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In what city did Rurik live. Prince Rurik is the first prince. Rurik's foreign policy

Prince Rurik is one of the most mysterious figures in the history of Ancient Russia. Until now, his personality raises many questions, and his existence has been called into question more than once.

So who was Rurik? Biography, interesting facts and various versions of his origin are presented in this article.

Name etymology

In Russian chronicles, "Rurik" is pronounced the same way as in Celtic Galiya. If you stick to this version, then this name goes back to the name of the Rurik tribe and is associated with the Rur River. The names of the brothers of the legendary prince can also be explained based on the Celtic languages. In particular, the name Sineus was probably formed from the word sinu, which means "senior", and Truvor or Trevor is translated as "third born".

At the same time, supporters of the “Varangian” origin of the prince point to words similar in pronunciation in the Old Norse language, denoting the concepts of “glory” and “king”.

In subsequent centuries, this name was used extremely rarely. For example, in the field of oncology, the famous doctor Rurik Melnikov is known, whose biography is an example of devotion to the Hippocratic Oath. Another famous person with that name is Rurik Ivnev, a popular Russian writer and poet. He worked at the beginning of the 20th century and was influenced by Andrei Bely.

Origin of Rurik: version one

There are several opinions about who the ancestors of the legendary prince were. According to one of them, Rurik, whose biography contains many white spots, was from a well-born Danish family of Skioldungs. In the years 837-850, its representatives owned the city of Doresnad in Friesland. According to Danish sources, until 860, a prince named Rerik with his retinue raided the lands of France, Germany, England and Sweden. Then, according to an old chronicle, he was “called from across the sea by the Germans” and settled in Ladoga (“the city of the Slavs”), from where he came to Novgorod.

Version two

Another version says that Rurik (the biography of the prince was practically collected bit by bit) was the son of the daughter of the Novgorod elder Gostomysl Umila from the Bodrich prince Godoslav. In 808, the Danish king Godfrid seizes his estate and executes the father of the future ruler of Russia. Umila and Rurik have to flee. Perhaps they find refuge in the lands of the franc, where they live until the fugitive prince comes of age. By 860, the Novgorod prince Gostomysl, being at his death and having no heir in the male line, called his grandson from his middle daughter - Rurik, who by that time was already an experienced military leader.

In Russian sources, in particular, in the Ipatiev Chronicle and in the writings of V. Klyuchevsky, it is indicated that Rurik lived in Ladoga from the beginning, from where he was called by the Slavs to Novgorod. This version contradicts the generally accepted one, about “calling the Varangians from across the sea”, since according to it Rurik is a Slav who lives in Ladoga and commanded a mercenary Varangian squad.

Rurik: biography after moving to Novgorod

Be that as it may, it is known for certain that the founder of the first Russian royal dynasty was invited to this city by its elders. They hoped that Rurik and his brothers Sineus and Truvor would help end the civil strife, and peace would reign in Novgorod.

To strengthen his position, some time after arriving in the city, the newcomer Varangian prince married a girl from a local noble family, Efanda. She gave birth to Rurik's son Igor and 2 daughters. Some scholars deny the Novgorodian origin of Efanda, pointing out that the mother of the prince's heir was an Urman (i.e., Scandinavian) princess. If this version is correct, that Igor Rurikovich was a full-blooded Varangian.

Features of the board

Rurik, whose biography is known only in general terms, planted his governors-boyars in the cities of Russia, leaving himself only Novgorod. The latter belonged to the upper stratum of the princely squad and commanded grids and howls. In addition, the prince had servants-youths. Each citizen could turn to Rurik with a request to accept him into the princely squad. Its members had every opportunity to rise to the rank of boyar. Thus, Rurik established a fairly democratic order at his court, where, first of all, the personal qualities of warriors were valued.


There is a version that the princes Sineus and Truvor did not actually exist. Some researchers believe that the ancient Russian chroniclers could not understand the translation of a foreign text, which told that Rurik arrived in Russia with a retinue (true-thief) and with his “home” (sine-hus’om).

As for the classical version, according to it, Rurik gave his elder brother Sineus Beloozero, where the Chud tribes lived and the whole, Truvor - the city of the Krivichi Izborsk. After they died without heirs, Rurik annexed their estates to Novgorod and in 864 declared it the capital of all Russia.

Igor, son of Rurik: biography

At the time of the death of the first Novgorod prince in 879, his son was about two years old. He was too small to rule, so Oleg was placed as his guardian. Some ancient sources indicate that he was Efanda's brother and Igor's uncle. Rurik and Oleg, whose brief biography can fit in a couple of lines, arrived at one time in Russia together and the prince completely trusted his faithful warrior.

Under the young Igor, the regent turned out to be not only a brave warrior, but also a wise politician with cunning and a flexible mind.

It was the latter qualities that helped him conquer Kyiv, where the Varangians Askold and Dir ruled, since he lured them out of the city and, pointing to little Igor, said that the son of Rurik should rule the city, and not simple warriors who do not belong to the princely family.

Then Oleg conquered all the Slavic tribes that were between Novgorod and Kyiv. In 912 the regent died. According to legend, this happened as a result of a snake bite that crawled out of the skull of the deceased prince, about which the Magi warned him at one time.

After the death of Oleg, Igor sat on the throne of Novgorod, whose father was Rurik (the biography is presented above). At the age of 25, he married Olga, who bore him a son, Svyatoslav, the father of St. Vladimir, the Baptist of Russia.

Igor was a brave warrior, but distinguished by greed and insatiability. He imposed a huge tribute on the peoples subject to him, and during one of the campaigns he was captured by the Drevlyans, who were indignant at his exactions. They tied him to the tops of the trees and tore him apart.

genetic research

A few years ago, the DNA of 191 descendants of Rurik was examined. The results confirmed the version of the Scandinavian origin of the first ruler of Russia. The Rurik N1c1 haplotypes are among those found in Sweden, Finland and Norway.

Now you know who Rurik the Varangian was (the biography of the prince is presented above), and what role did he play in the history of Ancient Russia? Thanks to him, the foundation of Kievan Rus was laid, the saker falcon became a symbol of the dynasty, and its representatives did a lot of great things to ensure that our country took its rightful place on the map of Medieval Europe.

The chronicles tell that Prince Rurik spent almost his entire life on campaigns, and began to lead a quiet life only in his declining years in Novgorod. He had several wives, but the most beloved was Efanda (according to another version, her name sounded like Edvinda), who gave birth to an heir to the prince.

“Rurik had several wives, but most of all he loved Efanda, the daughter of Prince Urmansky; and always give birth to the son of Ingor, give her the promised city with Izhora in her vein, ”- this is how it is said about this in the mysterious Joachim Chronicle, rewritten by the historian V.N. Tatishchev and known only from his notebooks. The text says that Rurik, according to the custom of the Norman tribes, presented Efanda with a special gift, which was due to the prince's wife upon marriage. However, this gift (in this case - rich Ladoga with adjacent lands.) She did not receive immediately, but only after she herself presented the prince with the heir Ingor (Igor).

mystical figure

Historians know practically nothing more about Efanda, which makes her figure almost mythical. The date of her death also remains a mystery, however, it is believed that she died before her husband, perhaps shortly after the birth of Igor. And, according to some sources, Rurik died when Igor was only two years old (in 879).

There is another point that is known from the Joachim Chronicle: Efanda had a brother Oleg, to whom her husband on his deathbed handed over the reign and entrusted the upbringing of Igor. “Rurik ... be very sick and start to get exhausted; seeing the son of Ingor very young, betray the reign and the son of your brother-in-law to your Olga, the Varyag, the Prince of Urmansky.”

In The Tale of Bygone Years, Oleg is referred to as a relative of Rurik.

Rurik died on a campaign, as befits a warrior: together with Oleg, they went to conquer the "Karelians and Lop".

Oleg's sister

The fact that Oleg was the brother of Efanda is confirmed by another chronicle - the Raskolnicheskaya. She calls Oleg Igor's uncle from her mother's side. In favor of Oleg's Scandinavian origin, his name also speaks, which most likely comes from the Scandinavian male name Helgi.

Oleg's generosity can be judged by his conversation with Askold and Dir, who reigned in Kyiv. “You are not a prince of any princely family, but I am a princely family”, which meant: “You are not princes and not a princely family, but I am a princely family” (“The Tale of Bygone Years”). Oleg presented them with the real heir of Rurik - Igor, and killed both, reigning on the throne of Kyiv.

Daughter of a Norwegian prince

So, it is known that Efanda had a brother and was “the daughter of the Prince of Urman”, that is, the daughter of a Norman, Varangian or even Norwegian prince. But is it?

Doubting the Norwegian origin of Efanda and Oleg, researchers point out that having become the head of the Russian army, Oleg would have gone to his native land, claiming rights to princely possessions. However, he focused his attention on the lands of the Danube, the Dnieper, the Don and the Caucasus, fought with the Drevlyans, Northerners, Rodimichi and Khazars. He entered into an alliance with the streets and with the Tivertsy. In other words, he behaved like a person who is at home.

This is indirectly confirmed by his great-nephew Svyatoslav, who told his mother Olga: “I want to live in Pereyaslavets on the Danube, because there is the middle of my land ...”

Urman princes

Where did the Urman princes come from? In the Dahl Dictionary, "urman" means dense coniferous forest. Moreover, on the Ob and Irtysh rivers, swampy areas of the dense taiga are still called Urmans. The toponym Urma is found both on the Black Sea coast (the name of farms in the Crimean and Slavyansk regions of the Krasnodar Territory), and at the opposite end of the Caucasus - on the Caspian coast (here is the village of Urma in the Levashinsky region of Dagestan). And this leads to the idea that Oleg could be from the Tmutarakan lands, that is, from the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

This assumption is consistent with the theory of the famous ethnographer Tur Kheyredal, who argued that the Varangians actually descended from all the same Sarmatian tribes living in the Black Sea region.

Heyerdahl believed that the name of the divine country Asgard in the mythology of the Vikings comes from the name of Azov, and Odin is actually not a god, but the ruler of the distant ancestors of the Scandinavians living in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

From the 1st to the 3rd centuries, various tribes lived in the Azov region and on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, among which were Alans, Roxalans, Scythians, Yazygs and even Taurians. In the IV century they were pressed by the Huns, who came from the eastern steppes. Perhaps it was at this time that the Urman peoples migrated to the north. And it happened no later than 370 AD. e., since after that Christianity spread in Transcaucasia, and the Varangians and Norwegians remained pagans.

By the way, Thor Heyerdahl, who conducted excavations in Azov, found ancient sites of tribes that had gone to Scandinavia.

This theory is confirmed by the legends of the Normans, according to which the Norman tribes from time immemorial went to fight not to the east, but to the west. And to the east, to Russia, they went to trade and make alliances, that is, the Varangians considered the Russians friends and relatives.

It turns out that the wife of Rurik Efanda belonged to the ancient princely family of Scythian or Sarmatian rulers, that is, she was from a people closely related to Russians.

Norwegian anthropologists still cannot say from which Norwegians came, however, Norwegian scientists zealously deny their origin from the tribes that inhabited the Caucasus and the coast of Azov.


The battle with the Varangians in the north of Russia in 309
And then many freedom-loving families in the afternoon and the west were exhausted by the former rulers, who were thorny like thorns, wrapping around members and not giving free will, and so passed under the affectionate but firm right hand of Dazhan-yar, the prince of the East. And Dazhan-Yar was given the all-conquering strength, the sovereign mind, the generosity of the ruler and the mercy of the warrior, and thanks to these four precious properties of the soul, he ruled over the four cardinal points, from the Varangian Sea to the Sinsk land. And at midnight, his rati (Varangians) reached the White Sea and As-grad itself on the island of Vallatey, when Gothar, the leader of the midnight countries, wanted to captivate Izhora, and Zemgola, and Lats, and Varangian Rus. And Gothar gathered a great force, and on many ships he passed through the sea, blazing with a military spirit. But then the great prince Dazhan-yar, with a word from the heart, turned to Mother Glory: "Cool the spirit of those who are fighting against Russia, and judge them with me in strife!" And the Mother Bird Glory raised a blizzard with its wings, and so it died on the ships that bound them with frost, and they all perished in the ice that crushed the sides and smashed them into chips.

Vikings ("Normans") were sailors from Scandinavia. They made numerous raids on Europe in the VIII - XI centuries. At first, the Vikings were engaged in robbery and robbery, but gradually they began to trade and live settled. In northern France they were known as the Normans, in Russia they were known as the Varangians.
The first raids in 790 - 840. the Vikings made their way from Norway, but from 830 they allied themselves with the Danes and the raids took on a much larger scale.
Starting from the 8th century militant Swedish merchants or Varangians, who settled along the shores of the Baltic Sea, are engaged in trade. They move along the rivers of Russia, settling among the Slavs and establishing trade relations between the Baltic and the Islamic world.

860 Varangians unsuccessfully besiege Constantinople.
861 Vikings discover Iceland and settle there.
The Varangians, striving to establish full control over the most important trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks", in the 9th - 10th centuries. establish control over Kyiv.
AT 864 Oskold and Deer left Novgorod for Kyiv.
The chronicle preserved the names of the leaders of the Varangians who ruled in: Askold, Dir, Oleg and Igor.
"Oskold and Dir set off from Novgorod to Kyiv, and already in 866, 200 armed Russian ships were near Tsar-Grad."
The mention of the first raid of the Rus on Tsar-grad in 866 is contained in the oldest of the Russian chronicles - in the text of the monk Nestor in the Lavrenev manuscript. "In 6360 (852 AD), the 15-year reign of Tsar Michael began, and during the years of precisely this reign, the emergence of the name Russian land became known. They learned about it after Russia came to Tsargrad under this tsar" .

AT 866 Askold and Dir on 200 boats set off from Novgorod to Tsargrad.
“Having become the leaders of a fairly large squad, Askold and Dir decided to make a raid on Byzantium, they set off from Novgorod; Russia sailed on 200 boats to Tsar-grad, but the attempt failed: the storm smashed the Russian boats, and few of Askold's squad returned with their princes back to Kyiv ... clashes between Kievan Rus and Byzantium. Even before the Askold campaign, usually attributed to the year 866.
"In 6374 (866 AD), the Greeks had a king named Michael ... And this year, under this king, Russia came to Constantinople, as it is written in the Greek annals. In the fourteenth year of the reign of the king, Askold came and Dir against the Greeks, to Tsargrad. The tsar was absent, fighting against the Hagarians on the Black Rivers, where the eparch sent to him with an ambassador the news that Russia had come to Tsargrad. And the tsar immediately returned. And they had already entered inside, many murders of Christians The tsar, as soon as he entered the city, immediately appeared with Patriarch Fotey to the Church of the Holy Mother of God of Wallachia and prayed all night, and then with songs brought out the divine robe of the Holy Mother of God and with weeping dipped it in the sea, which was meek and quiet, but suddenly a storm arose, with huge winds and huge waves, against the advancing ones. And it broke the ships, and boldly the godless Rus, and drove the beaten to the shore. And few of them, defeated, escaped complete misfortune. And the defeated Askold and Dir returned home , in m scarlet number came to Kyiv.

Baptism of Russia

The first is from.
- The second baptism - from the Patriarch Photius of Constantinople.
"during the reign of the Greek king, Basil the Macedonian, and under the great prince Rurik of all Russia. And under the Kievan princes under Askold and Dir" (CAT l.27v.; cited according to FOM14 p. 307).
"Ruses, like swarms of locusts" - says the Arabic sources, which are at least a thousand years old - appeared on the streets of ancient Derbent, on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. It was in 860-880. "PVL" ascribes this campaign to the Varangians Askold and Dir, who ruled in Kyiv, independent of Rurik. The campaign led to the so-called first baptism of Russia, known from Byzantine sources, after which a diocese arose in Russia and Christianity was adopted by the ruling elite (apparently, led by Askold).
- The third baptism - under Princess Olga. It happened, according to the "Catechism", in 6463 "from the creation of the world" (963).
- The fourth baptism - baptism at.

Novgorod princes:
Bogumir- prince, wife of Slavun.
Children of Bohumir:
(daughters) Dreva, Skreva, Poleva, Ilmer
(sons) Lech, Czech, Seva, Rus.
Rus- prince, ancestor, epic name of the people of Russia.
Prince SLAVEN Old known from "The Tale of Slovena and Rus and the city of Slovensk" - a late-chronicle legend of the 17th century about the epic ancestors of the Russian people and the settlement of the environs of Novgorod by the Slavs, as well as about the further history of Russia before Rurik.
Children of Slaven the Old: Volkhov, Rudotok, Volkhovets, Vandal.
Ilmera - according to the Russian book legend, the sister of Prince Sloven, the son of Skif, the great-grandson of Jafetov. According to legend, Lake Ilmen is named after her. The image of Ilmena-Ilmera was abundantly played up in Russian literature of the 18th-19th centuries. For example, in the play by A.P. Sumarokov "Sinav and Truvor", Ilmena is shown as the daughter of Gostomysl). Russian ships were named after her. In particular, the brig "Ilmena" at the beginning of the 19th century participated in the development of California, delivered supplies to the village of Ross. The Russians called "Ilmena" the island of San Nicolás.
Prince VANDAL- one of the rulers of Slovensk, who is usually identified with Novgorod. Other pronunciation options are Vend, Vened, nickname - Novgorod. Son of Prince Slaven the Old. His wife Advinda, originally "from the Varangians", their children: Izbor, Stolposvyat, Vladimir. His brothers are Bastarn, Volkhov, Volkhovets, Rudotok.
"After the establishment of the Great City, the glorious prince died, and after him his lord and grandchildren for many hundreds of years. And prince Vandal, ruling the Slavs, walking everywhere to the north, east and west by sea and land, many lands on open seas of war and peoples to himself submissively, return to the Great City. Accordingly, Vandal sent to the west his princes and in-laws Gardorik and Gunigar with great armies of the Slavs, Russ and Chuds. , all their lands from sea to sea subdue to yourself and to your sons in daday. He had three sons: Izbora, Vladimir and Stolposvyat. To each of them build one city, and in their name they called, and dividing all the land by them, he himself remained in Velitsa In the city of many years, and in old age, I will die deeply, but in my own way I will choose the Great City and betray its brethren into power.
Prince VLADIMER ANCIENT , known only from the Joachim Chronicle. According to this chronicle, he was the ruler of a certain city of Vladimir (according to Tatishchev, the village of Vladimirets in the Novgorod province), but after the death of his brothers Stolposvyat and Izbor, he began to rule in the Great City.
Vladimir the Elder from the Russian epic, who lost the war in the 5th century. Attila.
"He had a wife from the Varangians, Advinda, Velma is beautiful and wise, but much of the old is narrated and exclaimed in songs. unknown, nor their deeds, except in the songs of the ancients they remember.
Prince BELOYAR Pride (mentioned in 543).
Prince MEZAMIR(killed in 561) - a representative of the nobility of the East Slavic union of the Ants, an ambassador mentioned by the Byzantine author Menander in connection with the events of the Avar-Ant confrontation in the 560s - 580s.
Mezamir, the son of Idarizius and brother of Kelaghast, was sent by the Ants to the Avar Khan Bayan I to ransom the prisoners, but was killed by him contrary to the diplomatic customs of the immunity of the ambassador.
The Byzantine historian of the 6th century Menander the Protector left the only evidence of Mezamir: “The rulers of Antes [Menander used the Greek word “archons”] were brought into distress and lost their hopes. The Avars plundered and devastated their land. Oppressed by the raids of the enemies, the Antes sent an envoy to the Avars Mezamir, son of Idariziev, brother of Kelagastov [Μεζαμηρος ο Ιδαριζιον, Κελαγαστον αδελφος], and asked to be allowed to redeem some captives from his people. was related to the Avars and gave the most hostile advice against the Ants, hearing that Mezamir speaks more arrogantly than as befits the envoy, he said to the kagan: “This person has great influence among the Ants and can act strongly against those who are at least somewhat his enemies.We must kill him, and then, without any fear, attack the enemy's land Yu". The Avars, convinced by the words of Kotragir, evaded the envoy's due respect, neglected their rights, and killed Mezamir. Since then, more than ever, the Avars began to devastate the land of the Ants, without ceasing to plunder it and enslave the inhabitants.
In Russia, vague memories of the struggle of the Slavs with the Avars, who disappeared as a single people by the time the chronicles were written, remained. An excerpt from The Tale of Bygone Years with the legend of the Avars (Obrahs): Then the White Ugric came and settled the Slavic land. These Ugrians appeared under King Heraclius, and they fought with Khosrov, the Persian king. In those days, obras also existed, they fought against King Heraclius and almost captured him. These obry fought against the Slavs and oppressed the dulebs - also Slavs, and did violence to the wives of the duleb: it happened, when an obryn went, he did not allow a horse or an ox to be harnessed, but ordered to harness three, four or five wives in a cart and take him - an obryn, - and so they tormented the dulebs. These obry were great in body and proud in mind, and God destroyed them, they all died, and not a single obry remained. And there is a saying in Russia to this day: "They died like abreds," - they do not have either a tribe or offspring.
Prince BRAVLIN I(mentioned in 660).
Holy pillar- the last ruler in Novgorod from the old dynasty.
Vitislav(782 - 795). The first prince of Novgorod, renamed Slovensk into Novgorod. Son of the obodrite king Aribert II. He occupied the throne as a result of his marriage to the daughter of the Pillar of Light, the last to rule from the Slovenian dynasty.

Slavomir(811 - 821).
Prince BURIVOY(821 - 839). Known only from the Joachim Chronicle. Father of Prince Gostomysl. The capital of Slovenia is called a certain Great City, which simply means the main city of an independent state.
"Burivoy, having a heavy war with the Varangians, defeated them by a multiplicity and possessed the whole of Byarmia to Kumen. Follow this river, Burivay was defeated, destroy all your howls, as soon as you saved yourself, go to the city of Byarma, even on the island that is strong built, go the princes are subject to stay, and there, remaining, they die. The Varangians, having come to the city of the Great and other possessing and laying heavy tribute on the Slavs, Russia and the Chud. People endure the great hardship from the Varangians, sending to Burivoy, asking him for the son of Gostomysl, Yes, he reigns in Belitsa city. And when Gostomysl came to power, beat the Varangians of the former ovs, beat the ovs of exile, and tribute to the Varangians renounce, and, going to him, win, and build the city in the name of the oldest son of your Choice at the sea, build peace with the Varangians and there was silence throughout the whole earth."
Prince Gostomysl (839-860) is the legendary elder of the Ilmen Slovenes, with whose name in some later lists of chronicles the legend of the calling of Rurik is associated. Gostomysl is also the hero of the literary work of the 17th century "The Tale of Slovene and Rus and the City of Slovensk".
"This Gostomysl husband is very brave, very wise, terrible with all his neighbors, and we love him for the sake of reprisals and justice. For this reason, I honor him and give gifts and tributes, buying the world from him. Many princes from distant countries come listen to wisdom by sea and land, and see his judgment, and ask for his advice and teachings, as if you had gone everywhere.R. Gostomysl had four sons and three daughters. to them a son, and the daughters were given bysh by the neighboring prince as a wife. as if the gods promise to give him an inheritance from his bed. But Gostomysl does not believe in this, for the old woman and his wife do not rejoice, sent packs to Zimegol to the veschuns to ask, and decide how to inherit from his own. He does not believe in this do not yat, being in sorrow. he, as if from the womb of his middle daughter Umila, will grow a tree of great fruitfulness and cover the whole city of the Great, from his fruit the people of all the earth will be satisfied. Having risen from sleep, the call of the veschuna, may they tell him this dream. They decided: “From her sons to have an inheritance for him, and the earth will be satisfied with his reign.” And I rejoice in everything about this, if I don’t have a legacy for a son greater than a daughter, it’s worthless. Gostomysl, seeing the end of his belly, calling all the elders of the earth from the Slavs, Russia, Chud, Vesi, Meri, Krivich and Dryagovich, show them a dream and ask the prince to be the ambassador chosen to the Varangians. And after the death of Gostomysl, Rurik came with two brothers and her family. (Here about their separation, death, etc., according to Nestor, only all without years.)".
Three daughters of Gostomysl were married to neighboring princes, and four sons died during his lifetime. Grieving for the lack of male offspring, Gostomysl once saw in a dream that from the womb of his middle daughter, Umila, a huge tree had grown, covering a huge city with its branches. (Compare with Herodotus the story of a dream seen by the grandfather of Cyrus the Great). The prophets explained that one of Umila's sons would be his heir. Before his death, Gostomysl, having gathered “the elders of the earth from the Slavs, Rus, Chud, Vesi, Mers, Krivichi and Dryagovichi,” told them about the dream, and they sent to the Varangians to ask the princes of Umila’s son. According to the matrilateral tradition (inheritance on the maternal side), after the death of Gostomysl, Rurik with two brothers Sineus and Truvor came to the call.
Historians of the 18th century Tatishchev and Shcherbatov were inclined to recognize the authenticity of the story of the Joachim Chronicle about Gostomysl. The first to doubt the existence of Gostomysl was a historiographer of German origin, Academician Miller. N. M. Karamzin did not believe in the existence of Gostomysl, who emphasized that “the legend of Gostomysl is doubtful,” since ancient chronicles do not mention him. The absence of mention of Gostomysl in the ancient chronicles was pointed out by IS. M. Solovyov. Archaeologist-linguist A. M. Miklyaev analyzed up to a hundred toponyms in the Priilmenye district, including the consonance “-gost-; -hoshch-", and allowed their wide appearance already from the 8th century. Archaeological searches in the early layers of Novgorod and Ladoga also indicate the spread in the 9th-10th centuries of West Slavic-type dishes, characteristic of the Baltic coast, which may indicate both developed trade relations and migration to the Ilmen region of part of the West Slavic tribes. According to V. N. Ovcharev, the name of Gostomysl penetrated into the Russian chronicles from the Mecklenburg genealogical tradition. In 1629, Johann Chemnitz published the genealogy of the Mecklenburg dukes, in which he derives the Rurik line from the obodrite prince Godleyb. Gostomysl (Gozomuzolo), the son of Chedrag, is also present in the same source. Chemnitz himself refers to an unpreserved manuscript from Schwerin dated 1418. Specialist in the history of Ancient Russia S.N. Azbelev questions the death of Gostomysl in 844. In his opinion, Gostomysl, who headed the Ruyan state, fled to the shores of Lake Ilmen in connection with the invasion of the troops of Louis the German in 844. As a result of this, there arose settlements of the Slavs who arrived with him - Baltic Rus.
Slovenian prince Vadim the Brave - the mythical leader of the Novgorodians who rebelled in 864 against Prince Rurik.

In 860, Veliky Novgorod was conquered by the Goths and paid tribute.
"... Veliky Novgorod, but already its temporary conquest by the Gothic ataman Erman, and the tribute paid by him in 860 clearly testify to its existence."
In 862 Novgorod stopped paying tribute to the Varangians. “... under the year 862, the chronicler says that the tribes that paid tribute to the Varangians expelled the latter across the sea, did not give them tribute and began to rule themselves.”

Prince RURIK

Board in Novgorod Prince Rurik - 862 - 879 years. (or from 859 to 879).
“After the death of the brethren, Rurik possessed all the land, having no war with anyone. In the fourth year of his reign, they moved from the old to the great New City to Ilmen, attending to the punishment of the land and justice, like his grandfather. he became poor, planting princes from the Varangians and Slavs all over the city, he himself was named the great prince, hedgehog of the Greek archicrator or basileus, and they are princes in a different way. After the death of his father, he possessed the Varangians, receiving tribute from them. Rurik had a few wives, but love Efanda, the daughter of the Prince of Urman, more than anyone else, and when she gives birth to a son, Ingor, give her a city destitute by the sea with Izhara in her vein. "Emlyusche heavy tributes and debilitating deeds, ty sent to Rurik the forefathers ask, and send them a son or another prince of the prince. He gave them Oskold and howl with him let him go. Oskold, walking, possessed Kyiv and, having gathered out, fought first goats, then go in lodia to Tsaryugrad, but the storm will break his ships to sea. And returning, he sent to Tsargrad to the king. Rurik, on Oskold's leave, was not in great pain and began to become exhausted; seeing the son of Ingor very young, he betrayed the reign and his son-in-law to his brother-in-law Olga, the Varangian, the prince of Urman. Oleg was a wise man and a brave warrior, hearing complaints from the people of Kiev against Oskold and envying his region, take Ingor, going with the troops to Kyiv. Blessed Oskold was betrayed by the people of Kiev and was quickly killed and buried on the mountain, where the church of St. Nicholas stood, but Svyatoslav destroy it, as they say.

After the fall of the Macedonian kingdom, part of the Macedonians, ca. 320 BC, moved to the Baltic Sea and founded their new dwellings under the name Bodrichi, who preserved until the very fall of their coat of arms of Alexander the Great, depicting a bucephalus and a vulture. And soon after that, one part of them again moved to Ilmen and Lovat.
The Slavic tribe Bodrichi, or encouraged, were also called reregs.
Adam of Bremen testifies: There are many Slavic peoples. Among them are the most western Wagris living on the border with the Transalbings. Their city, lying by the sea Aldinburg. Then follow the obodrites, who are now called reregs, and their city is Magnopolis.
Berig, having come to Europe with the Goths, began to fight with vandals-wends and, according to the testimony of the Jordan, he subdued them together with the neighboring nations. He managed to subjugate the Germans-Dacians (Thracians) and with them moved to the Black Sea through the Carpathians, conquering part of the lands of Scythia Minor, that is, the future Dacia (the interfluve of the Dniester and the Danube).
From that war, many clans of the Slavs fled from the Carpathians and the Baltic coast, who settled on the Dnieper near Golun and began to be called "incorrect and pripyat" (Genus I, 4:2). And they were led by the voivode Bodrich (another way of reading the runic Bobrich, Bobrep), whose name says, apparently, that he was the head of the Wendish family of Bodrich.
Arriving in Golun, the Bodrichs began to fight with the "evil tongues", that is, they encountered the Gentiles, apparently from the Sarmatian tribe of the Yazov-Ases. These could be the Mazdaists or the Velesians, who had previously driven the Dionysian Greeks from Golun. After the victory of the Wends and the establishment of the Perunian faith (which held here until St. Vladimir), Bodrich died and "received a rank in the brave army of Perun."
The "Book of Veles" also says that the Slavs who settled in Golun did not build temples: "at that time we did not have prayer places and served in front of wells and springs where living water flowed." Meanwhile, in the Carpathians, they used to build temples when they adhered to the cult of Radogost Kolyadych. This means that during the war with the Germans they converted to the Perunian faith, which is characterized by the rejection of the priesthood, the construction of temples, etc.
One way or another, but in the Dnieper region, thanks to the arrival and victory of the Bodrichs, the Slavic language became predominant, it ousted the Sarmatian-Iranian language from everyday life and religion. Nepr Slavs and Pripyatians, together with Tivertsy and Surenzhans (Tauris), Russians-Russkolans (Roxalans, Aorses), Vendians-Sinds, northerners, Belogors, Beloyars and Novoyars and others, began to dissolve Iranians in themselves: Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans.

The 19th-century historian Gedeonov suggested that Rurik was not a proper name, but a generic nickname Rerek, which was worn by all representatives of the ruling Obodrite dynasty. The assumption was substantiated by reference to the Scandinavian sagas, where allegedly the skald Guthorm Sindri calls the Wendish Slavs falcons. The quoted place refers to the saga of Hakon the Good (cycle "Circle of the Earth" by Snorri Sturluson), and there Guthorm Sindri speaks of "falcon distances" in the context of the war in the 2nd half of the tenth century of King Hakon with the Vikings - "both Danes and Wends ". In the Scandinavian sagas, the Wends (Pomeranian Slavs) began to engage in sea robbery from the 10th century; in earlier times, sources record only their land campaigns. The coat of arms of Rurikovich is interpreted by some researchers as a schematic representation of a diving falcon, although others saw in it an image of a scepter and even a pitchfork. The modern version of this image is the coat of arms of Ukraine.
The male name Rurik is still found among such West Slavic peoples as Poles, Czechs and Slovaks. There is a folk legend about Rurik and his brothers, published in the 30s of the 19th century by the French traveler and writer Xavier Marmier in the book Northern Letters. He recorded it in Northern Germany, among the Mecklenburg peasants, former Bodrichi, by that time almost completely Germanized. The legend tells that in the VIII century. the Obodrite tribe was ruled by a king named Godlove, the father of 3 young men, the first of whom was called Rurik Mirny , the second by Sivar the Victorious, the third by Truvar the Faithful.
The brothers decided to go in search of glory in the lands to the east. After many deeds and terrible battles, the brothers came to Russia, whose people suffered under the burden of a long tyranny, but did not dare to rebel. The Obodrite brothers awakened lulled courage in the local people, led the army and overthrew the power of the oppressors. Having restored peace and order in the country, the brothers decided to return to their old father, but the grateful people begged them not to leave and take the place of the former kings. So Rurik received the Principality of Novgorod, Sivar-Pskov (Pleskow), Truvar - Belozersk (Bile-Jezoro). Since after a while the younger brothers died, leaving no legitimate heirs, Rurik annexed their principalities to his own, becoming the founder of the ruling dynasty.
It should be noted that this is the only mention of Rurik in Western folklore, although the date of the origin of the legend cannot be established. The legend was written down a century after the publication of the Mecklenburg genealogy of Rurik.
At the beginning of the XVIII century. A number of genealogical works appear on the dynasties of the North German land of Mecklenburg, the former area of ​​\u200b\u200bsettlement of the Slavic tribes of Obodrites or Bodrichs. In 1716, Friedrich Thomas, vice-rector of the gymnasium, published a work for the wedding of the Duke of Mecklenburg Karl Leopold and the Russian princess Catherine, daughter of Tsar Ivan V. Thomas used a 1687 manuscript written by the notary of the Mecklenburg court court, Johann Friedrich von Chemnitz, who, in turn, referred on some manuscript of 1418. According to the German version, the king of Obodrites Witslav, an ally of Charlemagne, was killed by the Saxons in 795. His eldest son Trascon inherited the crown, and another son, Godlib (or Godelive, or Godslav), died in 808 during the storming of the city of Rerik encouraged by the Danish king Gottfried. All these data are taken from the Annals of the Kingdom of the Franks. Johann Huebner, who published his genealogical tables in 1708, reports new information that Godlib's sons Rurik, Sivar (Sineus in Russian chronicles) and Truvor went to Novgorod in 840. An attempt to tie Rurik to Godlib leads to a discrepancy in Russian genealogy. Rurik was supposed to be born no later than 805. Then he becomes the father of Prince Igor at the age of 70 years (according to the chronology of the PVL), which is possible, but rather doubtful. However, it is known that the dating of the Old Russian chronicles in the period up to the middle of the tenth century. approximate unless Byzantine sources are used.

Varangians from Wagris or Prussians

For the first time, the name of Rurik is mentioned in the "Life of St. Prince Vladimir", written presumably around 1070 by the monk Jacob: "to the autocrat of all the Russian land Volodimer, to the grandson of Iolzhin (Princess Olga) and to the great-grandson of Ryurikov." The earliest chronicle that has come down to us, The Tale of Bygone Years, was written about 40 years later, and the history of the Varangian Rurik was detailed there. Historians are not aware of other independent sources on Prince Rurik, with the exception of attempts to connect him with the Viking Rorik of Jutland from Western Europe.
According to the opinion prevailing in modern historiography, the legend of the calling of the Varangians in the form in which it appears in The Tale of Bygone Years is distorted. Calling for the reign of the Varangians in Russia, whose raid had just been repelled (PVL: “In the summer of 6370, they drove the Vargys across the sea and did not give them tribute and often did it themselves”), seems unlikely to some historians. One of the raids was successful, and the leader of the Scandinavian squad seized power in Novgorod; the chronicler presented the matter in such a way that the Novgorodians themselves invited the Varangian authorities in order to rule them. According to another opinion, in reality, the invitation of the Varangian king with his retinue took place in order to provide military assistance. After the end of hostilities, the Varangian king Rurik overthrew the Slovenian prince Vadim the Brave and seized power.
Some historians suggest that Sineus and Truvor, identified in the annals as Rurik's brothers, did not really exist. Thus, Sineus could not have been a Beloozero prince from 862 to 864, since the archaeological existence of the city of Beloozero can be traced only from the 10th century. It is possible that the name "Sineus" is a distorted "one's kind" (Swedish sine hus) and "Truvor" is "faithful squad" (Swedish thru varing). Thus, Rurik comes to reign not with his two brothers, but with his family (which includes, for example, Oleg) and a faithful squad.
Russia was brought in from outside by Rurik, Sineus and Truvor 862
Some scientists considered the Varangians to be Scandinavians (usually Swedes), others suggest their origin from the West Slavic lands. There are also intermediate versions of localization - in Finland, Prussia, another part of the Baltic States.
The Varangians are associated with the Slavic Baltic people of the Vagrs. Herberstein comes to the conclusion that: “the Russians called their princes more likely from the Vagrians, or Varangians, they handed power to foreigners who differed from them in faith, customs and language.” The Scandinavians and Germans called the Vagrians and all Pomeranian Slavs Wends. In synchronous sources there is no information about the connection of the Pomeranian Slavs with the Varangians, although in the 2nd half of the tenth century. Marine campaigns of the Vendians against their neighbors were noted.
M.V. Lomonosov deduced Rurik with the Varangians from the Prussian lands, relying on toponyms and later chronicles, which replaced the lexeme "Varangians" with the pseudo-ethnonym "Germans". Lomonosov a priori accepted the Slavic origin of Rurik as an indisputable fact: “... the Varangians and Rurik with his family, who came to Novgorod, were Slavic tribes, spoke the Slavic language, came from the ancient Russians and were by no means from Scandinavia, but lived on the east-south shores of the Varangian sea, between the rivers Vistula and Dvina ... the name Rus in Scandinavia and on the northern shores of the Varangian Sea is nowhere heard ... Our chroniclers mention that Rurik and his Family came from the Germans, and indus it is written that from Prussia ... Between the rivers Vistula and The Dvina flows into the Varangian Sea from the east-south side of the river, which at the top, near the city of Grodno, is called Nemen, and Rusa is reputed to its mouth. Here it is clear that the Varangians-Rus lived in the east-south shore of the Varangian Sea, near the river Rusa ... And the very name of the Prussians or Poruss shows that the Prussians lived along the Russ or near the Russ.
According to the results of DNA research, presumably the descendants of Rurik from Russian princely families have a different genotype, indicating different ancestors in the male line. The very genetic set of the studied individuals belongs to the common in Eastern Europe (haplogroup R1a) and in northern Europe (haplogroup N1c). Since the opinion about the origin of Rurik from Scandinavia is accepted, the authors of the project selected the result with the N1c haplogroup and, based on the available results of genetic studies (in SNP markers) of European residents, concluded that the origin of Rurik's roots was in Uplandia, south of Stockholm. An ethnos marker is a certain proportion of haplogroups, since usually peoples have several haplogroups in a population, often with a predominant haplogroup. Haplogroup N1c (former designation: N3) has approximately 16% of the inhabitants of the central regions of Russia (it is most common among the descendants of the Finno-Ugric tribes and is often found, along with R1a, in northern Russia). The Scandinavian marker, which is sometimes called the Viking haplogroup in popular literature, is haplogroup I1a. Among the descendants of Rurik, this haplogroup was not found.
Rurik, according to the Ipatiev list, first reigned in Ladoga and only after the death of the brothers “came to Ilmer and cut down the city over the Volkhov and nicknamed Novgorod” (there is some contradiction with the message of the same chronicle about the founding of the city by Slovenes).

OK. 862 Rurik (862 - 879) founded the state of Novgorod. Later, all the lands from Novgorod to the Black Sea and from the Carpathians to the Volga were called Rus and the descendants of Rurik would rule in it until 1598.

Rurik's Settlement

Rurikovo Settlement is a trade, craft and military administrative center of the Priilmenye, a settlement, an archaeological monument of the 9th century, located 2 km south of the center of modern Veliky Novgorod, at the source of the Volkhov River from Lake Ilmen (opposite the Yuriev Monastery). It is known, among other things, as the residence of the Novgorod princes, with which many names of famous political figures of Ancient Russia are associated.
The message in one of the variants of the interpretation of the "PVL" about the call by the Novgorodians (in another version of the reading of the "Tale of Bygone Years" this entry is also attributed to Ladoga) of the Scandinavian prince Rurik marks the initial date of the appearance of the prince's residence on the settlement. Excavations at the settlement were first made in 1901 by the Novgorod archaeologist N. I. Polyansky. A systematic study was started only in 1975 and now continues annually. In addition to the fact that a settlement existed here from the second half of the 9th century, an earlier cultural layer was found here:
- Remains of Neolithic sites were discovered (II - III millennium BC);
- a settlement of the early Iron Age (I millennium BC) was discovered.
During archaeological studies of the layers of the 9th - 10th centuries. a significant number of finds of Viking military equipment and clothing, birch bark letters, many lead princely seals, Arabic, Byzantine and Western European coins (including three hoards of dirhams), glass, carnelian and crystal beads, walnuts, items of Scandinavian and common Baltic types ( equal-armed, shell-shaped and ring-shaped brooches, iron torcs with Thor's hammers, bronze ones, pendants with runic inscriptions, a silver figurine of the Valkyrie, etc.), parts of scales, weight weights.
In 2003, for the first time, a birch-bark document was discovered in Gorodishche, which received No. 950 - a fragment of a letter (presumably from several brothers to parents) with an unsurprising mention of the prince for this place.
In the 9th - 10th centuries, the settlement was the first suburban settlement in the region of Veliky Novgorod, the oldest New City of Russian chronicles. The settlement occupied the cape part of the hill, located on a low-lying island in the middle of a floodplain. Its total area reached 6-7 hectares. The central part of the settlement was fortified with a moat and a rampart and with wooden structures inside. From this time, organic remains have been preserved in the layers, which puts the materials of the excavations of the monument on a par with the materials of the excavations of Staraya Ladoga and Novgorod.
It was here, at the source of the Volkhov River, that the princely residence was located, where not only the prince lived, but also his squad, mainly consisting of Normans.
The settlement had an extremely favorable location, since its territory was protected from all sides by water lines. It was easy to control the passage of ships from Volkhov to Lake Ilmen from Gorodishche Hill. Opposite the princely fortress was an ancient pagan sanctuary - Peryn.
One of the most important activities of the population was handicraft (bronze casting, bone carving, etc.).
At the end of the X century. Rurik's settlement, having retained the role of a residence, gave way as a socio-economic center of Priilmenye to a new settlement that grew apart from it around the emerging Christian complex and episcopal court.
After the uprising in 1136, which put an end to the dual power of the prince and the boyars on the territory of the Rurik settlement, the residence of the prince, controlled by the Novgorod posadnik. Alexander Nevsky spent his childhood here, Dmitry Donskoy, Vasily Tyomny, Ivan III and Ivan the Terrible stayed here. On its territory at different times there were 6 wooden and stone churches.

In 879, according to the account of the chronicler, Rurik died, leaving his infant son Igor, whom he gave into the arms of his relative Oleg. The latter, as the eldest in the family, and not as the guardian of the young prince, received all the power of Rurik and held it until the end of his life.

879 - 882 - prince in Novgorod Prophetic Oleg .
“Therefore, Oleg possessed the whole country, subjugate many peoples, fight against the Greeks by sea and force the world to buy, return with great honor and many riches. When Igor is mature, marry him Oleg, they will give him a wife from Izborsk, the Gostomyslov family, who is called Beautiful, and Oleg is renamed and named after her name Olga. Igor then has other wives, but Olga of her wisdom for the sake of more other honors ".

Novgorod posadnik Nikitich (from 935-990).
The accession of the Smolensk land to the anti-Varangian coalition and the neutralization of the Polyan army. The quartering of the Novgorod army in the former border fortress of Polyana Belgorod on the Irpen and the transfer of the Drevlyan capital from Ovruch to the same place. Assignment of the hereditary title of Novgorod posadnik to Dobrynya. 989-990 - the construction in Novgorod by Dobrynya of the oak 13-domed, the first St. Sophia Cathedral in Russia, which personified the patronage of Novgorod over the federation of 12 lands.
A strong connection between Dobrynya and Novgorod is the very presence of epics. In the minds of readers, the combination of the words "Novgorod" and "epic" usually evokes only the figures of Sadko and Vasily Buslaev, that is, the epic, which refers to Novgorodians.
Novgorod squadron: Dobrynya temporarily took the army and navy of the North abroad. However, this did not mean the end of hostilities. The Novgorod squadron blocked the coast of the Gulf of Finland captured by Sveneld. She cruised at sea, but the blockade was carried out from nearby bases, from the Russian islands in the Gulf of Finland, which remained the last free patch of Russian land. Probably, the island of Kotlin became the main such base, where Kronstadt will appear centuries later.
However, these small islands could not feed the entire Novgorod army, and in general, a more distant and reliable shelter was required, a more solid base for preparing a counterattack in the future. Both the brother-in-law and the youngest son of Svyatoslav placed their headquarters, as well as the main base, in Sweden, which provided them with asylum for three long years. Apparently, the headquarters of Dobrynya was located near Uppsala, the then capital of Sweden.


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Rurik (862 - 879) - the first great Russian prince, one of the legendary figures in European history, the founder of the ancient Russian state. According to the chronicles, called from the Varangians by the Slavs, Krivichi, Chud and the whole in 862, Rurik first occupied Ladoga, and then moved to Novgorod. Ruled in Novgorod under an agreement concluded with the local nobility, who approved the right to collect income. Founder of the Rurik dynasty.

1148 years ago, according to the testimony of the chronicler Nestor in The Tale of Bygone Years, the head of the Varangian military detachment Rurik, who arrived along with the brothers Sineus and Truvor, was called to "rule and reign over the Eastern Slavs" on September 8, 862.

The chronicle tradition connects the beginning of Russia with the calling of the Varangians. So "The Tale of Bygone Years" tells that in 862 three Varangian brothers with their clans came to rule the Slavs, laying the city of Ladoga. But where did they come from and who were these Varangians by origin, who gave rise to Russian statehood? Indeed, in historiography they managed to visit both the Swedes, and the Danes, and the Scandinavians in general; some authors considered the Varangians to be Normans, others, on the contrary, to be Slavs. Again and again, inattention to the problem posed in the historical source itself was the reason for contradictory statements. For the ancient chronicler, the origin of the Varangians was obvious. He placed their lands on the south-Baltic coast up to "the land of Aglian", i.e. to the Angeln area in Holstein.

Today it is the North German state of Mecklenburg, whose population was not German in antiquity. What it was like - this is evidenced by the names of the settlements Varin, Russov, Rerik and many others that have survived to this day. However, despite all the clarity of the chronicle evidence, the question of the origin of the Varangians (and, therefore, the roots of Russian statehood) became debatable for posterity. The confusion was introduced by the version that appeared in political circles at the court of the Swedish king about the origin of Rurik from Sweden, which was subsequently picked up by some German historians. Objectively speaking, this version did not have the slightest historical basis, but it was completely politically conditioned. Even during the years of the Livonian War between Ivan the Terrible and the Swedish king Johan III, a sharp controversy flared up on the issue of titles. The Russian tsar considered the Swedish ruler to come from a "male family", to which he replied that the ancestors of the Russian dynasty itself allegedly came from Sweden. This idea finally took shape as a political concept on the eve of the Time of Troubles at the beginning of the 17th century, when the Swedes claimed the Novgorod lands, trying to justify their territorial claims with some kind of chronicle "calling". It was assumed that the Novgorodians were supposed to send an embassy to the Swedish king and invite him to rule, as they had once allegedly called on the "Swedish" prince Rurik. The conclusion about the "Swedish" origin of the Varangians at that time was based only on the fact that they came to Russia "from across the sea", which means, most likely, from Sweden.

Subsequently, in the first half of the 18th century, German scientists from the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences turned to the Varangian theme, who, according to the same logic, sought to justify the German domination in Russia during the time of Biron's regency. They also formulated the so-called. "Norman theory", according to which the Varangians, the founders of the ancient Russian state, were recognized as immigrants from Sweden (that is, "Germans", as all foreigners were then called). Since then, this theory, dressed in a kind of scientific character, has become entrenched in Russian historiography. At the same time, many prominent historians, starting with M.V. Lomonosov, pointed out that the "Norman theory" does not correspond to real facts. For example, the Swedes could not create a state in Russia in the 9th century, if only because they themselves did not have statehood at that time. In the Russian language and in Russian culture, it was not possible to find Scandinavian borrowings. Finally, a careful reading of the chronicle itself does not allow us to confirm the fabrications of the Normanists. The chronicler distinguished the Varangians from the Swedes and other Scandinavian peoples, writing that "those Varangians were called - Rus, as others are called Swedes, others are Normans, Angles, other Goths." Therefore, when concluding peace treaties with Byzantium, the pagan warriors of princes Oleg and Igor (the very Varangians whom the Normans consider Swedish Vikings) took an oath in the names of Perun and Veles, and not Odin or Thor at all. A.G. Kuzmin noted that this fact alone could refute the entire "Norman theory". It is clear that in this form the "Norman theory" could not be viable in academic science. But she was again and again turned to when it was necessary to strike a blow at the idea of ​​Russian statehood. Today, this destructive theory has acquired a new form, and modern Normanists, supported by grants from numerous foreign foundations, speak not so much of the "Scandinavian origin of the Varangians" as of a kind of division of "spheres of influence" in the ancient Russian state.

According to the new version of Normanism, the power of the Vikings allegedly extended to the northern regions of Russia, and the Khazars to the southern ones (there was supposedly an agreement between them). Russians are not supposed to play any significant role in their own early history. However, the very development of the Russian state completely refutes all the conjectures of Russia's political enemies. Could ancient Russia have become a mighty Russian empire without the outstanding historical mission of the Russian people? A great history took place together with a great people descended from the Varangian origin. It is unfortunate that today more and more replicas are heard that the ancestors of the Russians were non-Russians. This is not true. Our ancestors were the Varangians, who were also Russians. The only thing to be clarified is that it is Russia that is our original family name, and the ancient Russian navigators were called the Varangians. Ambassador Sigismund Herberstein, who visited Moscow at the beginning of the 16th century, wrote that the homeland of the Varangians - Vagria - was located on the south Baltic coast and from them the Baltic was called the Varangian Sea. He expressed the broad opinion that prevailed in the enlightened circles of Europe at that time. With the development of scientific genealogy, works began to appear on the connections of the Russian royal dynasty with the ancient royal families of Mecklenburg. In North German Pomorye, the Varangians and their historical ties with Russia were remembered until the 19th century. To this day, many traces of the presence of the pre-German population remain in the Mecklenburg region. It is obvious that it became "German" only after the Varangians and their descendants were forced out to the east or Germanized by Catholic orders. The French traveler K. Marmier once wrote down a folk legend about Rurik and his brothers in Mecklenburg. In the VIII century, the Varangians were ruled by King Godlav, who had three sons - Rurik, Sivar and Truvor. Once they set off from the southern Baltic to the east and founded an ancient Russian principality with centers in Novgorod and Pskov.

After some time, Rurik became the head of the dynasty, which reigned until 1598. This legend from Northern Germany is completely consonant with the Tale of the calling of the Varangians from the annals. However, a careful analysis of the facts allows, to some extent, to correct the chronicle chronology, according to which Rurik and his brothers began to rule in Russia from 862. A. Kunik generally considered this date to be erroneous, leaving the inaccuracy on the conscience of the later scribes of the chronicle. It is obvious that the events briefly reported in the Russian chronicles receive historical content from German sources. The Germans themselves refuted the Norman fictions. The Mecklenburg jurist Johann Friedrich von Chemnitz referred to a legend according to which Rurik and his brothers were the sons of Prince Godlav, who died in 808 in a battle with the Danes. Given that the eldest of the sons was Rurik, it can be assumed that he was born no later than 806 (after him, before the death of his father in 808, two younger brothers who were not the same age should have been born). Of course, Rurik could have been born earlier, but we do not yet have reliable information about this. According to German sources, Rurik and his brothers were "summoned" around 840, which seems very plausible. Thus, the Varangian princes could appear in Russia at a mature and capable age, which looks completely logical. Indeed, according to the latest archaeological finds, it was possible to establish that the Rurik settlement near modern Novgorod, which is the ancient Rurik Novgorod, existed earlier than 862. On the other hand, while making a mistake in chronology, the chronicle points more precisely to the place of "calling". Most likely it was not Novgorod (as according to German data), but Ladoga, which was founded by the Varangians in the middle of the VIII century. And Novgorod (Rurik's settlement) Prince Rurik "cut down" later, uniting the lands of the brothers after their death, as evidenced by the name of the city.

The family tree of Rurik from the ancient Varangian kings was recognized by connoisseurs and researchers of genealogy. Mecklenburg historians wrote that his grandfather was King Wittslav, who was an equal ally of the Frankish king Charlemagne and participated in his campaigns against the Saxons. During one of these campaigns, Witslav was killed in an ambush while crossing a river. Some authors directly called him "the king of the Russians." The North German genealogies also indicate the relationship of Rurik with Gostomysl, who acts in the annalistic legend about the calling of the Varangians. But if the stingy lines of the chronicle tell almost nothing about him, then in the Frankish chronicles he is mentioned as an opponent of Emperor Louis the German. Why did Rurik and his brothers set off from the South Baltic coast to the East? The fact is that the Varangian kings had a "next" system of inheritance, according to which the eldest representative of the ruling family always received power. Later, such a system of inheritance of princely power became traditional in Russia. At the same time, the sons of the ruler who did not have time to take the royal throne did not receive any rights to the throne and remained outside the main "queue". Godlove was killed before his older brother and never became king during his lifetime. For this reason, Rurik and his brothers were forced to go to the peripheral Ladoga, where the glorious history of the Russian state began from that time. Prince Rurik was a full-fledged ruler of Russia and a native of the "Russian family", and not at all a foreign ruler, as those who wish to imagine the entire Russian history only under foreign domination.

When Rurik died, his son Igor was still small, and Igor's uncle, Oleg (Prophetic Oleg, that is, knowing the future, died in 912), became the prince, who moved the capital to the city of Kyiv. It is Prophetic Oleg who is credited with the formation of the Old Russian state - Kievan Rus, with its center in Kyiv. Oleg's nickname - "prophetic" - referred exclusively to his penchant for sorcery. In other words, Prince Oleg, as the supreme ruler and leader of the squad, also simultaneously performed the functions of a priest, sorcerer, magician, sorcerer. According to legend, Prophetic Oleg died from a snake bite; this fact formed the basis of a number of songs, legends and traditions. Oleg became famous for his victory over Byzantium, as a sign of which he nailed his shield on the main gates (gates) of Constantinople. So the Russians called the capital of Byzantium - Constantinople. Byzantium was then the most powerful state in the world.

In 2009, the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of Veliky Novgorod took place. I would like to believe that this most important date in our history will become the starting point for a new study of the ancient Russian past. New facts and discoveries constantly enrich historical science and our knowledge. There is more and more evidence that Russian history began not with a myth invented by medieval politicians and scribes, but with the real Grand Duke Rurik, who was born into the royal dynasty in the Russian Baltic region one thousand two hundred years ago. God grant that the names of our ancestors and grandparents are not forgotten.

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