Encyclopedia of fire safety

Ventilation in an apartment building: features of operation and cleaning procedure. Ventilation schemes in apartment buildings Natural ventilation device in an apartment building

According to current sanitary standards, apartment buildings must be equipped with ventilation, in which polluted air is removed from the kitchen and bathroom, and clean air is supplied to the living rooms.

The ventilation of houses built in the last century is based on natural draft. Modern residential complexes are put into operation with roof fans and forced air exchange systems. About how the ventilation system in an apartment building is arranged, how to clean and improve it, read on.

The need for ventilation in an apartment building

When washing, washing dishes and taking a shower, water vapor is released into the air. Particles of pile from clothes and carpets, epithelium and hairs of pets form dust. During cooking, odors and tiny droplets of fat evaporate.

If an apartment building is not equipped with a ventilation system, all human waste products remain in the premises. Conditions dangerous for people's health and safety of their property are being created. Mold eats into walls and furniture, and occupants suffer from allergies and asthma. In such apartments, babies and the elderly feel the worst.

Functions of ventilation in a residential area:

  • Ensure the penetration of clean air into the apartments;
  • Together with the exhaust air, remove dust and other impurities harmful to health;
  • Regulate humidity in residential and utility rooms.

If during cooking with an open window, odors spread to neighboring rooms, the ventilation system in an apartment building is not working satisfactorily. Another indicator that the ventilation in the house is not working is an intense accumulation of dust in the corners, on the ventilation grill and under the ceiling. Within a day or two after cleaning, you can notice clouds of dust under upholstered furniture.

Most often, residents of the upper floors suffer from this. The poor draft is explained by the insufficient distance between the ventilation grill in the apartment and the end of the ventilation duct. Normally, it should be at least 2 meters. Often this condition is not met due to the presence of a warm attic in an apartment building and ventilation does not work as intended by the designers.

The principle of venting air

Most of the complaints about work are caused by ignorance of how ventilation is arranged in a panel house.

There are 2 schemes for removing dirty air from apartment buildings:

Scheme 1. The ventilation duct reaches the attic, here it goes into a horizontal box

Several sealed boxes are combined into one shaft, ending above the roof. With this principle of ventilation in an apartment building, air masses from all floors rush to the horizontal duct, from there to the common shaft and to the street. In the process of movement, the air hits the surface of the box and an area of ​​​​high pressure is formed. Air rushes into the nearest hole leading out.

Sometimes the nearest exit is the ventilation duct of the fifth floor. Normally, this should be a common ventilation shaft. Even with an optimal cross-section of the horizontal duct, back draft can be observed if the duct cover is set too low. The air bounces off the lid and "squeezes out" the smells coming from below into the top floor kitchens. To avoid such an undesirable effect, 2 methods are used:

  • Method 1. It is necessary to increase the diameter of the horizontal box in the attic by 2.5 times. In addition, "cuts" are installed inside the box. All alterations must only be carried out by trained persons. You must first consult with a specialist, since it is not always possible to use this method to improve ventilation;
  • Method 2. The ventilation ducts of the last floor are arranged separately, they are brought into the ventilation shaft above the duct. A separate channel should be well insulated.

Scheme 2. All ventilation ducts lead to the attic

The attic room is used as an intermediate chamber. A single ventilation shaft leads through the roof.

This method of air removal is very common in modern construction.

Most often, there is no reverse thrust in the network, but on the upper floors it is very weak. This is explained by the low height of the vertical channel (no more than 40 cm). When the attic doors or between the sections are open, there is practically no air movement either.

The standard diameter of air ducts with such a ventilation system in an apartment building is 140 mm. To improve its operation, the outlets of the channels are extended due to the pipes put on them. The joints are sealed. It is enough to add 1 meter of pipe and tilt it slightly towards the central shaft.

Apartment supply and exhaust ventilation

In multi-storey buildings, an inflow-blowing ventilation system is equipped in each apartment. The following scheme is usually used: in toilets, bathrooms and kitchens, exhaust duct outlets are located, and clean air is supplied through the vents.

In order for the air to circulate freely around the apartment, gaps of 1–2 cm are left under the interior doors.

Such a plan for the operation of ventilation in an apartment building is quite simple, but not always effective.

If the windows in the apartment fog up, periodically smell unpleasant - it is necessary to examine the ventilation of the apartment building. Often natural ventilation in an apartment building does not work due to clogging. But residents do not have the right to clean the ventilation in apartment buildings. Repair work is also carried out by specialists. So how to clean the ventilation in the apartment?

Professional ventilation cleaning

Specialists clean the ventilation in apartment buildings with the help of professional equipment. First, a diagnosis of the ventilation of an apartment building is carried out. As a rule, a video camera is involved for this. It detects places of accumulation of debris and dust, destruction. Then the pneumatic brush machine removes all the dirt. At the same time, you can disinfect the mine.

You can conduct an examination of the ventilation of an apartment building in the simplest way: bring a burning candle or match to the ventilation grill. If the flame deviates towards ventilation, then all is not lost. The vertical location of the flame indicates that the natural ventilation in the house is really not working. When examining ventilation, it is necessary to check all ventilation grilles in an apartment building.

Self-cleaning ventilation

Residents of apartment buildings can dismantle the ventilation grill in their apartment and clean the accessible part of the shaft with a broom or vacuum cleaner.

Before you clean the ventilation in an apartment building yourself, it is advisable to wear protective equipment: gloves, a respirator, goggles. Sometimes a perfectly serviceable and clean system does not work effectively.

In this case, you need to resort to additional means:

  • supply valves;
  • exhaust fans.

They make it possible to regulate the inflow and exhaust of air from the apartment, they are inexpensive and quite easy to install.

Basement and basement ventilation

The basement is one of the most important elements of the ventilation system of an apartment building. After all, the ventilation shafts, penetrating all floors, begin precisely in the basement.

As a rule, the ventilation of the basement floor of an apartment building is organized on natural draft.

To remove raw air from the basement, common ventilation ducts are used, which exit through openings on each floor and in each apartment.

The influx of fresh air is equally important for the ventilation of the basement of an apartment building, where it is often damp and cold. This purpose is served by vents or holes in the walls of the basement, located slightly above the ground. The number of products is calculated based on the area of ​​the building.

The area of ​​the vents is 1/400 of the area of ​​the building.

If the building is located in an area with a high content of radon or a limiting radiation background, the area of ​​​​the vents increases to 1/100 of the area of ​​the building.

The area of ​​one vent can vary from 0.05 to 0.85 sq. meters.

Products with a diameter of 30 x 30 cm must be reinforced.

The shape of the ventilation holes can be any, but most often they are made rectangular or round. This form is easier to perform and looks better.

Air must be evenly distributed around the perimeter of the foundation to avoid the formation of windproof areas.

The distance from the corner to the nearest vent is 90 cm. It is advisable to make an even number of vents and place them opposite each other. The distance to the ground is at least 20 cm. If you lower the holes below, they may be flooded with rain or spring floods.

The higher above the ground the vents are, the better.

If the foundation of the house has internal load-bearing surfaces, air vents should be made in them so that the entire basement of the apartment building is ventilated.

The vents must not be closed, otherwise the whole principle of the ventilation of an apartment building will be violated. From penetration into the basement of cats and rodents, the holes are closed with a metal mesh.

So, the ventilation of an apartment building is a single system, the device of which starts in the basement and ends above the roof. Any attempts by residents to interfere with its work on their own, such as cleaning the ventilation in the apartment, dismantling its elements or altering it, entail administrative responsibility!

More about how the ventilation of an apartment building works video:

Issue Status

The use in the mass construction of residential buildings of translucent structures with high tightness of window porches (in PVC, glued wood, aluminum, etc., with two or three sealing circuits, sealing of double-glazed windows) led to the emergence of a number of problems associated with the deterioration of indoor air quality, an increase in its relative humidity, mold formation on individual structures, damage to interior decoration, etc., which has been repeatedly written on the pages of various specialized publications.

It should be noted that these problems are not unique to our country. There was even a special term that characterizes the state of the parameters of the internal environment of such buildings - "the syndrome of sick buildings." But if in most European countries the increase in the tightness of window blocks and, accordingly, the decrease in air exchange in rooms was considered, first of all, from the standpoint of energy saving (reduction of energy costs for heating supply air) and various types of valves, supply and exhaust systems were provided as compensatory measures for air supply. mechanical ventilation, then in our country the transition to the use of hermetic translucent structures took place (and is taking place) with a slightly different motivation (convenient, beautiful, “no noise”, etc.) and practically without any regard for the relationship with the microclimate of the premises and work ventilation systems. And often without an elementary understanding of this relationship.

In recent years, one more problem has been added to the above - a violation of the operation of natural ventilation systems, which manifests itself in a change in the direction of air movement in the exhaust ventilation ducts (the so-called overturning of the ducts) with the entry of outside cold air into the heated premises. Consequences: lowering the temperature of the walls of the channels, the formation of condensate, frost, frost, up to the defrosting of cold water pipelines. That causes quite natural claims to builders from consumers.

It should be noted that other violations of the ventilation systems are possible, in particular, the flow of air through the exhaust ducts between individual apartments, the flow of air from a warm attic into apartments on the upper floors, overturning of exhaust shafts and, accordingly, a decrease in air temperature in a warm attic, etc. However, in this article, it is precisely the cases of overturning of natural ventilation systems with vertical channels (without a warm attic) that are considered in this article - with the entry into apartments through one of the exhaust ducts of outside cold air.

Physics of processes

The reasons and conditions for the overturning of individual channels can be considered using the example of an apartment on the top floor of a multi-storey residential building with independent ventilation ducts located in the bathroom and kitchen.

Under the influence of thermal pressure drops, exhaust ducts remove air from the apartment, creating a certain vacuum, as a result of which fresh air must enter the living quarters through leaks in the building envelope or open windows. And if the sashes of the window blocks are open in at least one of the rooms, then the air flow is provided and the exhaust ducts work for the hood - as envisaged by the project. But if the sashes of the window blocks are closed, while the window blocks themselves are made with good sealing of the porches, then the air flow into the apartment decreases sharply, the air flow through the exhaust ducts decreases accordingly, and the system as a whole enters an unstable equilibrium mode: there is a pressure difference, the channels are filled warm air, but there is practically no air movement through the channels - due to insufficient inflow. The system "stops".

And in this situation, a small pressure difference due to gusts of wind, opening of the front door, temperature difference in individual rooms or different marks of the ventilation shaft heads is enough for one of the channels to “tip over”. At the same time, the "tipped" channel is filled with cold air, its walls are cooled, an additional pressure drop appears due to the difference in the densities of warm and cold air in different channels of one apartment, and the system goes into a new stable state with the flow of outside air into the apartment through the exhaust channel.

It should be noted that attempts to start overturned channels by heating them with gas burners, connecting fans, increasing the height of the heads, as a rule, do not give an effect, since the causes of overturning are not eliminated.

If the channels are located in different parts of the apartment (for example, the bathroom is in the bedroom area, and the kitchen is adjacent to the hallway), then cold air moves along the corridor from one of the channels to the others. As a rule, one channel “overturns” in the apartment, while other exhaust channels begin to work hard for the hood.

When you open a sash of a window block (any - in the kitchen or in the common room), the ventilation system of the apartment switches to the design mode - with the removal of air through all exhaust ducts. But when the sash is closed, everything returns to its previous state.

Aerodynamic calculations of ventilation using a special computer program show that when the characteristics of modern windows are introduced into the calculation, a violation of the ventilation system occurs at almost any outside temperature. At the same time, when the characteristics of the “old” window blocks are introduced into the calculation (without sealing the window porches), the exhaust ducts work for the hood even with the windows closed.

In multi-storey buildings with vertical prefabricated channels and satellite channels, the pressure distribution along the height is more complex. The characteristics of the entrance doors, the staircase, the dimensions of the prefabricated channel and satellite channels, not to mention the wind or the open sashes of window blocks on individual floors, have an influence. However, in general, the described relationship remains true for multi-storey buildings. In practice, there have been cases of overturning of the prefabricated channel completely throughout the riser - from the top floor to the basement of a ten-story residential building.

What to do?

The traditional questions that arise in such situations are “who is to blame” and “what to do”?

As a rule, claims for “incorrect” operation of ventilation systems are presented to builders: “... deviations from the project”, “... quality of work performance”, etc. But, despite the fact that in some cases certain costs of implementing design solutions take place on construction site, the main reasons lie deeper and are primarily due to omissions or errors made at the project development stage - when choosing a ventilation system concept, conducting aerodynamic calculations and substantiating the design parameters of the system. Although it should be noted that it is difficult to call these omissions fully errors, since until recently there were no regulatory and methodological documents prescribing the procedures for such calculations in relation to natural ventilation systems, taking into account the characteristics of modern enclosing structures.

In this regard, an excerpt from SNiP 31-01-2003“Residential multi-apartment buildings” “... In residential premises and kitchens, air flow is provided through adjustable window sashes, transoms, vents, valves or other devices, including autonomous wall air dampers with adjustable opening ...”. That is, formally, SNiP 31-01-2003 allows ventilation due to periodically opening vents or casements of window blocks, which is what designers refer to in critical situations.

But the same SNiP also stipulates the requirements for air exchange of premises - in non-working mode, the air exchange rate must be at least n=0.2 for living rooms and not less n=0.5 for kitchens and bathrooms. That is, even in the absence of people in the apartment, the ventilation system must provide a certain air exchange. For example, in a typical three-room apartment - at least 40 m3 / h. How to ensure this air exchange is the task of designers. With closed sashes, window blocks made of PVC profiles or glued wood do not provide even 20% of the required air flow.

The question “what to do” can be conditionally divided into several private sub-questions:

  • what to do when designing natural ventilation systems in order to exclude such results at the design development stage (it should be noted that this is the most difficult issue that requires separate consideration);
  • what to do during construction (how to make sure if a building with a similar ventilation system is already under construction);
  • what to do if the building is built and the phenomena described are fully manifested already at the stage of operation.
At first glance, the obvious and simple answer to all these questions is to ensure an organized air flow by installing supply valves. Since window blocks have learned to be made so airtight, it is necessary to make additional, adjustable “windows” - “autonomous valves” for an organized air flow, and, accordingly, depressurize the apartments. It should be noted that at present this kind of supply valves are quite widely represented on the domestic market, certain experience has been gained in their operation and there is already plenty to choose from.

However, only the installation of supply valves does not guarantee the stable operation of the natural ventilation system. Supply valves are a necessary but not sufficient condition.

The reasons are as follows:

  • firstly, during the operation of the building, no one can guarantee that in individual apartments (and maybe in all apartments, for example, at the stage of completion of construction or the initial stage of operation of the house) the valves can be closed; and, accordingly, the ventilation system may again be in an unstable state; secondly, there is too much difference in the aerodynamic resistance of the supply valves (even when fully open) and the exhaust ducts.
As an example, in Table. 2 shows the resistance characteristics of some supply valves, window blocks and exhaust ventilation ducts. The differences in the resistance characteristics are several orders of magnitude.

In other words, in a modern apartment equipped with supply valves, such as window valves or wall valves, the main pressure losses (air resistance) do not occur in the exhaust ducts, as is assumed in traditional calculations, but in the inlet (supply valves and windows). And, accordingly, for the successful operation of the ventilation system, careful coordination of the exhaust ducts is necessary, both with the supply ventilation devices and with each other. The word "linkage" in this case means the selection of the characteristics of the supply valves (quantity, resistance for air passage, flow rate) and the characteristics of the exhaust ducts (number, dimensions, height of the heads, etc.); if necessary, increase the resistance of the channels by installing louvered grilles, exhaust valves or throttling liners.

This task is especially relevant for apartments on the upper floors of multi-storey buildings, which, as a rule, have their own exhaust ducts (with very little resistance), as well as in cases where the heads of the ventilation shafts are at different elevations and the operation of the ventilation systems is also affected by the difference in available pressures. in exhaust ducts of different heights.

Thus, in order to ensure stable operation of natural ventilation systems in residential multi-apartment buildings and to prevent tipping of exhaust ducts, it seems necessary:

1. Mandatory use of supply devices that provide a regulated supply of fresh air to living rooms.

2. At the stage of designing ventilation systems - careful coordination of exhaust ducts with supply ventilation devices and among themselves. If it is not possible to provide the required cross-section of exhaust ducts (for example, in large-panel buildings with factory-made ventilation units), provision should be made for the installation of throttling inserts with calibrated holes, indicating their number, installation location, diameter of holes with layout by floors (as was done during the design heating systems with throttling washers on risers).

Ideally, the projects of residential buildings should provide for the installation of special exhaust valves on the ventilation ducts, which provide the ability to automatically control the air flow depending on the mode of operation of the apartment, including with the functions of a check valve. The resistance of the exhaust dampers should be changed taking into account the mode of operation of the supply devices or the degree of opening of the window sashes. The principal characteristics of such devices are shown in fig. four.

3. When putting a residential building into operation - commissioning adjustment of exhaust ducts and supply devices. The performance of ventilation systems should be assessed both with open and closed sashes of window blocks. In accordance with the requirements of SNiP 31-01-2003, the ventilation system must provide on-duty air exchange even with the windows closed.

If the appropriate solutions were not provided at the construction stage and the overturning of air in the channels was already detected during the operation of the building, the following sequence of actions can be recommended:

  • to bring the system into the design mode - cover (or completely close) the exhaust channels working for the hood; at first glance, this advice may seem strange, since in order to reduce the influx of cold air, it seems to be necessary to block the channels that work for the inflow (which is what residents try to do in such situations); however, only by blocking the channels working for the exhaust, it is possible to “force” the overturned channels to start working in the design mode; to speed up this process, you can slightly open one of the sashes of window blocks;
  • install (mount) in each living room, with the exception of the kitchen and bathrooms, window or wall valves with adjustable air flow;
  • further - install throttling inserts with holes with a diameter of 40-50 mm in all channels of the apartment, thus increasing the resistance of the exhaust channels; as throttling liners, you can use any sheet material - expanded polystyrene, drywall, polyurethane, which can be easily inserted into the exhaust ducts;
  • after the system enters the design mode, it is possible to replace the throttling inserts in the ventilation ducts with louvered grilles with an adjustable cross section; choose the mode of opening the dampers of the supply valves and louvres, providing the required air exchange of the apartment.
The difficulty of implementing the above recommendations is partly due to the fact that in ventilation systems with vertical prefabricated ducts, the above measures must be carried out in almost all apartments located on one riser (at least in at least 60% of apartments). Otherwise, it is possible for air to flow through the collection duct to the apartments of other floors.

In emergency situations, for example, in case of malfunction of ventilation systems during a cold snap, a simpler solution is also possible - by reducing the cross section of the channels ("clamping" all channels) at the mouth of the exhaust ventilation shafts - from the roof. However, this solution significantly reduces the air exchange of all apartments and can only be considered as a short-term measure aimed at preventing damage.

It should be noted that the above problems are typical, first of all, for ventilation systems with vertical channels that go directly into the atmosphere - without a warm attic. Ventilation systems with a warm attic are more resistant to tipping - due to the presence of a common chamber - an attic space that equalizes the pressure between the individual channels of the apartments. However, these ventilation systems must also take into account the above recommendations.

The ventilation system is one of the most important building communications. Proper operation of the system ensures air exchange, which helps to remove moisture, unnecessary heat, hazardous substances contained inside buildings, houses and structures.

The ventilation system, both in apartment buildings and in industrial buildings, is laid during the construction of the facility, respectively, after a long-term operation of the building, these engineering systems begin to need repair and appropriate maintenance.

JSC "SU Elektrozhilremont" performs maintenance work and, as well as in administrative buildings, etc.

Work in progress.

  1. Checking and cleaning of ventilation ducts and chimneys. All ventilation systems of multi-apartment residential buildings are subject to mandatory periodic inspection and cleaning.. The performance of such work, as a rule, is assigned to a specialized organization with which the management company enters into an agreement. The timing of the work can vary from once a quarter to once every two years, depending on what material the ventilation shaft is made of.
  2. Video inspection of ventilation ducts for the presence of illegal redevelopment. Unauthorized redevelopment of apartments of residents of houses quite often contribute to violations in the operation of ventilation systems and chimneys. With the help of modern video equipment, employees of JSC "SU Elektrozhilremont" will find a problem that impedes air exchange in the system and, if necessary, will perform work to eliminate the identified problem.
  3. Checking the presence of draft and ventilation microclimate parameters.

When carrying out such a check, the following parameters are examined: the speed of movement of the air flow, reverse thrust, measurements of the temperature and humidity of the air, as well as the level of gas contamination of the ventilation system of a residential building are performed.

  1. Visual inspection and repair of caps of exhaust shafts of natural ventilation.

The impact of the environment, in the form of precipitation, or, for example, condensate contributes to the destruction of the material from which the chimney and ventilation shafts are made. Such destruction is the cause of blockages and blockages of natural ventilation shafts. With the formation of blockages, traction deteriorates. In this regard, the only way to eliminate such a problem is to repair the shaft heads.

You can get more detailed advice by leaving a request on our website, or by contacting us by phone.


Introduction date 2012-04-04

1 DEVELOPED by a creative team of specialists of the non-profit partnership "Engineers for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, heat supply and building thermal physics" (NP "AVOK"):

Yu.A.Tabunshchikov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences (NP "AVOK") - Head;

M.M. Brodach, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (MARCHI);

A.N. Kolubkov (PPF "Alexander Kolubkov");

L.V. Ivanikhina, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (JSC "TsNIIPromzdaniy");

V.A. Ionin (Moscow Architecture Committee);

V.I.Livchak, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (NP "ABOK");

E.G.Malyavina, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (MGSU);

A.L. Naumov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (NPO "Termek");

E.O. Shilkrot, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (JSC "TsNIIPromzdaniy").

2 APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by order of the head of the Department of urban planning policy, development and reconstruction of the city of Moscow dated February 24, 2004 N 14.

3 AGREED with Gosstroy of Russia, Moskomarchitectura and Moscomexpertiza.

4 REVISION. April 2012



Organized air exchange (ventilation) is the main way to ensure the purity of the air in the apartments of residential buildings. The comfort of living, people's health, safety and durability of building structures depend on the quality and reliability of ventilation.

In housing construction in the USSR and Russia, as a rule, natural supply and exhaust ventilation systems were used. Outdoor air entered the apartments through leaks in window frames, vents, transoms or openable windows and was removed through the ventilation ducts of sanitary facilities and kitchens. The use of natural ventilation in buildings of mass construction was due to its simplicity and low cost, as well as the practical absence of the need for its maintenance with the then existing sealing of the external fences of apartments. The disadvantages of natural ventilation were the unstable air regime of the apartments, caused by the significant influence of the outdoor temperature and the influence of the wind, discomfort from the use of vents at low outdoor temperatures. Opening the windows usually leads to excessive ventilation and cooling of the premises, which is especially evident in the cold season.

The high tightness of modern windows has made natural ventilation systems practically inoperable. The comfort of living has deteriorated in the apartments. High humidity and low air quality are observed, which is often the cause of fungal infections of structures. Attempts to organize ventilation by opening vents in sealed windows do not allow to provide the required microclimate of the premises and significantly reduce the efficiency of heat use, the cost of which for heating the supply air in a modern apartment often exceeds the heat loss through external fences. The opening of the vents contributes to the penetration of noise through the windows of apartments facing the street.

High requirements for the quality of ventilation have led to the need to use other design ventilation schemes, such as a controlled ventilation device with natural air inflow through special supply valves that provide standard air exchange and prevent street noise from penetrating into apartments; a device for mechanical exhaust or mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation, including with the utilization of the heat of the exhaust air. These schemes make it possible to normalize the air-thermal regime of apartments, provide the required air exchange, and also, in the case of air exchange regulation according to demand and the use of exhaust air heat recovery, reduce heat costs for ventilation.

The requirements of federal laws and regulations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation also pay attention to improving indoor air quality.

Thus, the requirements include the following provisions:

"Article 10. Requirements for living and staying in buildings and structures that are safe for human health


2. A building or structure must be designed and built in such a way that during the operation of the building or structure, safe conditions are provided for living and staying of a person in buildings and structures according to the following indicators:

1) air quality in industrial, residential and other premises of buildings and structures and in working areas of industrial buildings and structures;


5) protection against noise in the premises of residential and public buildings and in the working areas of industrial buildings and structures;

6) indoor microclimate;

7) regulation of humidity on the surface and inside building structures;

8) the level of vibration in the premises of residential and public buildings and the level of technological vibration in the working areas of industrial buildings and structures ...


Article 20. Requirements for ensuring air quality

1. The design documentation of buildings and structures must provide for the equipment of buildings and structures with a ventilation system. The design documentation of buildings and structures may provide for the equipment of premises with an air conditioning system. Ventilation and air conditioning systems must ensure the supply of air to the premises with the content of harmful substances not exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations for such premises or for the working area of ​​industrial premises.

2. In the design documentation of buildings and structures with premises for the stay of people, measures must be provided for:

1) limiting the penetration of dust, moisture, harmful and unpleasantly smelling substances from the atmospheric air into the premises;

2) ensuring air exchange sufficient for the timely removal of harmful substances from the air and maintaining the chemical composition of the air in proportions favorable for human life;

3) preventing the penetration of harmful and unpleasantly smelling substances into premises with permanent residence of people from pipelines of sewerage systems and devices, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, from air ducts and technological pipelines, as well as exhaust gases from built-in car parks;

4) preventing the penetration of soil gases (radon, methane) into the premises, if in the course of engineering surveys their presence is found in the territory where the construction and operation of the building or structure will be carried out.

The order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, as the minimum requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings, structures, structures, prescribes that the building put into operation during construction, reconstruction, overhaul must be equipped with devices that optimize the operation of ventilation systems (air vents in windows or walls that automatically provide outdoor air on demand, exhaust air heat exchangers for supply air heating, use of recirculation).

The Decree of the Government of Moscow sets the following as the main tasks:

- implementation in the design and construction of buildings and structures of energy-efficient technological and technical solutions and equipment of "active" energy saving, including mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation systems with heat recovery from ventilation emissions, heat pump heat supply systems, thermal energy storage systems, efficient heating devices with adjustable heat transfer, systems for automated accounting of energy consumption and microclimate control, etc.;

- development and implementation of standards and regulations for the refrigeration supply of residential and public buildings, including requirements for reducing summer peaks in electrical load and regulations for equipping both residential buildings under construction and in operation with air conditioning systems.

For the products of house-building factories, this regulation allows the use of controlled exhaust ventilation with mechanical stimulation and with natural inflow through ventilation * valves in windows or external enclosing structures.
* In this technical note, the term "supply valves" is used instead of the term "vent valves".

The requirements of the Decree of the Government of Moscow in the list of measures to save energy and improve the energy efficiency of the common property of owners of premises in designed, new, overhauled and reconstructed apartment buildings prescribe the following measures for ventilation systems:

"5. The use of auto-regulated exhaust ventilation with mechanical stimulation and natural inflow through ventilation valves in external enclosing structures.

6. Recovery and utilization of heat from ventilation emissions, including with the help of heat pump heat supply systems.

7. Use of non-traditional renewable energy sources and secondary energy resources".

1 area of ​​use

1.2 Technical recommendations were developed in the development of SP 60.13330.2010 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning", SP 54.13330.2011 "Multi-apartment buildings" and taking into account the requirements of SP 7.13130.2009 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Fire safety requirements".
* As SP 60.13330.2010 Rosstandart registered SNiP 41-01-2003. It should be taken into account that the project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys accepted by the developer or technical customer, the development of which began before 07/01/2015 and which are submitted for primary or repeated state or non-state examination of project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys are checked for compliance according to SP 60.13330.2010. Otherwise, it is necessary to apply SP 60.13330 2012

When designing, constructing and operating ventilation systems for residential buildings, one should be guided by the regulatory documents in force in the Russian Federation, as well as the provisions of these technical recommendations.

1.3 Technical recommendations apply to the design of ventilation systems for apartment premises, in which the air permeability of windows, balcony doors, entrance doors to an apartment, doors and hatches of communication shafts meets the requirements of SP 50.13330.2010 "Thermal protection of buildings".
* As SP 50.13330.2010 Rosstandart registered SNiP 23-02-2003. It should be taken into account that the project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys accepted by the developer or technical customer, the development of which began before 07/01/2015 and which are submitted for primary or repeated state or non-state examination of project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys are checked for compliance according to SP 60.13330.2010. Otherwise, it is necessary to apply SP 50.13330.2012, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

2 Normative references

In these technical recommendations, references are made to the following regulatory documents:

GOST 12.1.003-83 * SSBT. Noise. General safety requirements

GOST 30494-96 Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters

SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises

SN 2.2.4 / Noise at workplaces, in residential, public buildings and in residential areas

SNiP 23-01-99 * Building climatology

SP 7.13130.2009 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Fire requirements

SP 23-103-2003 Design of soundproofing of enclosing structures of residential and public buildings

SP 50.13330.2010 Thermal protection of buildings

SP 51.13330.2011 Noise protection

SP 54.13330.2011 Residential multi-apartment buildings

SP 60.13330.2010 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

GN Maximum allowable concentrations (MPC) of pollutants in the atmospheric air of populated areas

GN Approximate safe exposure levels (SLI) of pollutants in the atmospheric air of populated areas

3 Terms and definitions

3.1 ventilation: Artificially organized exchange of air in the premises to ensure the parameters of the microclimate and air quality in the serviced area of ​​the premises within acceptable limits.

3.2 natural ventilation: Organized exchange of air in rooms under the influence of thermal (gravitational) and / or wind pressure.

3.3 mechanical ventilation (artificial): Organized exchange of air in the premises under the influence of pressure created by fans.

3.4 outside air: Atmospheric air taken in by the ventilation system for supply to the serviced premises.

3.5 supply air: The air supplied to the room by the ventilation system.

3.6 air removed: Air taken from a room and no longer used in it.

3.7 deflector: An element of the exhaust ventilation system located above the exhaust shaft.

3.8 permissible indoor air quality (air purity): The air composition in which, as defined by the authorities, the concentration of known pollutants does not exceed the maximum allowable concentrations and for which more than 80% of people who are exposed to it have no claims.

3.9 umbrella: An element of the exhaust ventilation system located above the exhaust shaft.

3.10 room microclimate: The state of the internal environment of the room, characterized by the following indicators: air temperature, radiation temperature, speed of movement and relative humidity in the room.

3.11 adjustable ventilation: Controlled air exchange in the room with the help of devices that create it.

3.12 collection channel (air duct): A section of duct to which ducts from 2 or more floors are connected.

3.13 satellite: A vertical section of an air duct that changes the direction of air movement and prevents it from flowing from one apartment to another.

3.14 warm attic Attic, into the space of which air enters, removed from the premises of the building with its further removal to the outside.

4 Types and types of ventilation systems

4.1 The following types of ventilation systems are used in apartments of residential buildings:

- systems of natural ventilation with natural inflow and removal of air;

- ventilation systems with mechanical removal and natural air supply;

- ventilation systems with mechanical inflow and with natural air removal;

- mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation systems.

There are the following types of ventilation systems: centralized and decentralized.

4.3 Natural ventilation systems are performed with air removal through a warm attic with a single shaft on the roof (Figure 1) or through separate channels leading to the roof (Figure 2).

Figure 1 - Scheme of a natural ventilation system with separate and common prefabricated exhaust ducts in a building with a warm attic

Figure 1 - Scheme of a natural ventilation system with separate and common prefabricated exhaust ducts in a building with a warm attic: 1 - supply unit; 2 - exhaust device; 3 - heater; 4 - satellite; 5 - prefabricated exhaust channel; 6 - exhaust shaft; 7 - exhaust fan (individual); 8 - pallet

Figure 2 - Diagram of a natural ventilation system with separate and prefabricated exhaust ducts

Figure 2 - Scheme of a natural ventilation system with separate and prefabricated exhaust ducts: 1 - supply device; 2 - exhaust device; 3 - heater; 4 - satellite; 5 - prefabricated exhaust channel; 6 - exhaust shaft with a deflector; 7 - exhaust fan (individual)

Natural ventilation systems with air removal through a warm attic should not be used in buildings below 7 floors.

When designing ventilation systems in buildings with a warm attic, one exhaust shaft per section should be arranged, provided that the sections are hermetically separated from each other. The exhaust shaft is made with an aspect ratio of not more than 1:2 with an open head and a height of at least 4.5 m from the top of the ceiling above the last floor. The air speed in the mine should not exceed 1 m/s, which ensures that the resistance of the general sections of the ventilation system is limited to 1 Pa and thereby increases the stability of its operation. To collect atmospheric precipitation on the floor of the attic under the shaft, a pallet with a depth of 0.25 m should be placed. Under the design conditions, the air temperature in the attic should not be lower than 14 °C.

When designing natural ventilation systems, measures should be taken to intensify air exchange during the warm season by installing a mechanical exhaust on the bypass duct of the exhaust shaft in buildings with a warm attic (Figure 3).

Figure 3 - Scheme of the natural ventilation system with the intensification of air exchange during the warm period of the year

Figure 3 - Scheme of the natural ventilation system with the intensification of air exchange in the warm season: 1 - supply device; 2 - exhaust device; 3 - heater; 4 - satellite; 5 - prefabricated exhaust channel; 6 - exhaust shaft; 7 - exhaust fan (individual); 8 - exhaust fan; 9 - air valve with a drive; 10 - pallet

In buildings without a warm attic, exhaust shafts on the roof should be equipped with deflectors. It is allowed to combine shafts from different ventilation systems under one umbrella or deflector (Figure 4). In aerodynamic terms, the deflector is preferable to an umbrella installed above the block of ventilation ducts, brought out above the roof in the form of a pipe.

Figure 4 - Scheme of a natural ventilation system with a common prefabricated exhaust duct

Figure 4 - Scheme of a natural ventilation system with a common prefabricated exhaust duct: 1 - supply device; 2 - exhaust device; 3 - heater; 4 - satellite; 5 - prefabricated exhaust channel; 6 - exhaust shaft with a deflector; 7 - exhaust fan (individual)

The air supply to the apartments is carried out through supply valves installed in the window frame or in the outer wall. As an exception, it is allowed to use air vents, transoms or opening window sashes equipped with position locks for air supply, if the level of street noise does not exceed the permissible level.

Removal of air from the premises of the apartment is carried out through exhaust devices - exhaust grilles or valves. Exhaust devices in buildings above 6 floors are connected to a vertical collection channel through a satellite with a height of at least 2 m. The resistance of the satellite at the estimated air flow in it should be at least 6-9 Pa. It is allowed to provide vertical collection channels both common and separate for kitchens and sanitary facilities located one under the other on the floors of the building. In the case of using a common vertical collection duct, exhaust devices from kitchens and sanitary facilities should be connected via separate satellites. For air inflow under the doors of kitchens and sanitary facilities, a gap of 0.03 m high should be left or a grate with a living area of ​​at least 0.03 m should be installed near the floor.

The removal of air from the premises of apartments on the upper floors of the building, as a rule, is carried out with the help of individual exhaust fans through separate channels. The number of floors, the apartments of which must be equipped with individual fans, is determined by the calculation. For buildings with more than 6 floors, the upper third of the building, but not more than 4 upper floors, is equipped with fans.

In natural ventilation systems, it is allowed to install household individual exhaust fans on the exhaust devices of each apartment in systems with separate vertical ducts.

4.4 Mechanical exhaust ventilation systems with natural air supply are designed with central (Figure 5) or individual (Figure 6) exhaust fans.

Figure 5 - Scheme of a mechanical exhaust ventilation system (centralized) with a natural air supply

Figure 5 - Scheme of a mechanical exhaust ventilation system (centralized) with a natural air supply: 1 - supply device; 2 - exhaust device; 3 - heater; 4 - satellite; 5 - prefabricated exhaust channel; 6 - exhaust fan; 7 - exhaust shaft with an umbrella; 8 - fire damper

Figure 6 - Scheme of a mechanical exhaust ventilation system with individual fans with natural air supply

Figure 6 - Scheme of a mechanical exhaust ventilation system with individual fans with natural air inflow: 1 - supply device; 2 - exhaust fan; 3 - heater; 4 - exhaust channel; 5 - exhaust shaft with an umbrella

The air supply to the apartments is carried out in the same way as in natural ventilation systems.

4.5 Mechanical supply ventilation systems with natural air removal are designed with a central supply fan (Figure 7) or individual supply fans (Figure 8).

Figure 7 - Scheme of a mechanical supply ventilation system (centralized) with natural air removal

Figure 7 - Scheme of a mechanical supply ventilation system (centralized) with natural air removal: 1 - supply device; 2 - exhaust device; 3 - heater; 4 - exhaust channel; 5 - supply channel; 6 - supply unit; 7 - over-slab umbrella with an individual fan; 8 - exhaust shaft; 9 - fire damper

Figure 8 - Diagram of a mechanical supply ventilation system (decentralized) with natural air removal

Figure 8 - Scheme of a mechanical supply ventilation system (decentralized) with natural air removal: 1 - supply device; 2 - exhaust device; 3 - heater; 4 - exhaust channel; 5 - prefabricated exhaust channel; 6 - supply individual installations; 7 - over-slab umbrella with an individual fan; 8 - exhaust shaft; 9 - check valve

The air flow into the apartments is carried out into the living quarters or through the piping of the indoor units of ducted air conditioners, if any.

Systems are designed with both common and separate collection channels for kitchens and sanitary facilities located one below the other on the floors of the building.

4.6 Mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation systems must have devices for utilizing the heat of the exhaust air for heating the supply air (Figures 9, 10 and 11), as well as devices for cooling and humidifying (conditioning) the air based on the climatic conditions of the construction area.

Figure 9 - Scheme of the mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation system (centralized) with the recovery of the heat of the exhaust air (utilization with an intermediate coolant

Figure 9 - Scheme of the mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation system (centralized) with the recovery of the heat of the exhaust air (utilization with an intermediate coolant): 1 - supply device; 2 - exhaust device; 3 - heater; 4 - satellite; 5 - supply channel (outside the apartment); 6 - supply unit with a heat recovery unit with an intermediate coolant; 7 - exhaust unit with a heat recovery unit with an intermediate coolant; 8 - intermediate coolant pipeline; 9 - circulation pump; 10 - over-slab umbrella with an individual fan; 11 - exhaust shaft; 12 - fire damper

Figure 10 - Scheme of a mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation system (decentralized) with heat recovery from the exhaust air

Figure 10 - Scheme of a mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation system (decentralized) with heat recovery from the exhaust air: 1 - supply unit; 2 - exhaust device; 3 - heater; 4 - exhaust channel; 5 - prefabricated exhaust channel; 6 - air handling unit (individual) with a heat exchanger; 7 - over-plate umbrella; 8 - exhaust shaft with an umbrella; 9 - check valve

Figure 11 - Scheme of a mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation system (centralized) with heat recovery of the exhaust air

Figure 11 - Scheme of a mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation system (centralized) with heat recovery of the exhaust air: 1 - supply unit; 2 - exhaust device; 3 - heater; 4 - satellite; 5 - prefabricated exhaust channel; 6 - air handling unit with heat exchanger; 7 - supply air duct; 8 - fire damper; 9 - exhaust shaft

As heat recovery devices for mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation systems, it is recommended to use plate heat exchangers, heat exchangers on heat pipes, systems with an intermediate coolant (Figure 12). In residential decentralized systems, the use of regenerative heat exchangers is allowed.

Figure 12 - Schematic diagram of the piping of ventilation units when using the heat recovery of the exhaust air with an intermediate coolant

Figure 12 - Schematic diagram of the piping of ventilation units when using the heat recovery of the exhaust air with an intermediate coolant: 1 - supply unit; 2 - exhaust installation; 3 - circulation pump; 4 - boost circuit pump; 5 - three-way control valve; 6 - a tank for preparing an antifreeze solution; 7 - expansion tank

Air diffusers for supplying fresh air are installed in residential premises, exhaust devices - in utility rooms (kitchens, sanitary facilities, laundry rooms, pantries, etc.).

To supply fresh air to the rooms, a network of air ducts is used or fresh air is supplied to the piping of the indoor units of ducted air conditioners located in the space of the false ceiling of apartments.

The kitchen-niche room is subject to mandatory equipment with mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation systems.

Note - A kitchen niche is a room or part of it without a dining area, intended for cooking.

5 General technical requirements

5.1 Ventilation systems for living quarters of apartments should be designed to ensure that the air exchange rates for outside air (outside air flow rates) are not lower than the minimum ones that maintain the required air quality in the serviced premises.

The air quality in the premises must be ensured regardless of the adopted ventilation system and the scheme for organizing air exchange, with maximum allowable concentrations of pollutants in the atmospheric air not lower than those given in Appendix A.

5.2 Materials and design of the ventilation system, intake devices for outdoor air intake and devices for air removal in mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation systems must comply with the requirements of SP 60.13330.2010.

5.3 Ventilation systems for living quarters of apartments are recommended to be designed with the possibility of individual regulation of the amount of air exchange. Adjustable supply and exhaust devices should be used, which also work to control the humidity of the air in the room. It is allowed to provide for the possibility of intensifying air exchange during periods of use of sanitary facilities and kitchens by installing household exhaust fans in these premises. Fans of centralized mechanical ventilation systems must have an adjustable drive and provide the ability to change the air exchange according to demand, creating a calculated pressure drop at the most remote adjustable device. The minimum air exchange in the apartment must be at least 25% of the calculated one and not less than the sanitary standard for exhaust from sanitary facilities and kitchens.

5.4 The energy efficiency of ventilation systems is ensured by reducing the amount of air exchange, depending on the intensity of operation of individual premises and the apartment as a whole, using the heat of the exhaust air to heat the supply air (in mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation systems).

5.5 To ventilate apartments during the warm season, opening windows (casement windows), vents or transoms should be provided.

5.6 Supply air must be supplied to the living quarters of the apartment; air should be removed from the utility rooms.

5.7 Inlet devices should be placed in the living quarters of apartments and kitchen-dining rooms in the upper part of the window or outer wall or above the heater installed under the window. When placing the supply unit above the heater, it must be ensured that it does not freeze.

In systems with natural air supply, adjustable supply valves should be used as supply devices; in systems with a mechanical air supply - adjustable air distributors.

The dimensions, number and placement of supply devices must provide the required air parameters in the serviced area of ​​the premises at the estimated outdoor air flow rates.

In systems with natural air inflow, the temperature and speed of the supply air at the entry of supply jets into the serviced area of ​​the premises should not exceed the permissible values ​​​​according to SP 60.13330.2010 at the outdoor air temperature values ​​calculated for heating design.

In apartments of residential buildings located in places with an increased level of noise and dustiness of the outside air, valves with silencers and air filters accessible for cleaning should be used.

5.8 Exhaust devices should be placed in the upper area of ​​utility rooms. Adjustable grates and valves should be used as exhaust devices.

5.9 In ventilation systems with heat recovery of the removed air within one apartment, regenerative or recuperative heat exchangers can be used; for centralized systems with heat recovery - only recuperative ones, including those with an intermediate coolant.

In ventilation systems with mechanical air removal, in the absence of a supply unit, measures should be taken to recover the heat of the removed air, using its potential for other engineering systems of the building (DHW, heating, underfloor heating, etc.).

5.10 Local exhaust ventilation systems (over-stove hood or similar devices with the removal of air into the atmosphere) must have a separate collection channel for their connection.

In kitchens equipped with an over-the-stove hood or a similar device, as well as in the case of using an increased exhaust mode during cooking, a counterbalance damper should be installed in the outer wall to provide additional air flow to the kitchen room.

5.11 Mechanical ventilation systems must be maintained by the building maintenance service or a specialized organization.

5.12 When designing ventilation chambers, it is recommended:

- use low-speed motors and do not overestimate the circumferential speed of the fan rotors;

- connect the suction and discharge openings of the fans with air ducts using flexible connectors;

- install the motor and the fan on the same shaft;

- use radial fans with backward curved blades;

- install ventilation units on a vibration-isolating base with a "floating floor" device;

- arrange ventilation chambers with fans above or below utility rooms.

6 Sanitary and hygienic and fire safety requirements

6.1 The materials and design of ventilation ducts and chambers should minimize conditions that allow the growth and spread of microorganisms through the ventilation system.

6.2 Buildings should be located in areas where the concentration of harmful substances in the outdoor (atmospheric) air used for ventilation (conditioning) does not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations in the air of populated areas.

The values ​​of maximum permissible concentrations should be taken in accordance with GN and GN

The values ​​of the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants most often present in the atmospheric air are presented in Appendix A.

If the level of outdoor air pollution exceeds the indicators given in Appendix A, it is necessary to clean it.

In cases where existing cleaning technologies do not provide the required air purity, a short-term (for example, during rush hours on roads) decrease in the amount of outside air is allowed, but not more than 75% of the calculated one.

6.3 The calculated air exchange in apartments is determined according to Appendix B, it can also be determined in accordance with the standards of STO NP "ABOK" 2.1-2008 (table 2) regardless of the adopted ventilation scheme.

6.4 The noise level in the apartments must comply with the requirements of SP 51.13330.2011, SN 2.2.4 /

6.5 Ventilation systems should be provided separately for each fire compartment.

6.6 Air ducts made of non-combustible materials should be designed for laying within rooms for ventilation equipment, as well as on technical floors, attics and basements. The fire resistance limit of air ducts, including transit ones, must be selected in accordance with SP 7.13130.2009.

6.7 The places where air ducts pass through walls, partitions and ceilings of buildings (including in casings and shafts) should be sealed with non-combustible materials, ensuring the rated fire resistance limit of the crossed fence.

7 Materials and equipment

7.1 Ducts and ducts

7.1.1 Channels of natural ventilation systems are made of thin-sheet galvanized steel or floor unified concrete, aerated concrete and the like blocks. At the junction of the floor blocks, tightness must be ensured.

7.1.2 Channels and air ducts of mechanical exhaust ventilation systems with natural air supply and mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation systems are usually made of thin-sheet galvanized steel.

7.2 Supply and extract air

7.2.1 Inlet valves should be used as supply devices in natural ventilation systems and mechanical exhaust ventilation systems with natural air supply.

7.2.2 Inlet dampers must provide for changing the inlet air flow in manual or automatic modes. The change in air flow can be smooth or stepped. In the fully closed position, the inlet valves must provide a minimum required air flow equal to 25% of the calculated one.

7.2.3 Sensors for pressure drop, indoor air humidity, illumination, presence of people, etc. can be used as sensors for controlling inlet valves with automatic air flow control.

7.2.4 Supply valves should be installed in each residential area; in each apartment - at least 2 supply valves.

7.2.5 Inlet valves of the same type should be used in the building. The size or number of valves in different apartments on different floors may be different. The number of valves is determined by calculation.

7.2.6 It is recommended to use adjustable grilles as exhaust devices in natural ventilation systems; in mechanical exhaust ventilation systems with natural air supply, adjustable grilles or exhaust valves should be used.

7.2.7 Adjustable grilles must provide for changing the flow rate of exhaust air in manual mode, exhaust valves - in manual or automatic modes. The change in air flow can be smooth or stepped.

As sensors for controlling exhaust valves with automatic air flow control, sensors of differential pressure, indoor air humidity, illumination, presence of people, etc. can be used.

7.2.8 Exhaust devices of the same type and standard size should be used in the building.

7.2.9 In the outer walls of basements, technical undergrounds and cold attics that do not have exhaust ventilation, ventilation should be provided with a total area of ​​at least 1/400 of the floor area of ​​the technical underground or basement and cold attic, evenly spaced along the perimeter of the outer walls. The area of ​​one vent must be at least 0.05 m.

7.3 Fans

7.3.1 It is recommended that individual exhaust fans be equipped with a check valve to prevent air from flowing between apartments through the collection duct. Turning on fans installed in sanitary facilities can be combined with turning on lighting or carried out by a presence sensor. In this case, the fans will be turned off automatically, with a specified delay after the lighting is turned off or the tenant leaves the room.

7.3.2 Central exhaust fans in systems with natural air supply should provide a variable air flow in the system. Fans should be selected for the calculated flow rate of the removed air; the depth of regulation should be 100-30%. The calculated air flow in the exhaust ventilation system is maintained by a signal from a static pressure sensor installed in the lower part of the collection duct in front of the fan.

7.3.3 Fans should be redundant, which should be done either by installing an additional fan (in centralized systems) or by having a standby motor in the fan compartment.

8 Calculation of ventilation systems

8.1 Calculation of the natural ventilation system

8.1.1 The estimated air flow in the apartment, m / h, is taken according to Appendix B.

8.1.2 The design temperature of the outside air, °С, and the design wind speed, m/s, are taken in accordance with SP 60.13330.2010: 5 °C; 0 m/s.

8.1.3 Estimated available pressure Pa, for apartments of each floor is determined by the formula

Where is the free fall acceleration, m/s;

and - respectively, the density of outdoor and indoor air at design temperatures, kg/m;

- vertical distance from the center of the air intake device to the top of the exhaust shaft, m.

8.1.4 The resistance of the air path (pressure loss) of the ventilation system, Pa, is determined by the formula

Where - pressure loss in supply devices, Pa;

- pressure loss in exhaust devices, Pa;

- pressure loss in satellites, Pa;

- pressure loss in the collection channel, including pressure loss in the tee, Pa;

- pressure loss in a warm attic, Pa;

- pressure loss in the exhaust shaft, Pa.

It is recommended to take the following air velocity values ​​in the network elements:

- air velocity in satellites 1.0 ... 1.5 m/s;

- air speed in the collection channel 2.0 ... 3.0 m/s;

- air speed in the exhaust shaft 1 m/s; 1 Pa.

The resistance of the air path (pressure loss) of the ventilation system, Pa, should not exceed the value of the available (calculated) pressure with a margin of 10%.

8.1.5 If the cross sections of the satellites and the prefabricated exhaust duct are specified, then the calculated pressure losses in the remaining elements of the system are determined from formula (2).

8.1.6 The type and size of the inlet valve is selected according to its characteristics (manufacturer's data) depending on the value.

If the amount of available pressure is insufficient to install supply valves, for example, on upper floors, air vents should be used or individual exhaust fans with check valves should be installed.

The number of floors on which individual exhaust fans should be installed is determined by calculation.

If the installation of a valve is mandatory for sanitary and hygienic requirements, the cross-section of the exhaust duct should be increased or mechanical exhaust ventilation should be used.

8.1.7 Estimated heat consumption for ventilation, W, is determined by the formula

Where is the heat capacity of air; 1.005 kJ/(kg °C);

- the same as in formula (1);

- estimated air flow in the apartment, m/h; accept according to Appendix B;

and - respectively, the temperature of the external and internal air in the apartment under the conditions calculated for the design of ventilation, ° С.

When calculating the heat consumption for ventilation, the air flow rate removed by the over-slab umbrella is not taken into account.

8.2 Calculation of mechanical exhaust ventilation system with natural air supply

8.2.1 The calculation is carried out at an estimated wind speed of 0 m/s.

8.2.2 Air velocity in ducts and exhaust devices should be taken according to acoustic requirements. Before and after the fan, if necessary, the installation of silencers should be provided.

The standard size of supply channels, supply valves and adjustable grilles and valves is selected according to acoustic requirements.

8.2.3 The exhaust fan, central or individual, is selected in accordance with the manufacturer's data. In systems with centralized exhaust ventilation, a backup fan should be installed.

8.2.4 Estimated heat consumption for ventilation is determined by formula (3).

8.3 Calculation of the mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation system

8.3.1 The calculation is carried out similarly to that presented in 8.2.

8.3.2 In ventilation systems with exhaust air heat recovery, the heat exchanger must be equipped with a supply air heating system when its temperature is below 15 °C.

Annex A (informative). Maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants in the air of settlements

Annex A

Table A.1


Maximum allowable concentration in outdoor air, mg/m

maximum single

average daily

nitrogen dioxide

Dust non-toxic


Sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide)

Hydrocarbons (benzene)

Carbon monoxide

Carbon dioxide*:

Populated area (village)

Small towns

Big cities

* MPC for carbon dioxide is not standardized, this value is for reference only.

Appendix B (informative). The rate of air exchange in the premises of residential buildings

Annex B

B.1 The air exchange rate in the premises of residential buildings and single-family houses of a dwelling of category I should be taken in accordance with Table B.1.

Table B.1


Air exchange rate or air flow



Common room (living room), bedroom, dorm living room

Not less than 0.35 fold with an area of ​​more than 20 m per person;

Not less than 1.0 times with an area of ​​less than 20 m per person;

Not less than 30 m/(h person)

Kitchen of the apartment and hostel with stoves:

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There are houses with a common ventilation duct in the bathroom. When such a channel is faulty, smells from neighboring apartments begin to enter the apartments. Management organizations must monitor the condition of the ventilation ducts and prevent such breakdowns. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation once again reminded of this.

What is the problem

With regard to the building management organization, the GZhI conducted an unscheduled inspection of compliance with license requirements. During the inspection, it was found that exhaust ventilation does not work in the bathrooms of several apartments.

As a result, the GZhI drew up acts and issued instructions to the managing organization to eliminate violations - to restore the natural exhaust ventilation system in the bathrooms of the apartments. At the same time, a condition was set - to comply with the requirements of clause 4.7 of SanPin

The managing organization considered that there was no ventilation in the disputed premises and they wanted to entrust the construction of a new one to it. The construction of new ventilation refers to the overhaul works, and for them the decision of the general meeting of the owners of the premises in the MKD is needed. Therefore, the managing organization applied to the court for the prescriptions to be declared invalid.

Different approach of the courts to the solution of the issue

The court of first instance upheld the managing organization and recognized the work on the restoration of the exhaust ventilation system as being a major repair work. The court confirmed that they are carried out by the decision of the owners of the premises in the MKD.

The appeal overturned the decision of the trial court, citing

  • Regulations on licensing business activities for the management of MKD, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2014 No. 1110;
  • Rules for the maintenance of common property in MKD, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491;
  • Rules approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 No. 170;

The decision of the Court of Appeal was upheld by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The instructions of the GZhI were recognized as legal, and now the managing organization will have to restore the exhaust ventilation system. Why, read on.

Restoration of the ventilation system refers to the current repair

The Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation refused to satisfy the complaint to the managing organization and nevertheless obliged it to comply with the instructions for certain reasons.

The MA considered that she would have to make the ventilation system from scratch. On the house itself, the ventilation system in the house was, just out of order. Restoration of ventilation performance refers to current repairs, there was no talk of a major overhaul.

The managing organization must carry out the current repairs, because under the terms of the management agreement concluded between it and the owners of the MKD, the MA assumed obligations for the proper maintenance of the common property.

The courts noted that the managing organization is obliged to maintain the common property in the MKD in proper condition, regardless of whether or not the owners decided to carry out certain repairs and whether this is recorded in the text of the management agreement.

Therefore, the remark of the managing organization that it does not have the decision of the owners to carry out repair work, the courts did not take into account. The case concerned urgent, ongoing work aimed at fulfilling the mandatory requirements for ensuring the standard level of maintenance of the common property of MKD.

Considering all of the above, the courts did not satisfy the complaint of the managing organization.


The restoration of the ventilation ducts in the MKD refers to the work on the current repair of an apartment building. It will be a major overhaul if we are talking about building a ventilation duct from scratch.

The obligation to maintain the housing stock in a habitable condition does not depend on the adoption or non-acceptance by the owners of the property in the MKD of the decision to carry out repair work and fix them in the text of the contract.

If such a decision is not made, this is not considered an obstacle to the implementation of ongoing work aimed at maintaining the established level of maintenance of the common property of the MKD. The managing organization performs such work regardless of the decision of the general meeting.

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