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I dreamed of driving a truck in a dream. The magic of numbers Sell a truck in a dream

A wagon is a symbol of profit, but only if it dreams of being loaded. But a dreaming empty truck can say that in the future the dreamer will have situations in which he will lose a lot of money. He will not be able to go beyond the poverty line and out of debt very soon.

To dream of a loaded wagon. As mentioned earlier, a loaded truck can be a symbol of good profits, as well as complete success in trading. If you had such a dream, then you can prepare for the upcoming streak of luck.

What if a truck is dreaming?

If you dreamed of a truck that was driving ahead, then this dream would symbolize that you should not just sit and wait for any victories. You need to try to express yourself in some situations or express your opinion. For those people who spend all their time at work, this dream may indicate that they will soon be promoted.

Empty truck in a dream. Seeing an empty truck in a dream is always a sign of an upcoming losing streak. If a person sees a dream in which the truck is empty and he tries to load it with something, but he does not succeed, then in real life this dream will symbolize empty chores.

What portends?

To see a half-empty truck in a dream means that you should not be very upset, a situation that will at first seem disastrous after a certain time will correct itself. In this case, the dreamer will not have to make any special efforts.

But what is the dream of a truck that rolls over in a dream? If all the contents are poured out of it, then this dream will mark the deterioration of all situations, including on the personal front. A quarrel with a soul mate on the basis of jealousy is possible, but all these moments will pass quickly. Trying to collect the contents of the truck back - to the fact that all expectations in the future can come true, but only if the dreamer really believes in it and makes any attempts to fulfill the dream. Everything that turns out to be next to an empty truck can help in the interpretation of this dream.

A dream in which you see some cars means a measured life, into which something suddenly breaks in, requiring you to exert all your physical and spiritual strength.

Seeing a car standing idle means that your peers and peers will succeed in life more than you.

Starting the car in action portends incredible difficulties in organizing a new business, when your faithful friends rush to your aid.

A machine working with a roar, clang or rattle is a great anxieties that will shake your home foundations to the ground and force them to change something.

Repairing a broken car in a dream predicts losses from transactions with unscrupulous partners and other monetary losses. Seeing the flywheel of any car, whether it be the largest or the smallest, is a sign of confident movement forward along the path to the intended goal, regardless of any opposition from ill-wishers. Seeing a steam engine in a dream means views of the very real possibility of obtaining wealth. The washing machine portends minor changes under significant circumstances.

A sewing machine is a sign of the rapid promotion of a new business, which will immediately pay off the funds invested in it.

To see a typewriter in a dream - in reality you will settle a dispute or quarrel between quarreling friends; work on a typewriter - to receive a small amount for a large amount of work.

A watering and harvesting machine seen in a dream suggests that you will rush to the rescue of a friend in trouble; driving such a car means impending danger.

A fire truck rushing to the scene of a disaster with lights on and a roaring siren - in reality, congratulate a friend on great luck, which you yourself contributed a lot to. Seeing a fire truck on fire - an incidental event will happen to you, which everyone you tell about it will refuse to believe.

Driving in a dream in a convertible car, that is, an expensive convertible car, is a harbinger of good luck and the acquisition of wealth. Seeing a car in a garage in a dream is a sign of good news.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Machine

Seeing an ambulance is a call for caution - misfortune can happen to you.

To ride in an ambulance yourself - you have made a serious mistake.

Think back to your actions lately and see if you can recognize and correct your mistake.

The car is another symbol of spiritual development.

Ambulance - you can get to the hospital, watch your health.

If you are driving an ambulance - somewhere you made a mistake, consider your actions over the past week.

Interpretation of dreams from

Anyone can see a truck in a dream: both the one who drives it and the one who saw it only once in their life. Unraveling what a long truck is dreaming of, dream books suggest that it is necessary to clarify whether it was full or empty, what it was carrying and where it was heading. So, for example, a loaded truck is a sign of income and profit, but an empty long truck in a dream portends poverty and debts.

Miller's dream book

Seeing a big truck in a dream is what you have in mind, it will cause you a lot of trouble, but in the end it will bring joy and profit.

An old shabby truck is a sign that competitors will defeat you. And if it is broken and does not go - to the loss of friends.

The presence of cargo in the trailer - to losses and gains

A full truck appeared in a dream - you can hope for a streak of luck that will enter your life. It is also a symbol of profit and prosperity.

It’s bad if you dreamed of an empty truck. Such a dream warns of poverty and failures that will haunt the dreamer for a long time, the Gypsy dream book suggests.

Ride a long length - work will require attention from you

It is a dream that you are eating on a truck - a situation will arise at work that will take every free minute, warns Tsvetkov's dream book.

Driving a large white van in a dream is a success in your career, and if the van was black, it means failure in the workplace.

Riding a truck as a passenger - you will cope with your own tasks with the help of a colleague.

I dreamed that you were learning to drive a long truck - you will be able to cope with the tasks on your own, although not the first time.

Get into an accident - to trouble

In a dream, you had an accident on a long length - to difficulties, the Lunar Dream Book upsets.

Dreaming of blood stains on an overturned white van - to a disease, and with complications.

To witness how a large truck hit a pedestrian - to major trouble caused by someone you know. And if you were driving, you yourself will become the cause of trouble, both your own and the people around you.

A long car rolled over on its side and knocked down a pole, fence or some kind of sign - on the way to achieving the goal, you will encounter obstacles.

Take care of the car - pleasant moments await you

It is a dream that you wash the cab of the truck, clean the trailer and all this gives you pleasure - the task that you will be assigned will bring not only pleasure, but also a decent income.

Refueling a car with gasoline - colleagues will come to you for help, and you will be very pleased with your own significance and necessity, interprets the Eastern Dream Book.

Changing wheels on a truck - you know how to enjoy even the daily routine. Friends and colleagues appreciate you for this quality.

The car market as a symbol of life changes

I dreamed that you were buying a truck - to a change in life. A dark van - to not very joyful, light - to pleasant changes.

Selling an old long truck in a dream - the interpretation of sleep is as follows: you will get rid of something that prevented you from improving. If a new truck was put up for sale - to acquire new skills.

To see yourself haggling about the price - you are striving for change, but you yourself are not completely sure whether you need them, Pastor Loff's dream book suggests.

Now let's find out together if your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night.

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    I dreamed that I was in the zone, but the only job for me was to drive a healthy truck. There were rights from somewhere, there is no experience. Before me, it was controlled by some convict, whom I removed from his post and the administration wanted to remove him for a long time, since he ran into some kind of gate. As a result, the brakes failed and I demolished some kind of fence, the truck exploded. Before that, at five o'clock, I noticed that the previous owner was standing near the car and smoking. The camera had to see. I was sure that the previous owner of the prisoner had broken something with a specialist and asked the administration of the colony to watch the video. Suddenly I found myself in the office, some kind of deputy, like a lawyer or a lawyer, I don’t know. Two women came, one had to file some kind of application to the court, as a result, they said goodbye to her, but the second had violent sex right in the office ... some misunderstandings.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the article on the topic: "dream book to ride a wagon" on the pages of the most relevant reference book on dreams in 2018.

From this article, you can find out why you dream of Fura from the dream books of various authors. What does what you see mean, the analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you. And even more accurately, the lunar calendar will help to understand the dream.

What does Fura dream about: interpretation of sleep

Why does the dreamer Fura dream in a dream?

Truck - Loaded - profit and success; empty - poverty and worries.

Why is the truck dreaming?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book: Truck (refrigerator) - a large scale Good luck in business and long-distance trips for commercial purposes. Sagittarius and the 9th house of the horoscope.

Dream interpretation - interpreter S. Karatov

Why does Fura dream in a dream?

If you dreamed of a truck loaded to the top, then profit and success in trading await you.

If you saw an empty truck in a dream, poverty and worries await you.

See also: what the car is dreaming of, what the truck is dreaming of, what the car is dreaming of.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If Fura dreams in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • What does Fura dream about from Monday to Tuesday
  • If Fura dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If Fura dreams from a dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • What is Fura dreaming of from Thursday to Friday
  • If Fura dreams in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why does Fura dream in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Truck in a dream book. Tell your dream:

Mandatory fields are marked with * .

Truck interpretation of the dream book

Trying to understand what the truck is dreaming of, one should take into account the nuances of the vision: what it was carrying and where it was heading, who was driving. For example, a loaded car portends wealth and profit, and an empty one symbolizes need, debts.

Miller's interpretation

A loaded long-length truck in a dream, according to a psychologist, portends: in order to carry out the plan, you will have to work hard. As a result, the work will bring profit and moral satisfaction.

A well-worn truck is interpreted by the dream book as a defeat in the fight against competitors.

And if the transport breaks down and stands still, Miller predicts a quarrel and parting with friends.

Availability of cargo

Did you see a loaded truck? The dream interpretation is encouraging - a favorable period is coming. In business you will be lucky. There will be an opportunity to earn extra money or expand the business.

But if there is no goods in the car, get ready for the failures and poverty that will follow on the heels, the Gypsy dream book warns.

To drive the car

Tsvetkov predicts that you were the driver, which means that at work they will be assigned a responsible task that requires increased attention. If the truck is white, you will cope with the task, if it is black, you will crash.

In a dream, there is a person next to the passenger seat - colleagues will help to do the work.

In addition, truck management predicts that it will be difficult to deal with new responsibilities, but in the end everything will work out.

The tractor is driving in front of you - this is a sign, do not sit back if you want to achieve victory. For workaholics, a dream foreshadows the imminent receipt of a new position.

To learn to drive a truck in a dream at a special training ground - you will be able to solve the problems that have arisen. Seers recommend not to give up after the first failure, but to continue looking for a way out of the current situation.

What if there's an accident?

The lunar dream book foresees that getting into an accident means facing difficulties.

The white truck lies on its side, and bright spots of blood are clearly visible on it - a serious illness with complications is coming.

Watching in a dream how a truck, flying at high speed, knocks down a pedestrian - a close friend will cause serious problems. If you were driving a car, then in reality you will create trouble for yourself and others.

The dream interpretation in case the truck rolled over, while demolishing a fence, a pole or damaging the wall of a building, warns that when implementing plans, you will encounter many serious obstacles.

Auto service

Putting a car in order in a dream: wiping headlights and mirrors, washing the body, getting moral satisfaction from actions - it will be not only pleasant, but also economically profitable to carry out a new project.

The Eastern dream book, refueling a truck with gasoline, is interpreted as an increase in significance. Employees will often turn to you for advice.

Change wheels - a dream speaks of the ability to see the positive even in everyday chores. This quality is greatly appreciated by friends and family.

Articles that can complement the meaning of sleep:

Buying a truck in a dream portends changes in your usual lifestyle. If its color is dark - changes will upset, light - will please.

Selling a long truck means getting rid of what hindered development. Is the car new? This predicts the acquisition of additional skills.

Pastor Loffa, compiling a dream book, pointed out: if you are bargaining, trying to bring down the price, then in reality you are striving for change, but you have not fully decided whether you need them.

dream interpretation

Ride on a wagon

Dream Interpretation Ride a wagon dreamed of why in a dream Riding a wagon? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Riding a wagon by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ride

Dream Interpretation - Ride

Dream Interpretation - Furu

Dream Interpretation - Ride

Dream Interpretation - Ride

Dream Interpretation - Truck

Dream Interpretation - Ride

Dream Interpretation - Ride

riding a horse or in a wagon - great success;

for a young woman - acquaintance with a wealthy young man, which can lead to marriage;

drive fast by car - you are a real Russian person who can benefit from any worst case.

Also see Car, Abroad, Tram, Grapes, Carriage, Chariot, Horse, Cart, Embankment, Elephant, Taxi, Dungeon, Tunnel, Train.

Why is the truck dreaming

To dream of a loaded wagon. As mentioned earlier, a loaded truck can be a symbol of good profits, as well as complete success in trading. If you had such a dream, then you can prepare for the upcoming streak of luck.

What if a truck is dreaming?

If you dreamed of a truck that was driving ahead, then this dream would symbolize that you should not just sit and wait for any victories. You need to try to express yourself in some situations or express your opinion. For those people who spend all their time at work, this dream may indicate that they will soon be promoted.

What portends?

But what is the dream of a truck that rolls over in a dream? If all the contents are poured out of it, then this dream will mark the deterioration of all situations, including on the personal front. A quarrel with a soul mate on the basis of jealousy is possible, but all these moments will pass quickly. Trying to collect the contents of the truck back - to the fact that all expectations in the future can come true, but only if the dreamer really believes in it and makes any attempts to fulfill the dream. Everything that turns out to be next to an empty truck can help in the interpretation of this dream.

Add to calendar

Dream interpretation to ride a wagon

To understand why a truck is dreaming is necessary not only for a person who has spent his whole life behind the wheel, but also for someone who has seen this a couple of times in his life. The symbol you see is not as simple as it might seem, and therefore your task is to analyze the entire plot in detail. The more facts you remember, the more accurate the decoding will be.

general information

As the dream book suggests, the truck dreams in different cases, and it is not so easy to understand the true root cause. The long truck can be seen in different states:

  • old - your competitors will win;

Dreamed of an old tractor

Was there a load?

Some online interpreters focus on the contents in the truck.

I had a complete dream - the dreamer expects unprecedented luck, which will enter into everyday life. However, you should not rely only on the will of chance, since prosperity is possible under the condition of everyday work.

Such a truck portends failures and poverty that a sleeping person will have to fight. They will begin to pursue the dreamer very soon, and therefore it is better to prepare for them in advance.

Wash trucks in a dream

car care

According to the popular interpreter of dreams, caring for a truck is a negative symbol that needs further detailing.

Why dream of washing a truck? If such a dream brought pleasure in a dream, then in everyday life they will entrust a task, for which a generous reward will follow.

If your vehicle stopped driving and had to make an emergency refueling, then in real life, relatives and friends will come to the rescue in a difficult situation. According to the Eastern Dream Book, you will be very pleased with the feeling of your own importance and necessity.

However, you should not be impudent and sit on the neck of your assistants, because their patience is also not unlimited.

Spare parts replacement

Dreaming about changing a wheel on a truck

If you are driving and a wheel suddenly breaks through, then such a symbol reflects your ability to have fun in any situation. Such a character trait is considered valuable in the eyes of most colleagues, and therefore it must be constantly cultivated in oneself.

Oddly enough, but the car market that came in a night dream symbolizes life changes, and therefore it is important to remember what exactly they were doing.

Why dream of buying a truck? The interpreter reports possible changes that may affect various aspects of life. Special attention should be paid to the color scheme of the truck:

  • dark tones - to sad events;
  • light - to pleasant innovations.

If you decide to part with your old truck, then, according to the interpreter, you will be able to get rid of something that prevented you from breathing deeply. The sale of a new truck is a sign that predicts the acquisition of new skills.

Ride in a dream on a tractor

We tried to "bring down" the price in a dream - you are constantly striving for change, not understanding their root cause. Pastor Loff advises to let go of the situation and do the real thing.

What they were doing?

Perhaps the truck appeared in a night dream quite by accident, but this does not eliminate the need to decipher your actions.

In Tsvetkov's dream book, the plot is described in detail, in which one has to abandon all pressing matters and reorganize for others. Riding a truck as a passenger - close people and relatives will play a big role in solving your problem.

Why dream of driving a big truck? As a rule, such a dream changes its wording in accordance with what color the body was:

I dreamed of training at a special training ground

  • white - to successful career advancement;
  • black - to possible failures in the workplace.

Seeing yourself at the training ground - you will be able to overcome the difficulties that have arisen, albeit not the first time. Dream Interpretations advise not to despair and continue to look for a way out.

Possible troubles

Getting into an accident on a truck is a symbol of great difficulties, and this is written in the Lunar Dream Book. If blood stains appear on the white lining, then such a contrast symbolizes a disease that will proceed with complications. After waking up, you will have to seek help from a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.

To see how a big truck knocks down a pedestrian means in real life you can count on minor troubles that appear with your next of kin. Your first priority is to help them free of charge. If you deliberately committed a crime, then you will create a large amount of trouble with your own hands.

Truck according to the dream book

Anyone can see a truck in a dream: both the one who drives it and the one who saw it only once in their life. Unraveling what a long truck is dreaming of, dream books suggest that it is necessary to clarify whether it was full or empty, what it was carrying and where it was heading. So, for example, a loaded truck is a sign of income and profit, but an empty long truck in a dream portends poverty and debts.

Miller's dream book

Seeing a big truck in a dream is what you have in mind, it will cause you a lot of trouble, but in the end it will bring joy and profit.

An old shabby truck is a sign that competitors will defeat you. And if it is broken and does not go - to the loss of friends.

The presence of cargo in the trailer - to losses and gains

A full truck appeared in a dream - you can hope for a streak of luck that will enter your life. It is also a symbol of profit and prosperity.

It’s bad if you dreamed of an empty truck. Such a dream warns of poverty and failures that will haunt the dreamer for a long time, the Gypsy dream book suggests.

Ride a long length - work will require attention from you

It is a dream that you are eating on a truck - a situation will arise at work that will take every free minute, warns Tsvetkov's dream book.

Driving a large white van in a dream is a success in your career, and if the van was black, it means failure in the workplace.

Riding a truck as a passenger - you will cope with your own tasks with the help of a colleague.

I dreamed that you were learning to drive a long truck - you will be able to cope with the tasks on your own, although not the first time.

Get into an accident - to trouble

In a dream, you had an accident on a long length - to difficulties, the Lunar Dream Book upsets.

Dreaming of blood stains on an overturned white van - to a disease, and with complications.

To witness how a large truck hit a pedestrian - to major trouble caused by someone you know. And if you were driving, you yourself will become the cause of trouble, both your own and the people around you.

A long car rolled over on its side and knocked down a pole, fence or some kind of sign - on the way to achieving the goal, you will encounter obstacles.

Take care of the car - pleasant moments await you

It is a dream that you wash the cab of the truck, clean the trailer and all this gives you pleasure - the task that you will be assigned will bring not only pleasure, but also a decent income.

Refueling a car with gasoline - colleagues will come to you for help, and you will be very pleased with your own significance and necessity, interprets the Eastern Dream Book.

Changing wheels on a truck - you know how to enjoy even the daily routine. Friends and colleagues appreciate you for this quality.

The car market as a symbol of life changes

I dreamed that you were buying a truck - to a change in life. A dark van - to not very joyful, light - to pleasant changes.

Selling an old long truck in a dream - the interpretation of sleep is as follows: you will get rid of something that prevented you from improving. If a new truck was put up for sale - to acquire new skills.

To see yourself haggling about the price - you are striving for change, but you yourself are not completely sure whether you need them, Pastor Loff's dream book suggests.

I dreamed of a very long truck that drove into my yard and broke a lot of electrical wires and clotheslines on which things hung. Whether it was empty or full, I don't know, but there was a driver who was rude and I was afraid of him.

I dream of a long truck standing and I opened the door, and my sister screams close it.

I dreamed of a red truck without doors, I was sitting inside with a friend, and I wanted to get home.

Dream interpretation: truck

at the Women's Club!

Dreams in which we are going somewhere are always filled with a special meaning and usually symbolize change. Depending on the mode of transport, this can be a change for the better or for the worse.

Let's figure out what the dream in which you are driving a truck will mean. As the Modern Dream Book explains, a truck can mean rapid career advancement, success with members of the opposite sex, or a long journey.

Features of the interpretation of sleep

Before you begin to understand what a dream means, try to carefully recall the smallest details. If during your dreams you were riding in a back, you have to go with the flow, a more perspicacious colleague will make important decisions for you, but you will reap the pleasant fruits of mutually beneficial cooperation together. To drive a truck - to win a place in the sun yourself, to achieve success in the professional field. Take a look at what the car looked like:

  • A new big truck with a long trailer - the dreamer has too many obligations and unfulfilled promises. The dream warns that it is worth stopping and thinking about how to deal with debts.
  • Cabin without a trailer - you have a light trip, which good friends will organize for you. Just relax and enjoy the surrounding splendor.
  • An old shabby truck - your faithful friend is always ready to help, but if something happens, you will lend a helping hand to him.
  • Seeing a white truck in a dream means gaining a good reputation among friends and relatives, selflessly helping a person in trouble.

When solving dreams, special attention should be paid to whether the trip had a specific goal. If you are driving along a deserted highway, and the final destination of the journey is unknown, you will have to experience vain doubts about the correctness of the act or the chosen path, because you did everything absolutely right.

When you see a person on the road, you start to brake sharply - you should not listen to envious criticism of your plans for the future, believe in yourself and do as you see fit. Knock down a person - eliminate a serious obstacle on the way, bypass competitors, conclude a profitable agreement with important partners.

If in a dream the dreamer fought with the driver, you will resist fate, fight for the right to decide for yourself what to do. To be a shift - to achieve a promotion and become a confidant of the leader. Change a flat tire - in a crisis, make a non-standard decision that will save not only you.

Interpretation of dreams by different dream books

Dream Interpretation Longo. If you dreamed that you were sitting in the cab of a huge truck and the road went into the distance, you should not sit and wait idly; to fulfill the plan, you have to work hard. If the dreamer thinks in a dream: “I am a driver”, and slows down or speeds up, he will have to independently make the most important decision in life, on which his entire future fate will depend.

To see in a dream a truck that drove into a fence - the dreamer will have to adjust his plans, since there may not be enough strength for everything planned. A dreaming truck with vegetables can mean a quick business trip in the company of a very pleasant person or a generous monetary reward for a job well done.

Gypsy dream book. What is the dream of a truck driven by a blind person? You entrust the solution of an important issue to a short-sighted and stupid acquaintance, refuse his help and take everything into your own hands. Riding a truck to which a trailer with water is attached - chores await, the result of which you will not see very soon. In a dream, to see how you steal a truck - in reality, seize the initiative in solving an important issue, which will earn you the praise of management and a monetary reward.

Wangi's dream book. If a truck drives onto a bridge in a dream, you can show off your talent as a negotiator at work by making a deal with partners who didn’t even want to think about working with your organization. Why dream of a truck whose body is crammed with various rubbish? The dreamer is too dependent on the world around him, it is worth showing more independence and getting rid of some habits and attachments.

I dreamed of a white truck - a strange coincidence of circumstances will help you to be a winner, even if you didn’t want it. If the truck driver got out of the cab, you will have a rare opportunity to move up the career ladder, easily ahead of many colleagues.

Women's dream book. What does the dream of a car body mean, which is about to fall, and you think: “Just don’t crush me!”? Such dreams mean that the dreamer will miraculously escape danger, remain safe and sound in any alteration. A truck with cargo portends a difficult business trip that will bring well-deserved results. Seeing a truck driven by a woman means that you will make an important decision on a whim without thinking, but it will turn out to be absolutely correct.

Family dream book. Riding a truck at high speed so that it skids - do not act impulsively, those around you will not understand. A very beautiful truck seen in dreams promises an affair with a pleasant person who will charm you with stories about himself and his life experience.

If you dream of fast-moving cars, use caution by promising help to a colleague in need. To see how a car enters the territory of a huge cargo terminal means you have to change your field of activity or engage in self-education.

And the most important advice


Find out what the cards say about your dream


To dream of a truck loaded to the top with goods means profit and success in a trading enterprise. To see a lot of loaded trucks - to get big profits. An empty truck means loss and trouble. If you dreamed of a truck stuck in the mud, then obstacles in business and minor difficulties await you. However, if the machine managed to get out of this situation, then you will be able to successfully overcome the difficulties that have arisen. A truck that has an accident in a dream promises a collapse of plans and losses.

Occurs in the following interpretations:


Interpretation depending on the day and hour:

Do you want to know if your dream will come true today, how accurate is its interpretation on a given day of the week or month? Select the desired date and find out whether to trust what you saw in a dream.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17- e 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 0-1 hour 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 3-4 hours 4-5 hours 5-6 hours 6-7 hours 7-8 hours 8-9 hours 9-10 hours 10-11 hours 11-12 hours 12- 13 hours 13-14 hours 14-15 hours 15-16 hours 16-17 hours 17-18 hours 18-19 hours 19-20 hours 20-21 hours 21-22 hours 22-23 hours 23-24 hours

A group of scientists led by Dr. Philippe Reignox from the University of Liege in Belgium conducted a 20-year experiment and examined more than 3,000 people. The result showed that, firstly, the "owls" turned out to be richer than the "larks", and secondly, the health of the former was much better, and thirdly, the "larks" get tired faster.

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