Encyclopedia of fire safety

History of the destroyer Eldridge. Philadelphia experiment. The Mystery of Mr. Allende

The Philadelphia Experiment is a mysterious and unproven experiment conducted by the United States Navy on October 28, 1943. Its essence lies in the fact that the destroyer "Eldridge", with a crew of 181 on board, disappeared from sight and moved in space for several tens of kilometers. The movement happened instantly, and the sailors on the ship received injuries of varying severity, while 40 people died.

The purpose of the experiment was to create a ship invisible to radars and magnetic mines of the enemy. All calculations were carried out by a group of specialists led by Albert Einstein. A special generator was designed. It was during his ordeal that the unforeseen happened.

The Eldridge was in one of the Philadelphia docks, and when the generator was started, a powerful electromagnetic field surrounded the ship. He not only disappeared from the radar screens, but also disappeared into space. A moment later, he materialized in a completely different place with a distraught crew.

However, the public first learned about the Philadelphia Experiment in 1956. The prelude was a book by astrophysicist Maurice Jessup, who lives in Iowa. In his work, he touched on the properties of space and time and received a letter from a certain Carlos Allendo. He wrote that the military had long learned to move various objects "out of time and space."

Allendo said that in 1943 he served on the transport ship "Andrew Fureset". From this ship, part of the group of ships controlling the Philadelphia Experiment, he saw the destroyer Eldridge disappear into a thick green fog. He also stated that he knew many people who had observed the same thing as him.

The most interesting in the message of Allendo was the description of the consequences of the mysterious experiment. Those who returned "out of nowhere" became unlike other people. These sailors, as it were, fell out of real time - they “froze”. Cases of ignition or spontaneous combustion have been observed. Once, two such people spontaneously ignited and slowly smoldered for 17 days. At the same time, the rescuers could not stop the smoldering of the bodies. There were other oddities as well. One sailor from the Eldridge went through the wall in his own apartment in front of his relatives and disappeared forever.

After such revelations, Maurice Jessup began his own investigations. He looked through the archives, talked with the military and found a lot of facts that gave him the opportunity to form his own opinion about the mysterious events.

He wrote the following: “The experiment is extremely interesting, but deadly, as it negatively affected the people who participated in it. In the experiment, magnetic generators or demagnetizers were used. They worked at resonant frequencies and created a very strong field around the ship. This is a very serious scientific discovery, which makes it possible to remove any object from our dimension and move it in space. But this process could not be kept under control.

It can be assumed that Jessup learned too much secret information. In 1959, he died mysteriously in his own car, suffocated by exhaust fumes. The investigation by the authorities was sluggish. It seemed that they were trying to hide some facts related to Jessup's study of the Philadelphia experiment from the public.

The command of the US Navy officially stated that there was no experiment in 1943. But there were many followers of Jessup who did not believe the military. They continued their search, and they were crowned with some results.

So, there were documents confirming that in 1943-1944 Albert Einstein was in the service of the Navy Department in Washington. There were witnesses, and one of them said that they personally saw how the Eldridge disappeared, while others held in their hands the calculations made by Einstein's hand. This scientist, by the way, had an extremely characteristic handwriting. Found a newspaper of those times. It told about the sailors who got off the ship and melted before the eyes of eyewitnesses.

To this day, people are trying to figure out if the Philadelphia Experiment actually took place or if it was just a beautiful fiction. From time to time new interesting facts emerge. Here you can cite the story of the American electronics engineer Adam Killing.

He said that in 1990, his good friend Margaret Sandys, who lives in Florida, invited him and a couple of people to Dr. Carl Laisler to discuss some details of the experiment in Philadelphia. Carl Leisler is a physicist by profession. In 1943, he took part in the development of this project. Laisler said that scientists, led by the military, wanted to make a warship invisible to radar. It was equipped with a powerful generator of ultrashort waves, classified during the Second World War.

The generator received energy from powerful electrical machines installed on the ship. The idea of ​​the experiment was to create a strong electromagnetic field around the warship. This field would become a protective shield against radar beams. Carl Leisler was on the beach. His functions included supervision and control over the experiment. But when the generator started working, the ship disappeared. After a while, he reappeared, but with dead sailors turned into the same material from which the ship was made.

Leisler and his colleagues in the experiment came to the conclusion that under the influence of the generator, the ship fell into another dimension. At the same time, the ship disintegrated into molecules. Then the reverse process began, and everything was restored. But there was a replacement of organic molecules of human bodies with metal atoms.

There is another interesting fact. It was discovered by the Russian researcher V. Adamenko. The book of American scientists Charles Berlitz and William Moore, who investigated the Philadelphia events, states that for many years after the incident, the destroyer Eldridge was in the reserve of the US Navy, and then the ship was given the name Lion and sold to Greece.

V. Adamenko was in the same Greek family in 1993 and met a retired Greek admiral there. This admiral knew perfectly well what the Philadelphia experiment was. He also had information about the fate of the Eldridge. The former military confirmed that the destroyer is listed among the ships of the Greek Navy. However, it is not called "Lion", but "Tiger".

The true truth regarding the mysterious experiment has not yet been established. The most important thing is missing - there are no documents. The Eldridge's logbook has not been found either. It is noteworthy that the logbook of the escort ship "Fyureset" was also destroyed. This was done on instructions from above, although it was contrary to all maritime rules.

This is the true story of the Philadelphia Experiment. However, it should be understood that it is not official, and it cannot boast of completeness. It has a lot of ambiguities. As already mentioned, there are no documents, and rumors and conjectures of real and corrosive researchers cannot be satisfied.

But many researchers are trying to somehow systematize the available materials. They are trying to deal with the mysterious event that happened in 1943 by other methods that have nothing to do with those that for several decades have not yielded any practical results.

The battleship "Eldridge" became famous thanks to the ufologist, and not for his exploits in World War II.

The legend about the teleportation of the destroyer was invented by a crazy sailor

What does the legend say

On a gloomy October morning in 1943, the destroyer Eldridge, tail number DE 173, stood in the protected area of ​​the Philadelphia Naval Base. Specialists from the Office of Naval Research of the US Navy decided to use it for the secret experiment "Rainbow". Based on the Unified Field Theory developed by Albert Einstein, they created an electromagnetic system capable of making a ship invisible.

After turning the switch, the air around the ship began to darken. A greenish mist floated from the water. A few minutes later, the Eldridge was out of sight, although the water still showed a depression from its hull.

When the Eldridge disappeared in Philadelphia, many people saw her suddenly appear in the port of another base - Norfolk. A few minutes later, the “ghost” began to melt, and immediately the ship “appeared” in Philadelphia.

But the worst thing is that the experiment had dire consequences for the ship's crew. Most of the sailors died, and those who survived were immediately decommissioned from the army and spent the rest of their lives in some kind of closed clinic for the insane. This forced the US military to abandon risky research.

Such is this incredible legend, which can be found in almost any book devoted to anomalism, among the standard set of miracles.

Mysterious letters

The first rumors about the experiment in Philadelphia appeared only in 1955, when the book "Arguments for UFOs" by ufologist Morris K. Jessup was published. The destroyer Eldridge was not mentioned in it, but it was after the publication that Jessup received several unusual messages in the mail.

The letters were written in colored pencils and ink in a very strange style. In the middle of a sentence, words were suddenly written in capital letters, there were many spelling and lexical errors, and punctuation marks seemed to be scattered at random. Entire sentences were underlined. Such creativity is a formidable symptom of a "roof gone"*.

The creator of the myth is Carl Allen. The man is, to put it mildly, unbalanced.

“... as a result, the ship was enveloped in a kind of field resembling an ellipsoid in shape. Everything, objects and people, that fell into the field had blurry outlines... Half of the crew members of that ship are now insane...”

“One passed through the wall of his own apartment and disappeared in front of his wife with a child and two guests. Two other officers flared up like matches and burned down ... "

Jessup's first reaction was to brush off the strange, delusional messages. However, he soon learned that the Office of Naval Research at the Pentagon had received a copy of his book The UFO Case written in the same style in the mail. And instead of throwing it in the trash, the military reprinted the book with all the marks in a limited edition.

The Mystery of Mr. Allende

On the evening of April 20, 1959, Morris Jessup was found in a coma while driving a car. He took a huge dose of sleeping pills, washed down with alcohol. On top of that, he stuck a hose from the exhaust pipe through the half-open window. On the way to the hospital, Jessup died.

Neither the police nor the family doubted that it was suicide, especially since he wrote two farewell letters to relatives and friends. Jessup was in a severe depression due to numerous failures - he got into a car accident, his wife filed for divorce, books did not sell ... But in the ufological community there was talk that he "came too close to the truth", "he was removed." Rumors around the "experiment" immediately perked up noticeably.

The famous researcher of anomalous phenomena, Charles Berlitz, the author of the repeatedly exposed "masterpieces" about the Bermuda Triangle, and his co-author William Moore, took up the matter.

From the envelopes on which the return addresses were indicated, the co-authors easily found the "elusive Mr. Allende." But his name was not revealed to the general public. At the meeting, he added many colorful details to the description of the experiment, but admitted that he "slightly exaggerated" the story of the dire consequences for the team. He allegedly feared that the results of the research would fall into the wrong hands and that this would have dire consequences.

And in 1979 Berlitz and Moore's bestseller The Philadelphia Experiment came out. It tells the classic story of the disappearance of the USS Eldridge.

Ufologists are on the trail

In the early 90s, the famous letters came to the researcher - skeptic Robert Goerman. And he, too, went in search of their author. "Allende" turned out to be 100% American, born in Pennsylvania in 1925. It turned out that under his real name - Carl M. Allen - he had long been known in the UFO community. “Allen has been writing to me and other researchers for years,” says ufologist Lauren Coleman. - He suffered from a mental disorder and often moved from motel to motel. The Allen family showed Robert Goerman letters in which he confesses that he made up the whole story about the destroyer from beginning to end and sent Jessup's book, written by him personally, to the military.

A page from the ship's journal "Eldridge". On the day of the "Philadelphia experiment" the ship was at anchor... in New York.

Allen drew some information for his story from the experience of serving on the ship "Andrew Fureset". It must be admitted that the invention turned out to be successful.

Could the Eldridge and the Andrew Furset be in port together in 1943? When ufologists asked for their logbooks, it turned out that in 1943 the Eldridge did not enter Philadelphia!

The Eldridge left the stocks at the New York docks and was accepted by the Navy on August 27, 1943. Throughout the autumn and December, the destroyer escorted convoys going to the US capital, and did not even come close to Philadelphia. During this time, the Andrew Furset, assigned to the port of Norfolk, also took part in the Atlantic convoys and never entered Philadelphia! His captain, W.S. Dodge, categorically denied all his life that he or members of his team saw anything unusual, much less took part in the experiments. Although the Eldridge and the Andrew Fureset called at Norfolk in 1943, they never met because they were there on different days!

Some supporters of the legend claim that the experiment with invisibility was carried out on August 12 or 15 on a still unfinished ship, which was towed to Philadelphia. But the documents clearly show that until August 27, the Eldridge could not leave the docks.

Some books write that the fatal experiment was called "Rainbow". But now it is no longer a secret that during the war the name "Rainbow" had headquarters plans for possible military operations against the countries of the "Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis". When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the US military immediately began operations under the Rainbow V plan. The rules don't allow two identical codenames, so there couldn't be another Rainbow.

Librarian Lawrence Kouchet, author of The Bermuda Triangle Unraveled and The Disappearance of 19 Squadron, also found out the reason for the increased military attention to Jessup's book marked Allende. It turned out that Captain George Hoover was fond of UFOs, trying to apply the knowledge gained by ufologists to promising engines and experimental aircraft. Having received a written book in his hands, he thought that "here, perhaps, there is something." Hoover's enthusiasm for UFOs was shared by many of his colleagues. One of them, J. J. Smith, decided to reproduce the book, but did not calculate that its copies would go around and cause a sensation.

Tesla and Einstein: the wrong choice

Supporters of the Philadelphia experiment legend claim that two of the greatest physicists who lived in America at that time, Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla, worked on it. But this also turned out to be untrue.

The declassified FBI dossier on Einstein proves that the US authorities did not trust the scientist either during the war or after it, considering him unreliable.

By the beginning of the 21st century, only 15 people survived from the destroyer's crew. They unanimously refute the legend.

“Due to his radical views, Professor Einstein cannot be considered suitable for use in secret work, because ... it seems unlikely that a person of such a warehouse would become a completely trustworthy American citizen in such a short time,” FBI Director Edgar Hoover said in response to a request for the possibility of attracting a famous physicist to work on the atomic bomb. He was right: Einstein openly sympathized with the Communists, talked with people, among whom were Soviet agents. Due to the mistrust of the authorities, Einstein was assigned only minor tasks that could not seriously affect the course of the war. In 1943 - 1944 he worked for the US Navy Ordnance Department on the topic "High Force Explosives". His work had nothing to do with electromagnetism, much less invisibility.

An attempt to link the "Philadelphia experiment" with the name of Nikola Tesla was even more unsuccessful. The Serbian genius died before the destroyer Eldridge was launched, on January 7, 1943.

Focuses and real experiences

According to the Navy's Office of Naval Research, the legend invented by Carl Allen was based on a process that makes a ship "invisible" to mines with a magnetic detonator. The process was called degaussing (from "gauss" - a unit of magnetic induction).

To protect against mines, the steel ship was equipped with a "belt" that surrounded the hull. When current was applied, it became a powerful electromagnet. Degaussing offered two possibilities: multiplying the magnetic field so that the mines exploded in the distance without causing harm, or neutralizing the ship's magnetic field so that even the most sensitive mine "did not notice" it. The choice fell on the second option, which required careful measurements of the magnetic field of each ship.

Since the procedure for degaussing and measuring the ship's own magnetic field was at first a secret, a variety of rumors circulated among the crews of the ships. Sailors saw compasses and even watches "go crazy" because of incomprehensible cables, and believed that this could make them impotent.

It seems that Allen somewhere saw just such a procedure: stretched cables and incomprehensible equipment could impress anyone. But how did he come up with the idea that the experiment made the ship invisible, making it disappear? This piece of the puzzle was discovered by ufologist John Keel:

“During the Second World War, magician Joseph Dunninger, a specialist in the organization of spectacles, proposed to the US Navy to make their ships invisible. Perhaps Dunninger had in mind the disguise, but at the time his proposal was widely publicized. It is very possible that Allen saw these articles and made up his own story based on them.

*Very true. Letters with the most crazy ideas that come to our editorial office sometimes look exactly the same. - Department of science "KP".


Veterans "Eldredge" put an end to

In 1999, for the first time since the end of the war, sailors from the destroyer Eldridge gathered in Atlantic City. The meeting was widely covered in the United States, but for some reason remained unnoticed in Russia. Only fifteen of them remained, including the captain of the ship, 84-year-old Bill van Allen. Of course, at the meeting, talk about the "experiment" surfaced, which brought the veterans a lot of fun minutes.

“I have no idea how this story came about,” van Allen threw up his hands. Other sailors were also unanimous.

“I think that someone came up with dope, 74-year-old Ed Wise said. Another former sailor, Thad Davis, said simply and clearly: "No experiments were ever done on us."

“When people asked me about the “experiment”, I agreed and said that yes, I disappeared. True, they soon realized that I was playing them, ”Ray Perrinho admitted.


Ships of the same type

A total of 72 ships were built:

USS Gandy (DE 764), USS Acree (DE 167), USS Alger (DE 101), USS Amick (DE 168), USS Atherton (DE 169), USS Baker (DE 190), USS Bangust (DE 739), USS Baron (DE 166), USS Booth (DE 170), USS Bostwick (DE 103), USS Breeman (DE 104), USS Bright (DE 747), USS Bronstein (DE 189), USS Burrows (DE 105), USS Cannon (DE 99), USS Carroll (DE 171), USS Carter (DE 112), USS Cates (DE 763), USS Christopher (DE 100), USS Clarence L. Evans (DE 113), USS Coffman (DE 191), USS Cooner (DE 172), USS Curtis W. Howard (DE 752), USS Earl K. Olsen (DE 765), USS Ebert (DE 768), USS Eisner (DE 192), USS Eldridge (DE 173), USS Garfield Thomas (DE 193), USS Gaynier (DE 751), USS George M. Campbell (DE 773), USS Gustafson (DE 182), USS Hemminger (DE 746), USS Herzog (DE 178), USS Hilbert (DE 742) , USS John J. Van Buren (DE 753), USS Kyne (DE 744), USS Lamons (DE 743), USS Levy (DE 162), USS Marts (DE 174), USS McAnn (DE 179), USS McClelland ( DE 750), USS McConnell (DE 163), USS Micka (DE 176), USS Milton Lewis (DE 772), USS Muir (DE 770), USS Neal A. Scott (DE 769), USS O "Neill (DE 188), USS Osterhaus (DE 164), USS Oswald (DE 767), USS Parks (DE 165), USS Pennewill (DE 175), USS Reybold (DE 177), USS Riddle (DE 185), USS Rinehart (DE 196), USS Roberts (DE 749), USS Roche (DE 197), USS Russell M. Cox (DE 774) ), USS Samuel S. Miles (DE 183), USS Slater (DE 766), USS Snyder (DE 745), USS Stern (DE 187), USS Straub (DE 181), USS Sutton (DE 771), USS Swearer ( DE 186), USS Thomas (ii) (DE 102), USS Thornhill (DE 195), USS Tills (DE 748), USS Trumpeter (DE 180), USS Waterman (DE 740), USS Weaver (DE 741), USS Wesson (DE 184), USS Wingfield (DE 194),

USS Eldridge (DE-173) - type destroyer escort Cannon, named after Lieutenant Commander John Eldridge, Jr., who was killed in aerial combat in the Solomon Islands on November 2, 1942 and was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross. The ship took part in escorting convoys in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans during World War II, was awarded 5 medals. It also became the object of general attention, thanks to the myth of the "Philadelphia experiment". Sold to Greece on June 17, 1946, and scrapped on November 11, 1999.

History of creation

Prerequisites for creation

The ability of enemy submarines to block supply lines and destroy them was the only reason for the presence of the destroyer in the convoy. Since it was the only surface fast unit that could effectively locate, attack and destroy a submarine, it was logical to create a ship that would concentrate on destroying the submarine and thus free the destroyers for fast-moving missions. Therefore, one of the escort destroyers was created Eldridge (DE-173).

Power plant and driving performance

Engine Model 16-278A GM

The equipment of escort destroyers included various power plants (PP). Since escort destroyers were no more in demand than aircraft carriers, battleships and destroyers, there was no need to install steam turbines on them. Any type of EU was installed, which was available at the time when the order was received. Thus, escort destroyers could be powered by diesel, diesel-electric, turbo steam engines and turbo steam electric motors.

The Eldridge (DE-173) was powered by 16-278A GM diesel engines manufactured by engineers at the Cleveland Diesel Engine Division of General Motors Corporation in Cleveland, Ohio. General Motors engines, also known as Winton V-types, developed over the years and later models proved to be very reliable in wartime use. The General Motors Model 16-278A engine was a 16-cylinder V-type engine with 2 banks of 8 cylinders each. The engine worked on the principle of a 2-stroke cycle and was designed for 1600 hp. at 750 rpm. The bore and depth of the 16-278A GM engine are 8" 3/4" and 10" 1/2" respectively.

Auxiliary/anti-aircraft artillery

Mine and torpedo armament

3 x 21" Mk.15 TT torpedo tubes

1 × Hedgehog Mk.10 (144 pieces) mines

8 x Mk.6 depth charges

2 x Mk.9 depth charges

Service History

After the ship Eldridge (DE-173) was commissioned on August 27, 1943, it remained in New York Long Island Sound until September 16, 1943. On September 18, 1943, he headed for Bermuda, where he made a stop and underwent sea trials and training. On October 15, 1943, with part of the convoy, the ship left the Bermuda region, heading for New York.

Between January 4, 1944 and May 9, 1945, an escort destroyer Eldridge it was necessary to fulfill the task of escorting a convoy of vulnerable ships loaded with important materials and carrying ground forces in support of Allied operations in North Africa, as well as in southern Europe. The route was laid through the Mediterranean Sea, as a result of which he made nine voyages, safely delivering convoys to Oran, Bizerte and Casablanca. The warship then docked in New York.

Eldridge left New York on May 28, 1945 to perform missions in the Pacific Ocean. He arrived in Okinawa on August 7, 1945, along with local escorts and patrol ships. He continued to serve as an escort on the Saipan-Ulithi-Okinawa routes until November 1945. Eldridge was decommissioned on 17 June 1946 at Green Cove Springs, Florida and placed in the Reserve Fleet. On January 15, 1951, she was transferred from the Boston, Massachusetts Navy Yard to the Hellenic Royal Navy, along with three other Cannon-class destroyers. These were USS Slater DE-766, USS Ebert DE-768 and USS Garfield Thomas DE-193. This transfer was made in accordance with the provisions of the US Mutual Defense Assistance Program.

HNS Leon D-54(previously USS Eldridge DE-173 listen) served in the Hellenic Royal Navy from 15 January 1951 until it was decommissioned on 15 November 1992. Further Eldridge used as a training ship. On November 11, 1999, she was scrapped by V&J Scrap Metal Trading Ltd of Peiraia in Greece.



Campaign Tapes

Medals: American Campaign, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign, World War Two Victory, Navy Occupation.

Known myth or reality

Historical facts

In the second half of the twentieth century, the inhabitants of the United States and other countries were shocked by the rumor of an incredible physical experiment, in which a military ship was a participant. Eldridge (DE-173). According to legend, on an October morning in 1943, an escort destroyer Eldridge, located at the naval base in Philadelphia, was used to test electromagnetic equipment that makes the ship invisible. The basis for the creation of the device was the theory of the "Unified field" of the American physicist Albert Einstein and the works of the Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla. At the beginning of the grand experience called "Rainbow", the ship Eldridge enveloped in a greenish fog, and the ship began to dissolve in the air, and then completely disappeared, leaving a depression on the water. Meanwhile, eyewitnesses located near another base - Norflok, noticed the same sudden appearance of a ship Eldridge like his disappearance. The ship then "teleported" from Norflok harbor back to the Philadelphia base, with the crew of the destroyer escort visibly injured. In order not to notify the public about the incident at the naval base, allegedly, it was decided to classify all documents about the course of the experiment, and hide the surviving sailors of the ship in clinics for the mentally ill.

This is what a plausible legend looked like until facts began to surface that disproved this experiment on an escort destroyer Eldridge. The ancestor of the myth was Carl Miguel Allen, who sent strange-looking letters to ufologist Morris K. Jessup, under the pseudonym Carlos Miguel Allende. These messages just described everything that happened at the Philadelphia base with the ship and its crew: “... as a result, the ship was enveloped in a certain field resembling an ellipsoid in shape. Everything, objects and people that fell into the field, had blurred outlines ... Half of the crew members of that ship are now insane ... ". Allende also noted what happened to some of the surviving sailors: “One went through the wall of his own apartment and disappeared in front of his wife, child and two guests. Two other officers flared up like matches and burned down ... ". And in the last letter, Carlos admitted that he served on the ship "Andrew Fureset" and personally observed from him the progress of the experiment. Morris Jessup showed little interest in these letters. However, Allende's copy of his book The UFO Case was mailed to the Office of Naval Research at the Pentagon and was reprinted by the military J. J. Smith with the same odd notes.

On April 20, 1959, Morris Jessup died on the way to the hospital from an overdose of sleeping pills, and ufologists began to say that he "knew a lot", for which he paid. The myth began to gain wide popularity. The investigators of anomalous phenomena Charles Berlitz and William Moore decided to take up the fiction, who were honored with a personal conversation with "Mr. Allende." In 1979, the bestseller by Berlitz and Moore, The Philadelphia Experiment, was published, based on the stories of Carlos Miguel about the experience on an escort destroyer. Eldridge.
In the early 90s, skeptical researcher Robert Goerman decided to shed light on the myth of the disappearance of the ship, since he was one of the recipients of Allende's letters. In the course of searching for the author of the messages, he learned that Carlos was an American, born in Pennsylvania in 1925, and that his real name, Allen, had long been known in the UFO community. “Allen has been writing to me and other researchers for years,” says ufologist Lauren Coleman. - He suffered from a mental disorder and often moved from motel to motel. The Allen family showed Robert Goerman letters in which he confesses that he made up the whole story about the destroyer from beginning to end and sent Jessup's book, written by him personally, to the military.

The meeting of the Eldridge and Andrew Fureset ships in 1943 at the naval base in Philadelphia was also called into question. Throughout the autumn and December 1943, the destroyer escorted convoys bound for the US capital, which means that he could not have been in Philadelphia at that time. As for the name of the experiment, "Rainbow" has nothing to do with the "Philadelphia Experiment". During the Second World War, "Rainbow" was one of the headquarters plans for possible military operations against the "axis" Rome - Berlin - Tokyo.

The refutation of the fact that Einstein and Tesla worked together on the experiment also exists. The fact is that the great Serbian physicist did not even live to see the launch of the ship Eldridge to the water. And Einstein, according to FBI Director Edgar Hoover, was an unreliable person, as he showed more sympathy for communism than for capitalism. It was not possible to entrust a physicist with a scientific project classified as "Secret".

However, a small part of the myth is quite the place to be. The US Navy used a process called degaussing (from "gauss" - a unit of magnetic induction) on some ships, making the ship "invisible" to mines with a magnetic detonator. The vessel was equipped with a "belt", which, when connected to a current source, became a powerful electromagnet. Degaussization allowed two types of action: with a multiple increase in the magnetic field, the mines exploded in the distance, and with the suppression of the ship's magnetic field, the ship became invisible to the mines.

The assembled sailors of that same ship were able to finally destroy the myth Eldridge in 1999 in Atlantic City. Captain Van Allen, 84, said: "I have no idea how this story came about." He was also supported by other sailors. “I think it was someone who came up with dope,” said 74-year-old Ed Wise. "No experiments have ever been done on us," said Tad Davis.

The Philadelphia Experiment (also known as Project Rainbow) is a mythical experiment in which Albert Einstein took part, conducted by the US Navy on October 28, 1943, during which the destroyer Eldridge allegedly disappeared and then instantly moved in space for several tens of kilometers. with a team of 181 people. The US Navy has not officially confirmed the experiment, but rumors about it are widespread. Surviving sailors from the team Eldridge deny the fact of the experiment and consider statements about it a fiction and a lie.

public notoriety

The whole story began in 1955, after the publication of the book by Morris Ketchum Jessup, ufologist and astrophysicist. His book dealt with flying saucers. That same year, Jessup received a letter from Carlos Miguel Allende stating that levitation, which Jessup believed caused the saucers to move, not only existed, but had once been a "generally known process" on Earth. Moriss was interested in this letter and asked to meet with the author. At this meeting, Allende spoke about the experiment.

Text of Allende's letter

"…" The result "was the complete invisibility of a destroyer-class ship at sea and its entire crew. The magnetic field was in the form of a rotating ellipsoid and extended for 100 meters (more or less, depending on the position of the Moon and the degree of longitude) on both sides of the ship. All those who were in this field had only a blurry outline, but perceived all those who were on board this ship, and, moreover, in such a way as if they were walking or standing in the air.Those who were outside the magnetic field, nothing at all seen, except for the sharply defined trace of the ship's hull in the water - provided, of course, that they were close enough to the magnetic field, but still outside it ... Half the officers and crew members of that ship are now completely insane. Some even to this day are kept in appropriate institutions, where they will receive qualified scientific assistance, when they either “soar”, as they themselves call it, or “soar and get stuck.” This “soar” is a consequence of too long sojourn in a magnetic field.

If a person is “stuck”, then he is not able to move of his own accord, unless one or two comrades who are nearby come up and touch him, because otherwise he will “freeze”. Usually the "Deep Frozen" loses his mind, rages and bears nasurazit if the "freeze" lasted more than one day in our countdown.

I'm talking about time, but ... "frozen" perceive the passage of time differently than we do. They resemble people in a twilight state who live, breathe, hear and feel, but do not perceive so much that they seem to exist only in the next world. They perceive time differently than you or me.

Very few of the team members who took part in the experiment remained ... Most lost their minds, one simply disappeared “through” the wall of his own apartment in front of his wife and child. Two other members of the crew were "ignited", that is, they "froze" and caught fire while dragging the small boat compasses; one carried a compass and caught fire, while the other hurried to him to "lay on his hand", but also caught fire. They burned for 18 days. Faith in the effectiveness of the laying on of hands method was shattered, and a general madness ensued. The experiment as such was absolutely successful. It had a fatal effect on the crew."

Experiment progress

On October 28, 1943, the so-called "Philadelphia Experiment" was conducted in the military port of Philadelphia.

Destroyer named DE173 Eldridge, which was supposed to conduct an experiment equipped with special electronic equipment, was in the docks of the port of Philadelphia. It was supposed to generate huge electromagnetic fields, which, if properly configured, should cause light and radio waves to wrap around the destroyer.

After turning on the generators, the ship began to wrap itself in a greenish fog, then the fog began to disappear, but the ship was no longer there. The result of the experiment was the complete disappearance of the ship. A few minutes later (according to some reports - a few seconds) the ship reappeared. The ship was found intact in the docks of the port of Norfolk (Virginia), later the ship returned back to Philadelphia. As a result of the experiment, most of the sailors became mentally ill, some people went missing, according to some eyewitnesses, five sailors were "fused" into the metal skin of the ship. People claimed that they fell into another world and observed unknown creatures.

Legend details

The legend claims that it was supposed to generate powerful electromagnetic fields, which, if properly configured, should have caused light and radio waves to wrap around the destroyer. When the destroyer disappeared, a greenish fog was observed. Of the entire crew of 181 people, only 21 returned unharmed. Of the rest, 27 people literally fused with the ship's structure, 13 died from burns, radiation, electric shock and fear.

It is also claimed that through the Philadelphia Experiment, Einstein was secretly testing his Unified Field Theory.

There is an opinion that during the experiment, the FBI verified the authenticity of Nikola Tesla's guesses regarding the possibility of teleportation (Tesla himself died a few months earlier, and his archive was transferred to the disposal of the American government).

scientific explanation

In 1943, scientists in all warring countries were experimenting with the use of degaussing (or, as physicists say, “degaussing”) a ship as a method to make it undetectable (“invisible”) for the recently appeared magnetic fuses for mines and torpedoes.

The main method of demagnetization consists in exposing magnetic materials to an alternating magnetic field with decreasing amplitude. An electromagnet coil was used as a source of an alternating magnetic field, with a decrease in the amplitude of the current passing through it.

Naturally, during the operation of the demagnetizer, mechanical watches and magnetic compasses go crazy. And the very type of demagnetizer - a large coil of thick copper wire wound around the ship's hull in the longitudinal direction - can serve as an object for conjecture.

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