Encyclopedia of fire safety

Classical electronic theory of Drude-Lorentz conductivity. Electronic theory of conductivity of metals 36 main provisions of the classical electronic theory of conductivity

Current carriers in metals are free electrons, i.e. electrons weakly bound to the ions of the metal crystal lattice. This idea of ​​the nature of current carriers in metals is based on the electronic theory of the conductivity of metals, created by the German physicist P. Drude and subsequently developed by the Dutch physicist H. Lorenz, as well as on a number of classical experiments confirming the provisions of the electronic theory.

The first of these experiences Rikke experience(1901), in which during the year an electric current was passed through three metal cylinders (Cu, Al, Cu) of the same radius connected in series with carefully polished ends. Despite the fact that the total charge that passed through these cylinders reached a huge value (C), no, even microscopic, traces of the transfer of matter were found. This was experimental evidence that ions in metals do not participate in the transfer of electricity, and charge transfer in metals is carried out by particles that are common to all metals. Such particles could be the discovery of electrons in 1897 by the English physicist D. Thomson.

To prove this assumption, it was necessary to determine the sign and magnitude of the specific charge of the carriers (the ratio of the charge of the carrier to its mass). The idea of ​​such experiments was as follows: if there are mobile current carriers in the metal, weakly connected with the lattice, then with a sharp deceleration of the conductor, these particles should move forward by inertia. The result of the displacement of charges must be a current pulse; in the direction of the current, you can determine the sign of the current carriers, and knowing the size and resistance of the conductor, you can calculate the specific charge of the carriers. These experiments were carried out in 1916 by the American physicist R. Tolman and the Scottish physicist B. Stuart. They experimentally proved that current carriers in metals are negatively charged, and their specific charge is approximately the same for all the studied metals. By the value of the specific charge of electric current carriers and by the previously determined elementary electric charge, their mass was determined. It turned out that the values ​​of the specific charge and mass of current carriers in metals and electrons moving in vacuum coincided. Thus, it was finally proved that the carriers of electric current in metals are free electrons.

The existence of free electrons in metals can be explained as follows: during the formation of a crystal lattice of a metal (as a result of the approach of isolated atoms), valence electrons, relatively weakly bound to atomic nuclei, break away from metal atoms, become "free" and can move throughout the volume. Thus, metal ions are located at the nodes of the crystal lattice, and free electrons move randomly between them, forming a kind of electron gas, which, according to the electronic theory of metals, has the properties of an ideal gas.

The conduction electrons collide with the ions of the lattice during their movement, as a result of which a thermodynamic equilibrium is established between the electron gas and the lattice. According to the Drude-Lorentz theory, electrons have the same energy of thermal motion as the molecules of a monatomic gas.

The thermal motion of electrons, being chaotic, cannot lead to the appearance of a current.

When an external electric field is applied to a metal conductor, in addition to the thermal motion of electrons, their ordered motion arises, i.e. an electric current occurs.

Even at very high current densities, the average speed of the ordered motion of electrons, which causes the electric current, is much less than their speed of thermal motion. Therefore, in calculations, the resulting velocity can be replaced by the velocity of thermal motion .

1. Ohm's law. Let there be an electric field with strength E=const in a metal conductor. From the side of the field, the charge e experiences the action of the force F=eE and acquires an acceleration . Thus, during the free path, the electrons move uniformly accelerated, acquiring a speed by the end of the free path


Where is the average time between two successive collisions of an electron with lattice ions.

According to the Drude theory, at the end of the free path, an electron, colliding with lattice ions, gives them the energy accumulated in the field, so the speed of its ordered motion becomes equal to zero. Therefore, the average speed of the directed motion of an electron

. (9.5.1.)

The classical theory of metals does not take into account the velocity distribution of electrons, so the average time free path is determined by the average free path length< >and the average velocity of electrons relative to the crystal lattice of the conductor, equal to + (is the average velocity of the thermal motion of electrons). Because << ,

Substituting the value into formula (9.5.1.), we obtain


Current density in a metal conductor


whence it can be seen that the current density is proportional to the field strength, i.e. obtained Ohm's law in differential form. The coefficient of proportionality between j and E is nothing but the specific conductivity of the material

, (9.5.2.)

which is the greater, the greater the concentration of free electrons and the greater their mean free path.

Joule-Lenz law.

By the end of the free path, the electron under the action of the field acquires additional kinetic energy

. (9.5.3.)

When an electron collides with an ion, this energy is completely transferred to the lattice and goes to increase the internal energy of the metal, i.e. for heating it.

For a unit of time, an electron experiences with lattice sites on average collisions:

If n is the concentration of electrons, then n collisions and energy is transferred to the lattice

, (9.5.5.)

which goes to heat the conductor. Substituting (9.5.3.) and (9.5.4.) into (9.5.5.), we thus obtain the energy transferred to the lattice in a unit volume of the conductor per unit time,

. (9.5.6.)

The value w is called the specific thermal power of the current. The coefficient of proportionality between w and according to (9.5.2.) is the specific conductivity; therefore, the expression (9.5.6.) is the Joule-Lenz law in differential form.

The classical theory of the electrical conductivity of metals explained the Ohm and Joule-Lenz laws, and also gave a qualitative explanation of the Wiedemann-Franz law. However, in addition to the considered contradictions in the Wiedemann-Franz law, she also encountered a number of difficulties in explaining various experimental data. Let's consider some of them.

Temperature dependence of resistance. It follows from the conductivity formula (9.5.2.) that the resistance of metals, i.e. the value, inversely proportional to , should increase proportionally (in (9.5.2.) n and< >do not depend on temperature, but ~ ). This conclusion of the electronic theory contradicts experimental data, according to which R~T.

Estimation of the mean free path of electrons in metals. In order to obtain, according to the formula (9.5.2.), coinciding with the experimental values, it is necessary to take< >much more than the true ones, in other words, to assume that the electron passes hundreds of interstitial distances without collisions with lattice ions, which is inconsistent with the Drude-Lorentz theory.

Heat capacity of metals. The heat capacity of a metal is the sum of the heat capacity of its crystal lattice and the heat capacity of the electron gas. Therefore, the atomic (i.e., calculated per 1 mol) heat capacity of the metal must be much greater than the atomic heat capacity of dielectrics, which do not have free electrons. According to the Dulong and Petit law, the heat capacity of a monatomic crystal is 3R. Let us take into account that the heat capacity of a monatomic electron gas is . Then the atomic heat capacity of metals should be close to 4.5R. However, experience proves that it is equal to 3R, i.e. for metals, as well as for dielectrics, the Dulong and Petit law is well fulfilled. Consequently, the presence of conduction electrons has practically no effect on the value of heat capacity, which is not explained by the classical electron theory.

These discrepancies between theory and experience can be explained by the fact that the motion of electrons in metals is subject not to the laws of classical mechanics, but to the laws of quantum mechanics and, therefore, the behavior of conduction electrons must be described not by Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, but by quantum statistics. Therefore, the difficulties of the elementary theory of the electrical conductivity of metals can be explained only by quantum theory, which will be considered later. It should be noted, however, that the classical electron theory has not lost its significance even up to the present time, since in many cases (for example, at a low concentration of conduction electrons and high temperature) it gives correct qualitative results and is simple and clear in comparison with quantum theory.

Lecture plan

5.1. Classical theory of electrical conductivity of metals.

5.2. Derivation of Ohm's law and the Joule-Lenz law.

5.3. Disadvantages of the classical theory of electrical conductivity of metals.

Classical theory of electrical conductivity of metals

Any theory is considered complete only if it traces the path from the elementary mechanism of the phenomenon to the macro-relations found in it, which are used in technical practice. In this case, it was irresistible to connect the features of the ordered movement of free charges in a conductor (electrical conductivity) with the basic laws of electric current. First of all, it was necessary to elucidate the nature of current carriers in metals. Fundamental in this sense were the experiments of Rikke 1 , in which for a long time ( year) the current was passed through three metal cylinders connected in series ( Cu, A1, Cu) of the same section with carefully polished ground ends. A huge charge flowed through this circuit (≈ 3.5 10 6 C). Despite this, no (even microscopic) traces of the transfer of matter from cylinder to cylinder were found (which was confirmed by careful weighing). From this it was concluded that in metals, in the process of transfer of electric charge, some particles are involved that are common (identical) for all metals.

The nature of such particles could be determined by the sign and magnitude of the specific charge (the ratio of the charge of the carrier to its mass) - an individual parameter for any of the microparticles known today. The idea of ​​such an experiment is as follows: during a sharp deceleration of a metal conductor, current carriers weakly connected to the grating should move forward by inertia. The result of such a shift is a current pulse, and the sign of the carriers can be determined from the direction of the current, and, knowing the dimensions and resistance of the conductor, it is possible to calculate the specific charge of the carriers. Such experiments gave values ​​of the ratio , which coincided with the specific charge of electrons. Thus, it was finally proved that the carriers of electric current in metals are free electrons. When a crystal lattice of a metal is formed (when isolated atoms approach each other), valence electrons weakly bound to the nuclei break away from the metal atoms, become “free” and can move throughout the volume. Thus, metal ions are located at the nodes of the crystal lattice, and free electrons move randomly between them.

The founders of the classical theory of electrical conductivity of metals, Drude 2 and Lorentz 3, showed for the first time that any set of noninteracting microparticles

Rikke Carl Victor Eduard (1845 - 1915), German physicist

2 Drude Paul Karl Ludwig (1863 - 1906), German physicist

3 Lorenz Hendrik Anton (1853 - 1928), Dutch theoretical physicist

particles (including free electrons in a metal) can be considered as an ideal gas, that is, all the conclusions of the molecular kinetic theory are applicable to free electrons in a metal.

The conduction electrons collide with the ions of the lattice during their movement, as a result of which a thermodynamic equilibrium is established between the ideal gas of free electrons and the lattice. The average speed of free electrons can be found in accordance with the expression for the arithmetic average speed of the chaotic thermal motion of ideal gas molecules (see formula (8.26) in lecture 8, part I):

which at room temperature (T ≈ 300 K) gives<u> = 1.1 10 5 m/s.

When an external electric field is applied to a conductor, in addition to the thermal motion of electrons, their ordered motion also arises, that is, an electric current. The average speed of the ordered movement of electrons -<v> can be determined according to (4.4). At the maximum allowable current density in real conductors (≈ 10 7 A / m 2), a quantitative estimate gives<v> ≈ 10 3 -10 4 m/s. Thus, even in limiting cases, the average speed of the ordered motion of electrons (causing the electric current) is much less than their speed of chaotic thermal motion (<v> << <u>). Therefore, when calculating the resulting velocity, we can assume that (<v> + <u>) ≈ <u>. It has already been noted above that the ultimate goal of the classical theory of electrical conductivity of metals is the derivation of the main laws of electric current, based on the considered elementary mechanism of the movement of current carriers. As an example, consider how this was done when deriving Ohm's law in differential form.

5.2. Derivation of Ohm's law and Joule–Lenz law

Let there be an electric field in a metal conductor with intensity . From the side of the field, the electron experiences the action of the Coulomb force F = eE and gains momentum. According to Drude theory at the end of the mean free path<l> an electron collides with an ion of the lattice, gives off the energy accumulated during movement in the field (the speed of its ordered movement becomes equal to zero). Moving with uniform acceleration, an electron acquires a speed by the end of its free path , Where is the average time between two successive collisions of an electron with lattice ions. The average speed of the directed motion of an electron is equal to

Because (<v> + <u>) ≈ <u>, then and (5.1) takes the form . Thus, the current density, according to (4.4), can be represented as

. (5.2)

Comparing this expression with Ohm's law in differential form, it can be seen that these expressions are identical, provided that the conductivity

Thus, within the framework of the classical theory of the electrical conductivity of metals, Ohm's law was derived in differential form.

Similarly, the Joule-Lenz law was derived, a quantitative relationship was obtained between specific conductivity and thermal conductivity, taking into account the fact that in metals the transfer of electricity and heat is carried out by the same particles (free electrons) and a number of other relationships.



Semiconductors include materials that at room temperature have electrical resistivity from 10 -5 to 10 10 Ohm·cm (in semiconductor technology, it is customary to measure the resistance of 1 cm 3 of a material). The number of semiconductors exceeds the number of metals and dielectrics. The most commonly used are silicon, gallium arsenide, selenium, germanium, tellurium, various oxides, sulfides, nitrides and carbides.

Basic provisions of the theory of electrical conductivity.

An atom consists of a nucleus surrounded by a cloud of electrons that are in motion at some distance from the nucleus within layers (shells) determined by their energy. The farther from the nucleus is a rotating electron, the higher its energy level. Free atoms have a discrete energy spectrum. During the transition of an electron from one allowed level to another, more distant, energy is absorbed, and during the reverse transition, it is released. Absorption and release of energy can occur only in strictly defined portions - quanta. Each energy level can contain no more than two electrons. The distance between energy levels decreases with increasing energy. The "ceiling" of the energy spectrum is the level of ionization at which the electron acquires the energy that allows it to become free and leave the atom.

If we consider the structure of atoms of various elements, then we can distinguish shells that are completely filled with electrons (internal) and unfilled shells (external). The latter are weaker bound to the nucleus and interact more easily with other atoms. Therefore, electrons located on the outer unfinished shell are called valence electrons.

Fig.2.1. The structure of the bonds of germanium atoms in the crystal lattice and symbols of forbidden and allowed zones.

During the formation of molecules, various types of bonds act between individual atoms. For semiconductors, the most common are covalent bonds formed due to the socialization of neighboring valence electrons. For example, in silicon, an atom of which has four valence electrons, covalent bonds arise in molecules between four neighboring atoms (Fig. 2.1, a).

If the atoms are in a bound state, then the fields of electrons and nuclei of neighboring atoms act on valence electrons, as a result of which each individual allowed energy level of the atom is split into a number of new energy levels, the energies of which are close to each other. Each of these levels can also contain only two electrons. The set of levels, each of which can contain electrons, is called the allowed zone (1; 3 in Fig. 2.1, b). The gaps between the allowed zones are called forbidden zones (2 in Fig. 2.1, b). The lower energy levels of atoms usually do not form zones, since the internal electron shells in a solid interact weakly with neighboring atoms, being, as it were, "shielded" by the outer shells. Three types of bands can be distinguished in the energy spectrum of a solid body: allowed (completely filled) bands, forbidden bands, and conduction bands.

Allowed the zone is characterized by the fact that all its levels at a temperature of 0 K are filled with electrons. The top filled band is called the valence band.

Forbidden the zone is characterized by the fact that within its limits there are no energy levels on which electrons could be located.

The conduction band is characterized by the fact that the electrons in it have energies that allow them to be released from bonds with atoms and move inside a solid body, for example, under the influence of an electric field.

The separation of substances into metals, semiconductors and dielectrics is performed based on the band structure of the body at absolute zero temperature.

In metals, the valence band and the conduction band mutually overlap, so at 0 K the metal has electrical conductivity.

In semiconductors and dielectrics, the conduction band at 0 K is empty and there is no electrical conductivity. The differences between them are purely quantitative - in the band gap ΔE. The most common semiconductors have ΔE=0.1÷3 eV (for semiconductors, on the basis of which they hope to create high-temperature devices in the future, ΔE=3÷6 eV), for dielectrics ΔE>6 eV.

In semiconductors, at a certain temperature value other than zero, some of the electrons will have enough energy to pass into the conduction band. These electrons become free, and the semiconductor becomes electrically conductive.

The departure of an electron from the valence band leads to the formation of an unfilled energy level in it. The vacant energy state is called a hole. The valence electrons of neighboring atoms in the presence of an electric field can move to these free levels, creating holes elsewhere. Such movement of electrons can be considered as the movement of positively charged fictitious charges-holes.

The electrical conductivity due to the movement of free electrons is called electronic, and the electrical conductivity due to the movement of holes is called hole.

In an absolutely pure and homogeneous semiconductor at a temperature other than 0 K, free electrons and holes are formed in pairs, i.e. the number of electrons is equal to the number of holes. The electrical conductivity of such a semiconductor (intrinsic), due to paired carriers of thermal origin, is called intrinsic.

The process of formation of an electron-hole pair is called pair generation. In this case, the generation of a pair can be a consequence of not only the impact of thermal energy (thermal generation), but also the kinetic energy of moving particles (impact generation), the energy of the electric field, the energy of light irradiation (light generation), etc.

The electron and hole formed as a result of breaking the valence bond perform chaotic motion in the bulk of the semiconductor until the electron is “captured” by the hole, and the energy level of the hole is “occupied” by an electron from the conduction band. In this case, the broken valence bonds are restored, and the charge carriers, the electron and the hole, disappear. This process of repairing broken valence bonds is called recombination.

The time interval that has elapsed from the moment of generation of a particle, which is a charge carrier, to its recombination is called the lifetime, and the distance traveled by the particle during its lifetime is called the diffusion length. Since the lifetime of each of the carriers is different, for an unambiguous characteristic of a semiconductor, the lifetime is most often understood as the average (statistically average) lifetime of the charge carriers, and the diffusion length is the average distance that the charge carrier travels during the average lifetime. The diffusion length and lifetime of electrons and holes are related by the relations

; (2,1)

where , is the diffusion length of electrons and holes;

, is the lifetime of electrons and holes;

are the diffusion coefficients of electrons and holes (density of charge carrier fluxes at a unit concentration gradient).

The average lifetime of charge carriers is numerically defined as the time interval during which the concentration of charge carriers introduced into a semiconductor in one way or another decreases by e once ( e≈2,7).

If an electric field of intensity E is created in a semiconductor, then the chaotic motion of charge carriers will be ordered, i.e. holes and electrons will begin to move in mutually opposite directions, and holes - in the direction coinciding with the direction of the electric field. Two oppositely directed flows of charge carriers will arise, creating currents whose densities are equal to

J n dr = qnμ nE; Jp dr = qpμ p E,(2,2)

Where q– the charge of the charge carrier (electron);

n,p is the number of electrons and holes per unit volume of a substance (concentration);

μ n , μ p – mobility of charge carriers.

The mobility of charge carriers is a physical quantity characterized by their average directed velocity in an electric field with a strength of 1 V/cm; μ =v/e, Where v– average carrier speed.

Since charge carriers of opposite sign move in opposite directions, the resulting current density in the semiconductor

J dr = J n dr+ Jp dr =( qnμ n+qpμ p)E (2.3)

The movement of charge carriers in a semiconductor, caused by the presence of an electric field and a potential gradient, is called drift, and the current created by these charges is called drift current.

Movement under the influence of a concentration gradient is called diffusion.

The specific conductivity of a semiconductor σ can be found as the ratio of the specific current density to the electric field strength

σ =1/ρ= J/E=qnμ n +qpμ p,

where ρ is the resistivity of the semiconductor.

Impurity electrical conductivity. The electrical properties of semiconductors depend on the content of impurity atoms in them, as well as on various defects in the crystal lattice: empty lattice sites, atoms or ions located between lattice sites, etc. Impurities are acceptor and donor.

acceptor impurities. Atoms of acceptor impurities are capable of accepting one or more electrons from outside, turning into a negative ion.

If, for example, a trivalent boron atom is introduced into silicon, then a covalent bond is formed between boron and four neighboring silicon atoms, and a stable eight-electron shell is obtained due to an additional electron taken from one of the silicon atoms. This electron, being “bound”, turns the boron atom into a fixed negative ion (Figure 2.2, a). In place of the departed electron, a hole is formed, which is added to its own holes generated by heating (thermal generation). In this case, the concentration of holes in the semiconductor will exceed the concentration of free electrons of intrinsic conduction (p>n). Therefore, in a semiconductor

Fig.2.2. Structure (a) and band diagram (b) of a semiconductor with acceptor impurities.

hole conductivity will prevail. Such a semiconductor is called a p-type semiconductor.

When a voltage is applied to this semiconductor, the hole component of the current will prevail, i.e. J n

If the impurity content is low, which is most often the case, then their atoms can be considered isolated. Their energy levels do not split into zones. On the band diagram (Fig. 2.2, b), the impurity levels are shown by dashes. The valence levels of the acceptor impurity are located in the lower part of the band gap, therefore, at a small additional energy (0.01 - 0.05 eV), electrons from the valence band can go to this level, forming holes. At low temperatures, the probability of electron transition through the band gap is many times less than the probability of their transition from the valence band to the acceptor impurity level.

If the concentration of impurities in the semiconductor is high enough, then the acceptor impurity levels split, forming a band that can merge with the valence band. Such a semiconductor is called degenerate. In a degenerate semiconductor, the concentration of charge carriers of intrinsic electrical conductivity is much less than in a nondegenerate one. Therefore, their qualitative feature is a small dependence of the characteristics of the semiconductor on the ambient temperature. In this case, the proportion of thermal charge carriers of intrinsic electrical conductivity compared to impurity charge carriers will be small.

donor impurities. Atoms of donor impurities have valence electrons that are weakly bound to their nucleus (Fig. 2.3, a). These electrons, not participating in interatomic bonds, can easily pass into the conduction band of the material into which the impurity has been introduced. In this case, a positively charged ion remains in the lattice, and the electron is added to the free electrons

Fig.2.3. Structure (a) and band diagram (b) of a semiconductor with donor impurities.

own electrical conductivity. The donor level is in the upper part of the band gap (Fig. 2.3, b). The transition of an electron from the donor level to the conduction band occurs when it receives a small additional energy. In this case, the concentration of free electrons in the semiconductor exceeds the concentration of holes, and the semiconductor has electronic electrical conductivity. Such semiconductors are called n-type semiconductors. If, for example, an atom of pentavalent phosphorus is introduced into silicon, then its four valence electrons will enter into a covalent bond with four electrons of silicon and will be in a bound state (Fig. 2.3, a). The remaining electron of phosphorus becomes free. In this case, the concentration of free electrons is higher than the concentration of holes; electronic conductivity predominates. As the impurity concentration increases, the donor levels split, forming a band that can merge with the conduction band. The semiconductor becomes degenerate.

Charge carriers, the concentration of which prevails in a semiconductor, are called basic, and charge carriers, the concentration of which in a semiconductor is less than the main ones, are called minority.

In an extrinsic semiconductor at low temperatures, extrinsic electrical conductivity predominates. However, as the temperature rises, the intrinsic electrical conductivity continuously increases, while the impurity conductivity has a limit corresponding to the ionization of all impurity atoms. Therefore, at sufficiently high temperatures, the electrical conductivity is always intrinsic.

Basics of classical theory
electrical conductivity

electronic theory of conductivity of metals
Drude - Lorenz.
2.12. Derivation of Ohm's laws, Joule-Lenz and
Wiedemann-Franz based on the theory of Drude Lorentz.
electrical conductivity
high temperature superconductivity.

2.10. The nature of current carriers in metals.

To elucidate the nature of current carriers in metals, a number of experiments were carried out.
Riecke's experience (Riecke C., 1845-1915). In 1901 Rikke carried out an experiment in which
he passed current through a stack of cylinders with carefully polished
ends Cu-Al-Cu. Before the start of the experiment, the samples were weighed with a high
degree of accuracy (Δm = ±0.03 mg). The current was passed for a year. For that
time, a charge q = 3.5∙106 C passed through the cylinders.
At the end of the experiment, the cylinders were again weighed. The weighing showed that
passing current had no effect on the weight of the cylinders. At
the study of end surfaces under a microscope was also not
found penetration of one metal into another. The results of the Rikke experiment
testified that current carriers in metals are not
atoms, but some particles that are part of all metals.
Such particles could be electrons discovered in 1897 by Thomson
J., 1856-1940) in experiments with cathode rays. To identify carriers
current in metals with electrons, it was necessary to determine the sign and magnitude
carrier charge. This
was carried out in
Tolman's experience and
Stewart (Tolman R.,
1881-1948 Stewart B.
Fig.6.1. Rick's experience.

Experience of Tolman and Stuart. The essence of the experiment carried out in 1916,
consisted in determining the specific charge of current carriers at a sharp
conductor deceleration. For this purpose, we used
a coil of copper wire 500 m long, which was driven in
fast rotation (the linear speed of the turns was 300 m/s), and
then abruptly stopped. The charge flowing through the circuit during the time
braking, measured using a ballistic galvanometer.
The specific charge of the current carrier found from experience q / m 1.71 1011 C / kg,
turned out to be very close to the value of the specific charge of the electron
(e / m 1.76 1011 C / kg), from which it was concluded that the current in metals
carried by electrons.
a 0 U 0
To the experiment of Tolman-Stuart with the inertia of electrons.

2.11. The main provisions of the classical electronic theory of conductivity of Drude-Lorentz metals.

Based on the concept of free electrons as the main current carriers in metals,
Drude (Drude P., 1863-1906) developed the classical theory of the electrical conductivity of metals,
which was then improved by Lorentz (Lorentz H., 1853-1928).
The main provisions of this theory are as follows:
1). Current carriers in metals are electrons, the movement of which is subject to
the law of classical mechanics.
2). The behavior of electrons is similar to the behavior of ideal gas molecules (electronic
3). When electrons move in a crystal lattice, one can ignore
collision of electrons with each other.
4). In the elastic collision of electrons with ions, the electrons completely transfer
the energy stored in the electric field.
The average thermal velocity of the chaotic motion of electrons at T ≈ 300K is
8 1,38 10 23 300
10 5 m/s 100km/s
3,14 9,1 10
When the electric field is turned on, the chaotic motion of electrons is superimposed
orderly motion (sometimes called "drift"), occurring with some
average speed u ; there is a directed
electrons - electric current.
The current density is determined by the formula
j ne u
Estimates show that at the maximum allowable
current density in metals j = 107 A/m2
and carrier concentrations 1028 - 1029m-3,
. So
way, even at very
u 10 3 m / s 1mm
high current densities, the average speed of the ordered motion of electrons
u .

A gas of free electrons in the crystal lattice of a metal. The trajectory of one of the electrons is shown
Motion of a free electron in a crystal lattice: a - chaotic motion of an electron in
metal crystal lattice; b - chaotic motion with drift due to
electric field. drift scales
greatly exaggerated

2.12. Derivation of the Ohm, Joule-Lenz and Wiedemann-Franz laws based on the Drude-Lorentz theory.

Ohm's law.
Acceleration acquired by an electron in an electric field
On the path of free run
λ maximum
the speed of the electron will reach
where τ is the free run time: / .
The average value of the speed of the ordered
movements are:
Substituting this value into the formula for current density, we will have:
E ,
The resulting formula is Ohm's law in differential form:
ne 2
j E ,
where σ is the electrical conductivity of the metal:
ne 2
ne 2

Joule-Lenz law
The kinetic energy of an electron that it has at the moment
collisions with an ion:
E kin
In a collision with an ion, the energy received by an electron in
electric field E mumax , is completely transferred to the ion. Number
collisions of one electron per unit time is equal to
, where λ
is the electron mean free path. Total number of collisions
per unit of time in a unit of volume is equal to N n
. Then
the amount of heat released per unit volume of the conductor per
unit of time will be:
Q beats N
ne 2
The last formula can be represented as the Joule-Lenz law in
differential form:
Q beats E 2 E 2
where ρ =1/σ is the resistivity of the metal.

Wiedemann-Franz law.
along with
electrical conductivity, they also have high thermal conductivity.
Wiedemann (Wiedemann G., 1826-1899) and Franz (Franz R.,) installed in
1853 empirical law that the ratio
thermal conductivity
electrical conductivity σ for all metals is approximately the same and
varies in proportion to the absolute temperature:
Treating electrons as a monatomic
gas, we can on the basis of
thermal conductivity of the electron gas:
nm cv nk
2 at constant
3 k - specific heat of a monatomic
Dividing κ by σ, we arrive at the Wiedemann-Franz law:
e and e = 1.6 10-19 C, we find that
Substituting here k = 1.38 10-23 J/K
which agrees very well with
2.23 10 8 T

10.2.13. Difficulties in the classical theory of electrical conductivity of metals. Superconductivity of metals. Discovery of high-temperature superconductivity

2.13. Difficulties of classical theory
electrical conductivity of metals. Superconductivity
metals. The opening of the high temperature
Despite the progress made, the classical electron theory
conductivity of Drude-Lorentz metals has not received further
This is due to two main reasons:
1) the difficulties that this theory encountered in explaining
some properties of metals;
2) the creation of a more advanced quantum theory of conduction
solids, which eliminated the difficulties of the classical theory and
predicted a number of new properties of metals.


Let us highlight the main difficulties of the Drude-Lorentz theory:
1. According to the classical theory, the dependence of resistivity
metals on temperature ~ T while in experience in a wide
temperature range near T≈300K for most metals
dependence ρ ~ T is observed.
2. Good quantitative agreement with the Wiedemann-Franz law
turned out to be somewhat random. In the original
version of the Drude theory did not take into account the distribution of electrons over
speeds. Later, when Lorentz took this distribution into account, it turned out that
what attitude will
which agrees much worse with experiment. According to
quantum theory
2 k
T 2.45 10 T
3. The theory gives an incorrect value for the heat capacity of metals. WITH
taking into account the heat capacity of the electron gas С=9/2R, and in practice С=3R,
which roughly corresponds to the heat capacity of dielectrics.
4. Finally, the theory was completely unable to explain
opened in 1911 Kamerlingh-Onnes H., 18531926
resistance) of metals at low temperatures, as well as
the existence of residual resistance, to a large extent
depending on the purity of the metal.


1-metal with
2-pure metal
The dependence of the resistance of metals on temperature.
(Тк is the transition temperature to the superconducting state)
It is interesting to note that with regard to
low temperature superconductors
(metals) the rule applies: metals with
higher resistivity
ρ also have a higher critical
superconducting transition temperature
Тcr (see table).
Table. Properties of low temperature
Tk, K


Phenomenological theory of low-temperature superconductivity
was established in 1935. F. and G. Londons (London F., 1900-1954, London
H., 1907-1970), but only after almost half a century (in 1957) the phenomenon
superconductivity was finally explained within the framework of
microscopic (quantum) theory created by J. Bardin, L.
Cooper and J. Schrieffer (Bardeen J., Cooper L., Schrieffer J.).
In 1986 J. Bednorz (Bednorz J.) and K. Müller (Müller K.) were
discovered the phenomenon of high-temperature superconductivity in
ceramic metal oxides (lanthanum, barium and other elements),
which are dielectrics at room temperature. critical
the transition temperature to the superconducting state for these
materials about 100K.
The theory of high-temperature superconductivity at present
is under development and far from being completed.
Even the mechanism of the occurrence of high-temperature

Based on the concept of free electrons, Drude developed the classical theory of the electrical conductivity of metals, which was then improved by Lorentz. Drude suggested that conduction electrons in a metal behave like molecules of an ideal gas. In the intervals between collisions, they move completely freely, running on average a certain path . True, unlike gas molecules, the range of which is determined by the collisions of molecules with each other, electrons collide predominantly not with each other, but with the ions that form the crystal lattice of the metal. These collisions lead to the establishment of thermal equilibrium between the electron gas and the crystal lattice. Assuming that the results of the kinetic theory of gases can be extended to the electron gas, the average velocity of the thermal motion of electrons can be estimated using the formula . For room temperature ( 300K) calculation by this formula leads to the following value: . When the field is turned on, the chaotic thermal motion, which occurs at a speed , is superimposed by an ordered motion of electrons with a certain average speed . The value of this speed is easy to estimate based on the formula that relates the current density j to the number n of carriers per unit volume, their charge e and the average speed:


The maximum current density allowed by technical standards for copper wires is about 10 A / mm 2 \u003d 10 7 A / m 2. Taking for n=10 29 m -3 , we get

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