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Where does the expression "sitting on two chairs" come from? You can’t sit on two chairs ... ... It’s impossible to sit on two chairs

Folk wisdom is famous for its precise and satirical statements. All of them are based on real life observations.

This expression is from the same area, apparently someone once noticed how a person tries to sit on two different chairs - to sit there and sit there, and if the chairs are located in different places, it’s generally problematic. And now it is already becoming winged, and it is used in all spheres of our life.

Of course, the expression is similar to the same pro hares and its meaning is multifaceted:

Trying to do several things at once, each of which requires special attention. As a result, you may not do any.

It can be applied to leadership positions, someone from greed has grabbed positions and cannot cope with a single one, but it’s a pity to share.

Or maybe someone is trying to live according to the principle "both yours and ours", trying to get benefits for himself immediately from two sides, rushing between two camps.

In general, a person cannot decide on his position and he also does not have his own opinion, he tries to please everyone.

This happens in matters of the heart, and in politics, and in family life and in society.

Sit on two chairs
Impossible at the same time
Happiness can fly away
Don't even blink an eye.
Your tender heart
Ask soon
It will tell you where your
And who is dearer to him.

I see how many inconsistencies, contradictions we have about descriptions, experiences of what we call God and also Being. It would be nice to decide once and for all and not to confuse communication. We say one thing and mean another. Here again they raised the topic of God, but let's honestly admit that this is faith in something higher that is beyond you. And this is immediately duality, Hawkins spoke about this more than once. But then you don’t have to play up, and tell that everything is in God and it is important to see it in yourself. No. Real faith in God is faith, or in Christ, or in some Hindu statue, and through it to receive goodness. But the Hindu deities, where tantra comes from, does not suit our person at all, since this is a way of life from childhood in a circle, in a village where they wake up and lie down in worship of her. And from here the real tantra begins, when the adept has been soaked for many years, so much so that with this inner image and goodness he even goes to the toilet to take a piss.
If we consider our believers in Christ, they do not look for anything, they do not visit the Advaita website, they simply believe. Yes, they are constantly worn in goodness, then in the fall, but this is their way. At the word God, they are in awe, and not like our description of everything, but immediately immediately that God is love. And as soon as we see tin, we immediately repeat that this is from the ego, and not from God. So if everything is God and any muck is also God.
We here in general want to cross Both God and Existence and another trait (obscurity). Here is Genesis - yes. For Advaitin, this is not a myth about God, but something that exists right now. But what exists now as an experience of Being? And this is where the intrigues of the ego also begin - like everything that happens is already all in Being.
I now see that if you say this, then only under the covers and then when this Being is filled with some kind of living substance, simply when you feel truly Alive. And if you don’t feel it, it’s better to shake the darkness so that it falls off. But here's the paradox, in order to dissolve them, you need to be Alive. And here is the whole topic about Forgiveness, Innocence, about discovering yourself Alive to help. And here the Soul sometimes begins to hatch. The main thing here is not to start the process when the Soul that has hatched a little earlier disappears and you should not immediately embark on a search for it, otherwise the stretch is provided. Let another worldly level be lived. And what the Living is felt in everyday life, that will be in place. Today I was walking near the lake and saw a girl walking with her dog. My soul blossomed when I saw them together. A minute later, a drunken company sits on a bench, arguing and drooling. So what, I see an even feeling of comfort for them. And he did not even begin to rummage where the Soul hid.
So I confess honestly - I can only think about God, but Live in Genesis.

Ecology of life: This is probably the first generation of truly happy and beloved women. There is no domestic violence in such families because...

“You are a woman, sooner or later you will have to make a choice: either a family or a career.”

We, who were born in the 80s and 90s, grew up with this setup.

Now girls are growing up with the idea that you can travel all your life, and as soon as a child is born, continue with him at the ready, that you can become a beauty blogger, a travel coach, most importantly, not a troublemaker, although maybe in a dozen years this will become a profession . They grow up on Moana, Frozen, in a world where there are female superheroes.

The cry of the soul that 30-year-old women rule the world

and stay happy

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No, we are not like that. We have before our eyes examples from the movie "The Devil Wears Prada" with his: "if you have problems in your personal life, then wait for a promotion."

We rewound this phrase back, again and again, and rolled our eyes in understanding.

It was we who grew up on the Stepford Wives, with a sense of fear and guilt that here is another career step up - and we definitely need to be transformed, zombified, until we ruined the life of the male half of humanity. After all, the right wives are there - beautiful, without exception, blondes, with curls, these marvelous dresses with polka dots or a small flower. They bake cupcakes all the time. Is it okay that cupcakes are the same attribute of “normal life” as plastic wives?

Or our "bible" - "Sex and the City", if you love sex, like Samantha, then here's a celibate crown for you. If a career, like the heroine of Cynthia Nixon, then the family will already be the second item somewhere. If the family is complete, like Charlotte's, then leave your job and furnish your ideal home with flowers. And if you want to marry the man of your dreams, and even take place as a person, then, firstly, run after him for 10 years, and secondly, fulfill yourself with columns about sex and men. And here one of the two is either children or Manolo Blahnik.

And here we are, like that monkey in the joke, which rushes between “smart” and “beautiful” and does not know whether it will burst, or what? We recognize ourselves in all these roles, in all the heroines at once. We are all Miranda at work, Charlotte at home, Samantha in bed and Carrie - Carrie always.

Do you think that when buying another overalls for a child for 10,000, you don’t want those same Manolo Blahnik? Thanks to "Avito", maybe we'll save up for school for chic shoes and ourselves.

We haven't looked at superwomen. We have become them.These are not modern teenagers, but we use all gadgets and modern applications. These are not business coaches, but we understand time management. This is not Caesar, but we are going through crazy drying, an online MBA course and a marathon of femininity or relationships with children at the same time. This is a tutor in the second, third, fifth (underline as necessary) foreign language comes to us in a cafe next to children's centers, where our children's developmental games are going.

No, we are not afraid of such an abundance of information. We will take the best of everything with a critical mind and an analytical mind, even when we are wearing skirts. And while someone is waiting for us to inspire them to change the world, we will change this world ourselves, simultaneously preparing minestrone and teaching children tolerance.

And if someone thinks that thirty-year-old wonder women have no personal life, that they are all proud and lonely on a cold peak, that the men who descended to them are henpecked victims, then look carefully at these relationships. This is probablythe first generation of truly happy and loved women. In such families, there is no domestic violence, because the ladies will not tolerate it. In such families, husbands are proud of both their wives and children.Because being a team is much more interesting than being a driven horse pulling a wagon train.

Sit between two chairs (on two chairs)

Razg. Unapproved To take an indefinite position, to lean simultaneously towards two opposing points of view; to please both opposing sides. BMS 1998, 556.

Big dictionary of Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

See what "Sit between two chairs (on two chairs)" is in other dictionaries:

    Verb, nsv., use. max. often Morphology: I am sitting, you are sitting, he/she/it is sitting, we are sitting, you are sitting, they are sitting, sit, sit, sat, sat, sat, sat, sitting, sitting, sitting; noun, p. sitting ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    I sit, you sit; sitting; nsv. 1. Be in an upright position, in which the torso rests on something. with its lower part, and the legs (paws) are bent or extended; take a place to sit where l. S. on the back desk, on the sofa, on a log, on ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    sit- I sit /, sit / sh; si/dia; nsv. see also sitting, sitting, sitting, seat 1) a) To be in an upright position, in which the torso rests on something. with its lower part, and the legs (paws) are bent or extended; take a seat where l ... Dictionary of many expressions

    To sit (stay) between two chairs on the bare (on the bare) I wanted to grab two chairs with my back, and I sat down between two on the bare (to be left with nothing) Cf. Live between two on the bare. Wed (Before the war) we talked most of all about ourselves, about some kind of hopes, ... ...

    I wanted to grab two chairs with my back, and I sat down between two on the bare (to be left with nothing) Cf. Live between two on the bare. Wed (Before the war) we talked most of all about ourselves, about some kind of hopes that shattered into dust and left us between two chairs. ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Left with nothing Wed. (Before the war) we talked most of all about ourselves, about some kind of hopes that shattered into dust and left us between two chairs. Saltykov. Moderate in the environment. 2. At your leisure. Wed The mother recovers the promissory note from her son, obeying ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Sit in one chair. Kar. Live together, work together. SRGK 4, 151. Sit in a chair. Psk. To lose the possibility of movement, not to be able to carry out one's intentions; get into a hopeless situation. Add., 1858. Sitting on a chair. Psk. ... ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    FURNITURE- (from French meuble furniture), household items used for lying, sitting, storing things, etc. Depending on the purpose, place, method of use, the material and design of M. can be very diverse, how diverse! depending... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    interior- Rice. 1. A method for modeling the interior of an apartment. Rice. 1. A method for modeling the interior of an apartment. the interior of the apartment its internal space, organized and well-appointed in a certain way. Necessary conditions for comfort ... ... Encyclopedia "Housing"

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