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I dreamed of the deceased asking for money in a dream. Dream Interpretation dead man gives money Dreamed of a late father asked for money

The most detailed description: "dream book dead father asks for money" - everything from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

Dream Interpretations are convinced that deceased relatives who appeared in a dream are trying to warn their loved ones living on earth about something, if relatives have died recently and give something to the dreamer, this portends an inheritance, reports illnesses, incidents, troubles.

What if a dead father dreams of giving money?

When a deceased father gives money in a dream, this may indicate material well-being in the next life period, the successful resolution of an urgent problem. Explaining why the deceased father dreams of giving money, it is taken into account with which hand he held it out, whether his appearance was pleasant when the deceased offered money with his left hand - in reality, the dreamer expects to receive an inheritance, with the right - opening his own business, promotion.

A sick or drunk father in dirty clothes, who came in a dream with money, can mean an upcoming deception, a risky business, the dream book warns that you should not make dubious deals, sponsor unverified projects, it is possible that they will try to confuse and ruin the sleeper. The dreamer needs to clearly assess the situation, not to rush to make a profit, to foresee all the consequences of his actions, otherwise you can lose everything that he has.

If the color and density of the hair of the deceased father in a dream correspond to reality, this indicates that all the plans and intentions of the dreamer will come true, things will go like clockwork. If a relative in a night dream had a different shade of hair, this is a warning that it takes a lot of effort to implement plans, to go through many obstacles.

The bald father gives money - a signal that there are problems ahead in professional activities, it is required to analyze the situation, tighten things up, and identify weaknesses in the performance of the assigned work. If in reality the relative was bald, this means that the situation will turn out favorably, but this requires thinking through all the actions.

Dream Interpretations believe that it is not necessary to take money from a sick and thin father, perhaps he is making an attempt to transfer his karmic debts in this way, but if a son or daughter has accepted them, they should go to the temple and pray for the repose of the pope, light a candle, give alms .

When the deceased father comes in a dream handsome and healthy, holding out many large bills, this is considered a good sign, in reality almost all the dreamer's dreams will come true very soon. To accept from the deceased banknotes of small denomination - to well-being and happiness that will come after minor troubles, to take gold coins - to prosperity, silver - the implementation of cherished ideas is ahead, copper - to a large amount of work, honest earnings.

What portends?

For the correct interpretation of the dream, the currency in which the amount was transferred is taken into account when the Chinese yuan was dreamed, this is identified with a small increase in salary, accept dollars - for short-term prosperity, euros - the dreamer will have a stable income.

To take rubles from a dead person - to finds, new long-term novels, pounds sterling promise a promising place of work, take francs from a donor - to meet old friends, dinars - to have a good time, travel, Argentine pesos promise to receive an unusual gift.

The stated interpretations are valid in cases where the banknotes had a presentable appearance, to accept torn money from the deceased - to tears, debts, family troubles, misfortunes will fall on the dreamer, as if from a cornucopia.

If the emotions of the dreamer when receiving money were positive, this promises joy, good news, fear, to negative changes.

A dream in which the deceased father gives money is a warning, perhaps the deceased wants to help the dreamer in a difficult situation, reports something important, the interpretation largely depends on what emotions the sleeping person felt, and other details.

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What is the dream of a dead man who asks for money or food

When a dead person dreams, there is no need to be scared, but best of all - to correctly interpret the dream. By the way, do not confuse the concepts of "dead" and "dead". You need to interpret a dream about a dead person when you dream of a person who once lived and died. The dead do not include the walking dead or creepy zombies.

Interpretation of the image of the deceased in popular dream books

Sometimes a person who has died or died is dreamed of by a living person, since he is just a reflection of memories. However, when a dead person dreams of a living one, the latter experiences an emotional outburst or a desire to analyze the dream.

It's good when you dream that a dead person is saying something. With the correct interpretation, you can find out that such a conversation gives certain knowledge or answers to questions of interest. That is why it is necessary to turn to the interpretation of dreams about the deceased to popular sorcerers and soothsayers.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga interprets this dream in a special way. So, she believed that a dream in which a dead person asks for something promises good and joy. However, the details depend on many factors.

Miller's dream book

Some people firmly believe that if a person died recently, and asks for something in a dream, then he needs to bring it to the grave.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Nostradamus explains the following about a dream in which a dead person appears and asks for something. So, such a dream means a serious illness or deep depression.

The dead man asks for money: why such a dream

Most often, dead people who ask for something dream of when it is necessary to finish some business. Perhaps the dead man wants to warn about something. It's bad when you have the same dream for several days in a row. In this case, it is necessary to urgently complete the work begun.

Why does the dead man ask for money in a dream? It is this question that interests many people when a dead person comes to them in a dream and asks to lend or even give all the money. Do not be afraid or panic, as many consider this a bad sign. On the contrary, this is a very good sign. This means that a person will live not only long, but also happily.

However, there is another interpretation of sleep, why the dead man dreams and asks for money. In this case, changes in the financial sector for the better are possible. A person can receive a huge amount of money or even win the lottery.

In a dream, a dead person may come and ask for something. If he asks to give him a sweater, jacket or some of the clothes, then this means that some kind of joy will happen soon. It can be a marriage, a promotion at work, or a small but pleasant news.

It also happens that a deceased relative, for example, a grandmother or grandfather, comes in a dream and asks for something to eat. This means that soon a person will win or receive big money. Moreover, profit comes from where it is not expected.

What does it mean according to the dream book in which the dead man asks for food? In general, this is a good sign or a good deal. If a sleeping person decides to start his own business or find a new job in the near future, then after a dream, in any case, everything will come true for him.


Today I saw a strange dream in which all my grandparents, who have been gone for a long time, came to visit and laid a large table. Together with my husband and children, we sat with them, my husband drank vodka and ate bread, it was like a wake, but everyone was silent and just

On the night of Good Friday, the late brother had a dream, did not say anything, just sat and watched TV, why could such a dream be dreamed of?

I dreamed of a friend from work who died the other day (40 more days have not passed), we did not communicate much, why do I dream of him?

He had feelings for you. But he hid them, remember him

Vo sne mne prisnilos v noch voskrsenie na ponedelnik chto moey pokoynoy mamae ya podarila beluyu krasivuyu koftu i ona odevala or primeryala v moem sne,chto eto znachit?menya etot son ochen obespokoilo to est silno zadumalos k chemu eto?

I had a dream that I was standing in the entrance with my father, he seemed to be bringing me in the hallway or just standing there, I don’t remember, he’s standing and waiting for money, I tell him I only have a hundred rubles, he says, come on, at least a hundred rubles, I don’t remember, I gave him a hundred rubles or not (like she gave) and went into the apartment, I’m very worried about what this dream is for

In a dream, I saw someone who had died long ago to take asking for my cousin’s phone number, they will bring him a lot of money, I ask you what money says chins pants, I will buy what it all means

dream interpretation

Dead father asks for money

Dream Interpretation Dead father asks for money dreamed of why in a dream the deceased father asks for money? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of a dead father asking for money by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

When a dead person asks for money in a dream, what does it mean?

Many are frightened when they see a dead person in a dream. But in vain. Such a dream, like all others, has its own interpretation. First, do not confuse the dead with the dead. We call the deceased a person who once lived, but has already died. Zombies and the walking dead have nothing to do with the dead.

When a dead person asks for money in a dream

If during the day we, for one reason or another, think about the deceased, then with a high degree of probability we will see him in a dream in the near future. After all, the human brain works without interruption. Sometimes in a dream there is a conversation with a dead person, from which curious conclusions can be drawn.

The request of the deceased according to Vanga's dream book

Vanga interprets the dream about the request of the deceased as a joyful and good event. Specific details are associated with many variables.

The request of the deceased according to Miller's dream book

The request of the recently deceased should be fulfilled by bringing him what he wants to the final resting place. A dream in which the deceased is in a coffin and at the same time asks for something is assumed to be bad and portends an emotional breakdown. Financial losses may occur.

The request of the deceased according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The request of the deceased for money in a dream according to Nostradamus guarantees a serious illness, depression is possible.

Dream in which the dead man asks for money

Seeing a dead person in a dream often expresses the need to put an end to some business. It happens that the deceased warns of danger. If the dream is repeated 2-3 nights in a row - do not put off the matter indefinitely. Sometimes in a dream, a dead person wants to borrow money from you or even encroaches on all your savings. This is by no means a bad event. No need to scream in horror and tear the hair on your head in despair. The sign is very positive. The dreamer expects a long, carefree and, perhaps, a happy life.

According to another interpretation, the request of the deceased for money opens the door to wealth in your home. You can suddenly become a billionaire, or at least get a lottery win.

Why does the dead man ask for food in a dream

In the most general terms, this is an auspicious symbol. This may mean starting your own business or success in finding a high-paying job.

The deceased father according to the dream book

A dead father in a dream is a harbinger of important events that should be taken advantage of. In order to interpret why such a dream is dreaming, one should remember one's emotions and feelings in a dream, as well as the behavior of the pope, his appearance and actions. It is necessary to compose what you see into one meaningful image and, based on events in real life, look for an interpretation in the dream book.

According to popular belief, people who often dream of their dead father should commemorate him and put a candle in the temple for the repose of the parent. It is necessary to purchase his favorite sweets, cookies and treat his work colleagues and neighbors. Perhaps in a dream, a relative asks for something or just stands with some object in his hand, this sign means that you need to buy this thing and take it to the cemetery.

Also, if the deceased father is constantly dreaming, it means that in reality the dreamer is tormented by remorse, which can only be drowned out by sincere repentance. Confession will help a person get rid of painful negative emotions that can be directed both towards the deceased parent and touch people around them in real life.

The desire to turn back time and change the past, avoiding the mistakes made earlier, is why the deceased father dreams. Also, such a picture notifies that the time has come to act and apply the experience gained over the years to achieve high results and goals.

If a recently deceased father is dreaming, then such a picture suggests that a person misses a relative a lot and has not yet fully come to terms with the loss. Perhaps the sleeper feels guilty about the death of a relative, believing that he overlooked, did not pay worthy attention.

Most dream books, the interpretation of sleep - a dead father, are deciphered as an auspicious sign, promising imminent changes from which you can benefit. To do this, you need to correctly interpret the dream.

According to Miller's dream book, to see a dead father alive in a dream means that an important event in life is coming, which the dreamer has been waiting for and striving for so long. It is necessary to approach the situation very responsibly so as not to miss the chance that has turned up. Hugging your parent promises profit and prosperity in a recently started enterprise.

According to the Family Dream Book, to see a dead father alive in a dream indicates future success in all endeavors, so you can safely take on any business and are not afraid of long trips. If a parent calls with him in a dream, you should not go with him, since such a vision portends the illness of a sleeping person.

Wangi's dream book interprets such a vision as a warning. For a girl, portends the imminent deception of a loved one, his consumer attitude towards the dreamer, insincerity and benefit from communication. To a man, he speaks of good luck in business and a career, warns against the machinations of enemies, who, like kites, follow all the actions of the dreamer.

What is the dream of the deceased father of his daughter? A similar image is interpreted by the dream book as a warning of danger. You have to be careful in your actions and words. For a young girl, a vision means unpleasant rumors and slander, which can greatly affect relations with a young man or negatively affect work and the attitude of superiors. Also, this dream indicates the insincerity of the chosen one, and his possible deception.

The dead parent of a friend or acquaintance in a dream, according to the dream book, notifies of impending troubles in which a friend will find himself. You should be near this person in difficult times, because it will be difficult for him to cope with troubles.

A kind of request to take care of a close and dear person who will face difficult trials in the near future and will need a “reliable shoulder”, this is what the dream means - the deceased father of the wife (husband). Such an image is interpreted by the dream book as a warning that you should not conflict or argue with your soulmate, but simply try to understand the opponent's point of view.

The deceased father of a person along the family line, according to the dream book, comes to the dreamer in a dream as a symbol of the reunification of the family, and broadcasts that in real life you need to stick to each other and support everything. Also, such a picture may mean that soon the genus will be replenished with another member.

Dead dad's appearance

The need to bring your moral state back to normal and change your outlook on life, because it is because of them that there are no positive changes in life - this is what the dead father dreams of when he is drunk. The dream book advises you to look deep into yourself, and decide on your life position and goals in life, and then form a line of behavior acceptable for achieving plans.

Why dream of seeing a sick father in a dream. According to the dream book, a dream indicates that a person is tired of the vanity in real life. The dream book advises to devote some time to rest, because only after the restoration of strength, one can achieve high results in the current work.

Seeing your deceased parent dirty and beaten in a dream is deciphered by the dream book as unpleasant things that will have to be devoted to a lot of time and spend a lot of effort and energy. You should also pay attention to your loved ones who miss the attention of a person.

The deceased father dreamed, in neat and new clothes, the dream book deciphers the vision as the dreamer gaining a “second wind”, inspiration, moral and physical strength. The dream book advises without a doubt to take on the realization of your ambitions and bring your plans to life.

If the dead dad appeared before the dreamer in a dream in the form of an animal, do not be afraid - this vision has an extremely positive interpretation, and indicates a safe and peaceful future for the sleeping person and his family.

Sleeping late dad in a dream promises calm to the dreamer, the opportunity to relax and restore his life reserves. Also, according to the dream book, the vision speaks of the onset of stability and tranquility on the work and love front. This picture characterizes the dreamer as a self-confident person, able to achieve whatever he wants.

The dreamer's actions in relation to the dead dad

To find out what the dream is about - to ride in a car with a dead father, it is worth remembering who is driving. If a parent is driving, one should be wary of obstacles on the way to the cherished goal, which mostly dispel themselves. To drive a car yourself, according to the dream book, means a long journey or big changes that will be positive for the dreamer.

The successful completion of a business that has started in real life, making huge profits that promise financial and material well-being, as well as the opportunity to “expand the horizons” of one’s knowledge or influence on specific situations, that’s what dreams of hugging a dead father in a dream.

It is useful to know why you dream of talking in a dream with a dead father. For interpretation, it is worth recalling the topic or subject of conversation, which is often associated with solving an important problem that the dreamer faces in real life. Very often you can decipher the clue that the deceased parent makes in a dream.

For a woman, the image portends that the young lady is going the wrong way and has false goals. The girl's vision predicts that her unseemly behavior will cause future tears and failures. It is necessary to “filter” not only words, but also to limit communication with people who have problems in communicating with others.

In a dream, kissing a deceased father portends a dream book, building relationships in the family and a favorable atmosphere in the work team. For a girl, such a vision stands for a successful marriage or a meeting with a young man who is worthy of a young lady.

In a dream, calling the deceased father is interpreted by the dream book as a thirst for help and support, the need to relax in the circle of your relatives and friends. For men, a dream speaks of a situation in which the help of others will be needed.

Fighting troubles in real life at work and in the love sphere, this is what dreams of swearing in a dream with a dead father. It is worth moderating your ardor and character and looking at the situation from a different angle, listening to the opposite point of view.

Beating a dead father in a dream, according to the dream book, speaks of a person’s internal protest, his disagreement with others, the desire to defend his point of view and independence, as well as to agree with himself, psychological satisfaction and benefit from communicating with someone.

To be frightened in a dream of one’s deceased father is interpreted by the dream book as the dreamer’s irresponsibility and laxity, the desire to get rid of obligations to relatives and close people, to hide from responsibility. For men, such a dream notifies that a young man likes to shift a large and responsible part of the work onto other people's shoulders, soon such behavior will become his life credo.

Having fun, dancing and dancing with a dead dad in a dream, according to the dream book, is an alarming sign that portends trouble or illness in the dreamer's family. You need to take time for your health and take care of the safety of households and people from close circle.

Features of the behavior of the dead dad

If in a dream the deceased father gives money, then in real life a person will need financial assistance. Also, such a picture warns of deceit or collusion between people in order to secure material and financial benefits. Businessmen should critically examine their business connections and partners, since, most likely, people work not for the benefit of the enterprise, but for their own sake.

It is useful to know what the dream is about, where the deceased father hugs the sleeping man. The vision has an extremely positive meaning and stands for the success and well-being of the dreamer. For a young girl, the picture portends a stable and mutual relationship with a young man, for a married woman - prosperity in the house and the health of relatives and friends. For a man, this image suggests that he is at the peak of his abilities and thus will be able to provide his family and friends with everything necessary for life.

A positive dream is where the deceased father smiles. This speaks of the dreamer's happiness and well-being. The deceased parent rejoices in the success and achievements of his child. For a woman, such a dream promises mutual understanding with her husband and excellent relations with relatives. For a man, the dream book promises success at work, promotion, making a profit.

What does a dream mean - a dead father hits his daughter in the face. According to the dream book, this dream should be considered from two positions. If a daughter dreamed of such a picture, it means that the deceased relative blasphemes the girl for misbehavior. The young lady should take this vision very seriously, since the anger of the pope may indicate the consequences of unsightly behavior and personify big problems in the future due to mistakes made in her youth.

For a woman, to see in a dream how a late husband hits her daughter in the face, according to the dream book, is interpreted as insufficient attention to raising a child. It is required to immediately take care of the girl's affairs, otherwise in the future the woman will have to pay heavily for her indifference to her own child.

If the father of the deceased is crying, then, according to the dream book, one must be very careful in real life. The reason for the tears of the deceased may be family squabbles and showdowns between households, a tense atmosphere among colleagues, strained relations with superiors. For businessmen, such a picture broadcasts about the failure of new ideas, and broadcasts that you need to take a break in business development, and start strengthening your positions.

Location of the dead dad

An unfortunate set of circumstances, random troubles and misfortunes - this is what the deceased father dreams of in a coffin or in a cemetery. The dream book advises to unite and, together with your family, survive the negative moments in real life.

Seeing a deceased father in the house or in the yard, according to the dream book, means that the time has come to pay attention to your relatives, who should be visited, phoned or brought together for some kind of celebration. For a woman, such a picture broadcasts the need to deal with her direct duties, and not devote her time and energy to work, households need warmth and maternal care.

To see a dead relative in good health indoors promises, according to the dream book, the health and prosperity of the family. Watching how the father walks around the garden, yard or garden plot and grumbles something, according to the dream book, means that the dreamer is not engaged in the business that was destined for him by fate. You need to deal with your own desires and ambitions in real life, most of which are erroneous or have lost priority.

Most dream books ambiguously interpret what the dead father dreams of at home. On the one hand, the dream explains the dreamer's nostalgia for the past, childhood, parents, as well as the ease and inspiration with which the person took up work. The second meaning is the reassurance of the sleeper, the opportunity to take time for yourself and your interests.

Good day! Tell me, what is the dream of the deceased stepfather (a good man, raised and raised me as my own) in full health? in a dream, I really wanted to fly with him to the village (his small homeland), but I didn’t have time for the plane, and at the same time I was upset. Then I nevertheless came to this village, and there I saw my stepfather's grandfather-father (also in full health, cheerful). In reality, we have been thinking about moving to another city for a long time, but somehow everything does not add up, and the desire to leave has not disappeared ... What would that mean.

Hello! Elena, you have to move. And the fact that they did not fly with the deceased is only for the better. You can’t leave with them, leave ... Nevertheless, in my dreams, I leave now for my brother, then for my father, then for my grandfather. Every dream tells me something, but I can't decipher it. Could that light be near?

Good day! Today I had a dream about my father, he died 2 years ago. He dreamed in a coffin, as if his body was swollen, the whole was almost falling apart. Although he died very neat, even with a smile on his face, blissfully. I again began to worry about how I could let him go, how the coffin would fall into the grave. But then I lost it, the dream was interrupted, I don’t remember anything. Why such a dream? I remember him less often, I even let him go, I realized that I could not return him, but I had to live on.

Hello! I dreamed about dad - he has been gone for more than 5 years. He used to call me to him after he died, then over time we just hugged, then he dreamed in a white suit and said that he had found his place and left ... And today I suddenly dream that I opened the closet and thought to dress and I feel like someone is standing behind me, I turn around and see my dad, I want to hug him, but he pulls away from me, he wanted to kiss and pulled away again, but he didn’t leave and silently looked into my eyes ... What does this mean?

In a dream, they were with dad on motorcycles. He rode behind me and helped me at the crossroads, advised me - "go, daughter, freely." Was very glad to see him. But he was always behind me. It was dark and rainy.

Hello, my dad passed away six months ago. And I dreamed that dad hugged me, said that he was alive and apologized! What does this mean?

Hello, I dreamed about my dead father, at my workplace. He hugged me while sitting, and his hands are terribly cold, straight ice. He didn’t say anything, he just began to leave, and I called him ... What could this mean?

Dad died six months ago ... I constantly have different dreams, but all are good. I see him almost every week. What does this mean?

To commemorate him, you must definitely go to church, light a candle ...

Hello, I dreamed of my dead father (he died six months ago) in military uniform and with a smile on his face! I myself am from Donetsk, where the war is now, but I left the city. What could such a dream mean?

Hello, tell me please, I dreamed of my late father, he was looking for his glove. What did it come up with? He has been gone for 3 years, and he signed off the apartment to his relatives.

Hello, the dead father is dreaming, he died two years ago ... He was healthy, I came to his house, this is in another city, the door opened and he and my living mother stood on the threshold, but they did not let me into the apartment. What does this mean?

This dream says that you are seriously ill, but you will not die because your parents did not let you into the apartment.

Hello, I dreamed about my dad today. I was shorter on the pier (well, like bridges, cranes, ships). But he was in the room. He didn't say anything in his sleep. But I do not know. I jumped the bridge over the bridge, in my opinion, the water was clear. By the way, in my opinion, my father had a favorite panama, one with ropes that you put on. By the way, she weighs now on the pier. I do not know what it means that I was almost at a distance with him and did not say anything to me. What does this mean?

I dreamed of my stepfather, he died 4 years ago. I went into our former, already abandoned house and found him there, covered with a blanket up to his head. I got scared, started to run away - I didn’t let me out of the house, grabbed my hand, ordered me to lie next to me on the next bed and didn’t let go of my hand. All was dried up - skin and bones. I take it that doesn't bode well?

Maybe he invites you along?

The departed need our prayers for the departed souls. Pray for him.

The deceased father dreamed in a dream that we were in the house where the father lived and all the relatives were leaving somewhere, but I stayed and suddenly my father came in. Then we find ourselves in the yard, he says something, I don’t remember what.

I’m only 12 years old, my dad is dreaming, I can’t understand what he wants and constantly leads me to a relative’s house, what is it?

I dreamed of my father who died 11 years ago, he dreamed of me dead, as if my mother and I were carrying his body from room to room, I woke up in a nightmare, why do I have such nightmares? But in a dream I was not afraid of his body.

I dreamed of a father who died 8 years ago, he sat and cried a lot, drank kvass and got drunk. I felt very sorry for him, I hugged and kissed him. She massaged his shoulders and arms to calm him down. What is it for?

Dad had a dream today, he died a little more than two years ago, as if he was going to go home from somewhere where he died, but there my godfather, his brother, who was also not alive, was waiting for him well, I really felt in a dream that dad would come there and he would be uncomfortable, uncomfortable, and while he had not yet arrived there, I tried to arrange everything there so that he would feel good, so that he would stop being sad. What does this mean? Dad dreams very rarely and it seems always for a reason.

Today I had a dream about my dad who died 5 years ago. At first, it can be said against our will with the brothers, he brought (just brought) into the room and laid him on the same bed. The brothers ran away from him, and I ran to my mother. Then I ended up in his room again to pick up things, but I had to beat him to escape. But I had to go back for the phone and then he started hitting me with scissors. I started crying and woke up in tears. Tell me please, why such a horror can dream?

I had a dream where my friend and I take pictures at night on the phone in a store in the dark and in the photographs I see a long-dead father with a man whom I seem to know and who seems to have died because of, then in other pictures the father laughs because this person I realized that I saw them, I was very scared, but wanting to show these photos to other people, my phone somehow crashed and it was these photos that were deleted, and I also directly felt in a dream that they were chasing me together and in a dream I wanted to do what like expelling them from me, then I woke up in a cold sweat, went to the toilet and went to bed, what could this dream mean ??

Hello, I had a dream about my grandfather, my father and uncle, and my grandfather spoke to me, and my father left somewhere, and my uncle didn’t talk either and he was looking for something, and I asked my grandfather how he was and he answered me that well so old all the same you see for yourself and more and more I don’t remember anything. I don't understand why this is, and they all died a long time ago.

My father died 8 days ago and my daughter had a dream that we were burying him and throwing him into the water, and that he pulled me under the water with him. What is it for? Does he want to take it with him?

I dreamed about my father in a large empty room, the windows were curtained, and the sun's rays pass through the curtains, and I see the ceiling covered in dust, he picks up and wipes the dust from the ceiling, I praise him nicely for this, and he smiles joyfully and I wake up .

I dreamed of a bright warm sunny day. I am sitting with my father (he died more than 10 years ago) near the church. It turns out, father, and tells me that I would light a candle for my health. Father quickly jumps up and lights the candle himself.

Today I had a dream about my dad, he died 8 years ago. I dreamed he was sick, his leg hurt, he was limping in a dream, we met in the yard, I wanted to help, he had some thing on his hand, like black clothes, he gave it to me, the thing left with me, and I woke up what does that mean? Please answer me.

Hello, I dreamed about my dead father last night. He died in 2010 (in my opinion, he was a good person). I met him, and we walked around different places, and then some kind of bomb was thrown into the water (it doesn’t explode right away). Then we walked through the fields, there were trees around, etc. I only remember places. There were some other moments, but I don't remember them. What does it mean? And even more so, my dad dreamed more than once after his death.

Hello, my father dreamed (he died when I was 3 months old), until that time I had never dreamed. I don’t remember how he looked during his lifetime (I saw only 1 time, a photo on the grave and that’s all), I dreamed about him in my old apartment where I lived until I was 5 years old. He went out into the street, and with him my younger sister (cousin) and kind of like a mother, I first stood in the apartment, and then I went out to them myself. All then I woke up.

I dreamed about my dead father, who said that I would die young. What is it for?

Hello. My dad died on January 13 this year. Yesterday I saw in a dream my dad alive at home. He was so quiet and hungry, eating. I went to the grave during the day, ordered a prayer service for the repose of the soul. Did I do the right thing? I miss him so much...

Hello, why is the late father dreaming of repairing a car and a living mother nearby, and from behind the window of the house I ask him tearfully to take me to work. late, he did not agree for a long time and eventually agreed. I went to get dressed, but did not go out. woke up.

Hello, my husband dreamed that he was arguing in the bath with his naked father. Tell me what is it for? Thank you.

My father died almost 2 years ago, he dreams very often, almost every night (and sometimes every night). Usually he dreams that he does something around the house at home, goes about his usual business, as in life, I communicate with him, he always says something to me, some phrases are incomprehensible, sometimes he gives advice. But sometimes it is very rare to dream that my father is my young man, we live like a family with him and hug, kiss. These dreams scare me very much, I don’t even know why such dreams. Maybe someone knows?

Good evening! I would like to know why the dead father dreamed of being alive, besides, he was sick, as before his death. And it was my fault that he fell, and my brother and mother yelled at me, scolded me and accused me of this. I was very ill, I was very scared, but everything turned out fine with my dad. But I could not move away from this fright and felt guilty.

The dead father dreamed alive.

Hello. Dad had a dream. It was as if he came after the operation and dressed very quickly, as if in a hurry to a concert. Then, without him, I cut the zucchini with a knife, when I cut the knife pricked my hand, but did not cut through.

I dreamed about my father, he died 5 years ago. In my dreams, he never talks to me. What is strange this time he did not have a hand (he did not lose a limb during his lifetime), he himself was clean in clean clothes. When I lay on the bed, I hugged him, he just looked at me. Then he was talking to his mother in the kitchen, from their conversation it was clear that he had been gone for 2 years, that he was forgotten somewhere and he was forced to go home alone. Then I clearly remember that I looked at his legs, feet. Then he went to the bathroom, for some reason the door was open and looked at me with such a paternal look, beyond words, that's all. Always, when I wake up, I am tormented by the question of why in a dream he never talks to me?

Hello, during his lifetime, my father drank heavily and died because of this, and after his death, my mother had a new man. For the first time in the year of my father's death, I dreamed about him, in a dream I met him on the street, he was shaved, clean, sober, well dressed, but he lived in a landfill, with other homeless people, and he told me that he did not like that his mother lived with a new man and said that it was because of him that my father was left without a home, and I persuaded him to move to live with us at the dacha, there is a small house, a garden, they say he will be better there than in a landfill, we stood with him opposite each other, but in his face, he didn’t really want to live in the country, and this ended the dream, please tell me why this was a dream.

Hello, today I had a dream. I appeared in some unfamiliar place, but there was a feeling that I had once been here, but I can’t remember. Ahead is a brick tower, behind it is a wooden building (probably a barn), to my left is a dilapidated fence behind it is a field with wheat, bales lie and a road goes to the barn. I see everything in shades of grey. I come closer to the tower and see that someone is standing there and the silhouette was familiar to me. The father looked at it. I run, I go up to the tower, but it’s empty there. I look at the wall, turn around and see my father standing near the window. I don't remember being so overwhelmed with feelings. In tears of joy, I begin to apologize, I want to say how much I miss him, but he looked at me and said: it's still early. and dissolves in the air. I look at the field, he appears from nowhere and just goes into the distance. And everything seems to be gaining color. Tell me what it all means.

Good afternoon. I am 21 years old. My dad died 2.5 years ago! I dreamed several times, I remember all the dreams! the dream that I had this time caused conflicting feelings! I started looking at various interpretations on the Internet, but I got even more confused and now I don’t know what to do next at all. Please help me interpret the dream correctly. To begin with, the characteristics - warm shades of sleep, friendly atmosphere, everything is as before! The action takes place in our two-room apartment on the first floor. In a dream, Dad, Mom, me and someone else are a younger brother or sister (I can’t say for sure, I’m the only child). I remember from the moment when in the morning the three of us are talking about the fact that we are in danger: they are watching us (they saw the car from the window) and they want to kill us, as far as I understand, this is because of the Pope. We plan to pack up and escape through the window of my room. We collect things. Mom is doing something in the kitchen, Dad went out to the entrance to the street, I went into the hall. Then, I saw through the window how a huge (military) car drove up and, after a few seconds, it exploded. the explosion was not big, it didn’t even knock out the windows, it only deafened. I run to the kitchen, take Mom to the room. At this moment, I woke up! I realized, even in a dream, that the Pope had died! Please help interpret the dream!

Hello, my father died, I couldn’t believe it, I kept waiting for him to wake up from the coffin ... I had a dream about how I was standing in the room near the coffin, looking at him and he wakes up just like I hoped, I was scared, but as if he knew it sat down and rubbed his face as if he had been sleeping for a long time ... then I woke up.

I often dream about my dad, he always helps me in something.

Hello. I had a dream about daddy, he died of cancer 5 months ago. We are in the hospital, they came to visit him, he does not let me go, he smiles. I lay down on my back and hugged. We also ate cakes with the whole ward. Why dream such a dream? ?

My father died when I was 2 years old. In a dream, I saw him as he was before his death, but I was small in a dream. He was cheerful and smiling. We played, I threw the stick on the ground, he immediately became serious, frowned and said that I should never drop my weapon under any circumstances. I myself have been serving in Chechnya under a contract for 4 years. From the memories in a dream, I cried.

Good afternoon! Please tell me, my father died in a dream 9 years ago, and I dreamed that no matter how my father died, but went somewhere, as if he had lost his memory, and I find him in a dream, crying.

This is a good dream, it means that he is fine there, that he is in paradise, but you must not forget about living relatives and also move forward. You are waiting for things that you will have to do on your own, without anyone's help. Just in case, put a candle for the pope in the church.

I saw my father in a dream, as if in reality. He sat and talked sweetly, and I just watched him talk, resting my head on his right leg. He hugs me and laughs softly. I don't know where we were, but certainly not at home. He said something about repairs. Here is such a dream.

My dad died two months ago. He died from an illness. Often dreams of the sick. Doesn't smile.

Hello. My dad died a long time ago. But I had a dream that he was actually alive. And I was deceived that he died. And he was in jail. What does it mean. Tell me please.

My dad died 13 years ago, I dream that I came to visit him, I really wanted to eat a cake, and he has a whole refrigerator of these cakes, but they are all old already covered with dust, and then he opened the door, and there is an abyss, and over the abyss noose...he said go.

Hello, at the moment I am in a position, I had a dream in which I see a dead father, he hugs me, and then we sit on a bench, and I ask him if I will give birth to a child, and he answers - you will give birth to this! ! To mean it. Before this pregnancy, I had a miscarriage.

Your dream means that this pregnancy will end with the birth of a healthy baby.

I dreamed of a dead father, we are talking, I know that he is dead and I ask my father what death is, and he is death to me - this is a river.

Hello. I dreamed about my own dad yesterday. He hasn't been around for 15-20 years. It's like I'm sitting in a cafe with a friend and my grandmother. And my grandmother tells me your dad is sitting there. I now, and went to him. And he says, look how your daughter has grown. I turned around and looked at him and he smiled at me. And then we were at home, and dad hugged me and said that he missed me. What does this mean?

A dream in which the deceased gives money to a living person is puzzling. What to expect - profit or loss, sickness or death? There is no need to be afraid of such a dream; it does not portend an untimely death. Usually the dead dream of a change in the weather, but not always. What does it mean if a dead person gives money in a dream? Dream interpreters will help you with this question.

Most dream books warn: you cannot take things or objects from the hands of the deceased. However, money is an exception to this rule. For the correct decoding of sleep, two points should be taken into account:

  • who gave money;
  • denomination of banknotes or coins.

It is considered an auspicious sign transfer of money from the bloodline- parents, grandparents. Especially if these were banknotes of a large denomination, and relatives during their lifetime did not know the need.

Deceased relatives, as a rule, do not disturb the living with their appearance in dreams. If they dreamed, it means that major changes are coming in the dreamer's life. Dreaming father bears good news - soon your dreams will become a reality. Also, fate will provide a chance to earn a decent amount of money.

However, if the father looked tired and sick, you should not take the offered amount of money: you are being transferred karmic debts. What is karmic debt? This is the accumulated negative experience that needs to be redeemed by suffering. If you accepted the money, go to church and light a candle for the repose of your father's soul.

If a mother offered money in a dream, remember with which hand she passed the bills:

  • right - to financial well-being and gaining wealth;
  • left - to receive a large inheritance.

The image of a dead mother always comes before significant changes in the fate of a person. If the mother looked healthy and happy, expect a change for the better.

Grandmother is the keeper of the traditions of the family. deceased grandmother in a dream he extends money - the whole family has high hopes for you, has confidence.

If a grandma and grandpa came to sleep This means that significant obstacles will have to be overcome on the path to success. But you can do it with the help of your ancestors.

If a husband gives money with whom you had a good relationship, profit and prosperity await you. If money is offered by a husband, with whose death came deliverance from suffering, do not accept his gift. Such a dream prophesies deceit and tears.

If the deceased husband does not just give money, but tries to kiss, the dream carries the threat of premature death. Try to wake up, avoid hugs in your sleep.

A bad symbol is the transfer of money by a stranger.. Money is used in magical rites to pay off negativity and sins, so accepting it as a gift from an unfamiliar dead person is not good. However, if the stranger was wearing an expensive suit, you will soon get a new job.

Denomination of money

Now let's analyze what kind of money the deceased offered you in a dream - metal or paper. Banknotes always augur well. If you manage to remember the numbers on the banknote, you need to apply them in life. Perhaps they indicate the number of a house, a car, or a specific date.

Metal money dreams of trouble. Seeing the deceased pour a handful of coins on your bare feet is a serious illness. Also, this dream portends poverty and bleak old age.

See handful of gold coins in the hands of the deceased - to temptation. copper coins promise hard physical labor.

Other dream plots

If in a dream the deceased gives money to your friends, they expect trouble and illness. The same interpretation applies to younger relatives that you will see in your dream. For older relatives, such a plot portends health and prosperity.

If a a living person in reality dreams of being dead and transfers money to one of his acquaintances, a streak of financial failures awaits them.

Gives money deceased who was at enmity during his lifetime? The dream promises reconciliation with current enemies.

If a money is transferred by a successful person during his lifetime, wait good luck. Along with the money, he gives you his success. However, if he transfers coppers, expect trouble and conflict over money. For girls, such a dream promises a long period of depression.

If you dream of a dead person, ask him to give you at least one bill. If this happens, great success awaits you. Fright in a dream at the sight of a dead person promises trouble. If the deceased persistently offers you money which you do not wish to take, cross yourself. In this case, evil will not touch your life.

If a dead person asks you for something in a dream, do not fulfill his request, avoid actions. Such a dream portends illness and failure, loss and ruin. You must not give the deceased clothes, food, money, drink, etc.

The article on the topic: "the dream book of the deceased asks for money" provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Many are frightened when they see a dead person in a dream. But in vain. Such a dream, like all others, has its own interpretation. First, do not confuse the dead with the dead. We call the deceased a person who once lived, but has already died. Zombies and the walking dead have nothing to do with the dead.

When a dead person asks for money in a dream

If during the day we, for one reason or another, think about the deceased, then with a high degree of probability we will see him in a dream in the near future. After all, the human brain works without interruption. Sometimes in a dream there is a conversation with a dead person, from which curious conclusions can be drawn.

The request of the deceased according to Vanga's dream book

Vanga interprets the dream about the request of the deceased as a joyful and good event. Specific details are associated with many variables.

The request of the deceased according to Miller's dream book

The request of the recently deceased should be fulfilled by bringing him what he wants to the final resting place. A dream in which the deceased is in a coffin and at the same time asks for something is assumed to be bad and portends an emotional breakdown. Financial losses may occur.

The request of the deceased according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The request of the deceased for money in a dream according to Nostradamus guarantees a serious illness, depression is possible.

Dream in which the dead man asks for money

Seeing a dead person in a dream often expresses the need to put an end to some business. It happens that the deceased warns of danger. If the dream is repeated 2-3 nights in a row - do not put off the matter indefinitely. Sometimes in a dream, a dead person wants to borrow money from you or even encroaches on all your savings. This is by no means a bad event. No need to scream in horror and tear the hair on your head in despair. The sign is very positive. The dreamer expects a long, carefree and, perhaps, a happy life.

According to another interpretation, the request of the deceased for money opens the door to wealth in your home. You can suddenly become a billionaire, or at least get a lottery win.

Why does the dead man ask for food in a dream

In the most general terms, this is an auspicious symbol. This may mean starting your own business or success in finding a high-paying job.

Dreamed of the deceased asking for money in a dream

SonMe.ru will tell you why this is a dream. See the meaning of sleep below:

Yes, she thought that dream in which the dead man about something asks, promises good and joy. However, the details depend on many factors. Miller's dream book. Some people firmly believe that if a person died recently, and in dreamed dream about anything asks, then he needs to bring it to the grave. It also happens that dead relative, such as grandparents, come in dream and ask give me something to eat. This means that soon a person will win or receive big money.

Ask money in dream often for a person it can be an indication of material difficulties or upcoming chores. Sometimes a dream book interprets such a vision favorably if the plot is connected with deceased relatives. Why dreaming the dead man who asks money? When dreamed as if he came dead and wants to be given a loan or even given everything money, do not take this as a bad sign.

deceased cat, dreamed in dream in dream: To give of money in dream dead asks money in dream

If the dead asks of money in dream- this is a good sign. It means that the family will live happily, long and prosperously. If a dream that dead man asks you have something from clothes - this means that an event will soon happen that will bring joy to you and your family. If the dead asks bring him some food dream to profit or inheritance. Give away in dream a book to the dead is a sign that your conscience is in front of deceased clean.

The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream in dream: To give of money in dream dead man - a sign of great misfortune or serious illness. If a dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

deceased cat, dreamed in dream dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. Actions with the dead in dream: To give of money in dream dead man - a sign of great misfortune or serious illness. If a dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

Often in life, it is pets that “take on” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. If dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. Actions with the dead in dream: To give of money in dream dead man - a sign of great misfortune or serious illness. If a dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

to me had a dream cousin, in dream requested I have a thousand hryvnias, while I dreamed and my wallet is in my hands and I explained to him that I don’t have them, so I won’t give them, but he demanded, then I dreamed of my godfather, she is also dead and began to defend me, she says you run, and I will detain him. dreamed tonight dream that my former colleague, dead a few years ago, called me on the phone and asks of money give or borrow 15,000 thousand rubles.

The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. Actions with the dead in dream: To give of money in dream dead man - a sign of great misfortune or serious illness. If a dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. Symbols: "dying rat" and "dying fish" - see separately. Actions with the dead in dream: To give of money in dream dead man - a sign of great misfortune or serious illness. If a dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

Often in life, it is pets that “take on” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. If dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. Actions with the dead in dream: To give of money in dream dead man - a sign of great misfortune or serious illness. If a dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

Often in life, it is pets that “take on” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. If dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. Actions with the dead in dream: To give of money in dream dead man - a sign of great misfortune or serious illness. If a dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

Why do you had a dream dead in dream human? When a person wants to know what it means dreaming dream, looks into the dream book. Dead as if it protects the sleeping person from all sorts of adversities and wishes good. If you respond to the call of the deceased, you can expect illness and trouble in reality, as well as prolonged depression for the one who saw dream.if deceased asks of money, then this may indicate monetary loss or spending.

The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. Symbols: "dying rat" and "dying fish" - see separately. Actions with the dead in dream: To give of money in dream dead man - a sign of great misfortune or serious illness. If a dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. Actions with the dead in dream: To give of money in dream dead man - a sign of great misfortune or serious illness. If a dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

Often in life, it is pets that “take on” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. If dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

View full version: Dead human asks in dream.Me after the death of my uncle, whose funeral I did not go, had a dream dream that he walks barefoot and asks I have shoes, I ran home, began to look, and, it seems, I found it, but I don’t remember whether I gave it away or not. This one scared me too dream, I wanted to give these shoes to the church, but the priest said that it was better to order a prayer service.

Often in life, it is pets that “take on” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. If dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. Actions with the dead in dream: To give of money in dream dead man - a sign of great misfortune or serious illness. If a dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. Symbols: "dying rat" and "dying fish" - see separately. Actions with the dead in dream: To give of money in dream dead man - a sign of great misfortune or serious illness. If a dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

Often in life, it is pets that “take on” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. If dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. Symbols: "dying rat" and "dying fish" - see separately. Actions with the dead in dream: To give of money in dream dead man - a sign of great misfortune or serious illness. If a dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

Often in life, it is pets that “take on” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. If dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

Often in life, it is pets that “take on” the blow, taking it away from us. The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. If dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

The same can be said about deceased cat, dreamed in dream. It is also a symbol of protection, with the only difference that cats symbolize our emotional experiences, feelings of longing, unrequited love, fear of loneliness. Symbols: "dying rat" and "dying fish" - see separately. Actions with the dead in dream: To give of money in dream dead man - a sign of great misfortune or serious illness. If a dead asks money in dream- a warning against rash acts that will bring grief to you and your family.

What is the dream of a dead man who asks for money or food

When a dead person dreams, there is no need to be scared, but best of all - to correctly interpret the dream. By the way, do not confuse the concepts of "dead" and "dead". You need to interpret a dream about a dead person when you dream of a person who once lived and died. The dead do not include the walking dead or creepy zombies.

Interpretation of the image of the deceased in popular dream books

Sometimes a person who has died or died is dreamed of by a living person, since he is just a reflection of memories. However, when a dead person dreams of a living one, the latter experiences an emotional outburst or a desire to analyze the dream.

It's good when you dream that a dead person is saying something. With the correct interpretation, you can find out that such a conversation gives certain knowledge or answers to questions of interest. That is why it is necessary to turn to the interpretation of dreams about the deceased to popular sorcerers and soothsayers.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga interprets this dream in a special way. So, she believed that a dream in which a dead person asks for something promises good and joy. However, the details depend on many factors.

Miller's dream book

Some people firmly believe that if a person died recently, and asks for something in a dream, then he needs to bring it to the grave.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Nostradamus explains the following about a dream in which a dead person appears and asks for something. So, such a dream means a serious illness or deep depression.

The dead man asks for money: why such a dream

Most often, dead people who ask for something dream of when it is necessary to finish some business. Perhaps the dead man wants to warn about something. It's bad when you have the same dream for several days in a row. In this case, it is necessary to urgently complete the work begun.

Why does the dead man ask for money in a dream? It is this question that interests many people when a dead person comes to them in a dream and asks to lend or even give all the money. Do not be afraid or panic, as many consider this a bad sign. On the contrary, this is a very good sign. This means that a person will live not only long, but also happily.

However, there is another interpretation of sleep, why the dead man dreams and asks for money. In this case, changes in the financial sector for the better are possible. A person can receive a huge amount of money or even win the lottery.

In a dream, a dead person may come and ask for something. If he asks to give him a sweater, jacket or some of the clothes, then this means that some kind of joy will happen soon. It can be a marriage, a promotion at work, or a small but pleasant news.

It also happens that a deceased relative, for example, a grandmother or grandfather, comes in a dream and asks for something to eat. This means that soon a person will win or receive big money. Moreover, profit comes from where it is not expected.

What does it mean according to the dream book in which the dead man asks for food? In general, this is a good sign or a good deal. If a sleeping person decides to start his own business or find a new job in the near future, then after a dream, in any case, everything will come true for him.

The dream is auspicious. Seeing a dead man - expect a change in fate.

For an unmarried girl to see a male dead man - for an imminent wedding.

If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her.

If he is young, he will find a peer.

The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich.

If you saw a dead man in a good expensive suit or a rich shroud, your future husband will be wealthy.

If a dead man dreamed of a married lady, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep her distance. Over time, a romantic interest can develop into a good friendship. Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed.

If a man dreamed of a dead man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision.

Seeing a dead woman in a dream is a long and happy life. Kissing the deceased on the forehead - to recovery from a protracted illness.

Seeing a coffin with a dead person, decorated with flowers, a mournful crowd around - for entertainment in the company of friends.

If you dreamed that the coffin with the dead was being carried to the cemetery, such a dream promises a long and exciting journey in which you will make many new friends.

If you see yourself sitting over a dead person, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands.

Washing the dead is a well-deserved pleasure.

Dressing a dead man for burial - good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend.

If the deceased is your friend or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures.

If you saw several dead people lying nearby, you will make a dizzying career with the help of friends or sue a large inheritance.

Close the coffin with the dead - you will be able to make a decent fortune in a relatively short time.

Imagine that you are placing flowers in a coffin for a dead person.

The deceased is dressed in a luxurious expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. No less luxurious is the coffin, trimmed with gold and precious stones.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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The dream is auspicious. Seeing a dead man - expect a change in fate.

For an unmarried girl to see a male dead man - for an imminent wedding.

If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her.

If he is young, he will find a peer.

The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich.

If you saw a dead man in a good expensive suit or a rich shroud, your future husband will be wealthy.

If a dead man dreamed of a married lady, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep her distance. Over time, a romantic interest can develop into a good friendship. Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed.

If a man dreamed of a dead man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision.

Seeing a dead woman in a dream is a long and happy life. Kissing the deceased on the forehead - to recovery from a protracted illness.

Seeing a coffin with a dead person, decorated with flowers, a mournful crowd around - for entertainment in the company of friends.

If you dreamed that the coffin with the dead was being carried to the cemetery, such a dream promises a long and exciting journey in which you will make many new friends.

If you see yourself sitting over a dead person, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands.

Washing the dead is a well-deserved pleasure.

Dressing a dead man for burial - good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend.

If the deceased is your friend or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures.

If you saw several dead people lying nearby, you will make a dizzying career with the help of friends or sue a large inheritance.

Close the coffin with the dead - you will be able to make a decent fortune in a relatively short time.

Imagine that you are placing flowers in a coffin for a dead person.

The deceased is dressed in a luxurious expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. No less luxurious is the coffin, trimmed with gold and precious stones.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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