When you hear that the Turks block the waters of the Euphrates in the upper reaches with a dam and use them for irrigation, then know that we have already entered into the preparation of that great war and thus the way is being prepared for the two hundred million army from the sunrise, as Revelation says. Among the preparations is this: the Euphrates river must dry up so that a large army can pass through. Although - the Elder smiled at this place - if two hundred million Chinese, when they arrive there, drink one cup of water, they will drain the Euphrates!

In Revelation, there are two prophetic blocks associated with the seven Angels who trumpet and pour out bowls of wrath. When comparing these images, we find them similar, so to speak, conceptually (I note that the trumpeting angels chronologically stand after the opening of the seventh seal). Paisios is referring to the events that take place under the sixth angel.

The first angel blows / pours out the cup - problems on earth
The second angel blows / pours out the cup - problems at sea
The third angel blows/pours out the cup - changing rivers
The fourth angel blows / pours out the cup - problems with the sun
The fifth angel blows / pours out the cup - the beginning of the suffering of people
The sixth angel trumpets / pours out a cup - the extermination of a third of humanity by a certain formidable army of 200 million (two darkness that), which will come from the sunrise.
The seventh angel blows/pours out the cup - the end of everything.

Let us consider in detail the prophecies concerning the events taking place under the sixth angel.
“The sixth angel blew his trumpet, and I heard one voice from the four horns of the golden altar standing before God, saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet: release the four angels bound by the great river Euphrates. And four angels were released, prepared for an hour and a day, and a month and a year, in order to kill a third of the people. The number of cavalry troops was two darkness; and I heard his number” (Revelation 9:13-16) “The sixth angel poured out his cup into the great river Euphrates: and the water dried up in it, so that the way of the kings from the rising of the sun would be ready…. And he gathered them to a place called in Hebrew Armageddon.” (Revelation 16:12,16).

Darkness is ten thousand. Two darkness topics - two hundred million. And this armada is coming from the east to destroy a third of humanity and gather at the end in a place called Armageddon. Apparently, this is the army of Gog, moving from the land of Magog. I discussed this issue in detail in a separate brochure. It is obvious that Paisius Svyatogorets, like many others, connect the Third World War with the event under the sixth Angel, described in the Apocalypse. However, there is reason to believe that we live in a different historical period, namely the period of the opening of the third seal, while angels with trumpets are events that occur at the opening of the seventh seal. It may be objected to me that, they say, who are you to argue with a saint. To which I can give an example from the Gospel, where the apostles are mistaken, misinterpreting the words of Christ. The apostle John corrected them. And even if the disciples of Christ did not avoid problems with interpretation, then even more so, such errors can happen even among saints. Moreover, we do not know whether this was a prophecy received from God, or the personal opinion of Paisius. Opinion with a high degree of probability may be erroneous. Moreover, regarding this war, we have many other prophecies that say that China will not cross the Euphrates this time. This will happen later - at the opening of the seventh seal, at the sixth angel.
By the way, the battle of Armageddon is an event associated with the invasion of Gog's troops from the land of Magog, who will gather near Jerusalem and be destroyed by fire from heaven. But this will not be a victory over the Antichrist, as various interpreters of Revelation sometimes write, since the Antichrist will not yet come to power. We can understand this from the words of the prophet Ezekiel, where it is said that for seven years they will collect weapons after this massacre (Ezekiel 39:9). And the Antichrist will come to power 3.5 years before the end of the world. That is, the battle of Armageddon will be at least 3.5 years before the Antichrist comes to power. Therefore, it is wrong to call Armageddon the final battle between good and evil.
It also seems to me that it is wrong to consider the coming World War III as Armageddon. The third world war corresponds to the coming out of a pale horse with a rider named "death" (Rev. 6:8).
If World War III is not Armageddon, but the opening of the fourth seal, then the question arises of the extent of China's involvement in this massacre. The army of China - 2.4 million people in all branches of the military. However, during the course of the war, from 190 to 300 million reservists can be mobilized from various sources. Will there be "two scores of topics" (Revelation 9:13-16) - 200 million fighters in this military conflict?
In Elder Gabriel we meet the words: “Then the yellow people will accept Orthodoxy to the surprise of many.” This is a clear reference to some Asian peoples, but nothing more is said about them. Byzantine prophecies say nothing about China at all. Stingy on words about oriental people and Joseph of Vatopedi. In his direct speech, which can be heard in the recording, the translator mentions the Japanese: “the elder says that events will develop in such a way that when Russia goes to the aid of Greece, the Americans and NATO, in order to prevent the reunification of the two Orthodox peoples, will also stir up other forces, like the Japanese, all of them these very ones (alas, such a literal translation is Smirnov. A.), and on the territory of this former Byzantine empire there will be a great massacre of about 600 million people, there will only be dead "
From the whole conversation, it becomes clear that Joseph does not see a threat from the east. He names the main enemies of Greece: Turkey, America, NATO. But he mentions some Japanese among others, unless this is the interpretation of a translator who decided to explain what "other forces that America will excite" mean. It would be good to hear from people who know the Greek language exactly what Joseph said. But in any case, China is not named among the main enemies.
Of course, in a period of general discord in the world, when global changes begin, all countries with a sufficiently strong army may awaken ambitions and a desire to participate in the redistribution of the lands of Eurasia. Will Japan want to expand its territories? Or maybe China wants to do it? Maybe he wants to. Moreover, it is known that China has a national army development program, following which, by 2050, the PLA (People's Liberation Army of China) should be able to "win a war of any scale and duration using all means and methods of warfare"

Let's return to the prophecy, which, according to legend, was carved on the grave of Constantine, the founder of Byzantium, which we have already quoted earlier:
“And numerous, like foliage, [fighters] to the western [peoples] will follow, they will start a war on land and sea, and Ishmael will be defeated. His offspring will rule for a short time. The fair-haired clan (;; ;;;;;; ;;; o;) with his assistants will completely defeat Ismail and Semiholmie with special advantages [in it] will receive. Then a fierce internecine strife will begin, [lasting] until the fifth hour. And there will be a triple voice; “Stop, stop with fear! And, hastening to the right country, you will find a husband there, truly marvelous and strong. This will be your master, for he is dear to me, and you, having received him, do my will.
Here it is said about the capture of Constantinople by a fair-haired family, and that then cruel internecine strife will begin. Joseph of Vatopedi suggests that this refers to the strife between the Christian peoples:
“The capture of Constantinople by aliens will happen easily, but, having occupied the city, the victors will face opposition from the countries of the hostile camp, which will require them to give up part of their privileges. And since the war that arose from here will no longer be Christian-Muslim, but inter-Christian in nature, then it is said about "internecine strife."
Thus Josephus suggests that six countries [cf. Kutlumush manuscript], against which the fair-haired family will fight - these are NATO countries - Americans and Europeans - if not in fact, but historically Christian peoples.
True, perhaps the Greeks do not pay attention to the Asians due to the fact that their aggression will not affect Greece - that which interests the Greeks themselves most of all.
Among the Russians, we find more prophecies about China

Archimandrite Tavrion (Batozsky) 1898-1978
“He said that China would also participate. He will march across Russia, but he will pass not as a militant, but as one going somewhere to war. Russia will be like a corridor for him. When they reach the Urals and stop. They will live there for a long time. The Mother of God will pray for China for the last time. And many of the Chinese will see the resilience of the Russians and will wonder: "why are they standing like that?" And many will repent of their error, and will be baptized en masse. And many will even accept martyrdom for Russia from their own. Then there will be rejoicing."
Archpriest Vladislav Shumov 1902-1996

“There will be such a war in Russia: from the west - the Germans, and from the east - the Chinese! When China goes to us, then there will be war. But after the Chinese conquer the city of Chelyabinsk, the Lord will convert them to Orthodoxy.”

Elder Gabriel, from the monastery of St. Luke [Svetoga Luke near Boschanim] (Serbia) 1902-1999

“The Russian Tsar will protect the Orthodox all over the world, including Serbia. Then the yellow people will accept Orthodoxy to the surprise of many.”

Saint Theophan of Poltava (Bystrov) 1872-1940 according to Schema Antony (Chernov)
“I console myself with the words of Archbishop Theophan. He says: I will not speak to you on the basis of my own understanding. I will tell you what the elders told me. What will Russia be. That the monarchy will be restored in Russia, that there will be a brilliant Tsar, great in mind, fiery in faith, a man of iron will. He will take matters into his own hands. Of the episcopate, only two bishops will remain, who will be recognized as faithful. The rest will be degraded, and there will be a new episcopate (I haven't said this yet). He repeated this very often. The state will be smaller than it was before the revolution. He said this in his thirties. He said that he would be a reformer of Siberia. That he will restore the fertility of Siberia ..”.
Here it is not entirely clear how the fertility of Siberia can be restored if China seizes Siberia as far as Chelyabinsk.

Schema. Nila (Kolesnikova) 1902-1999

The time will come when the Chinese will attack us, and it will be very difficult for everyone.
The mother repeated these words twice.
“Children, I saw a dream. There will be war. Lord, they will put everyone under arms, they will lead them to the front. Children and old people will stay at home. The soldiers will go from house to house and put everyone in a gun and drive them to war. Robberies and outrages of those who have weapons in their hands - and the earth will be littered with corpses. My children, how I pity you! - Mother repeated many, many times.

Archpriest Nikolai Rogozin 1898-1981

“There will be war. China will attack first. From there, the war must be. China will begin to occupy Siberia, then go to the Urals. And when other countries see that China borrows a lot, then they come to us and begin to reject China. As he put it: "And then the porridge will begin." At first, there will be such bloodshed, and then the atom will be turned on.” .

Elder Hieromonk Seraphim (Vyritsky) 1866-1949
Recorded by Maria Georgievna Preobrazhenskaya, Feofan Poltava's niece: “It was right after the war. I sang in the kliros of the Peter and Paul Church in the village of Vyritsa. Often, with the singers from our church, we approached Fr. Seraphim for blessing. Once one of the singers said: "Dear father! How good it has become now - the war is over, the bells in the churches rang again." And the elder replied: “No, that’s not all. There will still be more fear than it was. You will meet her again. It will be very difficult for young people to change their uniforms. Who will survive? .) But whoever remains alive - what a good life he will have.
I did not use other prophecies attributed to Seraphim Vyritsky regarding China, because I am not sure of their authenticity.
Analyzing the words of Russian holy fathers, monks and nuns, we can conclude that China will be involved in a world war. The Chinese army will reach the Urals. Perhaps it will stop there for a long time, or it will be thrown back later. Although, Russia is unlikely to be able to return to its former borders. For this, after the war there will be neither forces nor resources (human, first of all). The Lord will convert the Chinese to Orthodoxy, and this will be a mass phenomenon. The Greek holy fathers say practically nothing about China, most likely because China will not participate in military events on the territory of Greece. The Chinese, apparently, will be interested in Siberia. And maybe, “when the atom is turned on,” the Chinese army will be thrown back. And then our Tsar will have to "restore the fertility of Siberia."
Another possible scenario: Some liberal forces will come to power in Russia, which, indulging the West, will somehow contribute to the division of Russia. And China will occupy Siberia without war.
Schemamonk Joasaph (Moiseev) 1889-1976
“And everyone will climb on Russia, they will divide it,” he said. .
Shiigumen Mitrofan (Myakinin) 1902-1964
“Batiushka predicted that Russia would be divided into four parts. “Some will get to the good ones,” he said, “they will have a good life. And others will have a hard time - they will be mocked. God forbid, if someone gets into that part of the country that China will get.” .
It is the destruction of Russia without a war and can provoke a military coup, as Feofan Poltavsky says: when "Russia is on the verge of complete collapse" "at that moment a coup will take place. The army will take it into its own hands and save.” Further, Seraphim of Sarov will show us the Tsar, and a world war will begin, and all the events described by the Greek, Russian and Serbian holy fathers will take place.

Possible chronology of events

It is hard to imagine that Russia would go to the aid of Greece, with the advance of the Chinese army. The multimillion-strong Chinese army would tie down all our forces. And if our army goes to the aid of Greece, as the Greeks say, then this means that China at that time will either not yet participate in the war (it will suddenly enter later), or Siberia will already belong to it, and China will not decide for some reason then move on (for example, if Russia is divided into several parts as a result of the betrayal of the elites before the war, and some part will go to China). In other words, I do not think that we will be able to simultaneously stop the advance of the PLA and fight NATO on foreign territory for Constantinople.
Iona Odessa (Ignatenko) according to Yu.G. Samusenko said the following about the beginning of the Third World War: “It will begin with a small country, smaller than Russia. There will be an internal confrontation that will develop into a civil war. Much blood will be shed. And Russia, and the United States, and many countries will be drawn into this funnel of civil war of a small country. It can be assumed that the global fire will flare up gradually. Somewhere outside of Russia, a war will begin. Perhaps there will be a Turkish attack on Greece, as Joseph of Vatopedi says:

“The war will start with a conflict between Turkey and Greece.
Despite the resilience and great courage of the Greeks, the Turkish invasion would have devastating consequences. Many Greeks, many Russian and Serbian brothers in Christ, who volunteer to help the Greeks, will die. Turkey will invade deep into Greece and take over most of the Greek territory. At the beginning, NATO and the US will not directly intervene in this conflict, but will provide tacit support for the actions of the Turks.
The time will come when the world will think that the Greek people have disappeared. This will almost certainly happen, but mighty Russia will open its cards in defense of the Greek people and Orthodoxy. It will come as a surprise to everyone. Russian nuclear weapons launched into Turkey. Darkness covers the Balkan Peninsula and the Middle East.
At this point, the US and EU will join Turkey and declare war on Russia and Greece. The Vatican and the Pope will declare a holy war against the Orthodox "schismatics". The war will be terrible. Fire will fall from the sky on people. The United States will suffer a terrible defeat."

I can assume that Turkish expansion will not be limited to the territory of Greece. If you believe the prophecy inscribed on the tomb of Constantine, then Dalmatia will also suffer. And this means that the Turks will go deep into the Balkan Peninsula. And this is Bulgaria, and the countries of the former Yugoslavia.
“In the first year of the indiction, the power of Ismail, who is called Mahomet, will defeat the clan of Palaiologos, take possession of Semikholm, will dominate it, many people will destroy and devastate the islands to Pontus Euxinus. In the eighth year, the Indicta will ruin those who live along the banks of the Istra, the Peloponnese will be desolated, in the ninth year it will fight in the northern lands, in the tenth year it will defeat the Dalmatians, turn back for a while, [but then] against the Dalmatians [again] raise a great battle, but those partial He will be defeated."

The Turks will kill the Greeks and maybe reach Serbia. The Serbian elder Thaddeus Vitovnitsky (1914-2003) said that persecution of the Serbian Orthodox Church would begin in Montenegro, and a civil war would begin. And later the war with the Kosovo Albanians. Vojvodina will take the path of separatism and the West will contribute to this. Elder Gabriel (Serbia) 1902-1999 says that Belgrade will be destroyed, columns of refugees will leave the city. There will be no healthy water in the cities. Blood will be shed in the Assembly, the people will rebel and a civil war will begin. [“The beograd is destroyed, the deo city is drowned. We see a column љudi kako pushtaјu hail bezhe. There it’s dangerous to beat the street, for fear of hurting your stomach. The hailstones have nothing to live on, send them to beat. the factory has nothing to be proud of, and the arc dzhavi has nothing to think about it. There is no water to be beaten for health, just at brdima and ppaninam. Spread se krv at Skupshtini, people se pobuniti, grahanski rat ћe krenuti "]
That is, there will be numerous conflicts in the Balkans. Turkey will decide to attack Greece, and maybe even move on. In this case, the Turks can walk around Bulgaria. Let me remind you that Bulgaria was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire for five centuries (from the 14th century to the 19th century). Freed from the Ottoman yoke as a result of the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878, Bulgaria took the side of our opponents in two world wars.

“In 1893, a worldwide collection of donations for the construction of the Warsaw Orthodox Cathedral was opened.
When the rumor about the proposed construction reached Fr. John of Kronstadt, known for his perspicacity, he said to his interlocutors:;;;
“... With bitterness I see the construction of this temple. But these are the commands of God. Not long after its construction, Russia will be filled with blood and break up into many short-term independent states. And Poland will become free and independent. But I also see the restoration of a powerful Russia, even stronger and more powerful. But this will happen much later. And then the Warsaw Cathedral will be destroyed. And then the share of trials will befall Poland. And then its last historical page will be closed. Her star will fade and go out "[ 37].;; On the photo is the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. It was demolished by the Poles in 1926. Demolition money was collected throughout Poland. The Warsaw City Council even issued a special loan so that as many people as possible could participate in its demolition. This majestic cathedral, built on donations from Russian people, was demolished for political reasons. Moreover, in the first two years after Poland gained independence (1918-1920), about four hundred Orthodox churches were destroyed, and mass destruction of Orthodox shrines began. Simultaneously with Warsaw, in 1924-1925, the majestic Orthodox Cathedral in the name of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on the Lithuanian Square in Lublin was destroyed. Such actions continued throughout the entire period of the existence of the Second Rzeczpospolita, reaching their peak in the summer months of 1938. Then in June and July in the Kholm region, at the request of the “Catholic public”, about 150 rural Orthodox churches were destroyed by the military and police forces. All this happened in areas inhabited exclusively by Orthodox Ukrainians, who lived here for many centuries.
And how can one not recall the prophetic words of F.M. Dostoevsky (1821–1881) about the Slavic peoples of Europe: “...according to my inner conviction, the most complete and irresistible, Russia will not have, and never has had, such haters, envious people, slanderers and even obvious enemies as all these Slavic tribes, as soon as Russia liberates them, and Europe agrees to recognize them as liberated! ... They will certainly begin with the fact that inside themselves, if not directly aloud, they will declare to themselves and convince themselves that they do not owe Russia the slightest gratitude, on the contrary, that they have barely escaped Russia's lust for power ... These zemlyants will always quarrel among themselves , forever jealous of each other and intrigue against each other. Of course, in the moment of some serious trouble, they will all certainly turn to Russia for help. No matter how they hate, gossip and slander Europe, flirting with her and assuring her of love, they will always instinctively feel (of course, in a moment of trouble, and not before) that Europe is a natural enemy to their unity, was they will always remain, and that if they exist in the world, then, of course, because there is a huge magnet - Russia, which, irresistibly attracting them all to itself, thereby restrains their integrity and unity.
But we digress. In Europe, in the middle of the 21st century, big problems will begin. Wars, conflicts, murders, persecutions, confrontations between neighbors, annexation of territories. At the same time, we must remember that Russia will not stand as a mighty spike, but according to Feofan Poltava "will be on the verge of complete collapse." And the weakness of Russia will, presumably, become a destabilizing factor for Europe. But Russia will cope and will be able to mobilize. Patriotic citizens and the army will restore order in our country.
Knowing the mentality of the Russian people, we can say with confidence that Russia will not be able to remain deaf to the pleas for help from our neighbors, especially fellow believers. However, I am not sure that Russia will respond to requests for help from those countries where monuments to our soldiers-liberators are being demolished today. Another thing is Greece and Serbia. Joseph Vatopedsky mentions that Russian and Serbian volunteers will defend Greece from Turkish aggression.
“Despite the resilience and great courage of the Greeks, the Turkish invasion will have devastating consequences. Many Greeks, many Russian and Serbian brothers in Christ, who volunteer to help the Greeks, will die.” True, in the Serbian text that I found, there is no such information. But maybe the author of the Russian translation found an expanded text. In any case, it can be assumed that Russian citizens will volunteer to help their brothers, as has always been the case.

And when the military takes power in Russia, and order is restored, then Russia may be drawn into a military conflict in the Balkans. Maybe military assistance will be provided to Greece, maybe to Serbia. I used to think that the war would start after the Tsar appeared in Russia. However, life situations are sometimes much more difficult than we might think. In addition, Schema-Archimandrite Jonah of Odessa (Ignatenko) says that Russia will be drawn into the war gradually. Therefore, it may well turn out that by the time the Tsar is elected, Russia will already be drawn into the war in the Balkans.

And now, when Russia, helping fellow believers, gets involved in a war in Europe, then, probably, China will also enter the war. Then, for sure, "porridge will begin", and "the atom will be turned on", as Archpriest Nikolai Rogozin said. Only I think that China will not act with all its reserves - it will not be an army of 200 million that will go out to exterminate a third of humanity before the very end of the world (the events described in the Revelation of John the Theologian at the opening of the seventh seal / at the sixth angel). This time, China will have, so to speak, a test of strength. And it may happen that China will easily capture Siberia, but later will be hit by those who will also expect to own Siberia, or simply will not be interested in strengthening China. I think that the US will not miss the opportunity to inflict damage on its geopolitical competitor. If they are able to do it, I think they will. Those countries from which we least expect help can come forward on our side. So we do not know anything about how India will behave with its 1.3 billion population.

Russia will stand

The many prophecies that we have still do not allow us to build a clear picture of the future. We do not know what will happen in Russia before the war, before the election of the Tsar. But we can assume that there will be some political turbulence. Maybe everything will be much worse, maybe Russia will be divided into parts even before the war as a result of the betrayal of the comprador part of the ruling class, and a military coup will be required to restore the dying state. Presumably between 2048 and 2053.
There is reason to expect food prices to rise, and even famine, which inevitably occurs during periods of collapse of statehood. In the Revelation of John the Theologian, when the third seal is opened, it says: "a quinix of wheat for a denarius, and three quinixes of barley for a denarius." Hinix is ​​a measure equal to approximately one liter. And a denarius is the daily wage of a hired worker. From here, we can conclude what the prices will be: daily earnings will have to be paid for a liter of wheat, or a loaf of bread.
But Russia will not perish.

Schema-Archimandrite Zosima (Sokur) 1944-2002
“And now, in our time, the pounding all begins with Kyiv - the mother of Russian cities, from the cradle. And from there this pounding will roll all over the Russian land, it will not bypass Russia, nothing, there will be demonic possession all around. But Russia will stand, and there will be great grace, not even the forces of hell, the Antichrist, will not overcome the Russian Orthodox Church.”

The Lord and the Mother of God will not leave Russia. The people will be able to throw off the treacherous elite, which will bring our country to complete collapse, according to Feofan Poltava. And later, God, through Seraphim of Sarov, will indicate the Tsar (presumably this will happen in August 2053), under whose leadership we will be able to survive hard times, the invasion of foreigners, hunger, devastation and all the horrors and difficulties that accompany the war.
World War III, I believe, is referred to in Revelation as the opening of the fourth seal (Revelation 6:7-8). And truly Apocalyptic trials are coming. Joseph of Vatopedi speaks of 600 million dead as a result of the war. One must think that these will not only be military losses, but also those who died from starvation and disease. There is only one consolation: despite all the efforts of our enemies, Russia will not disappear. Russia will stand. And above all because God will not allow it. Although all the forces of hell will take up arms against Russia. In these terrible years, only faith and God will save: a soldier in the war, an old man, a woman with children - in cities that are deserted and plunged into anarchy.

And I urge you, friends, to turn to God, cling to the Church, let God into your life and teach this to your children. It will save you from hard times. Cherish the time, for the days are evil. (Eph.5:15) As Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) wrote in 1934-1982 (USA): “Truly, it is now later than we think. The apocalypse is happening now. And how sad it is to see Christians, and even more young people, Orthodox youth, over whose heads an unthinkable tragedy hangs and who think that they can continue in these terrible times what is called "living a normal life", fully participating in the whims of an insane, self-deluding generation. . A generation completely unaware that the "fool's paradise" in which we live is about to collapse, completely unprepared for the desperate times that await us.

Why "yellow people will be baptized en masse"? Why will Orthodoxy shine on the whole world after the war? Because there will be many obvious miracles. Divine help will be seen by many. All the same Joseph of Vatopedi belongs to an interesting prophecy, which became known to us through the priest. Rafail (Berestova): “I met with Joseph Vatopedsky, a student of Joseph the Hesychast, he told me that a very terrible war was coming, and that NATO officers were losing military operations against Russia on computers. "But you tell," he says, "to the Russian authorities, so that they know that military operations are being prepared against them." I went and spoke about this to the authorities. He told me that there would be a brutal war, NATO would want America from all sides. They have already surrounded Russia from all sides. They tax Russia in order to destroy Orthodoxy. We are very worried about this. I said: "It is difficult for Russia, it will not stand against Europe, America - huge forces. We have no allies!" He said that Serbia and Greece would be an ally. I say: "These allies are not great, Russia will not cope." And he said that the heavenly host, the angels will knock down cruise missiles, there will be a victory for Orthodox weapons.

Monk Gabriel (Serbia) 1902-1999
“Such grace will be over Russia that when the Russian Tsar enters Serbian soil, it will tremble under his feet. With him such a Heavenly Army and retinue will be.
“By that time, Russia will become an empire, and then the big countries will only be afraid of the Russian Tsar. Such power and blessing will be with him that all the rulers of the world will tremble wherever he appears. Heavenly power will be with him. The Russian Tsar will protect the Orthodox throughout the world, including Serbia. Then the yellow people will accept Orthodoxy to the surprise of many.”
“Then, when the Russian Tsar enters the land of Serbia, so that our Tsar is crowned, the earth under him will tremble. The Heavenly Power will be with that royal retinue.
What's next?
Elder Hieromonk Seraphim (Vyritsky) 1866-1949 “To the question of his spiritual son about the future of Russia, the elder suggested that he look out the window overlooking the Gulf of Finland. He saw many ships sailing under different flags. - How to understand it? he asked the father. The elder replied: “There will come a time when there will be a spiritual flowering in Russia. Many churches and monasteries will open, even non-Christians will come to us to be baptized on such ships. But this is not for long - about fifteen years.
How long will this last dawn of Orthodoxy last throughout the world? The Greeks speak of 3-4 decades (Joseph Vatopedsky, Andrey Yurodivy), Seraphim Vyritsky speaks of 15 years. Be that as it may, it will last no more than one generation. Just one generation! And then everything that is described in the Revelation of John the Theologian will happen. There will be persecution of believers, there will be a decline in morals, a cooling of faith. However, according to the word of Christ, "the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church of Christ." Seraphim of Sarov told his spiritual children that until the end of the world churches will be preserved where the Liturgy will be served and prayers will be offered to our true Lord Jesus Christ.
One often comes across the opinion that troubles will not overcome Russia, and it will stand apart, while the whole world will plunge into evil and then fall under the power of the Antichrist. The whole world, except for Russia, which will remain with the Tsar until the last times. Alas, I cannot share such optimistic views. It would be nice, but I'm afraid it will be different. The fifth, sixth, and seventh seals must be broken. And there will be persecution of the Orthodox, as the saints say. Believers will be exiled, and then it is necessary to flee from the cities.

Rev. Lawrence of Chernigov (Proskura)
“In the last times, true Christians will be exiled, and let the old and weak at least grab the wheels and run after them.”
Schema-nun Nila (Kolesnikova)
“Where there is holiness, there the enemy climbs.<…>There will come a time when, as in the days after the October Revolution, Christians will be driven into prisons, reservations and drowned in the sea.
- When the persecution of believers begins, hurry to leave with the first stream of those leaving for exile, cling to the wheels of the trains, but do not stay. Those who leave first will be saved.”

Rev. Varsonofy optinsky (Plikhankov)
“Yes, mind you, the Colosseum is destroyed, but not destroyed. The Colosseum, you remember, is a theater where pagans admired the martyrdom of Christians, where the blood of Christian martyrs flowed like a river. Hell is also destroyed, but not destroyed, and the time will come when it will make itself felt. So the Colosseum, perhaps, will soon thunder again, it will be resumed. Remember this is my word. You will live to see these times."
How can these persecutions take place under an Orthodox Tsar? No way. These persecutions will be at the opening of the fifth seal.
“And when He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony they had. And they cried out with a loud voice, saying: How long, O Lord, Holy and True, do you not judge and avenge our blood on those who live on earth? And white robes were given to each of them, and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both their co-workers and their brethren, who would be killed like them, would complete the number” (Revelation 6:9-11)
It will only get worse from there. Up to the point that “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth” (Luke 18:8). How could this be if the ear of Russia stood on the earth, headed by an Orthodox Tsar?
“And when He opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth, and the moon became like blood. And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree, shaken by a strong wind, drops its unripe figs. And the sky disappeared, curled like a scroll; and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. And the kings of the earth, and the nobles, and the rich, and the captains of thousands, and the mighty, and every slave, and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the gorges of the mountains, and they say to the mountains and stones: Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of his wrath has come, and who can stand? » (Revelation 6:12–17)
“And when He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven, as it were, for half an hour. And I saw seven angels standing before God; and seven trumpets were given to them” (Revelation 8:1-2). Under the sixth angel, there will be an invasion of the two hundred million army of Gog from the land of Magog. After that, according to the word of the Myrrh-streaming Nile, when the Antichrist sits for 3.5 years in Jerusalem, the seas will dry up.
Rev. Nil Myrrh-streaming mind. 1651
“The following will be written on the seal: “I am yours” - “Yes, you are mine.” - "I go by will, not by force." - "And I accept you by your will, and not by force." These four sayings, or inscriptions, will be depicted in the middle of that accursed seal. Oh, unfortunate is he who is sealed with this seal! This accursed seal will bring great calamity upon the world. The world will then be so oppressed that people will begin to move from place to place. The natives, seeing the aliens, will say: oh, unfortunate people! How did you decide to leave your own, so fertile, place and come to this accursed place, to us, who have no human feeling left?! So they will say in every place where people will move from their place to another ... Then God, seeing the confusion of people, from which they suffer evil, moving from their places, will command the sea to perceive the ardor that was previously characteristic of it, which it used to have, so that they would not go for resettlement from place to place. And when the Antichrist sits on his accursed throne, then the sea will boil as water boils in a cauldron. When water boils for a long time in a boiler, does it evaporate with steam? So it will be with the sea. As it boils, it will evaporate and disappear like smoke from the face of the earth. Plants will dry up on the earth, oak trees and all cedars, everything will dry up from the heat of the sea, water veins will dry up; animals, birds and reptiles, all will die.” .
He who endures to the end will be saved. (Matthew 10:22)
And after all this, Christ will come!
Hey, come Lord Jesus!

P.S. The writer of this is not a seer. Everything written here is the result of analytics. Therefore, there may be errors. Humans tend to make mistakes. Only God does not make mistakes. And when you don't know what to do next, and how to act, trust God. The Lord will not leave. And remember: “The heart of the King is in the hand of the Lord” (Proverbs 21:1)!

Alexander Smirnov

1 "The Tale of the Capture of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453" P.219 http://byzantion.ru/romania_rosia/nestor2.htm
2 Elder Joseph of Vatopedi. "On the End of the Age and the Antichrist" Publishing House of the Moscow Compound of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, Moscow, 2007. - 80 p. ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;. ;. ;. ;;;;;;;;;;;, 1998. // Translated from New Greek by Yu.S. Terentiev
3 Proro;anstvo o Kosovu i Metohiji // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kW2H3S4LCE // video from 11/13/2008
4 5 Athanasius Zoitakis. July 25, 2008 http://www.pravoslavie.ru/1391.html
6 “The Prophecies of Schema-Nun Anthony” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJso33DhdT4 The witness of Antonia's words remembers that the war will be “two” but does not remember hours or days. I think, nevertheless, it was about two years - Smirnov A.
7 Recalls Maxim Volynets Fr. Lugansk diocese https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JN1w-yLxgo and also Samusenko Yury Grigoryevich https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RF8bnT9QsVc (from 5 min. 30 sec. to 8 min)
8 Smirnov A.A. “The future of Russia in prophecies” // The problem of falsification and interpretation. http://www.golden-ship.ru/_ld/23/2390_2023.htm#q5_4
9 10 From the book “Expected Significant Events” Konst. Chatal, 1972, 2nd edition, p. 41. ;;;;: ;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;. ;;;;;;;;, 1972, ;" ;;;;;;, ;. 41. http://fwnitwnpaterwn.blogspot.ru/2011/12/1053.html
11 Zoitakis Athanasius. Equal-to-the-Apostles Cosmas of Aetolia. Life and Prophecy. - M.: Ed. house Holy Mountain, 2007
12 Orthodox Easter and Catholic Easter (comparison of dates) http://www.tamby.info/2014/pasha.htm
13 Smirnov A.A. “The future of Russia is in the prophecies” // What awaits our country http://www.golden-ship.ru/_ld/23/2390_2023.htm#q2_6
14 Abel (Semenov). Schema-Archimandrite Christopher. - M.: 2007. P.305 15 A. Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago" // Volume 1 Part 1 Chapter 5 http://lib.ru/PROZA/SOLZHENICYN/gulag.txt
16 Elder Anthony on the future of Russia //https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKHPxQGhCfo&spfreload=10 - 27.00-29.00
17 Smirnov A.A. “The Future of Russia in Prophecies” // About the Coming Tsar http://www.golden-ship.ru/_ld/23/2390_2023.htm#q4_3
18 A prediction found in the ancient Greek books of the Lavra of Savva the Sanctified by the Russian monk Anthony Savait, based on the prophecies of the Holy Fathers from Greek texts
19 Elder Joseph of Athos of Vatopedi about the future of Russia and the world war https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1jqNfP2gNw
20 "MEET THE KINGDOM!" - Elder Gabriel Russian subtitles translation by Driњak M. and E. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIuxZCwdd6g
21 and also here: The prophet of the last times, the monk - elder Gavrilo (Life, poke and prorvshtva) kroz chronicle of the newly added manastar of St. Luke near Boschanim Priredil: Monk Makrina (Maјsgoroviћ) Beograd 2009. P.177 // http://ru.calameo .com/read/0003817767db0e5cbdcb2
22 Life, instructions, prophecies of St. Seraphim of Sarov wonderworker. Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Poltava diocese Savior Transfiguration Mgarsky monastery, 2001.]
23 Rev. Mikhail Elabuzhsky. To Father Seraphim // "A Guide for Rural Shepherds". 1913. No. 29-30. S. 279
24 Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery in the Nizhny Novgorod Province. Ardatovsky district; with a biography of its founders: St. Seraphim and schema-nun Alexandra, nee. A.S. Melgunova" / Comp.: Archim. Seraphim (Chichagov). S.215-216)
25 Agiorite Christodoulus "The Chosen Vessel" http://www.etextlib.ru/Book/Details/47929
26 “The search for the land of Gog and Magog” A. Smirnov http://www.koob.ru/smirnov_a/search_land
27 “Interpretation of the Apocalypse” by A. Smirnov // “New Testament Seventy Weeks” http://www.koob.ru/smirnov_a/tolkovanie_apokalipsisa
28 "Strategy for the development of the defense potential and modernization of the armed forces of the PRC until the middle of the XXI century" Jiang Zemin 2001. cit. according to Z.S. Batpenov "Political System of the People's Republic of China" Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Al-Farabi Almaty 2011
29 Salt of the earth. Film 4 series 2. Archimandrite Tavrion. -1:39:20
30 Schema-nun Nile (Kolesnikova). Biography Memories of Mother. Prophecies, instructions, prayers. 2nd ed. - M.: Palomnik, 2003. S. 194
31 Salt of the earth. Movie 1. - 1:20:50
32 Filimonov V.P. Saint Seraphim of Vyritsky and Russian Golgotha. - St. Petersburg: Sati, Derzhava, 2006. P.139
33 With the cross and the gospel. - Zadonsky Nativity-Bogoroditsky Monastery, 2009. P.266
34 With the cross and the gospel. - Zadonsky Nativity-Bogoroditsky Monastery, 2009. P.80
35 The Russian translation in a somewhat artistically embellished form was apparently made by V.A. Simonov. "Big Encyclopedia of the Apocalypse", EKSMO, 2011 // http://isi-2012w.blogspot.ru/2012/06/blog-post_499.html
36 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalmatia
37 I. K. Sursky "Father John of Kronstadt" Volume 2, Section 2 // 38 http://www.pravoslavie.ru/orthodoxchurches/39630.htm
39 F. M. Dostoevsky, PSS in 30 volumes, Publicism and letters. Volumes XVIII-XXX, Writer's Diary // November 1877, Volume 26, Chapter II, paragraph III, Nauka Publishing House Leningrad 1984 // https://azbyka.ru/fiction/dnevnik-pisatelya-1877-1880-1881
40 audio: // Word about Holy Russia: Sermons by Schema-Archimandrite Zosima (Sokura). Sermon on February 4, 2001 - M.: Sretensky Monastery Publishing House, 2007. S. 105.
41 Seraphim (Rose). How to be Orthodox today. - Kaluga: Spiritual shield, 2013. S.43-44
42 THE WORD OF OLD RAPHAIL BERESTOV About the coming Tsar and the war https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKXmUFxS-J0
43 Venerable Seraphim of Vyritsky. Akathist and life. Ed. Brotherhood of Saint Alexis. 2002.
44 “Interpretation of the Apocalypse” by A. Smirnov // Chapter 7 https://sites.google.com/site/interpretation of the Apokalipsisa/
45 Smirnov A.A. “The future of Russia is in the prophecies” // What awaits our country // Persecution of the Orthodox http://www.golden-ship.ru/_ld/23/2390_2023.htm#q2_5
46 Rev. Lawrence of Chernigov. Life Akathist Teachings. - Printing house of the Pochaev Lavra, 2001. P.117
47 Schema-nun Nila (Kolesnikova), Biography Remembrance of mother. Prophecies, instructions, prayers. 2nd ed. - M.: Palomnik, 2003. S. 191
48 Diary of a novice Nikolai Belyaev. // June 6, 1909. // M., 2004. S. 255. Quoted from: Optina Paterik. - Saratov: Publishing house of the Saratov diocese, 2006
49 Posthumous broadcasts of the Monk Nil the Myrrh-streaming Athos. - Nika: Zhytomyr, 2002. Reprint 1912. S.104-105

Image by G. Kurinov https://vk.com/gooze_art

Smirnov Alexander Alekseevich 16.10.2019 19:51 Alleged violation

Orthodoxy has undoubtedly been preserved and, perhaps, will be preserved (it is true, apparently, it is necessary to find out from the "prophets" - what did they dash off there about this? Or are their "prophecies" only discovered after what has already happened?) ... in Greece.
But in Greece, real Orthodoxy, and not perverted, not humiliated to the point of outright shameful groveling.
With regard to empires, of course. Empires (not only empires) fall apart, but countries, cities remain. Italy, for example, with its great Rome. And will ALWAYS! Where is Constantinople now? And who is there now Khaziin? BUT? Who followed the Byzantine faith? For Byzantine culture? And for what, FOR WHOM to go? Who did Byzantium give to the world? Dante? Petrarch? Boccaccio?...WHO? NOBODY! Therefore, from the civilized peoples ONLY Russian went. And he came ... to the most bloody, never and nowhere in the world unprecedented, Bolshevik cannibal coup. The Greeks have gone, say yes Greeks - they should not give up their past. But in Greece, as I already wrote, REAL Orthodoxy.

1501,1709,1917,2125,2333,2541,2749,2957, 3165,3373,3581 and 3789. Article in Prose/ru Vladimir Bocharov 2: "Deciphering quatrain 4-67. Civil wars since 1501."

World Wars: There were 2 World Wars in the 20th century and there will be 2 World Wars in the 21st century. TMV in 2070, WMV in 2097.

Article: "Third World War."

Large-scale military conflicts:

From 2020 to 2023. Article: "Killed, captured almost 1,000,000."

Sincerely. Vladimir Bocharov, Sochi, Adler.

Dear Alexey Chernechik!

You simply do not know history, literature, or art history.

There is no educational program here. Be satisfied with your ignorance and calm your temper. He exposes you as an aggressive fool, nothing more.

You don't even know the history of Italy, which you admire. What peoples created this state and what relation do the ancient Romans have to them and how they inherited the heritage of Ancient Rome.

What can we say about the history of Byzantium? Have you heard about such a world science - Byzantine studies? One of the greatest sciences, towering between philosophy, history and world science. in the USSR since the 1930s. before the collapse, such a yearbook "Byzantine Studies" was published. Look in the libraries, they are definitely there. Find out what is the contribution of Byzantium to the development of world civilization, and only after that speak with your illiterate nonsense.

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