Encyclopedia of fire safety

Placement category 4 according to GOST 15150 69. Description of the most common climatic modifications: UHL1, U1, UHL2, U2, UHL3, U3, UHL4, U4 and others. HL - cold climate

U1- products for operation in areas with a temperate climate with placement category 1 (outdoors).

U2- products for operation in areas with a temperate climate with placement category 2 (under a canopy or in rooms with free air access).

UZ- products for operation in areas with a temperate climate with placement category 3 (indoors with natural ventilation).

Т1.Т2.ТЗ- products for operation in areas with both dry and humid tropical climates, with placement in the open air, under a canopy, in enclosed spaces with natural ventilation.

UHL1- products for operation in areas with a temperate and cold climate with placement category 1 (outdoors).

UHL4- products for operation in areas with a temperate and cold climate with placement category 4 (in rooms with artificially controlled climatic conditions).

UT1.5- products for use in areas with a temperate climate
and in areas with a dry or humid tropical climate, both with placement category 1 (outdoors) and placement category 5 (in rooms with high humidity).

Index "C" In the product labeling, it denotes a zinc coating obtained by hot dip galvanizing.

Letter "X" In the product labeling, it denotes a chemical resistant coating.

Climatic performance Accommodation category
At With a temperate climate. The average of the annual absolute maximum air temperatures is equal to or below +40 ° C, the average of the annual absolute minimums is above
-45 °С. Operating temperature range during operation -45...+40 °С
1 Exploitation outdoors with the influence of any atmospheric factors (rain, heavy rain, snow, dust in strong winds)
HL With a cold climate. The average of the annual absolute minimum temperatures is below
-45 °С. Operating temperature range during operation -60...+40 °С
2 For work indoors, where fluctuations in air humidity are not very different from fluctuations in the open air, for example: in tents, bodies, trailers, metal
premises without thermal insulation, as well as in casings of category 1 complete devices or under a canopy (there is no direct effect of solar radiation and precipitation on the product)
UHL With a temperate and cold climate. Operating temperature range during operation
-60...+40 °C
3 For work in enclosed spaces with natural ventilation, without artificial regulation of climatic conditions, where fluctuations in temperature and humidity, as well as the effect of sand and dust, are much less than outside, for example: in a metal
thermally insulated, stone, concrete, wooden rooms (significant reduction in the effect of solar radiation, wind, precipitation, lack of dew)
T tropical climate 4 For work in rooms with an artificially controlled microclimate, for example: in
covered heated and ventilated industrial and other, including underground, premises with good ventilation (no direct action of precipitation, wind, as well as sand and dust of external air)
TV Humid tropical climate. The combination of temperature equal to or above +20 °C and relative humidity above 80% is observed 12 or more hours a day for
a continuous period of more than 2 months (concentration of chlorides - less than 0.3 mg / m² day, sulfur dioxide - 20-250 mg / m² day). Operating temperature range during operation +1...+40 °С
For work in rooms with high humidity
TS Dry tropical climate. The average of the annual absolute maximum air temperatures is above +40 °C (chloride concentration is less than 0.3 mg/m² day, sulfur dioxide concentration is 20-250 mg/m² day). Operating temperature range during operation -10...+50 °С
O General climatic version (except for marine). For macroclimatic regions on land, except for an area with a very cold climate (chloride concentration - 0.3-30 mg / m² day, sulfur dioxide - 20-250 mg / m² day). Operating temperature range during operation -60...+50 °С
M Maritime temperate cold climate
MO General climatic marine version
AT All-climatic execution. For macroclimatic areas on land and at sea, except for an area with a very cold climate (chloride concentration - 0.3-300 mg / m² day, sulfur dioxide - no more than 250 mg / m² day). Operating temperature range during operation
-60...+50 °C

Special requirements for the material of products, due to low operating temperatures, are imposed by a temperate and cold climate (UHL). Therefore, the main requirement for products intended for operation in areas with UHF1 is that they must be made of materials that retain their properties at temperatures down to -70 ˚С.

It should be understood that products, for example intended for use in temperate areas of location category 1, may also be used in temperate areas of location category 2, 3 or 4, but not vice versa.
Similarly: products labeled UT1.5 can replace products labeled U1, U2, UZ, T1.T2.TZ.

Execution Category
T air temperature
Working Limit working
Max Min Medium Max Min
At 1,2 +40 -45 +10 +45 -50
3 +40 -10 +10 +45 -10
HL 1,2 +40 -60 +10 +45 -60
3 +40 -10 +10 +45 -10
UHL 1,2 +40 -60 +10 +45 -60
3 +40 -10 +10 +45 -10
TV 1,2 +25 +1 +27 +50 +1
3 +45 +10 +20 +40 +1
T, TS 1,2,3 +45 -10 +27 +55 -10
4 +45 +1 +27 +55 +1
O 1,2 +45 -60 +27 +55 -60
M 1 +40 -45 +10 +45 -50
TM 1 +45 +1 +27 +50 +1
OM 1 +45 -60 +27 +55 -60
AT 1 +45 -60 +27 +55 -60

When choosing this or that equipment, in addition to its functions and characteristics, one should also carefully consider the climatic version. Environmental conditions play an important role, the reliability and service life of the equipment will depend on the correct choice of climatic version. In Russia, this aspect is regulated by GOST 15150 "Versions for various climatic regions. Categories, operating conditions, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of environmental climatic factors."

Deciphering alphabetic and numeric values

Saying "climatic version of the equipment" usually means its category of installation. Below are the decoding of alphanumeric abbreviations.

Climatic performance

The letter designations of the climatic version of products and explanations for them are given in table 1.

Table 1 - Climatic version of products
The climate of the macroclimatic region Letter designation
Russians latin
Products intended for operation on land, rivers, lakes
Temperate climate (1) At (N)
Temperate and cold climate (1) UHL (2) (NF)
cold climate HL (F)
Humid tropical climate (2) TV (TH)
Dry tropical climate (2) TS (TA)
Dry and humid tropical climate (2) T (T)
All macroclimatic areas on land, except for areas with a very cold climate (general climate version) O (U)
Products intended for operation in macroclimatic regions with maritime climate
temperate maritime climate M (M)
Tropical maritime climate TM (MT)
Cold temperate and tropical maritime climate OM (MU)
All macroclimatic areas on land and sea, except for areas with a very cold climate (all-climatic version) AT (W)
  1. U and UHL products can be operated in warm humid, hot dry and very hot dry climatic regions in which the average of the annual absolute maximum air temperatures is > 40 ° C and / or a combination of temperature, ≥ 20 ° C, and relative humidity, ≥ 80% observed more than 12 hours a day for a continuous period of more than two months a year;
  2. These executions may be designated by the term "tropical execution".

Installation category

Table 2 - Enlarged categories of product placement
Product operating conditions Influencing factors Designation
Outdoors The totality of all climatic factors in a given area 1
Under a canopy or in rooms where fluctuations in temperature and humidity do not differ significantly from fluctuations in the open air and there is relatively free access to outside air, as well as in the shell of a complete product of category 1 No direct exposure to solar radiation and precipitation 2
In enclosed spaces with natural ventilation without artificially controlled climatic conditions, where temperature and humidity fluctuations, as well as exposure to sand and dust are significantly less than outdoors No exposure to precipitation, direct solar radiation; a significant decrease in wind; significant reduction or absence of exposure to diffuse solar radiation and moisture condensation 3
In rooms with artificially controlled climatic conditions, for example, in closed heated (cooled) and ventilated, including underground, rooms No exposure to direct solar radiation, precipitation, wind, sand and dust from the outside air; no or significant reduction in exposure to diffuse solar radiation and moisture condensation 4
In rooms with high humidity (for example, in unheated and unventilated underground rooms where there may be a long presence of water or partial condensation on walls and ceilings) No exposure to direct solar radiation, precipitation, wind, sand and dust from the outside air; no or significant reduction in exposure to diffuse solar radiation; Exposure to water or partial moisture condensation 5

Table 3 - Additional product placement categories
Operating (storage) conditions of the product Designation
For storage during operation in rooms of category 4 and work both in conditions of category 4 and (for a short time) in others, including outdoors 1.1
For operation as built-in elements inside complete products of categories 1, 1.1 and 2, the design of which excludes the possibility of moisture condensation on built-in elements (for example, inside radio-electronic equipment) 2.1
For operation in irregularly heated rooms 3.1
For use in air-conditioned or partially air-conditioned rooms 4.1
For operation in laboratory capital residential and other similar premises 4.2
For operation as built-in elements inside complete products of categories 5, the design of which excludes the possibility of moisture condensation on built-in elements (for example, inside radio-electronic equipment) 5.1

Examples of decoding climatic version

When you need to understand what climate the equipment is intended for:

UHL4- For temperate and cold climates, installation category 4;
TV1- For humid tropical climates, installation category 1.

When it is necessary to clarify the required climatic version of the equipment according to the operating conditions:

It is supposed to operate the equipment at an altitude of up to 1000 m, in a closed room with artificial ventilation. The room temperature is maintained around the clock +18 o C ÷ +23 o C and humidity 55% ÷ 65% at 20 o C - equipment of all climatic modifications is suitable for these criteria, but UHL4.1 and TV4.1 are most optimal;
It is supposed to operate the equipment at a height of up to 1000 m under a canopy. The annual temperature difference is -32 o C ÷ +44 o C with the lowest temperature -46 o C and the highest temperature +45 o C (recurrence about 1 time in 50 years). The highest humidity value is 90% at 25 o C. - U1, HL1, UHL1 versions are suitable for climatic conditions.

Normal values ​​of climatic factors during operation and requirements for products

The normal values ​​of climatic factors indicated below refer to the operation of products at altitudes up to 1000 m above sea level. For products operated at altitudes above 1000 m (including both above 1000 m and up to 1000 m), other values ​​​​of climatic factors (except for pressure and lower temperature values) can be set. In this case, the upper and average temperatures for the operation of products at altitudes from 1000 m to 4300 m can be calculated by decreasing those indicated in Table 4 by 0.6 o C every 100 m.

If there is a special technical justification, confirmed by measurements of the values ​​of climatic factors, their nominal values ​​can be set different from those indicated below.

Ambient temperature

Ambient temperature values ​​are shown below in table 4. For products of category 1, if their surface is exposed to solar heating, the upper, middle and limit operating temperatures should be taken higher than those indicated in table 4:

  • For surfaces that have a white or silver-white color - at 15 o C;
  • For surfaces that have a different color - at 30 o C.

Requirements for ambient temperature apply to products of all designs and categories. Air temperature limit requirements are set only for products with a high probability of failure-free operation, if specified in the technical specifications for the products (the probability of occurrence of temperature limits is 0.00001) .

Table 4 - The value of the ambient air temperature during operation
Climatic performance Performance category Temperature value, o C
Working range Limit range
U, TU 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3 +40 / -45 (1) +45 / -50 (1)
3.1 +40 / -10 (5) +45 / -10 (5)
5; 5.1 +35 / -5 +35 / -5
HL 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3 +40 / -60 +45 / -70
3.1 +40 / -10 (5) +45 / -10 (5)
5; 5.1 +35 / -10 +35 / -10
UHL 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3 +40 / -60 +45 / -70
3.1 +40 / -10 (5) +45 / -10 (5)
4 +35 / +1 +40 / +1
4.1 +25 / +10 +40 / +1
4.2 +35 / +10 +40 / +1
5; 5.1 +35 / -10 +35 / -10
TV 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3; 3.1 +40 / +1 +45 / +1 (2)
4 +40 / +1 +45 / +1
4.1 +25 / +10 +40 / +1
4.2 +45 / +10 +45 / +10
5; 5.1 +35 / +1 +35 / +1
T, TS 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1 (6) ; 3; 3.1 +50 (8) / -10 +60 / -10 (3)
4 (7) +45 / +1 +55 / +1
4.1 (7) +25 / +10 +40 / +1
4.2 (7) +45 / +10 +45 / +10
5; 5.1 +35 / +1 +35 / +1
O 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1 +50 (8) / -60 +60 / -70
4 +45 / +1 +55 / +1
4.1 +25 / +10 +40 / +1
4.2 +45 / +10 +45 / +1
5; 5.1 +35 / -10 +35 / -10
M 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3; 5; 5.1 +40 / -40 (4) +45 / -40
4; 3.1 +40 / -10 (5) +40 / -10 (5)
4.1 +35 / +15 +40 / +1
4.2 +40 / +1 +40 / +1
TM 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3; 5; 5.1 +45 / +1 +45 / +1
4; 3.1 +45 / +1 +45 / +1
4.1 +25 / +10 +40 / +1
4.2 +45 / +1 +45 / +1
OM 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3; 5; 5.1 +45 / -40 (4) +45 / -40
4; 3.1 +45 / -10 (5) +45 / -10 (5)
4.1 +35 / +15 +40 / +1
4.2 +40 / +1 +40 / +1
AT 1; 1.1; 2; 2.1; 3 +50 (8) / -60 +60 / -70
3.1 +50 (8) / -10 (5) +60 / -10 (5)
4 +45 / -10 (5) +55 / -10 (5)
4.1 +25 / +10 +40 / +1
4.2 +45 / +1 +45 / +1
5; 5.1 +45 / -40 +45 / -40
  1. For performance specifications, the lower operating temperature value is taken equal to -25 o C, the lower limit operating temperature value is -30 o C;
  2. For some areas with a subtropical climate, they take a value of -10 o C;
  3. For some areas in China, Turkey, Afghanistan, the value is -20 o C;
  4. For ships not used in the Arctic Ocean in winter, the lower operating temperature is -30 o C;
  5. For operational storage and transportation, the value is taken the same as for category 3, and for the type of climatic modification B4 - as for OM3;
  6. For execution T;
  7. For the execution of the vehicle;
  8. For some points in the Central Sahara, the temperature is assumed to be +55 o C.

Change in air temperature

The magnitude of the change in ambient temperature for 8 hours are given in table 6. Temperature change requirements apply to products of all designs and categories.

Cooling water temperature

Cooling water temperatures are shown in table 7 .

Table 7 - Cooling water temperature
Product cooling method Working value of cooling water temperature, o C
Cooling through a flow system from water supply networks, wells, large reservoirs U, TU, UHL (HL) +25 / +1
M +25 / -2
T, TS, TV, O +40 / +1
TM +30 (1) / +10
OM +30 (1) / -2 (2)
AT +40 / -2 (2)
Cooling through a circulating system using artificial ponds, cooling towers and other artificial structures U, TU, UHL (HL) +30 (3) / +1
T, TS, TV, O +40 / +1
  1. Limit operating value +35 o C;
  2. Limit operating value -4 o C;
  3. Limit operating value +33 o C;

soil temperature

Operating soil temperatures for a depth of 1 m are given in table 8.

Air humidity

For products used only in sealed volumes (including those opened for inspection and repair), the relative humidity value is set:

  • For unopened volumes or opened only in rooms with artificially controlled climatic conditions - as for category 4, UHL version;
  • For volumes opened under any conditions - as for category 3 of the same design.

Operating values ​​of air humidity, namely, combinations of relative humidity and temperature are given in table 9.

Air humidity requirements apply to products of all designs and categories.

Table 9 - Operating values ​​for air humidity
Climatic version of the product Product category Relative Humidity Absolute humidity, average annual value, g∙m -3
Average annual value Upper value (1)
UHL 4; 4.1; 4.2 60% at +25 o C 80% at +25 o C 10
U, UHL (HL (5)), TU 1; 2 75% at +15 o C 100% at +25 o C 11
1.1 70% at +15 o C 98% at +25 o C 10
2.1; 3; 3.1 75% at +15 o C 98% at +25 o C 11
5 (3) 90% at +15 o C 100% at +25 o C 13
5.1 90% at +15 o C 98% at +25 o C 13
TS 1; 2 40% at +27 o C 100% at +25 o C 10
1.1; 3; 3.1
4; 4.1; 4.2 40% at +27 o C 80% at +25 o C 10
5 90% at +15 o C 100% at +25 o C 13
5.1 90% at 15°C 80% at 25°C 13
TV, T, O, V, TM (6) , OM (2) 1; 2; 5 80% at +27 o C 100% at +35 (4) o C 20
1.1 75% at +27 o C 98% at +35 o C 17
2.1; 5.1 80% at +27 o C 98% at +35 o C 20
TV, T, V, TM, OM (2) 3 75% at +27 o C 98% at +35 o C 17
3.1 75% at +27 o C 98% at +35 o C 17
TV, O, V, TM, OM (2) 4 75% at +27 o C 98% at +35 (4) o C 17
4.1 60% at +20 o C 80% at +25 o C 10
4.2 75% at +27 o C 98% at +35 o C 17
M 1; 2 80% at +22 o C 100% at +25 o C 15
1.1 75% at +22 o C 98% at +25 o C 11
2.1 80% at +22 o C 98% at +25 o C 15
3; 4; 3.1 75% at +22 o C 98% at +25 o C 11
4.1 60% at +20 o C 80% at +25 o C 10
4.2 75% at +22 o C 98% at +25 o C 11
5 80% at +22 o C 100% at +25 o C 15
5.1 80% at +22 o C 98% at +25 o C 15
  1. The upper value of relative humidity indicated in the table is also standardized at lower temperatures; at higher temperatures the relative humidity is lower;
  2. For marine vessels of the OM version, intended for a short stay in areas with a tropical climate, the values ​​​​of the combination of temperature and humidity can be taken the same as for the M version;
  3. For products intended for coal mines, the moisture values ​​​​are taken the same as for version T;
  4. For products of types of climatic modifications OM4 and OM5, installed in the engine and boiler rooms of ships, the upper limit operating value is 100% at +50 o C;
  5. For the execution of HL of all categories of placement, except for 5; 5.1, average annual value - 85% at -6 o C;
  6. For the execution of TM placement categories 1; 2; 5; 2.1; 5.1 also applies an average annual value of 70% at +29 o C;

Atmosphere pressure

Air pressure requirements apply to products of all designs and categories.

For ground products operated at an altitude of up to 1000 m above sea level, the following atmospheric pressure values ​​\u200b\u200bare set:

  • Upper working value 106.7 kPa (800 mmHg);
  • Lower operating value 86.6 kPa (650 mmHg);
  • The lower limit value is 84.0 kPa (630 mmHg).

Wind speed

The requirement for the effect of wind speed is imposed only on products for which this is indicated in the terms of reference. The upper limit value of wind speed for all climatic modifications is 50 m/s.

rain intensity

Requirements for exposure to rain apply only to products of category 1 and 1.1, if for the latter it is indicated in the terms of reference. The upper working value of rain intensity is:

  • For climatic version U, TU, UHL (KhL), TS - 3 mm/min;
  • For climatic version TV, T, O, M, TM, OM, V - 5 mm/min.

For climatic version U, UHL (KhL), to determine the combination of intensity and duration of rain, you should be guided by table 10.

Drop rate

Requirements for the impact of falling drops are imposed only on products for which this is indicated in the terms of reference. The upper working value of the intensity of falling drops for products M, TM, OM, B of category 5, which are not built-in elements of internal installation, is 0.4 mm / min, if their angle to the horizon is from 90 o to 45 o.

Composition of the atmosphere

The content of corrosive agents in the open air is shown in Table 11. The content of corrosive agents in the atmosphere of premises (volumes) of categories 2÷5 is less than that indicated in Table 11 and is established on the basis of measurements made for specific types of premises (volumes); if measurement data are not available, then the content of corrosive agents is assumed to be 30% - 60% indicated in table 11.

Table 11 - Content of corrosive agents in the outdoor atmosphere
Atmosphere type Content of corrosive agents
Designation Name
I Conditionally net
(no more than 0.025 mg / m 3);
II Industrial
(from 0.025 to 0.31 mg / m 3);
chlorides - less than 0.3 mg / (m 2 × day)
III Maritime Sulfur dioxide not more than 20 mg / (m 2 × day)
(no more than 0.025 mg / m 3);
chlorides - from 30 to 300 mg / (m 2 × day)
IV Primorsko-industrial Sulfur dioxide from 20 to 250 mg / (m 2 × day)
(from 0.025 to 0.31 mg / m 3);
chlorides - from 0.3 to 30 mg / (m 2 × day);

Notes: products of climatic versions M, TM, OM, as a rule, are intended for operation in an atmosphere of type III; products of executions U, TU, UHL (KhL), TS, T, TV and categories 4; 4.1; 4.2 - in an atmosphere of types II and / or I; execution O (except for categories 4; 4.1; 4.2) - in an atmosphere of type IV; execution B - in the atmosphere of types III and IV.

Dust exposure

The requirements for the dynamic abrasive action of dust are imposed on category 1 versions of the TC, O and B, only for the outer parts of the products. In other cases, these requirements are presented when it is indicated in the terms of reference.

Requirements for operability or dust tightness under static or dynamic exposure to dust are imposed on products of categories 1 of versions TS, O and B, which have movable or articulating parts. In other cases, these requirements are presented when it is indicated in the terms of reference.

Requirements for operability or dust tightness under static and dynamic effects are not imposed on parts and assemblies intended for placement in complete products with dust tight shells.

The requirements for the dynamic abrasive action of snow dust are imposed on the outer parts of products of the UHL (HL) category 1. In other cases, these requirements are imposed when it is indicated in the terms of reference.

Requirements for performance or dust tightness under static or dynamic exposure to snow dust are imposed on products of category 1 of execution U, UHL (KhL), O, V, if this is indicated in the terms of reference or other document for the product.

The operating values ​​of the parameters characterizing the action of dust are given in table 12:

solar radiation

GOST 15150 establishes the upper working value of the integral surface energy flux density of solar radiation for altitudes up to and above 15 km. Actually, for altitudes up to 15 km inclusive, its value is 1125 W/m 2 , including the flux density of the ultraviolet part of the spectrum (280 ÷ 400 nm) - 68 W/m 2 . At heights above 15 km, the upper working value of the integral surface energy flux density of solar radiation is 1380 W/m 2 , including the flux density of the ultraviolet part of the spectrum (200 ÷ 400 nm) - 140 W/m 2 .

Requirements for exposure to solar radiation are imposed only on products of category 1. At the same time, requirements are imposed on products of category 1.1 if this is indicated in the terms of reference. Requirements may not apply to the product as a whole, but only to those of its components and parts that, under operating conditions, are directly exposed to the sun.

Ozone concentration

The requirement for ozone exposure is imposed on products of categories 1 and 2, for which this is indicated in the terms of reference. The upper working value of the ozone concentration in the surface (driving) air layer is:

  • For climatic modifications TV, UHL (KhL), T, O, TM, M, OM, V - 40 µg/m3;
  • For versions TS, U, TU - 20 µg/m 3 .

Corrosion resistance

Requirements for corrosion resistance when exposed to salt fog are imposed on products of M, TM, OM, B categories 1 and 2, as well as products of categories 1 and 2 of other designs intended for operation on the coasts. Methods for assessing corrosion resistance and permissible changes in the appearance of products are established in the terms of reference, standard or technical specifications.

Requirements for the impact of mold fungi are imposed on products (their parts, assemblies) of executions T, TV, TM, OM, O, B (except for products of category 4.1).


Requirements for water tightness (maintenance of parameters within the established values ​​after being in water for an hour, unless otherwise specified in the terms of reference) are imposed on products (their parts) that may be under water for a short time. Products subjected to sea water dousing under working conditions must maintain their parameters within the established values.


The requirements for performance in the event of frost falling on the product are imposed on the UHL (HL), M, OM, O, B versions of category 1, as well as products of category 2 intended for operation under a canopy. For electrical engineering products, this is expressed in the fact that after falling on it frost and its subsequent defrosting, there was no breakdown or surface overlap.

The requirements for the performance of products in the event of ice formation on them are imposed (if it is indicated in the terms of reference) for products of U, TU, UHL (KhL), M, OM, O, B categories 1 and 2 (if the product will be operated under a canopy) having exposed moving parts and/or exposed break contacts .

Other requirements

If products are intended for operation in special environmental conditions (for example, the atmosphere of aggressive gases of chemical production or inert gases, liquid medium, irradiation, saturation with atmospheric electricity), additional parameters of this environment must be taken into account.

Normal values ​​of climatic factors during testing

For testing products, GOST 15150 establishes a narrower range of climatic environmental factors (normal climatic test conditions):

  • Temperature +25 ± 10 o C;
  • Relative air humidity 45 ÷ 80%;
  • Atmospheric pressure 84.0 ÷ 106.7 kPa (630 ÷ 800 mm Hg).

Note: At temperatures above 30 o C, the relative humidity of the air should not exceed 70%. It is allowed to set the value of 75% instead of the upper value of the range of 80%.

If other limits are adopted in the standards for individual product groups, then the values ​​\u200b\u200blisted above become invalid.

If it is impossible to provide normal climatic test conditions, it is allowed to carry out tests in climatic conditions UHL4 or O4 with conversion to normal climatic test conditions. The recalculation procedure should be established in the regulatory and technical documentation for products and / or the test program.

List of sources used

  1. GOST 15150-69 Machinery, instruments and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, conditions of operation, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of climatic environmental factors - Introduction. 01/01/71. - Moscow: Standartinform, 2006. - 59 p.
Published: December 06, 2017 Views: 5.4k

Types of climatic modification of machines, instruments and other technical products on the territory of the Russian Federation are defined in GOST 15150-69 "Climatic modification of instruments and machines".

As a rule, the climatic version is indicated in the last group of signs for the designations of technical devices.

The letter part indicates the climate zone:

for products intended for operation on land, rivers, lakes

U - temperate climate;

UHL * - temperate and cold climate;

T - tropical climate;

O - general climatic version (except for areas with a very cold climate);

for products intended for operation in areas with maritime climate

M - moderately cold maritime climate;

TM - tropical maritime climate

OM - moderately cold and tropical maritime climate (general climatic maritime);

B - all-climatic version (except for an area with a very cold climate).

* if the main purpose of the products is operation in an area with a cold climate and it is not economically feasible to use them outside this area, instead of designating UHL, the use of CL is recommended.

The numeric part following the alphabetic part indicates the accommodation category:

1 - outdoors;

2 - under a canopy or indoors, where the conditions are the same as outdoors and there is relatively free access to outside air, with the exception of solar radiation, precipitation;

3 - indoors with natural ventilation without artificial regulation of climatic conditions;

4 - indoors with artificial regulation of climatic conditions (ventilation, heating);

5 - in rooms with high humidity, without artificial regulation of climatic conditions.

They do not manufacture products of the types of climatic modification indicated in the first line of the table. 1, since these products meet the requirements for products of types of climatic modification, given respectively in the second line of Table 1

Permissible values ​​of operating temperatures for the main climatic modifications are presented in Table. 2

Product execution

The value of the air temperature during operation,? С

Limit working

The operating values ​​of air humidity for the main climatic modifications are presented in Table 3

Product design

Relative Humidity

Absolute humidity, average annual value, g * m?

Average annual value

Upper value


75% at 15?С

100% at 25?С

75% at 15?С

98% at 25?С

90% at 15?С

100% at 25?С

60% at 20?С

80% at 25?С

T, TV, TM, O, V, OM,

80% at 27?С

100% at 35?С

T, TV, TM, V, OM,

75% at 27?С

98% at 35?С

TV, TM, O, V, OM,

75% at 27?С

980% at 35?С

Working values ​​of climatic factors- naturally changing or constant values ​​of climatic factors, within which the required nominal parameters and economically feasible terms of products are maintained.

Limit operating values ​​of environmental climatic factors during operation - values ​​of climatic factors within which products can (extremely rarely and within no more than 6 hours, and for the lower temperature value - 12 hours) be in operation and must at the same time:

a) maintain operability, but may not maintain the required accuracy and nominal parameters (at the same time, the standard or technical specifications for products should indicate the permissible deviations in accuracy and nominal parameters, if these deviations occur);

b) after the termination of these operating limits, restore the required accuracy and ratings.

Climatic version U1, U2, U3, T1, T2, T3, UHL1, UHL4, UT1.5

Marking(a brief description of protective coatings, types of climatic modification and categories of product placement, degrees of protection).

Products designed for various climatic regions, categories, operating and storage conditions in terms of the impact of climatic environmental factors are marked in accordance with GOST 1 51 50-69. According to the degree of protection provided by the shells, the products are marked in accordance with GOST 14254-96.

Marking U1 means - products for use in areas with a temperate climate with placement category 1 (outdoors).

Marking U2 means - products for use in areas with a temperate climate with placement category 2 [under a canopy or in rooms with free air access).

UZ marking means - products for operation in areas with a temperate climate with a category of placement 3 (in the closed rooms with natural ventilation).

Marking T1 .T2.TZ means - products for operation in areas with both dry and humid tropical climates, with placement in the open air, under a canopy, in enclosed spaces with natural ventilation.

Marking UHL1 means - products for operation in areas with a temperate and cold climate with placement category 1 (outdoors).

Marking UHL-4 means - products for operation in areas with a temperate and cold climate with placement category 4 (in rooms with artificially controlled climatic conditions).

Marking UT1.5 means - products for operation both in areas with a temperate climate and in areas with a dry or humid tropical climate, both with placement category 1 (outdoors) and placement category 5 (in rooms with high humidity).

Particular requirements for the material of products are imposed by a temperate and cold climate (UHL), due to low operating temperatures, therefore, products intended for operation in areas with UHL1 must be made of materials that retain their properties at a temperature of minus 70°C.

The index "c" in the product marking indicates a zinc coating obtained by hot-dip galvanizing.

Letter "X" In the product labeling, it denotes a chemical resistant coating.

It must be understood that products, for example, intended for use in temperate areas of placement category 1 can also be used in temperate areas of placement categories 2, 3 or 4, but not vice versa. Similarly: products with marking UT1.5 can replace products with labeling U1, U2, UZ, T1 T2.TZ.

Temperate climate, or temperate climate, is typical for the temperate geographical zone of the predominantly Northern Hemisphere, between 40-45 and 62-68 ° C. sh. and 42 and 58 °S. sh. In the Northern Hemisphere, over 1/2 of the surface of the temperate zone is occupied by land, in the Southern - 98% of the territory is covered by the sea. The temperate climate is characterized by frequent and strong changes in air pressure and temperature and wind direction, which occur due to the intense activity of cyclones.

tropical climate- type of climate typical of the tropics. According to the climate classification adopted by W. P. Köppen, it is defined as a non-arid climate in which the average temperature is above 18 ° C (64.4 ° F) for all 12 months of the year.

The tropical climate is characterized by small seasonal temperature fluctuations. In the Northern Hemisphere in the north, the tropics pass into the subtropics, in the south - into the subequatorial belt.

The tropical climate is divided (according to precipitation) into two sub-belts: the tropical dry climate and the tropical humid climate. The first type of climate is characteristic of almost all tropical deserts, the second - for oceanic islands located in low latitudes.

Climatic modification implies types of climatic modification of machines, instruments, equipment and other technical elements and products.

In Russia, climatic design is defined in GOST 15150-69, which sounds like “Machines, devices and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, conditions of operation, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of environmental climatic factors.

Most often, the climatic version is indicated in the name of technical equipment or machines in the last characters, for example, a fire arrester OP-50 UHL, or a steel gate valve 30s41nzh Du50 Ru16 U, etc.

As a result, at the moment, the following categories of climatic performance can be distinguished:

Category No. 1 - outdoors (for outdoor installation);
Category No. 2 - under a canopy or in a room where fluctuations in such parameters as temperature and humidity differ little from fluctuations in the open air and there is relatively free access to outside air (in tents, trailers, metal rooms without additional thermal insulation) .
Category No. 3 - indoors with natural ventilation without artificial regulation of climatic conditions (in brick or concrete, in metal rooms with thermal insulation).
Category No. 4 - in rooms with artificially controlled climatic conditions (heated or cooled and ventilated).
Category No. 5 - in rooms with high humidity (for example, in unheated and unventilated underground rooms).
The combination of climatic modification and category of accommodation is called the type of climatic modification (for example, UZ, HL1, etc.). Symbols indicating the type of climatic modification are included in the designation of the product type (for example, valve KDM-50M U1, or ball valve KSHTsF-80 HL1).

Climatic versions of products




Products intended for operation on land, rivers, lakes

For a macroclimatic region with a temperate climate

For macroclimatic regions with a temperate and cold climate

For a macroclimatic region with a humid tropical climate

For a macroclimatic region with a dry tropical climate

For macroclimatic regions with both dry and humid tropical climates

For all macroclimatic regions on land, except for a macroclimatic region with a very cold climate (general climatic version)

Products intended for operation in macroclimatic regions with maritime climate

For a macroclimatic region with a moderately cold maritime climate

For a macro-climatic region with a tropical maritime climate, including coastal vessels or other vessels intended for navigation only in this region

For macroclimatic regions with both moderately cold and tropical maritime climates, including ships with an unlimited navigation area

Products intended for operation in all macroclimatic regions on land and at sea, except for a macroclimatic region with a very cold climate (all-climatic version)

According to GOST 16350, products in U and UHL versions can be operated in warm humid, hot dry and very hot dry climatic regions in which the average of the annual absolute maximum air temperatures is above 40 ° C and (or) a combination of temperatures equal to or above 20 ° C , and relative humidity equal to or higher than 80% is observed for more than 12 hours a day for a continuous period of more than two months a year.
Specific types of products for a macroclimatic sub-region with a warm temperate climate are allowed to be manufactured in the climatic version TU, if the design differences between the products of this version and the products of the U climatic version are technically and economically justified.

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