Encyclopedia of fire safety

Tell me what you're afraid of and I'll tell you who you are. What are you most afraid of in the world? Your zodiac sign will tell you what are you afraid of

Think nothing? Well, check it out.

Aviaphobia - fear of flying
Agoraphobia - fear of open spaces
Ailurophobia - fear of cats
Eichmophobia - fear of sharp objects
Aquaphobia (also hydrophobia) - fear of water
Acnephobia - fear of skin acne
Acrophobia - fear of heights
Acribophobia - fear of not understanding the meaning of what is read
Acousticophobia - fear of loud sounds
Algophobia - fear of pain
Amatophobia - fear of dust
Amychophobia - fear of damaging the skin
Anginophobia - fear of angina pectoris
Androphobia (also arrhenphobia, hominophobia) - fear of men
Anemophobia - fear of being caught off guard by a storm
Apeirophobia - fear of infinity
Arachnophobia - fear of spiders
Aritmophobia (also numerophobia) - phobia of a number (certain)
Arrhenphobia - see androphobia
Astrapophobia (also astraphobia, brontophobia, keraunophobia) is the fear of thunder, thunder and lightning. More common in children
Astrophobia - see astrapophobia
Ataxiophobia - fear of incoordination
Athazagoraphobia - fear of forgetting or being forgotten
Autophobia - fear of loneliness (for example, fear of being alone in a room);
fear of selfishness
Aphobophobia - fear of the absence of phobias
Aerophobia - fear of drafts

Basophobia - fear of walking
Bacteriophobia - fear of contracting bacteria from contaminated objects
Barophobia - fear of lifting weights
Batheophobia - has several meanings:
- Fear of heights. It manifests itself when you are at a height (on the roof, on a balcony of a high floor, over an abyss).
- fear of depth (water). It appears when swimming in deep waters.
Belonophobia - fear of being pricked by sharp objects
Blapotophobia - fear of hurting someone
Bromohydrophobia - fear of bad smell from one's own body
Brontophobia (also keraunophobia) - fear of thunder

Venetophobia - the fear of contracting a sexually transmitted disease
Vertigophobia - fear of dizziness
Vinophobia - fear of drinking alcohol
Vomitophobia - fear of vomiting in the wrong place

Hapophobia - fear of being touched by others
Haphephobia - fear of being touched
Heliophobia - fear of being in the sun
Heterophobia is a collective term for hostile, negative attitudes towards heterosexuals or heterosexuality.
Hydrosophobia - fear of sweating and catching a cold
Hydrophobia - fear of water, fear of liquids
obsolete name for rabies
Hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia - fear of the number 666
Genecophobia - fear of women (a type of anochoretism)
Gerontophobia - fear of communicating with the elderly; fear of aging
Gefirophobia - fear of crossing a bridge (a type of bateophobia)
Gymnophobia - fear of nudity
Hypengiophobia - fear of responsibility
Glossophobia - fear of public speaking
Homilophobia - fear of communication, fear of failure, seeming funny, suspicious, attracting attention to oneself
Hominophobia - see androphobia
Homophobia is a collective term that does not mean a phobia in the clinical sense, but a negative attitude towards homosexuality or homosexual people.
Homophobia - negative attitude towards homophobes
Graphophobia - fear of writing, picking up writing materials
Goodbaileterophobia - fear of mass mailing of farewell letters

Demophobia - fear of crowds, large gatherings of people
Dermatopathophobia - fear of getting a skin disease
Dinophobia - fear of dizziness
Dysmorphophobia - fear of deformity

Zoophobia is the fear of animals, most often of a particular species (cats, chickens, etc.)

Hierophobia - fear of meeting religious objects
Isolophobia - fear of being alone in life
Iophobia - fear of poisons, accidental poisoning

Kairophobia - fear of new situations, unfamiliar places
Cardiophobia - an obsessive fear of spontaneous cardiac arrest
Carcinophobia - fear of cancer
Cenophobia - a concept close to agoraphobia - the fear of large unfilled spaces, for example, an empty square
Keraunophobia - see brontophobia
Cypridophobia - see venerophobia
Claustrophobia - fear of closed spaces
Kleptophobia - fear of thieves, often in old age, combined with obsessive ideas of robbing
Climacophobia - fear of walking up stairs
Coinophobia - Fear of entering a room full of people
Counterphobia is an obsessive provocation of a situation that causes fear, for example, fear of heights is combined with the desire to become a pilot, stewardess, etc.
Copophobia - a phobia of overwork
Cosmophobia - fear of space disasters
Criminophobia - fear of committing a crime
Cryophobia - fear of cold and ice
Xenophobia - does not mean a phobia in the clinical sense, but a hostile, negative attitude towards "strangers", foreigners, etc.
Xerophobia - fear of dryness, drought

Lalophobia - fear of speaking due to fear of stuttering
Laterophobia - fear of lying on the left side (with cardiophobia)
Leprophobia - fear of contracting leprosy
Ligyrophobia - fear of loud noise
Lyssophobia - an obsessive fear of going insane
Logophobia - fear of unlearning how to speak words

Maleusiophobia (also tocophobia) - fear of childbirth
Maniophobia - fear of getting sick with a mental disorder
Menophobia - fear of menstruation and associated pain
Metallophobia - fear of metals and metal objects
Mesophobia - obsessive fear of infection, infection and subsequent disease
Misophobia - fear of pollution
Microphobia - fear of germs
Mixeophobia - fear of sexual intercourse due to the fear of exposing the genitals, touching the body of a partner
fear of loneliness, fear of being rejected and unloved;
a phobia that does not coexist with other phobias
Morphinophobia - fear of becoming a morphine addict

Necrophobia - fear of corpses, funerals, funeral paraphernalia
Neophobia - fear of new things
Nephophobia - fear of clouds
Nyctophobia - fear of darkness, nightfall, agonizing expectation of insomnia
Nosophobia - obsessive fear of getting sick with an incurable disease
Numerophobia - see arrhythmophobia

Odontophobia - fear of going to the dentist, dental treatment
Ombrophobia - fear of being exposed to rain
Onanophobia - fear of negative consequences of onanism
Ochlophobia (also demophobia) - fear of the appearance of a crowd of people

Rhabdophobia - fear of punishment
Radiophobia - fear of radiation and x-rays
Rectophobia - fear of difficulty in defecation
Ripophobia (also mesophobia) - fear of dirt
Rubrophobia (also erythrophobia) - fear of the color red
Russophobia - rejection or denial of everything related to "Russian"

Selaphobia - fear of flashes of bright light
Syphilophobia - an obsessive fear of contracting syphilis
AIDS phobia - obsessive fear of getting AIDS
Satanophobia (also demonophobia) - fear of Satan
Siderodromophobia - Fear of riding railroads, especially during periods of acceleration
Siderohomophobia - fear of being on the same train as a homosexual
Sitophobia (Greek σιτος food + φόβος - fear):
fear of eating, for example, with peptic ulcer, persistent diarrhea, nausea, stomach disorders;
obsessive fear - fear of eating; observed mainly in neurosis, psychopathy;
complete or partial refusal of food for delusional motives in the presence of a preserved appetite; observed in psychosis.
Scabiophobia (also acryophobia) - fear of scabies
Skopophobia (also scoptophobia) - the fear of appearing ridiculous, drawing attention to oneself
Social phobia - fear of society or people in general
Spectrophobia - fear of mirrors
Stazobasophobia - fear of standing and walking

Talasophobia - fear of the sea, sea travel
Thanatophobia - fear of death
Telephonophobia - fear of talking on the phone
Theophobia - fear of God, God's punishment
Thermophobia - fear of heat, heated rooms
Tetraphobia - fear of the number 4 (number)
Technophobia - fear of the dominance of technology (especially electronic); negative perception of the social consequences of technological progress
Tocophobia - see maleusiophobia
Toxicophobia - fear of being poisoned
Topophobia - fear of being alone in a room, fear that you will not be able to escape from a fire, earthquake or any other natural disaster
Tremophobia - fear of shaking
Triskaidekaphobia (also terdekaphobia) - fear of the number 13
Trichophobia - fear of hair getting into food, clothes, body

Ouranophobia - fear of looking at the sky
Urophobia - fear of the urge to urinate in the face of the impossibility of its implementation

Phagophobia - fear of choking on food
Phasmophobia - fear of ghosts, spirits, and other fantastic creatures
Pharmacophobia - fear of taking medications
Phengobophia - fear of sunlight
Philemaphobia - fear of kissing
Phobophobia - fear of phobias
Photophobia - fear of light

Harpaxophobia - fear of robbers
Chilophobia - fear of the forest (getting lost, meeting wild animals)
Hipengiophobia - fear of responsibility
Chrematophobia - fear of touching money (often combined with mesophobia)
Chromatophobia - fear of any color
Chronophobia - fear of time (a form of prison neurosis)

Eizoptrophobia - see spectrophobia
Eichophobia - fear of hearing or saying good wishes
Eosophobia - fear of the onset of the day (time of day)
Electrophobia - fear of electricity
Emichophobia - fear of scratches
Epistaxophobia - fear of nosebleeds
Ergasiophobia - fear of performing any action, movement
Erythrophobia - 1) fear of blushing; 2) neurotic fear that occurs when looking at objects painted red
Erotophobia - fear of sex

Zoophobia (fear of animals)

A - Yo
Ailurophobia (also gatophobia, galeophobia) - fear of cats
Apiphobia (also melissaphobia) - fear of bees, wasps
Agrizoophobia - fear of wild animals
Alektorophobia - fear of chickens
Arachnephobia (also arachnophobia) - fear of spiders
Bacteriophobia (also bacilliphobia, sicrophobia) - fear of infection with microbes
Bactraphobia - fear of reptiles, reptiles
Bacillophobia - see bacteriophobia
Blennophobia - fear of mucus
Buphonophobia - fear of toads
Verminophobia - fear of bacteria, microbes, infection, worms, infectious insects
Herpetophobia - fear of reptiles, reptiles, snakes
Hippophobia - fear of horses
Gutsofobiya - fear of skinny people
Doraphobia - fear of growing hair after touching the skin of an animal, fur or animal skin

F - P
Zemmiphobia - fear of rats
Isopterophobia - fear of wood-eating insects, termites
Insectophobia - fear of insects
Ichthyophobia - fear of fish
Cynophobia - fear of dogs, being bitten by a rabid dog
Knidophobia - fear of stinging insects, bites
Lutraphobia - fear of otters
Myrmecophobia - fear of ants
Mottephobia - fear of moths
Musophobia - fear of mice
Ostraconophobia - fear of shellfish
Ophidiophobia (also epistemophobia) – phobia of snakes
Pediculophobia - fear of lice
Pteranophobia - fear of bird feathers

R - Z
ranidaphobia - fear of frogs
Selachophobia - fear of sharks
Sycrophobia - see bacteriophobia
Scoleciphobia - fear of worms, infectious insects
Sphexophobia - fear of wasps
Taurophobia - fear of bulls
Teniophobia - fear of infection with tapeworms; kind of nosophobia
Phthyriophobia - fear of lice
Equinophobia - fear of horses
Elurophobia - fear of cats
Entomophobia - fear of insects
Epistemophobia - see ophidiophobia

Other phobias

A - K
Apopatophobia - fear of going to restrooms
Gravidophobia - fear of meeting a pregnant woman; fear of getting pregnant
Hedonophobia - fear of pleasure
Hellenologophobia - fear of complex scientific Greek terminology
Gelophobia - fear of laughter
Genuphobia - fear of knees
Hypnophobia - fear of falling asleep (fear of dying in your sleep)
Dextrophobia - fear of objects located to the right of the patient
Dorophobia - fear of receiving or giving gifts
Dromophobia - fear of crossing the street
Coprophobia - fear of defecation
Keyrophobia - fear of hairdressers, fear of cutting a client when shaving
Kyonophobia - fear of snow
Coulrophobia - fear of clowns

L - R
Lacanophobia - fear of vegetables
Militariphobia - fear of military service
Nephophobia - fear of clouds
Oikophobia - a phobia of returning home after being discharged from a psychiatric hospital
Panophobia - fear of everything
Pelidophobia - fear of bald people
Parthenophobia - fear of virgins
Pogonophobia - fear of beards

S - I
Syngenesophobia - fear of relatives
Testophobia - fear of exams
Hairophobia - fear of laughing in inappropriate situations (such as at a funeral)

Astrologers are sure that the representative of each zodiac sign. Find out which one is yours.


You are freedom-loving and independent, so you are afraid of a serious relationship. And due to the fact that you are sociable, you may have a fear of being alone - isolophobia, as well as a fear of enclosed spaces - claustrophobia.


Taurus is one of the few signs of the zodiac that rarely suffers from phobias. You don't get hung up on trifles and you can give up on your fears. But money plays an essential role for you in life, so your main fear is to be left with an empty wallet.

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It is difficult for Gemini to overcome the fear of the dark (nyctophobia), depth (batophobia) and enclosed spaces (claustrophobia). Although you are physically strong, the pain threshold is very low, and because of this, you do not tolerate any, even minor pain (algophobia).


You are touchy, so you are afraid of becoming an object of ridicule. This fear can develop into a pathology, which threatens the development of catagelophobia. Cancers are also terrified of high speeds (tachophobia) and flying at high altitude (aviaphobia).

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a lion

You, like Gemini, are terribly afraid of pain (algophobia). Leos do not like doctors, especially dentists. At high altitudes, you may experience slight dizziness, and on lonely evenings, fear of the dark wakes up in you (nyctophobia).


Oddly enough, Virgos don't believe in love. Therefore, with age, they develop gamophobia - the fear of marriage. Every time you are overwhelmed with horror at the sight of spiders (arachnophobia), cockroaches (blattophobia) and other insects. And if too many fears accumulate, you will begin to suffer from phobophobia - the fear of re-experiencing the fear experienced.

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Libras are also terrified of insects (entomophobia) and reptiles (herpetophobia), especially frogs and snakes. They do not tolerate pain well and seek medical attention only when absolutely necessary. You are tormented by the fear of being left without a life partner, and in the most difficult times, even the fear of dying alone (autophobia).


Scorpios are not shy. Their fears can be counted on the fingers. But those few phobias that can still appear in representatives of this sign are very original: fear of corners, albinos and gambling.

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You believe in mysticism and are afraid of evil spirits. Frequent viewing of "Charmed" or reading articles about the approaching end of the world contributes to the development of Satanophobia. You are also very freedom-loving, so you are afraid of closed spaces (claustrophobia).

What are you afraid of? Messages from one psychological forum

"Hello! I'm looking for people who have a situation similar to mine. I live in constant fear. I am afraid of people, or rather, communication with people, especially in a formal setting ... For me, this fear is tantamount to the fear of death. This cannot be explained by simple excitement, it is more, because during such a sensation I want to die, and not just fall through the ground. I've been to psychologists and even a psychotherapist. I drank pills and stronger than afobazole. I tried to deal with this with more than one psychologist, but all in vain: everyone has their own point of view on my situation. They say you need to find the root of the problem and then fight, but I still can’t find this cause.”

“... One of my acquaintances is terribly afraid of butterflies, absolutely seriously. I can’t imagine how you can be afraid of them, because they are so beautiful.

“One of the most unusual fears is genuphobia, the fear of bare knees. Genuphobes get nervous when bare knees are exposed to their eyes ... "

"Hello! I am very afraid of flying! Tell me, how can I get rid of this, except for the option of refusing to travel by plane ??? ”

The list of phobias is endless. It includes, according to some sources, up to 2000 varieties of fears and phobias. Among them are such exotic ones as ailurophobia - fear of cats, androphobia - fear of men, hydrosophobia - fear of sweating, dysmorphophobia - fear of one's own appearance, necrophobia - fear of corpses and funeral accessories, and many, many others. Yandex gives 6769 impressions for the query “fears”, 4723 impressions for “phobias”. It seems that the problem is really very relevant for modern society. And the number and classification of fears, perhaps, can inspire a real phobophobia - the fear of phobias.

What are you afraid of?

However, is it important to classify fears? Will this help in solving the problem of getting rid of them? The girl who is afraid to communicate correctly says that you need to realize the root of fear, and then it will go away. But the most joyful news is that almost all fears have one root, and people with a visual vector prone to them are able, having realized this root, to get rid of all phobias in one fell swoop. Such real effect from passing a training in system-vector psychology.

What are you afraid of? Where does fear grow legs

A person with a visual vector has the most sensitive vision and the largest emotional amplitude. Such a set of properties was originally necessary to fulfill the species role in the ancient flock. The Spectator was the pack's daytime guard. His keen eye noticed a predator lurking in the savannah, which made the viewer very frightened, emitted fear pheromones, and the flock took off, saving their lives. It should be noted that this specific role was played by skin-visual girls, whom men took with them to hunt. If these girls performed their role poorly, then they were the first to be given into the clutches of a predator. So genetically, the most powerful fear was laid in the representatives of the visual vector - the fear of death.

What are you afraid of?

The skin-visual boys were afraid of death no less, and perhaps even more, because, as a rule, the fate of these fragile, feminine, sickly and incapable of fulfilling the male specific role of individuals was predetermined immediately by the leader's olfactory adviser. They were eaten during an act of ritual cannibalism, which was practiced in the pack to rally its members around the table, to overcome hostility, which was caused by a constant lack of food. Only in this way could they be useful to the pack.

A lot of time has passed since then. Skin-visual girls no longer become victims of a predator, and boys are not eaten by cannibals. The role of fear as the savior of the pack has ceased to be relevant. But the strongest negative emotion - the fear of death - continues to control many representatives of the visual vector. All other fears are only strung on this root fear, bizarrely manifesting themselves in the form of various phobias, which no longer have an account. A girl who is afraid of communication does not say in vain: “For me, this fear is tantamount to the fear of death.” The unconscious knows the truth.

What are you afraid of? Emotions in minus and emotions in plus

Do all viewers suffer from phobias? No, only those who have not received the right education of the senses or for some reason are under stress. The huge emotional amplitude of the visual vector has on one of its poles the strongest fear of death, and on the other - love and compassion. A visual child who has been taught from childhood to bring his emotions outward, directing them to people, knows how to sympathize, empathize, and will never be afraid. He is not threatened even by the most common fear of the dark among spectators, which is fully justified by the fact that his most sensitive sensor (eyes) is not able to perceive anything in the dark, and the rich imagination of the spectator draws one picture scarier than the other in such a situation.

What are you afraid of?

If a person with a visual vector did not receive proper education in childhood, then he is inclined to be inside himself and is able to plunge into the abyss of fears. The only solution to this problem is, firstly, the realization of where the legs grow from fear, and secondly, the way out, that is, the transfer of one's violent emotionality to compassion, mercy and love for people. An excellent therapy for such a spectator can be helping the sick, the elderly, and children. You will not even notice how the riot of fantasy inside will stop worrying you, how the world will unfold with new facets, and the true joy of life will replace fears.

What are you afraid of? Group of sound vector fears

So, the main progenitor of fears is the visual vector, however, there are several more specific fears, which, in general, are not fears, but are more related to the manifestations of the properties of some vectors. Let's list them.

Psychologists describe acousticophobia - the fear of loud sounds, which is actually not a fear, but a manifestation of the hypersensitivity of the hearing of a person with a sound vector. In its normal state, its hearing is very delicate, capable of distinguishing the quietest sounds. And this is not surprising, because the ear is its leading sensor. But in a state of emptiness, lack, a person with a sound vector becomes painfully sensitive to any noise, which psychologists define as a phobia.

What are you afraid of?

In addition, the sound engineer is characterized by such fears as dipsychophobia (fear of going crazy) and the fear of stopping breathing, which are associated with his mental organization. The external world and the body are illusory for him, he lives in internal states. His thoughts for him are a reality, the loss of which is incompatible with life. Sometimes the congestion of his mind is such that he is afraid of losing his clarity of mind.

Breath is the only thread that connects it with the physical. He can forget to eat, drink, in bad states he loses the ability to sleep, but it is impossible to stop breathing. The loss of the opportunity to take a breath causes a feeling of panic.

What are you afraid of? Anal Vector Fears Group

And another letter from the forum:“Advise what to do: I'm afraid to start a new business. Absolutely any.
For example, I am a CCM in rhythmic gymnastics, my body can do almost anything, but to go, for example, to some dances, yoga or something else, I’m scared, it won’t work out suddenly ... Although I understand that after 2-3 classes I will do a lot better than teachers and people who have been studying for a long time.

Opinion from there about her problem:“It seems to me that you are a perfectionist, you need to do everything very well.
I just don't see any other reason. If you are a CCM in rhythmic gymnastics, God himself ordered you to do dancing, yoga, etc.”

We are not aware that the unconscious is speaking through our mouths. The first girl outlined the range of problems of the anal vector, and the one who advised her mentioned one of its characteristic features - perfectionism.

What are you afraid of?

Professional psychologists would single out a group of fears here, such as atichiphobia - the fear of making a mistake, decidophobia - the fear of making decisions, neophobia - the fear of everything new, of change. All of the above fears lie in the properties of the anal vector, and are also related to the fact that stress (and new for him is always stress, because by its properties it is turned into the past, tied to traditions, certain rituals) hits its most sensitive place - anal hole. At the beginning of stress, the anus may experience diarrhea, and the muscles of the anus can lose their tone in a stressful situation, and it sometimes cannot hold feces. Subconsciously in each anal there is a fear of disgrace, even if this is not physically observed.

What are you afraid of? How to get out of the captivity of fears?

Misophobia - an obsessive fear of pollution or infection, the desire to avoid contact with surrounding objects, which manifests itself in constant washing of hands, can occur in representatives of the skin vector. They value their health very much, they always monitor it, therefore, in a situation of stress, they may manifest the hyper-importance of this category and an obsessive desire to avoid contact with microbes.

Another of the skin fears is the fear of losing property, because the material for him is the first value. According to its specific role, since ancient times, it has been responsible for the safety of the property and stocks of the flock. Genetic memory makes itself felt even now. From the same series, kleptophobia is the fear of stealing, or the fear of being robbed. You can learn more about why a skin specialist wants to steal at a free training in system-vector psychology, which will be held on May 15, 16 and 18.

In general, the topic of fears is very extensive, but it is completely clarified at the training, where you can get acquainted with those who suffer from claustrophobia, what xenophobia and homophobia are. One thing is obvious - that after studying the properties of the eight vectors of the unconscious, the causes of all fears known today, as well as ways to get rid of them, become absolutely clear. In short, we can say that awareness of one's natural properties, acquiring the skill of filling innate desires, the ability to turn one's properties outwards are excellent therapy for any fear. And the real results of the disappearance of numerous phobias among the participants of the training is the best illustration of the systemic, universal and effective approach of the latest science of man - system-vector psychology.

We all love to read something pleasant and positive about ourselves. But astrology can also reveal not-so-good traits and tell, for example, about our hidden fears. Each zodiac sign has its own specific fear. And maybe knowing this will help you become the best version of yourself.

1. Aries

Aries is the very sign that does not recognize any other opinion than its own. He is ready to get angry, scream, be offended, but he will not admit defeat for anything. Because of this trait, he suffers incredibly. His main fear is that he is afraid of losing his relatives and people close to him, but at the same time he is not able to give up his innocence.

2. Taurus

Stubborn Taurus is most afraid of financial instability. Taurus love safety, monotony and confidence in the future. They love to spend money, but being without money is the most terrifying situation for them.

3. Gemini

Geminis are known for their unpredictability. Their opinion can change from one to another. They tend to be volatile and insecure. Therefore, the worst thing for them is to make a decision and stick to this decision for a certain time period.

4. Cancer

Cancers are typical couch potatoes; they love comfort and most of all they enjoy spending time with friends and family at home. Their biggest fear is that they are afraid to face problems when they are outside their familiar home environment.

5. Leo

Lions are famous for their courage and confidence, but they also have their fear. Lions are afraid that they will be forgotten or they will go unnoticed. Leos thrive when they are surrounded by people who love them. Lions crave fame and worship, and therefore being left without attention is their worst fear.

6. Virgo

If there's one thing a Virgo definitely doesn't like, it's mess. Virgos are eerily organized, so order is the key to a Virgo's happiness. They can be disabled by even the slightest mess, as they are terribly afraid of bacteria, viruses, imperfection and chaos.

7. Libra

Libras are smart, caring, loving people who love being around people. They are very popular and enjoy love and relationships with other people. The thought of being alone fills them with incredible fear.

8. Scorpio

Scorpios are afraid of being too close to other people. They can be open, they can smile in your face and even share secrets, but each of them has a place where they will not allow anyone, as this instills fear in them.

9. Sagittarius

The inability to be free is a pretty scary prospect for a Sagittarius. They love adventure and are naturally very inquisitive. Therefore, nothing should limit their actions and freedom of choice.

10. Capricorn

Capricorns are ambitious and incredibly determined. Their determination may be driven by fear of failure. Capricorns always set a goal for themselves and stubbornly achieve it. They do not accept defeat, as it instills fear in them. But if this happens, but it is terribly difficult for them to admit it.

11. Aquarius

Aquarians do not like restrictions, especially those that do not allow them to have their own opinions and thoughts. They value their uniqueness and fear being limited by a rigid set of rules that will make them look like others.

12. Pisces

Pisces are incredibly creative people and they enjoy living in a fantasy world. But the harsh reality of our world constantly brings them back to Earth. Therefore, they are afraid to take responsibility for themselves, as this does not allow them to live their dreams.

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