Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Liquid glass application for waterproofing. Liquid glass for waterproofing – what do you need to know for successful construction? How to waterproof a pool or well with liquid glass - step-by-step diagram

Among the large number of options for waterproofing, liquid glass stands out with many advantages. We will consider the features, application and characteristics of this material further.

General concept and advantages of liquid glass

The term liquid glass refers to a solution based on water and sodium or potassium silicates. It has a viscous structure, and therefore copes well with work related to waterproofing.

If we consider the composition of liquid glass, then small crystals are easily visible in it, which, after being applied to the surface, enlarge, filling small cracks. It is thanks to this structure that liquid glass is characterized by a water-repellent and airtight effect. Liquid glass is used in a variety of fields due to its environmental friendliness and harmlessness.

If we talk about the principle of action of liquid glass, then it has adhesive ability. This manifests itself due to the fact that liquid glass molecules enter the molecules of the solid material, which do not have close bonds with each other, which penetrate into the interior of the solid molecules and thus their adhesion occurs.

Liquid glass resembles rubber, which is in a liquid state. After its application, the surface becomes water- and airtight. The composition of liquid glass includes calcium or sodium silicate, to which soda or quartz sand has been added. During the production of liquid glass, it is crushed, fired and re-crushed into a powder mass.

The liquid glass mixture has the following properties:

  • water repellent - that is, water repellent;
  • antiseptic - prevents the formation of bacteria;
  • antistatic - no electrification;
  • hardener - the material on which liquid glass is applied becomes durable;
  • acid protectant;
  • fireproof material resistant to fire.

This material has a large number of advantages; studying reviews about liquid glass, the following advantages are highlighted:

1. Liquid glass is a very liquid adhesion, which, due to its fluid state, can easily penetrate into the smallest pores and cracks. It also has strong adhesion to the surface and easily covers both concrete and wooden substrates.

2. The creation of a liquid waterproof film is another advantage of this material. Regardless of how liquid glass is applied, a complete and moisture-resistant surface is obtained.

3. Low consumption of liquid glass is also its advantage. Especially when it is added to cement mortar, as a penetrating type of waterproofing.

4. If we compare the cost of liquid glass with other waterproofing materials, then it successfully outperforms them, since it has the most affordable cost among alternative options.

5. Waterproofing with liquid glass has a service life of 5 years. This material gradually self-destructs, but if you cover the waterproofing with a protective layer of paint, it will last much longer.

6. It is the only insulator that allows you to work even in conditions with high humidity.

Despite the large number of advantages of liquid glass, there are also a number of its disadvantages:

1. It has a limited scope of use - it is used as waterproofing of concrete or wooden surfaces. It is prohibited to use liquid glass solution for waterproofing brick surfaces, due to their possible destruction.

2. The film that liquid glass forms is quite fragile, so it must be used as a combination of several types of waterproofing.

3. Difficulty of application - the material dries very quickly and forms a film, so work skills are required to make waterproofing efficiently.

Liquid glass photo:

Scope of use and types of liquid glass

As mentioned above, liquid glass is not suitable for all materials, but its scope of application is quite wide. Liquid glass is used in the following cases:

1. If you add liquid glass to a cement mortar, you will get a reliable coating, protected from moisture and the negative influence of groundwater, if the mortar is used to fill the foundation.

2. Liquid glass is used for waterproofing swimming pools or artificial ponds.

3. Used as an adhesive for gluing various types of building materials.

4. Used to produce mortars with fire-resistant or acid-resistant characteristics.

5. If there is a problem with mold or mildew in the house, several layers of liquid glass should be applied to previously cleaned affected areas.

6. Use a solution of liquid glass as an adhesive to repair paper, cardboard, wood or porcelain products.

7. To seal weak joints or plaster a pool, a solution of cement and liquid glass is perfect. But keep in mind that you need to work with such a solution quickly, since after a while it thickens and becomes unusable.

8. If you plan to build a house on weak soils, which will shrink in a few years, then a solution of cement with liquid glass is used for injections, which are injected into the upper layers of the soil.

If we consider the scope of using liquid glass as waterproofing, we will highlight the following options:

1. Liquid glass is used as coating waterproofing. Before installing roll waterproofing, several layers of liquid glass are applied to the surface. The solution perfectly fills all cracks and pores of the concrete surface.

2. A solution of liquid glass with cement is used to eliminate serious leaks or as waterproofing of joints in prefabricated foundations.

3. Liquid glass is part of concrete; it improves its solidity and provides waterproofing.

Two types of liquid glass are common:

  • potassium,
  • sodium

The first option has good adhesiveness and is used for waterproofing the foundation parts of a building. Included in antiseptic impregnations. Interacts well with mineral-based formulations.

The second type is a metal additive and helps improve the stable characteristics of glass. Resistant to acids. It does not have the typical shine of glass, so it is used as a surface coloring.

If liquid glass is to be applied to a surface, then it must first be diluted with water in the ratio of 200 grams of water per 100 g of material. In this case, no more than 300 g of solution will be required per square meter.

Waterproofing with liquid glass is used on walls where the plaster has weathered or on concrete walls with uneven surfaces. Using liquid glass will strengthen and level the surface, and also create a protective antiseptic layer.

There are several methods for applying this material. Before using liquid glass, the surface should be degreased, cleaned and leveled as much as possible. If impregnation of concrete is required at a shallow depth of up to three millimeters, then use a spray gun or brush. If deep impregnation of more than two centimeters is necessary, at least three layers of solution must be applied.

If liquid glass is used to waterproof a floor or concrete screed, then one liter of material is added to 10 liters of concrete mortar. Also, liquid glass is an excellent anti-corrosion impregnation; it is used to treat metal structures. To ensure the protection of the pool from water leakage, the application of a solution of liquid glass is also used. Liquid glass is part of fire-resistant paints.

Liquid glass - operating instructions and application

To prepare a solution of concrete and liquid glass, the proportions are one to ten. This mixture is used for waterproofing wells, swimming pools, bathrooms, basements and other structures made of concrete or reinforced concrete.

Applying the material is a fairly easy process, during which a protective layer is formed on the surface, which acts as a barrier to moisture penetration.

The facade of a building should not be treated with such a raster if it is planned to be painted further, since the adhesion of the paint and the wall will be low, and the paint will practically not lie on the surface.

When working with liquid glass, it is recommended to use special clothing. To make a traditional Russian stove, a solution based on cement and liquid glass is used. The ratio of the components is sand: cement: silicate glue - 3: 1: 0.2. The result is a mixture that resembles dough, is very easy to work with and has good performance characteristics as a material for constructing an oven.

The use of silicate glue, to which liquid glass is added, is very popular among builders. It is used for gluing tiles made of polyvinyl chloride or linoleum. Water pipes are coated with liquid glass to prevent water leakage and seal joints. To make protective non-flammable fabric, liquid glass is also used as an impregnation.

Liquid glass is a universal material that is used even in gardening. When small wounds appear on trees or bushes, they are covered with liquid glass. It is an excellent antiseptic and prevents the development of harmful bacteria.

Liquid glass for waterproofing - nuances in application

Before applying liquid glass to the surface, it must be cleaned of dust and dirt.

Then follow these steps:

1. Apply liquid glass to the surface with a brush or roller.

2. Wait 30 minutes and apply another coat. Try to do this evenly without allowing gaps to appear.

3. The next stage is preparing the protective layer. Make a regular mortar based on cement and sand. Add liquid glass to it, in a one to one proportion.

4. Stir and apply to the surface at a very fast pace. This solution should not be applied a second time, since the functions of liquid glass will not be performed.

5. Mix gradually, apply the solution to the surface using a cement spatula in a standard layer.

And remember, before using liquid glass, you should inspect it for cleanliness, foreign objects or lumps. The shelf life of liquid glass is quite long, and the temperature range is wide. Therefore, even if it is stored outside in the winter, this will not affect its quality in any way.

Let's consider applying liquid glass to the foundation:

  • clean the surface from various types of contaminants using sandpaper;
  • Use a roller to apply the solution evenly;
  • apply a second and, if desired, a third layer after 30 minutes;
  • insulate the foundation with mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

To buy liquid glass, contact any hardware store or market. Among the large number of liquid glass manufacturers, there is practically no difference in its composition. Therefore, which manufacturer to choose is a personal matter. But, in principle, even the cheapest material has the same characteristics as the expensive one.

Liquid glass price starts from $2 per 10 liters. As you can see, the material is really not expensive, but at the same time multifunctional.

If you make a choice between sodium or potassium type liquid glass, then each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Potassium liquid glass is used for foundations, as it is more viscous, and sodium liquid glass is used for waterproofing other construction objects.

Tips for preparing solutions based on liquid glass

1. There is an option for preparing a primer based on liquid glass. It is not recommended to treat walls with a pure solution of liquid glass. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, liquid glass does an excellent job of priming, preventing the formation of mold and mildew, and increasing adhesion.

To prepare a primer based on liquid glass, you must have:

  • cement,
  • liquid glass,
  • water.

The amount of cement and liquid glass is the same, and the water should make the mixture liquid, suitable for applying to the wall with a roller. First, cement is mixed with water, and then liquid glass is added. To do this, use a drill or a construction mixer. It is recommended to use the solution within half an hour; if it has hardened, add a little water.

2. To prepare a waterproofing or fire-resistant solution, take a little sifted sand. Equal parts of water, cement, sand and liquid glass are mixed. This mixture does an excellent job of waterproofing wells.

3. Antiseptic solutions help prevent the appearance of microorganisms or bacteria. Its preparation is a simple process. To do this, mix liquid glass with water one to one and cover, for example, a wooden surface with this solution. This is much cheaper than traditional moisture-resistant impregnations, but no less effective.

4. To make impregnation from liquid glass, which is used to cover walls, ceilings or floors, four hundred grams of liquid glass should be diluted in one liter of water.

Liquid glass video:

For the construction of facilities operating in conditions of high humidity, the waterproof properties of ordinary concrete are not enough. When exposed to water, structures lose some of their qualities. The porous structure of the stone helps filter liquid and wash out the cement binder. The surface and deep layers of the monolith are destroyed, the reinforcement quickly corrodes.

To minimize destructive changes on the surface and in the body of concrete from the aggressive action of water, waterproofing with liquid glass is used in construction.

In industrial production, liquid glass is produced by firing soda and quartz sand or autoclave treatment of silica-containing raw materials with alkalis. The compound is then crushed, mixed with modifiers and dissolved in water. The chemical composition is a mixture of sodium, potassium or lithium silicates.

  • Sodium liquid glass is used for the production of fire-resistant bricks, non-flammable impregnations for wood and fabrics, antiseptics, construction adhesives and waterproofing compounds.
  • Glass based on potassium silicate is used for the manufacture of varnishes, paints, acid-resistant concrete and solutions.
  • Lithium liquid glass has found application in sealing impregnation of electrodes and concrete floors before polishing.

The most commonly used glass composition in construction is sodium and potassium silicate.

Two methods are used to protect the surface of concrete structures from moisture:

  • external application;
  • introduction to the composition of the material.

When applied to the surface of concrete, liquid silicates penetrate into the pores and capillaries. As a result of interaction with cement components, substances crystallize. Water-insoluble compounds are formed that prevent moisture from filtering through the outer layer of the material. The treated coating has hydrophobic - water-repellent - properties, resistance to elevated temperatures, and aggressive acids.

A solution of silicate glue with modifying additives is used for surface treatment of structures in the form of paint or plaster insulation. The penetration of water through the protective barrier stops, and the frost resistance and chemical stability of the material increases.

Surface applied liquid glass has proven itself well in waterproofing:

  • house foundations;
  • floors and walls of basements, ground floors, showers;
  • floor slabs, balconies;
  • the bottom and walls of tanks, wells or pools;
  • shrinkage, technological, expansion or expansion joints.

Waterproofing a concrete floor with liquid glass in rooms with high humidity increases the wear resistance and strength of the coating, and extends the service life several times.

When sodium and potassium silicates are introduced into the composition of concrete or mortars, the size of structural pores and capillaries decreases. The resulting materials have increased moisture resistance and low water absorption. The addition of 2-5% silicates accelerates the setting time to 40-60 minutes and increases strength by 25%. Exceeding the dosage is undesirable, as the mechanical properties of concrete deteriorate.

Concrete with the addition of liquid glass is used for the construction of:

  • foundations for stoves and fireplaces;
  • pool bowls;
  • walls of septic tanks, wells;
  • foundations of buildings in flooded areas;
  • hydraulic structures.

To eliminate leaks, add up to 25% liquid glass to the solution. Setting within 3-4 minutes helps to eliminate the emergency situation quickly.

Properties of liquid glass

The silicate compound is a thick gray or yellow liquid without visible inclusions. It is soluble in water and odorless.

The main properties of liquid glass for concrete waterproofing:

  • has high adhesion to various surfaces;
  • does not burn, does not emit radiation, does not emit toxic substances;
  • prevents the spread of mold fungi;
  • composition density at 20°C - 1.36-1.45 g/cm³;
  • acidity - 11-13 pH;
  • viscosity determined by the falling ball method or by the Stokes formula, 750-1000 cP;
  • chemical activity is determined by the amount of free alkali, high-modulus solutions are less alkaline than low-modulus ones;
  • high adhesiveness;
  • the mass of insoluble substances should not exceed 0.2%;
  • when freezing, a partial loss of the properties of liquid glass occurs due to the formation of ice; when thawing, the viscosity and stickiness decreases;
  • boiling point +100°C, freezing point -3°C…-5°C.

To characterize liquid glass, the silicate module value is used. The higher it is, the greater the adhesive ability of the substance. For construction, impregnations and adhesives, the figure is 2.6-3.4.

Soluble glass film is not afraid of precipitation, temperature changes, and repels water well.

When carrying out work, take into account the astringent properties and characteristics of liquid glass, which contribute to the rapid hardening of mixtures. Therefore, the batch is prepared in a small volume and distributed over the surface in a short period of time.

The physicochemical properties of soluble silicates are standardized by GOST 13078-81.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • creates a stable barrier from groundwater and atmospheric moisture;
  • increases heat resistance, acid resistance;
  • accelerates hardening;
  • increases strength and frost resistance;
  • prevents the spread of fungi and mold;
  • extends the service life of surfaces.

You can process structures from the outside or inside. Material consumption is economical - 150-300 g/m², and the price is low - from 25 rubles / liter. The service life of the coating is up to 5 years. Then the application is repeated.

Disadvantages include:

  • fast setting time, the need to prepare the mixture in small portions;
  • fragility of the surface film, additional protection with rolled materials is required;
  • during mechanical processing - drilling, gating - the waterproofing properties of the film are violated;
  • changing proportions worsens the quality of the finished product;
  • incompatibility with some materials - organic resins, solvents, cannot be applied to brick walls.

The disadvantages are offset by precise dosage and correct technology.

Technology of use

Liquid glass is not used in its pure form. It is applied as a primer, plaster or added to the concrete mixture, strictly following the instructions for use. The recommended temperature for work is +5°С…+30°С.


The pre-treated surface is cleaned and leveled with putty. Silicate glue is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2, applied with a brush or spray gun in 2-3 steps. Each previous layer must dry well. With multiple coatings, concrete treatment to a depth of up to 2 cm is achieved. Secondary thinning is not allowed.


Portland cement M400 and clean sifted sand are mixed with water, a silicate solution is added in a mass proportion to PC 1:1. Apply to the internal surfaces of wells, swimming pools, basements using a spatula.

Modified concrete

The composition is prepared at the rate of 10 liters of silicate per 100 liters of concrete solution. The portion is calculated for a single application. Liquid glass is dissolved in water and mixed with dry ingredients with a construction mixer. The technology involves immediate use of the prepared mixture - pouring it into formwork and spreading it over a horizontal surface. Used for constructing floors, foundations, and tanks. Concrete grade - not lower than M300.

External waterproofing of foundations

Waterproofing concrete with liquid glass is used in conjunction with additional measures to prevent the destruction of the surface film. These are rolled materials - roofing felt, Bikrost, Linokrom, Stekloizol, Tekhnoelast, which are mounted by fusing. On a base treated with liquid glass, you can install high-density foam boards, which simultaneously serve as insulation and protection against mechanical damage to the waterproofing.

Precautionary measures

Liquid glass is an alkaline solution, so precautions must be taken when working with it. The respiratory organs are protected with a respirator, the surface of the skin with clothing made of dense fabrics, and hands with gloves. Silicates are stored at positive temperatures, shelf life - 1 year.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


It is known that various waterproofing materials are used to protect against harmful natural factors: precipitation, moisture. Liquid glass has a lot of advantages over other compositions, one of which is its versatility in use.

What is liquid glass

The substance contains potassium and sodium silicates. Liquid glass is similar to office glue, but the difference lies in minor details (waterproofing agent contains modifiers that enhance certain characteristics of the substance). Liquid waterproofing for concrete is a modifier that improves its strength characteristics and prevents water absorption. In modern construction, the substance is used for:

  • protection from moisture of surfaces plastered with cement mortar (in this case, glass is applied in several layers and it fills the pores of concrete);
  • preparing cement mortar for treating swimming pools, protecting various joints from moisture (the mixture acquires waterproofing properties and sets faster);
  • modifications of different types of concrete (after drying, such material becomes very durable and has excellent waterproofing properties).

Composition and properties of liquid glass

In the production of the substance, the same elements are used as to create ordinary glass: sodium and potassium silicates. In addition to a similar composition, the materials require approximately the same manufacturing process. In this case, there are two ways to create liquid glass for waterproofing:

  1. Melting sand and baking soda under high temperatures.
  2. Effect of potassium, lithium and sodium on siliceous material. In this case, the substance is subjected to constant heating.

How waterproofing is done with liquid glass

Before carrying out any waterproofing work, high-quality preparation of the surface for the application of protective material is necessary. Any dirt or dust will prevent the substance from firmly adhering to the surface being treated. Next, waterproofing takes place in the following sequence:

  1. Using a roller/brush, impregnation is applied to the surface of the structure.
  2. The material should be processed a second time half an hour after the first procedure. It is extremely important not to leave any gaps when applying waterproofing. You should try to cover the cement or wood as evenly as possible.
  3. Afterwards you need to prepare a protective layer. For this purpose, it is worth making a regular cement mortar for plastering, and then diluting it with liquid glass in equal proportions. Since this mixture dries quickly, dilute it and then apply it very quickly and in small portions. It is better to apply plaster to walls or floors with a spatula.
  4. The last stage is insulation. For this purpose, use any available material: polystyrene foam, basalt wool, etc.

How to use liquid glass for waterproofing

Despite the emerging variety of modern waterproofing materials, liquid glass is still actively used to protect wells, swimming pools, fireplaces, stoves, walls, floors, and wooden structures. The instructions for working with this material are very simple, but you should know how to properly prepare and safely use the solution. Liquid glass for waterproofing can be used in different ways, depending on the type of work.

Liquid waterproofing of the foundation

An inexpensive and simple method of protecting the foundation from moisture is to use liquid glass. This substance is obtained by mixing a saline aqueous solution with soda and quartz sand. The solution is fired to produce water-soluble calcium and sodium silicate crystals. The resulting raw material dissolves in water, and it is important to take into account the proportions to obtain the desired thickness.

Liquid glass for floors and foundations is used in cases where the use of other solutions is impractical. The sodium silicate layer cannot act as an independent waterproofing agent, but when interacting with cement, it fills the pores of a strong material and forms a thin protective layer that is resistant to moisture and water. This solution is often used for floor screeding. How to work with liquid glass:

  • the surface requiring waterproofing is cleaned of grease stains and dirt;
  • the concrete is carefully brushed, opening the pores of the material;
  • Cover the structure with the finished composition layer by layer using a wide brush (a total of 3 layers are needed, the interval when applying them is half an hour or more);
  • The surface of the foundation is dried, after which you can begin roll/paper waterproofing.

Liquid glass coating of basements and attics

Treatment of premises such as basements or cellars with liquid glass is similar to the process of silicification of concrete structures. Since this material has a high degree of protection against water, it can be used both inside the building and on the street side. Moreover, even significant consumption of glass will not cost much, since the material has a relatively low price. Waterproofing work proceeds quickly, and the service life of the protective layer is very long.

Liquid glass for wood and concrete provides the treated surface with excellent waterproof properties; in addition, due to the crystalline structure of the composition, it remains vapor-tight for a long time. When performing interior work, glass is added to the cement solution. To prepare such a mixture, you need up to 10 liters of cement composition and only 1 liter of waterproofing agent. External work requires the preparation of another material: sand, cement and liquid glass are taken in proportions of 3: 3: 8. In this case, no more than 25% of the total mass of the solution is needed.

Treatment of pools or wells with liquid glass

Waterproofing for wells and swimming pools is a mandatory measure. As a rule, such structures are built using concrete elements. At the same time, their joints without proper treatment will gradually collapse under the influence of water or temperature changes. As a result, the pool/well will begin to leak water. Liquid glass for waterproofing can reliably protect a structure from destruction and significantly extend its service life. How to treat a pool or well with a waterproofing agent:

  • clean the surface of the structure from any deposits;
  • mix the solution by mixing liquid glass with cement and fine sand (8:3:3);
  • cover the seams with the prepared mixture using a spatula or use a rope soaked in this mixture (you just need to hammer it into the cracks);
  • Cover the structure with the solution using a paint brush.

How to choose liquid glass for waterproofing

Despite the huge number of manufacturers offering liquid glass, there is no difference in its composition, so choosing a specific brand is a personal matter for each buyer. You should not think that the more expensive the material, the better quality it is, since all the proposed mixtures for waterproofing have similar characteristics. So, the choice should be based solely on the type of glass, which can be potassium and sodium. Moreover, each variety has certain equivalent pros and cons. In what cases to choose one or another remedy:

  • the sodium composition is ideal for treating construction objects;
  • Potassium mixture is used for foundations and floors because it is more viscous.

Prices for waterproofing services with liquid glass

The cost of the work performed varies depending on the materials used, the complexity/volume of work, and the crew hired. The minimum price for the service is 200-300 rubles per 1 sq. m. m of treated surface. The waterproofing composition can be purchased in the online store and ordered delivered to your home. In addition, you can contact any hardware store for this purpose. Approximate prices for waterproofing agents are shown in the table.

Brand name

Package volume

460 rubles

Liquid glass is one of the commonly available materials that are widely used in various fields of construction. The main feature of this composition is the ability to create a reliable waterproofing layer. In addition, liquid glass can increase the strength of concrete and its level of moisture resistance, and accelerate the process of its hardening. This material is also used in the finishing sector.

Unfortunately, many simply do not know about the potential capabilities of this composition. Others may have unfairly forgotten about it, given the modern diversity of materials. Therefore, let’s consider a question that may be useful for both some and others: liquid glass – application in construction.

Main characteristics of liquid glass

Liquid glass is an alkaline aqueous solution of potassium or sodium silicates. In some cases they are used in combination. Interestingly, the trade name of this substance is silicate glue. Yes, the same one that everyone is familiar with from labor lessons at school, and that is sold in the office supply store.

  • Liquid glass made on the basis of sodium silicates is highly resistant to various acids. The coating obtained from it is matte, that is, without shine.
  • Potassium liquid glass has high adhesive properties. In addition, it has pronounced antiseptic qualities. Therefore, the concrete into which it is added during mixing resists fungal infections and the formation of moss or lichen colonies well. And this can be important, especially when constructing foundations in waterlogged areas.

In appearance, liquid glass is a translucent liquid that may have a yellowish tint. The consistency of the composition depends on the concentration of the main substance. It is diluted with ordinary water.

Liquid glass consists of microscopic crystals, which, when applied to the surface and harden, increase in volume, due to which the mass is able to “seal” small cracks and pores of concrete.

Thanks to this quality of the material, it is able to impart water-repellent and air-tight properties to various surfaces. Liquid glass can be used for both residential and non-residential premises, as it is an environmentally friendly material.

It makes sense to immediately highlight the advantages and disadvantages of this material. Since you need to be familiar with them even before purchasing and planning work.

TO merits Liquid glass includes the following capabilities:

  • The material has water-repellent properties. Therefore, perhaps the main area of ​​its application is reliable waterproofing.
  • Antiseptic qualities prevent the occurrence of biological damage to building materials that include liquid glass or are coated with it.
  • Antistatic properties allow materials not to accumulate electricity.
  • Liquid glass functions as an effective hardener. The material to which a silicate composition is added or applied on top of it receives increased strength characteristics.
  • Glass is inert to chemical influences, therefore it can protect any surface from their aggressive influence.
  • A positive quality is its resistance to high and low temperatures.
  • High penetrating ability allows for good binding of the structure of loose material.
  • An affordable price along with high solution consumption makes liquid glass accessible to any consumer.

Liquid glass also has its own significant flaws :

  • First of all, it is incompatible with organic substances and materials containing them.
  • The service life of a liquid glass coating is not very impressive, being only about five years. After this time, the silicate film begins to collapse. True, the service life of the coating can be extended by timely painting of the surface.
  • Liquid glass is not suitable for coating brick surfaces.
  • There are certain difficulties with applying the composition.

Application areas of liquid glass

Liquid glass has gained a very wide range of applications. It has already been mentioned that the main direction is waterproofing various sections of the building and its utilities.

  • Solutions in a diluted state are used as a primer in preparation for painting.
  • When building a prefabricated foundation, liquid glass is added to the masonry mortar. Or it can be used to perform surface impregnating waterproofing of masonry joints after the construction of walls.
  • Such effective waterproofing is widely in demand when constructing wells, swimming pools, other artificial reservoirs, cellars, garage floors and inspection pits.
  • Liquid glass will help when concreting paths and pouring blind areas of houses and garages on individual plots.
  • Silicate glue is also added to the solution when laying stoves.
  • Liquid glass treatment will be useful when building structures that will be in contact with aggressive substances or high temperatures.
  • Similar silicate compositions are also used in the manufacture of moisture-resistant and acid-resistant concrete or fire-resistant bricks.

Concrete produced with the addition of liquid glass no longer requires additional waterproofing. It is also used as a mortar in the construction of structures that require increased fire resistance.

In addition, a silicate composition is added to concrete if it is necessary to reduce the time it takes to set and gain strength. True, if the solution is prepared for pouring the foundation, then liquid glass is not added to it.

There are many more areas in which silicate composition can be used:

  • Since liquid glass perfectly protects metal from corrosion, it is often used to cover metal structures, and even car bodies.
  • Using liquid glass, tiles made of polyvinyl chloride can be glued to the wall, and linoleum or carpet can be glued to concrete floors.
  • The silicate composition is also suitable for wood processing. This is done to protect it from moisture and ultraviolet radiation, as well as various pests.
  • Another area of ​​use for this composition is gardening. When pruning fruit trees in spring, cover the sections with liquid glue. It is known that it is an excellent antiseptic that prevents the penetration of microorganisms and harmful insects into unprotected wood after pruning.

Considering the versatile use of liquid glass, it can be called a universal material.

Preparation of mortars with liquid glass

Manufacturing proportions

To obtain the expected effect from the use of silicate compounds, they must be properly prepared for work. For example, if you plan to cover the surface of a concrete floor with liquid glass, then it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. That is, 1 kg of glass will require two liters of water. The consumption of such a solution will be 250÷300 g/m².

Liquid glass is used for waterproofing concrete floors and plastered surfaces, on which the coating has lost its strength over the period of operation and has unevenness. The silicate solution will bind the structure of the material, give it strength, make the surface smoother, and also create antiseptic protection for it.

If liquid glass is added to concrete mortar, the proportions may vary depending on the area of ​​its application. The content of the silicate composition can have different effects on the physical characteristics and hardening period of the solution. For concrete mortar reinforced with silicate additive, it is necessary to use cement grades M300 and M400.

  • If liquid glass is added to a cement-sand mortar in an amount of 2% of the total mass, then the life of the solution will be 40 minutes. After which the mixture will begin to quickly harden. And complete drying will take 24 hours.
  • If silicate glue makes up 10% of the total volume of cement, then hardening will begin much faster. Such proportions of components will ensure that the mixture begins to set within 5 minutes. Well, complete drying will be achieved in 4 hours.
  • If you make a 1:1 solution, that is, use 1 kg of glue for 1 kg of cement, then hardening will occur within one or two minutes after mixing it. This approach is often used to quickly eliminate leaks caused by the appearance of
  • To waterproof the floors of bathrooms, basements, inspection pits, garages, as well as swimming pools, a solution of cement and liquid glass, made up in a ratio of 10:1, is used.
  • When making a heat-resistant mixture for laying a furnace, the solution should consist of 1 part cement, 3 parts sand and 0.2 parts liquid glass. As a result of using this proportion, a dough-like plastic mixture should be obtained, which is convenient to work with when laying bricks.
  • If it is necessary to prepare a solution for waterproofing a well, then take cement, sand and liquid glass in a ratio of 1:1:1. The mixture must be brought to the consistency of liquid sour cream with water.
  • Refractory solutions consist of the same components, but taken in a ratio of 4:1.5:1.5.
  • To fill voids and cracks in a concrete base or load-bearing structures, the solution is prepared from 3 parts cement, 1 part sand and 1 part liquid glass.
  • To strengthen facade surfaces, a waterproof plaster mixture is made, consisting of 0.5 parts silicate mass, 1 part cement and 2.5 parts sand.

Procedure for mixing the solution

It is not enough to know the proportions of the solution - you need to be able to make it correctly. To make the material homogeneous and plastic, you should follow some recommendations:

  • First of all, you should choose the proportions for making the solution, depending on the application.
  • To work on mixing and applying a solution containing liquid glass, it is necessary to prepare special clothing. With the expectation that you wouldn’t mind throwing it away later. Washing silicate composition from fabric is a completely futile task.
  • Next, you need to fill a suitable container with water. Its quantity depends on the volume of cement and sand that will be used for the solution.
  • The next step is to pour liquid glass into the water and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.
  • A dry mixture consisting of sand and cement, taken in the required proportions, is mixed separately.
  • After this, the cement-sand mixture is gradually poured into the aqueous silicate solution and mixed until smooth. It is better to carry out this process with a construction mixer or an electric drill, installing a special attachment on it.
  • If the solution turns out to be too thick, you can carefully add a little water into it. The liquid mixture can be thickened by adding a little cement to it.

When making solutions containing liquid glass, we must not forget that the “pot life time,” that is, before its avalanche-like setting begins, is significantly reduced. Therefore, it is recommended to make the mixture in small portions so that it can be used in a short time. Naturally, they take into account their capabilities, the availability of assistants, accumulated experience, etc.

Prices for liquid glass TEX

liquid glass TEX

When waterproofing the foundation, liquid glass is applied in the following order:

  • If liquid glass is used to waterproof a concrete screed or foundation walls, then their surface must first be leveled, dried and cleaned of dust. If liquid glass is applied to a damp screed, it will begin to peel off from the surface.
  • Then, liquid glass, diluted to the required state, is applied to the surface of its walls (floor) using a roller. The solution must be distributed evenly over the surface, without leaving untreated “islands”.
  • If you plan to strengthen the concrete to a depth of three millimeters, then a spray gun, roller or wide brush is used to apply the composition. In this case, the solution is applied in one layer.
  • If the concrete surface needs deeper impregnation (and this is the best thing to do), then the silicate solution will have to be applied to the surface in three layers. After the first layer has been absorbed and dried, it is necessary to apply a second and, if necessary, a third layer of solution. Each of them must dry for at least 30 minutes.
  • When the silicate impregnation has completely dried, you can begin insulating the foundation.

If the previous layer was applied as a waterproofing primer, then the next stage is the application of a protective concrete layer, also containing liquid glass. The solution for it is prepared from sand and cement, to which a silicate composition is added. The components are taken in a ratio of 3:1:1 or 3:1:0.7. The procedure for mixing the solution does not differ from that described above.

  • To make the coating even, beacons made of metal guides are placed on the surface of the primed base, which are adjusted according to the level. The height of the beacons will correspond to the thickness of the leveling layer. It is also advisable to make slides for fixing beacons from the same cement sand mortar with a silicate additive. It will set quickly, so you won't have to wait long.
  • The concrete-silicate layer can have a thickness of 30÷50 mm. The solution is applied above the installed beacons and leveled using a construction rule or a wide spatula.

The solution should be prepared in portions so that it does not have time to set before it is leveled. Well, when distributing the solution you will have to show some skill.

There are many manufacturers presenting their products in construction stores. In principle, there is practically no difference in the proposed compositions of liquid glass manufactured in factory conditions. And it is difficult to single out any company - in fact, you can choose any option. However, you probably shouldn’t give preference to a product whose manufacturer is “embarrassed” to indicate its name and legal address. And this happens sometimes. It would be prudent to refrain from purchasing such products, even if they are attractive due to their low cost. In this case, there is no guarantee that this is not an ordinary counterfeit, which was made without adherence to technology and in violation of proportions. And ultimately, low-quality silicate glue will certainly negatively affect the result of the work.

As a rule, the cost of silicate solution is low. Wholesale sales start from 15 rubles per kilogram. Well, a three-kilogram bucket can be purchased for 100–110 rubles.

If sodium and potassium versions of liquid glass are available for sale, then the choice must be made depending on the use of the solution.

For example, the potassium compound is most often used for, as it has a higher viscosity. Soda glass is more often used to process other structural objects.

If the silicate solution is sold in transparent packaging, it does not hurt to pay attention to its purity. There should be no heavy sediment, lumps or flakes. If such phenomena are noted, then it is better to refuse such a purchase - it is not difficult to find better quality products.

* * * * * * *

Now, having figured out how this inexpensive but quite effective material is used in construction, you can significantly reduce costs. For example, in some cases it would be quite reasonable to abandon more expensive compositions in favor of liquid glass.

Prices for liquid glass Tury

Tury liquid glass

True, not everything is completely clear-cut. They talk about this on construction forums and in comments to videos on YouTube. In particular, there are many statements that the waterproofing qualities of this material are still greatly exaggerated. It is possible that the truth is really somewhere in the middle. And the reason for possible failures could be a violation of the technology for using liquid glass.

Video: Liquid glass as protection for a concrete surface

Liquid glass is being used more and more often for waterproofing.

Despite the fact that installing liquid glass involves minor difficulties, you can still do it yourself.

The article explains what liquid glass is for waterproofing and how it is used.

What is liquid glass?

The features of soda glass are fire resistance, adhesiveness and the ability to interact with minerals, which is successfully used in foundation reinforcement and the production of fire-resistant and antimicrobial chemicals.

Ceramic glass is distinguished by its high resistance to atmosphere and acids, which is why it is also used in the creation of artistic paints.

Liquid glass as a material attracts not only its strength and moisture resistance, but also its ability to withstand strong chemical and mechanical influences.

The degree of protection of the surface from moisture and other things directly depends on how deeply the liquid glass penetrates into it. But in any case, first the surface is leveled and gets rid of fat.

To apply glass to the material, use either a standard brush or a spray gun.

The composition is applied to plaster and concrete so that it penetrates 2 mm inside. For better protection against moisture, the glass needs to penetrate deeper, namely 20 mm.

In order for the material to reach such a depth, the composition is applied several times. It doesn’t matter how deep the glass goes, the main thing is that you should always pay attention to the joints and seams - they must be sealed especially carefully.

For places with particular humidity, such as a swimming pool or basement, a solution of glass and concrete with a ratio of 1:10 is used.

As an insulating material, liquid glass is an excellent option due to its antiseptic properties.

Plus, it seals well, which is why it is used in especially difficult places: basements, attics and the like.

These places are especially susceptible to fungi, high humidity and mold, and fires often occur in them, from which liquid glass will not completely protect, but will smooth out the consequences.

Glass is also used with porous materials, such as plaster or concrete - it restores and reinforces them, simultaneously cleaning them from microbes.

The antiseptic properties of liquid glass also explain its use in treating metals against rust.

Waterproofing is required not only for the walls of a pool or well, but also for the foundation. Foundation slabs are also processed in several ways.

The first method is the most obvious to a layman. The surface is simply coated with several layers of glass, after which another type of insulation is laid.

In addition to coating the foundation, there are other ways to strengthen it with liquid glass.

For example, mix glass into mortar. You can add it to cement if the leaks in the foundation are very large or if the prefabricated foundation of a wooden house is being repaired.

Glass can also be mixed into concrete, and then the characteristics of the mixture will significantly improve. For example, concrete will dry out faster.

But this advantage is not always achieved, because in the case of concrete it is more important than ever to maintain proportions, and if this is not done, the foundation will lose its strength.

To better understand whether it is cost-effective to use liquid glass for waterproofing, you need to have information about its advantages and disadvantages.

Liquid glass prevents the impact of water on the surface well, fits perfectly on a mineral foundation, is easy to use, consumes little and is inexpensive.

Liquid glass is a very durable material because its structure is similar to that of diamond. For the same reason, the composition has increased moisture resistance and is able to resist rust.

Despite its impressive list of advantages, liquid glass also has a number of disadvantages.

Liquid glass hardens quickly, which can become a problem during installation. That is why it is better to leave work with the material to specialists.

Another serious problem may be the waterproofing layer, which needs additional strengthening.

It should be noted that there are not very many disadvantages, and liquid glass remains one of the best options for waterproofing structures with high humidity or those in direct contact with water.

Where is the material used?

Before covering a surface with glass, you need to make sure that it is level and properly prepared.

A prepared surface is considered to be cleaned of dirt and free from foreign objects (screws, nails, etc.).

If the walls of a pool, well, or bathroom tiles are to be processed, it is recommended to wash the material well so that minor imperfections are more noticeable.

If cracks, scratches or weak seams become more noticeable, it will be easier to navigate and correct these defects.

Just remember that the surface to be treated must be dry, so you need to let it dry before processing.

You can protect the problematic surface from fungus using an antiseptic applied after degreasing.

Typically, such actions are carried out with bathroom floors, where the formation of fungi and mold is most likely.

If a wooden surface is being processed, then before waterproofing it is necessary to treat it with a fire retardant to prevent fire.

The material gained popularity due to its ease of use. Today, it is used to solve many diverse problems.

The use of liquid glass for waterproofing is the first possible use.

They treat almost any surface: basement walls, concrete foundation floors, and sometimes even trees (so that they do not lose sap).

The antiseptic properties of glass make it indispensable when constructing a foundation, the influence of the atmosphere on which is difficult to overestimate.

The base is constantly exposed to temperature changes, is destroyed due to high humidity, and over time it is taken over by mosses and lichens.

Treating the foundation with liquid glass allows, if not eliminating it forever, then significantly delaying the time of destruction.

Waterproofing with liquid glass is not the only application of this material, since it has an antimicrobial effect, therefore it is often used when treating the walls of homes.

Walls often need to be treated against fungus and mold, and nothing can do this better than liquid glass, which can not only prevent the development of bacteria, but also repair microcracks in the surface.

The material can also be used as glue, because it attaches well to almost any surface. It is used for gluing cardboard, glass and even porcelain.

How to use it correctly?

Liquid glass is difficult to use on its own; it must be mixed with something. With what exactly depends on where the solution will be used.

A mixture of glass and cement is used as standard. To prepare it, you need to mix 10 kg of cement with water (using a construction mixer), and then add glass and mix.

The mixture should not harden very quickly. If this does happen, you can solve the problem by adding more water.

To prepare the solution used to cover the walls of wells, glass is mixed with sifted sand. Sand is mixed with water and glass in a 1:1:1 ratio.

When processing well walls, first they are treated simply with glass, and then it is worth using the prepared composition.

Glass is sometimes used as a fireproof material. This is useful when installing fireplaces or stoves. For this, a mixture of glass, cement and sand is used.

Liquid glass (a fifth of the amount of cement) is added to a standard cement mortar (cement and sand 1:3).

You need to prepare the mixture as needed - it is better not to prepare it in reserve, since the composition hardens quickly.

The technology for making an antibacterial solution is very simple. The glass is diluted with water 1:1.

You should be careful with the antibacterial solution when using it when treating concrete or plastered surfaces.

The glass solution hardens on them, turning into a slippery thin film, which subsequently interferes with puttying and finishing.

The impregnation solution is also prepared from glass and water, but in different proportions. There are 400 g of glass per liter of water.

The solution turns out to be liquid, so it is applied to the surface with a brush. It is important that each layer is applied to a dry surface, i.e. you need to wait until the previous one has dried.

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