Encyclopedia of fire safety

Can I be the head of the test. Test "Are you a good psychologist?" (23 questions for anyone interested in psychology). Ideas that are not expressed by you are perceived with hostility

Determines the type of leadership qualities in students:

A - the ability to manage oneself;

B- awareness of the goal (I know what I want);

B - the ability to solve problems;

G - creative approach;

D - influence on others;

E - knowledge of the rules of organizational work;

W - specific qualities of the organizer's personality;

Z - the ability to work with a group.





4- if you fully agree with the above statement;

3- if you rather agree than not;

2- if you find it difficult to say;

1- if you rather disagree;

0 - if you completely disagree.

Answer card:


1. I don't get lost or give up in difficult situations.

2. My actions are aimed at achieving a goal that I understand.

3. I know how to overcome difficulties.

4. I like to search and try new things.

5. I can easily convince my comrades of something.

6. I know how to involve my comrades in a common cause.

7. It is not difficult for me to get everyone to work well.

8. I consider it important that those whom I organize are friendly.

9. I know how to distribute my forces in study and work.

10. I can clearly answer the question of what I want from life.

11. I plan my time and work well.

12. I easily get carried away with a new business.

13. It is easy for me to establish normal relations with my comrades.

14. Organizing comrades, I try to interest them.

15. Any person is an open book for me.

16. In any environment, I am a recognized leader.

17. If I'm in a bad mood, I may not show it to others.

18. Achieving a goal is important to me.

19. I regularly evaluate my work and my progress.

20. I'm willing to take risks to try new things.

21. The first impression I make is usually good.

22. I always succeed.

23. I feel the mood of my comrades well.

24. I can cheer up a group of my comrades.

25. I can force myself to do exercises in the morning, even if I don’t feel like it.

26. I usually achieve what I strive for.

27. When solving problems, I use the experience of others.

28. When making decisions, I sort through various options.

29. I know how to influence my comrades, if I consider it necessary.

30. I know how to choose the right people to organize a business.

31. In relationships with people, I achieve mutual understanding.

32. I strive to be understood.

33. If I encounter difficulties in my work, then I do not give up.

34. I have a good idea of ​​how to gain authority among people.

35. I strive to solve all problems in stages, not all at once.

36. I have never acted like others.

37. There is no person who would resist my charm.

38. When organizing affairs, I take into account the opinion of my comrades.

39. I find a way out in difficult situations.

40. I think that comrades, doing a common thing, should trust each other.

41. No one will ever spoil my mood.

42. I never feel insecure about myself.

43. There is no problem that I cannot solve.

44. I am not interested in doing monotonous, routine work.

45. My ideas are readily accepted by my comrades.

46. ​​I can control the work of my comrades.

47. I can find a common language with people.

48. I easily succeed in rallying my comrades around a cause.

Results processing:

After filling out the answer card, it is necessary to calculate the amount of points in each column (not taking into account the points given for questions 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, 41, 42, 43).

This amount determines the type of leadership qualities:

A - the ability to manage oneself;

B- awareness of the goal (I know what I want);

B - the ability to solve problems;

G - creative approach;

D - influence on others;

E - knowledge of the rules of organizational work;

W - specific qualities of the organizer's personality;

Z - the ability to work with a group.

If the sum in the column is less than 13, then the quality is poorly developed and it is necessary to work on its improvement, if more, the quality is moderately or strongly developed. The scores and analysis of the results are done by the guys themselves. At the same time, you need to draw their attention to the points given in the answers to questions 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, 41, 42, 43. If more than 1 point is put on each of them, this indicates that the respondent was insincere in self-esteem.




















Test "Can I be a leader-organizer?"

Read the questions and put in the table the appropriate answer score for each of them. Points:

4 - I completely agree;

3 - rather agree than not;

2 - hard to say;

1 - rather disagree than yes;

Oh, I totally disagree.


1. I do not get lost and do not give up in difficult situations.

2. My actions are aimed at achieving a goal that I understand.

3. I know how to overcome difficulties.

4. I like to search and try new things.

5. I can easily convince my comrades of something.

6. I know how to involve my comrades in a common cause.

7. It's not hard for me to get everyone to work well.

8. I consider it important that those whom I organize are friendly.

9. I know how to distribute my forces in study and work.

10. I can clearly answer the question of what I want from life.

11. I plan my time and work well.

12. I easily get carried away with a new business.

13. It is easy for me to establish normal relations with my comrades.

14. Organizing comrades, I try to interest them.

15. Any person for me is an open book.

16. In any environment, I am a recognized leader.

17. If I'm in a bad mood, I can not show it to others.

18. Achieving a goal is important to me.

19. I regularly evaluate my work and my progress.

20. I'm willing to take risks to try new things.

21. The first impression I usually make is a good one.

22. I always succeed.

23. I feel the mood of my comrades well.

24. I can cheer up a group of my comrades.

25. I can force myself to do exercises in the morning, even if I don’t feel like it.

26. I usually achieve what I strive for.

27. When solving problems, I use the experience of others.

28. When making decisions, I go through various options.

29. I know how to influence my comrades, if I consider it necessary.

30. I know how to choose the right people to organize a business.

31. In relationships between people, I reach mutual understanding.

32. I strive to be understood.

33. If I encounter difficulties in my work, I do not give up.

34. I have a good idea of ​​how to gain authority among people.

35. I strive to solve all problems in stages, not all at once.

36. I have never acted like others.

37. There is no person who would resist my charm.

38. When organizing affairs, I take into account the opinion of my comrades.

39. I find a way out in difficult situations.

40. I think that comrades, doing a common thing, should trust each other.

41. No one will ever spoil my mood.

42. I never feel insecure about myself.

43. There is no problem that I cannot solve.

44. I am not interested in monotonous, routine business.

45. My ideas are readily accepted by my comrades.

46. ​​I can control the work of my comrades.

47. I can find a common language with people.

48. I easily succeed in rallying my comrades around a cause.


Count the number of points in each column, excluding the points given to questions 15, 16, 22, 29, 36, 41, 42, 43.

The sum of points in the columns determines the development of leadership qualities:

A is the ability to manage oneself.

B - awareness of the goal (I know what I want).

B is the ability to solve problems.

G - the presence of a creative approach.

D - influence on others.

E - knowledge of the rules of organizational work.

F - organizational skills.

3 - ability to work with a group.

If the sum of points in the column is less than 13, then the qualities are poorly developed and need to be worked on. If more than 13, then the qualities are developed medium or strong.

But in order to determine whether you are a leader or not, you need to pay attention to the points given in the answers to questions 15, 16, 22, 29, 36, 41, 42, 43. If more than 2 points are scored for each of them, then, perhaps you were not sincere in self-esteem, this self-esteem may be overestimated.

Tips on how to improve underdeveloped qualities Low A(self-management).

1. Seek to explore yourself. Look at yourself carefully in the mirror. Think about what attracts people to you and what repels you. Answer the question of what you need to do to be more confident in life.

2. Don't be afraid to express your feelings. You can be trusted only when you are experiencing. Don't be afraid to feel and admit your feelings.

3. Seek to establish close personal relationships with others. Look for support in those around you, but do not try to shift your excitement and tension onto them.

4. Take it easy and learn from your failures. This is necessary, because failure is also an experience, the truth of which is sometimes regrettable.

5. Appreciate what you are worth. You need to give the right assessment of your successes. This will give you confidence.

Low B(awareness of purpose).

Answer the following questions for yourself:

1. Are your goals really important to you?

2. Are your goals realistic?

3. Are you putting enough effort into achieving your goals?

4. Do your goals fit the new circumstances?

5. Do you attract enough people to achieve your goals?

Low B(ability to solve problems). Answer the following questions for yourself:

1. Do I manage to correctly identify the main thing in the problem?

2. Do I consider different options for solving the problem, or grab the first one that I immediately liked?

3. Do I learn from the experiences of others before making decisions?

4. To what extent do I take into account the real situation (time, people, material resources) when making a decision?

5. Do my comrades support my decisions?

Low G(the presence of a creative approach). Answer the following questions for yourself:

1. Do you value creativity in other people?

2. Are you ready for uncertainty?

3. Do you believe in your creativity?

4. Can you break with tradition?

5. Do you feel the need for change?

Low D(influence on others).

Here are the key steps for you to establish a good personal relationship:

1. Look at the other person and pay attention to him.

2. Link for yourself the name of this person with his individual characteristics.

3. "Build bridges" between you with a handshake, a kind look, or a gesture.

4. Express your interest in communicating with a person and establishing good relations with him.

5. Open up your thoughts and feelings.

6. Be ready to cheer up the other person.

Low E(knowledge of the rules of organizational activity). Refer to the rules of organizational work (see below).

Low F(organizational skills). Heed the advice:

1. Put yourself in the other person's shoes. How does he or she see the world? What does it mean to be in his position?

2. Reflect on what interests the other person. What would he or she put their energy into more than they say?

3. Find out what influences a person's behavior. Are there forces or circumstances that can lead to changes in it?

4. Can you determine the style of communication with a particular person?

5. Work on building open trusting relationships, win over people.

6. Study the interests, hobbies, abilities of comrades.

7. When distributing organizational tasks, look not only at the abilities of your assistants, but also at those inclinations they have that need to be developed.

8. More often turn for help and with requests to connoisseurs, craftsmen, "erudite" in the organization of various affairs. From this and the benefit, and the guys are pleased - their abilities are noticed and do not lie dead weight.

9. Keep in mind that there can be no completely equal abilities for everyone and for everything. Approach each person individually. With this in mind, build your requirements for it.

Low score 3(ability to work with a group).

Heed the advice, use the following styles of working with a group. Each leader has his own "handwriting", manner, method in organizing collective affairs. These methods of influencing a person or a group characteristic of a leader are called WORK STYLE. There are 4 styles:

1. Smashing arrows.

3. Scurrying shuttle.

4. Floating fleet.

Breaking arrows. Calling, insisting, demanding. Effective in still emerging teams.

Returning boomerang. Advising, advising, collegiate, demanding. This style is effective in an already established team.

Scurrying shuttle. Persuading, asking, compromising. Effective depending on the situation.

floating fleet. Agreeing, yielding, non-interfering. Effective only as a supportive leadership style.

Encyclopedia of the seductress Isaeva Victoria Sergeevna

Bisexuality test: Can I be a lesbian?

Could you be a lesbian? Do you want to test yourself for bisexuality? We have prepared a provocative test for you.

It happens… There lives a beautiful, sexy girl, a conqueror of men, like Lindsay Lohan, Megan Fox or Angelina Jolie. And suddenly, for no apparent reason, the tabloids report: this male fantasy, this feminine beauty was seen with another girl! Christina Aguilera was not so long ago an exemplary wife and mother, and now there are lesbian rumors about her too.

How does it happen that beautiful girls who are not deprived of male attention suddenly change their sexual preferences and start bisexual relationships? Maybe lesbian inclinations are in each of us? Check, could you become a lesbian?


1. How do you feel about beautiful girls?

A. I hate it! I perceive any beautiful girl as a rival and competitor.

B. I envy silently. I look at the beauties and think: “Some are lucky!”

B. I love beautiful girls! After all, I am one of them. I try to surround myself with beauty. Together - we are force!

2. How do you feel about erotic or porn scenes involving two girls?

A. Well, I don't watch that! And if a lesbian episode comes across in porn, I will ask my boyfriend to rewind it.

B. They embarrass me. It's kind of embarrassing to watch. Ordinary sex is still more familiar.

B. It's beautiful! The two girls look super sexy together.

3. Your genitals are…

A: Just my sex organs. Nothing interesting!

B. What I am ashamed of! I never saw myself there...

Q. One of my virtues! I love my vagina: it is very erotic.

4. How do you feel about cunnilingus?

A. Ordinary sex, he will never replace! This is so ... if only for warming up.

B. I would never ask a partner for this. I would be ashamed, embarrassed and uncomfortable from such caresses.

V. I love it! This is the easiest way to experience an orgasm.

5. With whom is it easier for you to find a common language: with men or with women?

A. Of course, with men! Women are such bitches!

B. Well, this, of course, depends on the person, but it is still easier for me to communicate with women. Unlike men, they always have something to talk about. And women are easier to trust.

Q. What's the difference?! I can get along with anyone, regardless of gender. It is easy for me to find common ground with both women and men.

6. What relationship format do you like best?

A. I need violent passions! For a man to admire me, carry me in his arms, go crazy for me. With crazy sex, lush compliments, exquisite courtship and chic gifts.

B. I need a warm trusting relationship in which I am interested in a person, I can fully open up and be myself.

Q. I am loving and I want to try everything in life! I am open to any relationship. If only they were my joy and brought pleasure.

7. How open are you to sexual experimentation?

A. Well, you can, of course, try different poses and all that, but I have clear boundaries that I will never cross.

B. Actually, I'm shy. But for the sake of a loved one, probably, I could try something spicy.

Q. I love experiments and boldly try new things in sex!

Test results

You have more answers. You are a whole, mature person in everything, especially in sex. You know what you want and how to get it. What is important: you are well aware of your addictions, sexual preferences, as well as the limits and boundaries of what is permitted. And you never compromise with your body. Most likely, you are the purest heterosexual. After all, women do not cause in you not only erotic fantasies, but generally no particularly pleasant emotions. It seems that you do not like the fair sex. But be careful. After all, if you criticize other women, then you are subconsciously criticizing yourself. Try to love the woman in you and unleash your potential as much as possible. Cultivate your feminine. Add a little tenderness and defenselessness to your image, and all men will be at your feet. And experiments with women are of no use to you anyway!

Do you have more answers B. You seem to underestimate yourself. And maybe you have no idea how sexy you really are. Your sensuality is still being formed. However, you have the makings of bisexuality. Most likely, you can be in relationships with both men and women. And you can be happy with both. The main thing for you now is to open up, love your body. Accept yourself for who you are. Stop being shy! You are beautiful. Always remember this. Your complexes prevent you from getting the pleasure that you deserve in sex. Just give them up. Perhaps it is sex with a woman that will help you change your attitude towards yourself for the better. In bed with another girl, you will be less constrained and will be able to feel more comfort, trust, and emotional closeness. The main thing - do not step over yourself in anything. Before you decide on a bisexual experiment, ask yourself: “Do I want this? It turns me on?" If the answer is yes, feel free to try new things, forgetting about your taboos. If the body resists - listen to it and its desires!

You have more answers. You are a born sex bomb. And a real sexual experimenter. Most likely, there are no taboos for you in sex. Surely you have already tried sex with another girl (or at least would not refuse to try out of curiosity). Of course, you have some degree of bisexuality. However, before jumping into the water and proclaiming yourself a lesbian, think: “Do girls really turn me on? Or am I doing this out of curiosity/contradiction/for fun? Many girls try same-sex love just because it's fashionable. Well, and in order to be known as hot stuff. You shouldn't sleep with another girl just for the sake of creating an awe-inspiring sexual reputation. After all, you love yourself too much to do something for such childish reasons.

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#3 The Nice Guy Myth: “The only way to be strong is to act like a tyrant, and I want to be a good guy.” Many managers act like tyrants. This does not mean that they are strong. It only means that they behave like petty tyrants. What does reality look like?

Target - assess the level of potential opportunities to be a leader.

Instruction:"When answering the questions below, choose the option that best suits you and remember that there are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers."

1. Can you command people?

2. Do you like to work in the garden?

3. Do you enjoy arguing with someone?

a) the first;

b) second.

5. Do you like to give speeches?

6. What, in your opinion, can determine the level of civilization?

a) The degree of emancipation of women;

b) the level of development of technology.

7. Does someone's incompetence, awkwardness annoy you?

8. Do you like work that requires contact with people?

9. Do you feel that you were under the influence of your mother for too long as a child?

10. What do you first of all pay attention to during an acquaintance:

a) the appearance of a new acquaintance;

b) what and how he says.

11. Do you get angry if you can't get your way?

12. What kind of career do you find most attractive:

a) famous actor Harry Cooper;

b) Jimmy Clark, a racing champion.

13. Are you often nominated for elective (leading public) work?

14. Are you the initiator of bold undertakings?

15. Do you wait for things to work out on their own?

16. Does it annoy you that you live, for example, in a room without curtains on the windows?

17. What color do you like best?

a) blue;

b) red.

18. Do you make decisions easily?

19. What sports do you like best?

a) Those that develop dexterity;

b) those that develop strength.

20. Do you accept a leader who is of the opposite sex if he is competent enough?

Results processing

To calculate points and determine your result, use the following "key":

1. "a" - 5, "b" - 0; 11. "a" - 5, "b" - 0;

2. "a" - 5, "b" - 0; 12. "a" - 0, "b" - 5;

3. "a" - 5, "b" - 0; 13. "a" - 5. "b" - 0;

4. "a" - 5, "b" - 0; 14. "a" - 5, "b" - 0;

5. "a" - 5, "b" - 0; 15. "a" - 0, "b" - 5;

6. "a" - 0, "b" - 5; 16. "a" - 0, "b" - 5;

7. "a" - 5, "b" - 0; 17. "a" - 0, "b" - 5;

8. "a" - 5, "b" - 0; 18. "a" - 5, "b" - 0;

9. "a" - 0, "b" - 5; 19. "a" - 0, "b" - 5;

10. "a" - 0, "b" - 5; 20. "a" - 5, "b" - 0.

80 or more points You are the kind of person who has a great need to dominate people. Despite the fact that you show initiative and are an excellent organizer, your ardor, desire to be recognized at any cost, your desire to manipulate others significantly reduce the effectiveness of your actions. Strong nervous tension, inability to relax lead to the fact that, being excited, you can easily offend another person. You often brag, are conceited, are aggressive. But if you manage to change your attitude towards people, then a predisposition to leadership work can have a wonderful effect.

40 to 75 points- you have high demands, you are often self-confident, you like to emphasize your own "I". The ability to manage your own emotions and the tendency to analyze your actions lead to the fact that the need to lead others does not take extreme forms for you. You like to walk "unbeaten" roads, you have your own opinion, which does not always coincide with the opinion of others. You do not like to impose yourself on others and have difficulty obeying them. You don't care what they say about you. At the same time, you tend to criticize others. Love to have your last word.

35 or less points - you are a person who tends to be more subordinate than lead. In the role of "boss" you would feel bad. You are most likely a timid, modest, insecure person. You rarely take the initiative, gladly submit to the leadership of others. Most often, you prefer compromise solutions and remain "in the shadow" of other people.

Test "Do you know how to conduct a business discussion?"

Target - analyze the line of conduct at meetings (negotiations).

Instruction:“For each statement it is necessary to choose one of the five possible answers – “no, it doesn't happen like that”; "no, as a rule, it doesn't happen like that"; "uncertain estimate"; "Yes, as a rule, it happens"; "Yeah, that's almost always the case."

1. I give orders to subordinates even if there is a danger that if they are not fulfilled, they will criticize me.

2. I always have a lot of ideas and plans.

3. I listen to the comments of others.

4. I mostly manage to give logical and correct arguments in discussions.

5. I set up employees to solve their problems on their own.

6. If I am criticized, then I defend myself, no matter what.

7. When other people give their reasons, I always listen.

8. In order to hold some kind of event, I have to make plans in advance.

9. I mostly admit my mistakes.

10. I offer alternatives to others' suggestions.

11. I protect those who have difficulties.

12. I express my thoughts with maximum persuasiveness.

13. My enthusiasm is contagious.

14. I take into account the point of view of other people and try to reflect it in the draft decision.

15. Usually I insist on my point of view and on my hypotheses.

16. I listen with understanding and aggressive counterarguments.

17. I express my thoughts clearly.

18. I always admit that I do not know something.

19. I vigorously defend my views.

20. I try to develop other people's ideas as if they were mine.

21. I always think over what others could answer this or that question and look for arguments.

22. I help people with advice on how to organize their work.

23. Being carried away by my projects, my work plans for the future, I usually do not get interested in other people's plans.

24. I also listen to those people who have a point of view that differs from mine.

25. If someone disagrees with my project, I look for new ways.

26. I use every means to get people to agree with me.

27. I speak openly about my hopes, fears and personal difficulties.

28. I always find an opportunity to organize support for my projects.

29. I understand other people's feelings.

30. I try to express my thoughts more than listen to others.

31. Before defending myself, I listen carefully to criticism.

32. I express my thoughts systematically.

33. I give others the opportunity to express their point of view.

34. I carefully follow the contradictions in other people's reasoning.

35. I change my point of view in order to show others that I follow their thoughts.

36. As a rule, I do not interrupt anyone.

37. I don't pretend to be sure of my point of view if I'm not.

38. I spend a lot of energy trying to convince others how they need to do the right thing.

39. I speak emotionally to inspire people to work.

40. I strive to ensure that those who rarely ask for the floor are also active in summing up the results.

Processing of results.

The answer "no, it does not happen" is estimated at 1 point; “no, as a rule, it doesn’t happen like that” - 2 points; "uncertain estimate" - 3 points; "yes, as a rule, it happens" - 4 points; "yes, it always happens" - 5 points.

Sum the scores you gave against statements 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, and 40, and enter the sum through A(it is in the range from 20 to 100 points).

To get the amount IN count the number of points for statements 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26 , 28, 30, 32, 34, 38 and 39 (this value must also be between 20 and 100).

The test results show whether your behavior in meetings (negotiations) is diplomatic or authoritarian.

If sum A is at least 10 points higher than sum B, then you are a good diplomat.

If sum B is at least 10 points higher than sum A, then you are leading the discussion in an authoritarian, imperious and unceremonious manner.

If both sums (A and B) differ by less than 10 points, then your behavior does not receive an unambiguous assessment in the team. It can be either positive or negative, depending on the circumstances.

Let's say your behavior style is uniquely determined using this test. In this case diplomatic style means that you have a desire to take into account the opinions of others and make sure that your ideas are consistent with the ideas of other employees, partners. At the same time, compromises are inevitable, but the participants in the meeting (negotiations) are convinced that there is their contribution to the decision-making, that their cooperation is not indifferent to you as a leader.

Some participants of the meeting strive to "slip through" their projects, act assertively. Meeting partners rarely get a chance to speak. With such authoritarian During the meeting (negotiations), the leader confidently holds the reins, submits many proposals, reports new information, formulates his opinion categorically, does not allow objections, does not seek universal agreement, does not seek the support necessary for its implementation.

The choice of a method of behavior depends on the goals set, as well as on the specific situation in which you will conduct a particular meeting or conversation, negotiations. Diplomacy in communication is appropriate in the following cases:

Enough time to discuss all the arguments;

The decision will be successfully implemented only when it is recognized by all participants in the discussion;

Participants of the meeting (negotiations) understand the problem and know the options for its resolution;

Great disagreements arose, and it is necessary to convince those who disagree of the correctness of the decision being made.

Authoritarian behavior is acceptable if for some reason it is impossible to turn to the help of partners either in a creative discussion, consideration of this issue, or in its subsequent decision. This happens when you need to make a decision as soon as possible.

Psychologists working in large firms and enterprises argue that both styles of behavior - diplomatic and authoritarian - can lead to success.

10. Test "Questionnaire to determine the level of self-esteem"

Target - determine the level of self-esteem.

Self-esteem - This is an assessment by a person of himself, his capabilities, qualities and place among other people. It is the level of self-esteem that largely determines criticality, exactingness towards oneself, attitude towards successes and failures, relationships with other people.

Instruction: " Choose one of the five answer options - "very often", "often", "sometimes", "rarely", "never".

1. I want my friends to cheer me up.

2. I constantly feel my responsibility at work.

3. I am worried about my future.

4. Many people hate me.

5. I have less initiative than others.

6. I worry about my mental state.

7. I'm afraid to look stupid.

8. The appearance of others is much better than mine.

9. I'm afraid to give a speech in front of strangers.

10. I often make mistakes.

11. What a pity that I do not know how to speak properly with people.

12. What a pity that I lack self-confidence.

13. I would like my actions to be approved by others more often.

14. I am too modest.

15. My life is useless.

16. Many wrong opinions about me.

18. People expect a lot from me.

19. People are not particularly interested in my achievements.

20. I am a little embarrassed.

21. I feel that many people do not understand me.

22. I don't feel safe.

23. I often needlessly worry.

24. I feel awkward when I enter a room where people are already sitting.

25. I feel constrained.

26. I feel like people are talking about me behind my back.

27. I am sure that people accept almost everything more easily than I do.

28. It seems to me that some kind of trouble should happen to me.

29. I care about how people treat me.

30. What a pity that I'm not so sociable.

31. In disputes, I speak out only when I am sure that I am right.

32. I think about what people expect from me.

Processing of results.

In order to determine the level of self-esteem, it is necessary to add up the scores for all 32 judgments:

"very often" - 4 points;

"often" - 3 points;

"sometimes" - 2 points;

"rarely" - 1 point;

"never" - 0 points.

Sum from 0 to 25 points speaks of a high level of self-esteem, in which a person, as a rule, is not burdened by "inferiority complexes", correctly responds to the comments and assessments of others, rarely doubts his actions.

Sum from 26 to 45 points indicates an average level of self-esteem. If you scored such a number of points, then, probably, from time to time, you feel an inexplicable awkwardness in relationships with other people, often underestimate yourself and your abilities without sufficient reason.

Sum from 46 to 128 points indicates a low level of self-esteem, in which a person often painfully endures critical remarks addressed to him, more often tries to "adjust" to the opinions of other people, and suffers more from an "inferiority complex".

Self-esteem depends on many factors. At the same time, the level of self-esteem is associated with two, the most significant, factors and the so-called "James formula" is used to express it, which reads: "Self-esteem is the ratio of success to ambition."

From this, albeit simplified, but very clear formula, it follows that self-esteem can be increased only by maximizing "success" or minimizing "failures".

The discrepancy between "claims" and real behavior leads to a distortion of self-esteem and, as a result, to inadequate behavior, fraught with emotional breakdowns.

11. Test task "Self-analysis of conversational skills."

In a business conversation, during negotiations, it is important to take into account the psychological make-up, inner world, temperament, mood of the interlocutor.

Starting a conversation, you have to model it. Here is a group of security questions for you:

1. What is the main goal I set for myself in negotiations?

2. Can I do without this conversation?

3. Is my interlocutor ready to discuss the proposed topic?

4. Am I sure of a successful (for me) outcome of the conversation?

5. Is my interlocutor sure of the same?

6. What should I clarify for myself?

7. What outcome will suit (or not suit) me, him, both?

8. What methods of influencing the interlocutor do I use in a conversation?

9. What questions will I ask?

10. What questions can the interlocutor ask me?
Starting negotiations:

Prepare your first question so that it is short, interesting, but not debatable;

Be as brief as possible when presenting your thoughts;

Justify your judgments;

Don't use words with double meanings;

Make sure that your questions contain the words: "why", "when", "how". This will eliminate the one-word "yes" and "no" answers.

You should prepare a line of your behavior in case your interlocutor:

Will agree with you in everything;

Resolutely object, switch to a raised tone;

Will not respond to your arguments;

Will show distrust of your words, thoughts;

He will try to hide his distrust.

Having stated your reasons, you must be ready for objections interlocutor. Here it is advisable to be guided by the following:

Hear all major objections at once;

Do not rush to answer until you understand the essence of the objections;

Check if you are talking with the interlocutor about different things;

Find out whether the objections are really caused by different points of view or, perhaps, by different formulation of the question;

Do not respond to objections in a categorical tone. This will help your interlocutor and you find an answer to your own objections;

Ask questions in such a way that the interlocutor is faced with the need to choose between two answers. Specific questions force the interlocutor to say what, in his opinion, needs to be said, regardless of his own opinion.

During negotiations, be flexible. Try to look at yourself as if from the outside and answer the questions:

1. Did your mood, not related to the content of the conversation, affect the nature of the conversation?

2. Did you show dissatisfaction with the conversation with your facial expressions and posture?

3. Were you distracted during the conversation?
After the completion of negotiations need assessment:

1. Did you consistently lead the main line in the conversation?

2. Did you impose your arguments on the interlocutor when you
working solution?

3. Were your comments and objections justified?

4. Did you manage to be tactful throughout the conversation, not to have prejudices against the interlocutor?

5. Have you managed to achieve the maximum usefulness of the conversation that took place for business?

Also answer questions about negotiation techniques:

1. What was the most persuasive argument?

2. What data made the greatest impression?

3. Which message (for example, a warning) came in handy?

4. What quality or side of the usefulness of the product (service) seemed to the client the most valuable?

5. What type of service generated the most interest?

6. Which of the clients is experiencing a situation similar to the one that brought you a successful deal?

After you have analyzed your answers, determine which techniques worked best in practice. Use them more often.


1. The mental structure of personality according to 3. Freud and the practice of business communication.

2. Typologies of personality. The influence of individual psychological characteristics of a person on the effectiveness of communication

3. The communicative side of communication: communication and language, speech as verbal communication.

4. Translation of the meaning of the message and communication barriers (personal and communicative).

5. Feedback mechanism. Information transfer channels.

6. The ability to speak, its role in communication. Rules that increase the effectiveness of the message.

7. The psychological art of listening to others. Techniques for effective listening.

8. Characteristics of non-verbal communication. Non-verbal means of communication, their classification and meaning.

9. Communication as perception and understanding of each other by people. Mechanisms of perception.

10. Factors and effects of people's perception of each other in the process of communication. Typical misperceptions.

11. Communication as interaction between people. Transactional analysis by E. Bern.

12. Characteristics of managerial communication.

13. Communicative attractiveness. Techniques for accommodating a partner.

14. Business communication in the working group.

15. Psychological problems of leadership and leadership.

16. Conflicts: types, structure, stages of flow.

17. Prerequisites for the emergence of a conflict in the process of communication. Constructive conflict resolution.

18. Strategies and rules of conduct in a conflict situation.

19. Means and methods of psychological influence on a communication partner.

20. Features of business communication. Characteristics of the main phases of a business conversation.

21. Essence of ethics and communication etiquette.

22. Characteristics of tactical methods of argumentation. Manipulative methods of argumentation.

23. Verbal and non-verbal public speaking strategies.

24. Methods of psychological protection and self-defense of the individual.

25. Characteristics of effective self-presentation.

26. Characteristics of the types of written communication. Resume rules.

27. Management of the emotional sphere. Methods for reducing emotional tension.

28.Information and psychological security of the individual in the process of communication in modern conditions.

29. Psychological features of conducting business discussions and public speaking.

30. Psychological features of the preparation and conduct of business conversations, negotiations, meetings.

31. The art of arguing and the basics of conflict-free communication.

32. Stress and stress resistance of a person in business communication.

33. Prevention of stress in business communication. Methods for relieving psychological stress in conflict and stressful situations.

34. Evaluation of business qualities of subordinates.

35. Methodology for hiring based on an interview.

36. Ethical aspects of criticism in business relations.

37. Business etiquette. Rules of verbal etiquette.

38. Rules for business correspondence and telephone communication.

39. Image, clothes and manners of a business person (men, women).


2. Problems of personality psychology in domestic psychology. The mental structure of personality.

3. Mental structure of personality according to 3. Freud. Protective mechanisms of personality.

4. Model of mental, personality structure in analytical psychology by K. Jung and A. Adler.

5. Humanistic and cognitive approach to understanding the personality psyche (A. Maslow, K. Rogers, J. Kelly).

6. Typologies of personality.

7. Factors determining the behavior of a person in communication ("I-concept", macro and microenvironment)

8. The concept of communication: purpose, types, forms.

9. Functions and structure of communication.

10. Communicative side of communication: communication and speech. Features of verbal communication. Information transfer channels

11. Translation of the meaning of the message and communication barriers (communicative, personal).

12. Feedback mechanism.

13. The psychological art of listening to others. Types of active listening.

14. Techniques that increase the effectiveness of communication. Ability to ask questions and justify answers.

15. Non-verbal means of communication, their classification and meaning.

16. Features of non-verbal means of communication in different countries.

17. Specificity of intercultural communication.

18. The concept of social perception.

19. Mechanisms of perception and understanding by people of each other.

20. Factors that form the first impression of a person.

21. Effects of people's perception of each other in the process of communication.

22. Causal attribution as a perceptual mechanism.

23. Communication as interaction. behavior strategies.

24. Transactional analysis of E. Bern.

25. Styles of communication and leadership.

26. Types and forms of psychological impact on a partner.

27. Features of productive communication.

28. Psychological features of business communication. Stages of business communication.

29. Psychological features of preparing and conducting a business conversation.

30. Psychological features of the preparation and conduct of negotiations. Negotiation styles.

31. Motives of communication. Factors affecting the effectiveness of communication.

32. Types of interlocutors.

33. Business conversation as a special kind of business speech. Basic requirements for a business conversation.

34. Dispute, discussion, controversy: psychological features.

35. The art of arguing and the basics of conflict-free communication.

36. Psychological features of the preparation and conduct of public speaking.

37. Rules of business communication by phone.

38. Conflicts: types, structure, stages of flow.

39. Prerequisites for the emergence of a conflict in the process of communication.

40. Strategies and rules of conduct in a conflict situation.

41. Image (clothes, manners, behavior) of a business man.

42. Stress in business communication: causes and sources. The concept of stress resistance.

43. Prevention and ways to overcome stress in business communication.


1. Goranchuk, V.V. Psychology of business communication and managerial influences: theory and practice: textbook. allowance / V. V. Goranchuk. - St. Petersburg: Neva; M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2003. - 286 p.

2. Kamenskaya, E.N. Psychology and ethics of business communication: lecture notes / E. N. Kamenskaya. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2004. - 219 p.

3. Kuzin, F.A. Culture of business communication: pract. allowance / F. A. Kuzin. - . - M.: Os-89, . - 319 p.

4. Fundamentals of the theory of communication: textbook. for universities / M. A. Vasilik, M. S. Vershinin, V. A. Pavlov and others; ed. M.A. Vasilika. - Vulture MO. - M.: Gardariki, 2006. - 615 p.

5. Psychology and ethics of business communication: textbook. for universities / ed. V.N. Lavrinenko. - 4th ed., revised. and add.; Griffin MO. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2005. - 415 p.

6. Hasan, B.I. Psychology of conflict and negotiations: Proc. allowance for universities / B. I. Khasan, P. A. Sergomanov. - Vulture UMO. - M.: Academia, 2003. - 191 p.


1. Andreeva, G.M. Social psychology: textbook. for universities / G. M. Andreeva. - M.: Aspect Press, 2004. - 365 p.

6. Gromova, O.N. Conflictology: A course of lectures / O. N. Gromova. - M.: EKMOS, 2001. - 319 p.

7. Emelyanov, S.M. Workshop on conflictology: Proc. allowance for universities / S. M. Emelyanov. - 2nd ed., add. and reworked; Griffin MO. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 400 p.:

1. Enikeev, M.I. Psychological Encyclopedic Dictionary / M. I. Enikeev. - M.: Prospect, 2006. - 558 p.

2. Encyclopedic sociological dictionary / Ed. G.V. Osipov. - M: ISPI RAN, 1995.-940 p.

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………….….3

Requirements for the level of mastering the content of the discipline………………………..4

Requirements for the level of preparation of a student who has completed the study of this discipline………………………………………………………………………….. ....5

Guidelines for seminars……….………………………..8

Questions for self-study ……………………………………………9

Psychological workshop ……………………………………………………..15

Psychological diagnostics ……………………………………………………15

Topics of reports and abstracts……………………………………………..….……..41

Control questions……………………………………………………………..43


I do not pretend that with the help of this test it is really possible to understand whether you are a good psychologist or a bad one. But perhaps the result will make you think about your understanding of some situations. Before proceeding to the test, I would like to draw attention to the following:

  • The test will not return results until ALL questions have been answered.
  • Some (I emphasize: SOME!) correct answers are not absolute truth, but only reflect the personal opinion of the author of the test, although it is quite reasonable.
  • To answer MOST of the questions, you do not need special knowledge, just think logically.
  • So DO NOT TAKE THE RESULT TO HEART, especially if it is unsatisfactory for you.
  • All answers are explained on this page.
  • It is advisable to read the instructions given below (click on the word "Instructions").

So let's get started!

Are you a good psychologist?


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  • Look in the window next to the job number. If the answer is correct, then there (+). If you made a mistake, there (-).
  • 1 point is awarded for each correct answer;
  • Grades: less than 11.5 points - UNSATISFACTORY, from 11.5 but less than 17.25 - SATISFACTORY, 17.25 and less than 23 - GOOD, 23 - EXCELLENT;
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