Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Ball lightning in the house. What is ball lightning? How to behave when she appears? How to protect yourself from ball lightning using the services we provide

The first written mention of mysterious and mysterious fireballs can be found in the chronicles of 106 BC. BC: “Huge fiery birds appeared over Rome, carrying hot coals in their beaks, which, falling down, burned houses. The city was on fire...” Also, more than one description of ball lightning was discovered in Portugal and France in the Middle Ages, the phenomenon of which prompted alchemists to spend time looking for opportunities to dominate the spirits of fire.

Ball lightning is considered a special type of lightning, which is a luminous fireball floating through the air (sometimes shaped like a mushroom, drop or pear).

Its size usually ranges from 10 to 20 cm, and it itself comes in blue, orange or white tones (although you can often see other colors, even black), the color is heterogeneous and often changes. People who have seen what ball lightning looks like say that inside it consists of small, stationary parts.

As for the temperature of the plasma ball, it has not yet been determined: although, according to scientists’ calculations, it should range from 100 to 1000 degrees Celsius, people who found themselves near the fireball did not feel the heat from it. If it explodes unexpectedly (although this does not always happen), all the liquid nearby evaporates, and the glass and metal melts.

A case was recorded when a plasma ball, once in a house, fell into a barrel containing sixteen liters of freshly brought well water. However, it did not explode, but boiled the water and disappeared. After the water finished boiling, it was hot for twenty minutes.

Ball lightning occurs mainly during a thunderstorm, but repeated cases of its appearance in sunny weather have also been recorded. It usually appears in a single copy (at least modern science has not recorded anything else), and often in the most unexpected way: it can descend from the clouds, appear in the air, or float out from behind a pillar or tree. It is not difficult for her to penetrate into a closed space: there are known cases of her appearing from sockets, televisions, and even in pilot cockpits.

Many cases of constant occurrence of ball lightning in the same place have been recorded. So, in a small town near Pskov there is a Devil's Glade, where black ball lightning periodically jumps out of the ground (it began to appear here after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite). Its constant occurrence in the same place gave scientists the opportunity to try to record this appearance using sensors, however, without success: they were all melted while ball lightning moved across the clearing.

Secrets of ball lightning

For a long time, scientists did not even admit the existence of such a phenomenon as ball lightning: information about its appearance was attributed mainly to either an optical illusion or hallucinations that affect the retina of the eye after a flash of ordinary lightning. Moreover, the evidence about what ball lightning looks like was largely inconsistent, and during its reproduction in laboratory conditions it was possible to obtain only short-term phenomena.

Everything changed after the beginning of the 19th century. physicist Francois Arago published a report with collected and systematized eyewitness accounts of the phenomenon of ball lightning. Although these data managed to convince many scientists of the existence of this amazing phenomenon, skeptics still remained. Moreover, the mysteries of ball lightning do not decrease over time, but only multiply.

First of all, the nature of the appearance of the amazing ball is unclear, since it appears not only in a thunderstorm, but also on a clear, fine day.

The composition of the substance is also unclear, which allows it to penetrate not only through door and window openings, but also through tiny cracks, and then again take on its original form without harming itself (physicists are currently unable to solve this phenomenon).

Some scientists, studying the phenomenon, have put forward the assumption that ball lightning is actually a gas, but in this case, the plasma ball, under the influence of internal heat, would have to fly up like a hot air balloon.

And the nature of the radiation itself is unclear: where does it come from - only from the surface of the lightning, or from its entire volume. Also, physicists cannot help but be faced with the question of where the energy disappears, what is inside the ball lightning: if it only went into radiation, the ball would not disappear in a few minutes, but would glow for a couple of hours.

Despite the huge number of theories, physicists still cannot give a scientifically sound explanation of this phenomenon. But, there are two opposing versions that have gained popularity in scientific circles.

Hypothesis No. 1

Dominic Arago not only systematized the data on the plasma ball, but also tried to explain the mystery of ball lightning. According to his version, ball lightning is a specific interaction of nitrogen with oxygen, during which energy is released that creates lightning.

Another physicist Frenkel supplemented this version with the theory that the plasma ball is a spherical vortex, consisting of dust particles with active gases that became so due to the resulting electrical discharge. For this reason, a vortex-ball may well exist for quite a long time. His version is supported by the fact that a plasma ball usually appears in dusty air after an electrical discharge, and leaves behind a small smoke with a specific odor.

Thus, this version suggests that all the energy of the plasma ball is inside it, which is why ball lightning can be considered an energy storage device.

Hypothesis No. 2

Academician Pyotr Kapitsa did not agree with this opinion, since he argued that for the continuous glow of lightning, additional energy was needed that would feed the ball from the outside. He put forward a version that the phenomenon of ball lightning is fueled by radio waves with a length of 35 to 70 cm, resulting from electromagnetic oscillations arising between thunderclouds and the earth's crust.

He explained the explosion of ball lightning by an unexpected stop in the energy supply, for example, a change in the frequency of electromagnetic oscillations, as a result of which rarefied air “collapses.”

Although his version was liked by many, the nature of ball lightning does not correspond to the version. At the moment, modern equipment has never recorded radio waves of the desired wavelength, which would appear as a result of atmospheric discharges. In addition, water is an almost insurmountable obstacle to radio waves, and therefore a plasma ball would not be able to heat water, as in the case of a barrel, much less boil it.

The hypothesis also casts doubt on the scale of the plasma ball explosion: it is not only capable of melting or smashing durable and strong objects into pieces, but also breaking thick logs, and its shock wave can overturn a tractor. At the same time, the ordinary “collapse” of rarefied air is not capable of performing all these tricks, and its effect is similar to a bursting balloon.

What to do if you encounter ball lightning

Whatever the reason for the appearance of an amazing plasma ball, it must be borne in mind that a collision with it is extremely dangerous, since if a ball filled with electricity touches a living creature, it may well kill, and if it explodes, it will destroy everything around.

When you see a fireball at home or on the street, the main thing is not to panic, not to make sudden movements and not to run: ball lightning is extremely sensitive to any air turbulence and may well follow it.

You need to slowly and calmly turn out of the way of the ball, trying to stay as far away from it as possible, but under no circumstances turn your back. If ball lightning is indoors, you need to go to the window and open the window: following the movement of air, the lightning will most likely fly out.

It is also strictly forbidden to throw anything into the plasma ball: this may well lead to an explosion, and then injuries, burns, and in some cases even cardiac arrest are inevitable.

If it so happens that a person was unable to move away from the trajectory of the ball, and it hit him, causing loss of consciousness, the victim should be moved to a ventilated room, wrapped warmly, given artificial respiration and, of course, immediately call an ambulance.

One of the most amazing and dangerous natural phenomena is ball lightning. How to behave and what to do when meeting her, you will learn from this article.

Surprisingly, modern science finds it difficult to answer this question. Unfortunately, no one has yet been able to analyze this natural phenomenon using precise scientific instruments. All attempts by scientists to recreate it in the laboratory also failed. Despite a lot of historical data and eyewitness accounts, some researchers completely deny the very existence of this phenomenon.

Those lucky enough to survive an encounter with an electric ball give conflicting testimony. They claim to have seen a sphere 10 to 20 cm in diameter, but describe it differently. According to one version, ball lightning is almost transparent, and you can even see the contours of surrounding objects through it. According to another, its color varies from white to red. Someone says that they felt the heat coming from the lightning. Others did not notice any warmth from her, even when in close proximity.

Chinese scientists were lucky to record ball lightning using spectrometers. Although this moment lasted one and a half seconds, the researchers were able to conclude that it differed from ordinary lightning.

Where does ball lightning appear?

How to behave when meeting her, because a fireball can appear anywhere. The circumstances of its formation vary greatly and it is difficult to find a definite pattern. Most people think that lightning can only be encountered during or after a thunderstorm. However, there is a lot of evidence that it appeared in dry, cloudless weather. It is also impossible to predict the location where the electric ball may form. There have been cases when it arose from a voltage network, a tree trunk, and even from the wall of a residential building. Eyewitnesses saw lightning appear on its own, encountered it in open areas and indoors. Also in the literature, cases are described when ball lightning occurred after an ordinary strike.

How to behave

If you are “lucky enough” to encounter a fireball in an open area, you must adhere to the basic rules of behavior in this extreme situation.

  • Try to slowly move away from the dangerous place to a considerable distance. Don't turn your back on lightning or try to run away from it.
  • If she is close and moving towards you, freeze, extend your arms forward and hold your breath. After a few seconds or minutes, the ball will go around you and disappear.
  • Never throw any objects at it, as lightning will explode if it hits anything.

Ball lightning: how to escape if it appears in the house?

This plot is the most scary, as an unprepared person can panic and make a fatal mistake. Remember that the electric sphere reacts to any air movement. Therefore, the most universal advice is to remain still and calm. What else can you do if ball lightning has flown into your apartment?

  • What to do if it ends up near your face? Blow on the ball and it will fly away.
  • Do not touch iron objects.
  • Freeze, do not make sudden movements and do not try to escape.
  • If there is an entrance to an adjacent room nearby, then try to take refuge in it. But don't turn your back on the lightning and try to move as slowly as possible.
  • Do not try to drive it away with any object, otherwise you risk causing a large explosion. In this case, you face such serious consequences as cardiac arrest, burns, injuries and loss of consciousness.

How to help the victim

Remember that lightning can cause very serious injury or even death. If you see that a person is wounded by her blow, then urgently take action - move him to another place and do not be afraid, since there will be no charge left in his body. Lay him on the floor, wrap him up and call an ambulance. In case of cardiac arrest, give him artificial respiration until doctors arrive. If the person is not seriously injured, put a wet towel on his head, give him two analgin tablets and soothing drops.

How to protect yourself

How to protect yourself from ball lightning? The first step is to take steps to keep you safe during a normal thunderstorm. Remember that in most cases people suffer from electric shock while outdoors or in rural areas.

  • How to escape from ball lightning in the forest? Don't hide under lonely trees. Try to find a low grove or underbrush. Remember that lightning rarely strikes coniferous trees and birch.
  • Do not hold metal objects (forks, shovels, guns, fishing rods and umbrellas) above your head.
  • Don't hide in a haystack or lie down on the ground - it's better to squat down.
  • If a thunderstorm catches you in your car, stop and do not touch metal objects. Remember to lower your antenna and drive away from tall trees. Pull to the side of the road and avoid entering a gas station.
  • Remember that quite often a thunderstorm goes against the wind. Ball lightning moves in exactly the same way.
  • How to behave in the house and should you worry if you are under a roof? Unfortunately, a lightning rod and other devices are not able to help you.
  • If you are in the steppe, then squat down, try not to rise above the surrounding objects. You can take shelter in a ditch, but leave it as soon as it begins to fill with water.
  • If you are sailing in a boat, do not stand up under any circumstances. Try to get to the shore as quickly as possible and move away from the water to a safe distance.

  • Remove your jewelry and set it aside.
  • Turn off your cell phone. If it works, ball lightning may be attracted to the signal.
  • How to escape from a thunderstorm if you are at the dacha? Close the windows and chimney. It is not yet known whether glass is a barrier to lightning. However, it has been noticed that it easily seeps into any cracks, sockets or electrical appliances.
  • If you are at home, close the windows and turn off electrical appliances, and do not touch anything metal. Try to stay away from electrical outlets. Do not make phone calls and turn off all external antennas.

“Dear editors, please explain the incident that happened to me on August 19, 1960. I was walking from the bus to Borisovka, where my parents live, and noticed the shining headlight of a motorcycle moving towards me from the forest. But how can a motorcycle move after rain on a loamy field? She stopped and began to look carefully.

The headlight stopped at a distance of 300 meters from me. Then I noticed that there were no signs of any car. “Headlight” suddenly headed straight towards me and stood up 2...3 steps away - and I stand there, trying to figure out what it could be. Then she slowly began to move away, the distance between me and the “headlight” began to increase, and then she quickly went towards Kukshev.”

Before us is one of the many encounters with the most curious natural phenomenon - ball lightning.

This phenomenon has not received scientific recognition for a long time. They said about ball lightning that it was an optical illusion and nothing more. The French physicist Mascard called it “the fruit of an excited fantasy.” And in one of the German physics textbooks at the end of the last century it was stated that ball lightning cannot exist, since it is “a phenomenon that does not comply with the laws of nature.”

Scientists, as we see, can also be mistaken when confronted with the mysteries of nature. Moreover, they are often mistaken not because they have a “bad character”, which does not allow them to be lenient towards new scientific ideas or agree with facts that contradict their ideas. The reasons for this are much deeper, including, in particular, the desire to preserve the integrity and completeness of the dominant system of views on the structure of the world in natural science. However, knowledge is a process that cannot be stopped as long as humanity exists. This process is based on the principle: I don’t know today, I’ll find out tomorrow. A principle that is directly opposite to the religious one: I don’t know and I’m not supposed to know, since everything that is incomprehensible is miraculous - from God, confirmation of his existence, and it is impossible to know it. Ball lightning can, perhaps, be considered a classic example of how, under the pressure of facts, the attitude of scientists towards them changed.

Gradually, a large amount of material was collected indicating that ball lightning is a reality. A variety of people have reported encounters with this still mysterious companion of thunderstorms.

In 1975, the journal Science and Life, together with the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the USSR Academy of Sciences, published a questionnaire containing a number of questions about ball lightning and a request for eyewitnesses of this phenomenon to answer the questions. The editors have received more than a thousand letters describing cases of observation of ball lightning. The authors are scientists, engineers, teachers, pilots, meteorologists...

Judging by the stories of people who have seen this “miracle of nature,” ball lightning sometimes reaches the size of a soccer ball and even more. It moves in the air quite slowly. It's easy to follow with your eyes. Sometimes such a luminous ball almost stops, and when it reaches some obstacle, it often explodes, causing destruction. In other cases, ball lightning disappears quietly.

When this ball moves, a slight whistle or hiss is heard in the air. The color of the balls is different. Observers say that they saw red ones, dazzling white ones, blue ones, and even black ones! In addition, lightning is not always spherical - there are also pear-shaped and egg-shaped ones. Many eyewitnesses managed to photograph her.

The connection between ball lightning and ordinary, linear lightning is confirmed by a number of facts. P. Grishnenkov from Murom saw ball lightning with a diameter of thirty to forty centimeters jump out of the ground at the site of a linear lightning strike. Tomsk University student A. Sozonov saw three bright white ball lightning that separated from the middle part of the linear lightning channel and began to slowly fall. Electric locomotive driver A. Orlov described a case when ball lightning flew up when linear lightning struck a steel power line support.

University teacher A. Timoshchuk spoke in detail about his encounter with the fireball.

Lightning struck the wires near the pole. At the same moment, a yellow-green flash appeared on the wire, which began to “flare up”. A ball formed and slowly rolled along the sagging wire. Gradually it turned red. The ball jumped to the bottom wire and then fell onto the branches of a poplar tree. There was a loud crash, red sparks flew and several small balls rolled along the branches. The ball began to jump along the pavement, jumping and scattering sparks around itself. Finally, it crumbled into several pieces, which quickly went out. All this happened in about ten seconds and was observed by one other person.

Only hypotheses

We must immediately make a reservation: there is no generally accepted scientific explanation of the nature of ball lightning, but there are many assumptions and hypotheses. And not all of them deserve attention. But some assumptions about the origin of this electrical miracle are largely justified. One of them belongs to academician P.L. Kapitsa.

Ball lightning, in his opinion, is powered by radio emissions generated by thunderstorm discharges of atmospheric electricity. If, he writes, “in nature there are no sources of energy that are still unknown to us, then on the basis of the law of conservation of energy we have to accept that during the glow energy is continuously supplied to the ball lightning, and we are forced to look for this source of energy outside the volume of the ball lightning. Ball lightning occurs where radio waves reach their greatest intensity.”

The explanation of ball lightning proposed by a prominent Soviet scientist is in good agreement with many of its features; and with the fact that it sometimes rolls over the surface of various objects, without leaving burns, and with the fact that most often it penetrates indoors through chimneys, windows and even small cracks.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences I.P. Stakhanov expressed the idea that ball lightning occurs when a significant amount of water enters the channel of ordinary lightning. When combining (recombining), water molecules stick to positive and negative ions, forming a shell around them. This shell stops the connection of ions, preventing their direct contact.

The appearance of such aqueous shells around ions in solutions is known. But can the same thing happen in gases? Apparently yes, since it is now known that in the lower layers of the ionosphere there are many similar ions associated with water molecules.

Medium-sized ball lightning (ten to twenty centimeters in diameter) can be formed from a large drop of dew caught in the channel of a lightning discharge. On the other hand, as calculations have shown, for the stability of ball lightning it is necessary that the density of its substance differ little from the density of the surrounding air.

“If ball lightning,” writes I.P. Stakhanov, - finds itself in such conditions when its temperature rises above a certain limit (for example, due to a decrease in heat exchange in a closed room), then a chain reaction of destruction of water shells begins, which leads to an explosion. Under normal conditions, lightning matter slowly “burns out” due to recombination. This leads to a change in density, and as a result, the lightning “falls apart,” throwing out pieces of matter that eyewitnesses mistake for sparks.”

Scientists are not content, of course, with collecting reliable evidence of the appearance of ball lightning. They are trying to obtain it in laboratory conditions, experimentally testing their theoretical assumptions and mathematical calculations.

Mezentsev V. A. Encyclopedia of miracles. Book I. The ordinary in the unusual. - 3rd ed. - M., Knowledge. 1988.

Ball lightning

Ball lightning is a luminous spherical clot of electric current. Even if it exists, and some scientists doubt it, it is very rare. However, many amazing stories are known about the tricks of ball lightning. For example, in 1936, English newspapers talked about ball lightning, which first cut telephone wires near one house, then flew through an open window and plopped into a barrel of water standing by the window. Eyewitnesses claim that the water in the barrel began to boil.

Appearances of ball lightning

Rare occurrences of ball lightning seem to occur after being struck by normal lightning. These glowing orbs range in size between the size of a plum and a soccer ball. Ball lightning comes in red, orange, yellow or blinding white. As the ball approaches, a threatening hissing and buzzing sound is heard.

Types of ball lightning

Based on eyewitness accounts, two types of ball lightning are distinguished. The first is a red lightning bolt descending from a cloud. When such a heavenly gift touches any object on earth, for example a tree, it explodes.

Another type of ball lightning travels along the earth's surface for a long time and glows with a bright white light. The ball is attracted to good conductors of electricity and can touch anything - the ground, a power line or a person.

In addition to ordinary lightning, ball lightning is sometimes observed - a luminous ball floating in the air above the surface of the earth and exploding upon collision with any solid object.

If you do not follow basic safety rules, an encounter with ball lightning can end tragically. So last Wednesday, August 17, in the Priuralsky region of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, ball lightning flew into the tent during a thunderstorm. There were a woman, three children and a dog in the home. A seven-year-old boy and a pet died on the spot from a lightning strike, media reported.

In the Leningrad region, the possibility of ball lightning also exists. So in mid-July, a dangerous “guest” flew through the roof into the house of residents of Snegirevka, Priozersky district of the Leningrad region. Lightning exploded in the room, stunning people and leaving a hole in the wall.

How to avoid encountering ball lightning?

First of all, you should follow the general rules: do not hide under tall trees, run, open an umbrella, swim in open water, light a stove or make fires. At the same time, be sure to turn off all electrical appliances, including your mobile phone, stay indoors if possible, and close the windows and doors.

What to do if you encounter ball lightning at home or on the street?

  • Remember that the flight path of ball lightning is completely unpredictable and largely depends on air currents, so do not make sudden movements or run away.
  • Stay away from electrical appliances and electrical wiring, and do not touch metal objects. In no more than half a minute, the luminous ball should disappear. In this case, lightning can fly through the window or, in the worst case, crash into a door or wall.
  • Never try to touch ball lightning.
  • Do not throw objects at it - this may cause it to explode.

How to help a person injured by lightning?

The life of a person affected by a lightning strike can be saved if first aid is provided immediately.

  • The victim must immediately begin artificial respiration.
  • In case of cardiac arrest, indirect massage should be started.
  • As soon as possible, the victim must be taken to the hospital, if this is not possible, he must be given hot tea and ensure peace.

Attention! Among the typical misconceptions is a recipe for burying the victim in the ground. Do not do this under any circumstances.

Based on materials from the website of the Federal Educational Portal on Fundamentals of Life Safety.

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