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Life balance wheel: how to make it correctly. Life balance wheel in an online organizer. Or how to achieve harmony in life... Balance of life spheres

"It's good to have money and to have things that money can buy. But at the same time, it’s also good to check yourself from time to time and make sure that you haven’t lost those things that money can’t buy."

George Horace Lorimer

Have you ever caught yourself thinking that you are running through life, trying to do everything, self-realize, achieve material independence and stability, and seemingly even successfully, but do not feel joy? Dissatisfaction with your own successes may be due to the fact that you develop yourself one-sidedly, leaving other areas of your life to chance. And it is there that failures overtake you. Let's learn to find weak points with the help of the "Wheel of Life Balance", because as practice shows, this is an excellent tool for understanding yourself and improving your life; it is not without reason that various coaches and business trainers resort to it at seminars and public conferences.

Determining areas of life

A person’s life is multifaceted - it consists of many factors: communication, well-being, career, self-development, etc. Everyone, of course, has their own priorities, but practicing psychologists and business coaches identify the following as the main ones:

  • family and relationships (parents, children, relatives, loved one, friends);
  • health (this is not just the medical status of “sick” or “healthy” - this also includes physical activity, nutrition, grooming, and the absence of bad habits);
  • home (living conditions, comfort, coziness, safety, order);
  • finance (material security);
  • work (professional growth, recognition, working conditions);
  • rest (passive and active rest, sleep long enough to restore the body);
  • self-realization (hobbies, creativity);
  • spiritual development (moral state, actions).

Formulate 8-10 areas of life that are significant to you at the moment. Write them down on a piece of paper in any order.

Advice: the wheel of balance is built not only by area of ​​life, but also by social role: “I am a son”, “I am a Mother”, “I am a housewife”, “I am a department head”.

Building a wheel of life balance

  1. Draw a circle on a piece of paper (a handy wheel template is included below in the article).
  2. Then, for each area of ​​life, select a separate sector - draw several straight lines through the center of the circle:
    - 4, if there are 8 areas of life on your list of priorities;
    - 5, if there are 10 spheres.
  3. Label the resulting sectors.
  4. Place a zero in the center of the circle.
  5. Divide each of the constructed axes-radii into 10 segments. Draw circles through them. Number the intersections of the radii and small circles in order from zero from the center of the circle to 10.

Or, if you don't have time, from the blog site (just click on the link, then save the image that opens).

The drawing of the life wheel is ready. It's time to fill it up. You have to paint as many divisions as your life in a certain area is realized. Zero in the picture is complete dissatisfaction with the situation, an undoubted failure, and 10 is unconditional satisfaction.

Dialogue with yourself

Answer yourself the question: “Am I satisfied?”

For example, money. Even if your name is still not on the Forbes list, do not rush to give yourself a low rating. The main criterion is whether there is enough money to meet reasonable needs. Perhaps, you manage to maintain a balance of income and expenses without infringing on yourself and your loved ones in nutrition, medical care, rest, and the real need has not affected you? Then feel free to rate yourself above zero.

When assessing the quality of life, be guided solely by your own feelings, and not by the expectations of others. For example, if your job does not yet bring in the income that your former classmates achieved, but you see prospects for career growth and are doing what you love in a great team, perhaps it is not so bad.

At the same time, focus not on the ideal, but on your own efforts, in this case it is inappropriate and will not give a fully honest picture of what is happening. Chronic diseases are here to stay, but learning to live with them as efficiently as possible is already a success. Therefore, 10 points is exactly your maximum here and now. Your real goal and movement towards it.

Extremes are extremely rare. Set yourself 0 if your life situation is truly critical (for example, in the “Work” sector, if you are unemployed, including the absence of any paid employment, for example, freelancing or your own business).

Assessing life balance

Look what kind of wheel you got? Small or big? Smooth or with spaces?

  • With complete harmony, you will get a perfectly even wheel with the most complete sectors.
  • A small wheel or deep depressions are a sign of dissatisfaction.

Don't be put off by the imperfect shape. The wheel of life balance is not a state of real life, but the degree of your expectations. It matches my dreams so much.

Psychologists believe that life balance has been maintained if the sectors are evenly colored and their level is above seven. Obviously, a crooked wheel will not provide a comfortable ride, and it needs to be “balanced”.

Bringing balance back to life

  1. Answer the question: “Why did some areas of my life sag?”
  2. Can you change the situation? What do you want to achieve? What assessment will be satisfactory in a month, quarter, year?
  3. What needs to be done to achieve this? Write down each step and set realistic deadlines.

Wisdom: While the thought is in the head, it is in “working memory”. To solve such problems, the “processor” allocates only 3-5% of its capacity. Once a thought is recorded on paper, it is transferred by the brain to long-term memory. This is a signal that the information is important.

Therefore, at any stage it is important to record your thoughts in writing. After a while, you will be able to return to the records and analyze how effective the plan for saving your life balance was.

For example, I'm worried that I don't spend enough time with my family. At the same time, a lot of time is spent on the road, and the work does not make me happy at all. But the financial issue is still important. Therefore, in the near future I plan to change my job and devote myself entirely to blogging and creating information products. To increase my value as a specialist, I will constantly improve my programming skills by studying specialized programs for video editing, audio and image editing, investing knowledge in SEO brand promotion, while maintaining constant analytical statistics of my actions.

If, however, paper and pen are not your way of keeping records, you can use special programs. For example, the paid versions of Wheel of Life and Goalscape will not only draw a wheel, but also save goals and an action plan.

Remember, the main thing in life is balance. Only by devoting time and effort to each area can you achieve success and become a truly happy person.

Be happy and see you soon on the site! 😉

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The Life Balance Wheel is a visual coaching tool that allows you to quickly assess your life situation and make a decision in which area of ​​your life is most relevant to change.

You evaluate the current state in each area of ​​life on a scale from 1 to 10 points (1 – “horror-horror”, 10 – “everything is super”, from the center to the circumference). As a result, you get a clear picture of your satisfaction in key areas of life - the wheel of life balance - a test of the state of your life. And then you make decisions - on your own or...

The most convenient way to build a life balance wheel is on a computer. If you are viewing on a smartphone, rotate it horizontally so that the captions fit on the screen and refresh the page.

Spheres of life

  • Health (physical, mental)
  • Work, career, business, favorite thing
  • Finance, money
  • Personal relationships, love, family
  • Friends, surroundings
  • Personal growth, self-development
  • Creativity, hobby
  • Recreation, entertainment

The typical areas of life are used; perhaps slightly different formulations are closer to you, or some areas of life are more significant than those indicated. Use the constructor to indicate the names of the areas of life that are closest to you! (see below)

It is useful to conduct a life balance test in key areas at least once a quarter, or even once a month. The date on the saved image will help you keep a history of states to analyze your changes in the future.

I wish you harmonious development and pleasure in life!

Using the Online Life Balance Wheel tool is very simple - for each area of ​​life, select the current level of satisfaction - the corresponding value will appear in the sector. After selecting values ​​in all sectors, the “” button will appear in the upper right corner Save"- you can download a picture with the date.

Life balance wheel Constructor: edit areas of life

Click on the title to start editing; click outside the field to complete editing

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Wheel of Life Balance: How to Use it

Personal experience

I first learned and tested the coaching tool “The Wheel of Life Balance” at the “Coaching for Executives” training by the founder of Erickson Coaching International, Marilyn Atkinson, in 2003. The first experience of drawing up a life balance was an impressive self-exploration for me, and the technique itself opened up a very practical approach to planning changes in life. Since then, I draw my balance wheels at least once a quarter and know that my life is in my hands and brings satisfaction. Amazingly, I still remember most of that training! I wish you, too, to plan the path to the life you want - using the Online Life Balance Wheel, this is even easier than drawing, and an archive of pictures with dates will help you visually track changes.

– a very powerful tool of cognition. Not only the world around you, but also yourself. It’s not for nothing that they say: “It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times.” With this in mind, we have already introduced you to the Tony Buzan method. Today we will talk about another visual tool - the wheel of life, which everyone can use to analyze their life from the point of view of balance - the balance of its individual aspects.

We also invite you to our online program “,” where, with the help of psychological tests and exercises, you will find out what you really want in life and understand your strengths and weaknesses.

What is the wheel of life

There are periods in the life of any person when he pays maximum attention to one activity or area - working on an important project, preparing to enter university, etc. It is a positive quality if you are capable. But it also happens the other way around: all the time and energy are spent on one thing, and the rest is rejected and ignored. And we're not talking about a week, a month or even a year. Someone devotes so much time to work and money that they lose or do not acquire a family at all. Someone, on the contrary, pays insufficient attention to their career and remains in an average position, although due to their talents and knowledge they could achieve much more.

Whatever the examples in this regard, the essence is the same - for happiness and a fulfilling life, a person needs harmony, the ability to find balance. Numerous spiritual practices talk about this and teach this. But to rethink, control and analyze your life, it is not necessary to start shoveling mountains of thematic literature right now. The “wheel of life” exercise allows you to get material for reflection and look at your life “from above” and without all this.

Drawing your own wheel is not difficult. All you need is a pencil and a piece of paper. It is much more difficult to interpret it correctly. For some time now, a post about the wheel of life as a “1-minute exercise” has been circulating on social networks. But in reality, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It really won’t take much time to create a picture and identify the “axes” that are important to you. But to be honest with yourself, to fairly evaluate your life and, no less important, to understand in which direction to move next is not an easy task, but it is quite feasible.

The Wheel of Life is an effective and efficient technique, which is even patented in the USA, and is used by many personal growth coaches and. Despite its apparent simplicity, this method of organizing thoughts allows you to clearly look at the problem, see the imbalance and understand how to achieve balance. The main trump card here is clarity, which cannot be achieved when trying to analyze your life using the “kitchen conversation” technique.

Create your own wheel

The image itself can be drawn by hand or downloaded a ready-made template and worked with it in a graphics editor or printed. Moreover, this tool can be used not only as a wheel of life, but also as a wheel of work, study, etc., in other words, it can be detailed and sharpened for a specific area. Another advantage of this method of visualization is that it can be used not only to find balance, but also to control the progress or achievement of goals. Thus, at any time you will be able to understand and, if necessary, remind yourself what has already been done and what remains to be done for success in a global endeavor.

To better understand how the technique works and what should be included in the “axes” of your wheel, let’s look at a general example of the wheel of life.

Wheel of Life

You can see an image of a simplified traditional representation with characteristic axes at the beginning of the article. The technique is extremely simple - for each option you need to give an appropriate assessment of the current state of your affairs. Scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is low, 10 is high. For example, things are going well for you at work, you receive a high salary, which means that the scores in these two areas will be, say, 8. But you don’t have enough time to relax and communicate with friends, you feel a lack of it - 3 and 4. Having determined by follow the same principle for everything else, you will receive a kind of diagram-representation of life and will be able to understand what you still have to work on and what you can simply maintain as normal.

There are no strict recommendations about how many “spokes” and what values ​​they should have. In our example, we tried to cover the main topics that, one way or another, concern every person and ask questions that will help you make the right assessment. At the same time, it is obvious that at certain stages of life their meaning may not be so important, so you can make the necessary adjustments to your wheel.


No matter how much we want it, work or study occupy one of the main places in our lives. And in the exercise it is important to evaluate them correctly. Not from the point of view of “I study or work, which means the grade is the highest,” but on the principle of satisfaction, the ability of work to reveal your talents and meet your needs.


When you come home after work, you sit down at the computer and continue working, turn on the TV and watch your favorite or spend time with your family, talk about everything in the world with your wife/husband, play with your children? Any family psychologist will tell you how important this is for happiness.


It's just as important as the work. To determine your level of satisfaction, answer yourself the following questions. Do you get enough rest to work productively? Are you constantly tired and are you resting effectively?


Do you care about your health? In this regard, one should mean a set of efforts - regular visits to the dentist, etc. There cannot be a static assessment here by default, so each time you should evaluate yourself in a new way.


Are you communicating and spending time with as much as you would like? Or every year there are fewer and fewer people who call you on your birthday? The question itself is a little exaggerated, but you must understand the essence and give an honest assessment of this aspect of your life.


Cognitive needs are one of the steps of the pyramid known to everyone. The desire to improve professionally and personally is a characteristic of a mature person who strives to move, develop himself and his abilities, and search for ways to become a versatile, effective person.


A hobby can be a form of leisure, a way of self-development, and a method of keeping fit. Often those who are torn between work and home do not find time for such activities. But in vain. Remember, for example, how much joy it gave you as a child to run around playing football in the yard with your friends.


An aspect related to work, but not always dependent on it. You can do what you love, but not earn enough. An honest assessment of yourself in this regard will push you to find a solution: additional employment, change of job, etc.

As mentioned above, the wheel can be made more narrowly focused, for example, to assess the state of affairs in the field of work/career. In this case, your “axes” could be: salary, relationships with colleagues, growth prospects, free time, etc. By assessing these parameters, you will get a picture of your current situation and be able to draw appropriate conclusions.

To many, the wheel of life may seem like nothing more than a theoretical tool. And they will be right to some extent - the technique serves as a kind of reminder, and not as a method of solution. But, having learned to use it, you can go beyond the usual framework of assessing your achievements in one area or another and monitor not only the balance in terms of finding a state of affairs that satisfies you in life, but also monitor the completion of tasks that lead to it.

Who among us doesn't want to become more successful and happy? Who doesn't try to improve their quality of life? But usually a person sets himself one specific goal and tries to achieve it. However, success is a combination of several areas of life. Often problems on the personal front stem from difficulties in professional activities and vice versa. If we use the medical field, this effect can be explained as follows - headaches are sometimes caused by problems in the spine and neck. It’s the same here, dissatisfaction in one area of ​​life leads to failure in others. Therefore, when solving any problems, it is necessary to take an integrated approach. The most important thing in life is balance, if it exists, then harmony will appear.

To calculate harmony, you can use a special method called the wheel of life balance. The method allows you to fully examine your life and identify weak points that need to be worked on. The wheel of life balance allows you to see the true causes of problems and disappointments.

How to make a life balance wheel

To create a life balance wheel, you will need a simple sheet of paper. You need to draw a circle on it and divide it into 8 equal parts. These parts are your life values. They are different for each person. This could be family relationships, money or career, health and leisure, and so on. It’s worth thinking about and determining the most important values ​​for you.

Then you need to evaluate your satisfaction with each part of your life. To do this, use a 10-point scale. 0 would mean complete dissatisfaction, and 10 would mean maximum satisfaction. Moreover, you need to follow not some standard requirements, but personal feelings. For example, you receive a salary that is completely enough to meet your needs and meet your daily needs. But your environment believes that you should earn more. The assessment should be made based on your own feelings. The opinions of others should not influence wheel of life balance.

To mark the ratings in the figure, you should mark a scale from 0 (in the center of the circle) to 10 (its border). Then indicate the assigned rating on each sector. To make the Life Balance Wheel more clear, color in the area that corresponds to the score. If your life strives for complete harmony, then you will get a circle completely filled in at one level. If estimates differ from each other, especially if they differ significantly, then action must be taken.

If you're having trouble figuring out which areas should be drawn on the wheel, or how to work on the areas that are lagging the most, you can use a guide.


Your environment should consist only of positive and positive people. Communication and socialization play an important role in a person’s life; the environment significantly affects life balance. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to your social circle.

Your family is a reliable support and support. Good relationships with family can lead to a successful future. However, this area may have a negative impact on further development. If you need balance in life, you should carefully consider your relatives and your relationship with them.


For life balance, you need a job you love with a good income. Dissatisfaction with salary or field of activity can cause irreparable harm.


Engage in your favorite creative hobby - it not only allows you to have an interesting time, but also gives you a reason to escape from your work and immerse yourself in the world of creativity. Musical instruments, singing or drawing - all this provides the basis for the development of other areas.


You should not strive for an ideal body worthy of the Olympian gods. However, good form is the key to success. Take care of your health, because this will allow you to succeed in other areas. Being healthy, you can easily build a career, start a family, and create a life balance.


There are many things in the world in which you have not yet succeeded, but you have every chance. Constantly develop yourself, find new interesting activities. This could be banal oral arithmetic or exotic foreign languages. Read literature or practice public speaking. The main thing is that the brain constantly develops.


Emotions are a necessary part of our lives. They also play an important role in the balance wheel. Don't neglect ordinary laughter. Let your emotions constantly captivate you. And this is not difficult to achieve - watching a good comedy, skydiving or just new impressions and sensations immediately make your life more emotionally rich.


Balance in life means paying attention to the spiritual sphere. You can go to church, but even if you are not a believer, you can give part of your life to other people. Act for good.

How to create life balance

First, you need to tackle the areas that you gave the lowest marks. Think about what can be changed in life in each area so that the score rises to 10. All solutions that come to mind should be written down. They will help you find a way out of the situation, an opportunity to change an area of ​​your life for the better. Don't expect the solution to come to you right away; you'll probably see the path after a while. But don’t lose hope, constantly analyze the ideas you have written down. So you can find the answers you need.

As they say, start over. That is, think of an action that can improve your score that you can do right now. Create a three-step plan. Each one should be more difficult than the previous one. You need to start with the simplest, then develop further.

Sometimes it's not so easy to understand what doesn't suit you in a particular area. Then you should make a life balance wheel for a separate area. Also divide the circle into 8 parts and distribute the marks. This will help you become more aware of the situation and begin to correct it.

It's worth remembering that the main thing in life is balance. Therefore, you need to pay attention to every area. Then you can achieve harmony, and with it happiness and success.

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    • Give each area a name
    • Connect all the dots
    • Wheel of Expectations
    • The trap of idealizing the wheel
    • Wheel size misconception
    • Wheel of life in the moment
  • What is balance in life?
  • How to achieve balance in life: 5 basic tips on the path to life balance
    • Be more grateful

Analysis and planning of your own life

Most people - probably about 80-90% - live with their heads down, so to speak, and do not see much of what is happening around them. Because of this viewing angle, their sphere of interest is quite narrow. In fact, all they care about is work and personal life, and often it is not about involvement in the process, but about the so-called “serving a number.”

In other words, every day a person wakes up in the morning and goes to work simply because “it’s necessary.” The longer he works in the same place, the less often he thinks about the fact that he could do something else, reveal himself in some other area. The main goal of life for many is to provide for themselves and their family, but in the pursuit of money, people lose the most important emotional connections and find themselves locked within a single sphere of life - the material.

The technique that we will consider in this article will help you raise your head, look around, see new horizons and reformat your life - not the way it’s “supposed”, but the way you want it.

This technique is called the “Wheel of Life”.

What is the wheel of life and what is it for?

Wheel of Life (otherwise known as the Wheel of Life Balance) is a graphic representation of our life, which is presented in the form of a circle divided into several sectors. Each sector is one of the most important areas of your life, the implementation of which directly determines your life satisfaction. We will talk in more detail about how to work correctly with the wheel of life balance in the next section, but for now let's try to understand why such a method is even needed?

So, you need the wheel of life in order to:

  • set priorities adequately: determine which area of ​​life is more important for you and which is less important;
  • realize how satisfied you are with life, and understand what needs to be changed in order to become happier and find harmony;
  • identify what's bothering you;
  • determine in which direction to move me to solve existing problems.

If all this is interesting and important to you, let's move on to the main thing - we will help you create the wheel of your life balance.

Watch the video on the topic:

How to make the wheel of life yourself?

Draw or print our individual wheel of life

As we mentioned above, the Wheel of Life is a circle divided into sectors. As a rule, for clarity and simplicity, the drawn circle is divided into eight equal parts (see figure below):

Give each area a name

The names of the sectors should correspond to important areas of your life. Think: what do you need to make you feel like a full-fledged person, to have enough motivation and zest for life? It is important for most people to be healthy, to have a decent financial base, time for rest, and self-development. In addition, it is important for us to love and be loved, and this is not only about family, but also about friends and superiors, from whom we expect respect according to our merits.

The areas we have chosen as examples are the most common and broadest, but there is no need to blindly redraw this wheel of life. Before assigning a name to another sector, think carefully - is this area really important to me? Don’t forget for a second that each sector corresponds to a specific area of ​​your life, and only you can decide which areas will be represented in your wheel of life balance and which will not.

Write down the main criteria by which you will understand that this is the maximum you want to achieve in this area

Now that you have decided on the areas of life that are most important to you, let's make a list of basic criteria for each area. This is necessary to assess how close you are to your own maximum in a particular area. Simply put, the more tasks you have set for yourself or are performing on an ongoing basis, the more fulfilled you are in the area in question.

Rate each area on a 10-point scale at the time of creating the life balance wheel

Having decided on the areas that are included in our Wheel of Life, and the criteria that characterize the attitude towards a particular sector, we must determine how overloaded or, on the contrary, ignored, this or that area is on a scale from one to ten, based on the selected criteria.

Graphically it looks something like this:

Based on this example, we can conclude that the most busy areas for you are spirituality, followed by relaxation and environment. At the same time, you pay very little attention to health and a little more to career and self-development.

Connect all the dots

We connect all the dots as follows:

What did we get? Quite a strange geometric figure, a kind of incomprehensible polygon. How far can you go on such a wheel? Of course no. What are we trying to achieve? Smooth wheel.

It's simple.

Watch another video about the Wheel of Life Balance:

Selecting a sector whose changes will improve overall performance

The first thing you need to do after you have connected the dots is to identify the most problematic area.

Based on the example above, the worst situation is with health, which means that we need to start with it in order to straighten our wheel of life.

Checking the correctness of the selected sector

To make sure that the area for correction is selected correctly, we look again at the list of criteria for this area. What are you doing to stay healthy? Are your current actions enough? Obviously not.

We identify steps that will help improve performance for the selected sector

Now that the most problematic area has been identified, you must decide where to start, which shortcomings should be eliminated first, which ones second, etc. Essentially, you are making a plan for yourself to improve your life. And really – is it possible to be happy without health?

What is the ultimate goal of working with the wheel of life?

The ultimate goal is to get a straight wheel. Obviously, eliminating problems in the most critical area is not enough to achieve this goal - other parameters must also be improved.

It should be understood that your goal is not 10 points out of 10 possible in each area. The ideal wheel is a standard to strive for, but in pursuit of the highest score in one area, you may even lose existing success in other areas. In other words, you shouldn’t put all your energy into your health and forget about your personal life and career, otherwise you’ll end up with the same strange geometric figure again, it’s just that the failure will be not from below or from above, but from the side.

Remember: the main thing we strive for is spiritual harmony. The wheel is just an honest illustration, a graph that helps us correctly distribute the resources we have.

With that out of the way, let's talk about 5 dangers that can arise from misinterpreting the balance wheel.

5 Dangers of Misinterpreting the Wheel of Life

Wheel of Expectations

Often there is a substitution of concepts: we begin to achieve not what we want, but what we should want. In other words, we come to the same point when we need something just because we need it. But in reality, everyone has their own priorities in life.

Your wheel may not be straight because you haven't met certain conditions in certain areas. Perhaps you simply initially chose inflated or unattainable goals? Think about it. Maybe you don’t have to become a billionaire - maybe it’s enough to just do what you love and get enough to live on? It's up to you to decide, based on your personal feelings.

The trap of idealizing the wheel

What we already mentioned above: achieving 10 points out of 10 will not work, do not chase these numbers. It is important that there is harmony. Let the score be 8 for six indicators, and 7 for two. If you feel happy, then the method has already worked.

The Comparison Trap with Wheel Spokes

Another common misconception is that the wheel of life, among other things, illustrates the time we devote to each of the areas. In our example, the sectors are the same, yes. But this does not mean that we devote as much time to spirituality as we do to our career (we don’t rush to church for an 8-hour mass after an 8-hour working day, right?).

Just in case, let’s clarify: we made the division into equal sectors for clarity.

The same size of sectors does not mean that all 8 spheres are equally important to us. The importance is determined by the criteria of our satisfaction with our implementation in each of the areas.

Wheel size misconception

This point again lies in the wrong choice of criteria. Let's say you have a cold and feel, to put it mildly, unwell, but this doesn't mean that your health is at zero? Yes, of course, if we are talking about chronic diseases, then the health indicators will be quite low. But you shouldn’t underestimate your readings because of a cold or runny nose.

The same applies to quarrels with your beloved wife or time pressure at work - these factors are temporary and therefore should not affect the overall performance.

Wheel of life in the moment

This error is similar to the previous one. For several years you have unsuccessfully sought the favor of your boss - as a result, the indicator of the “Career” sphere is low. And suddenly the next day you are promoted - you immediately change the conditional two points to ten. It is not right. The Wheel of Life shows your current state, yes. But improvement criteria must be assessed adequately, because promotion cannot and should not be the only criterion for satisfaction in a career; it is just one of the points.

What is balance in life?

To make it easier for you to work with the wheel of life, it is important to understand what is the balance that we strive so hard to achieve?

Balance in life is a state of affairs when you feel satisfied on all major fronts. It doesn't have to be billions of euros, a model wife and an island in the middle of the Red Sea. This is what you personally need to feel happy.

Now we will try to organize all the information that we have learned about the wheel of life balance and the dangerous misconceptions associated with this method, and compose a step-by-step instruction “How to achieve balance in life.”

Put aside your perfectionism

The ideal is unattainable. It is worth striving for, of course, but the lack of an ideal should not make you unhappy. Every local success should bring you satisfaction, otherwise your whole life will turn into a pursuit of a standard, an unattainable goal, that is, constant disappointment.

We ourselves are an obstacle to balance

The list of criteria that make us happy is determined only by you. Accordingly, only your own irrational balance conditions can prevent you from achieving it. Don’t forget for a second that happiness is different for everyone. Aim for what you can actually achieve. This will give you the satisfaction you desire.

Watch a video on how to improve self-discipline:

Be more grateful

The ability to give credit to others is extremely important. Open and friendly people endear themselves to others, but here, of course, sincerity is extremely important.

When communicating with a person who plays a certain role in your life, think about it: are you grateful enough towards this person? Maybe he deserves more? Try to respond to good with good, and achieving your goals will become much easier than before.

Decide how you see your life balance

The list of criteria for achieving the ideal can be extensive, almost endless. There are much fewer criteria for finding harmony. Highlight the main criteria, the minimum that will allow you to achieve balance, and strive for it. No one deprives you of the right to strive for new heights, but with harmony in your soul, this desire will turn into a unique journey, and not into painful torture.

Learn to enjoy any, even the smallest successes

The last, but extremely important step on the path to life balance is to learn to enjoy the little things. Every action that brings you closer to your ultimate goal - finding harmony - is a significant contribution to success. We have become closer to the desired result - isn’t this a reason for joy?

Be hard on yourself, but know how to give yourself credit. The only thing that deserves condemnation is laziness, unwillingness to do at least something to change your life for the better. Everything else is worthy only of praise.

Good luck in finding life balance!

And may the road along which your wheel of life rolls be smooth.

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