Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

The puppy stopped eating dry food. The puppy does not eat dry food: what to do, possible causes and consequences. What to do if your dog refuses dry food

The answer to this question depends on the reason why the animal refuses food. And only having identified it, it is worth taking any action. All situations when a dog does not want to eat dry food can be divided into two groups. The first category includes cases when an animal, already accustomed to “drying,” suddenly refused it.

The second is when a pet has become accustomed to wet food or natural food from an early age, and all attempts to switch it to a dry diet end in failure.

Situation No. 1: the dog was eating dry food, but suddenly refused it

It is very important to immediately figure out whether the dog has lost its appetite at all or simply does not want to eat dry food. The first may indicate health problems, including serious ones.

Checking your health

If refusal to eat is accompanied by other alarming symptoms - lethargy, gastrointestinal disorders, fever, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. Often the reason why a dog does not eat dry food is oral diseases: cracked teeth, tartar, inflamed gums, mouth ulcers.

These problems are easy to notice: the dog wants to eat and even tries to chew the food pellets, but the pain forces him to drop them from his mouth, make several approaches to the bowl and, in the end, refuse to eat altogether.

Examine the dog’s oral cavity: the gums are bright red, white purulent ulcers, cracks are visible to the naked eye. It is necessary to immediately contact a veterinary dentist for help, and soak the granules with water during treatment. Sometimes, but not always, puppies whose baby teeth have not yet been replaced by permanent ones do not cope well with dry food, so they can also soak it with warm water.

Stressful situations

It happens that an apparently healthy dog ​​refuses to eat dry food - what to do in this case? Loss of appetite may be due to stress-related changes in your pet's lifestyle.

A visit to the clinic, a change of home, a long absence of the owner, the appearance of another animal in the house - all this can affect the psychological state of the dog, causing it to lose interest in the usual joys of life. Every effort should be made to eliminate the causes of the discomfort and, if this is not possible, give the dog more attention.

Let's normalize the regime

There may be no appetite because the dog is simply simply full, so analyze the feeding regimen and lifestyle of the pet. The most common mistakes that owners make:

  • Too frequent and heavy feedings. Usually, an adult dog needs two meals a day (this rule does not apply to pregnant and lactating bitches or weakened animals). Follow the guidelines indicated on the food package and monitor your dog's shape.
  • Constant access to food. It is not uncommon to observe that dry food is left in a bowl around the clock, and the owners complain that the dog “doesn’t eat anything.” In fact, with this approach she simply has no chance of gaining a normal appetite.
  • Insufficient walking. With a decrease in energy costs, appetite naturally decreases. If you want your dog to eat better, try taking him on longer, more active walks, and feeding him immediately after the walk.

Situation No. 2: the dog is not accustomed to dry food

If your pet is already an adult and has never been fed dry food on a regular basis, in 90% of cases he will turn up his nose at a bowl of granules and prefer the usual natural or canned food. However, this situation can be reversed with a little patience.

Gradually accustoming yourself to a new diet

You should not suddenly change your diet; it is better if the transition is gradual, over 5–7 days. If your dog flatly refuses dry food, first mix it with his usual food - canned food or natural food in a ratio of 75% to 25%, and then add a portion of the food every day until you switch to it completely.

At the same time, during the transition period, you can soak the granules with warm water so that their consistency is more reminiscent of the usual food.

Follow the same gradual transition scheme in the case when you decide to switch your dog to dry food of a different brand, of better quality, but the pet refuses it simply due to habit.

We don't give up halfway

What should you do if your dog won’t eat dry food, despite all your efforts? First of all, react calmly. If the dog does not want to eat what you give, wait 2 minutes and remove the bowl until the next feeding.

And be firm, because everyone knows that not a single dog in the world has died of hunger in front of a full bowl. Sooner or later she will start eating, and considering that in nature canines can starve for up to two or more weeks without harm to their health, you have a lot of time.

Another thing is that the owner’s heart is not a stone, and not every one of us can endure the pleading look of a dog, especially when sitting down to dinner. Therefore, most often, malicious refusal of dry food occurs when the dog constantly drops something from the owner’s table. Perhaps one of the household members could not stand his temper and fed her the usual food.

Please remember that there should be no such exceptions during the transition period. Warn your loved ones not to give your pet anything: even a small piece of chicken or a tiny cutlet can ruin all your efforts. A smart move is to simply keep animals out of the kitchen during the owners’ meals, and to accustom puppies to this order from the first days of their life in the house.

Dry food is a real godsend for always busy, rushing owners. They require minimal effort and time spent feeding your pet, provided that we are talking about high-quality food, contain all the nutrients necessary for the dog’s health and are varied enough so that you can choose a diet that is ideal for your pet.

However, sometimes it happens that a dog flatly refuses to eat dry food - what to do in this situation? Before taking any action, you need to understand the reasons for your pet's behavior.

Why doesn't my dog ​​eat dry food?

Most often, the reason for refusal is an incorrect transfer to dry food from another type of food. Dogs, like people, are suspicious of anything new, especially when it comes to food that has an unusual smell and texture. Moreover, the older the dog, the more conservatism and stubbornness it can show.

The second and most serious situation occurs when the dog refuses its usual food. If you stored the packaging correctly and have no doubt about the good quality of the product, then you should be concerned about the well-being of your pet.

There can be many reasons why a dog does not eat dry food, which it has been devouring with appetite for the last few months or even years:

  • problems with teeth or mouth,
  • metabolic disorders,
  • digestive problems
  • stress,
  • heat,
  • infectious or invasive diseases and much more.

It is worth remembering that many ailments in dogs manifest themselves in a decrease or complete absence of appetite.

Finally, the reason a dog refuses dry food can also be simple overeating, that is, the pet is simply full or, not without reason, hopes to get something tastier than proper nutrition. Let’s say right away: this is the least of the troubles and responsibility for it lies entirely on the conscience of the owners.

Let's start by elimination - with serious reasons.

Health problems

As a rule, health problems manifest themselves not only in refusal to eat - the dog becomes lethargic, stops playing and is clearly depressed. First of all, measure your pet’s temperature - its increase will indicate the infectious nature of the disease.

If the temperature is not elevated, examine the dog's oral cavity - the gums should be pale pink, so a bright red color, especially in the root zone, may indicate the onset of inflammation. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract most often manifest themselves in indigestion - diarrhea, as well as vomiting, which is also not difficult to notice.

In any case, you should not make diagnoses yourself, and if you have the slightest suspicion of health problems, immediately consult a veterinarian.

When a healthy dog ​​refuses to eat dry food

Let's say your suspicions were not confirmed and the dog is healthy. As a rule, refusal of dry food occurs when switching to a new diet or even when changing the type of food. Here you will have to be patient - it will take time, love for your pet and perseverance.

Gradual training

The main point in this process is gradualism. To begin with, add a small amount of dry food to a regular portion of food and observe the animal’s reaction. Most often, a small addition of foreign food is accepted calmly by the dog and the dry food is eaten along with the rest of the food.

If the process has started, you can add a little more dry food to the next feeding. If the dog carefully avoids the bowl, it is better not to rush things and let the pet get used to the appearance and, most importantly, the smell of the new food. A dog's sense of smell is significantly superior to a human's, and the smallest portion of food with an extraneous aroma can make the pet wary.

Reduce the amount of dry food in the usual food to a minimum that the dog will not notice, and increase it very gradually, literally a few granules at a time. Sometimes soaking dry food helps - this makes it more flavorful and closer in texture to wet food.

Once your dog has started eating the dry food offered to him as part of his regular diet, begin to gradually increase the amount of granules while simultaneously reducing the total amount of his usual food.

With this approach, the dog can be switched to dry food in 1–2 weeks. The period may lengthen depending on the stubbornness of the pet, but sooner or later a positive result is guaranteed.

We show firmness

And finally, the last option. After the owners' festive feast, the dog, who had received a fair portion of treats the day before, does not even want to look towards the bowl with his usual food. At best, these are whims: it is difficult for the animal to understand why yesterday he got a piece of kebab, ham and cookies, and today only dry food. The pet demands the continuation of the banquet and in his own way is absolutely right.

One of the main rules of feeding animals is not to disrupt your pet’s diet. But if such a sin has happened to you, be firm: the bowl of food that the dog has refused is removed until the next feeding. Don’t worry: a hunger strike can’t harm your pet, but will only benefit it.

But if even after a day the dog does not want to eat dry food, it is best to consult a veterinarian, since it is possible that your pet will develop pancreatitis due to excessively fatty food eaten the day before.

Why take phrases out of context, everyone’s dog is different, I’m only in favor of providing a choice and acting based on the results.

I don’t understand what kind of balance are we talking about in naturals?

If a woman eats chalk during pregnancy, this is a sign of anemia, and not a sign that there is not enough chalk/earth in the body, etc. What should you do if your dog doesn’t eat straight food well? We're in mixed mode. And we just can’t go one way or another. He eats porridge for two days, and then toils like crazy. Doesn't eat vegetables or fruits. Cottage cheese maximum once a week and only under pressure. He doesn't eat his own crackers either. Also two or three days. ... we already ate different companies, and I starved him.... the next day after the one-year-old year, he eats everything they give, and then again... now we are on our 125th attempt to switch to drying... ( We also have medical nutrition)...

I’m not writing for you, but for the vehicle, to whom I propose to give the dog a choice. Anemia has arisen out of nowhere, the body is trying to compensate for it, there is a cause-and-effect relationship, the same way dogs eat feces, trying to compensate for the lack of bacteria in the intestines.

Well, apparently I was lucky, and all my dogs (3), who have been eating natural food since childhood, are healthy and have an excellent appetite, despite the fact that I feed them without any problems, and I don’t give them cottage cheese, if only once a month, and vegetables and fruits not every day , and no treats. Morning buckwheat with butter, evening meat for a walk, and that’s all.

Not counting Lilla (4th), who has a bouquet, but I took her at 9 years old from the forum, and she could not walk more than 5 meters, and it is not known how she lived and what she ate, but after trying to switch her to kidney food, her back legs immediately began to fall off, so no treatment, nutural and that’s it, I don’t need a lying dog with kidneys.

One dog had never eaten in its life, my mother’s collie, but she was openly fed parasha.

Marina, with all my great respect for you. This is overkill.

Especially if the dog is the first, it may not be possible to find a balance in the natural environment.

Or the person does not have enough time for this.

Or money, the straight girl is right, it turns out not just a pretty penny, but quite a fairly large amount.

Or is this a call to feed at least sawdust, but natural food?

Well, comparing a dog with a pregnant woman is completely overkill. If dogs constantly undergo the same changes in their bodies throughout their lives as pregnant women, then how complex these animals and dogs are. And how hard life is for them poor things.

Lena, where did I call for feeding the dog sawdust?

If you don't have time or money for a dog, don't get one.

How much is this written to those who want to get a dog but are ready to feed pedi and chappy, and don’t even have time to walk with it, I’m not talking about training.

And yes, with this breeding and the fact that the dogs are artificially bred, this could very well be a very complex organism, incomparable to the organism of a mongrel.

Either they are born with dysplasia, or the heart has fallen off and is underdeveloped, and a lot of other things, who does the MRI, who does the hormones, etc.?

I'll repeat it again and highlight it.

I’m not calling for kindness, I’m calling for trusting the pet, not breaking it, and understanding that we bought it, its health is our direct responsibility, we signed up for this (feeding, walking) by buying it or picking it up, as Katya says, a dog for us didn't ask.

Modified on March 28, 2015 by Marina Terry and Holly

For various reasons, a dog may begin to eat poorly or refuse dry food. It is important to understand why this happens and what can be done in such a situation.

Dry dog ​​food is a solution for busy owners. Modern premium food supplies animals with everything they need: nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It takes very little time to pour the food into the bowl and change the water. The volume of prepared feed is also required less than when feeding natural products.

Considering all the advantages, many dog ​​breeders are inclined to keep their dogs on dry food. However, sometimes the pet may stop eating dry food. The problem is solved in different ways, depending on the reasons for the failure.

Why doesn't a dog eat dry food - reasons

The first and most dangerous reason why a dog does not eat dry food is a hidden disease. You need to take a closer look at your pet and find out if there are other symptoms of illness, for example, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, swelling and others. If, in addition to lack of appetite, lethargy and the above problems are observed, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

The consultation consists of examining the animal and prescribing general tests. The dog does not eat well if there are ticks, a large number of fleas, helminths and inflammation. At the end of treatment, the dog's appetite is restored.

Another common reason is switching to a different food. Even different foods of the same brand have different taste and aroma qualities. A dog cannot easily and quickly exchange its usual food for another.

Food refusal is often observed when moving from cheap to expensive food. This is due to the fact that cheap products are stuffed with attractive flavors, but expensive high-quality food does not contain such special attractive additives. It takes time and patience to train your dog to eat the right food.

Another reason is the habit of begging from the table. Giving your dog treats from the table is wrong. This bad habit is quickly acquired by the dog, and it is very difficult to get rid of it. After such snacks, the dog is no longer attracted to dry food, and it stops eating it.

Much less often, other reasons may appear for a dog to refuse food:

  • teething or tooth loss;
  • vaccinations;
  • period of sexual activity;
  • taking medications;
  • childbirth.

What should the owner do?

In cases of infection or other illness of the dog, when it stops eating dry food, a visit to the clinic and the help of a veterinarian will be required. But what should the owner of a healthy dog ​​who refuses food do?

First, you need to reconsider your serving size. The dog needs to be fed twice a day. Each time after a meal, the bowl should be completely emptied. If the dog does not eat everything in one go, then the food is nutritious and the portion is large. The serving sizes are indicated by the food manufacturer on the packaging. It depends on the age and size of the dog. It is better to follow these recommendations or pour a little less. Often, large bags of food come with measuring cups, which are convenient for pouring the required amount of “drying”.

If a dog does not eat its food, but begs from the table, you need to not respond to all its requests, gradually weaning it off. If it is easier for the owner to prepare natural dishes for the dog, you can switch to them. But still, food should be served at the same time, and snacking only spoils discipline and disrupts the animal’s digestion. Sweet, salty or smoked pieces are especially harmful. They worsen the health and natural taste preferences of the dog and should be prevented.

Some dogs, especially older ones, experience dental problems. It is difficult for them to chew hard pieces of dry food. You should try pre-soaking the food in water. Granules of high-quality food swell without greatly increasing in volume, become soft and easily break in the mouth.

Is it possible to force a dog

It is impossible to force a dog to eat something it does not want. Sometimes long persuasion helps. Breeders note that some especially loyal and people-oriented breeds are suggestible and begin to eat food after the owner’s requests. But this doesn't work with sick dogs. A suffering animal first needs pain relief and treatment, and only then food.

Many people wonder how to get a dog to eat new, better food. The secret is to gradually mix the new food with the old one and get the pet accustomed to the new aroma and taste. Every day the portion of old food decreases and the portion of new food increases.

Teaching a dog to eat properly should not be accompanied by screaming or physical effort on the part of a person. The dog may also become aggressive or, conversely, depressed. But being forced to eat never ends in success.

Another radical way is a two-day hunger strike. The dog is offered nothing but water for a couple of days. When hunger ends, most dogs will pounce on any type of food. This method is not at all suitable for puppies, pregnant or sick dogs.


To avoid problems with your dog’s nutrition, the following steps are used as preventive measures:

  1. Feed the dog at the same time, 2 times a day. Treats are only given during training as rewards.
  2. The dog's portion should be completely eaten and appropriate for his age and weight.
  3. Dry food should be chosen premium or holistic.
  4. Water should be freely available to the dog around the clock.
  5. Frequent refusals of dry food or problems with stool are a serious reason for switching to natural food.
  6. For puppies, old and sick dogs, you can mix dry food with wet food, soak the food in water and choose varieties with small granules.

Bringing a puppy home is a big responsibility. Like a child, he requires a lot of attention and care. And nutrition plays an important role in caring for it.

Ready-made food or natural food?

The development of a small organism is a complex biological process. The correct formation of the dog's muscle frame, bones and teeth depends on what it eats. Therefore, it is necessary that all the necessary elements be present in her diet from childhood.

Of course, natural food is undoubtedly beneficial for a puppy, but at home it is quite difficult to balance all the substances in the right quantities.

Most veterinarians advise giving the kitten commercial food, since its composition is completely adapted to its needs.

Transfer to dry food

A pet from a breeder will usually already be eating certain kibble. Therefore, there should be no problems with it.

However, it happens that a puppy has been accustomed to dry food since childhood, but now refuses it. This may be due to stress due to the move. Breeders advise not to change the dog’s diet during the first weeks until he adapts to the new conditions.

But it often happens that a dog appears in the house unexpectedly. A small lump brought from the street “just to spend the night”, in most cases remains in the apartment forever. Having become accustomed to completely different food, such a puppy refuses to eat dry food. What to do in this situation?

You definitely can’t suddenly switch your dog to a new type of diet - the process should be smooth.

You need to gradually add dry food to your usual food over 7-8 days according to the following scheme: on the first day, mix regular food with crackers in a ratio of 1/7, on the second day - 2/7, and so on, until after a week in a plate There won't be any leftover granules.

However, here it is necessary to show firmness and rigidity. If a dog refuses to eat dry food and continues to look tenderly into its eyes, begging for a treat, then it is important not to succumb to provocations. When she gets hungry, she will eat everything in the bowl. If you regularly slip your dog “sweets,” then the transition to another diet may take a long time. In addition, it is important to understand that mixed food is dangerous for your pet’s health.

Feeding rules

One of the reasons why a dog refuses commercial food may be an incorrect feeding regimen. Many owners leave a large amount of food in bowls in constant access or give him something from the table, and then, having lost his appetite, the puppy does not eat dry food. What to do is clear here. You need to learn not to react to begging, and accustom the dog to a certain eating schedule.

However, it differs for different ages. The younger the puppy, the more often he needs to be fed:

  • Cubs 1-2 months old eat 6 times a day.
  • Doggies from 2 to 3 months 5 times a day.
  • Four-month-old dogs eat 4 times a day.
  • From 4 to 6 months - 3 times.
  • Starting from the age of six months, it is time to transfer a teenager from three feedings a day to an adult schedule and give him “drying” no more than 2 times.

If you follow these rules, you can solve the problem of your puppy not eating dry food. Everything needs to be done gradually, if possible, in consultation with a specialist.

Portion rate

But sometimes even a schedule does not save you from the problem of refusing food. Quite often this is a consequence of overfeeding the pet in large portions. The main indicator that the kitten has overfed is a dense, tight belly, like a ball.

It is important to pay attention to the amount of granules in the bowl if the puppy does not eat dry food. Feeding features and norms are written on the packaging, where the manufacturer indicates the required volume for each age, taking into account the needs of the young body.

Serving sizes may vary depending on the breed of the pet, its age, as well as the composition of the food itself. If something in the instructions confuses you, it is better to consult a specialist.

There is no need to leave food freely available. If after your pet has had breakfast there is something left in the bowl, it all needs to be removed until next time.

Feed selection

Breeders, when giving away a tailed friend, almost always accustom him to a certain type of diet and recommend sticking to it.

However, it happens that new owners decide to switch the dog to a new food. This may be due to various factors, including health, the inability to purchase a familiar product, or the fact that the puppy has stopped eating dry food, which he used to chew on both cheeks.

How to choose high-quality “drying”? Of course, it would be a good idea to consult with breeders. Knowing the characteristics of the breed and heredity, they can suggest the best option for suitable food.

But they all agree on one thing - the food must be super-premium or holistic. This food contains a large amount of meat, grains, vitamins and minerals necessary for a dog to live a full life. Unlike cheap food, it does not contain flavoring or aromatic additives. This food also satisfies hunger much better than the economy options, and thanks to this it is consumed much more slowly.

You can’t ignore your baby’s taste preferences. If he doesn’t respect veal, then he’ll turn his nose up at pellets based on it.

Fake food

But what should you do if the puppy does not eat dry food, although all nutritional recommendations have been followed, and the doctor has only confirmed his excellent health?

One of the reasons is the poor quality of the granules. A change in manufacturer or new production may affect the recipe and composition. In addition, the possibility of counterfeit cannot be ruled out. The pet supplies market is in great demand, so fake food is often sold under the logo of a well-known company, the quality of which leaves much to be desired. They usually cost much less than the original, but can cause serious harm to the health of the pet. Therefore, your pet should purchase ready-made food from trusted stores and not be tempted by the low price.

Stress and life changes

Moving to a new place of residence, the appearance of another animal or a new person in the house, a change in diet - all this is a lot of stress for the dog, and it may refuse its usual food. A responsible owner should be patient and try to pay more attention to his ward if the puppy stops eating dry food. What to do if a hunger strike is associated with a change in residence?

You need to be patient a little, the kids quickly get used to the environment. But it is important to introduce the puppy to new family members and explain the rules of behavior with them: the kitten must obey humans and not offend animals.

Reducing your walking time can also lead to loss of appetite. The dog spends less energy and, accordingly, the amount of the required portion is reduced.

A much bigger problem for him is a sudden transition to a new type of food. Therefore, even changing one brand of food to another can cause protest. As mentioned above, in order for the process not to be painful, it must be done gradually.

It can be difficult to buy expensive industrial food instead of cheap food. Economy food contains a large number of flavoring additives, which can cause addiction in the dog.

Probably the most severe stress for a puppy is separation from its mother and a change of owner. And if in the latter case the little ones quickly come to their senses with due attention, then in the second situation they can become sad for a long time. The stage of getting used to a new person can take a long time and require significant effort. It all depends on the age of the baby. Puppies 1-3 months old begin to accept their owner after a few days, teenagers 6-9 months old can mope for a long time and even refuse their favorite food. The owner must be patient, show the dog that it is loved and will not be abandoned again, and devote a lot of time and effort to it.

Bad feeling

However, the owner’s first thought if the puppy stops eating dry food is that he is sick.

Babies, especially those who have not been vaccinated, are at risk, and poor health is not uncommon for them. Since dogs can only be vaccinated from a certain age, experienced owners do not recommend walking them during this period.

Many diseases to which puppies are susceptible have a long incubation period, and a lump taken from the street, seemingly completely healthy, can suddenly become ill.

Therefore, if the pet is lethargic, does not want to play, and refuses food and water, you need to urgently contact a veterinarian for a diagnosis and treatment.

Prohibited Products

Food begged from the table can also affect the well-being of a four-legged friend. The fact is that most human products are extremely harmful to animals, despite the fact that they love them very much. The list is quite wide, here are just a few things that should not be given to puppies:

  • Milk porridge.
  • Pasta and flour products.
  • Raw chicken and bones.
  • Unprocessed river fish.
  • Sausages.
  • Pickles, spices, including sugar and salt, as well as various sweets.

All this can have a detrimental effect on the dog’s health. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to treat your pet with them, even in small quantities.

It is also important to understand that each breed is prone to certain diseases, which can be provoked by certain foods. A list of them can be found on animal lovers’ websites or from a breeder or veterinarian.


There are many reasons for a pet to go on a hunger strike. The owner can solve most of them independently by analyzing the possible causes and eliminating them.

But first of all, if your dog begins to refuse dry food, which he previously ate with pleasure, you need to pay attention to his health. If you have any suspicions, you should immediately consult a doctor. In small puppies, illnesses progress quickly, and therefore it is important not to miss the moment when the pet can still be helped.

In all other situations, if the puppy does not eat dry food, the owner can decide what to do and what to do without outside help.

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