Encyclopedia of fire safety

When you do not need an examination of project documentation. Do you need Mrs. expertise on cap. school renovation? Is an examination of PD required for highways

One of the demanded directions in the work of independent experts is the construction expertise of the road project. A thorough study of the road project, carried out by the specialists of the Federation of Forensic Experts NP, will make it possible to reliably assess such criteria for future construction as the quality of the road surface, the compliance of the route design with the expected volume and speed of car traffic, and ensuring traffic safety.

Examination of design estimates for the future construction or reconstruction of a highway has its own specifics. The sequence of studying the project depends on the expert and may be different, but most often takes place in the following order.

At the first stage, the expert checks the submitted documents for the following parameters:

  • completeness of all documents;
  • compliance of the object with the existing master plans for the development of roads in the region;
  • availability of all necessary approvals from regulatory agencies;
  • compliance of all project parameters with the approved indicators in the feasibility study and feasibility studies.

At the next stage, the economic part of the project is checked. To do this, the expert examines the following points:

  • comparison of available data on the intensity of traffic and the total volume of cargo transportation included in the project calculations;
  • analysis of calculations of the expected volume of cargo transportation and existing transport links;
  • checking the economic feasibility of building a new road or reconstructing an existing one.

The next stage is the examination of the technical part of the road project, during which the following are checked:

  • the degree of validity of the engineering solutions incorporated in the project;
  • verification of the proposed sources for the supply of building materials and structures for the construction of the facility;
  • control of measures for environmental protection and rational use of natural resources laid down in the project;
  • comparison of the available options for the route being laid, taking into account the characteristics of the landscape, soil and climate.
  • checking the validity of the budget.

Verification of compliance with technical and construction standards and environmental protection requirements is relevant not only when examining a road construction project. Approximately according to the same parameters, the examination of the boiler house project is carried out.

The study of the boiler house construction project is a comprehensive study in which experts evaluate various parameters and aspects of future construction, after which they make their conclusion. The main purpose of the examination of the boiler house project is to control and prevent possible violations of various technical and building standards.

During the inspection, experts carefully study the technical indicators of the future building and boiler equipment. The solutions proposed by the builders must meet all technical requirements and ensure the safe operation of the boiler house.

Another important aspect during the examination is the verification of the boiler house design for its environmental safety. Studying the project documentation, the capabilities of the boiler equipment and the proposed mode of operation will allow experts to determine the degree of impact of the boiler on the environment. In case of violation of any requirements, recommendations for their correction will be indicated in the expert opinion.

Another popular direction in working with various technical projects is the examination of the redevelopment project. Such a study is carried out quite often, since cases of unauthorized redevelopment of an apartment are very common, and it becomes necessary to check to prevent emergency situations.

Redevelopment is a change in the general configuration of the premises inside the apartment (demolition of interior partitions, installation of an opening in a load-bearing wall, sealing a door, installation of internal stairs, etc.). Redevelopment is a serious measure that can adversely affect the structure of the building and create an emergency situation that is dangerous to the life and health of the inhabitants of the entire house.

In case of illegal redevelopment of the apartment, an inspection can be carried out. If the fact of unauthorized redevelopment is discovered, then an examination will be appointed to check how the changes made by the tenant affected the general condition of the structures of the residential building, and how well the redevelopment work was carried out. If serious defects caused by illiterate redevelopment are found, the tenant will be obliged to restore the previous configuration of the premises.

An examination of the redevelopment of an apartment can be ordered independently, in private. Moreover, if the redevelopment was done arbitrarily, but without a threat to the supporting structures of the house, then the examination report will be a good help in legitimizing the changes made. Our experts will tell you what documents you need to prepare and which authorities you should apply to in order to approve the new configuration of the apartment's premises.

Expert studies of this nature are best ordered in advance, before any changes are made. For example, an examination of a territory planning project carried out by our experts will make it possible to identify vulnerabilities in advance and develop options for correcting them, help to harmonize the essence and details of the project with existing legal and technical requirements.

We would like to do the filling of this section of the official website of Mosgosexpertiza together with you. Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the state examination of project documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys. If you have suggestions for materials that you would like to see in this section, please report them to [email protected]. We will definitely take them into account when maintaining this section of our site.

All questions ?

Question No. 183: Our Customer has a hotel in the central region of Moscow. It is planned to redevelop the number of rooms in order to increase the number of rooms. The structural characteristics of the object, facades do not change. There are no security obligations for the object. Please indicate whether the object is subject to examination. If not, please indicate to what extent project documentation is being developed and to which institution it is submitted.


Your question does not contain enough information for a definitive answer. The criteria for objects whose design documentation is not subject to examination are established by Article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the composition of project documentation - by Article 48 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.


Question No. 182: Is it possible to submit design documentation for linear communication facilities and related capital construction facilities to non-state expertise if these facilities and facilities are located in specially protected natural areas?


In accordance with paragraph 3.4 of Article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, design documentation for objects, the construction, reconstruction of which is supposed to be carried out on the lands of specially protected natural areas is subject to state expertise.



In accordance with paragraphs. 3, 3.3 of Article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation in relation to sections of project documentation prepared for the overhaul of capital construction projects, an examination is not carried out. At the same time, the developer or technical customer may, on his own initiative, submit the project documentation developed for the overhaul of capital construction projects for state or non-state expertise.


Question No. 180: We are in Ulyanovsk, we ordered a Moscow company to develop a design and estimate documentation for an object located on the territory of our city. According to the contract, along with the design and estimate documentation, a positive conclusion of the state examination or a conclusion on the reliability of the estimated cost should be provided. The question is whether a company dealing with design and estimate documentation can conduct a state examination or reliably determine the estimated cost in Moscow, or will they need to travel to Ulyanovsk.


In accordance with paragraphs. 4.1, 4.2 of Article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the state examination of project documentation for capital construction projects is carried out by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a state (budgetary or autonomous) institution subordinate to it at the location of the land plot on which it is planned to carry out construction, reconstruction of the capital construction object, with the exception of objects for which the legislation provides for the examination of project documentation by federal executive authorities.


Question No. 179: In what documents can you read about the form in which it is necessary to submit estimates for examination. In the estimate, a lot of equipment is used that is not in the price tags, some of which will be made to order at factories. The question is what needs to be submitted for examination in order to prove the eligibility of applying these positions.


The requirements for the content of the section "Estimates for the construction of a capital construction facility" are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87. Justification of the composition, characteristics and quantity of process equipment should be contained in the subsection "Technological solutions" section 5 of the design documentation.


Question No. 178: Please provide clarification on the list of documents regarding land registration required for the state examination of project documentation and engineering survey results (construction (partially) and reconstruction of an underground water supply and sewerage system in Moscow). Is it necessary to submit for examination an approved act of choosing a land plot for communications, an approved layout of the land plot on the cadastral plan of the territory, a land lease agreement? What legal acts govern this issue?


Answer: The list of documents submitted for the examination of project documentation is established by the Regulations on the organization and conduct of state examination of project documentation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 05, 2007 No. 145. Requirements for the content of information about the land plot for the construction of a linear facility during development design documentation are established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87.


The administration refused to issue a permit to an individual for the construction of an access road to a private house, arguing that the road is a capital construction project and a state (non-state) examination is required, is this true?


The highway is a linear object of capital construction. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, design documentation for capital construction projects is subject to expert examination, except for the cases provided for by parts 2, 3 and 3.1 of this article.


Good afternoon, please clarify whether it is necessary to undergo a re-examination for the construction of a new building if a positive conclusion from the state examination was received in April 2009 and the GPZU was passed in 2010 if we do not make any changes to the project.


Answer: In accordance with clause 44 of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of the state examination of project documentation and engineering survey results, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.03.2007 No. 145, a repeated state examination is carried out when changes are made to the design documentation that received a positive conclusion from the state examination, in terms of changing technical solutions that affect the structural reliability and safety of the capital construction object. If the design documentation complies with the issued GPZU, a repeated state examination is not required.


In the case of the construction of a capital facility with a total area of ​​1360 sq. m, which will house a restaurant on an area of ​​700 sq. m. with auxiliary premises, project documentation for the construction of this facility is subject to consideration by the Moscow State Expertise or not?


Answer: Your question does not contain sufficient information for a definite answer. The need for examination of project documentation may be affected by the number of floors of the building, the source of financing for the construction of the facility, the location of the site allocated for construction and other factors. Criteria for objects whose design documentation is not subject to examination are established by Article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.


In our terms of reference for the design, the following is written: development, manufacture and approval of the project and estimate documentation for the modernization (improvement) of the forced supply and exhaust ventilation system, in the buildings of the central office of the Federal Reserve at the following addresses: Moscow, B. Cherkassky per., d. 6/7 and B. Cherkassky per. d. 4 p. 1. Do I need to pass the state examination? If you do not need to pass an examination, can you tell me in which bodies we should agree on our project documentation. Regarding the agreement, the TOR states the following:

The approval of the project is carried out by the Contractor in the prescribed manner with all interested organizations, the need for coordination with which is determined by the current regulatory documents, the features of the Facility and the motivated decisions of the Customer


Answer: The examination is carried out in relation to the design documentation developed for the construction and reconstruction of capital construction projects. On its own initiative, the developer or technical customer may submit for examination the design documentation developed for the overhaul of the capital construction facility. Design documentation developed for carrying out works that do not have signs of construction, reconstruction or overhaul, established by Article 1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, is not the subject of an examination.

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2003 No. IS-216-r
"On approval of the Regulations on the conduct of state departmental examination of pre-project and project documentation for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of public roads and structures on them"

In pursuance of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2000 No. "On the procedure for conducting state expertise and approving urban planning, pre-project and project documentation" and the Regulations on the delimitation of functions between the State Construction Committee of Russia and the Ministry of Transport of Russia for conducting state expertise and approving pre-project and project documentation of objects construction and reconstruction of the transport complex:

1. Approve the Regulations on the conduct of the state departmental examination of pre-project and project documentation for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of public roads and structures on them.

2. Structural subdivisions of Rosavtodor, Rosdorexpertiza, departments of highways, federal departments of highways, directorates of roads under construction and territorial departments of the road facilities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to ensure the implementation of the Regulations in terms of road facilities financed in full or in part from the federal budget.

3. The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation annually, by March 20, submit to Rosavtodor a list of project documentation for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of territorial roads and structures on them, financed in full or in part from the federal budget, subject to examination by Glavgosexpertiza at Gosstroy of Russia or State Institution "Rosdorexpertiza" of the Ministry of Transport of Russia.

4. Department of Road Construction and Design Methodology (Seregin N.P.), Department of Operation and Preservation of Highways (Urmanov I.A.) and Department of Road Policy and Development of the Road Network (Belyakov S.A.) within a week after approval of the design work programs for the current year to submit for approval to the Glavgosexpertiza under the Gosstroy of Russia a list of federal highways, design documentation for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of which will be examined by the Glavgosexpertiza under the Gosstroy of Russia and the State Institution "Rosdorexpertiza" of the Ministry of Transport of Russia.

5. To impose control over the execution of this order on the Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Skvortsov O.V.

Regulations on the state examination of pre-project and project documentation for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of public roads and structures on them

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation was developed in pursuance of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2000 No. "On the procedure for conducting state examination and approval of town-planning, pre-project and design documentation" taking into account the Regulation on the delimitation of functions for conducting state examination and approving pre-design and design documentation of construction objects and reconstruction of the transport complex between the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Services and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, approved on August 15, 2002

1.2. The Regulation establishes the procedure and terms for the examination of pre-project and project documentation for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of public roads and structures on them, financed in full or in part from the federal budget, state loans, loans received under state guarantees, other funds received in as state support (hereinafter referred to as road projects).

1.3. When conducting an examination of road projects, one should be guided by the legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation, these Regulations, as well as other regulatory legal acts regulating road activities.

1.4. All road projects are subject to review prior to their approval. Approval and implementation of road projects without a positive summary conclusion of the state expertise is not allowed.

1.5. The consolidated expert opinion of the state expertise bodies is a mandatory document for execution by customer organizations, highway authorities, contractors, design and other organizations involved in the implementation of road projects.

1.6. The procedure for conducting state environmental review of road projects, depending on the impact of the facility on the environment and the complexity of natural conditions, is determined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Review" and the Regulations on the procedure for conducting state environmental review, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 11, 1996 No. .

Environmental requirements for the composition, development procedure, content of environmental justification materials for design decisions are determined by the Instruction on the environmental justification of economic and other activities, approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated December 29, 1995 No. , and Recommendations for taking into account environmental requirements when designing roads and bridges , approved by the Federal Automobile and Road Service on 06/26/95 in agreement with the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated 06/19/95 No. 03-19 / AA.

2. Goals and objectives of the expertise of road projects

State expertise is one of the stages of the investment process and is carried out in order to:

Establishing the validity, economic feasibility and efficiency of the construction of the facility;

Exceptions for the construction of facilities that are not federal property;

Establishing the compliance of the parameters of structures with the requirements of current regulatory documents;

Establishing the validity of decisions made, their optimality;

Checking the completeness of materials for a comprehensive assessment of the possibility of building an object;

Checks to ensure the reliability and durability of structures, their safety during operation;

Evaluation of proposed technologies and technical solutions;

Control over the determination of the cost of objects;

A comprehensive assessment of the use of materials, structures and products, taking into account possible sources of production and transport schemes;

Assessment and control of the establishment of the necessary areas for land acquisition, compensation for losses in case of their withdrawal, losses of agricultural and forestry production;

Checking the requirements of technical conditions and costs for the reconstruction of engineering communications and structures.

3. Differentiation for the examination of road projects

3.1. State examination of pre-project and design documentation for road facilities at the federal level is carried out:

a) Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation;

b) the Main Directorate of State Non-Departmental Expertise under the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction, Housing and Communal Services with the participation of federal executive bodies authorized to conduct specialized expertise;

c) the State Road Service of the Ministry of Transport of Russia (hereinafter - Rosavtodor).

3.2. The Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation conducts state expertise of pre-project and project documentation, subject to review and approval by the Government of the Russian Federation.

3.3. The Main Directorate of State Non-Departmental Expertise under the Gosstroy of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Glavgosexpertiza under the Gosstroy of Russia) conducts state examination of pre-project and project documentation for the construction and reconstruction of bridges and tunnels with a length of more than 500 meters, the construction and reconstruction of federal highways of all categories and territorial roads 1 - 11 technical categories financed in full or in part from the federal budget, state loans and loans received under state guarantees, as well as other funds received as state support (hereinafter referred to as federal budget funds), as well as experimental and basic projects for mass applications in the construction and reconstruction of roads.

Glavgosexpertiza under the Gosstroy of Russia conducts a state examination of the above objects with the participation of Rosavtodor.

3.4. In accordance with the Regulations on the delimitation of functions between the Gosstroy of Russia and the State Road Service of the Ministry of Transport of Russia for conducting state expertise and approving pre-project and design documentation for construction projects of the transport complex, Rosavtodor conducts state expertise on road projects based on the list annually approved by Rosavtodor together with the Glavgosexpertiza at the Gosstroy of Russia .

3.5. Rosavtodor together with the Glavgosexpertiza under the Gosstroy of Russia annually determine and approve the lists of objects from among those specified in clause 3.3 of these Regulations, considered respectively by the Rosavtodor and Glavgosexpertiza under the Gosstroy of Russia. Rosavtodor sends them to interested organizations within ten days after the coordination and approval of these lists.

3.6. The state expertise of road projects subject to consideration by Rosavtodor is carried out by the State Institution for State Non-Departmental Expertise of the Ministry of Transport of Russia (hereinafter referred to as Rosdorexpertiza).

3.7. Bodies of state non-departmental expertise of the subjects of the Russian Federation conduct state expertise of pre-project and project documentation for the construction and reconstruction of territorial highways III-V categories, financed from the federal budget.

3.8. In some cases, to conduct a comprehensive examination of projects for the construction and reconstruction of large and complex road facilities, when the implementation of the project may have an impact on the environment of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Regulations on State Environmental Expertise, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 09/22/93 No. , intersectoral expert commissions can be created with the participation of representatives of all interested expert bodies. The summary conclusion must be signed by the heads of all participating expert bodies.

4. The procedure for submitting project materials and organizing the state examination of road projects

4.1. Prior to submitting pre-project and design documentation for state expertise, customers of road projects are required to check its completeness, availability of all necessary approvals, compliance with the approved terms of reference, as well as review and review design solutions with the preparation of an appropriate conclusion signed by the head or chief engineer of the Customer's organization.

4.2. Customers of pre-project and design documentation for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of roads, bridges and other road structures on federal highways for objects subject to state expertise in Glavgosexpertiza and Rosavtodor, subject to the provisions of Section 3 of this Regulation, submit road projects to Rosavtodor with a positive conclusion according to the provided documentation.

4.3. The submission of pre-project and design documentation for the construction and reconstruction of federal facilities for state expertise to the Glavgosexpertiza is carried out by Rosavtodor, and for road facilities that are the property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, by bodies authorized by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Submission for examination of projects of road facilities to the bodies of state non-departmental examination of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is carried out in the manner determined by the constituent entity of the Federation.

4.4. The pre-project and project documentation submitted to Rosavtodor for state expertise is sent for consideration to Rosdorexpertiza.

4.5. For objects subject to review by the Glavgosexpertiza under the Gosstroy of Russia:

4.5.1. Rosdorexpertiza within a week from the date of receipt of the documentation:

b) checks their completeness and availability of all necessary approvals.

In the event of the identified deficiencies mentioned above, Rosdorexpertiza returns the documentation to the Customer with the appropriate motivation.

In case of detection of incompleteness or detection of shortcomings in the pre-project and design documentation that require revision, the Customer is obliged to return this documentation for revision to the design organization.

4.5.2. Rosavtodor, after registration and verification of the submitted documentation, in accordance with clause 4.5.1 of this Regulation, with the participation of the relevant structural unit of Rosavtodor, sends materials to the Glavgosexpertiza at the Gosstroy of Russia.

4.6. For road projects submitted for state expertise to Glavgosexpertiza, Rosdorexpertiza prepares its expert opinion, which, in accordance with the established procedure, is sent to Glavgosexpertiza no later than 30 days from the date the documentation was sent for examination.

4.7. Rosdorexpertiza, the relevant structural subdivisions of Rosavtodor, organizations - customers of pre-project and design documentation participate in its consideration and preparation of a consolidated conclusion by Glavgosexpertiza.

4.8. For objects subject to consideration by Rosavtodor, Rosdorexpertiza within a period of not more than 15 days:

a) register the submitted documents;

b) checks the completeness of the documentation and the availability of all approvals;

c) prepares and preliminarily coordinates with the Customer a draft agreement on the examination;

d) sends to the Customer:

draft agreement on the examination (subject to the compliance of the submitted documents with the established requirements);

notification of the deadlines for submission of missing materials (in case of non-compliance of the submitted documents with the established requirements).

4.9. In case of non-receipt from the Customer within 30 days of the contract signed by him on the examination or failure by the Customer to submit the requested documents within the specified period, the state departmental examination is not carried out, and all documents are returned to the Customer within 7 days.

4.10. The state examination of road projects is carried out by Rosdorekspertiza on behalf of Rosavtodor in the following order:

a) registration and preliminary review of documentation, taking into account clause 4.5.1 of these Regulations;

b) preparation and conclusion of an agreement with the Customer for the examination (clauses 4.8 and 4.9 of the Regulations);

c) preparation of the conclusion and sending it to the Customer;

d) consideration by the Customer with the participation of the design organization of the comments of Rosdorexpertiza and the preparation of a summary of the comments;

e) consideration of the summary of remarks in Rosdorekspertiza;

f) correction of documentation on the comments of Rosdorekspertiza with the preparation and submission for approval of the volume "Changes and additions on the comments of the examination";

g) preparation and approval of the summary conclusion of the state expertise.

4.11. The conclusion of Rosdorekspertiza on the design (pre-project) documentation is sent to the Customer of the documentation.

To prepare an expert opinion, Rosdorexpertiza has the right to engage independent experts.

4.12. After receiving the opinion of Rosdorexpertiza, the Customer is obliged to consider the comments with the participation of the design organization within a month, prepare a volume with changes and additions to the project documentation, a summary of comments on the conclusion of the examination and submit these documents for final consideration.

The volume with changes and additions must contain a description of the changes and additions made on the basis of the examination comments, drawings (if necessary), a summary of the consideration of the examination comments, as well as a table comparing the main technical and economic indicators for the submitted project and the project recommended for approval.

4.13. In the event that the Customer was unable to ensure that the documentation was corrected within the above timeframes, the documentation is considered to be returned for revision.

4.14. If necessary, at the initiative of the Customer, issues related to the consideration of road projects can be discussed at working meetings in Rosdorexpertiza with the participation of the relevant structural divisions of Rosavtodor.

4.15. In necessary cases, prior to the approval of road projects, Rosavtodor has the right to schedule their consideration at the Technical Council of Rosavtodor.

4.16. Submission of pre-project and design documentation for approval to the management of Rosavtodor is carried out by the Customer in the prescribed manner.

4.17. The cost of conducting a state examination is determined on the basis of standards approved in the prescribed manner.

4.18. In the course of the state examination, by agreement with the Customer, the cost and terms of its implementation can be specified. The agreement reached is formalized by an additional agreement. In this case, the total period of the examination should not exceed 6 months.

5. Composition of the documentation submitted for examination

5.1. Projects for road facilities are submitted for examination in the composition provided for by the current regulatory documents for their development, in three copies (one of them is an archive copy on magnetic media), together with the initial data, permits, necessary approvals, the conclusion of the road management authority, acting as a customer for the development of projects, conclusions of specialized expert bodies (state environmental expertise, state expertise of working conditions (if necessary), etc.). The list of submitted documents is indicated in the cover letter.

5.2. Projects for road facilities, revised in accordance with the negative conclusion of the examination body, are submitted for re-examination in the manner established for the initial examination.

6. Deadlines for the examination

6.1. The terms for the examination of projects for road facilities are accepted in accordance with the plans approved annually in the prescribed manner, depending on the complexity of the examination, and should not exceed 3 months.

In some cases, when considering projects of large and complex facilities, as well as projects containing individual and experimental design solutions, the specified period may be extended by the decision of Rosdorexpertiza.

6.2. If during the examination the need for additional checks, specialized expert reviews in accordance with paragraphs. 3.4 - 3.5, the term for the examination may be extended by decision of Rosdorexpertiza.

6.3. The terms of the re-examination of projects should not exceed the terms of the initial examination.

6.4. The start date of the examination is the date of signing the contract, the end of the examination is the date of approval of the conclusion.

6.5. The approved expert opinion is brought to the attention of the relevant authorities of highways within five days.

7. Consolidated conclusion on the results of the state examination

7.1. The summary conclusion based on the results of the state expertise (hereinafter referred to as the summary conclusion) contains a cumulative assessment of the economic feasibility and technical feasibility of implementing design solutions, taking into account environmental safety requirements, as well as the compliance of the decisions made with technological requirements, structural reliability and safety requirements. The summary conclusion establishes the main approved indicators of the project documentation.

7.2. The summary conclusion is prepared by the examination body taking into account the conclusion (or with the participation of specialists) of the specialized examination bodies or their territorial bodies.

7.3. A positive summary conclusion is drawn up in the presence of positive conclusions of specialized expertise and contains recommendations for the approval of the project. Approval of pre-project and design documentation without a positive summary conclusion is not allowed.

The negative summary opinion should contain the following conclusions:

On the need to finalize the documentation indicating specific shortcomings;

On the inadmissibility of using documentation for the construction of facilities due to its inconsistency with the requirements.

7.4. For road projects, the expertise of which is carried out by Rosavtodor, the consolidated expert opinion is approved by the head of Rosdorexpertiza.

8. Rights and responsibilities during the state examination

8.1. Customers of projects for road facilities are responsible for the quality, timeliness of submission and completeness of the design and estimate documentation submitted to Rosdorekspertiza, the timing, completeness and quality of consideration and correction of documentation based on the comments of the examination, obtaining the conclusions and approvals provided for by the rules.

8.2. The project review body is responsible for the timing and quality of the review, the validity of the conclusions.

8.3. If, as a result of the examination, gross violations of regulatory requirements by the design organization are revealed, which may entail unreasonable overestimation of the cost, reduction or loss of strength and stability of structures, do not ensure traffic safety and environmental safety, the examination body may make proposals for the suspension (cancellation) of the license for conducting this type of design and survey activities.

Annex 1

Summary of responses to the comments of the examination

Comment of the expert body

Troubleshooting Information

Appendix 2

The main technical and economic indicators approved in the project of the federal highway

No. p / p



Type of construction

Construction length


Incl. launch complexes:

Launch Complex No. 1


Launch Complex No. 2


Estimated speed


Subgrade width

Roadway Width

Divider width

Type of pavement and type of pavement

Bridges and overpasses, including:


On the main road


On a crossing road


Structure dimensions

On the main road


On intersecting roads


Design loads

For artificial structures

For travel clothes


Transport interchanges at different levels


Intersections and junctions in the same level

Construction cost:


t. r.

Incl. launch complexes

Launch Complex No. 1

t. r.

Launch Complex No. 2

t. r.

Incl. bridges and overpasses

On the main road

t. r.

The cost of 1 sq. m

t. r.

On intersecting roads, total

t. r.

The cost of 1 sq. m

t. r.

The cost of 1 km of the road (without interchanges and artificial structures)

t. r.


Compiled by the department
design support and expertise

Moscow 1990

By order of the Ministry of Highways of the RSFSR dated April 5, 1989 No. 4, the approval of design estimates for the construction (reconstruction) of highways of national and republican significance worth up to 4 million rubles is assigned to highways and highways. In this regard, the examination of these objects should be carried out by the expert service created in motorways and highways.

In order to provide methodological assistance to this service, the Ministry sends the Recommendations developed by the Department of Design Support and Expertise on the examination of TEP projects, working projects for the construction and reconstruction of highways.

Deputy Minister G.I. Lontsov

General provisions

The main tasks of expert employees are:

Ensuring that, in accordance with the established procedure, the examination of technical and economic calculations, projects, working projects and estimates (hereinafter referred to as design and estimate documentation) for the construction, reconstruction of roads, title bridge crossings, buildings and structures at a high scientific and technical level, taking into account the application in designing the achievements of scientific and technological progress, rational and economical use of material, fuel and energy and labor resources, reliable determination of the estimated cost of construction;

Implementation of control over compliance with the state investment policy in technical and economic calculations, projects and estimates, over a comprehensive solution of issues of construction and environmental protection.

1 The procedure for conducting an examination in the approval of documentation

In accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 90 dated March 17, 1989, the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 174 dated May 7, 1988, the orders of the Minavtodor of the RSFSR No. 4 dated April 5, 1989, No. 3 dated 06.06.88, No. 167-or dated 19.12.89 the following procedure for the examination and approval of design estimates has been established:

5.2. The conclusion is signed by the person who conducted the examination and the head of the expert unit and is the basis for approval of the design and estimate documentation.

5.3. Approval of design and estimate documentation is formalized by order, decision, protocol signed by the heads of organizations in accordance with these Recommendations.

5.4. The regulatory document on the approval of the documentation and the conclusion of the examination are sent to the design organization and submitted to the financing Promstroybank for opening financing.

6 Correction of projects according to the comments of the examination

6.1. Adjustment of the design and estimate documentation according to the comments of the examination is carried out within a month in accordance with the procedure set forth in the letter of the Minavtodor of the RSFSR dated 10.22.84 No. HA-4 / 607 and methodological recommendations approved by the USSR State Construction Committee and the USSR Stroybank (Appendix).

6.2. In case of poor-quality and untimely adjustment of project documentation, sanctions are applied to design organizations upon submission of the examination bodies by Promstroybank (letter of the Gosstroy of the RSFSR, Rospromstroybank, Roszhilsotsbank, see Appendix).


Instructions on the procedure for the development and approval of feasibility studies (feasibility studies) for construction and feasibility studies (FER), substantiating the economic necessity and economic feasibility of building public roads
(approved by the USSR Ministry of Transport and Construction on 07/31/87).

Application No. 3

Chairman of the meeting - _______________________________


Secretary of the meeting-_______________________________


Were present-_____________________________


Agenda: consideration of the feasibility study

construction (reconstruction)


(Object name)

Decided: to approve the feasibility study

construction (reconstruction) _______________________________________

(an object)

considered according to the conclusion of ____________________________________

with the following key figures:

length (km)__________

subgrade width (m)__________

type of coating __________

bridge dimension __________

bridge diagram __________

estimated cost (thousand rubles)__________

including construction and installation works __________

Chairman of the meeting ____________________


Secretary of the meeting ____________________


Conclusion No.

according to technical and economic calculation

construction (reconstruction)

highway (bridge crossing)


(Object name)

1. Customer documentation

2. General design and construction organization


(name of organizations, their departmental affiliation)

3. Basis for design


(decree, decision, work plan for fuel and energy resources, task, approved ...)

4. Characteristics of existing conditions



the condition of the considered section of the road, bridge,


traffic safety conditions, etc., economic relations


for the estimated perspective, estimated traffic intensity)


(brief description of the main design decisions, including:


length, subgrade width, bridge clearance, road structure

clothing, bridge scheme, supports and span structures, organization methods

construction, transport scheme, duration of construction)

6. Environmental protection measures


(brief description of the planned activities)

7. Economic feasibility of the designed facility


(the coefficient of economic efficiency determined in the FER is indicated,


payback period of investments and compared with standard indicators)

8. Saving and rational use of material resources


(indicates the need for heat P to bases ax building materials:


cement, metal, bitumen, as well as the amount of savings

compared to baseline)

9. Estimated cost


(declared estimated cost for the submitted FER,


comparison with the norms of specific capital investments, the cost of 1 km of the road,

1 sq.m. bridge, comparison with analogues)

10. Compliance of design solutions with the task, SNiP,
achievements of scientific and technological progress in the industry


(indicate compliance or non-compliance when deviating from SNiP

give reasons and appropriate justification)

11. Changes made according to the comments of the examination


(summary of comments and changes or clarifications)

12. Conclusions

(for highway)

length (km)______________

subgrade width

and carriageway (m)______________


(for title bridge crossing)

bridge crossing length (km)______________

including bridge length (m)______________

bridge dimension ______________

approach subgrade width (m)______________

type of coverage on the approaches ______________

bridge diagram ______________

span structures support ____________________________________

(material, standard project number)

estimated cost (thousand rubles)______________

including construction and installation works ______________

duration of construction (months)______________

signature of the executor and the head of the department ______________

date of______________

Application No. 4

(Gosstroy of the USSR)

Gosstroy of the USSR considered the letter of the Ministry of Highways of the RSFSR and considers it possible, as an exception, to allow the development of working documentation (without the implementation of projects) for the construction and reconstruction of public roads in Siberia and the Far East, the Volga, Central Black Earth and North Caucasus regions, Kurgan, Orenburg and the Chelyabinsk Regions, as well as the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, according to approved feasibility studies (justifications) in the presence of contractual prices established on the basis of the estimated construction costs, and the consent of general contractors (with a contractual construction method).

The scope of the specified documentation and the timing of its transfer to production, taking into account the technological sequence and specific conditions of construction, are determined in contracts for the performance of design and survey work.


Gosstroy SSRA.V. Chernyshev

Application No. 5

In connection with incoming requests, the Ministry of Highways of the RSFSR explains that the letter of the USSR Gosstroy dated 06.06.88 No. 22-D "On the design of construction industry facilities and industrial enterprises and building materials" applies to subordinate organizations of the Ministry.

In order to accelerate the development of the construction industry and the building materials industry, increase the production of advanced materials and structures, the customer, in agreement with general contractors and design organizations, develops working documentation for the construction of facilities of its own production base and enterprises for the production of building materials, products and structures directly on the basis of approved feasibility studies (technical and economic calculations) and the established contractual price. The need to draw up estimates as part of the working documentation is determined in the contract.

The customer and the general contractor decide on the composition and content of the project documentation and the timing of its development, depending on the specific conditions for the construction of facilities and the technological sequence of construction.

Application No. 6

The practice of applying in 1988 the Price Lists for a consumer unit of construction products for the construction of highways in the Non-Chernozem zone of the RSFSR to determine the cost of construction showed a sharp increase in its comparison with the standards for specific capital investments.

The Ministry of Highways of the RSFSR warns that the limit for assessing the cost of building facilities is the norms for specific capital investments.

If the cost of construction, calculated according to the price list, is higher than the cost of the object according to the norms of specific capital investments, then the latter is taken as the basis.

Deputy Minister A.A. Nadezhko

Application No. 7

The Minavtodor of the RSFSR brings for information and management the letter of the Russian Republican Office of the Stroybank of the USSR and the Gosstroy of the RSFSR dated 01.10.84 No. 15-123 / 4 "On the procedure for adjusting projects according to the comments of the examination", which informs that the Gosstroy of the RSFSR instructions dated 10.01.84 No. 15- 10/4, in order to improve the quality of projects and the materials of their examination, established a procedure for adjusting projects based on the conclusions of the examination, which ensures constant monitoring of the implementation of this work and a more complete reflection in the annual reporting of indicators of the effectiveness of capital investments, a decrease in material and energy intensity and the reliability of the estimated cost of construction.

Despite these instructions from the Gosstroy of the RSFSR, the data on the results of project adjustments based on the comments of the examination bodies are not received in full, in most cases with violation of the established deadlines, without the necessary technical and economic indicators and corrected estimate documentation, which does not allow the expert departments to establish the quality of the finalized projects and ensure proper control over this work by the institutions of the Stroybank of the USSR.

Taking into account the above, the Russian Republican Office of the Stroybank of the USSR and the Gosstroy of the RSFSR consider it necessary to increase control over the timely adjustment of projects and require customers to submit adjustment materials in the required amount on time. In cases of violation of these requirements, apply to customers and design organizations the sanctions provided for by the joint letter of the Gosstroy of the USSR and the Stroybank of the USSR dated 29.09.82 No. AB-5423-20 / 14 and dated 24.09.82 No. 255.

Information about the non-submission of adjustment materials or their submission in violation of the established volumes and deadlines must be reported by the expert divisions to the Financing Institutions of the USSR Stroybank.

Deputy Minister A.A. Nadezhko

Brief guidelines for compiling a corrective note to the project after revision based on the comments of the examination

1. The customer of the project, after receiving the conclusion of the local expert body or the Glavgosexpertiza of the Gosstroy of the RSFSR on projects considered by way of selective control, instructs the design organization to make changes to the project within the established time limits. project documentation on technical solutions and estimates, as well as supplement with the necessary documents (copies), the absence of which is noted in the expert opinions.

2. In some cases, when the customer and the design organization consider it possible to prove the correctness of the adopted design decisions, it is necessary to provide appropriate justifications for each of them with reference only to regulatory documents or to additional calculations with copies of these calculations attached.

3. If, when finalizing the project, it becomes necessary to issue additional drawings or make changes to previously issued ones, then they should be included in the corrective note. Changes made to previously issued drawings are submitted with the corresponding approved design drawings.

4. After making changes to the graphic part of the project (issuing additional drawings or corrected previously issued ones), local and object estimates are compiled or adjusted, respectively, the summary estimate calculation (summary estimate) and the main technical and economic indicators are recalculated (specific capital investments, consumption of basic building materials : cement, rolled metal, timber, consumption of energy resources - thermal and electrical energy - and other indicators provided for by the standard of the expert opinion). All indicators should be compared with previously approved ones, which will make it possible to identify the economic effect after adjusting the project. It is also necessary to attach a brief explanatory note describing the work performed to adjust the project for individual sections and points of the consolidated expert opinion.

5. The corrective note is issued as an additional volume to the project and must have the same index as the main project and, after agreeing it with the examination bodies, is included in the project and submitted to the financing office of the Stroybank of the USSR, and is also sent to the customer in the number of copies provided for in clause 4.29 SN 202-81 (now SNiP 1.02.01-85 p. 2.1).

6. Approximate composition of the corrective note:

a) a brief explanatory note, which describes all the additions and changes made to the draft according to the comments of the expert body;

b) copies of documents, the absence of which was noted in the expert opinion;

c) additional calculations (if necessary), as well as references to SNiP and other regulatory documents;

d) additionally issued or corrected drawings, as well as the corresponding drawings of the project approved before making changes;

e) local or object estimates (newly drawn up or corrected in connection with the release or correction of previously issued drawings);

f) Comparative table of technical and economic indicators.

7. A corrective note that does not meet the above brief methodological recommendations in terms of volume and content is not accepted for consideration by the Gosstroy of the RSFSR, and the customer and the design organization will be subject to sanctions provided for by the letter of Gosstroy and Stroybank of the USSR dated September 29, 1982 No. AB-5423-20 /14 and dated September 28, 1982 No. 255.

8. A corrective note is signed by the customer and the design organization and sent by the customer to the examination bodies after agreement in accordance with SN 202-81 (SNiP 1.02.01-85 p. 5.1).

Application No. 8

About measures to improve quality

pre-design and design and estimate documentation

An analysis of the results of the examination of pre-design and design and estimate documentation indicates that design organizations allow the transfer to customers of low-quality design products containing gross violations of regulatory requirements for composition and content, with low technical and economic levels.

So, due to poor-quality development by the Glavgosexpertiza of the RSFSR, 58% of the documentation was returned to customers for revision in 1988, more than in 1987 by 10%.

A high proportion of projects returned for revision testifies to the formal approach of design organizations to the implementation of scientific and technological achievements through projects. When designing, a deep analysis is not carried out based on data on advanced foreign and domestic experience, technical and economic indicators of enterprises and individual industries, the quality of products planned for release, specialization and cooperation of production, the feasibility of creating additional capacities through reconstruction and technical re-equipment instead of new construction and enterprise expansion. When developing the technological part of projects, specialized design and research organizations are practically not involved. The cost of construction is not reliably determined.

The inspections carried out showed that design organizations do not bear economic responsibility for the release of low-quality design products.

At the same time, its completion according to the requirements of expert bodies is also carried out unsatisfactorily and untimely, which has an extremely negative effect on providing construction sites with high-quality design and estimate documentation, and often leads to a delay in the construction and commissioning of the most important facilities provided for by capital construction plans.

At the same time, design institutes and customer organizations unreasonably overestimate the stability of design work when determining contract prices for them, in particular, multiplying factors are set for variant elaboration of design solutions, premiums for the quality and efficiency of the documentation being developed, which is subsequently not confirmed when the documentation is reviewed by expert bodies.

In order to increase the economic responsibility of design institutes, customers for the quality of projects, their completeness and completeness of development, as well as timely revision according to the comments and recommendations of the examination, the Gosstroy of the RSFSR, the Russian Republican Bank of the Promstroybank of the USSR, the Russian Republican Bank of the Housing and Social Security of the USSR report that in accordance with the resolutions Council of Ministers of the USSR dated July 23, 1987 No. 841 and the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated September 29, 1987 No. 386 fine, writing off the cost of the paid project from the current account of the design organization and restoring it only after the elimination of all comments), provided for in Art. 17, paragraph 3 of the Law on the State Enterprise (Association), paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of September 16, 1985 No. 911, paragraph 20 of the USSR Stroybank Instruction of May 4, 1982 No. 27.

In accordance with the request of the Ministry of Highways of the RSFSR and in order to reduce the time required for the passage of design estimates for the construction (reconstruction) of highways of national importance from development to approval by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, it was decided to transfer the functions of coordinating projects with an estimated cost of less than 4 million rubles to departments (departments ) GAI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the autonomous republics, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the regional and regional executive committees of the Russian Federation (letter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR dated 12/19/89 No. 27 / g-606k).

At the same time, we inform you that the design and estimate documentation for the construction (reconstruction) of highways of national importance with an estimated cost of 4 million rubles and more will be coordinated by the Department of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR.

Chief/pE.M. Vaulin

Permissions and certificates required for the performance of work: 1. Certificate of membership of the organization in the association of forensic experts; 2. Certificate of conformity, certifying the competence and compliance with the requirements of the construction production testing laboratory in the field of forensic construction and technical expertise; 3. Certificate of experts, confirming the possibility of performing a judicial construction and technical expertise; 4. Certificate of conformity, certifying the competence and compliance of the expert's knowledge with the requirements in the field of forensic construction and technical expertise. 5. Certificate of admission to engineering and survey work that affects the safety of capital construction projects; 6. Certificate of admission to the organization of work on the preparation of project documentation that affect the safety of capital construction projects; 7. Certificate of accreditation of the testing laboratory; 8. Certificate of the engineering staff, confirming the admission to work at height and steeplejack work; 9. Certificate of engineering staff with the ability to perform work in electrical installations; 10. Certificates of engineering staff for fire safety; 11. Certificate of engineering staff on checking knowledge of labor protection requirements

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