Encyclopedia of fire safety

Many German words can be found similar. Ukrainian words similar to German. English and German alphabet

In any language there are consonant words that can differ only in one letter or sound! A kind of twins ... But not the same - as in: there are real twins, but with a different meaning.

Today we’ll talk about slightly different words: they can have only one different letter, or a different order of letters in a word, which means a completely different meaning.

For a native speaker, this is not a problem at all, but if the language is foreign to you, then a mistake can easily be made by distorting the meaning !!!

In Russian, such words are also found. For example: betray and give. We understand everything! And foreigners can make mistakes. And okay, if only in writing, but often in fact and in understanding.

What are the most confusing words? Here they are:

Words in German that can be confused

"Klingen" And "klingeln"– in the second verb there is a letter “l”, which changes everything radically!!! These words are similar in meaning, but still not identical:

Verschwinden And "verschwenden"- differ in only one letter, and the meaning will be completely different! "Verschwinden" - disappear, disappear. But “verschwenden” = wasting, wasting (time, money, nerves, etc.). Although it is possible to draw a parallel between these two words, they are not identical.

Schwitzen And "schwatzen" The second of the verbs is not so popular, it is used in colloquial speech, most often in dialects. But still: “Schwitzen” = to sweat, and “schwätzen” = to chat! This is how you have to talk to manage to sweat!!!

“Meer” And "mehr" there are as many as two differences in spelling, but to a foreign ear, these two words sound very similar. But the meanings are completely different: “Meer” - the sea and “mehr” - more, more

Words “bieten” And bitten often asking for mistakes, although they are almost opposite in meaning: the first is to offer, and the second is to ask.

And often, beginners, and already advanced students, forget exactly how the letters are located in a particular word. And then nasty mistakes can happen.

fruit bar And furchtbar- the alternation of consonants, which creates consonance and leads to confusion! “Fruchtbar” = fertile, “furchtbar” = terrible! Don't confuse!!! Otherwise, you will talk about your homeland with fertile lands, but say that they are not fertile, but simply terrible.

Burste And “Bruste” Brush or chest? Breast or brush? What beautiful brushes the girl has! And what kind of chest to buy for the toilet? Ugh you. Got it all wrong again.

Sometimes you can trip over an umlaut. It seems like two identical words: but one of them contains not an ordinary letter, but with dots above the head, that is, with an umlaut. And this is where the real mess can happen. There are two words that differ by one letter: Schwul And "schwul".”Schwül” means “stuffy, sultry”. But “schwul” (der Schwule) is not about the weather at all! This word is informal, meaning "homosexual" (homosexual). So be careful with umlauts 😛

Schon - already and schön - beautiful

große - large and Größe - size

Read the words carefully so as not to get into a mess.

There is an opinion that learning German is more difficult than other European languages. And if you refer to research, then at the intermediate level of proficiency (Intermediate) German is 2.5 times harder than English, and at the Advanced level by 1.5 times. In our article, we will reflect on how true this is. We will compare two languages: English and German, drawing parallels between grammar and vocabulary.

Languages ​​are not strangers to one another.

Languages ​​are not alien to each other.

~ Walter Benjamin

Thus, we will either refute this stereotype, or even more confirm it. The conclusion will be made by you, our dear reader. While you are thinking about which language will be easier or more difficult for you to learn, let's look at how German and English are similar and how they differ.

English and German alphabet.

Both languages ​​are based on Latin. There are 27 letters in German, including ß (escet) + umlauts Ää, Öö and Üü. In English - 26. However, the phonetics of German is much simpler than English, and even somewhat resembles Russian pronunciation.

If you want to learn how to quickly master reading in English, you should read the article

English and German alphabet

Noun and articles

Noun in German

All German nouns are capitalized. (der Vater(father), der Lehrer(teacher), der Kaufman(salesman), die Lampe(lamp), die Backerei(bakery)), in English - only proper names ( Peter, Chris, Sarah).

In addition, there are 3 genders in German (male, female and neuter). It is imperative to learn which gender a particular noun belongs to in order to know which article to use. In English there are also 3 of them, but they do not have the same effect on nouns as in German.

English and German articles

This is not always an easy topic for us Russian speakers, since there is no such phenomenon in our grammar. If there are 3 articles in English - a, an(undefined) and the(defined), and you have to remember specific rules, then in German there are 5 of them: 3 definite ( der/die/das) and 2 indefinite ( ein/eine).

You will also need to learn the rules and remember how they are conjugated by case. Despite the fact that Russian also has declensions, declension of German articles can cause some difficulty.

Declension of the definite article in English and German.

Cases in English and German

As it became clear from the previous paragraph There are four cases in German: Nominative(Nominative), Genitive(Genitive), Dative(Dative), Accusative(Accusative). For comparison: in Russian there are six of them (4 are the same as in German + instrumental and prepositional).

English lost them during the formation of Middle English (late 11th - late 15th centuries). Thanks for this! The function of cases in English is taken over by prepositions.

Case of the Russian language Correspondence in English Examples Translation
Genitive conveyed using the preposition of: The beginning of the autumn was warm The beginning (of what?) of autumn was warm.
Dative corresponds to the preposition to I am going to Chris. I go to (who?) Chris
Instrumental case corresponds to the preposition with when referring to the tool or object with which the action is performed: My sister can write with both her hands. My sister can write (with what?) with both hands.
Instrumental case if the person or force is meant, then the preposition by is used: This machine can only be operated by a professional. This device can only be operated by (who?) a professional.

Verbs and tenses in English and German

Order of words in a sentence

English has a strict word order: Subject-Verb-Object(subject-predicate-object), which you can learn about from the article. In German, this is not necessary because there are cases. Decide for yourself which is easier: to constantly use a strict word order or to remember how words are declined by case.

The German listener knows that it was the hay that was thrown over the fence, and not the horse, because the case was used. The problem is that very often the word order in a Russian sentence cannot be directly traced when translating into English.

English and German verbs

In fact Verbs in English and German have a lot in common. In English there are right and wrong, in German there are strong and weak. They also conjugate by subject and tense. As for the verb to be, then it will decline differently in both English and German, see the table below for comparison.

Conjugation of the verb "to be" in English and German.

English and German tenses

Tenses in German are mainly expressed using six tense forms: the present ( Prasens), past ( Präteritum, Perfect and Plusquamperfekt) and future ( Futurum I, II. Präsens and Präteritum). As you know, in Russian there are three tenses - past, present and future.

As a result, 16 temporary forms can be obtained in English.

Table of tenses in English.

Table of tenses in German.

Words in German and English

Since English and German have common roots, they have many similar words. But don't be too embarrassed. There are also a lot of “terrible” words in the German language, which, not only can be remembered, can hardly be read.

However, having learned certain reading rules (if you remember that they are much simpler and more logical than in English), you can easily learn how to read them and remember them over time. See below for a comparison of similar words and diametrically opposed ones.

Comparison of words in Russian, English and German.

If you are going to learn English, you may come across such a concept as homophones. Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. There are a lot of them in English! For example, coarse course; cue-queue; cymbal-symbol; site-cite-site; plane-plain; tacked-tact; reed-read and many, many more.

So how different are these two languages?

We have looked at this issue from different angles. As you can see, there are both similar features and diametrically opposed ones. How difficult are they to study? The answer to this question depends on various factors, such as the action plan, grammar and vocabulary, as well as your motivation and interest.

It all depends on one thing: only you have the right to decide and understand what is difficult for you and what is simple. With the right motivation and learning plan, you can learn any language in a hurry.

Thus, fearlessly starting to conquer the German or English languages ​​(or maybe both at once), be guided by these conclusions:

  1. German and English are not the most terrible and not the most difficult languages ​​(for any foreigner, Russian is much more terrible).
  2. Starting to learn any language, you need to be prepared for certain difficulties. These difficulties will be associated with grammar, and with pronunciation, and with spelling, and with the semantic structure of the language, and with the customs of native speakers of this language.
  3. If you really want to learn a language, you need to strive to understand the customs and habits of native speakers of that language.

In contact with

Phonetics 21 Task 2. Establish what phonetic changes and in what historical sequence occurred in the less archaic of these languages. Note. A dash above a vowel indicates longitude; c - Russian ts, ⌢ dz - voiced ts (i.e., pronounced dz together). Problem 20. Below are some numerals from the Polynesian series: Languages ​​Meanings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Hawaiian kahi lua ha lima ono hiku walu Maori tahi rua toru wha ono whitu waru iwa nukuhiwa tahi to\u ha ono va\u rarotonga ta\i \a rima ono \itu varu iva Na\uru samoa tasi lua lima ono fitu iva Nafulu Task. Determine what should be in empty (unshaded) cells. Note. The signs wh and \ denote special consonants. Problem 21. Below are words in several closely related languages. These words are combined into pairs or triplets of words that have a common origin and the same or similar meaning. ¯k, dagr, b¯k, leib, f¯tr, wa ÞÞar, buoh, dæZ, pl¯gr, h¯m, wæter, hleifr, a o o o a pfluog, eih, heimr, fuoÞ, pl¯Z. o Task 1. Divide the given words into groups so that in one group there are words of one language, and in the other - of another, etc. How many languages ​​are represented in the task? Indicate which words of different languages ​​correspond to each other. Task 2 (additional, optional). If you guessed what any of the words means, you can indicate it. You can also give your guesses about what languages ​​they are. Problem 22. Below are a few words in the Alyutor language that are stressed: 22 Problem conditions t´tul a - ‘fox’ [email protected]´lqin @ - ‘hot’ nur´qin a - ‘distant’ G´ [email protected]@ - ‘skin’ n´ [email protected] e - ‘quick’ [email protected]´qqin@ - ‘cold’ tapl´ [email protected]@n a - ‘he sews shoes’ k´ [email protected]@k @ - ‘curl up’ ı [email protected] P´ - ‘to be’ paq´tkuk @ - ‘to gallop’ n´ ı [email protected]- ‘white (they are two)’ p´nta u - ‘liver’ qet´ [email protected] u - ‘relative’ p´ ıwtak - ‘to pour in’ [email protected]´ ıtqin - ‘skillful’ t´ [email protected] u - ‘friend’ t´tka @ - ‘walrus’ k´ttil @ - ‘forehead’ qalp´qal u - ‘rainbow’ [email protected]´ırik - ‘to hold (a child) in your arms’ [email protected]´ ı [email protected]@n - ‘I work’ p´ ı [email protected]@[email protected]- ‘throw (at each other)’ Task. Emphasize the following words: sawat ‘lasso’, pantawwi ‘fur boots’, [email protected]@qin ‘hard’, [email protected]'late fall', [email protected]@m ‘broth’, [email protected]'spicy', [email protected]'a spear', [email protected]‘eagle’, wiruwir ‘red fish’, [email protected]'to help', [email protected]‘good’, jaqjaq ‘seagull’, [email protected]'come', [email protected]@n ‘I will work’, [email protected]@n ‘he lunges (at someone)’, [email protected] @Nki ‘in the evening’. Note. @ is an indefinite vowel, roughly reminiscent of the Russian vowel "ы", which is pronounced more concisely than other vowels of the Alyutor language. Problem 23. (For those who are familiar with English and not familiar with French.) There are many words in English that are similar in meaning and spelling to French words. A pair of similar words may have arisen from the fact that the English borrowed words from French, or from the fact that both words were independently borrowed from Latin. Phonetics 23 Here, several pairs of such historically related French and English words are written out, the approximate pronunciation of French words is indicated in square brackets, and the nasal character of the vowel is indicated by the sign ∼. ´cumer e [ekyum´] 'remove foam' to scum e baume [bom] 'balm' a balm ´pine e [ep´n] and 'thorn' a spine mˆta [ma] 'mast' a mast champion [sh˜ p˜ a o ´] 'champion' a champion tempˆte e [t˜p´t] a e 'storm' a tempest faucon [fok´] o ˜ 'falcon' a falcon placer [plas´] e 'place' to place ´table e [et´bl] 'shed, stall' and a stable vˆtir e [vet´r] and 'dress' a vestment incident [˜sià] e ´ ˜ 'incident' an incident court [chicken] 'yard' a court page [page] 'page' a page port [por] 'port' a port caresser [cares´] 'caress' e to caress quantit´ e [k˜t´] 'quantity' and e quantity qualit´e [kalit ´] 'quality' e quality gage [gage] 'pledge' a gage Task 1. Determine how the following French words are pronounced: 1) changer, 2) ´trange, 3) forˆt, 4) adresser, 5) trembler, 6) paume, e e 7) charmer, 8) cit´, 9) fausse, 10) arrˆter. e e Describe (briefly) any French reading rules you have noticed. Task 2. What can the French words given in task 1 mean? Problem 24. (For those who are familiar with English and not familiar with French.) In Russian, there are relatively few words borrowed directly from English; At the same time, many English words are historically related to Russian ones, since they contain the same French or Latin root - see the diagram: (French root) Ф c y c G Р (Russian word) cc cc cc cc 1 (Latin root) L G A (English word) 24 Problem conditions (It should be taken into account that the same root could penetrate both languages ​​as part of words with different suffixes.) Task. Using the English-French correspondences from problem 23, determine with which Russian words the following English words turned out to be connected in this way (i.e. e. find the word P for each word A, see the diagram above): 1) a face 'face' 2) a chance 'opportunity' 3) passage 'passage' 4) courage 'courage' 5) a couch 'bed' 6) to attach 7) an orange 8) an image 9) a tour 10) rage 11) reverence 12) a torch 13) variety 'variety' Problem 25. (For those who are not familiar with either English or French.) French words are given with an approximate record of their pronunciation (see the left column of the table in the condition of Problem 23 on p. 23). Exercise. Complete task 1 of problem 23. Problem 26. (The problem can be solved regardless of what language is studied at school. For schoolchildren who are not familiar with the French language, the solution of the problem will be facilitated if problems No. 23 and 24 are solved first.) Most French words come from Latin. Here are several pairs of such historically related words with an indication of their approximate pronunciation (Latin words are placed on the left; the sign ∼ marks the nasal character of the vowel, h - aspirated sound). rastellum [rastellum] 'hoe' rˆteau a [rat´] o (rake) calvus [calvus] 'bald' chauve [seam] spongia [spongia] 'sponge' ´ponge e ´ [ep˜ f] o Phonetics 25 alnus [alnus ] 'alder' aune [he] tempestas [tempestas] 'storm' tempˆte e [t˜n´t] eh honestus 'honest' honnete [he´t] eh carmen [karmen] 'song' charme [charm] (charm ) vestire [vestire] 'dress' vˆtir e [vet´r] and camelus [camelus] 'camel' chameau [sham´] o gemere [gemere] 'moan' g´mir e [zhem´r] and tu [tu] 'you' tu [tu] qui [qui] 'who' qui [ki] nullus [nullus] 'no' nul [null] tentus [tentus] 'stretched' tente [t˜t] a (tent) mantellum [mantellum] 'veil' manteau [m˜t´] (cloak, coat) a o spina [back] 'thorn' ´pine e [ep´n] and status [status] 'position' ´tat e [et´] a cattus [ cattus] 'cat' chat [sha] centrum [centrum] 'center' center [s˜tr] and carus [karus] 'dear' o cher [sher] The same Latin word (or the root of the word) could, on the one hand, to be reflected in the modern French language (i.e. e. develop into a French word or be borrowed), and on the other hand, penetrate into the Russian language. It should be taken into account that in this case: a) the Latin root could get into both languages ​​as part of words with different suffixes; b) the value of the root could change. The result was the following ratio: vv F (French word) Y vvv rv L vrr rr (Latin word) rr 5 R (Russian word) Task 1. Establish with which Russian words the following French words turned out to be historically connected in this way (i.e. find the word R for each word F - see the diagram above): 1) charbon (coal), 2) sauter (jump), 3) bˆte (animal), e 4) arrˆter (to stop), e 5) aube (dawn; the corresponding Latin root meant 'white'), 6) quart (a quarter), 7) chˆteau (z´mok), a a 26 Conditions of tasks 8 ) bˆtiment (strengthening), a 9) rˆti (fried), o 10) ´carlate (pink), e 11) paume (palm), 12) quantit´ (quantity). e Task 2. Do the same task for the following French words: 1) fˆte (holiday), e 2) fausse (false), 3) chandelle (candle), 4) arche (arch), 5) autre (other), 6 ) quitte (free from debt), 7) pˆrte (shepherd), a 8) champ (field), 9) qualit´ (quality), e 10) vent (wind), 11) temps (time), 12) accent ( stress), 13) plˆtre (gypsum), a 14) herbe (grass). Problem 27. Among Russian words borrowed from Western European languages, one can find five words that entered the Russian language in different ways, but contain the same original root. We will distinguish between two such paths: 1) through the French language with those phonetic transformations that took place in this language (see Problem 25); 2) borrowing through other languages ​​while maintaining the phonetic appearance of the original root (see diagram): I. Borrowing G Russian word I through French Original root II. Borrowing G Russian word II through other languages ​​Task 1. Divide the words written below into two columns - I and II - in accordance with the path of the original root in Russian Phonetics 27 language. In the resulting table, for each Russian word from column I, select the corresponding Russian word for column II, and vice versa. (In some words, the part that corresponds to the original root is in bold type.) Rang, regent (temporary ruler), questionnaire, dental (consonant, having teeth), mash (lit. 'cleaned'), azhan ( name of a policeman), rent (income from capital or property), bonnet (women's headdress), cargo (ship cargo), charaban (lit. 'cart with seats'), genre, pagination (pagination), boarding house (full content allowance), cafe-chantan (restaurant with a stage), "Humanite" (name of a French newspaper), caricature (caricature; lit. 'gravity'), metronpage (senior compositor, lit. 'inserting into a (newspaper) strip'), quaestor (policeman or official in ancient Rome, Italy and other countries, lit. 'investigator'). Task 2. Do the same task for the words: highway (lit. 'covered with rubble'), entertainer (text pronounced by the host between the numbers of a variety concert), frigator (cooling system), pince-nez (lit. 'pinching your nose'), panel, argentine (shiny lining), Argentina, Costa Rica (lit. 'rich coast'; the original meaning of the first word is 'side'), serpentine (narrow multicolored paper ribbons scattered during the holiday), centime (a coin equal to a hundredth of a franc), agiotage (= agitation: 'strong excitement'), cadenza (a kind of completion of a musical phrase), refrigerator (refrigerator car), calcium, entrecote (lit. 'between the ribs') , nouveau riche (recently rich person), serpentine (mountain road with sharp turns). Note. For some original roots, both Russian words are included in the list. Problem 28. Words are given: dental (a consonant with teeth formed), puree (lit. 'cleaned'), azhan (the name of a police officer), rentier (a person living on interest from capital loaned out), kapor ( headdress), etude, scale, serpentine (mountain road with sharp turns), shar- (the first part in the word sharaban - a carriage with seats for passengers), genre, boarding house (content on full allowance), -chantan (second part in the word cafeshantan - a restaurant with a stage), panel, argentine (shiny lining), pat (fruit fudge). 28 Conditions of problems It is known that they are divided into two groups: A. Words borrowed from French. Most French words are the result of the historical development of Latin words. To demonstrate the sound changes that occurred, here are some pairs of Latin and French words with an indication of their approximate pronunciation (the sign ˜ marks the nasal nature of the vowel): Latin words French words translation castellum (castellum) chˆteau (shat´) a o ' alter (alter) autre (neg) 'another' campus (campus) champ (sh˜) a 'field' tempus (tempus) temps (t˜) a 'time' gemere (gemere) g´mir (zhem´r) e and 'moan' ventus (ventus) vent (v˜) a 'wind' status (status) ´tat (at´) e a 'position' nullus (nullus) nul (null) 'no' spongia (spongia) e ´ ´ ponge (ep˜g) o 'sponge' B. Words borrowed from Latin - directly or through the German language. It should be noted that when borrowing from Latin into German, the combinations sk, cn, st turned into shk, shp, pcs. Task 1. Divide the given words into groups A and B. Task 2. For each word, find in Russian a word of the opposite group that goes back to the same Latin word. Problem 29. (For those who are familiar with the German language, but not familiar with English.) For many German words, one can find English words that are similar (or even identical) in meaning and spelling. Such pairs could arise because the word was borrowed from one language to another, or both words came from some third language. Below are several pairs of such historically related words: so 'so' so das Bad 'bath' the bath dick 'thick' thick der Finger 'finger' the finger bringen 'to bring' to bring reif 'ripe' ripe sharp 'sharp der Busch' the bush das Bier 'beer' the beer fein 'thin, graceful' fine beißen 'bite' to bite das Tier 'animal' the deer 'deer' trinken 'drink' to drink weit 'distant, wide' wide Task 1. Determine what the following English words can mean: 1) to thank 5) to sing 2) thine 6) to shine 3) to wash 7) deep 4) to ride Task 2. Translate from German language into English the following words: 1) fallen 'fall' 5) der Garten 'garden' 2) das Ding 'thing' 6) der Wein 'wine' 3) greifen 'grab' 7) gleiten 'slide' 4) feilen 'to saw' 8) das Wasser 'water' Problem 30. (For those familiar with the German language.) Below are written in three columns the corresponding words of three related languages: on the left - German words, in the center - Swedish and on the right - Danish. Some words are missing. 1. Ding (thing) ting ting 2. Mauer (wall) mur mur 3. Leuchte (lantern) ... lygte 4. bieten (offer) ... byde 5. Dach (roof) ... tag 6. mengen ( mix) ... mænge 7. Fuß (foot) ... fod 8. Stein (stone) sten ... 9. siech (sick) sjuk ... 10. Schule (school) skola ... 11. leiten ( lead) leda ... 12. teuer (expensive) dyr ... 30 Problem conditions 13. ... djur dyr 14. ... fyr fyr 15. ... skjuta skyde 16. ... makt magt 17. deuten (interpret) ... ... 18. Geiß (goat) ... ... 19. ... ny ... 20. ... bruka ... 21. ... ... del Task 1 Try to guess what the following Swedish phrases mean: 1. God dag! 2. Vi l¨ser en bok. a 3. Vi heter Anna, Marta, Henrik. 4. Anna Villa¨ta. a Task 2. Fill in the gaps in the columns with the correct words. Problem 31. The Portuguese language comes from Latin; thus, the bulk of his words (the so-called native Portuguese words) are the result of a gradual historical change in the corresponding Latin words. In addition, the Portuguese language borrowed words from different languages ​​at different periods of its history. In this problem, modern Portuguese words are written in the left column, and the words to which they go back (Latin and other languages) are written in the right column. It is given that all the words in the left column are divided by origin into three classes: native Portuguese, early borrowings and late borrowings. chegar - plicare praino - plaine pl´tano - platanum a ch˜o a - planum plebe - plebem cheio - plenum prancha - planche For each Portuguese word, indicate which of the three classes it belongs to. Note. In Portuguese, the combination ch is read as sh.

Or ) and found that there are many words in the language pair that at first glance seem similar.

Based on this, many hastily come to the conclusion that these words are identical not only in spelling or pronunciation, but also in meaning, and therefore fall into the “linguistic hook”: remember, if the words sound the same or similar, you should not think that they the translation is the same.

  • Lok/lock

lok translated from German means "locomotive, locomotive".

Now let's look at the consonant word lock in English. As a noun, it means "lock", and as a verb, it means "to lock, to close with a key":

Be careful when translating from English to German and vice versa!

  • Floss/floss

Floss means "raft" in German. English has a "cunning" word floss- "dental floss". It sounds obscenely similar, but the meaning is radically different.

  • wagon/wagon

german word Wagen translates as "machine".

remember, that Wagen not identical to English wagon, which has several meanings: it is a baby stroller, and a trolley, and a wagon, and a cart, and a van, and a pickup truck, and in the function of the verb it can be translated both as “load into a van” and as “ride in a van”.

  • last/last

German Last- “load, burden, load, luggage, oppression” - completely different in meaning from English last("last"), so be careful when translating.

Be careful also when using the German word Fahrt. In English it has two synonyms - journey And trip, which convey slightly different concepts and are used in different contexts.

There are also German-Russian "false friends" that sound exactly the same.

Want to go to a bar in Germany? Never speak bar, always say Theke. Translated from German bar means naked, bare. Want to stay German serious? Then use ernst and forget English serious. If you nevertheless uttered serios, then remember that it translates as "venerable, worthy of respect."

In the whirlpool of such words, it is quite difficult to find at least some kind of pattern or guide to action: for example, English physician corresponds to German Arzt, and the German Physiker- it's English physicist.

Here are some more examples of words that are consonant in English and German, but completely different in meaning:

(eng) brave(brave) → (German) brav(honest)
(eng) stadium(stadium) → (German) Stadium(stage, period, phase)
(eng) petroleum(oil) → (German) Petroleum(paraffin, kerosene)
(eng) lemon(lemon) → (germ) lime(lime)
(eng) gift(gift) → (German) gift(poison, poison)

(eng) desert(desert) → (German) Dessert(dessert)
(eng) director(director) → (German) Director(director)

It is interesting that the translator's false friends "jump out" at the moment when there is no time to reason. Knowing that the word came from another language, we expect the same meaning from it, but in practice it turns out quite differently. You yourself could see this for yourself: some German words in Russian have different meanings. For example, Family turns out to be a family, not a surname, but Fruit- a fruit, not a fruit, however, like Keks turns out to be a cookie, not a cupcake, but Cake- a nuisance, not a cake at all.

Ukrainian words similar to German

The figure shows the Germans, III century AD. In the picture - Ukrainians
In the Ukrainian language, one can find many words of Germanic origin, words common to Ukrainian and German, as well as words similar to German. Knowing these words helps in learning the German language. There are more such words in Ukrainian than in Russian.

There are several reasons and eras for the emergence of common Ukrainian-German words. The Germanic and Slavic languages ​​belong to the Indo-European language group and arose from the common proto-language of SANSKRITA. Therefore, in the Germanic and Slavic languages ​​there are many similar single-root words; German for example. Mutter - Ukrainian matir, mother; German glatt (smooth, slippery, dodgy) - Ukrainian. smooth. In the era of the Great Migration of Peoples, Germanic tribes (Teutons, Goths, etc.) passed through the lands of present-day Ukraine, including through the Lower Dnieper and Volhynia, for several centuries (in the 1st millennium AD). In Volhynia, the Eastern Goths were in the II - V centuries. AD Part of the German-speaking population did not go west along with the majority of their fellow tribesmen, but continued to live in the lands of present-day Ukraine. The Eastern Slavs appeared in Volhynia and the Dnieper region at about the same time, in the first half of the first millennium of a new era. Rare settlements of some German-speaking tribes interspersed with settlements of the Slavs. The inhabitants of these villages gradually merged with the Eastern Slavs and transferred to the latter part of their vocabulary. The German-speaking population influenced the language and culture of the Eastern Slavs, and later became related and merged with the Slavs. The ancient origin in the Ukrainian language of words related to Germanic is confirmed by the fact that among these words there are many such that denote the basic concepts of life (buduvati, dakh). In the Kyiv region, there is still a settlement GERMANOVKA, known by this name for more than 1100 years. In the ninth century AD, and, perhaps, even earlier, close communication between Rus' and the Varangians began, who brought with them from Scandinavia the language of the North Germanic (Scandinavian) group. From the Varangians, who came at the end of the 9th century. led by Prince Oleg to Kyiv, these words got into the language of the glades and drevlyans who lived in these places. The Glade and the Drevlyans spoke their own languages ​​close to each other. And since the time of Christianization, the role of the written language in all of Kievan Rus was performed by the Church Slavonic language, in which the Slavic Bible of Cyril and Methodius was written. Polyansky was the spoken language of the Kyiv principality and became one of the progenitors of the Ukrainian language. During the eventful thousand-year history of Ukraine, German words penetrated into the Ukrainian language in other ways. The penetration of German words into the Ukrainian language continued first through the Polish language during the time of the Polish-Lithuanian state, which included Ukraine for a long time, and later through Galicia, which was part of Austria-Hungary for a long time. From ancient times, German specialists came to Ukraine (builders, carpenters, blacksmiths, brewers, bakers, directors, management personnel, etc.). They all brought with them the terms of their professions.
Not all words of the Ukrainian language, cognate with German, got into the Ukrainian language directly from the German language. Words common to these languages ​​may have other origins. Separate German words entered Ukraine through Yiddish, the language of Eastern European Ashkinazi Jews. for example, the word gwalt (scream, noise), Gewalt, which in German means power, violence.
The presence in the Ukrainian language of many words common to Ukrainian and German is also explained by the borrowing by these languages ​​of international words from Latin, Greek, French, English and other languages. There are many similar international words of Latin, Greek, Hebrew, English and French origin in Ukrainian and German. For example, the words kreyda (Kreide, chalk), education (Edukation, education), fainy (fein, beautiful). Some Ukrainian words in this glossary are not related to German words, but only accidentally similar, consonant with them.
It makes sense to indicate in one glossary all words common to Ukrainian and German, regardless of their origin. Knowledge of such words helps in learning the German language.
When pronouncing the Ukrainian sound "g", it should be borne in mind that in most cases it is pronounced as a voiced sound, paired with a voiceless sound "x", and in Russian - as a voiced sound, paired with a voiced sound "k". Therefore, Ukrainian words with the letter “g” are closer in sound to German words with the letter “h” (gartuvati - haerten - to temper).

In the glossary, first the Ukrainian word is given, then after the dash the German word, then the definite article showing the grammatical gender of the noun (in German), then in parentheses the meaning of this word in German, if this meaning does not completely coincide with the meaning of the Ukrainian word, then after dash - the Russian meaning of the Ukrainian word.
In this publication, special German letters ("sharp" es, vowels with "umlaut") cannot be conveyed. They are transmitted by combinations of Latin letters -ss, -ue, -ae, -oe.

Accentuate - akzentuiren - emphasize, highlight, put an accent
gazebo - Altan, der, Balkon mit Unterbau (in it from it. alt - high) - gazebo, gazebo. At first, large balconies were called that, then - platforms, ledges and gazebos from which you can admire the surrounding landscape.

Bavovna - Baumwolle, die - cotton
bugnet - Bajonett, das - bayonet
bastard - Bastard, der, (in German from French) - bastard, illegitimate child
blakitny - blau - blue, sky-colored
badge - Blech, das - tin
blashany (blashany dah) - blechern (blechernes Dach) - tin (tin roof)
borg - Borg, der - debt, loan
brakuvati (chogos) - brauchen - need (something), lack (something);
meni marriage (chogos) - es braucht mir (etwas) - I lack (something), I need (something);
change pennies - es braucht mir Geld - I don't have enough money, I need money; I miss the hour - es braucht mir Zeit - I don't have enough time, I don't have time
brovar - Brauer, der - brewer (the name of the district center in the Kyiv region of Brovary comes from the word "brovar")
brewery - Brauerei, die - brewery, brewery
brovarstvo - Brauerei, die - brewing
brutal - brutal - rough
brucht - Bruch, der - scrap, scrap metal
buda, booth - Bude, die - it. shop, stall, gatehouse;
buduvati - Bude, die (German shop, stall, gatehouse) - build
burnus - Burnus, der, -nusse, - Arabic cloak with a hood
bursa - Burse, die - bursa, a medieval school with a hostel
bursak - Burse, der, - student of bursa

Wabiti - Wabe, die (German honeycomb) - attract
vagat - vage (German indefinite, shaky) - to hesitate, not to decide
vagitna (female) - waegen (German to weigh) - pregnant ("gained weight")
wag - Waage, die - scales;
important - Waage, die (German scales) - weighty, important;
vazhiti - Waage, die (German scales), waegen (German to weigh) - to weigh;
varta - Wart, der (German guardian, guard) - guard;
vartovy - Wart, der (German keeper, guardian) - sentry;
vartuvati - warten (German to wait, take care of a child or the sick, perform official duties) - to stand on the clock; guard, protect
vazhiti - waegen - weigh, weigh;
watch - Wache, die, Wachte, die, - security, military guard, naval watch, shift;
vvazhati - waegen (German to dare, dare, take risks) - to have an opinion
vizierunok - (from it. Visier das - visor) - pattern
vovna - Wolle, die - wool
vogky - feucht - wet

Guy - Hain, der - grove, forest, copse, oak forest
haiduk - Haiduck (Heiduck), der (from the Hungarian hajduk - driver) (German Hungarian hired warrior, partisan, Hungarian courtier) - hired warrior, servant, traveling footman
hook - Haken, der - hook, hook, hook
halmo - Halm, der (in it. stalk, straw, straw, maybe the Ukrainians slowed down the cart with a bunch of straw?) - brake
halmuvati - Halm, der (in it. stalk, straw, straw, maybe the Ukrainians slowed down the cart with a bunch of straw?) - slow down
garth - Haertung, die - hardening, hardening
gas - Gas, das (German gas) - kerosene
gatunok - Gattung, die - grade, type, variety, quality
gartuvati - haerten - to harden (in the village of Bobrik, Brovarsky district, Kyiv region, a dialect word was used, derived from gartuvati - gartanachka, which meant potatoes baked in a pot on a fire)
hubbub - Gewalt, die (German violence, power) - a loud cry
gvaltuvati - Gewalt, die (German violence, power), jemandem Gewalt antun (German to rape) - to rape
gendlyuvati - handeln - to trade (in Ukrainian it is more often used in an ironic, condemning sense)
hetman (the word hetman came to the Ukrainian language through the Polish language) - Hauptmann, der (German captain, centurion, chief) - hetman
gesheft - Gescheft, das (German business, occupation, business, shop) - trading
gop! (exclamation) - Hops, der, hops!, hopsassa! (in it. - jump, jump) - gop!
hopak - Hops, der, hops!, hopsassa! (German jump, jump) - hopak, Ukrainian dance
grati (multiplier, plural) - Gitter, das - lattice (prison or window)
soil - Grund, der, (German soil, bottom, land) - soil, foundation, justification
priming - gruendlich - thoroughly,
priming - gruendlich - solid
priming, priming - gruenden (German: to lay the foundation for something, to substantiate) - to substantiate
gukati - gucken, kucken, qucken (German watch) - call someone from a distance, call loudly
gum - Gummi, der - rubber, rubber
gum - Gummi- - rubber, rubber
humor - Humor, der, nur Einz. - humor
gurok, pl. gurki - Gurke, die, - cucumber (dialect heard in the city of Gogolev, Kiev region)

Dah - Dach, das - roof
ladies - Damespiel, der - checkers
drit - Draht, der, Draehte - wire
druk - Druck, der - pressure; printing (books, newspapers, etc.)
drukarnia - Druckerei, die - typography
drukar - Drucker, der - printer
drukuvati - druecken - print
dyakuwati - danken - give thanks

Education (obsolete) - Edukation, die - education, upbringing; from this Latin word comes the Ukrainian adjective "edukovy" - educated, educated. From this adjective arose the distorted common folk ironic "midikovan" (an arrogant person with a claim to education) and the expression: "midikov, only not druk" (with a claim to education, but still not printed)

Zhovnir (obsolete) - Soeldner, der (in it from it. Soldo - a monetary unit, lat. Solidus) - a hired warrior

Zaborguvati - borgen - make debts, borrow

Istota - ist (German is, exists - the third person singular of the present tense of the verb sein - to be) - being (organism)

Chapel - Kapelle, die (chapel also matters in it) - chapel
karafka - Karaffe, die - pot-bellied glass vessel with a stopper, for water or drinks, often faceted, decanter
karbovanets - kerben (in it. make notches, notches but with something) - ruble, i.e. embossed, notched
karbuvati - kerben - notch, mint (money)
kvach - Quatsch, der (nonsense, rubbish, goose) - a piece of rags for spreading grease on a frying pan, in a children's game - the one who is obliged to catch up with other players and transfer the role of kvach with his touch, the name of this game, an exclamation when transferring the role of kwach
ticket - Quittung, die (receipt, receipt for receiving something) - ticket (entrance, travel card)

kailo - Keil, der (German wedge, dowel, dihedral angle) - kailo, a manual mining tool for breaking off brittle rocks, a long steel pointed wedge mounted on a wooden handle
keleh - Kelch, der - goblet, bowl, vessel with a leg
kermach - Kehrer, der - helmsman, helmsman
kermo - Kehre, die, (German turn, meander of the road) - steering wheel
keruvati - kehren (in German it matters to turn) - to manage, lead
dumplings - Knoedel, der (in German Knoedel = Kloss - dumplings without filling, made from many components: eggs, flour, potatoes, bread and milk) - dumplings without filling or stuffed
kilim - Kelim, der - carpet (in German and Ukrainian, this word is of Turkish origin)
kleinodi - Kleinod, das - treasures, jewels (through Polish klejnot - jewel, precious object), regalia, which were military insignia of Ukrainian hetmans
color - Couleur, die (in German this word is of French origin) - color
coma - Komma, das - comma
kohati - kochen (German to boil) - to love
kosht (for your own kosht) - Kost, die (German food, table, food, food) - account (at your own expense)
koshtoris - der Kostenplan (pronounced koshtenplan) - estimate
koshtuvati (skilki koshtuє) - kosten (was kostet?) - cost (how much does it cost?)
kravatka - Krawatte, die - tie
kram - Kram, der - goods
kramar - Kraemer, der - shopkeeper, petty trader, huckster
Kramnitsa - Kram, (German goods) - shop, shop
kreida - Kreide, die - chalk
criminal - kriminell - criminal
crisis - Krise, die - crisis
krumka (bread) - Krume, die (German (bread) crumb, pl. crumbs, arable layer of the earth) - a slice, a cut piece of bread
kushtuvati - kosten - to taste
kshtalt (through Polish from German) - Gestalt, die - sample, appearance, form

Lantuh - Leintuch (German linen) - row, cord (coarse sackcloth or clothing), a large bag of row or ponytail ("ponitok" - peasant homespun half-cloth), sacking for tires for carts, for drying grain bread, etc. In Ukrainian language the word got from German through Polish (lantuch - a rag, a rag).
lanzug - Langzug (German long pull, long line) - rope
lizhko - liegen (German to lie) - bed
likhtar - from him. Licht, das light, fire; - flashlight
deprive, deprive - from him. lassen (in it. - this verb has the meaning "leave" and many other meanings) - leave, leave
loh - from him. Loch, das (German hole, hole, hole, pocket, ice hole, peephole, hole) - cellar
lusterko - from him. L;st, die (German joy, pleasure) - mirror
Lyada - from him. Lade, die (German chest, drawer) - a movable lid, a door that closes a hole inside something, a chest lid

Malyuvati - malen - draw
little ones - malen (draw) - drawing
painter - Maler, der - painter, artist
manirny - manierlich (German courteous, polite, well-mannered) - emphatically courteous, cutesy
matir - Mutter, die - mother
molasses - Melasse, die - molasses (sweet thick brown syrup, which is a waste when sugar is obtained)
blizzard - Schmetterling, der - butterfly (insect), moth
morgue - Grossen Magdeburger Morgen; 0.510644 Hektar - unit of land area; 0.5 ha (Western Ukrainian dialect)
mur - Mauer, die - stone (brick) wall
musiti - muessen - to be obliged, to owe

Nіsenіtnitsya - Sensus, der, Sinn, der (German "Sensus", "Sinn" - meaning; Ukrainian "sens" - meaning - come from Latin "sensus") - nonsense, absurdity, absurdity, absurdity, nonsense
nirka - Niere, die - kidney (human or animal organ)

Oliya - Oel, das (German liquid vegetable or mineral oil, oil) - liquid vegetable oil
ocet (in Ukrainian from Latin acetum) - Azetat, das (German acetate, salt of acetic acid) - vinegar

Pava - Pfau, der - peacock
palace - Palast, der - palace
papier - Papier, das - paper
pasuvati - passsen - to approach something (to a person, etc.), to be at the right time
penzel - Pinsel, der - brush (for drawing or painting)
perlin (pearl) - Perle, die - pearl, pearl
peruca - Peruecke, die - wig
perucarnia - Peruecke, die (German wig) - hairdresser
pilaf - Pilaw (read pilaf), (in it options: Pilaf, Pilau), der - pilaf, an oriental dish of lamb or game with rice
pinzel - Pinsel, der - brush (for drawing)
plativka - Platte, die - plate, record
parade ground - Platz, der - area (in the village)
plundruvati - pluendern - plunder, plunder, devastate
dance - Flasche, die - bottle
porcelain - Porzellan, das - porcelain
sloppy - happen (nach D), haeppchenweise - hastily, grab (something with your teeth, mouth, eat hastily, swallow food in pieces)
proposition - poponieren (offer) - offer
to pronounce - poponieren - to offer

Rada - Rat, der - council (instruction or collegiate body); cognate Ukrainian words: radnik - adviser; narada - meeting
walkie-talkie (in Wislov: ty maesh walkie-talkie) - Ratio, die (German reason, logical thinking) - correctness (in expression: you are right)
rahuvati - rechnen - count (money, etc.)
rahunok - Rechnung, die - count, count
reshta - Rest, der - remainder
risik - Risiko, das - risk
robotar - Roboter, der - robot
rinva - Rinne, die - gutter, groove
ryatuvati - retten - to save

Celery - Sellerie, der oder die - celery
sense - Sensus, der, Sinn, der - meaning (in German and Ukrainian, this word came from Latin)
scurvy - Skorbut, der - scurvy
relish - Geschmack, der - taste
relish - schmecken - to taste
savory - schmackhaft - delicious, tasty
list - Spiess, der - spear
rates - Stau, Stausee, der - pond
statute - Statut, das - charter
strike - Streik, der - strike, strike (from English)
strіha - Stroh, das (straw); Strohdach, das (thatched roof) - thatched roof
strum - Strom, der - electric current
strumok - Strom, der (German river, stream) - stream
stringy - Strunk, der (German rod, stem) - slender
stribati - streben (German to strive) - to jump
banner - goes back to Old Norse. stoeng (Old Swedish - stang) "pole, pole" - flag, banner

Teslyar - Tischler, der - carpenter
torturi (in Ukrainian it is used only in the plural) - Tortur, die - torture
tremtiiti - Trema, das (German trembling, fear) - to tremble

Ugryshchyna - Ungarn, das - Hungary

Fine (western Ukrainian dialect) - fein (German thin, small, graceful, noble, rich, good, excellent, weak, quiet, beautiful) - beautiful (in Western Ukrainian dialect this word came from English)
fach - Fach, das - specialty
fahivets - Fachmann, der - specialist
jointer - Fugebank, die, pl. Fugeb;nk - jointer
wagon - Fuhre, die - wagon
furman - Fuhrmann, der - carrier

Hapati - happen (nach D) (in it. - grab something with your teeth, mouth, eat hastily, swallow food in pieces) - grab
hut - Huette, die - house

Tsvirinkati - zwitschen - twitter, chirp
flowers - Zwecke, die (in it. a short nail with a wide hat, a button) - a nail
cegla - Ziegel, der - brick
chainshop - Ziegelei, die - brick factory
ceber - Zuber, der - tub, tub with ears
tsil - Ziel, das - goal
tsibula - Zwiebel, die - onion (plant)
civilian - zivil - civilian, civilian
qina (obsolete) - Zinn, das - tin
tsitska (roughly) - Zitze, die - female breasts
tsukor - Zucker, der - sugar

Succession - Herde, die - herd, herd, herd, flock

Checks - Schachspiel, das - chess
shakhrai - Schacherei, die (German petty trade, business dealing, bargaining) - swindler
Šibenik - schieben schieben (German to move, push) - hangman, hooligan
shibenitsa - schieben (German to move, push) - gallows
bug - Scheibe, Fensterscheibe, die - window glass
ham - Schincken, der oder die - ham, piece of ham
shinkar - Schenk, der - innkeeper
tavern - Schenke, der - tavern, tavern
way - from the German schlagen - beat, tamp - road, way
shop (Western Ukrainian dialect), - Schuppen, der - fenced off part of the yard or barn, most often with walls made of boards (especially for storing carts and other equipment)
shukhlyada - Schublade, die - drawer

Shcherbatiy - Scherbe, die, (in it. shard, fragment) - with one fallen out, knocked out or broken tooth (this word is also in Russian)

Fair - Jahrmarkt, der, (in it. annual market) - fair (this word is also in Russian)

Glossary of Ukrainian words similar to German

Russian words in German
Oleg Kiselev
Kiselev O.M. 2007

Every language has words of foreign origin. In German, words of Russian origin mainly refer to the specifics of Russian or Soviet life.

Abkuerzungsverzeichnis - list of abbreviations
Adj. - Adjektiv - adjective
Ez. - Einzahl - singular
frz. - francoesisch - French
it. - italienisch - Italian
lat. - lateinisch - latin
mz. - Mehrzahl - plural
nlat. - neulateinisch - New Latin
russ. - russisch - Russian
slaw. - slawish - Slavic
tschech. - tschechisch - Czech
umg. - umgangssprachlich - from the spoken language
see - sieh! - Look!

This glossary contains words of Russian origin, most of which the average German understands without translation or explanation. Some of these words are understood only by advanced Germans. In German texts, such words are used without translation.
After the noun being explained, the gender of the noun and the endings of the genitive case (genitive) of the singular, as well as the nominative case (nominative) of the plural are indicated in brackets. An explanation of the meaning of these words is given in German and in Russian.

Aktiv, (das, -s, nur Ez.), - Personenegruppe, die eine Aufgabe in der Gesellschaft erfuellt (in Kommunist. Lagern) (lat.-russ.) - asset, (in communist countries)
Aktivist, (der, -n, -n), - 1. jemand, der aktiv und zielstrebig ist, 2. ausgezeichneter Werktaetiger (in der DDR) (lat.-russ.) - activist, active worker (in the GDR)
Apparatschik, (der, -n, -n), sturer Funktion;r (lat.-russ.) - apparatchik, stubborn (stupid, limited) functionary
Babuschka, Matr(j)oschka, traditionalle russische Puppe - in German it is often used instead of the word matryoshka
Balalajka, (die, -, -ken), russischem Zupfinstrument - balalaika, Russian plucked musical instrument
Barsoi, (der, -s, -s), russischer Windhund - greyhound, Russian hound dog
Borschtsch, (der, -s, nur Ez.), Eintopf aus Roten Rueben, Weisskraut, sauer Sahne u.a. (als polnische, ukrainische oder russische Spezialitaet) - borsch, Polish, Ukrainian or Russian first course of beets and / or cabbage with sour cream
Beluga, (der, -s, -s), 1. kleine Walart, Weiswal, 2. (nur Ez.) Hausenkaviar, 3. Hausen (Huso huso L.) - 1. white whale, beluga whale, marine mammal of the dolphin family, 2. beluga caviar, 3. beluga, a genus of fish of the sturgeon family, migratory fish of the Black, Azov, Caspian and Adriatic seas
Bistro, (das, -s, -s), kleine Gaststaedte mit einer Weinbar (russ.-frz.) - bistro, small cafe with a wine bar, snack bar, small restaurant (derived from the Russian word for "fast"; after the victory over Napoleon in 1814 Russian Cossacks in Paris used this word)
Blini, (das, -s, -s), kleiner Buchweizenpfannkuchen - pancakes (in Germany they believe that pancakes are made from buckwheat flour)
Bojar, (der, -n, -n), altruss. Adliger, altrumaenischer Adliger - boyar (in ancient Rus' or in former Romania)
Bolschewik, (der, -n, -n oder -i), Mitglied der Kommunistischen Partei der ehemaliges Sovjetunion (bis 1952) - Bolshevik, member of the Communist Party of the former USSR (until 1952)
bolschewisieren, (Verb), bolschewistisch machen - to Bolshevize
Bolschewismus, (der, -, nur Ez.), Herrschaft der Bolschewiken, (nlat.-russ.) - Bolshevism, Bolshevik domination
Bolschewist, (der, -en, -en), Anhoenger des Bolschewismus - Bolshevik
bolschewistisch, (Adj.), zum Bolschewismus gehoerig - Bolshevik
Burlak, (der, -en, -en), Wolgakahntreidler, Schiffsziher - burlak, a person from a group of people pulling a barge
cyrillische Schrift - see kyrillische Schrift
Datscha, (die, -, -n), Landhaus (in ehemalige DDR) - cottage, country house (formerly - in the former GDR)
Dawaj-dawaj! - come on, come on! (in Germany they know this Russian expression, but they do not understand its literal meaning; the expression was brought by prisoners of war who returned from Russia)
Desjatine, (die, -, -n), altes russisches Flaechenma; (etwas mehr als als ein Hektar) - tithe, an old Russian measure of area, slightly more than one hectare
Getman, (der, -s, -e), (dt.-poln.-ukr.), oberster ukrainische Kosakenfuehrer, (from German Hauptmann - captain, centurion, chief) - hetman (Ukrainian), hetman (Russian) ) (the word hetman came into the Ukrainian language through the Polish language
Glasnost fuer Offenheit, Gorbatschows politischer Reformkurs - glasnost, the political course of Gorbachev's reforms
Gley (der, -, nur Ez.), nasser Mineralboden - soil profile of green, blue or bluish-rusty color due to the presence of ferrous iron (in Russian from English)
Gospodin, (der, -s, Gospoda), Herr - master
Gulag, (der, -s, nur Ez.), Hauptverwaltung der Lagern (in der ehemaliges Sovjetunion) - Gulag, headquarters of camps in the former USSR
Iglu, (der oder das, -s, -s), aus Sneebloken bestehende runde Hutte des Eskimos - an igloo consisting of snow blocks round structure of the Eskimos
Iwan, (der, -s, -s), Russe, sowietischer Soldat; Gesamtheit der sowjetischen Soldaten (als Spitzname im II Weltkrieg) - Ivan, Russian, Soviet soldier, Soviet army (as a nickname during World War II)
Jakute, (der, -en, -en), Angehoeriger eines Turkvolkes in Sibirien - nationality, a person belonging to one of the Turkic peoples of Siberia
Jurte, (die, -, -n), rundes Filzzelt mittelasiatischer Nomaden - yurt, round tent of Central Asian nomads
Kadet, (der, -en, -en), Angehoeriger einer 1905 gegruendeten, liberal-monarchistischen russischen Partei, - cadet, member of the party of constitutional democrats created in 1905, supporters of the constitutional monarchy in tsarist Russia
Kalaschnikow (der, -s, -s), Maschinenpistole (im Namen des russische Erfinder), - Kalashnikovs; Kalashnikov assault rifle (on behalf of the Russian inventor)
Kalmuecke (Kalmyke), (der. -en, -en), Angehoeriger eines Westmongolischenvolkes - Kalmyk
Kasache, (der, -en, -en), Einwohner von Kasachstan, Angehoeriger eines Turkvolkes in Centralasien - Kazakh
Kasack, (der, -s, -s), ueber Rock oder Hose getragene, mit Guertel gehaltene Bluse (durch it.-frz.) - a blouse worn over a dress or trousers and supported by a belt
Kasatschok, (der. -s, -s), akrobatischer Kosakentanz, bei dem die Beine aus der Hoke nach vorn geschleuden werden - an acrobatic dance of the Cossacks, in which the legs slide forward
Kascha, (die, -, nur Ez.), russische Buchweizengruetze, Brei - porridge, in Germany the word "Kascha" is used mainly to refer to buckwheat porridge
KGB - KGB, State Security Committee
Kibitka, (die, -, -s), 1. Jurte, 2. einfacher, ueberdachter russischer Bretterwagen oder Schlitten - 1. yurt, 2. kibitka, a simple covered Russian cart or sleigh
Knute, (die, -, -n), Riemenpeitsche; Gewaltherrschaft - whip, belt whip, control by force
Kolchos (der, das, -, Kolchose), Kolchose (die, -, -n), landwirtschaftliczhe Productionsgenossenschaft in Sozialismus - collective farm, collective farm, agricultural production cooperative under socialism
Komsomol (der, -, nur Ez.), kommunistiscze jugedorganisation (in der ehemaliges UdSSR) (Kurzwort) - Komsomol
Komsomolze (der, -n, -n), Mitglied des Komsomol - member of the Komsomol
Kopeke, (die, -, -n), abbr. Kop. - penny
Kosak, (der, -en, -en), - freier Krieger, leichter Reiter; in Russland und in die Ukraine angesiedelten Bevoelkerungsgruppe - Cossack
Kreml, (der, -s, -s), Stadtburg in russischen Staedten; Stadtburg in Moskau und Sitz der russische Regierung; die russische Regierung - kremlin, central fortress in ancient russian cities, kremlin, central fortress in moscow, soviet or russian government
Kulak, (der, -en, -en), Grossbauer, (von russisches Wort Kulak, bedeutet auch Faust) - prosperous peasant, fist
Kyrillika, Kyrilliza, kyrillische Schrift - slawische Schrift (slaw.) - Cyrillic, Church Slavonic font, the name of a group of Slavic fonts (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Serbian and Slavonic) derived from the Church Slavonic font created by Cyril and Methodius
Leninismus, (der, -s, nur Ez.), der von W.I.Lenin weiterentwickelte Marksismus (rus.-nlat.) - Leninism
Leninist, (der, -en, -en), Anh;nger des Leninismus (rus.-nlat.) - supporter of Leninism, Leninist
leninistisch, (Adj.), zum Leninismus gehoerig, darauf beruhend (rus.-nlat.) - related to Leninism, based on Leninism
Machorka (der, -s, nur Ez.), russischer Tabak, - shag, Russian strong tobacco
Malossol, (der, -s, nur Ez.), schwach gesalzener russische Kaviar - salted caviar
Matr(j)oschka, traditionalle russische Puppe - matryoshka
Molotowskokteul - Molotov cocktail; Molotov cocktail (the original name of the Molotov cocktail originated in Finland during the Soviet-Finnish war of 1940)
Panje, (der, -s, -s), russischer Bauer, (scherzhaft, abwertend) - Russian peasant (ironically)
Panjewagen, (der, -s, -), kleine einfache russische Pferdwagen, (scherzhaft, abwertend) - primitive Russian cart (ironically)
Papirossa, (die, -, -rosay), russische Zigarette mit langem, hohlem Mundstueck - cigarette, Russian cigarette with a long, hollow mouthpiece
Perm, (das, -s, nur Ez.), juengste Formation des Paleozoikums (Geologie und Paleontologie) - Permian, early Paleozoic period (in geology and paleontology), from the name of the Russian city of Perm
Perestrojka, (ohne Artikel), (der, -s, nur Ez.), Gorbatschtwsreformen, Umgeschtaltung in SU - perestroika, Gorbachev's reforms in the USSR
Petschaft, (das, -s, -e), zum Siegeln verwendeter Stempel oder Ring mit eingrawiertem Namenszug, Wappen oder; nlichen, (tschech.-rus.) - used to make an impression in soft material (in sealing wax) seal, stamp or ring with an engraved name, coat of arms, etc.
Pirogge, (die, -, -n), mit Fleisch oder Fisch, Reis oder Kraut gefuelte russische Hefepastete - Russian pies stuffed with meat, fish, rice or greens
Pogrom, (das, -es, -e), gewaltige Ausschreitungen gegen rassische, religiose, nationale Gruppen, z. B. gegen Juden - pogroms, violent outrages that are directed against racial, religious or national groups of the population, for example against Jews.
Podsol, (der, -s, nur Ez.), mineralsalzarmer, wenig fruchtbarer Boden, Bleicherde - podzolic soil, poor in mineral salts and infertile soil
Politbuero, (das, -s, -s), kurz fuer Politisches Buero, zentraler leitender Ausschuss einer kommunistischen Partei - politburo, political bureau, central leadership of the communist party
Pope, (der, -en, -en), Geistlicher der russischen und griechisch-orthodoxen Kirche - priest, priest of the Russian or Greek Orthodox Church, priest
Rubel (der, -s, -), russische und ehemalige sowjetische Waehrungseinheit - Russian and former Soviet currency
Samisdat, (der, -s, nur Ez.), selbstgeschribene oder selbstgedrueckte illegale Buecher - samizdat, illegally produced publications at home
Samojede, (der, -en, -en), 1.Angehoeriger eines nordsibirischen Nomadenvolks; 2. eine Schlittenhundrasse - 1. Samoyed, a person belonging to one of the Siberian nomadic tribes; 2. draft dog breed
Samowar, (der, -s, -e), russische Teemaschine - Russian samovar
Sarafan, (der, -s, -e), ausgeschnitenes russische Frauenkleid, das ueber eine Bluse getragen wyrde (pers.-russ.) - Russian women's clothing (the word came to Russian from Persian)
Stalinismus, (der, -s, nur Ez.), 1. totalitaere Dictatur J.Stalins (1879-1953), die 1936-1939 mit der Ermordung von Millionen Menschen gipfelte; 2. Versuch den Socialismus mit Gewaltakten umzusetzen (rus.-nlat.) - Stalinism; 2. attempt to introduce socialism through violence
Stalinorgel, (die, -, -n), sovietischer rohrlose Raketenwerfer ("Katjuscha") - "Katyusha", the name of the Soviet barrelless rocket artillery, which appeared during the war of 1941-1845.
Steppe, (der, -s, -s), weite Grassebene - steppe, wide grassy plain
Sputnik, (der, -s, -s), kuenstlicher Satelit im Weltraum, - satellite, artificial space body revolving around a natural space body
Taiga, (die, -, nur Ez.), Nadelwald-Sumpfguertel (in Sibirien), (tuerk.-russ.) - taiga, natural zone of coniferous forests, coniferous forest (in Siberia), often swampy
TASS (die, nur Ez.), ehem. staatliche Sovetische Pressagentur (russ., Kurzwort) - TASS, Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union
Tatar, (der, -en, -en), Angehoeriger eines t; rkischen Volks in der Sovjetunion (t; rk.-russ.) - Tatar
Troika, (die, -, -s), russische Gespannform, Dreigespann; Dreierbuendnis - a troika, a team of three horses, a team of three persons, a judicial panel that condemned the so-called. enemies of the people (in the former USSR)
Trotzkismus, (der, -, nur Ez.), ultralinke Kommunistische Stroemung - Trotskyism, ultra-left communist political trend
Trozkist, (der, -en, -en), anh;nger des Trotzkismus - Trotskyist, supporter of Trotskyism
Tscheka, (die, -, nur Ez.), politische Politei der Sowjetunion (bis 1922) - Cheka, Cheka, political police at the beginning of Soviet power (until 1922)
Tscherwonez, (der, -, plural Tscherwonzen), altrussische Goldm;nze, 10-Rubelstuck (frueher) - chervonets, gold ten-ruble pre-revolutionary Russian coin
Tundra, (die, -, Tundren), Kaeltesteppe (finn.-russ.) - tundra
Ukas, der, Ukasses, plural Ukasse, Zarenerlass, Anordnung (scherzhaft) - decree, command of the king or supreme authority
Werst, (die, -, -), altes russisches Laengenmass (etwas mehr als Kilometer) - an old Russian measure of area, a little more than one kilometer
Wodka, (der, -s, -s), russischer oder polnischer Getreideschnaps oder Kartoffelschnaps (manchmal mit Zusaetzen, z.B. Bueffelgrasswodka) - vodka, Russian (Wodka) or Polish (Vodka) a strong alcoholic drink made from grain or potatoes, sometimes infused with herbs (e.g. bison)
Zar, (der, -en, -en), Herschertitel (frueher, in Russland, Bulgarien, Serbien, Momtenegro) (lat.-got.-russ.) - king
Zarewitsch, (der, -es, -e), russischer Zarenson, Prinz - prince, son of the Russian Tsar
Zarewna, (die, -, -s), Zarentochter - princess, daughter of the king
zaristisch, (Adj.), zur Zarenherschaft geh; rig, zarentreu, monarchistisch - royal, related to tsarism, loyal to the king
Zariza, (die, -, -s oder Zarizen), Zarengemahlin oder regirende Herscherin - queen, king's wife or reigning monarch
Kiselev O.M. 2007

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