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Honored guest of our coven. Baron Samedi in the Bible

Baron Saturday (fr. Baron Samedi)

Day of the week: Saturday.
Colors: Black and White, or Black and Purple. There is only purple.
Responsible for: Cemeteries, Dead, Black Magic, Master of Astral Gates, Children.
Necklace: Black and White beads strung through one. Those. one black, one white, bring to the required length.
Offerings: Black coffee, Black goat, Black rooster, Roasted peanuts, Vodka infused with 21 peppers, Rum (or good quality moonshine), Cigar.
Symbol: Cross, Skull, coffin, also Cane and Hat (cylinder head) (burial master's clothes)
Marital status: Married to Mama Brigit (mistress of the cemetery gate).

The baron is the most important of the spirits of the dead - Gede. Baron Samdi is the first deceased man in the capital of Haiti (and at the same time the center of voodoo), Port-au-Prince.

Baron Samedi is the steward of the cemetery and the dead. The first grave (if the deceased is a man) is dedicated to him. Moreover, this dead person, most likely, will be the caretaker of the cemetery, and not the Baron himself, but through him the energies of the Baron can freely control other dead. The Baron is not responsible for the family (or deceased ancestors) (since these are separate Spirits), but with his help you can open the gates to their world (the Master of the astral gates). He will help to communicate with them and support if something goes wrong. But the Master of the clan, in the full sense of the word, he cannot be called. The baron is the dead, but not the family.

The baron wears a top hat, is dressed in a tuxedo, and holds a cane in his hands (in some interpretations, a crutch). He smokes strong cigars, drinks rum and swears obscenely.
He loves children and life, as the second component of death. If the child is near death (or in mortal danger), then the Baron should be contacted. He is kind to children. Although sometimes very different.

Also in his department is the so-called "Black" magic.
If the sorcerer wants to send damage or kill a person, then this question can be addressed to Baron Samedi.

To call the Baron, a preliminary invitation to the Legba ritual is not always required, because. The baron himself can open the doors and come. But out of respect for the Tradition and Legba himself, you must first call Legba, and then the Baron. This is just a tribute to the great Orisha. But not the impossibility of the Baron to open the roads, especially if the ritual is performed in a cemetery, where he is a full-fledged owner.

It is believed that when crossing the cemetery gates (entering the territory of the cemetery), one should ask for the permission of the Baron, because. you enter his house. And then you will be under the supervision of his wards.

The Baron is not just a cemetery keeper (an entity that looks after the dead in a particular cemetery, each cemetery has its own), but through him (like any dead) the Baron can manifest himself. The Baron is much more than just the dead, it is a very strong Spirit, in whose department is everything that has died and has already outlived its time. Everything to do with death is him.

It is believed that the person who was possessed by Baron Saturday shows intemperance in drinking and eating, smoking and sex.

The height of the celebration and worship of the Baron is the national holiday of the Haitians - the Day of the Dead. On this day, crowds of pilgrims gather at his grave. The night before, they celebrate all night and sing in his honor. Everyone smokes and drinks rum flavored with hot pepper, sprinkles the crowd with rum and waits for the descent of the spirit of Baron Saturday. Baron Saturday is considered the patron saint of all bandits and thugs. The cross on the grave of Baron Saturday is not a Christian crucifix, but a sign of a crossroads known in all cultures. He may be wearing a hat or a skull.

The spirit of Baron Saturday descends on one of those present - a medium. In addition to the spirit of Baron Saturday, the spirit of the goddess of love Erzili, the spirits of snakes, etc. can descend. A black bull, black goats are sacrificed to Baron Saturday. Their blood in vats is placed in front of the temple altar. Objects of magic are placed on the voodoo altar: chicken legs, tufts of human hair, crosses for the Baron Saturday, dolls dedicated to the wife of the Baron Saturday - Bridgette, bottles with magical powers contained in them - spirits.

The ecstatic states experienced by voodoo initiates while possessed by spirits include visions of "crossing the sea" and "reaching paradise" in an altered state of consciousness, accompanied, like shamanistic incantations, by sudden jumps. They end with the ritual biting of the carotid teeth of a living black pig - as during the Cayman Forest Oath.

It is believed that the holiday of the Baron Saturday is also visited by the living dead - zombies. Fear of zombies is very common among Haitians. The living dead, deprived of their will and obeying the will of the ungan, are perceived as a reality in voodoo. It is alleged that a powder obtained from a poisonous fish that is found off the coast of Haiti is used to turn a person into a zombie. If this powder is blown into a person's face, he falls into a coma, so it is impossible to determine whether he is alive or not. Before sunset on Saturday, the victim, like all the dead in Haiti, is buried. Later, the voodoo priest digs up the grave and digs up his victim. Due to being in the grave, a person becomes a zombie - he loses his memory and becomes completely obedient to the voodoo sorcerer.

Baron Saturday (Baron Samedi)

Pit, Thanatos, Anubis, Azrael, Emma, ​​Hel, Groh, the Old Woman with the Scythe - these are all the names of the guide to the Kingdom of the Dead, Death. Each religion has its own psychopomp god, the guide of souls to the afterlife, and each person represents this deity in his own way. Someone thinks that Death will appear to him in the form of a terrible old woman in a black shapeless robe, with a frighteningly sharpened scythe at the ready, who grins maliciously at the lipless grin of her skull. Someone sincerely believes that after his death, a white-winged angel, specially sent from heaven for this purpose, will fly in for his soul, who, having picked up the newly departed righteous soul under his white hands, will respectfully take him to Paradise. Someone, on the contrary, is shaking with fear, imagining how the horned Satan drags the sinner's soul straight to Hell, where the devils will fry it like a cutlet in a hot frying pan for an eternity.

The cult of ancestors existed and exists in all cults and religions. Everywhere Death is depicted as a rather gloomy character with a very specific sense of humor.
But in Haiti, in voodoo magic, the lord of the dead and the patron of cemeteries, oddly enough, is a rather cheerful type. He is a big fan of pawning by the collar (by the way, the truth of the possession by the spirit of the Baron is checked by the fact that the possessed is given to drink a bottle of rum infused with 40 "fiery" chili peppers, since this is the Baron's favorite drink), and also not averse to joking (often gone and cynical, but quite funny), and, finally, he is a passionate dancer. He wears an elegant top hat and tuxedo, leans on a cane representing a phallic symbol, and in addition to a particular fondness for tobacco and rum, he is famous for being also the spirit of sex. He smokes strong cigars, drinks rum and allows himself to curse everyone in this and that world. His name is Baron Samedi or Baron Saturday. A kind of cheerful Spirit of Death. He has his own philosophy, which finds something humorous and absurd in death. Baron Samedi reminds with all his appearance that one must live enjoying the joys of life, because the richest and most talented, and the poorest and most unfortunate people are waiting for the final inevitable act - death. The Spirit of Death, in the belief of voodoo magic, loves to dance samba, waving his hips, is obsessed with sex, pleases ten mulattos at a time. He drinks rum, in which twenty-one hot peppers have been immersed, and which no mere mortal could swallow. He dances admirably and sometimes places his cane between his legs to represent the phallus. But despite all his pranks, he is also successfully married to Mama Bridget, the mistress of the cemetery gate. Funny guy, right?

He can appear without a call, he is so strong. The Baron is something much more than just a guide to another world, it is a very strong Spirit, in whose department is everything that has died and has already outlived its time. Everything related to death is him.
According to Woody beliefs, the first grave in the cemetery, if the deceased is a man, is dedicated to Baron Samedi. This dead man will become the caretaker of the cemetery, through which the energy of the Baron will be transmitted. Samedi is translated from Creole as "Saturday" - in Haiti on this day it is customary to communicate with the spirits of the dead. Relatives of the dead put on corpse masks and sleep on the graves. The Day of the Dead holiday in Haiti is primarily the feast of the Baron Sabbath. On this day, crowds of pilgrims gather at his grave. The night before, they celebrate all night and sing in his honor. Everyone smokes and drinks rum flavored with hot pepper, sprinkles the crowd with rum and waits for the descent of the spirit of Baron Saturday. Baron Samedi is also considered their patron by bandits and thugs. That is why the Baron Samedi wears a black hat, black sunglasses, a black suit and has the same cigar in his mouth. The cross on the grave of Baron Saturday is not a Christian crucifix, but a sign of a crossroads known in all cultures. He may be wearing a hat or a skull. He stands at the gates of the cemetery, which lead to the underworld. In a more positive aspect, Baron Saturday may be called upon to heal an illness or to alleviate the suffering of the terminally ill who are dying. Despite his sometimes obscene gestures during the voodoo ceremony, despite his vulgar jokes about sex and human mortality, he is very wise. He just knows how to find humorous aspects in both sex and death. But only the Baron can decide whether to accept an individual into the realm of the dead or leave him alive. He is considered a fair judge and a powerful magician.

He also has black magic in his department, so sorcerers who are going to get even with their enemies turn to him. The help of the Baron allows the sorcerer to kill the victim at a considerable distance. However, her health must be broken in advance with the help of a special mark. If everything is done correctly, then the victim will be struck by a magical disease that destroys the blood and fills it with the energy of death. The body slowly mummifies and the person will die a painful death. But Baron Samedi is a good assistant not only in black magic. He loves children, so the child is in danger or seriously ill, the Wooddists turn to the Baron. He is always kind to children, although not without a share of black humor.
If the Baron becomes the patron of the sorcerer, he receives special powers and abilities. The sorcerer will be able to freely communicate with the dead, save people from serious illnesses, and gain the gift of seeing people's lifespan. Baron Samedi will become a teacher for him, who will show that everything in the world can be taken lightly, sometimes even cynically, the main thing is to learn to appreciate life and accept death. His ceremonial food is black coffee, roasted peanuts and bread. The spirit of Baron Sabbath, during the rituals dedicated to him, may descend upon one of the mediums present. It is believed that the person in whom Baron Samdi moved in, shows intemperance in drinking and food, smoking and sex. A black bull and black goats are sacrificed to Baron Saturday. Their blood in vats is placed in front of the temple altar. Objects of magic are placed on the voodoo altar: chicken legs, tufts of human hair, crosses for the Baron Saturday, dolls dedicated to the wife of the Baron Saturday - Bridgette, bottles with magical powers contained in them - spirits. Mama Bridgette and Baron Samdi are mother and father who transform the souls of the dead into transient beings as they are between life and final death.

Samedi existed in reality. This is a “black”, powerful Dahomey sorcerer - the French took him prisoner with his family and took him from Africa to Haiti, as a slave for coffee plantations, unaware that he was not even a person, this is a vessel for thousands of the most evil African spirits - loa. The youngest son of the baron died while sailing on a slave ship, but Samedi kept his skull. Voodoo believers believe that the skull of a dead child provides a link to the Baron. At one time, this skull was owned by the maniac dictator of Haiti, the so-called Dr. Francois Duvalier. A doctor by training, he perfectly mastered black magic, which allowed both him and his offspring to remain in power in the Sugar Palace of Port-au-Prince. To instill fear and gain popularity, Duvalier skillfully presented himself as a voodoo sorcerer (the magical religion of the Negroes of Haiti) and even Baron Saturday.

Associated with death, the dead, as well as sexuality and childbirth.

Baron Samdi is depicted as a skeleton in a black tailcoat and a black top hat (the clothes of a funeral master). Its main symbol is the coffin. The first grave in the new cemetery is dedicated to Baron Samdi. It is believed that a person who has been possessed by Baron Samdi shows intemperance in drinking and eating, smoking and sex.

there is one mystical creature, the description of which is similar either to the new role of Johnny Depp, or to the next idea of ​​Tim Burton. This creature wears a top hat and a tuxedo, leans on a cane, smokes strong cigars, drinks rum and happily curses everyone in this and that world. Meet Baron Samedi - the manager of the cemetery and the dead. By the way, she loves life and children. Married to Mama Brigit, owner of the cemetery gate.

Voodoo magic gave rise to such a strange and unusual creature for us. According to Woody beliefs, the first grave in the cemetery, if the deceased is a man, is dedicated to Baron Samedi. This dead man will become the caretaker of the cemetery, through which the energy of the Baron will be transmitted. Black magic is also in his department, so sorcerers who are going to get even with their enemies turn to him. The help of the Baron allows the sorcerer to kill the victim at a considerable distance. However, her health must be broken in advance with the Mark of Guede. If everything is done correctly, then the victim will be struck by a magical disease that destroys the blood and fills it with the energy of death, the body is slowly mummified and the person will die a painful death. But Baron Samedi is a good assistant not only in black magic. He loves children, so if a child is in danger or is seriously ill, the Wooddists turn to the Baron. He is always kind to children, although not without a share of black humor.

If the Baron becomes the patron of the sorcerer, he receives special powers and abilities. The sorcerer will be able to freely communicate with the dead, save people from serious illnesses, and gain the gift of seeing people's lifespan. Baron Samedi will become a teacher for him, who will show that everything in the world can be taken lightly, sometimes even cynically, the main thing is to learn to appreciate life and accept death.

There are three main families in Voodoo - Petro, Rada and Gede. They are very different, interesting in their own way, and, of course, all are very important for the service and practice of Voodoo.

Today I want to talk about the Gede family - mediators between the world of the living and the world of the dead.

The main difference between Guyanese and African Voodoo is that the Haitians believe in the rebirth of souls - as did the Indians, the original inhabitants of Haiti. The Indians believed that the souls of a person after death are reborn into bats, birds or spiders and arrive like this until they are born again as a person.

And Africans believe that the souls of their ancestors, after death, unite in a certain lump, in some kind of ONE great power. They are generally revered as "ancestors" among whom no one is forgotten. Ancestors possess the knowledge of all generations.

So, Gede is a symbiosis of these beliefs. They are all countless souls. And at the same time, as if one spirit - Papa Gede.

The most famous in the Gede family is Baron Samedi - the patron of cemeteries, the keeper of the world of the dead. Oddly enough, this is a very cheerful Loa, a lover of pawning by the collar (by the way, the truth of the obsession with the Baron is checked by the fact that the obsessed is given a bottle of rum infused with 40 "fiery" chili peppers, and the Baron easily consumes this drink), to joke (often - vulgar and cynical, but very funny), and, finally, he is a passionate dancer.

Baron Samedi is the unspoken patron of children, whom he loves very much. If the Baron refuses to dig a grave, the person will not die. Also, he hates murderers, rapists, maniacs.

There is an opinion (especially among voodoo charlatans) that the Baron himself never communicates with people, using Gede for these purposes. This is stupidity, since it is the Baron who has the right (the only one from Loa) to come into the world without the knowledge of Legba, the lord of doors and crossroads.

At Voodoo ceremonies, the Baron wears dark glasses and a hat. Prefers dark, formal suits.


The baron is a conductor between the world of the living and the world of the dead, a graveyard prince. Usually depicted as a skeleton, dressed in a black tailcoat, top hat, with a cane in his hands and a cigar in his mouth, sometimes drunk to death with a bottle of rum in his arms.

Representing the darker, darker aspect of Guede, he has many aspects himself, including Baron Cimitiere, Baron la Croix and Baron Criminel. In all his aspects, he appears as a nasally-voiced male Loa who carries a cane or wand and dresses in black or purple. Having settled into a person, he can spew curses. He is considered to be the last resort in cases of death caused by witchcraft, because even if a witch spell should cause a person to die, if the Baron refuses to "dig a grave", the person will not die.

Baron Samedi, along with his wife Maman Brigitte, is also responsible for the souls of the dead and transforming them into Loa Guede. Baron Samedi can be called upon in case of infertility, he is also a divine judge to whom people can turn.

The grave of the first person buried in any cemetery in Haiti, whether the person has participated in Voodoo or not, is dedicated to Baron Samedi, and a ceremonial cross is erected on it.

In rural areas, families can erect their own Baron Samedi cross, and no temple can be completed without a Baron Samedi cross.

Baron Samedi can be summoned at any time. He can appear without asking, he is so powerful. He drinks rum, in which twenty-one hot peppers were immersed and which no mere mortal could swallow. His ceremonial food is black coffee, roasted peanuts, and bread. He dances wonderfully.

Fet Guede, the Feast of the Ancestors, symbolizes the end of the old year and the beginning of a new one, similar to European witchcraft tradition. Whatever a man owes Baron Samedi, Maman Brigitte or Guede, he must pay by this time

Maman Brigitte, surprisingly enough for Voodoo, is British by birth. He is descended from Brigid or Saint Brigit, the Celtic goddess of poetry, blacksmithing and medicine.

Maman Brigitte is the wife of Baron Samedi, Master of the Cemetery and head of all deceased ancestors. The grave of the first woman buried in any cemetery in Haiti is dedicated to Maman Brigitte, and her ceremonial cross has been erected in that place. She, like Baron Samedi, is called upon to "raise the dead", i.e. cure and save those who are dying from the disease caused by witchcraft.

Maman Brigitte, like Baron Samedi, is a rough-talking Loa who uses a lot of swear words. She drinks hot pepper rum, so hot that the person Loa possesses could never drink it. She dances a very artistic dance, the virtuosity of her dance is amazing.

Maman Brigitte and Baron Samedi are mother and father who transform the souls of the dead into Loa Guede, removing them from the mystical waters where they were without knowing their identity and their name.

She patronizes mothers, children and animals, all the sick and needy, incognito helps in hospitals and hospitals, conveys the requests of the dying to the Baron, simply helps. You can turn to her with almost any request. If you are a kind person, not greedy, honest, and most importantly - with an excellent sense of humor, as the Baroness loves to laugh - Mama Brigitte will always be on your side. But playing bad jokes with her or deceiving her is very life-threatening. She is, after all, a black goddess. In anger, it is terrible to death. He loves sacrifices in the form of perfumes, flowers and sweets.

By origin, Mama Bridget is an image very reminiscent of the Celtic Trinity Goddess, embodying Poetry, Blacksmithing and Witchcraft. In the Afro-Caribbean region, it appeared, most likely, in connection with the penetration into the new habitat of servants deported to Haiti from Scotland and Ireland. And this "origin" in no way prevented her from becoming the wife of the Baron Same-di (Samdi or Lwa Gede) himself. She can resurrect the dead, postpone death, heal some seemingly incurable diseases caused by third-party influences (magic).

Look, tonight among our guests is an elegant man in a black top hat, black glasses and a black tailcoat. He would have seemed even more interesting, with his black cane and expensive cigar, if he had not plugged his nostrils with cotton swabs. After all, this is none other than Baron Saturday - the famous lord of the dead from the Voodoo pantheon. Who is a baron, and why does he carry his title?

Of course, no one knows for sure. And if he knows, he tries to remain silent. There is nothing to commemorate the powerful loa once again. Loa is a spirit that is an intermediary between the creator god and people. Baron Saturday has several roles. Some believe that he himself is only one of the incarnations of Papa Gede - the lord of the dead. According to this legend, Baron Saturday is the first to be buried in Port-au-Prince, the capital of the Republic of Haiti. But his body still serves as a haven for the spirit, whose role is to facilitate the transition of the human soul to the afterlife. Often next to the baron are listed the Baron of the Cross and the Baron of the Cemetery. They can also be considered as two hypostases of the loa itself: the cross is the crossroads at which the paths of the living intersect with the path of the dead. The cemetery is a traditional resting place where the graves and their contents are entrusted to the protection of Baron Saturday.
According to another legend, the baron is an undertaker who both buries the body and transfers the soul to the afterlife. That is why his nostrils are plugged - in the Haitian hot climate it is not so easy to keep the body of the deceased in proper condition for burial.
And the baron is a family man. His wife, mother Bridget, guards cemeteries and guards the peace of the dead.
Oh, didn't I tell you that the baron is an elegantly dressed skeleton? Not?
But this is a trifle, if you have a true gentleman in front of you.
As you may have guessed, the Baron is a travel lover. Once, on the ships of slave traders, his spirit crossed the ocean and ended up in Hispaniola. Over time, the island began to be called Haiti, and its population, having won freedom from slave owners, founded two states and one peculiar cult of worship of loa spirits, in the images of which traditional tribal deities of African tribes, Catholic saints and witchcraft were mixed. And nowadays, when Haiti is shaken by cataclysms - political and natural, the baron quite willingly visits the United States, where the largest diaspora of refugees from Haiti has settled.
Since death is a state that no one can avoid, the baron is highly revered by all the servants of voodooism. As sacrifices, he prefers rum, often infused with hot pepper, and excellent cigars. Fortunately, in the lands where black slaves were imported, there is no shortage of quality tobacco.
What are the baron's admirers asking for?
The spirit of the baron is indeed powerful and strong. His cane, or crutch, is a phallic symbol, a sign of rebirth and rebirth. They say that Baron Saturday is a supporter of a strictly established order: he does not like it when children or physically strong people are buried, which means that if a child is seriously ill and the doctors are already desperate to save him, the Baron should be called immediately.
If the baron refuses to dig a grave for the dying, then the time of his death has not yet come, and, even after surviving the appearance of physical death, the person will be able to return to his loved ones.
Another thing is if you needlessly disturb the baron - after all, each soul has its own time. Here you need to be especially careful. This is not the police for you to get off with a fine for a false call. The baron will take with him what he touches. And if you don’t take a cow’s leg in your hand before you say hello to the baron, answering his handshake, then you will lose your own hand.
Those, on whom the spirit of Baron Saturday descends, sometimes do amazing things - drink gallons of rum infused with hot pepper or amaze all the surrounding ladies with their sexual power. In general, the baron, despite the gloomy occupation, is a great lover of life and nothing human is alien to him. If you really need to take a walk - so be it, and the baron knows how to do it well.
However, the baron has one small drawback. Forgivable, you say? It's not the same for everybody.
The fact is that the Haitian sorcerers, by invoking the baron, have long learned one simple thing:
they capture a person's soul, put it in a bottle and ask the baron to plug the neck with a cork. Sacrificed by the sacrifices, the baron cannot refuse anything to his servants. So a zombie is born - a person deprived of soul and memory, who literally becomes a slave to a sorcerer, and remains in this state until someone frees his soul from imprisonment.

It is believed that the word "zombie" comes from the word "Nsambi" (Nsambi), which in the languages ​​​​of the Congolese peoples has several meanings. So they call the supreme deity, so they call the soul and so they call the dead. Moreover, the dead are of several types: those who have completely departed to another world, the restless spirits of the dead, akin to European ghosts, as well as “nyumba” (nyumba) - people who are considered formally dead, but continue to live among the living as if nothing had happened. Apparently, the latter are the "ancestors" of the Haitian zombies.
The most famous of the zombie people in Haiti was Claudius Narcisse, who died suddenly in the spring of 1962 and, after appropriate examination in the hospital of Port-au-Prince, was buried as dead. Soon Narcissus was kidnapped from the grave and taken to one of the remote farms, where he woke up from his "sleep" and, not remembering himself, worked with hundreds of the same as himself for eighteen years. Awareness of reality came back to him unexpectedly. He ran away from the plantation, but his relatives, although they recognized him as Claudius Narcissus, were afraid to deal with him. Narcissus was admitted to the hospital for rehabilitation treatment, and his photograph, in which he was depicted sitting next to his grave, went around the world.
Here, perhaps, we should also mention what is, perhaps, the real shame of Haiti: in 1957, President Francois Duvalier, a former doctor and organizer of a military junta that made a coup in the country, came to power in the Republic of Haiti. After some time, the country learned that Duvalier was a powerful voodoo sorcerer and even the incarnation of Baron Saturday. And his police force - the Tonton Macoutes - is nothing more than an army of zombies resurrected to serve their master. The brutal regime of the dictator rested on superstitious fear until 1971, and then, after the death of his father, his son, Jean-Claude Duvalier, came to power in the country, deposed only in 1986. The years of rule of the Duvalier family not only ruined the population of the country, but also reduced it through the most severe repressions. Baron Samdi gathered a good harvest from the political opponents of the Duvalier family.
There are rumors that the baron was also forced to participate in the Kennedy assassination. For refusing subsidies to the Republic of Haiti, "Papa Doc," as Francois Duvalier liked to call himself, performed a curse on a voodoo doll of the US president. Soon Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. And if the spirit of Baron Saturday did not hover over a wooden fence, then he certainly came for the soul of Lee Harvey Oswald.
The baron was also noted in the modern mainstream. First, Ian Fleming made him the hero of his James Bond novel, and Jeffrey Holder brilliantly embodied his image on the screen. And then the baron "surfaced" in the pantheon of "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman and in "Witches Abroad" by Terry Pratchett.
In general, Mr. Baron, as usual, strives for entertainment, travel, fame and various types of pleasure.
Let us perform an incendiary dance for him today to the sound of Haitian ritual drums.

Baron Samedi is an important loa (spirit) in voodoo. This is the prince of death and the world of the dead. Its attributes indicate its late origin (top hat, tailcoat, cigar). But the loa are the sons of God, the angels, which means they have a long history. Can traces of the Baron be found in the Bible? Let's try to read the Bible through the prism of voodoo in order to deconstructively reveal new meanings.

The well-known initiate Moses (Moses, Moshe, Musa) commanded to honor the Sabbath - Samedi.
"Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you shall work and do all your work, but on the seventh day it is the Sabbath of the Lord" (Exodus 20:8).
This is the fourth of the 10 commandments. Moses went to his loa in the darkness on the mountain.
"Moses entered into darkness. Where is God" (Nzambi) (Exodus 20:21)
According to the Bible (Genesis 2:2) and voodoo, God rested (fell asleep) from his labors after the creation of the world. For voodooists, Nietzsche's phrase that God is dead is an occasion for arrogant sneer at the uninitiated. Not dead, but sleeping. Therefore, Moses could not speak with God himself, he spoke with one of the loa - the spirit. Most likely - with Baron Samedi, for darkness is his abode, and his day is Saturday.
"According to Freud, Moses was an Egyptian who professed the religion of Akhenaten (see Art. Amarna period), which he wanted to instill in the Israelites."
Moses was from Egypt, and the Egyptians loved death - their culture is famous for sarcophagi and pyramids. The estate of Baron Samedi. It is noteworthy that the Goth subculture cultivates the Egyptian ankh cross and the image of Dracula very similar to the Baron: a black top hat, a black cloak, a whitened face and a love of walking through cemeteries.
The first known zombie, Lazarus, has distinct Egyptian roots:
The name "Lazarus" is a Latinized form of the Greek Lazaros, a contraction Eleazaros or אֶלְעָזָר ("God has helped"), in Standard Hebrew Elʿazar and in Tiberian Hebrew ʾElʿāzār. In Hebrew the Egyptian god Osiris (whose name in demotic/hieroglyphics is thought to have been pronounced Aser) is also translated "Elaser" (from "El", meaning god and "Aser").

Jesus himself was the man of Baron Samedi: "The Son of Man is the Lord (Baron) of the Sabbath" (Luke 6:5). He zombified Lazarus on Saturday (Samedi), and the Pharisees called him the exorcist by the power of Beelzebub (Matthew 12:24).

However, the tragedy of Jesus demonstrates that his life was full of drama. On the Jordan River, he had a shaman duel with Ivan Kupala (Jean Baptist, John the Baptist is a symbol of water, fire and the summer solstice). Lakwena (Holy Spirit - loa of visions and illusions) attacked Jesus and he was forced to run away from the water into the desert in order to weaken this demon. The duel was lost. Only Salome - the mamba Erzuli - managed to kill Kupala by means of a dance (his head was presented to her on a platter by King Herod, the patron saint of Kupala, who was fascinated by her). Then, after the resurrection of Lazarus, Jesus, inspired by Baron Samedi, went to storm Jerusalem as a king on a donkey and was greeted as a king, but something happened on Palm Sunday. Jesus was unable to gain a foothold in Jerusalem and retreated to Bethany. He was again demoralized by Lakwena. "My soul is grieving to death" (Mark 14:34). To defeat the evil spirit, Jesus turned himself into a voodoo doll studded with nails, crucifying himself on the cross with the help of Judas and the soldiers. Lakvena tried to take revenge and, spraying himself, attacked the apostles on the day of Pentecost and began to live in the Church, but 40 years later, Jerusalem was taken by Roman soldiers.

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