Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Amur lilac: description, planting and care. Amur lilac Amur lilac

Which is widespread today in many countries of the world. The popular name “Treskun” was received by this lilac because of the crackling sound that is produced if the branches of this bush are thrown into the fire.

Basic rules of care

  1. Regular loosening of the soil.
  2. At the beginning of summer it is necessary to provide sufficient moisture. If the amount of precipitation is moderate, then watering can be increased slightly.
  3. From mid-summer and autumn, water as needed, not too much.
  4. In the first year of life, the bushes are watered no further than the planting hole; the older the lilac, the more the watering area is increased.
  5. If the bushes grow near the highway, in spring and summer, it is advisable to wash the foliage from dust with a stream of water.
  6. Regularly remove weeds, especially in the first years of bush life.
  7. Fertilize the soil with nitrogen and organic compounds.
  8. Forming a bush, removing faded inflorescences.
  9. Prevention and treatment of diseases.
  10. Destruction of pests.


Amur lilac is a deciduous multi-stemmed shrub that grows up to ten meters in height, with a beautiful strong light crown. It also looks great in a hedge, especially if you shape the bushes and stand alone. In autumn, the foliage becomes multi-colored, which gives the tree a special attractiveness.


Reproduction is possible using summer cuttings. To do this, choose healthy trees; it is advisable to carry out preparatory work. After digging a hole, moisten the soil well and use chemical compounds that accelerate the rooting of plants. Lilacs also reproduce successfully using seeds. The efficiency is certainly lower than using cuttings.

Diseases of Amur lilac

Lilac is susceptible to viral and fungal diseases. It is affected by specific viruses: ring mottle, ring spot, chlorotic leaf spot. Common fungal diseases are ascochyta blight, anthracnose blight, alternaria blight, septoria blight, and cercospora blight.

Features of the variety

Amur lilac is used to strengthen the banks of rivers and lakes. Since the bushes can grow well near bodies of water. This variety is perfect for hedges. Another feature is its endurance; even without proper care, lilacs can grow and bloom for more than one year. very beautiful, snow-white flowers, but later than other varieties of lilac.

Amur lilac and feng shui

In the eastern part of the garden, which is in the domain of the green dragon, it is advisable to grow fragrant lilacs - white with double flowers is perfect for harmonizing the space. It is also recommended to use lilac for hedges.


Amur lilac is an excellent long-liver that adapts wonderfully to mountain slopes, river banks and plains. It is resistant to both frost and lack of moisture. Doesn't require much maintenance. Perfectly decorate both a summer cottage and a city yard.

Amur lilac is one of the types of lilac, which is used not only for decorating the garden, but also as a bank and soil strengthening material. The tree received its second name “Crackling” because of the crackling noise emitted by burning damp wood; sparks can fly several meters away.

  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Molybdenum
  • Cobalt

Nitrogen fertilizers can be given already in the second year of development. This is done in the form of three feedings of 50 grams per season, or ammonium nitrate is used in the amount of 70 grams.

The first fertilizing is done a month after the soil has thawed; you don’t even have to wait until the snow has completely melted. The second and subsequent ones in 3 weeks.

Some of the most valuable fertilizers are horse manure, chicken manure and mullein.

Ash is used as a complex fertilizer. It is taken from dried or cut branches.

Much attention is paid to the formation of the bush; pruning is done already from the 3rd year of the plant’s life. The main trunks should remain those branches that lengthen the bush. Shoots going deep into the crown are completely cut off.

Amur lilac can be propagated both for the development of your own garden and for sale.

The main methods of propagating a bush:

  • Seeds
  • Cuttings
  • By layering
  • Vaccination

Seeds are collected in late autumn in wet weather, so the seeds do not spill out of the box.

To stratify the seeds, they are mixed with wet river sand in a ratio of 1:3 and left in any container with holes for water drainage. The jar or box should be kept in a room with a temperature of no more than +5 degrees. The bottom of the refrigerator is suitable for this purpose.

After 2 months, the seeds are sown in a box with steamed soil.

If you take homogeneous, unprepared soil, the seeds will not germinate. When propagated by layering, young seedlings can be obtained by autumn.

The most common layerings are simple, Chinese and Dahlem:

  • With simple retraction, the branches of the bush are bent to the ground and secured with pegs.
  • With Dahlem, young shoots are tied with copper wire to stimulate root formation.
  • The Chinese method resembles a simple one: the shoots are bent to the ground, previously tied with wire.

To grow a rootstock, ash or privet, sometimes Hungarian lilac, are most often taken. The best fusion of scion and rootstock is ensured in plants of the same species.

Grafting Amur lilac is no different from grafting other trees or shrubs. A simple copulation is used, with a tongue, grafting behind the bark, into the cleft and with an eye.

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Lilac Juliana- Syringa julianae S. K. Schneid.

Shrub about 2 m tall. China (Hubei Province). At an altitude of up to 2400 m above sea level. seas. In GBS since 1964, 1 sample (3 copies) was grown from seeds obtained from the crop. Shrub, at 7 years height up to 1.7 m, crown diameter up to 160 cm. The bark is grayish-black, fissured. The shoots are horizontally spread, young bristly-pubescent, with lentils. The leaves are elliptical or ovate, dark green above and slightly pubescent, also pubescent below and somewhat lighter, do not change color in autumn. The flowers are reddish-lilac, paler inside, collected in very dense, wide, up to 10 cm in diameter, sometimes almost rounded inflorescences. Each flower is up to 8 mm long and contains light brown stamens inside. The fruits are pointed, warty capsules, ripen in September - October. It blooms and bears fruit annually from the age of 6 years.

Vegetation season from mid-April to early October. The growth rate is average. Blooms in June, about 2 weeks. Winter hardiness is high (in severe winters it can freeze to the level of snow cover).

Grows on fertile, lime-containing soils, prefers sunny places, protected from cold northern winds. Watering is moderate, does not tolerate stagnant moisture. In the first three years, weak shoots are pruned, then dying, diseased, damaged growths and incorrectly positioned side shoots are removed. After radical anti-aging pruning, the plants are fed with manure or compost. Planted in April and September. Young plants are covered with leaves and spruce branches for the winter.

Propagation by seeds, spring cuttings, giving up to 20% rooting; summer cuttings root better - more than 40%. They are planted in separate bushes, in groups, and form uncut hedges.

Lilac Komarova - Syringa komarowii S. K. Schneid.

Shrub up to 5 m tall. China (Sichuan Province). At an altitude of 1800-2700 m above sea level. seas. In GBS since 1961, 2 samples were obtained from living plants from culture, there are plants of vegetative reproduction of GBS. Shrub, at 6 years height up to 1.4 m, crown diameter up to 100 cm, at 30 years height up to 4.5 m, crown diameter up to 300 cm. Vegetation from mid-April to mid-October. The growth rate is average. Blooms and bears fruit from the age of 5, annually. Blooms in June, about 2 weeks. The fruits ripen by the end of September. Winter hardiness is high. Seed viability 88%, germination 0%. 100% of summer cuttings take root.

Fine-haired lilac - Syringa tomentella Bur. et Franch.

Shrub up to 4.5 m tall. China (Sichuan, Yunnan provinces). In the mountains at an altitude of 2400-2600 m above sea level. seas. In GBS since 1960, 1 sample (9 copies) was grown from seeds obtained from the crop. Shrub, at 14 years height up to 3.7 m, crown diameter up to 230 cm. Vegetation from late April to mid-September. The growth rate is average. Blooms and bears fruit from the age of 9, annually. It blooms in the second half of June, for about 2 weeks. The fruits ripen at the end of September. Winter hardiness is high. Seed viability 80%, germination 25%. 30% of summer cuttings take root.

Yunnan lilac - Syringa yunnanensis Franch.

Shrub up to 3.5 m tall. China (Yunnan and Sichuan provinces). In the mountains at an altitude of 2700-3300 m above sea level. seas. In GBS since 1956, 2 samples (2 copies) were grown from seeds obtained from the crop. Shrub, at 15 years height 1.6 m, crown diameter 115 cm, at 30 years height 3.7 m, crown diameter 280 cm. Vegetation from early May to mid-October (until frost). The growth rate is average. Blooms and bears fruit from the age of 5, annually. Blooms in late June-early July, for about 2 weeks. The fruits ripen in mid-October. Winter hardiness is average or lower. Seed viability 80%, germination 15%.

Lilac is a favorite plant of gardeners. From spring to mid-autumn, it delights with its racemose inflorescences, while spreading the aroma throughout the entire garden. One of the subspecies of these plants is Amur lilac. The primary source about pretty shrubs came from the Amur region, which is why lilac is Amur. It is also called Amur codfish. The old branches of these bushes burn with a characteristic sound and sparks fly several meters to the sides. Habitat: Far East, Primorsky Krai, eastern China and Korea.

Description of Amur lilac

Amur lilac grows up to twenty meters in height. The root system is quite developed and superficial. It can often be found on soils near water bodies, less often on mountain slopes. It blooms with lush buds of light cream color. After wilting, seed pods are formed. Doesn't bear fruit. The life cycle of the Amur lilac is one hundred years.

Amur lilac is used in garden plots as a hedge. Near reservoirs it plays a soil-strengthening role. It has the property of resisting urban gas pollution, purifying the air. Often used in landscape design.

Selection and preparation of a site

In its natural environment, this species grows in places with a fairly cold climate. So it’s not difficult to grow a bush in the middle zone. But in order for the plant to be beautiful and healthy, you need to know a few rules for caring for it.

The place for the bush should be well lit, without drafts or strong winds. It does not tolerate even slight shading. The soil must be fertile and well permeable.

It is very important that the soil for planting Amur lilacs is loose. In the first year of the plant’s life, the soil is constantly dug up and weeds are removed so that the young bush strengthens faster and more thoroughly. Amur lilacs are planted at the end of summer, when the flowering period ends. So that the plants have time to gain strength before winter.

When planting, you need to dig a hole about fifty centimeters deep. Water generously. If the soil is not fertile enough, the hole is doubled in size and filled with nutritious soil with wood ash. Disembarkation takes place in the late afternoon.

Top dressing

The plant also needs fertilizing. Necessary:

  1. Phosphorus;
  2. Nitrogen;
  3. Magnesium;
  4. Kaltsy;
  5. Potassium;
  6. Manganese;
  7. Iron;
  8. Zinc.

Nitrogen fertilizers are applied for the first time in early spring, when there is still snow in places. For better flowering, phosphate fertilizers are applied once every three years.

The use of organic fertilizers (horse and chicken droppings, mullein) promotes the rapid development of this fragrant bush.

Watering, pruning

Watering is an important point when caring for Amur lilac. The bush needs abundant watering in early summer. At the end of the summer season, the amount of water is reduced so that the plant does not die in winter. Watering directly depends on precipitation in the autumn and summer.

Under natural conditions, this shrub looks unsightly. The branches are long and tangled together. To improve the plant, it is trimmed. They form smooth, beautiful bushes. Pruning is done in early spring before buds appear and the plant begins to come to life. Cut off the buds when they fade. All this stimulates the appearance of young shoots with lush flowers.


Amur lilacs are propagated in two ways:

  1. Seeds;
  2. Cuttings;

When the buds fade, boxes containing seeds appear. In the fall, cloudy weather is chosen to collect them so that the seeds do not spill out. The boxes are dried and the planting material can be easily removed. To speed up the germination process and increase germination, the seeds are stratified. After two months they can be sown in prepared soil.

Lilacs are successfully propagated by cuttings. In the morning after flowering, young cuttings are cut. Placed in a solution for root stimulation for twenty hours. Afterwards they are planted in the ground.

For slicing, take a sharp grafting knife. Oblique cut. The top of the cutting is cut off. Before planting, rinse the shoots with clean water.


Amur lilac suffers from the same diseases as the entire species of lilac:

  1. Necrosis is a bacterial disease. Wet weather promotes spread. It manifests itself as wilting of the upper parts of the lilac followed by blackening of the leaves;
  2. Ring spot is a viral disease. Yellow or light green spots and stripes appear on the leaves:
  3. Mosaic - yellow spots of irregular shape form throughout the leaf. As the disease progresses, the leaves curl and dry out;
  4. Late blight buds stop developing, the bark and leaf blades become covered with brown spots.

For some diseases there are remedies that can effectively fight them. Bordeaux mixture is used for necrosis. Late blight can also be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture containing copper sulfates. Unfortunately, there are no effective drugs for viral infections yet. Bushes infected with such diseases must be destroyed. To avoid troubles, you need to use only tested soil, and be sure to disinfect pruning tools.

This fragrant shrub rightfully bears the name “queen of the garden.” It will thank you for your care and love with lush and dense flowering and will bring joy to people for many years.

One of the excellent decorations for every garden will be luxurious shrubs with bright fragrant flowers. But many gardeners believe that growing them is much more difficult than ordinary annuals or herbaceous perennials. Although in fact, many beautiful shrubs are more unpretentious than their low-growing counterparts. Just such non-capricious plants include Amur lilac, planting which is simple, but care for which is still necessary for this plant, even though it is not capricious. We will also discuss the beneficial properties of lilac.

If readers of Popular About Health are wondering how to properly grow Amur lilac, then first of all you need to find a suitable place for it in your garden. It is best to plant such a plant in a sunny area - flat or with a slight slope. Partial shade would also be a good option, but in the sun the shrub will delight its owners with more luxuriant flowering. It is advisable that the place where the lilac will grow is not blown by cold winds.

As for the preferences of this crop in the soil, Amur lilac does well in areas with neutral acidity (PH=7). Acidic soils require additional treatment with lime or dolomite flour. This manipulation must be repeated every three years. It is best for groundwater to pass no closer than one and a half meters - as when growing other plants and shrubs. Swampy and damp soils of Amur lilac are not shown, and it will not grow on clay soils.

Optimal time for planting

Experienced gardeners advise planting Amur lilacs in late summer and early autumn. In this case, the plant will have time to take root before the cold weather, and will not waste energy on active growth and flowering. If the leaves on the seedlings have already fallen off, then it is too late to plant them.

Where does planting begin for lilacs??

Lilac seedlings should be planted in the soil so that the root collar is level with the ground. Dig holes approximately fifty by fifty centimeters in size, so that the roots have enough space. And immediately before planting, prepare the soil mixture by adding organic matter and a certain amount of wood ash to the soil. To make it easier for the seedling to take root, it is best to plant it in the late afternoon, in cool weather.

To make lilac planting more successful, gardeners advise purchasing seedlings that have a closed root system. They are much easier to plant, and in this case the care of the plantings is also easier. But an open root system will also allow you to grow a good plant, although it will take root worse and will require more conscientiousness during care.

How should lilacs be cared for??

Lilac, as we have already said, is quite unpretentious. It requires classic care, like many other flowering shrubs.

So, after planting the plant, you need to water it thoroughly and mulch the soil. Next, watering is carried out, focusing on the drying of the soil. Amur lilac will grow and bloom well if it is provided with sufficient moisture.

In late spring and early summer, it is necessary to water more frequently, since the plant needs more moisture during flowering. But overwatering can harm it. From mid-July it is worth stopping watering so as not to cause untimely awakening of the buds.

If a sufficient amount of fertilizer was added to the ground during planting of the Amur lilac, then it is not necessary to feed it at all for the next three years. But further fertilizing requires the addition of organic matter (manure, bird droppings, compost slurry), as well as mineral fertilizers. Of the latter, phosphorus and potassium must be applied every two to three years; they are advised to be applied in August. And after snow falls, you can use a certain amount of ammonium nitrate. During active growth, it is not a bad idea to fertilize the Amur lilac with mineral fertilizers on the foliage.

In order for the bush to look attractive, it is necessary to trim it. So, after flowering, brushes should be removed, and sanitary pruning should be carried out in the spring. To renew the branches, you need to gradually cut out one or two old branches in the spring. It is best to perform all such manipulations before the kidneys swell.

Why is lilac valuable, what are its beneficial properties that attract people?

In fact, lilac is a well-known medicinal plant that is widely used in the treatment and prevention of many pathological conditions. The beneficial properties of Amur lilac have long been used in folk medicine to prepare infusions, tinctures and decoctions, and the flowers, leaves, bark and buds of this shrub have healing qualities.

Tea made from lilac flowers helps cope with colds. It is recommended to be used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, influenza, fever and cough. In addition, this drink helps cope with kidney stones and diarrhea.

Lilac buds are used in the treatment of diabetes, and the leaves are often used to relieve headaches. Fresh lilac foliage can be a cure for suppuration and abscesses on the skin. Ointments are also prepared on its basis that can help in the treatment of neuralgia, rheumatism and arthritis.

Lilac is also used to prepare a surprisingly healthy tincture. This medicine perfectly removes salts from the body, treats gout and can be used for external and local application, for example, for rinsing the mouth and throat for various inflammatory lesions.

In conclusion, to summarize... Caring for lilacs is easy, the plant itself is an excellent unpretentious shrub for a garden plot, which will please the eye and bring health benefits!

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