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Arshavin and his new wife are the last. Arshavin's new girlfriend is a well-known St. Petersburg money hunter. Andrey Arshavin's problems: divorce, dismissal, seizure of property

35-year-old Alisa Kazmina decided to divorce. The woman fundamentally does not want alimony for her daughter.

36-year-old Andrei Arshavin and 35-year-old Alisa Kazmina got married in September last year, and five months later the couple had a daughter, Yesenya. Before the wedding, Arshavin and Kazmina lived together for three years.

Rumors that the relationship between Andrei and Alice are far from ideal appeared six months ago. Alice denied them, but gossip crept again. When Alice had already given birth to a daughter, she found out that her husband had been cheating on her for almost a year. Almost all of 2015, Arshavin met with a young model: they were seen together in hotels, restaurants, shops ... They broke up, and that same model told her husband during a family quarrel that she was cheating on him with Arshavin himself. The deceived man called Alice. But then both families survived. But now Kazmina herself told reporters that she intends to file for divorce, and she does not need alimony: she, they say, is a wealthy woman even without Arshavin.

The real traitor

Andrei Arshavin was happy in a civil marriage with Yulia Baranovskaya, who bore him three children. Now Artem is 11 years old, Yana is 9, Arseniy is 4. The football player left their mother four years ago, when Arseniy was not yet born: he fell in love with Kazmina, a married mother of two children. Andrei and Alice met in secret from their soul mates. Later, Alice left her husband, a St. Petersburg businessman, and "legalized" her relationship with Arshavin. The football player began to raise the children of his chosen one from his first marriage, but he did not remember his own. Then Baranovskaya, having gone through numerous courts, sued decent alimony for three children. They say that Arshavin is obliged to transfer 50% of his income to children every month - this is about 5 million rubles. “I trust Yulia. I hope that the funds that will be credited to her account, she will spend for the benefit of children, ”Andrey Arshavin said after the end of the trial. Over the years, he did not want to see his three children even once.

Arshavin and Kazmina got married five months before the birth of their daughter. Photo: instagram.com

“Only one point is not set for me. He still pulls me with his attitude towards children. Their birthdays are coming. And we all wait together to see if dad calls. New Year is the same, - Yulia Baranovskaya writes in her book “All for the Better”. - It is still difficult for them to understand, especially Artyom, why a loved one disappeared from their life - alive, healthy, here he is not far away, but he no longer comes to them, does not call. They themselves decided that for them dad was sick. Yanka and Arseniy believe that dad is Kai, that he has an ice shard in his heart, and Artem is already an adult, he says that dad is having a difficult period in his life. I would like them to communicate. Not for me, for the kids. They need him. Still need…”

Bad distant husband

All these years, Arshavin was a good father for Kazmina's children: he played, took him on vacation, and gave gifts. Arshavin built a mansion in a prestigious district of St. Petersburg, Alice was in charge of repairs, design of the house, and chose furniture. After the birth of the child, she spent a lot of time in Spain. The ex-star of Zenit and the Russian national football team now lives in Alma-Ata, as he plays for the Kazakhstani club Kairat. Spouses have recently seen each other infrequently, and the scandals have not become less.

Yulia Baranovskaya gave birth to three children to Arshavin, was a faithful wife and housewife. After breaking up with the footballer, she became the host of Channel One. Photo: Zamir USMANOV/globallookpress.com

But Alice emphasizes that the reason for the divorce is not only treason. Maybe someone richer and more successful appeared in her life? Or so she decided to cheer up the relationship and soon there will be a violent reconciliation?

Not once after breaking up with Baranovskaya, Arshavin did not meet with the children

It was because of life that the relationship between Arshavin and Baranovskaya broke up into two cities. In 2009, at the peak of his career at Zenit St. Petersburg, Arshavin was invited to play in London's Arsenal. He moves to London with Yulia and the children. Three years later, Arshavin returns as a rented striker to Zenit. But his family remains in London! And at the same time, he began a stormy romance with Alisa Kazmina ...

Tags #42/2017Alisa KazminaAndrey Arshavindivorcescandal


4 years ago, Arshavin left his pregnant wife with 2 children for her sake. And only now the new wife revealed the secret

Four years ago, Arshavin left his pregnant girlfriend Yulia Baranovskaya with two children. The new wife of the football player Alisa Kazmina for the first time decided to tell her version of the scandalous divorce.

Football player Andrei Arshavin is a mega-famous person and, of course, the details of his high-profile departure from his beautiful pregnant wife, son and daughter - it was a shock to the whole country. No one understood his act, and Andrei himself did not comment, except for the words that he does not refuse children.

But the abandoned wife did not skimp on interviews, went and goes to talk shows, even wrote a big book where she accuses her husband of betrayal, and calls Andrey's new love a vile homemaker. Julia maintains her page on Instagram, where we constantly post photos with children and show how she raises them alone, without a father.

Arshavin said that he would like to see the children more often, but Yulia does not allow this. But on the other hand, he regularly takes money from the football player, and this is a lot, 7 million rubles a month!

For 4 whole years, Alice was simply silent, and after the last broadcast on central television, where Yulia once again began to insult her ex-husband and his new family, in which a daughter was already born and there is Alice's daughter from her first marriage, she could not stand it and wrote on her page :

- Normal people do not take dirty linen out of the hut, or is it the norm - to come to the central television and put on public display what should remain secret!?

Andrey's mother-in-law Natalia Sarycheva also took the side of her son-in-law:

- And why should I respect her (Julia)? For what? For the fact that for the past 5 years she has been insulting Andrei at any opportunity throughout the country, comparing him with alcoholics and drug addicts? I was silent for a long time, and now I will protect my son-in-law (the father of my granddaughter, by the way) and my wonderful stepfather to two other children. I used to feel sorry for her, now I don't, no, no. She bent her stick. One must have pride, and it is a piece of anger. Son-in-law will not give offense! Write what you want.

How long can we discuss all this? 5 years later. They already have a common daughter. Shut up already. Feel sorry for the illiterate habalka from television! everything is not so bad for her,” Alice’s mother writes, unable to contain her emotions.

When asked why Alice does not speak publicly about this, she replies:

- I do not want to comment on anything. So far, no interviews have been given. We do nothing for show. We live a quiet happy life. Raising a beautiful daughter. Happiness loves silence. And we consider it unnecessary to prove something to someone. Relatives know how everything was and is. And strangers listen to gossip and are happy with it. Well, I definitely don’t want to comment on my relationship. Already as 6 years established and in perfect harmony. Therefore, it seems to me that a lot of time has passed for comments.


99 problems of Andrei Arshavin: divorce, dismissal, seizure of property

The hope of the Russian national team, the young midfielder of St. Petersburg "Zenith" Andrei Arshavin, quite quickly after the start of his career, got used to compliments. At the age of 19, Arshavin made his debut in the main team of Zenit, and the following year he entered the annual list of "33 best football players of the Russian Championship". For the next ten years, Arshavin's star shone brighter and brighter, but at the end of the decade, something went wrong. In early 2009, the football player moved to London with his wife Yulia and two children to play for the British club Arsenal, and that's when football fans began to doubt the talent of the famous Shava. He played with varying success for the English club, and since 2011 he has completely ceased to be listed in the main team, sitting out matches on the bench. The worst day in the career of a football player was January 22, 2012, when, after the meeting between Arsenal and Manchester United, Arshavin was recognized as the worst player of the match.

Offended the fans

In 2012, the end of the world did not happen, but in the life of Arshavin this year, a small Apocalypse definitely came. After the defeat of the Russian team in the match with Greece at the European Championship, the footballer snapped ugly at the request of one of the fans to apologize to the fans for the loss. “If we did not live up to your expectations, these are your problems,” Arshavin replied, hammering another nail into the coffin of his reputation.

Lost good deals

A sharp statement cost Arshavin not only the respect of the fans, but also a million-dollar contract with the Lay's chips manufacturer. The brand no longer wanted to deal with the disgraced football player and, having waited for the contract to expire, did not renew the cooperation. The Pepsi brand did the same.

Face control failed

In the summer of 2013, the athlete became the hero of another ugly story, however, no longer connected with the world of football. The scandal occurred in London when Arshavin went to one of the city's nightclubs to unwind and shake off sad thoughts about the impending end of his football career. True, Arshavin began to drown sorrow in wine long before arriving at the doors of the institution. Drunk Andrei was not allowed into the club, which caused the anger of the football player. Witnesses of the brawl filmed Andrey swearing at the guard in all languages ​​known to him - Russian and English - and hurried to put it on the net.

Dumped his pregnant wife

Rumors about the betrayal of a football player appeared when his common-law wife Yulia was pregnant with her third child. Arshavin did not even deny it! And a few months after the birth of the boy, Arseny completely left the family. First, Arshavin was seen in Miami in the company of the British model Leilani Daudin, and then it turned out that Andrei was having an affair with former model Alisa Kazmina. Carried away by a new love, Arshavin completely forgot about alimony, so Julia had to remind the traitor of his financial obligations in court. Arshavin's fans were perplexed why the mother of his children, with whom he had lived together for 10 years, had to literally knock content out of Andrei, but he did not comment on his unwillingness to share millions in income. In July 2014, the court ordered Arshavin to deduct money (about half of his earnings) for his three children until 2030.

Arrest of property

Last month, the Vyborgsky District Court of St. Petersburg arrested part of Andrey Arshavin's property - this was done as part of a debt recovery case from Pyotr Tingaev, a business partner of a football player (several years ago, Arshavin co-founded Tingaev, who opened a network of salons selling foreign cars). In the process, Arshavin acted as a guarantor who suffered losses from the activities of Tingaev. The value of the seized property is about five million rubles.

Dismissal from Zenith

On July 1, 34-year-old Andrei Arshavin officially became unemployed. The leadership of the St. Petersburg football club Zenit, for which he played since 1999, decided not to renew his contract. “Thanks to our fans who warmly welcomed me from the very first matches. If my game or my actions off the field disappointed one of them, I want to apologize for this today, ”Arshavin said in an interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. “Better late than never”, but in the case of Andrei, this method no longer worked. A couple of weeks later, it became known that Andrei Arshavin became a player in the Krasnodar football club Kuban.

Refusal of a loved one to leave with him

Krasnodar is not London, and accompanying a loved one to this warm land is not as tempting as moving abroad with him. Especially if your loved one is a football player at the end of his career in a state of depression and a protracted hangover. “Due to failures in his career, Andrei developed a depression, he began to walk. From this, conflicts arose with his current passion Alice. In May, they even dispersed, but then Andrey begged for forgiveness, and the girl returned to his house on the condition that there would be no more parties, ”the footballer’s friend told StarHit magazine about the relationship between Arshavin and Alisa Kazmina. Maybe a new place of residence and a new job will bring the athlete to his senses, but now he will get out of his blues alone: ​​Kazmina refused to move to Krasnodar.

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Arshavin first explained why he left his wife

Arshavin first explained why he left his wife Yulia Baranovskaya and went to Alisa Kazmina. In one of his interviews, he said that he met another woman and decided to live with her. One of the highest paid football players in the history of domestic football also explained that he had done "an act that he considers right." Recall that during the gap, the civil wife Yulia Baranovskaya was pregnant with her third child. Recall that in the 2012 elections, Andrei Arshavin called for voting for Putin, who also left his wife.

As for Arshavin's new lover, very little is known about Alisa Kazmina. She is over 30 years old, she is engaged in journalism, she is divorced and has two children. Also, a few years ago, a scandal flashed in the press that Alice was in a major showdown with an insurance company due to an accident.

Rumors that the iconic Russian footballer scored a goal against the wrong goal, which changed his fate, caused outrage among the fan community. But most football fans don't give a damn about the personal lives of goalkeepers and attackers. They are interested in beer and betting at bookmakers. In football, the main thing is money and a foamy drink. And the fact that Arshavin first explained why he left his wife can only excite narrow-minded women.

In the family of football player Andrei Arshavin, difficult times are now. Recall that the ex-player of "Zenith" and the Russian national football team Andrey Arshavin plays in the Kazakh club "Kairat".

His wife and children periodically fly to him in Alma-Ata. Now Andrey Arshavin and his team are at the training camp in Turkey.

35-year-old Alisa Arshavina has a son and daughter from a previous marriage and a daughter with Arshavin, one-year-old Yesenia.

Alice has now flown to Turkey to her husband to negotiate for help.

Andrei Arshavin promised to support his wife in the scandal, which he himself provoked.

But so far, Alice has not been able to persuade her husband to help her, although Arshavin promised to provide support (below is the football player's correspondence with Alice's lawyer). I could, for example, talk to Semyonova about having her withdraw the statement from the prosecutor's office.

Recall that in December 2017, a joint video from the restaurant of Andrey Arshavin and a photo model from Kazakhstan, Olga Semenova, was published on social networks. After that, Olga Semenova stated that she was being attacked by Alisa Arshavina.

Semenova accused Alice of threatening her and filed a complaint against Arshavin with the Prosecutor General's Office of Kazakhstan.

The first application was received by the prosecutor's office on January 11, 2018, but was not accepted, but the second one, on February 8, was accepted by the Prosecutor General's Office.

Now Alisa Arshavin is called to testify. She faces 8 years in prison. And this is not a joke.

The woman did not expect such a development of events. Alisa Arshavin commented on the situation:

“I have a very good team, lawyers, but this is a different republic. We would have laughed already, but this is her city, her country. It's all for a reason, the girl and this Pasha wanted to merge me so that I would not interfere with them making money on Andrey ... They needed him to be free, that's all. Of course, I did not expect that Andrei, through negligence, framed me for an article like this. My lawyer with 30 years of experience is shocked by such nonsense in the application. How did the Prosecutor General's Office accept this statement, who helped it? This case is very well prepared. I think it's easier for me to sit down, to be honest. I despaired. It is already easier to go, give up and serve time. I hope that a citizen of the Russian Federation will be helped and the case will be transferred to Russia ... "

Alisa Arshavin's lawyer believes that Andrei Arshavin became a victim of swindlers. The version of Arshavin's side is this. Shortly before the ill-fated meeting with Olga, Pavel Zabara appeared in the company of Arshavin, who introduced the football player to his school friend Olga Semenova. Allegedly, this Semenova dreamed of meeting Arshavin. The acquaintance took place in a restaurant, from where Semenova drove Arshavin to the nearest club. All movements were filmed on video - it is in the case file. The football player left the club not for Semenova, but for home.


A year has passed since Andrei Arshavin registered a relationship with journalist Alisa Kazmina. In February, the missus gave him a daughter, whom happy parents named Yesieniei. The family lives quietly: the athlete does not go out, his wife also does not attend social events. Both do not give interviews to journalists, as a result of which the interested public pays special attention to any fresh information about Andrei and Alice.


Sometimes the wife of a football player pleases her followers on the social network Instagram with family photos. However, her account is private, so only a limited circle of people can see the footage. The site "Komsomolskaya Pravda" is clearly lucky to be among the elect. The publication published several photos from Alice's page, in which she captured the attributes of her chic life. Only subscribers can appreciate the luxury of Alice and Andrey's home interiors, which, apparently, do not deny themselves anything.

Despite the fact that Andrei Arshavin has not played for Arsenal for a long time, and has recently defended the honor of exclusively domestic clubs, we can safely say that the football player and his family are not in poverty. This is evidenced by the luxurious home environment in which their little daughter and Alice's two children from her first marriage are growing up. What can we say about the red Ferrari, which, as follows from the signature, was presented to the new wife of the athlete.

Interestingly, Alice rarely publishes photos of her husband, apparently very busy. However, she has made it clear that her life is on track and she is happy. Even with her ex-husband, Alice was able to maintain human relations. This is evidenced by a photograph showing the ex-husband of Arshavina and their two children. “For those who were interested. Here is the father of my two older children. Yesterday they had a great time together,” Alice told subscribers.

Despite the fact that several years have passed since Andrei Arshavin left his common-law wife Yulia Baranovskaya with three children and went to Alisa Kazmina, the public cannot forgive the footballer for such perfidy. Therefore, some netizens perceived the photos of the new wife extremely negatively.

"Why do some men leave their own children in favor of other people's children? There is something unnatural in this", "I still think that Alice is a homemaker! She destroyed the union of Andrei Arshavin with Yulia Baranovskaya!", "This homemaker has an unpleasant face, not natural .. or pricked, or already corrected by surgeons, but in my head everything is in order about robbing - in the spirit of the times .. well, I would like to wish that they clearly showed on themselves that you can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune .. and we Let's see and learn how not to do it," Internet users commented on the photo.

Couples signing on September 1 at the St. Petersburg registry office on the English Embankment were surprised to see 35-year-old football star Andrei Arshavin in line for marriage. Freshly cut, in a black three-piece suit, Andrei did not show excitement - he explained to the children of the bride Alisa Kazmina that now everything will finally happen.

When they were invited into the hall, the newlyweds climbed the main stairs behind the employee of the institution to the second floor. Relatives and several friends were already waiting for them there. The bride looked flawless. Modest silk fitted dress with long sleeves, fashionable two-meter veil. 34-year-old Alice was glowing with happiness not only because of her interesting position... The girl was adorned with a huge amount of diamonds. In the deep neckline there was a cross with stones weighing about 4 carats, and on the hands, in addition to the three-carat engagement ring, another gift from the groom attracted attention - three Cartier Love bracelets made of white, yellow and pink gold with a total value of about 12 million rubles.

“For three years of their relationship, Andrei did not spare money for Alice,” says the girl’s friend Anna. He tried to fulfill all her desires. He gave her carte blanche to equip a common home - she chose a design, changed her car to a fresh model of the same brand, gave Hermes bags for hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Despite the fact that their romance was vigorously discussed in the press, Andrei and Alice were able to overcome difficulties.

“It seems to me that with our actions on September 1, we showed everyone and everything. Having survived all the persecution, we are happy, ”Alice admitted to StarHit.

Three years waiting

Arshavin became a football star thanks to the captain's title of the Russian national team and the St. Petersburg club Zenit, in which he played for 10 years. At the peak of his popularity in 2009, Andrei accepted the invitation of the London Arsenal and moved the whole family to England: his common-law wife Yulia, son Artem and daughter Yana. Three years later, he returned as a rented striker to his native Zenit. Leaving relatives in Foggy Albion, the athlete settled in his St. Petersburg apartment. Then there were problems in his personal life. And even the son Arseniy, who was born in the summer of 2012, did not save the family. At the same time, Andrey's friend Alisa broke up with St. Petersburg businessman Alexei Kazmin. It soon became obvious to everyone that they were in a relationship.

In the city of Sochi

The Arshavins do not like to flaunt their personal lives, so they chose the most closed hotel on the Black Sea coast for their honeymoon. Rodina Grand Hotel & SPA is guarded from all sides: from the water it is separated by half a kilometer piers, and from the land - by huge fences, a checkpoint and a dozen security guards who transmit to each other on walkie-talkies who moves around the territory.

“The newlyweds liked the most remote building - “Villa”. “It has few rooms, and, unlike the main building, it is designed in bright colors,” they say to StarHit at the hotel. - The apartments that the football player booked are two-story, one of the best. The cost per day is 71 thousand rubles.

Andrey, Alice and her children rested on the territory of Rodina for only 4 days, after which they suddenly left.

“The Arshavins basked in the sun, walked along the Primorskaya embankment ... - I saw them together on the shore. They lay on a sun lounger, Alice watched a movie on the tablet, and then handed it to the children, and they turned on the cartoons, ”Marina, the couple’s neighbor at the hotel, tells StarHit. - Andrey's children adore. They run up to him, asking permission to take a dip. He swam with them in the sea, raged, circled, threw them into the water. The kids were delighted, as was their mother, who watched what was happening with a smile.

A couple also sunbathed by the pool, where you can order food and drinks on a sunbed. While Andrei and Alice were talking, the little ones climbed the rope and rolled down the hill. Dined in the room. There, the dining table was set by a personal waiter. They preferred seafood and vegetables. When the time was approaching sunset, the newlyweds gathered for a walk.

“We followed them along the embankment,” Sochi resident Oleg tells StarHit. Andrey carried on his shoulders a little girl in a smart dress, white tights and shoes. Nearby, his wife held the hand of an older boy. I saw the athlete buying local ice cream and cotton candy.” Of the attractions, the couple visited the Olympic Park and the Dolphinarium. After giving it twenty minutes to inspect it, they got into a rented Mercedes and drove to the border with Abkhazia. There, away from prying eyes, they walked along the pebbles, though not as ideal as in Rodina, but far from the excitement of the New Wave festival, which was held in Sochi, artists and journalists.

// Photo: StarHit magazine archive

Andrey Arshavin is a Russian footballer who ended his career in the Kazakhstani club Kairat, former captain of the Russian national team, Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

He played as an attacking midfielder, second striker, playmaker. When the Russian national team was led by a Dutch coach, Arshavin joined the main players of the national team.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Arshavin was born on May 29, 1981 in Leningrad. Shava (nickname of Andrei Arshavin) showed interest in football from early childhood. The first coach of the future celebrity was his father - an avid fan and a good player. Already at the age of 7, the parents, appreciating their son's passion for football, sent the boy to the Smena boarding school.

In addition to football, Arshavin was fond of playing checkers at school age and easily received a youth category. The checkers section coach prophesied a great future for the boy, but the guy chose football. Andrey's favorite team was the Spanish "Barcelona".

Passion for sports did not prevent Andrei from getting a higher education. The footballer once received a diploma from the St. Petersburg University of Technology and Design. Unable to devote time to the profession, Arshavin made modeling clothes his hobby, periodically creating collections of clothes for children and adults.


Andrei Arshavin's football career began with the Smena team. For the adult composition of this team, the guy began to play from the age of 16. By the age of 18, the football player was enrolled in the Zenit football club, and a year later the young man made his debut in the main team. Arshavin's career is full of ups and downs.

Rapid development began in the 2001/2002 season under the guidance of coach Yuri Morozov. The team became the bronze medalist of the Russian championship, and Arshavin himself became the opening of the season and the best right midfielder. For all the years, the forward scored 71 goals for this team. The debut in the national team took place on May 17, 2002, and already in 2005 the footballer played in the first team.

In 2007, a fast and physically strong (Andrey's height is 172 cm, weight - 69 kg) football player became the captain of Zenit, and soon received the captain's armband in the Russian team. In 2008, the Blue-White-Blues won the UEFA Cup. In addition, as part of the Russian national team, Arshavin made it to the European Championship, where the team took bronze in the continental tournament.

After the end of the championship, European clubs became interested in the attacking midfielder. But, despite the abundance of rumors about upcoming transfers, Arshavin was still a Zenit player. And only in February 2009, the striker was registered by the English Football Association as an Arsenal player, where he played at number 23. According to Sport-Express, the amount of the Russian contract was £16.5 million. 70 thousand per week.

The game of Andrei Arshavin in the "Arsenal" was initially successful. The lightning fast, quick decision-making striker has become a star of world football. The most spectacular was the Arsenal match with Liverpool in April 2009. In this meeting, Andrei scored 4 goals at once, which did not bring victory to the London team, as the opponent equalized the score in the last minutes of the match.

Arshavin's 20 best goals for Zenit

However, fortune soon turned away from the forward. The Russian striker did not appear so often at the base of the Gunners (the nickname of the London Arsenal), in the second team Arshavin also did not differ in useful actions on the field. As a result, the striker turned out to be the worst player in the team. Then football fans talked about the player's disinterest in the game, connected this situation with the striker's desire to return to Russia.

On June 27, 2013, the footballer returned to Zenit. After 2 years, the contract with the Russian club ended, and the management decided not to renew the agreement. On July 13, 2015, the athlete officially became a Kuban player. On July 20 of the same year, the forward participated in the first meeting for the Krasnodar team against Ural. But already in February 2016, the player terminated the contract with the club.

The football player has his own distinctive gesture in the game. After each goal scored, the striker, as if calling for silence, puts his index finger to his lips.

It is known that the athlete tried to start a political career in the United Russia party in 2007, but soon refused to be a deputy. The Russian footballer is also a co-owner of CJSC Avtodor Express, Arshavin's share in the company is 49%.

Andrey Arshavin's signature gesture - finger to lips

Arshavin began playing for the youth team in 2002. The debut in the national team took place in May 2002 in a match against the team of Belarus. Arshavin scored 9 goals for the Russian team.

Andrey Arshavin played for the Russian national team until 2012. During this time, the national team reached the final of the 2002 world championship. Despite the successful performances of the football player, who headed the coaching staff of the Russians, he did not include the striker in the application. At the World Cup, which took place in South Korea and Japan, the striker did not play.

From 2002 to 2012, the striker played 75 matches and scored 17 goals for the Russian national team, became the team captain, and in 2008, together with Russian players, won the bronze of the European Championship. At Euro 2012, it was not possible to repeat the result. The team failed to perform in the group, losing to the Greek team, which was considered an outsider. The unsuccessful performance resulted in a verbal skirmish between Arshavin and a fan of the Russian national team, the video hit the Internet. The offensive phrases of the football player outraged the public. Arshavin later apologized.

In 2016, information appeared that Andrei Arshavin was leaving the Kuban football club. At the beginning of 2016, the football player announced that he would leave the club even if his agent did not find a new team.

Football Stories #1. Andrey Arshavin

As a result, the Russian forward left the team. Arshavin and the leadership of the Russian club came to this decision by mutual agreement. The management thanked Arshavin for the game, wishing him new sporting achievements.

Football analysts, as well as Instagram users who follow the biography of the idol, suggested that the departure of the star is associated with a reduction in the budget of the Krasnodar team. The club has changed management several times. As a result, the "Kuban" took a course to reduce funding, and the player went to Kazakhstan.

The sports biography of Andrei Arshavin from March 18, 2016 to November 2018 was associated with the Kazakhstani "Kairat". Interestingly, the Russian was the highest paid player on the team.

Speaking for Kairat, Andrey Arshavin managed to become the silver medalist of the championship of Kazakhstan, and also won the country's Super Cup. In June 2017, Andrey Arshavin scored the ball in the semifinal match of the Cup of Kazakhstan against Ordabasy. In addition, in the game of the first qualifying round of the Europa League, Kairat defeated the Lithuanian Atlantas at home with a score of 6:0. Arshavin managed to score 2 goals in this meeting.

In January 2017, the ex-captain of the Russian national team took 8th place in the list of the best players who have never participated in the World Cup. This rating was compiled by the analysts of the Spanish edition of Marca.

Personal life

The personal life of Andrei Arshavin is of interest to many. In 2003, the footballer met with. At that time, the girl was still a student. The relationship of the couple developed so rapidly that a month later the lovers began to live together. In 2005, Baranovskaya gave the football player a son, Artem, and in 2008, a daughter, Yana.

Andrei and Yulia, together with their children, moved to England, which was associated with the transfer of the player to the London Arsenal. In 2012, the third child of Andrei Arshavin was born, whom it was decided to name Arseny. The boy was born after the separation of his parents. All this time, the couple was in an unregistered relationship. According to Yulia Baranovskaya, it was Andrei who initiated the breakup. According to friends, the football player has never been faithful, which led to the breakup of the family.

These events caused a stir in the Russian press. The fact that the footballer left his wife during her third pregnancy was not said only by the lazy. Yes, and Baranovskaya herself noted that the separation was painful. Through the court, the woman achieved the award of alimony to Arshavin in the amount of 50% of the player’s total income.

The loudest divorces of Russian show business

Later, Baranovskaya's lawyer publicly disclosed the fact that Andrei was not fulfilling his obligations, transferring the amount only from his official salary, not taking into account additional earnings. In addition, Arshavin dragged on for a long time with the transfer of an apartment in St. Petersburg to his children, about which there was a certain agreement.

After the official statement about the termination of relations with Yulia, a lot of rumors appeared around Andrei Arshavin. The forward was credited with an affair with model Leilani Dowding. Before meeting the Russian athlete, the girl met with ex-West Ham defender Anwar Uddin, was engaged to former Middlesbrough forward Jeremy Alladier, as well as defender Mark Williams, who played for the Northern Ireland national team.

Then the Russian striker was noticed with an ex-model who was previously married to a businessman and lived in England. Andrey's new passion has a son and a daughter.

The lovers met for several years, and their relationship could not be called cloudless. And on September 1, 2016, Andrey Arshavin and Alisa Kazmina took place. This was sensational news, because the couple did not inform anyone about the upcoming ceremony. According to some media reports, there were few guests at the wedding. In February 2017, the Yesenya couple.

Andrei Arshavin's wife got along well with the football player's children from a previous relationship. The Russian striker also became friends with Alice's children.

In October 2017, Alisa Kazmina stated on social networks. According to the girl, the character of the football player was frivolous, which caused discord in the family. But the separation did not take place, the couple established relations.

Kazmina took the news hard, but did not dare to divorce. The girl explained her action to reporters by the fact that Andrei changed after the birth of his daughter and began to devote more time to his family. In addition, Alice cannot complain about life. She spends most of the year with her children on the coast, and recently received a chic gift - a Lamborghini car.

In January 2018, Arshavin's wife got into a scandalous story related to threats against a native of Kazakhstan, a model who had previously posted a joint video with Andrei Arshavin on the Web. The girl filed an application against Alice to the Kazakh prosecutor's office. Arshavin was charged with three articles.

Arshavin's wife threatens her rival. Andrey Malakhov - "Live"

Later, Kazmina arranged for the plane to take off, after which she was forced to leave the cabin. Despite these troubles, Andrei Arshavin did not support his wife and did not interfere in any of the proceedings.

In January 2019, Alisa Kazmina admitted that they had been with Arshavin for a long time. The journalist did not name the reasons for the breakup, but did not deny that it lies in the love of the football player.

Andrey Arshavin now

2017 began successfully for Andrey Arshavin, the Kairat team became the owner of the Super Cup of Kazakhstan. But in the summer, at the Kairat match against the Atyrau club at the Kazakhstan Championship, Andrey injured his hip ligaments and dropped out of the game. It took the midfielder almost a month to recover, which did not prevent him from entering the top five players of the season.

Andrey Arshavin about the Russian team and the 2018 World Cup

At the end of the season, the club decided not to renew the contract with the Russian athlete. Andrey Arshavin with Kazakh fans, and in November 2018 he will end his professional career. The player has not yet announced his future plans.


  • 2003, 2013/14 - silver medalist of the Russian championship ("Zenith")
  • 2007, 2011/12, 2014/15 - Champion of Russia (Zenit)
  • 2007/08 - UEFA Cup winner (Zenit)
  • 2008 - winner of the Russian Super Cup (Zenith)
  • 2008 - bronze medalist of the European Championship (Team of Russia)
  • 2016, 2017 - silver medalist of the championship of Kazakhstan ("Kairat")
  • 2017 - the owner of the Cup of Kazakhstan ("Kairat")
  • 2017 - the winner of the Super Cup of Kazakhstan ("Kairat")

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