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How to cheer up a guy on VK examples. What to write to a guy to cheer him up from a distance. What cheers guys up

Show him your love and support through messages.

If a person is really close, you will not be able to calmly look at his sad face or realize through messages that something is going wrong in his life. Sometimes there is no opportunity to meet in person. In such a situation, girls ask themselves: how to cheer up a pen pal?

Declaration of love

If your relationship has reached the stage where the situation with an awkward confession of feelings is left behind, write in a gentle SMS how much you love the guy. Whatever the problem, he will always be pleased to know that in any situation you will support him.

He is the best

Every man needs to feel the strongest, smartest, most beautiful and other pleasant adjectives. If a guy fails at something, be it failing an exam, getting fired from a job, or having a bad interview, he needs you more than ever. Write that this is only a temporary difficulty. That you have been around for a long time and are sure: he is smart and will definitely settle the situation. But don't confuse flattery with encouragement. Empty but loud words will not bring the desired result, but will only make things worse. Remember: in case of failure, a man must believe in himself again, and for this he needs you to believe in him.


Laughter is the cure for all problems. A dose of humor can dull the pain for a while and drive away bad thoughts. But you don’t need to go to the extreme and send your guy all the jokes about Vovochka that you find on the Internet. Funny words should be on topic. You can send him a link to the article. Even if a man doesn’t roll on the floor laughing, a smile will definitely creep onto his face.

In addition to messages, you can send your boyfriend funny videos. To do this, it is important to know the preferences of the young man and be sure that he will like the video.

"Your phrases"

In correspondence, it wouldn’t hurt to use a funny phrase that only you understand. Think about a funny incident that happened recently. The main thing is that this is not a situation in which the young man is not presented in the best light - this will only escalate the situation.

Sometimes a man needs to talk about his problems. It is difficult to keep all experiences in an inner box, firmly locked. Try to unobtrusively find out if he wants to discuss the situation. If the answer is categorical, do not continue to develop the topic. This is not a girlfriend who says “no”, but means “yes” and waits for you to start asking for information yourself. If it's clear from the messages that the guy is willing to discuss the topic, let him talk it out. Even if you can't help with advice or action, he will still feel better.

Remember that the main thing is his problem. Forget about your own worries and failures for the day. It is important for a man to understand that he is not only heard, but also listened to. Therefore, talk as little as possible about yourself.

If possible, use emoticons - they are designed to make correspondence more lively. Choose those emoticons that match your emotions at the moment. They will look cute and convey the right feelings.

You can send your guy a “heart” - it will definitely cheer him up.

If the guy doesn't want to talk - or has already done so - try changing the subject. Talking about other things will distract him from his problems for a while. You can start a topic about his hobbies and ask questions to which you don’t know the answers. Does your boyfriend know anything about cars? Write that you saw a beautiful car and want to know its make. Describe the car and, together with your boyfriend, go through all the possible options. A young man playing computer games? Report that you downloaded/purchased the game, but can’t figure it out. The man will meet you halfway, and at the same time take his mind off sad thoughts.

We all feel sad from time to time. To cheer a person up, you need to listen to him, sympathize with him and help him see the situation in a different light. If you want to know how to cheer and encourage someone, this article is for you.


Listen and sympathize

  1. Play to your strengths. Not all of us can be considered geniuses, but almost all of us can do something well. Use this to make a friend laugh. Do you know how to cook lasagna? Great! Prepare dinner. Making up jokes on the fly? Can you draw an amazing picture? Wonderful! These abilities will help you cheer up your friend.

    • Take advantage of your creativity and ingenuity. Sing a song to a friend, take it with you on a hike, put your kitten on it. What You do you know how? Enjoy the process.
  2. Be optimistic. Try to see the good in life. Remember that the glass is half full, not half empty. Optimism is a philosophy of life, and it is contagious if used correctly. Look for interesting, unexpected, and inspiring opportunities that your friend may have missed while he was sad.

    • There are positives to be found in almost every situation, it’s just that sometimes we don’t want to look for them. Below are several ways to look at the problem from a different angle and responses:
      • My partner decided to break up with me. “Don’t worry about a person who couldn’t appreciate you. If he doesn't understand your value, he doesn't deserve to be around you. There are many people in the world who will be able to see a wonderful person in you.”
      • Someone close to you has died. “Death is a natural process. You can't bring someone back, but you can think about how much they impacted your life and how important you were to them. Be grateful for the time you were able to spend together."
      • I lost my job. “A job is not the only thing you have. Think about the lessons your previous job taught you and try to apply them to your future job. To find a job, you need to work harder than others. Try to show employers that your qualifications are higher than those of other people.”
      • I don't believe in my strength. “You have many reasons to feel confident in yourself. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and this is what makes each person unique and beautiful in their own way. I see no reason why you should underestimate yourself."
      • I don't know what happened, I just feel bad. “Being sad is completely normal for a person. Happy moments seem brighter precisely because there are difficult situations. Don't try to force yourself to stop being sad. Think about the fact that many people might envy you. It always helps me."
  3. Don't be sad yourself . If you yourself are upset, how can you help your friend? Find a happy medium between worrying about your friend's problems (you want your friend to know you're upset that they're not doing well) and optimism (think positive thoughts and remind yourself of the glass half full). This will require some effort from you, and it may be difficult for you emotionally, but what wouldn’t you do for a friend?

    • Help your friend and do everything possible for him so that he understands that someone cares about what happens to him. This will help build trust. The person will understand that he can rely on you. Always help a friend with a smile.
    • Offer to distract your friend's attention with some activity, such as going to the cinema, hiking, swimming or playing computer games. If a person doesn't want it, don't pester him. It is impossible to forcefully help people who do not want to help themselves. Enjoy life, be faithful to your friend and be ready to always be there until your friend resolves the problem or decides to forget about it.
    • Adviсe
      • Hug the person (if he doesn't mind)! If you try to hug someone when they don't want to, you will only make the situation worse.
      • Tell a funny story or watch something fun together.
      • Some gift ideas:
        • Scented candle to relieve stress (if the person is not allergic to scents).
        • Chocolate! (Again, if there is no allergy - or the person is not on a diet.)
        • Humorous certificate of achievement. For example, if a person broke up with someone and is sad about it, give them a certificate that says “Saddest Story of the Year.” (Only do this if your friend is currently able to appreciate a joke. If something really serious has happened to him, humor will be inappropriate.)
      • Write a nice letter or sign a card telling your friend how much you appreciate his friendship and how much you love him.

When difficult times come, it is important for a person to understand those around him. When choosing a partner for a serious relationship, everyone hopes that he will share both joy and sorrow with him. A guy will always appreciate a girl who knows how to support and lift his spirits in the most difficult times. How to do it right? guy?

A few words about what mood is

Each person reflects the external world through the prism of his inner “I” in the form of experiences that express a subjective attitude towards the world around him and towards himself. An instant reaction to events that have happened, are likely or remembered are emotions: joy, sadness, anger, melancholy. A more stable attitude towards specific objects, including animate ones, are feelings: love for the homeland, hatred of enemies, attachment to things. Mood is that stable one that is not associated with the objective world, but expresses an attitude towards a real life situation. How can a guy do it if he doesn’t know the reasons for his bad mood?

There can be many of them: professional unfulfillment, chronic lack of money, loss or betrayal of a close friend. The man himself is not always able to understand the origins of the decline in mood. Influencing the cause by looking for a new job is one way, and pushing for a change in attitude towards the problem is another. Sometimes a person just needs support, and sometimes he himself is not ready to switch moods, preferring to survive the troubles that have fallen on his own. If a person dear to your heart has passed away, for example, with whom many pleasant memories are associated, and you want to be alone, without sharing your grief with anyone. In this case, the best thing to do is to allow him to remain alone for a while.

How to cheer up a guy when you meet: common mistakes

If there is no way to influence the cause of the decline in mood or it is unknown, the girl needs to show understanding of the young man’s condition, bring positive emotions into communication and, if possible, strengthen his self-confidence to overcome the traumatic situation. Therefore, it is absolutely forbidden to:

  • rush in with questions (rarely a guy wants to look like a loser in front of a girl);
  • regret (the young man wants to be sure that he is considered strong);
  • to console without understanding the reasons;
  • try to cheer up at all costs (this will cause irritation);
  • show obsessive affection (unnatural behavior leads to tension);
  • offer help in fixing the problem (the guy needs to be inspired, not pulled in tow).

There are many options for how to cheer up a guy without affecting his self-esteem. To do this you should:

Being at a distance, knowing her boyfriend well, a girl can always understand when he is in a bad mood. At the beginning of a relationship, you should pay attention to feigned gaiety, not always appropriate jokes, some absent-mindedness during dialogue, loss of concentration, long pauses that occur when the young man seems to be searching for words. This is due to the peculiarities of male psychology: they, unlike women, do not know how to do two things at once. If they are preoccupied with some problem, it is difficult for them to maintain the thread of the conversation.

The answer to the question of how to cheer up a guy from a distance depends entirely on the girl’s ability and desire to overcome the kilometers separating them. The best option is an offer to meet for a walk, visit a cinema or cafe, or just ride around the city. Nothing helps more in difficult times than communicating with a loved one. It is acceptable to ask whether the guy is okay. If desired, he will answer it honestly, but if there is no such desire, one should not insist. In the future, he will definitely appreciate feminine delicacy.

How to cheer up a pen pal

The danger of prolonged low mood is that it can develop into depression, causing serious physical disorders. At the same time, there are situations when the distance is so significant that the girl has to resort to other methods of communication, for example, correspondence. Gone into the past has enormous therapeutic significance, which in no case should be neglected: familiar handwriting, a folded sheet of paper with a girl’s hand, some subtle smell. A name written with a pen carries special warmth and support.

Letters have another wonderful property - they can be stored. Therefore, writing it must be taken seriously in order to arouse such a desire in a young man. How to cheer up a pen pal, if not with positivity? A small pen drawing in the margins depicting funny people, emoticons, and symbols familiar to only two people. An interesting investment in an envelope, reminiscent of the time spent together, any little thing that will tell about feelings more than words. If a guy is in the army, in prison, or on a special mission, the girl should share the details of her life, thoughts about current events, so that he has a desire to be involved in her life, which helps to improve her internal state.

What can you do using SMS?

The 21st century is the time of mobile communications. SMS is a lifesaver even when people are together. In case of any misunderstanding, if it is difficult to find words, you can type a small text: “Honey, I’m wrong” or “I’m sad when we quarrel.” The ability to use emoticons, photographs, or selfies taken a minute ago expands the possibilities of broadcasting positive emotions. The answer to the question of how to cheer up a guy via SMS depends on knowing the reasons for his internal discomfort and personality traits. A serious, intellectually developed young man can be told an aphorism that gives impetus to rethinking the problem; a lover can be told affectionate words that he wants to hear, but humor is shown to everyone without exception.

People laugh at different things: some appreciate dark humor, while others do not accept it, some consider the joke vulgar, while for others it causes a knowing smile. An example of universal strings would be:

  • Confirmation that the girl is nearby and always in touch: “Your subscriber is sending her number to say: you can call him at any hour.”
  • Confidence in feelings. Such SMS are good because real emotions can be exaggerated, and this will be regarded correctly: “Today I deposited three thousand kisses, two thousand tender words and five thousand hugs into the bank account of your heart. If you miss me, you can always take them off your account.”
  • young man: “Hello, I’m your SMS...Oh, what strong hands are holding the phone and unusually beautiful eyes are looking at me!”

Opportunities for communicating via the Internet

Runet provides more chances to solve the problem of how to cheer up a guy. Visual communication programs that erase distance and allow you to spend a certain amount of time in an intimate setting with each other allow couples separated by circumstances to maintain relationships. This does not replace personal contact, the chemistry that arises between two young people, but it adds its own romance and a sense of intimacy across many kilometers.

The answer to the question of how to cheer up a guy online depends on the level of development of the relationship. At the stage of their inception, it is appropriate to watch their favorite films, programs, videos together, which the girl can select in advance, preferring the most fun and positive ones, taking into account the preferences of the young man. You can arrange joint shopping in online stores, choosing gifts for loved ones, or music and slide shows prepared by the girl for a specific event from personal photographs help. Men rarely focus on dates, but they appreciate it if a girl attaches importance to them, forming certain traditions. Everyone loves pleasant surprises, and the Internet provides a huge opportunity to give them: postcards, inscriptions on the VKontakte wall, voice messages and cute gifts that can tell a lot without words.

Your beloved guy, like any living person, cannot always be in a good mood. He is susceptible to depression and stress. Of course, I don’t want to leave it in this state. Obviously, the question arises - how to cheer up a guy? There are several ways to please your loved one when you are near him or when you are away from him.

What to write nice to a guy? 5 ways

Due to a difficult work schedule, two people in love are forced to communicate by correspondence on a social network. And in this case, there are 5 surefire ways to help cheer up a young man:

  1. Try to make him laugh. Don't know how to do it yourself? The Internet will help you! Find a joke that you like in the vastness of the World Wide Web and send it to his wall;
  2. If your boyfriend is a romantic, then send him a private message of your photo together. Be sure to write how much you love him and are happy that he appeared in your life. Wait for his answer, then remember together the best moments of your relationship. After a few minutes of such dialogue, he will forget that he was recently in a bad mood;
  3. Do you know what your boyfriend likes to listen to or watch? Let this be your main “trump card” in an attempt to cheer him up. Send several compositions to his wall in VK or Fb your favorite performer, a film with an idol or a selection of the best football goals;
  4. Arrange an erotic photo shoot at home. Send him the best shot in a private message. He will forget to think about his problems;
  5. Invite him for a walk and unwind, come up with an interesting program for him.

If you feel that your boyfriend is in a bad mood, then do not try to find out what happened to him. Better distract him and make him forget about his problems.

How to cheer up via SMS?

Not everyone has the opportunity to visit a social network. In this case, it is enough to send one SMS to your lover, it will make him look at life differently. To achieve a good result, you need to use the right phrases. Here are a few of them:

  • “Come visit today, take a good mood with you. This will be the best gift for me";
  • “Remember, beloved, your envious people are in a state of torment when they know that you are in a good mood. Don’t give them a reason to rejoice”;
  • “Do you want me to smile today? Then give me your good mood!”;
  • “I love you madly when you are attractive. But you only become like this when you are in a good mood!”;
  • "You are the best man! Smile, because a smile suits you!”;
  • “Even if everything is bad for you now, remember, I will always be there”;
  • “Smile more often, then you will make me happy.”

Be sure to add a lot of funny emoticons to your message. You shouldn’t bombard his phone with messages; one or two phrases are enough.

Phrases from the category of black humor

If your betrothed has everything in order with imagination and humor, then you can use not the most banal phrases to lift the mood:

  • “A nail is a strange thing. From frequent changes of holes, it bends, and, remaining in the same one, it will immediately rust”;
  • “Do you want your day to go smoothly? Eat a raw toad in the morning. Trust me, this will be the worst thing that will happen to you today”;
  • “Even mice, when they are in pain, still continue to eat thorny plants”;
  • “Are you thinking or did the genius just awaken in you?”;
  • “Nothing is known about the real truth, but there are rumors that there is definitely none in the legs.”

There are still a lot of original phrases, but you should use them only if you are sure that your man is truly gifted with a sense of humor.

How to cheer up a guy if he's nearby?

It is much easier to cheer up your loved one when he is nearby. But here too there are some peculiarities.

  • Do you think a man is a strong creature who does not need affection and care? You are wrong! If your lover is feeling bad, just hug him and tell him how much you love him. Do it sincerely and sincerely;
  • Take advantage of your feminine sexuality. Seduce him, invite him to play pranks. Such a proposal will make him forget about his bad mood;
  • Men love to be admired. Reminding him of his virtues will instantly boost his self-esteem;
  • Plan an entertaining program for the two of you. It should include activities that are interesting to your significant other. Does he like fishing? Great! Spend your Saturday evening on the shore of a pond. Is your betrothed a football fan? A trip to a sports bar together will give you a lot of new emotions;
  • If a man likes to have fun, then create a party in his honor right at your home for no reason. Invite friends, set the table, in a big company he will forget about his problems;
  • Everyone already knows what the path to the heart of any male passes through. Prepare a delicious, romantic dinner from his favorite dishes. Although this will not last long, it will cheer him up, and besides, he will be able to feel the care of the woman he loves;
  • Give your loved one a surprise. Such a gift will bring a lot of positive emotions not only to him, but also to you.

It is strictly forbidden to leave a man alone when he is under stress. Of course, he will be able to cope with his problems on his own, but he will feel more comfortable with you.

How to cheer up over the phone?

Not only an SMS or a post on a social network wall, but also a call on a mobile phone can lift your spirits. Hearing your voice, a man will feel support and understanding from his beloved woman, this will undoubtedly cheer him up and make him look at his problems differently.

You should not impose yourself, if you feel that your partner is trying to avoid this conversation, it means that at the moment he is not yet ready to open up to you, you should wait a few days, after which you can repeat the call.

What can you do to make your man always happy?

If your man often comes home from work or school in a depressed mood, then it’s time to take action. There are several secrets that, if you apply them, your man will always come home in a good mood:

  1. There should always be a calm and friendly atmosphere in the house. Men love silence, they have no desire to return after work to that house where there are always scandals;
  2. Your loved one should see that he is always welcome and welcome, so always greet him with a smile and a light kiss;
  3. Before his arrival, you should prepare a delicious dinner and set the table beautifully. This will boost your partner's morale;
  4. Regular sex life is the key to a good mood for any man. Even if you are tired all day and you have to get up early, at night you need to set aside time for affection for your partner;
  5. Plan an active weekend for your family. He will walk around in a good mood all week, anticipating the onset of happy days.

If you follow the rules given above, then you will never be tormented by the question of how to cheer up a guy.

In this video, Ksenia will talk about 6 ways to cheer up your boyfriend and cheer him up:

Men, although they are called the stronger sex, still need constant support not only in difficult times, but also in calm circumstances. To cheer them up, you don’t have to spend money - just warm words and attention are enough. This helps them feel stronger and reach new heights. There are many ways to please a friend or beloved guy, even if he is far away - the Internet and telephone communications will come to the rescue.

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One of the main secrets to a strong relationship is to do something nice for each other. Psychologists say that when a loved one brings joy, then things go well at work. Therefore, among happy family men there are statistically much fewer losers than among lonely people or those who quarrel every day, sort things out and are left without affection.

You can cheer up a guy with actions, gifts or words, both when he is nearby and at a distance.

When he's around

Ways to please your beloved man:

If a guy is going through a difficult and stressful period, then an effective way to cheer him up is simply a sincere, confidential conversation, during which the girl will clearly make it clear that she is with him, on his side and is ready to do everything to ease his lot.

When he's far away

If your loved ones are at a distance from each other, then you can cheer up the guy through telephone or the Internet. A few simple options:

  1. 1. Order him “your” song on the radio.
  2. 2. Write an inspiring message via SMS or correspondence via the Internet. The content could be something like this: memories of some special moments experienced together; a confession of how lonely it is now without him and how much you want to meet; warm words of love; plans for spending time on the day when the couple meets can be made with vulgar hints and promises. It is better to send such a text at night, so that your loved one reads it in the morning and is charged with positivity for the whole day.
  3. 3. Talking on the phone at every opportunity. During their course, you must definitely confess your love, give compliments and say how much you want to see him and hug him as soon as possible. A very simple, but guaranteed uplifting way is calls in the spirit of “I’m calling just to hear a voice and say that I love you.”
  4. 4. Compose poems with confessions of feelings, read them out loud and send them in correspondence. It is not so important that it is a masterpiece of poetic art as that the words are written from the heart.
  5. 5. Make a surprise and come to him, if possible. At the same time, it is advisable to take care of the conditions of your stay in another city if its capabilities are limited.
  6. 6. Send him a parcel with pleasant little things by courier service, train driver, bus driver, acquaintances.

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