Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

The difference between an air washer and an air purifier. Which is better: an air washer or a humidifier. Types of humidifiers for home

The wider the range of equipment, the more difficult it is to navigate this diversity. Of course, only humidifiers, ionizers, ozonizers and car washes fight for the cleanliness and humidity of the air. The most common question from buyers is: how is a washer different from a humidifier and what is better to buy for your home? We will look at the main characteristics of sinks and help you make the right choice.

Washers and humidifiers really have a lot in common: both types of gadgets are designed to raise the level of relative air humidity in the house.

The differences begin with the expansion of functionality - washing not only saturates the air with moisture, but also cleans it of mechanical contaminants: dust, small fibers of fabric, wool, pollen and even particles of smog and tobacco smoke. A humidifier by itself cannot clean the air; it only evaporates water, releasing cold or warm water vapor.

The mechanism of action is also fundamentally different. The sinks operate on the principle of hydrofiltration. The fan takes the air flow from the room and directs it to a rotating drum consisting of several disks. The drum constantly rotates and is irrigated with water, so the water itself becomes a filter - air hydrofiltration occurs. Contaminants stuck to the drum fall into the water and settle in a special tray, and the purified and humidified air flow is sent out.

There are two main types of air purifiers on the market today, differing in the shape of the drum.

  • Sinks with conical drum. In these devices, instead of a traditional round disk, a cone-shaped rod rotates in the center of a water reservoir. As the rod rotates, it draws water upward, creating a curtain of small droplets through which polluted air passes.
  • Round drum washers create a curtain of water thanks to rotating discs, which are always wetted with water due to a special relief or membrane-like membranes. A powerful fan is installed above the disk to enhance evaporation.

Models with a conventional round drum are much more widely available on sale - in terms of efficiency and principle of operation, they are no different from their conical counterparts, but they make much less noise and are easier to maintain.

Serviced area

One of the main reasons for negative reviews of air washers is incorrect calculation of the area. The fact is that when buying a sink, you should not focus on the area of ​​the entire apartment, but only on the area of ​​the room where the device will be installed. It is not possible for a sink to raise the humidity in the entire house, and the reason is not insufficient power, but in poor air circulation in the room and the presence of walls, so the humidified air remains within one room.

Tank volume and water consumption

Obviously, the more powerful the wash, the faster the air in the room will be saturated with moisture. The average water consumption rate must be indicated in the technical characteristics of the device: the minimum value is considered to be 200 ml of water per hour, the high value is 500 ml/hour.

To ensure that the tank volume is sufficient for a full operating cycle, you can focus on average values. At a flow rate of 300-500 ml/hour, the water tank should contain at least 5-7 liters of water.

Noise level

In general, washers are much louder than a regular humidifier. The noise level varies depending on the model, but even the quietest devices in the minimum power mode usually reach 20 dB. In normal mode, the noise from operation is comparable to the sounds produced by the computer system unit.

To prevent the humming of the appliance from irritating and interfering with the restful sleep of your household, it is better to immediately purchase a sink that supports a night mode that muffles the operation of the fan.


Manufacturers often emphasize that air washers are more economical than other air purifiers due to the lack of replacement parts.

However, many models in the middle and upper price segments are additionally equipped with silver-plated ionizing rods for water purification, fine output filters (HEPA), as well as bactericidal and sorbing filter cassettes. All of these are consumables that require regular replacement, so it makes sense to check the cost and availability of components before purchasing.

Additional functions

It is worth noting that, unlike the usual one (for which water is recommended in advance), washing is less demanding on the quality of water. But the operating noise level mentioned above and the high price raise the question of choosing the right device.

Hybrid air purifiers are quite popular. Most often, an air ionizer is integrated into the sink, but the feasibility of the purchase is still questionable. Firstly, both functions are rarely implemented equally well, and with strong ionization, humidification and cleaning are less effective. Secondly, the sinks themselves are quite expensive, and advanced functionality further inflates the price, so it is often more rational to buy two separate devices.

5th place: Boneco W1355A

Distinctive features of Boneco sinks are an increased evaporation surface and the simplest possible controls. Embossed drum discs allow you to retain more moisture and speed up the evaporation process, and built-in operating modes are responsible for ease of operation. You can safely turn on the sink at night; even the low-noise night mode has an adjustable intensity. Caring for the device is made easier by a transparent water tank with a convenient handle.


  • Serves an area of ​​up to 50 sq. meters;
  • volumetric tank 7 liters;
  • average power, water consumption 300 ml/h;
  • silver ionizing rod;
  • several operating modes (night and intensive);
  • water level indicator light;
  • quiet operation (up to 27 dB);
  • automatic shutdown when the tank is empty;
  • low electricity consumption (20 W).


  • the rod will have to be changed (designed for 2 seasons);
  • when water is drawn from the tank there is a loud gurgling sound;
  • cost from 13,150 rubles.

4th place: Winia AWI-40

The smart Korean washer Winia AWI-40 independently copes with dry air. The built-in hygrometer accurately determines the humidity level, the value is displayed, and the device automatically saturates the air with moisture and maintains the set level. A capacious tank and high water consumption can significantly speed up work and require virtually no intervention from the owner: the battery life exceeds 14 hours.


  • discs with antibacterial coating;
  • tank volume 7 liters;
  • there is an ionization mode;
  • built-in gyrostat;
  • double filtration system;
  • touch control and LCD display;
  • high water consumption (450 ml/hour);
  • there is an intensity regulator and night mode;
  • very low electricity consumption (up to 15 W).


  • noise level 46 dB;
  • plaque quickly accumulates on the pallet;
  • cost from 13,990 rubles.

3rd place: Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 2

Even those who are far from the world of technology and are not too actively interested in gadgets have heard about the phenomenal success of Xiaomi; now the company also produces climate control equipment. The Mi Air Purifier 2 washer received a signature laconic design, impeccable assembly, and, of course, a set of Smart functions - you can control the operation of the purifier using a mobile application. There, the device leaves information about the air quality in the house and informs you about the need to replace the filter.


  • cost from 7,700 rubles;
  • supports Wi-Fi and control from a smartphone;
  • 2 built-in modes (night and automatic);
  • the ability to create your own mode;
  • automatically monitors humidity levels and adjusts work in real time;
  • coverage area up to 47 sq. meters;
  • there are indicators for air quality, water level and filter replacement;
  • work on a timer is provided;
  • there is protection from children;
  • 2 filters (exit and pre-cleaning) retain up to 99.9% of microparticles.


  • an adapter is needed for the cable plug;
  • the output HEPA filter needs to be changed every six months;
  • All consumables must be ordered.

2nd place: IQAir HealthPro 250

A Swiss air purifier with universal functions for removing dust, gases, and smoke. Equipped with a motor block and filters: preliminary, carbon and main, against dust. The device is controlled electronically via the display.

The PreMax F8 pre-filter with a working surface of 2.8 m² is made of fiberglass. It protects the engine from dust and also cleans the air. The V5-Cell MultiGas gas and odor filter consists of granular activated carbon and impregnated activated alumina. The main filter is a high-quality and ultra-modern HyperHEPA, which traps dust from 3 nanometers, it becomes an additional shield against viruses in the room. The device informs the user about the status of the filters and the time remaining until they are replaced.

The IQAir HealthPro 250 purifier has a power of 150 W with a productivity of 50-440 m³ per hour. The fan is equipped with six speeds, so you can change the speed and noise level at night. 60 dB - maximum noise at the highest speed; at the first power level the noise level is 45 dB.

This model is designed to clean an area of ​​up to 85 m².

Most of the reviews about the device are positive.


  • high efficiency;
  • large air exchange;
  • large area of ​​influence;
  • several built-in filters;
  • positive results of tests of air purification from heavy particles;
  • elimination of unpleasant odors;
  • reducing the level of formaldehyde in the air;
  • relieves allergies;
  • there is a weekly timer;
  • 6 operating speeds;
  • not very noisy;
  • there is a filter status indicator;
  • economical (filters need to be changed every 1.5-2 years);
  • build quality;
  • manual in Russian;
  • can be installed on wheels;
  • convenient carrying handle.


  • high price;
  • expensive filters;
  • big;
  • heavy (16 kg);
  • the need to regularly replace filters;
  • inconvenient installation of the lower filter unit;
  • does not humidify the air;
  • angular design;
  • no display backlight;
  • no air quality sensors;
  • inconvenient remote control.

1st place: Daikin MC707VM

The rating is closed by the multifunctional air washer MC707VM. The multi-station device is equally effective at humidifying and cleaning the air in the house thanks to proprietary Flash Streamer technology and a biofiltration system. In a minute of operation, the air purifier manages to destroy bacteria with an electric discharge, collect electrified dust, remove dust mites and even small spores of fungus and mold. The list also includes another useful function - high-quality deodorization, which works by binding particles of unpleasant odor.


The issue of healthy nutrition for a child comes first for any mother. Perhaps that’s why they came up with such a seemingly strange device as: the ability to first steam food and then grind it into puree right there - what mother doesn’t dream of this?

If there is still controversy surrounding the benefits of ionization, then the issue regarding humidification and air purification is resolved unambiguously: it is useful, harmless and even necessary for people sensitive to allergens. A correctly chosen sink will perfectly cope with the tasks assigned to it, and, what is not unimportant, will not cause harm, because during the work no substances hazardous to health are released. There is also no need to worry about possible waterlogging that steam cleaners can cause.

The other side of the coin is the still not very loyal cost of modern air purifiers and their components, as well as the need for careful filter care.

  • Updated: August 2019

For a city dweller, breathing clean, fresh air is a rare pleasure. In winter it is dry due to heating appliances, in summer it is saturated with exhaust gases that penetrate through open windows, and at any time of the year millions of dust particles swirl in it, which are raised by static electricity created by household appliances. And along with dust, bacteria, germs, allergens and other troubles move around the room.

The easiest way to get rid of them is to thoroughly rinse the air in the room. For this purpose, they came up with special equipment - air washers and air purifiers. What are their differences and advantages? Let's try to figure it out.

What does a car wash remove from the air?

The answer to this question is absolutely everything. More precisely, everything that is suspended in the air - house dust, animal hair, fumes and soot from the kitchen, clothing lint, tobacco smoke.

The operating principle of the washer is quite simple. It consists of three main components: a tray with water (it must be filled periodically), a fan and special plate drums. The fan draws in contaminated air and directs it to water-wetted plate drums. Pollutant particles become heavier and settle in the pan, and fresh and clean air (again with the help of a fan) enters the room.

Advantages of air washing:

  • No forced evaporation of water - condensation will not form on walls, glass and other surfaces;
  • Easy care - just wash the container regularly and fill it with fresh water;
  • Low noise level - such a device can be left turned on at night, and nothing will disturb your sleep. Some devices have a special night mode (BONECO AOS 2055D).

Why do you need an air purifier?

Its functions are similar - to clean the air from suspended particles, germs, tobacco smoke, etc. The main difference is the operating principle. Instead of a tray with water, air purifiers are equipped with filters of various types:

  • HEPA filter - air passes through a filter fiber that traps dust and bacteria.
  • Electrostatic - dust particles are “attracted” to the electrodes and settle on them (ZENET Super Plus ION-AUTO);
  • Ultraviolet - disinfects, destroys most bacteria;
  • Ionizing - produces negative ions, thereby refreshing the air and making it pleasant to breathe (VITESSE VS-280).

Air purifier advantages:

  • Multifunctionality - one device will ensure air purity, freshness and deodorization;
  • Ease of maintenance - for example, in HEPA type air purifiers, it is enough to periodically vacuum the filter, and it is enough to rinse the electrostatic air purifier (removable plate) with water once a week.
  • Convenient control - modern devices are equipped with a display, an on-timer, and can be controlled using a remote control. Some models have odor and dust sensors and automatically turn on when their concentration increases.

You can decide which is best for you - an air washer or an air purifier - based on your needs. If your main enemies are dust, which appears again within half an hour after cleaning, and mustiness, choose a cleaner. If all your energy is focused on fighting small particles and odors that cause allergies, buy a sink.

Hi all!

Friends, this is the highest quality and most detailed material on this topic. Here you will find answers to 99% of questions and will have a good understanding of how humidifiers differ from each other and why one is better than the other. Happy reading. We tried our best for you.

In this text we will talk about what is better to choose – a humidifier or an air washer. The need to talk about this is dictated by the fact that people, at the time of preliminary familiarization with air humidifiers, are left with a bunch of questions in their heads, not quite understanding the difference between these devices. It seems like everything moisturizes, but which is better and which is worse is not clear. Therefore, we want to consider in detail all types of devices, we will tell you about their pros and cons, and maintenance features.

Terms we will use in this text:

Humidifiers – for us this will be a collective concept of all types of devices aimed at humidification: ultrasonic, steam, traditional, air washers.

Ultrasonic– humidifiers in which water evaporation occurs due to vibrations of an ultrasonic membrane; it moves up and down with enormous frequency, breaks the water into a huge number of small droplets, and a fan lifts it all from the bottom of the device and pushes it up. A distinctive feature is that the output produces a “cloud of fog”.

The photo shows a wellness humidifier from Electrolux - Yoga HealthLine in black. You can find out more details.

Steam, also known as sterile steam humidifiers, transfer water from one state of aggregation (liquid) to another (gaseous). The closest analogy is the operation of a teapot. They bring the water to a boil, all microbes and bacteria die in it, and at the exit we get sterile steam. Water is supplied to the heating element in doses, so that even if someone drops it, no one will get scalded, because less than 100 ml is heated, plus the water will have many “obstacles” along the way, in the form of structural elements of the device itself. The outlet temperature of the steam is 50-55 ºC, so you can’t get burned either.

The photo shows the Boneco S250 steam humidifier. You can find out more + there is a video review.

Traditional, are also known as cold mist humidifiers. The principle of operation is the evaporation of water from the moisturizing element naturally. Water has hit the humidifying element, a fan blows it, and if the air is able to absorb a certain amount of moisture, it will absorb it, if not, then the evaporation of water will be significantly reduced: due to this principle of operation, the device receives a kind of autonomy.

In the photo - a beautiful, but relatively useless Boneco 2441.

Air washers– devices that combine humidification and air purification. The action is based on the same natural principle of evaporation as that of traditionalists.

The photo shows one of the best air washers that exist - Boneco W200. You can find out more details + there is our author’s video review.

Relative Humidity Level - an indicator that we can influence using a humidifier (this is the level we will raise), and which can be measured with a hygrometer.

Hygrometer– a device for measuring relative humidity levels. The correct, comfortable humidity level is 40-60%.

Classification of humidifiers:

All devices are divided into two groups:

  • forced evaporation - ultrasonic and steam humidifiers.
  • natural evaporation - traditional and air washes.

Forced evaporation It is interesting that such devices can raise the air humidity in the room to at least 90%. If you have a lot of plants or for some reason require high humidity, then forced evaporation devices are just for you. Another advantage is the ability to quickly raise the humidity level. We can set such devices the desired evaporation intensity, which they will adhere to. For example, humidifiers with the natural principle of evaporation cannot raise humidity above 60% (conditionally) and approaching this mark their performance decreases, since they are based on the principle of self-regulation and they cannot over-humidify the air.

Natural evaporation – very convenient if you just need a comfortable level of humidity and no more (40-60%). Devices with this humidifying concept are autonomous: you only need to fill them with water and take care of them; they will regulate the air humidity in the room independently. All air washers work on this principle of humidification.

The correct, comfortable level of humidity lies in the range from 40 to 60%. In winter, when we have central heating, this figure drops to 20-25% - the mucous membranes of the nose dry out, we get sick more often, flowers wither, wooden products begin to dry out, parquet floors creak, musical instruments also change their structure, but humidifiers will protect you from all this air.

Ultrasonic humidifiers – pros and cons.

The main advantage of this class– affordable cost of devices, approximate price range – from 3.5 to 20 thousand rubles. At the same time, you can find very good models even in the lower price segment, which in terms of quality of humidification and overall characteristics will not be particularly inferior to expensive models.

Huge selection– only in this class there is such a huge number of devices; in no other classes of air humidifiers will you find such a high variability of the model range. So if you have a particularly discerning taste, you can be sure that you will find something good here for yourself.

Compactness– another advantage of this class. The devices themselves are small (unlike air washers), since the evaporation principle allows you to significantly reduce the space occupied by the device. A simple formula works here - the larger the tank, the larger the device.

The photo shows a model of the designer compact ultrasonic humidifier Ballu UHB-705 - productivity 300 grams/hour and 2-liter tank. You can find out more, there is also a video review.

The main disadvantage is the demands on the quality of the water being poured. If you put regular tap water into an ultrasonic humidifier, then with a very high degree of probability you will get a white coating. What is white plaque and where does it come from: in short, hard water contains a lot of calcium and magnesium. The humidifier, along with a “cloud of fog” at the outlet, throws out all these microelements; they mix with dust and turn into a white coating.

Important - white deposits, this is not a problem with ultrasonic humidifiers, this is a problem with the water poured into them. If you fill it with purified water (osmosis / filtered / purchased bottled / distilled) - there will be no white deposits at all! Ultrasonic humidifiers are not to blame for the fact that dirty water is poured into them!

How to deal with white plaque if you have an ultrasonic humidifier:

  • Fill with high-quality water - there will be no white deposits;
  • Use replaceable filter cartridges that demineralize water and remove all hardness from it - there will be no white deposits;
  • Perhaps your water is not hard anyway - there will be no white deposits.

If you use purified water, cartridge filters are not required. Filter cartridges are the main and only consumable when using ultrasonic humidifiers. The life cycle of its (filter) directly depends on the quality of the water. The cleaner the water, the longer the filter lives. Can last from 2 to 8 months. All filters have different safety margins. Above and below are two filters - from a simple Ballu UHB-205 humidifier (bottom) and from Boneco U201 (above). Just compare the sizes and understand for yourself how long a particular filter will last.

This is what happens to ultrasonic humidifiers, even if you use a filter cartridge or clean water, but do not care for them:

Steam humidifiers or sterile steam humidifiers - pros and cons.

Main advantage– sterile steam at the outlet. All those microbes and bacteria that were contained in the water at the time it was poured, when the water is brought to boiling point, they die, and the steam at the outlet is sterile.

Second advantage– greater distribution capacity of warm steam. The warm steam that comes out of the device shaft has a temperature of 50-55 ºC, and due to the relatively high temperature (it cannot get burned), it tends to places with temperature differences, covering the area of ​​the room more effectively than a humidifier with cold steam at the outlet. A steamer will humidify a space faster than any other humidifier.

Third advantage– the ability to use it as an indirect inhaler. If you have children and they often get sick, or you yourself often get sick, then this class of air humidifiers can be used as an inhaler, just don’t hover over it and breathe all that steam, but simply put it next to you and let it work. This way you will ensure the maximum flow of warm, moist air next to you, and for our bronchi there is nothing better than warm and moist air, so you will be able to recover much faster.

A small life hack: Some steamers have a compartment/space for aroma oils - you drop essential eucalyptus oil there and recovery will go much faster, especially quickly relieving nasal congestion.

Fourth – relative compactness. They take up slightly less space than ultrasonic humidifiers, but the same formula applies - the larger the tank, the more space they require. We recommend that you pay attention to the BonecoS250 steam humidifier model - this is an ideal device in terms of characteristics, size and cost, we also have a review of it on our YouTube channel.

The downside is that there is a small range of models. There are not very many of them, since the devices are specific and even the simplest models are more expensive than ultrasonic humidifiers.

The second disadvantage is again the demands on water quality. If you fill in tap water (with high hardness), there will be a white coating, but here it will not fly into the air, but will settle on the heating element. Everything is like in a kettle: if you fill it with ordinary water, there will be scale, which you will then need to get rid of.

Here are two solutions to the issue of white residue in steam humidifiers:

1. We improve the quality of the water being poured – distilled, purchased, filtered water. Pour the water you drink into the kettle - then there will be no scale and no white deposits either.

2. We use consumables - anti-lime discs. They will absorb all those minerals that form the white coating. The lifespan of the disk also directly depends on the quality of the water. The cheapest thing is to simply fill in good water without resorting to discs.

The photo shows an anti-lime disc for the Boneco S250 and S450 steam humidifier. Placed on the heating element.

Of course, you can completely ignore all this and simply systematically clean all the scale from the heating element using citric acid and warm water, but this will simply have to be done systematically. You decide.

Traditional humidifiers or just traditional or cold mist humidifiers - pros and cons.

The only plus– the principle of natural evaporation. Provides self-regulation of the device, so that they are quite autonomous. Now about the disadvantages:

1. very small choice - if steam is simply small, then here the choice is negligible. Why this is due – read below;

2. very poor humidification performance. Objectively, this class of humidifiers is nothing more than an alternative to old grandmother’s methods of humidification - a bucket of water near the radiator, which supposedly will provide some kind of humidity (but in reality nothing and only mold on the windowsill), hang socks and rags throughout the apartment on ropes. The benefits of this type of hydration are negligible. The benefits of traditional humidifiers are also negligible, here's why: natural evaporation occurs from the humidifying element; in order to raise the humidity well, greater productivity is needed, and within these devices a large humidifying element is needed. And the large humidifying element is an air wash, they already have models where everything is fine with performance, but more on that later.

This is what the moisturizing element of a traditional humidifier looks like (using Boneko 2441 as an example).

3. The short lifespan of the moisturizing element is the main consumable in these devices. It lasts literally for a couple of months, then needs to be replaced. It wears out, plus it becomes heavily calcified (yes, all the calcium from bad water settles on it) and becomes unusable. Paying money for it every 2 months (from 1 ruble or more) - in the long term of 1-2 years of use it turns out to be quite expensive.

In our opinion, there is nothing good about traditional humidifiers. Their logical continuation is air washers. They are already good and deserve attention, so now let’s talk about them.

A small lyrical digression– those who come across air humidifiers learn about the white residue in ultrasonic humidifiers, then somewhere out of the blue they hear about traditional ones and think that this is a panacea. No, not a panacea. Moisturize - do not moisturize. There isn't really a choice. There are consumables. And people think to save money on them, supposedly they won’t need anything, but because of stupid consultants in stores (who don’t understand them at all) and the same stupid texts about air humidifiers, the content of which is on the verge of science fiction, they buy some incomprehensible devices, which they then become disappointed with, or continue their endless search for a traditional humidifier, which they will never find. The only alternative option is air washing, which also has natural evaporation. Therefore, if you have questions, it’s better to call/write to us, we will help you figure it out properly.

Air washers, some even (unknowingly) call them traditional evaporators - pros and cons.

Main plus– unpretentiousness to water. The air washer really doesn’t care what kind of water you pour into it. It does not release any white residue into the air; it all settles on the elements of the device, which you can then safely wash.

Another main advantage and feature- the ability to purify the air. It not only moisturizes, it also purifies the air. If you have a household allergy (if the allergen is contained in dust), an air wash will help you cope with all this. You will be very surprised at how much dirt will float in the pan of the air washer after 10 hours of continuous operation (provided that the model is good. You can/or watch our video on how to choose an air washer).

Second plus– lack of consumables. These devices can be used all year round, they will never make things worse. They do not have any mandatory consumables.

Third plus– natural principle of hydration. It will not over-humidify the air, it is autonomous, you do not have to control it, just fill it with water and clean it in a timely manner, preventing it from calcifying (all the calcium from tap water settles on the drain pan and on the humidifying element)

Fourth plus– simple design and high reliability. The air washer is designed very simply; there are no prerequisites for it to break or for the failure to be atypical and fixing it would be impossible. These are very reliable devices.

Fifth plus– a white coating remains on the elements of the device, which are very easy to care for. The air washer can be washed in the shower or in the dishwasher; a moisturizing element (for example, a sponge from BonecoW200) can generally be thrown into the washing machine along with socks and it will be washed there.

But this is what happens if you run an air washer. If you pour very dirty water into it and don’t wash it for a month. And yet - it can be washed even from this condition! The white coating on the discs is calcium. The yellow tint comes from airborne dirt. It all sticks very strongly to the body of the air washer; it can be washed off, but it is very difficult.

The downside is the cost. Air washers are noticeably more expensive than any other humidifiers. This is due to the fact that they are, in principle, bought less often and their production is more expensive. The second reason is that good air washers have very complex humidifying elements, the production of which is also very expensive. For these two reasons, air washing cannot be cheap. If you are interested, we have the most detailed and complete guide on how to how to choose an air washer.

The photo shows discs of air washers from Boneco and Electrolux. The disk has a “pattern” that holds water on itself, preventing it from rolling down due to centrifugal force. This is an example of good discs.

Another disadvantage is the size. They are quite large because they contain a hidden moisturizing element from which evaporation occurs. For this reason, an air washer cannot be compact, since the larger the humidifying element (and the better quality) the greater its performance. You can read more about the humidifying elements of air washers here in this material.

In the photo - the most popular air washer in Russia from Boneco - model W1355. You can get acquainted with it in detail + a video review will appear soon.

So, what to choose, what is better?

All devices (except traditional humidifiers) are good in their own way. If you need maximum autonomy and ease of use – air washers. If price matters, but you are ready to buy consumables/filters, take an ultrasonic humidifier. If your hunting is exotic and you want everything to be sterile, like in a pharmacy, stop at steam ones, they will be especially good if you get sick often.

In the long term of long-term use (one or two years), air washing will cost the least (provided that you do not have free access to clean water). If you think that you have a filtration system at home, then we hasten to give you an idea - it also has its own resource and regularly refill the humidifier with this water (let's say 10 liters per day for 9 months) - you will only waste 2.7 tons of water to the humidifier. How much water is your system designed to handle? Maybe it would be cheaper strategically to buy an air washer?

The team at our online store considers air washing to be the undisputed favorite, although, let’s face it, all types of appliances (except traditional ones) have found a place within the walls of our office.

We won’t say that some are definitely better and some are worse, since all devices are suitable for different situations. The same ultrasonic humidifier can be placed directly in the flowers (if you have a lot of them) and they will pull all this moisture onto themselves with all their green leaves, and the principle of spraying water in the form of a “cloud of fog” is suitable for plants (the main thing is not to burn them in the sun ).

I hope we have answered your question. If anything is unclear, write to us on the website in the chat, write comments on YouTube - we always look at them all and answer, if you want to get an oral consultation, call us, we’ll tell you.

Always with you, online store “Seller of Air”.

Each of us noticed how easy and free it was to breathe away from factories and roadways. Manufacturers of household appliances claim that you can breathe fresh air without leaving your apartment. It is enough to install an air washer or air purifier in your room and your breathing will be as easy as far from cities.

It is difficult for the average person to choose between two different things and often he makes the choice unconsciously. To avoid this, let’s find out what is better – an air washer or an air purifier.


If you look at it, these devices have one purpose. Rid the atmosphere of the room from various unnecessary impurities.

It could be:

  • dust;
  • kitchen smells and burning;
  • cigarette smoke;
  • pet hair;
  • lint from clothing and everything in the environment.

Operating principle

Devices do one thing, but each in a different way. All purifiers use filters in their work. They have different purposes. Each one cleans the air of a specific type of impurity.

The sink uses a tray with water and a drum with plates. The dirty medium is drawn in by the fan. A dispersed suspension of water is created inside. It flushes the air flow. All dirt settles on the drum and then falls into the pan. Clean air now flows out.


Air purifiers can be equipped with different types of filters:

  • HEPA filter. It contains a special fiber that traps bacteria and dust.
  • Electrostatic cleaner. All dust is attracted by the electrodes.
  • Ionizer. It produces negative ions.
  • Ultraviolet. Disinfects and deactivates bacteria.
  • Ozonizer. The ozone produced cleanses and gives a fresh smell.

Washing cleans the air and humidifies it. This is especially important during the heating season, when the air in our homes is dried out by radiators. Sinks with a pre-ionization function are in demand.

Advantages and disadvantages

Both devices cope with their functions. And no matter how different cleaning methods they use, the result of their work is the same - an improved climate in the house. We must remember that there are no perfect things and you can find flaws in everyone.

Air washing

Positive points:

  • No condensation forms as there is no evaporation.
  • Easy to serve. I rinsed the pan and filled it with fresh water.
  • Works in automatic mode.
  • There is no need to regularly change expensive filters.
  • Low noise level. There are models with night mode.
  • They will help many allergy sufferers, as they fight small particles.
  • They are used not only in offices and apartments, but also in greenhouses.


  • The water in the pan is changed at least three days. You need to refill it regularly.
  • The humidity in the room will be above normal (55-60%)


Let's list the advantages, and there are plenty of them too:

  • Filters come in different types, but there are models that handle all odors and functions. The climate complex can cleanse, moisturize and distribute a pleasant aroma.
  • Many filters are easy to maintain. For example, it is enough to wash the electrodes once a week under running water. And the HEPA filter is easy to vacuum.

Many modern models have a control module. They have on timers, displays and remote controls. There are models with odor and dust sensors. As soon as the norm is exceeded, the device automatically turns on.

  • Expensive filter. It needs to be changed every few months.
  • When the ionizer operates, many dust particles settle on the walls of the room.
  • Ozone in the room may exceed permissible standards.
  • Ultraviolet radiation is harmful to vision.

Everyone will have to decide on their own whether to use an air washer or an air purifier. The choice must be made according to your needs. For allergy sufferers, it is better to look at the sink. Those who want to fight mustiness will choose a purifier. The difference is in priorities and reviews.

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