Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Summary of a lesson in mathematics on the topic "Signs greater than, less than, equal to." Summary of a lesson in mathematics on the topic antiderivative and indefinite integral. How many green balls are there in the picture, how many pink ones?

The lesson was developed for 1st grade students of the educational educational complex "School of Russia" with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO. The material is selected taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of students. In collaboration with the teacher, students learn to set new learning tasks and transform a practical task into a cognitive one.

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"Lesson topic "Signs and =""

Math lesson construct

Topic: "Signs"

Developed by: Pogiba I.A.,

teacher MBOU secondary school No. 18

G. Alapaevsk

Lesson design

Educational system "School of Russia"

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge

Subject:"Signs, ="

Goal: Get to know the signs, = , learn to perform tasks with these signs.

Main tasks:

1. Introduce signs , = ,

3. Perform mental operations of analysis and synthesis

Planned result:

    Interest in completing tasks

    Correct comparison, reading and writing of any two numbers

    Ability to work in pairs and evaluate results

UUD: Personal UUD.

    Self-assessment abilities based on criteria for the success of educational activities.

Regulatory UUD.

    In collaboration with the teacher, set new learning objectives;

    Transform a practical task into a cognitive one;

    Show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation.

Cognitive UUD.

    build logical reasoning, including establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

    carry out comparisons and classifications according to specified criteria.

Communicative UUD.

    take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation;

    formulate your own opinion and position;

    negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities, including in situations of conflict of interests;

Equipment: Textbook, workbooks, cards with signs “”, “

Lesson progress

Lesson steps

Formed UUD

Teacher activities

Student activity

Organizational moment

Communicative UUD, regulatory UUD

The long-awaited call was given -

The lesson begins!

Updating knowledge

Personal UUD, communicative UUD, regulatory UUD.

1. Oral counting.

a) Frontal work.

The teacher reads the task, the children raise card with the required number.

Count from 1 to 10

Show the number that:

    stands between the numbers 4 and 6

    more than 3 to 1

    less than 5 by 2

    comes before the number 8

    when counting they call after the number 9

    consists of two deuces

2) Work from a drawing

Guys, what were you showing just now? ( Numbers)

Why do we need numbers? (For writing numbers, expressions).

Then look at the picture (on the board there are 3 straight lines, 2 broken lines, 4 rays, 1 curved line), what do you see? (Lines)

What lines? ( straight lines, beam, broken lines, curves)

Now count how many lines I have in total. ()

Now count how many straight lines? (3)

Now count how many broken lines? (2)

What did you call? (Numbers)

What can you say about straight and broken lines?

(Straight lines - 3, broken lines 2, straight lines more than broken lines, broken lines less than straight lines)

What were you doing now? (Compared lines)

3. Working with mathematical typing.

(Work in pairs, one student at the board)

Now put 2 green circles and three blue circles.

What can you say about circles?

(less green and more blue)

How do we write down using numbers how many green and blue circles there are? How many of you can make this recording? (2

In mathematics it is written like this and read like this: two is less than three. What sign did you use? ("less")

Tell me which circles are more? (Blue)

Now how to write down if there are more blue ones? (turn the sign the other way)

In mathematics it is written like this, 3 2, but read like this: three is more than two. What sign did you use? ("more")

Making assumptions, updating experience.

Understanding your own experience.

Statement of the problem.

Regulatory UUD,

personal UUD.

Guys, why did we do this?

What is this for? Formulate the topic of the lesson.

Learn to compare numbers and learn to write using signs

“Discovery” of new knowledge by children

Cognitive UUD, personal UUD, communicative UUD, regulatory UUD.

Let's start our research.

What do the signs look like?

They look like a bird's beak. This bird is very voracious; it always opens its beak to a large number.


Show more sign.

Show the less than sign.

And if the left and right sides are equal, what sign is put, show it.

Now let’s open the textbook and read what we will learn in lesson s. 46.

Why do we need these signs in the record? (so as not to write in words, save time)

Look at the top left picture. What do you see here? (2 green squares and 3 blue circles.)

What more? (Blue circles.)

How was this recorded? Read it. (Three is more than two.)

- Less of what? (Green squares.)

- Read the entry. (Two is less than three.)

By analogy, the pictures on the right illustrating the entries 5 4, 4 are analyzed

Look at the drawing with birds. Make up a story from the recording. (There were 3 birds, 1 more flew in. There were 4 birds.)


Read the entry. (Four is more than three.)

Make up a story based on the second entry. (There were 4 birds, 1 birdflew away. 3 birds left.)

Are there more or fewer birds? (Less.)

Read the entry. (Three is less than four.)

Together with your deskmate, make notes on the pictures of cherries.

(Check. The entries are given on the board: 3 + 1 = 4, 4 and 4-3 = 1, 1

Children find similarities between signs and objects.

Independent work in pairs

Work in pairs


Physical education minute

Personal UUD, communicative UUD.

Independent work with self-test .

Regulatory UUD

Personal UUD

Work in a printed notebook. Open your notebook to page 18. Read the first task. Make a note of what time the clock shows by yourself. Look at the signs below. What is the name of the sign that is written first? (More.)

What do the blue dots show? (Start of letter.)

Circle and write this sign to the end of the line.

What is the second sign called? (Less.)

- Find the blue dot, see how this sign is written. Circle and write this sign to the end of the line. - Look at the picture with balls. How many green balls? ( 3.)

Write the number 3 in the empty cell.

How many pink balls? (5.)

Write the number 5 in the empty cell.

Which balls are there more? (Pink.)

Fill in the blanks. (More pink balls than green ones.)

(5 3.)

Which balls are smaller? (Green.)

Fill in the blanks. (Fewer green balls than pink ones.)

Make an appropriate entry. (3

Independent work. (Front check.)

Primary consolidation.

Regulatory UUD, communicative UUD,

personal UUD.

Well, now let’s turn again to our textbook.

Look at the drawing on p. 47. Which fairy tale are the heroes from? (V. Suteeva “Sack of Apples.”) Remember the fairy tale. Why did the animals bring so many gifts to the hare? (For kindness. He treated everyone himself.)

Using the picture, tell your seatmate how you can get the number 5.

How can you use the coins shown in the margin to collect 5 rubles? (2 + 2 + 1,2 + 1 + 1 + 1,1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1.)

Look at the following picture. How many yellow stripes do you need to put to cover a disposable one? (6.)

How many green ones? (3.)

Why did you get different answers? (Strips of different lengths.)

Which strips do you need more? (Yellow.)

Work in pairs


Regulatory UUD, communicative UUD,

personal UUD.

What did you learn in the lesson?

Now everyone draw your own conclusion.

Today I...

Making assumptions, systematizing knowledge.

  1. 1. © m.i. Morse S. i. Volkova Mathematics Working ENLIGHTENMENT | C A 1 E! | hSUV
  2. 2. Yr. - „ ‚m. ,WITH. where' ‚and ‚„„. „‚. _"", sch. .‚. .‚‚„„„ ts ts ts! h< „на. ‚Ё С» . . . „.‚ к: Км чипу. пттКЫМтЙмми. к _ за. н. ‚ т „ ‚ _% „д- 3
  3. 3. F? SCHOOL OF RUSSIA DFGOS M. and. Moro S.I. Volkhova Mathematics Workbook for general education institutions In two chapters Part 1 2nd edition Moscow “Prosiskpepise 2012”
  4. 4. UDC 3734674251 Russian school series founded in 2001 BBK 22.1302 ‘t’ Legend: @ - connect the dots using a ruler; ® - color, draw; ® - match the drawing and the mathematical notation; ® - insert one of these signs to get ® correct entries: Ш - write down such a number that you get the correct equality or the correct answer; Sh - Circle. Notebooks in mathematics (Parts 1 and 2) "Impotent for organizing the capacious work of bookbinders. I will ask them to be located in accordance with the textbook unwinding. tklvss (authors M. I. Moro, S. I. 8olkoea. S. V. Stepan) However, notebooks are also useful when working with other textbooks, since they present a system of various interesting and sophisticated methods for teaching mathematics in the first place. primary school. Notebooks can be rubbed like in class. so it is for your work. Printed notebooks will reduce typing time and complete assignments. Notebooks also create layers that are used to generate ciphers by search engines and perform other mathematical recordings. Training soaring Series “Russian School More Maria Ignatievna. Podkova Svetlana Ivanovna MATHEMATICS ieyuprRutsoyuzhmshtnkmshmzshshti head of Azhelomshoaa. Rukovoshteaitsetepsaotoyuote with the removal of the znazoroaa Editor LBBushKhudotoitiEnSmoeftsSnSashshkod HKoipyoterieeeersptagnsvloaoaag. Tehkteokkyreshttorsnireaovshkorretstorndakumda. Tax benefit - Obshchesotysaopd kaeesifoshtor trolls OK 005-93-953000 Ed. ta. Series ID M 05024 dated 09/12/01. In addition to printing 05.10.11. Forint 10.000 Butane offset. Headset TechtBookS. Offset printing. ush-IZA. clause 2.12 add. weights 100,000. Order then 5278. Opened by the shareholder of the army publishing house demandeddepchep. 121521. Moscow. 3rd passage Marinka Grove. 41. Has disappeared - oh e slops of correspondence c Cyclops present acetylene - impatient in OM) walls - Kommersant Order of Labor Kok - snarky. - regiment OOF-pefttiat children will tolerate t. thorn-in SSSS. Mutual Fund. t. Believe me, prospect I m! Spur, 46. Yo WON OYUZ-I-IIP-PYA) O seek/ flatter with cables. .. 2011 1888 Mshch.) About Artistic OFOIMOM- Iedatepsteo aboutProseetseeeeo. 2011 Dowry
  5. 5. How much? Which one? How many hares are there in the picture? hedgehogs? protein? Make up your own questions with the word how much and answer them. Counting from left to right, color the third sheet green and the sixth sheet yellow. d‘ F I 5 I F ShshSdy sh
  6. #6 Down. Left. On the right Color the trailers so that the red trailer is between the blue and yellow ones, and the green one is to the left of the yellow one. Color the flag that is highest above all red, the lowest flag yellow, and the flag between red and yellow blue. O Leave the Rabbits that look to the right white, and color the ones to the left black. e in, | | „d, „and M! m, | ." Draw carrots so that all the rabbits have them "| became equal. YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO F O "" O Emphasize what changes: color, size or "| shape. Draw two balls according to this rule.
  7. 7. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE "Before. Later. First. Then o The pictures show how a house is built. What was done first? What then? Show with arrows. 111111-'11111 d g A 'A - _ ' 1 o Watch how the pictures change buckets. Draw two buckets according to this rule.
  8. 8. E. ..‘PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPYYYYY ‘PPPPPPPPPTS-‘NPPP-P-PP-‘PPPPPP | :: Same amount. More. Fewer O Which row has fewer leaves? Draw it so that the two rows of leaves are equally divided. || | P! P! HER | P| | P| | P| | P| | P| P'! | || IN'! P! Watch what changes. Color the caps "| of the mushrooms so that their color also changes. P‘! O Show the signals at the traffic lights, color them. |P| P‘! ® top middle bottom red yellow green t! g M MN a g: pile ° in
  9. 9. How much more? How much less? Trace and color the balls in pairs: red - blue, red - blue. Which balls are there more and by how many? Which squares are more: blue or red? Color in the answer: P. Show in the picture how much more. SHSHSHSHSHH OOOOOOO SHSHSHSHSHSH OO OOO Which circles are smaller: yellow or green? Color in the answer: O. Continue the drawing: first change only the color of the shape, and then the color and size. Ш_„ Circle the crosses and draw the same number.
  10. 10. Without counting, determine which is more: nuts or cherries. Match the picture and the box with the correct answer. . "[ ts yours: | 'Sha' O ka: a g@G run" There are more nuts, and there are equal numbers of cherries THAN cherries THAN CHERRY Keep track of what changes. Color it so that with each step the color also changes. Keep track of what changes with moving from one picture to another, and draw the figures in the last frame. but so that they are turned to the side. RRRR:
  11. 11. P" . "-" .-. -"-. “‘YOYYO"Y"Y 225-22!! !Ёвёёзвввввввввввввввв--" m about 1:5 NOGO “Not d Ш Ш а О Form pairs: circle - square. |. |0| |0| What is more? Color in the answer: P or O. How much more? On W. |" Edfyo MPSH*T 1 S t-YCHPPP - h in! strain “zh” ud “v d”; 1 _ „P; y - z, _ _- Ъ Ё ‚- . . _] - «› ›1 0 One or two? Color the card you want. ЁЁ P VEEEEEE, _ , ‚ E1ХШ1111П1ПЗ1Х
  12. 12. E. ‘Color as many circles as there are dogs. : ::. 0000 tg in Are we waiting? g at ​​5%, O Draw as many carrots, or apples, or mushrooms as indicated by the numbers. and Yo Sh g Sht and 0*’ k. g? „. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYUL
  13. 13. ШО] Draw 3 green apples, and enough red apples so that there are 4 apples in total in the drawing. `„ _ 1 Observe what changes when moving from one picture to another, and draw the figures in the last frame. k / ‚_ shishki Sh, sh Choose your own entry for each picture. d; I, ’ “ ‚t ‚ Zh taya-Y 11
  14. 14. E: Longer. Briefly speaking. Equal in length O Which strip is shorter? Color it. Ё® s: ::: t O Fill out the table and compare who is in the picture | | | | E: less, more. | P P P N Color the box with the correct answer. | LESS Cats, LESS Mice, | than mice. than cats. | E ' , x. t ’ ‘ YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  15. 15. SHYAYO Choose your own entry for each drawing. Complete the circle. 0 about PP Circle, one at a time, those figures about which you can say that there are more than two of them. АОАШШАОШШ h") d") Y G; g-d-ch - g- schdgch g-' »^-. 1 x 1 t _: _ ‚ъ в г t ‚and 1 к x 3» И 'г ё ‚ R 1 S ‚I N; g ‚G, “ m. ‚- t „ ts „1 S: 13
  16. 16. Ъ TЁЁЁЁЁШЁОООО How many figures are there in each drawing of a boat? Ш Write the required numbers in the boxes. O For each drawing, find its own diagram and entry. | | | Yoyo ® h! A. .: a 9 d | 11- 74’ Complete the ladder. | Yo. Yo° | ® | | | __EEB"; EEEEE_EEVE$ЁЁ"ЕЭЭО
  17. 17. Period. Curved line. Straight line. Segment. Beam 1111 d. O Divide all the lines into two groups. Write down the line numbers in each group. And 3 4th Azh SHOT 1‘ G]: SHёGYO A: SH O Draw a straight line through the two marked points. How many lines can be drawn through two points? Ш Through the same two points, draw a curved line, another curved line and another one. Draw a conclusion. О Color each drawing so that it matches the note. : to ‘lived-stump n p-t to #1’ fYEEY;
  18. 18. Broken line Make your own entry for each drawing. OOOOI 5-/ = SHSHSHEY d shishi<>®®®Ф Нт/ b‘ Draw a broken line, connecting the points in the order of their numbers. 1 3 2 In which picture is the broken line drawn? Color in the card with his number. 4 ът 4 16
  19. 19. hedgehog 1- oz -5 shocking-din: - ; ; O Each pencil is represented by a segment. Connect a line between the pencil and your segment. . _+- _ ` ST: - g: ST „ | a: Y+ S O What figure is drawn? Draw it so that you get a segment. bowls
  20. 20. Signs E What time does the clock show? Write down the required number. How many green balls are there in the picture? Ш How many pink balls? Ш 00000000 Which balls are more: green or pink? Fill in the blanks. More f balls than Write this down using numbers and signs >,<. Каких мячей меньше: больших или маленьких? Меньше „_. мячей, чем ф. Запиши это с помощью цифр и знаков >‚ <. 18
  21. Equality. Inequality Count how many apples are in each picture and compare the results. Write two inequalities. 00 00, How many beads are covered on each thread? Draw them in frames. exarch 02 and r / +/ yes or 5>y 2? 4 x 5 1 phase/ t and Sasha is taller than Tolya, but shorter than Vanya. Sign the first letter of the boy's name under each segment. 19
  22. 22. d. "Polygon EE o How much? Write down. E? O 0.0 0 US w (a YOSYAOSH ")" w " o Draw as many figures in each line as _. "how much is indicated by the number. o Color all the pentagons blue and all the triangles red. `®фOE><>OA | o Choose a different entry for each picture. at #1: ‘Oh? 5 ‘CH Y Yo-YOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
  23. 23. D, E " ' | PEEEEEEEEEEE "*" u. P pinies: 1- . .-__. _.. -.. - SHSHSHSHSHSHSH O [Y 'Y ® Ё „- P P Ё o -2 2. - O "::вв: вв*ЭгЁ*““. .‚. .. .| . | |nn y1pp P pppnpppppp O Color the drawing so that it matches: "the entry. $51 Yoyo Yoyo Yoyo 2<4 4>3 3<5 4=4 " Т - ППИК Ш у П: !ПП; |.и| ;.а; ||: | в. ;Ё, :! = -.: --- (п. у С -Ш-
  24. 24. shshiishshshvy Choose your own entry for each picture. 6-/ = Draw the circles. ® new “YOU y G k; bridle boa constrictor 888 y k; FuA21,1@, &уу&2,Ё%,2%`? Connect the numbers in order. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U. __ d‘; T d? ! S, 5.43 y 999у999.999Ё А23%, @ Ж,9‘ %&, @Ё%,2% 22
  25. 25. shhhhhhhhh. Yo | P| | P| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E: """ "" | || O If there is an example on the card with answer 3, color it red, if 2 - blue. " | ® 4 - 2 Ё E: 5 - 3 . YOPP E! drinking (h pni p d). . ... -- _ | P| "o00@000@ Yo in ---------- to: O Circle and color on each line as many "I figures as indicated by the number. A'. nish p pshnshnschpshp " d pir idptsnpdpidppdp PUPOPP0PPEPPOPP0PPEP " O How are the numbers covered in cards? Write it down. y | ; [v p Sh g Bazam' ". :.. ==: aa: :E: E
  26. 26. Centimeter O Fill in the circles with the numbers of the segments that can be used to indicate red and green pencils. О Using a ruler, measure the figure and write down the length of the pencil and the length of the counting stick. 0 O Continue the pattern. G. 1:21 R” + a +-o- +-4--+-4--+-4-+“ y “g tch-“b-ts-
  27. 27. EEEEEEEEEE%EEEBSH< Увеличить на Уменьшить на о Рассмотри рисунки. Рамку с равенством для перехода от рисунка слева к рисунку справа закрась жёлтым цветом, а от рисунка справа к рисунку слева зелёным. ° тузы / =1 Сделай рисунок к записи. 19+т / =% О Увеличь на 1: Уменьши на 1: ЦЕНЕ ПЕНЕ! ШШШШШ о Раскрась бусинки: одна - красная, две - си- ние, одна - красная, две - синие Сколько красных бусинок? Ш’ Сколько синих бусинок? Ш Сколько всего бусинок? Ш
  28. 28. 555%: pi EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE/ 770 Yu tellyodaataaa; ;:. e:h: D%3+9;5.7‚61;/0‚ : G; " ; ; ; b, O Using the pictures, write the required numbers in the boxes. gz -P= t 2 y; - u-t +3-13=’ O Measure the segment and write down its length. W cm By how many centimeters must the length of the segment be increased to obtain a segment 9 cm long? On W cm. Draw this segment. YOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
  29. 29. Reinforcing what you have learned O Color examples with the same answers as indicated. O Fill in the missing numbers. y t. .. : count t. ъ*Тг*"тГ'т. 1,2, ‚Ч, ‚б, ‚619/(1. „7, ; ‚5‚ ‚ ‚ , d. : a&; c ‚i1;mod: .$;5#; &% `* " ЁТ 1 1 6 | „ . ь о °т4)т
  30. 30. Choose your own entry for each picture. Fill in the missing numbers. Sh dzaza g a i. a+0=. : ; . 9+t =9t g: ​​_;е-: na: dev: s ' 9th: =:9 s ee-zhv= ko and “yes+shh= s s+7=7 Grandmother knitted socks for her grandchildren, one at a time a couple each. How many grandchildren does grandma have? Write down: Ш 28
  31. 31. Write down your equality for each picture. What numbers are covered by the cards? Write it down. Write three more examples in each column. Calculate. . _ With. Yos:9-Ё9=[Ё1:Ё t.8-‚/ =Ё Ё Ё Ё17Ё+В75=Ё 1 Ё 858% Ё t 1 1Ё 7-%: part Ё 5:+Ё/ =И: : Ё Ё+7 = TO Ё Ё Ё: ‚ . . . . . . . . ‹ › . . „ ‚ . . . . . . ‚. . . Vol. 4. . . . . . . ‚. . . ‚ ‚ . . . . T
  32. 32. Insert the missing numbers and the + or - sign. . . . . . . t b. . . . T. . ‚ ‚ ‚ . . . . . . . . . WRITE YOUR EQUALITY FOR EACH Drawing. $4?' "k`__›__`^" 'Y g _ _ ‚ . ‚Y' s g po dg' d: " "d "ka” H” 7 '37- , E' ` 4/ (5 ) 3+2у1+3%5-1у2+3 9 @ 2+2 6-1 1+4 3+1 Write the required numbers in the boxes according to the pictures. - C) How many apples are there on two plates? Diagram: LLC OO SPESH 30
  34. 34. Components. Sum. 4 0 Underline the equalities in which the a-+ terms are missing. Calculate. h--+ .4 Sh! YOYON"a: nepnpyonyoa: !E! for blaming. and! |"k! d!p „„ pi pcpppppppp pinii; _+. I 0 Write down your equality for each picture. 1; dЁ'dChR" e: for d" "pF; ; tt SPPPP] GUM] 0 Color the pencils so that the red pencil is longer than the blue one, but shorter than the green one. 8 C + + I + e Measure and write down the length c ' of the shortest pencil: W cm; 1 of the longest pencil: W cm. › „вдд; 1 " * _ ШПШ _. _ O. l ‹ h _ t d ‘ d ‘ | 1 t t + t+ t- + +- A - ›-+-+ -+-#-g-+4-bt - «l -+ ‚- * „t. t„_ -‚/ +' “T” in -+-+-t-+ g 4. 7% b + `- -t 9 +--9-" -+-4 “leakages - 4 and a c - #t-+- -+ 1з+п+‹ ' 1 1 t
  35. 35. Problem Draw a diagram for each problem. Solve problems. 1) The cat has 3 white kittens and 2 black ones. How many kittens does a cat have? o [ЪDJ Yo‚ DT? YG 7 Y 1 Y ° ‘ y’ : TTTd 2) There were 8 cubes in the box. Misha took 2 cubes from the box. How many cubes are left in the box? tata; 7% t; harem "poison gita: 1:2 y ' and: 'ё-й 1 t = tayoaity' Show in different colors how the number 5 can be obtained in different ways. ode @@@@@ $Ъ®@®®@ Draw two segments: one 6 cm long, the other 2 cm shorter. . . . ‚. . . . . . . . ‘ ‚ . ‚. . . . . . . b. . ‚. . . ‚_. . . . c. . . ‚ ‚ . .
  36. 36. О For each scheme, compose a problem and solve it. 1) reason SPECIAL: they will reach-P 2› pinii‘ 13:13:13 sewed O Complete the condition and solve the problem: Yura had Sh cars. They gave him 2 more cars. How many cars does Yura have? PPTSPPPPPPPTSCPPPSHYAYYOLPPTSPPSP 9 PTSEPPPPTSPEEEPPPNNNPEMPPP W PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEIPPPTSSNEEPPPPIESHPPP O Dima cut out 2 snowflakes from paper, and Lena cut out the same number. How many snowflakes did Dima and Lena cut out? Draw a diagram and solve the problem. PPPPPPPPPPPPNPPPYYOBYOMLPPPPPPP O Connect the dots along a ruler to make a quadrilateral and a broken line of three links. WITH. . . . oh yeah
  37. 37. There are 2 more. How many. we": Fill in the tables. I+2=t; t:2+:2gz; ; STILL There are 2 less. How many. MORE: shish. . . . ‹ - › t 35
  38. 38. О How many more fish are there in each next picture than in the previous one? Fill in the boxes with numbers. ЁЁЁПП Ш PIPEIPPPITSEЁPPPOPBPPP‘ O What is the rule for changing pictures? Fill in the boxes with numbers. P P P E O Color the squares in two colors, green and yellow, so that in the first row there are 1 less green squares than yellow ones, and in the second row there are 3 more green squares than yellow ones.
  39. 39. O Find two problems. Circle their numbers. Solve every problem. 1. There are 6 pencils in one pencil case, and 2 pencils in another pencil case. How many brushes are in two pencil cases? 2. There are 5 red balls and 2 blue ones in a bunch. How many red and blue balls are there in this bunch? 3. My brother is 8 years old, and my sister is older than my brother. How old is your sister? 4. There were 10 balls in the basket. They took 2 balls from the basket. How many balls are left in the basket? 5. There are 6 penguins on the big ice floe, and 2 on the small ice floe. How many penguins are there on the big ice floe? PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPCCCCCTCCCP CTCPCTCCCCCPPPPPPPBP PPPPPPPP PPNPPPPPCPPPPPPSHISH IL P O Measure and compare the lengths of the links of each crowbar - P I P y P PPP P PNI P no. Sh cm Sh cm PR” Sh cm Shsm>Shsm Shsm>Shsm
  40. 40. Draw a diagram for each problem. Solve problems. 1) Kolya had 5 rubles. He bought a pencil for 3 rubles. How many rubles does he have left? 2) There were 4 hares in the clearing, but there are now 2 more. How many hares are there in the clearing? shshshsh ShShSh “+030” 000000 o.9;-t3:= o s O o a a „ .9-; I-_ %= Yo_b E © 3+2 c-2|9-2d6-o @® 4+2 7-2 8-2 4+3 Color all the quadrilaterals red. OOSCHS7<7<>
  41. 41. O In the morning there were y y 9 y $ y y in the flowerbed. In the evening there were 3 less. How many tulips are there? PPPPPPPPPPCPCPCPPPYAZYZHPPPPNPP The squirrel had it. . . . . . There are 3 more. How many has it become? PPPPPPPPCPPPCPTSYYYYMLPPPPPPP "CC: PEEPTSPEEEETSEEPTSPEEPBINP' S] PPPPPPPPCCPPCPCPCPCPCTSPPPPP PIPEYPTSPPTTSENPPTSVPESCHMTSP PPPPPPPPCPCPPPPPNPPPPPPP PPEEMEPPPP O Cross out the extra number in the row: 2, 4, b, 7, 8, 10. O Determine how many centimeters the red segment is longer than the blue one. O Break up all the figures. into two groups according to different criteria. Write down the equality for each case.
  42. 42. О Choose your own entry for each picture. u F d t ’ a 1 . td Yo baboon $00 . . O On each basket it is written how many apples it contains. Connect with a line the drawings on which the same number of apples are drawn, and write down two true equalities.
  43. 43. . d ‚ ‚l- Youyyot --^< а- из»! Стало на 2 больше. Стало на 3 меньше. Сколько? Сколько? Сначала Коля сделал из бумаги Ш фонарика, а потом ещё 3. Дополни условие, поставь вопрос, реши задачу.
  44. 44. 4 - ‚ . ‚ " . o. 1 s o. . ь--. T t ' * t. , . . t t R“ v. t ‚ t ‚ t, t. t +4 4 ‚. _ ‚t. O Composition and write down true equalities and true t+ inequalities using the numbers 7, 2, 5, 9 and the signs +, -, =, >,<. т; пацан мамин ипипк ° ПЕПЕЛ] О Оля 6 кукол: т} Аня-на2больше:888%8888. „ т °"°’""‘° М"? пипипипдтитжппнд +т+ " Д: .Ш у О С одного куста сняли ё. т г „‚ Ё + с другого- 3. Сколько всего? $ т т Ь от О Какие числа закрыты карточками? Запиши. : „ О Оля старше Кати, а Катя старше Вики. За- крась карточку с именем девочки, которая „. т + ›ет_„‚+, + т 4-4 т + 1 т. + . + т 4 чтт. т т т ‘ т " т ‘ т т + . т т › ‹ т-4 + + 4тт« › - т т т т ‚ тч+„+„+ т 5 1 ` „ь т. - ч-ъ- „С; м» " „а „д- 4 4 ч; д. „дйштёе. 4т4-+-+- ` . . 4 старше ДВУХ других. ‚д, ‚к 4,.
  45. What numbers are covered by the cards? Write it down. Connect the points with segments so that you get 3 triangles. How many quadrilaterals did you get? Sh
  46. #48 ". " 0 Watch how the pictures change from left to - ". " right. For each picture, compose and write down ". | equality. . PI PPCCCCCCPPPPPPPPPPPPCPCTSPPC ‘P! PLCCPPCPPPCCPPPPCCCCPPCPPPPPPPP: :| NPTSPTCPPCCPTCCPCPPCCPPNTSP'". Emphasize the equality that can be called. .| superfluous. PP! "-| 0 Which two parts can be used to make a triangle, which is drawn on the right? Color them. PL! 8 PPPPTsPPPNTsTsTsPNPPPPPPPPP PI! TsTsPTSPPI 'PTTsTsPTsPPP TsTsPU 'PPP PTsIPPPSH 'PTsTsPPPPPNTsPP' 'PTsP IYTSINTSPTSCHTsPPTsNPPU P P PP' P U 'P P. PPPPPPPPPPPEP. 'PCPPPPPPPPTSP' P. ' PPPPPPPPPPPPP. 'PPPPPPP. 0 Draw such a pattern and continue it to the end of the line. PPCCPPPPCCCCPCPP
  47. 49. O Watch how the DRAWINGS CHANGE from left to right. For each picture, make up and write down the “-” equation. |-| Compare the equalities and emphasize WHAT THEY ARE SIMILAR. o Which two parts can be used to make the triangle that is drawn on the right? Color O Determine the rule by which each row of geometric shapes is composed. Draw the missing figures. 555355YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYO ;!; ppppnpp; d;; !;; ;
  48. 50. The boys made E, and the girls made 2 snowmen. How many snowmen did the boys and girls make? rt; g y t e t t tat T Tet / ‘ a-t. ‚Az ga Petya had a g? !) t’ 25.1 as’ h/ w. He gave his brother 3 candies. How many candies does Petya have left? What numbers are covered by the cards? Write it down. you v-dzgt e t: t= i ‚tёtsta= y %+t3=t dgt+gt= l dat-e 6:4”: g= tsch: already t-v; g Unit)- 7= E d a+ ’= t;9;. . : :3+:3=‘ t dt-tz-; t... Yo t t tt. t t": t.ttttttttttt
  49. 51. t t Tt; ;*`: s ‘ - ‘hell, t: t’ ----tt -- ‚r ‚ ` h. " ‘r’ › ; L
  50. 52. at „day O from Moro M. I. et al. Mathematics. 1st grade - Textbook - Appendix to the textbook on electronic media Workbook - Test work - Manual of Mathematics and design - Manual for 'GSH. then loves ynggsmapnsu - › tisgolttchsskn’ recommendations - Uspntts uprzzhnsttiya - Kotttroittttts rpbstgt. t h! classes - zttatsmptikp. Work programs. t yut yushsst Website “Elementary school- / shooting gallery. °//1-4.rgovi. gi 1 $vn 978- -о9-о2ьв27-7 ‘ 9 785090 Yo pgosvvshchvniv i3LA "t" 1g-. ‹_: tgt1t 266277 Yo

11th grade
Poposheva A.Yu.
“A person can recognize his abilities only by trying to apply them.” Seneca the Younger.
Lesson topic: Antiderivative and indefinite integral.
The purpose of the lesson: the formation of knowledge and general educational skills through a system of standard, approximate and multi-level tasks.
Lesson objectives:
Educational: to form and consolidate the concept of an antiderivative, to find antiderivative functions of different levels.
Developmental: develop the mental activity of students based on the operations of analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization.
Educational: to form students’ worldviews, to instill responsibility for the results obtained, and a sense of success.
Lesson type: learning new material.
Teaching aids: epigraph, handouts.
Expected learning outcomes: the student must
derivative definition
the antiderivative is defined ambiguously.
Be able to:
find antiderivative functions in the simplest cases
check whether the function has an antiderivative on a given time interval.
Lesson progress
I. Organizational moment: Hello! Sit down. Who's missing?
1. Reporting the topic, purpose of the lesson, objectives and motivation for learning activities.
On the board:
***Derivative – “produces” a new function. Antiderivative - primary image.
2. Updating knowledge, systematizing knowledge in comparison.
Differentiation - finding the derivative.
Integration - restoration of a function from a given derivative.
Introducing new symbols:
* oral exercises: instead of dots, put some function that satisfies equality. (see presentation) - individual work.
(at this time, 1 student writes differentiation formulas on the board, 2 students write differentiation rules).
Students perform self-test. (individual work)
adjusting students' knowledge.
3. Studying new material.
A) Reciprocal operations in mathematics.
Teacher: in mathematics there are 2 mutually inverse operations in mathematics. Let's look at it in comparison.

* squaring.
*extracting from square root.

*sine of the angle.
* arcsine of the angle.


B) Reciprocal operations in physics.
Two mutually inverse problems are considered in the mechanics section. Finding the velocity using a given equation of motion of a material point (finding the derivative of a function) and finding the equation of the trajectory of motion using a known velocity formula.
Example 1 page 140 – work with a textbook (individual work).
The process of finding a derivative with respect to a given function is called differentiation, and the inverse operation, i.e., the process of finding a function with respect to a given derivative, is called integration.
C) The definition of an antiderivative is introduced.
work with the textbook: read the definition, try to remember, recite the definition in pairs. (pair work)
Teacher: in order for the task to become more specific, we need to fix the initial situation.
Tasks to develop the ability to find antiderivatives - work in groups. (see presentation)
Tasks to develop the ability to prove that an antiderivative is for a function on a given interval - pair work. (see presentation)..
4. Primary comprehension and application of what has been learned.
Examples with solutions “Find the error” - individual work. (see presentation)
***perform mutual verification.
Conclusion: when performing these tasks, it is easy to notice that the antiderivative is defined ambiguously.
5. Setting homework
Read the explanatory text chapter 4 paragraph 20, memorize the definition of 1. antiderivative, solve No. 20.1 -20.5 (c, d) - compulsory task for everyone No. 20.6 (b), 20.7 (c, d), 20.8 (b), 20.9 ( b) - 4 examples to choose from.
6. Summing up the lesson.
During the frontal survey, together with the students, the results of the lesson are summed up, the concept of new material is consciously comprehended, in the form of emoticons.
I understood everything, managed to do everything.
I didn’t understand part of it, I didn’t manage everything.
7. Reserve tasks.
In case of early completion of the tasks proposed above by the entire class, it is also planned to use tasks No. 20.6(a), 20.7(a), 20.9(a) to ensure employment and development of the most prepared students.

Figure 4

Attached files

Topic: Signs >,< , =.

Purpose: to introduce the signs >,< , =; научить выполнять записи с этими знаками.

Equipment: fan of numbers, tape of numbers, cards with signs >,< , =, магнитная доска (у каждого ученика).

Lesson progress

    Org. moment

Checking readiness for the lesson.

    Oral counting.

a) - Count from 2 to 7; from 5 to 1; from 4 to 8; from 9 to 5.

b) – Name the neighbors of the numbers 5, 2, 6, 8, 4.

V) Working with a fan of numbers:

Show which number follows the numbers 7, 4, 2, 8, 5 when counting.

Show what number comes before the number 9, 4, 2, 8, 3, 7.

Show me what number is between the numbers 2 and 4? 5 and 7? 8 and 10?

d) Problems in verse. (Show the answer on the fan of numbers)

A hedgehog walked through the forest
I found mushrooms for lunch:
Two - under the birch tree,
One is near the aspen tree,
How many will there be?
In a wicker basket?

Three yellow-eyed daisies,

Two cheerful cornflowers

The children gave it to their mother.

How many flowers are in the bouquet?

Five puppies were playing football

One was called home.
He looks out the window and thinks:
How many of them are playing now?

d) Composition of numbers.

We are moving into the houses.











    Setting up a lesson and defining a goal.

    Working with a magnetic board

Draw three circles.

Below, draw two rectangles.

Which figures are there more?

Why are there more circles? (they didn't have enough pairs).

There were 3 circles, 2 rectangles.

So which number is greater than 3 or 2?

In mathematics it is written like this:


What is less than 2 or 3?

We will write it like this:

2 < 3

In mathematics, the words more/less are usually written using special signs.

Today in class we will learn to write down these signs.

    Physical exercise.

(cheerful music plays softly)

The sun lifts us up to exercise,

We raise our hands once on command,

And the leaves rustle merrily above us,

We lower our hands on command two.

Let's collect berries and mushrooms in a basket -

We bend down together on command three.

For four and for five

Let's gallop together.

Well, on command six

Everyone sit down quietly at their desks!

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

    Frontal work.

    What do these signs look like? (Children's answers).

    Another sign looks like a bird's beak. This bird is very voracious. She always opens her beak to a larger number.

    Working with a magnetic board.

Write more sign.

Write the less than sign.

If the left and right sides are equal, put an equal sign. We are already familiar with this sign.

3. Work according to the textbook.

Open your textbook to page 46. What are the names of the signs at the top? (more, less, equal).

Let's read what we will do in class (read by a student who reads well).

Look at the top left picture. What do you see here? (2 green squares and 3 blue circles).

What more? (Blue circles).

How was this recorded?


Less of what? (Green squares).

How was this recorded?


Look at the middle picture. What shapes do you see? (4 red and 5 yellow triangles).

What more? (Yellow triangles).

How was this recorded?


Less of what? (red triangles).

How was this recorded?

4< 5

Look at the top right picture. What do you see there?

(5 purple and 5 green circles).

What can you say about the number of purple and green circles.

(There are the same number)

Read the entry.


What sign was used for writing?

(Equal sign.)

Look at the drawing with birds. Write a story based on the recording.

(There were 3 birds, 1 more flew in. There were 4 birds.)

Are there more or fewer birds? (more)

Read the entry.

4> 3 (Four is more than three).

Make a note based on the second picture.

(There were 4 birds. 1 bird flew away. 3 birds remained.)

Are there more or fewer birds? (Less).

Read the entry. (Three is less than four).

    Reinforcing the material learned

    Work in a printed notebook.

- Open your notebook to page 18.

- Read the first task. Record what time your watch shows on your own.

Frontal check.

Look at the signs written below.

What is the name of the first sign? (More).

Look at the direction of the blue arrows.

Circle and write this sign to the end of the line.

What is the second sign called? (Less).

Look at the arrows. Let's see how this sign is written.

Circle and write a less than sign to the end of the line.

Look at the picture with the balls. How many green balls? (3).

Write the number 3 in the empty cell.

How many pink balls? (5).

Write the number 5 in the empty cell.

Which balls are there more? (Pink).

Fill in the blanks:

More pink balls than green ones.

Make a note.


Which balls are smaller? (Green).

Fill in the blanks:

There are fewer green balls than pink ones.

How to write this down?

3< 5

    Lesson summary.

What signs did we meet today?

Show more sign.

Show the less than sign.

In this lesson I used the following modern educational technologies:

    Health-saving (structuring a lesson taking into account the performance of children, using visual aids, a favorable emotional mood);

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