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Eastern zodiac horoscope: Dragon – Scorpio. Characteristics of a Scorpio-Dragon man from A to Z

We are controlled by the stars and higher entities. Sometimes they get along, sometimes they come into conflict. Their heavenly battles are reflected in the fate of a particular person. Those governed by contradictory forces include Scorpio-Dragon. A person is torn into pieces by his heavenly patrons all his life, in an allegorical sense. It's not easy for him. But let's talk about everything in order.

Scorpio-Dragon: general characteristics

Imagine that you are divided into halves: one is looking at the sky, the other is reaching for jewelry, the first is in the clouds, the second wants to swim in the ocean. And both are tightly connected; you can only choose one path. This is Scorpio-Dragon. This person is so internally contradictory that he cannot help but demonstrate it to others. Scorpio is not prone to shocking behavior and is secretive. He has strategic thinking, makes and implements plans without sharing even with loved ones. The dragon, on the contrary, craves everyone's attention. He is drawn to higher matters, and earthly concerns seem boring. These multidirectional energies coexist in the soul of one person and give rise to a real unique person. Scorpio-Dragon constantly surprises loved ones. Either he is noble and open, then he hides within himself and weaves nets. However, he cannot stay in this state for a long time; he will definitely share his projects, brag and fail.

A girl born under the signs of Scorpio-Dragon

A woman ruled by such an explosive combination of patrons is an unusual person. This manifests itself already in childhood. The girl is attracted to everything otherworldly, she reads science fiction, and thinks for a long time about occult books. But she also has enough friends. She is interesting and unique. Those around her happily forgive her bragging, inattention, and inability just for one smile. When she is sad, the sun hides behind the clouds, and if she is happy, the clouds go beyond the horizon. She remains like this until old age. often falls in love, but feelings do not live in the soul for long. She is looking for a real ideal, fluttering from one flower to another, like a frivolous butterfly. This is a misleading impression. It’s just that her soul is unable to come to terms with the shortcomings of her gentleman. Quickly realizing that the chosen one is not ideal, she rushes to another. Unfortunately, this search often continues until gray hairs. The Scorpio-Dragon woman is rarely happy in marriage, but she builds an excellent career. In old age he goes into spiritual self-improvement.


The fate of a knight burdened with these patrons is even more difficult. He needs self-realization, achievement, wealth and success. The Dragon forces a man to go in this direction, but the Dragon pulls him into spirituality, into heaven. The boy learns to hide this disharmony as a child. It clearly and precisely manifests itself in adolescence with unexpected impulses, sudden harshness and even attacks of rage or, conversely, depression. The young man quickly realizes that those around him are shocked by such tricks, and hides them deep in his soul. Under the pressure of this volcano he lives until old age. He is an excellent worker, but this person is not offered leadership positions - he will ruin the company. They say about such men - a follower. This is true until the Scorpio Dragon finds a calling. For an idea, he will go to the ends of the world, dig up mountains and dry up oceans, unfortunately, forgetting about his family. Their wives forgive them everything for their incredible kindness, nobility and fidelity.

How to communicate with such a person

Patrons seem to make the individual completely unsuited for close relationships. Who wants to live with a volcano of passions? Surprisingly, in everyday life he is a very nice person. With him it is interesting and fun, easy and pleasant. Scorpio-Dragons know a lot, they know how to competently present the material and captivate people with them. They make excellent artists. These people are endowed with remarkable intuition, the tips of which they are happy to share. Often they learn to tell fortunes and thus earn extra money for a piece of soft bread with balyk. The only thing this person cannot come to terms with is betrayal. If he realizes that he is being deceived, he will leave and forget his name. But he will appreciate honesty, even if it is unpleasant to him. Scorpio-Dragon needs constant, affectionate, unobtrusive support and care. This person needs to realize that he is needed, loved, respected. And he himself will never let you down, since the internal struggle contributes to the cultivation of wisdom and the correct setting of life priorities.

The unpredictable Dragon-Scorpio is an ambiguous personality, but very interesting. Lives in accordance with his own beliefs, does not adapt to other people's standards. Moreover, he has every right to do so: the Scorpio Dragon is a self-sufficient person. It is not in his nature to ask for help, complain and curse fate. The life of this passionate, purposeful person is filled with a variety of events. The fiery power of the Dragon gives him strength, and the persistent character of Scorpio does not allow him to give up and become despondent. She has strong energy by nature and is always the center of everyone's attention. According to the combined horoscope, Scorpio-Dragon is a contradictory nature. It is difficult to understand and impossible to tame.

Characteristics of Scorpio Dragon

Nature endowed him with a strong will, determination and indomitable energy. The Scorpio Dragon does not give in to difficulties, is always collected and confident. It has a magical effect on those around him: his words not only do not cause protest, but are also perceived as a direct instruction to action. Success comes easily to Scorpio-Dragon; good luck accompanies him in all matters. He doesn’t wear himself out with hard work, but simply enjoys life. Full of optimism, determined only to win, does not pay attention to minor troubles. But serious problems can ruin his mood for a long time. In a stressful situation, the Scorpio-Dragon loses control of itself and becomes a rude and unfriendly person.

People often envy the Scorpio-Dragon; his strength, energy and courage are admired. However, few people know about the difficulties he has to face. Constant internal struggle, outbursts of rage and aggression, increased emotionality are the reasons for the unstable mental state of the Scorpio Dragon. Every day he must prove his superiority and try not to lose the trust of others. People perceive him as an active, proactive person who has comprehended the meaning of life. They are ready to follow him, they believe him and are even afraid of him, but they rarely regret him. Although this honest person deserves attention and care. Scorpio-Dragon needs protection or at least words of support.

The ambitious Scorpio-Dragon boldly plans his future and methodically achieves his plans. He is looking for people with similar views on life, he needs partners. Assigns himself the role of a leader and actively takes on the implementation of ideas. Does not like uncertainty, does not tolerate the weaknesses of other people. Dragon-Scorpio is a demanding, tough, but fair person. Kind and sympathetic towards those who deserve trust. He is merciless towards his enemies: he does not know how to forgive, he takes revenge to the last. He is quite inventive and observant, so he immediately identifies the weak points of the offender. He does not hesitate to demonstrate his strength and power, and deals with deceivers without regret. But he treats close people with great respect.

Scorpio Dragon Compatibility

The love horoscope for Scorpio-Dragon contains rather optimistic forecasts. This person will be able to find happiness if he becomes a little less demanding and selfish. Moreover, people of this combination do not experience a shortage of fans or admirers. Mysterious, sexually attractive Scorpio-Dragons make you fall in love at first sight. These are temperamental, generous and attentive partners. However, they do not tolerate objections and always do things their own way.

According to the family horoscope, the Dragon-Scorpio is aimed at long-term relationships. This strong and reliable person takes responsibility for the entire family. He is not afraid of hard work, he is ready to work hard to financially provide for his loved ones. He does not tolerate objections and harshly suppresses any attempts to challenge his authority. He is jealous, suspicious, and therefore very demanding of his significant other. Scorpio-Dragon is a despot, but, fortunately, he is trying to work on himself.

Scorpio Dragon Career

The ambitious Scorpio Dragon dreams of a successful career. Quite early he begins to think about his future and takes a responsible approach to his choice of profession. He is not attracted to work with a low salary and is aiming for a managerial position. He is distinguished by his tenacious mind and insight, so he can easily solve any problems. He can lead the work of a large team, but his relationships with employees are always tense. Scorpio-Dragon rarely listens to other people's opinions.

Scorpio-Dragon wants to dominate and control the crowd, he likes to attract attention to himself. He has a developed imagination, endurance and good intuition. He is quite capable of succeeding in a creative profession or making a successful sports career. Although selfishness and explosive temperament can lead to failure. Doesn't know how to negotiate with people, likes to command and give instructions. If he can curb his emotions, he will become a sought-after specialist.

The powerful energy of the Scorpio-Dragon man has a magical effect on everyone, especially women. You can love him madly or hate him, but it is impossible to remain indifferent to this strong personality. An active and energetic man does not see obstacles in front of him, boldly walks through life, has absolutely no fear and does not doubt his success at all. He easily achieves the position he deserves and usually occupies a leadership position. He has strong intuition, so he quickly identifies with his chosen one, but in romantic relationships he experiences uncharacteristic timidity. As a life partner, this is a reliable partner, but too hot-tempered and straightforward.

The Scorpio-Dragon woman is undeniably bright and attractive. Spectacular appearance, sharp mind, natural sexuality are the distinctive features of this charismatic person. Enjoys every day he lives, does not hold back his feelings and emotions. She reacts quickly to any events, and not necessarily those that concern her personally. She does not remain indifferent to the problems and concerns of loved ones; you can always rely on the Scorpio-Dragon woman. The truth is that you will have to pay in full for friendship with her: it requires complete submission. Men must yield to her, patiently fulfill all the whims, and at the same time be respectable, successful people. But there are still many who want to connect their fate with her.

The horoscope characteristics of the Scorpio-Dragon woman describe her as a contradictory nature. This lady combines two very strong signs, for this reason her character is difficult. Negative character traits sometimes make it very difficult for a girl to successfully build personal relationships.

Description of signs

A woman under the sign of Scorpio, born in the year of the Dragon, amazingly combines irritability and kindness, stubbornness and generosity, openness and isolation. All this is because she was born under two very strong and difficult signs. The Year of the Dragon gives her openness and emotionality; the zodiac sign Scorpio gives her powerful intuition and natural charm. In addition, both Dragon and Scorpio are endowed with many negative traits, so sometimes it can be difficult for a girl to restrain her emotions and not show her irritability.

When this woman is in a good mood, she tries to show all her positive qualities. And she has a lot of such qualities. Scorpio-Dragon can be kind, gentle, charming and positive. Communicating with a lady at such moments, it seems that there is no more positive and kinder person in the whole wide world. Thanks to the special magnetism that nature has endowed her with, Scorpio-Dragon can easily win over people, gathering like-minded people around her. In addition, this woman has the gift of persuasion, which also helps her in many ways both in work and in her personal life.

If we talk about the shortcomings of Scorpio-Dragon, then this, of course, is her harshness towards loved ones. In addition, representatives of this zodiac sign are very vindictive. They can easily communicate with you for years, and it will seem to you that you are friends. But if you once offended the Scorpio Dragon, then, despite the warm communication, this woman will never forget the offense.

She may well take revenge, but she will do it not directly, but on the sly.

When someone hurts the feelings of a Scorpio born in the year of the Dragon, this woman becomes hot-tempered and aggressive. At such moments it is better not to approach her. Scorpio-Dragon will not mince words and will tell you everything that he really thinks about you. The more painful the offender becomes from harsh and rude words, the easier it becomes for her. Therefore, Scorpio-Dragon never restrains his emotions.

The Scorpio woman, born in the year of the Dragon, is an amazing person, after meeting whom not a single person will remain indifferent.

Some people fall in love with her at first sight, while others begin to hate her. This is a strong personality who easily achieves his goals. If you learn to be friends with her, then in her person you can find not only a faithful friend, but also the best adviser on all life issues.

Career and finance

At work, the Scorpio woman, born in the year of the Dragon, proves herself to be a faithful and hardworking worker, a good organizer and a reliable partner. Thanks to her ambition and determination, this woman easily achieves her goals and is quite capable of making a dizzying career in any field. The Scorpio Dragon always acts clearly and decisively, never doubts his own abilities and easily copes with any obstacles in his path. This woman is not afraid of hard work, so she can fully realize herself in any field.

Whatever work the Scorpio-Dragon undertakes, she does everything impeccably. Such women become very valuable and irreplaceable employees.

And if she holds a leadership position, she will be an honest and fair boss.

A woman born in the year of the Dragon and under the zodiac sign of Scorpio can well be called a careerist. Work takes up most of her life. Achieving a certain career growth, she strives to conquer new heights. And if she feels that she has already outgrown this work, she can easily open her own business and develop it successfully. By nature, this woman has enormous potential and many talents. Thanks to his perseverance and hard work, the Scorpio-Dragon can fully realize his abilities and achieve the financial well-being that he has always dreamed of.

In love and marriage

Next to such a woman there should be an exceptionally strong and confident man. Another simply cannot withstand the difficult character of Scorpio-Dragon. This lady can rightfully be called a femme fatale. She easily makes men fall in love with her and just as easily breaks their hearts. This woman seems to be completely ruthless in relationships. And this is partly true. Scorpio, born in the year of the Dragon, can seduce anyone, can drive a man crazy, but as soon as she gets tired of him, she mercilessly abandons him and disappears from his life without a trace. This woman will surround her beloved with incredible tenderness and care. Many men do not even suspect what feelings this calculating and unapproachable lady is capable of.

Only after sincerely falling in love is a Scorpio woman ready to fully open up to her partner, exposing her trembling and vulnerable soul to him.

In personal relationships, the Dragon, born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio, will not tolerate betrayal. Her chosen one should remember that this woman is very jealous and will not forgive you for even minor flirting. An offended and insulted representative of this zodiac sign is very scary in anger, so you should not provoke her and artificially create such situations to make her jealous. The Dragon-Scorpio woman dreams of a strong and large family. Therefore, a woman will be ready to unite herself in marriage only with a man whom she can completely trust.

Such a woman will be able to build personal happiness only with a man who will be stronger than her. Next to her chosen one, the Scorpio-Dragon should feel calm and safe. She will be a caring wife and a very good mother. For her children, this woman will become a faithful friend and advisor. This woman can have a strong union with a man born under the sign of Scorpio or Sagittarius. Good relationships can develop with representatives of such zodiac signs as Pisces, Libra or Leo.

You will learn more about the Scorpio woman from the following video.

The Scorpio-Dragon sign includes people born from October 24 to November 22 in 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024.

Scorpio-Dragon is a complex and contradictory combination that gives birth to an extraordinary personality. His character has everything - isolation, mystery and unprecedented openness. It combines the cold prudence of Scorpio.

However, Scorpio and Dragon cannot always coexist harmoniously in this combination. This is a difficult combination of signs, and, above all, for the person himself. Both signs are very emotional. Therefore, Scorpio, born in the year of the Dragon, is an unabating storm of emotions, which turns into a real tsunami in case of resentment and discontent. In order not to make a mistake and not make a huge number of enemies, or not to destroy relationships with loved ones, such a person has to constantly keep himself under strict control.

Scorpio-Dragon must understand his contradictory nature and try to live in harmony with himself. If he learns to soften his outbursts of anger and irritability, he will become a very friendly and charming person, with a strong and insightful character. There is a huge amount of energy in him, but you need to direct it in a positive direction, for example, take up active sports, and at times, when passions run high, avoid communicating with people and look for rational ways to splash out your feelings.

In personal relationships, Scorpio-Dragon knows how to impress, turn heads, and, as if, bewitch their chosen one or chosen one. In a family, this is a very faithful and devoted partner, striving to organize life in everything.

The Scorpio-Dragon combination is one of the most difficult in the entire zodiac circle. On the one hand, this person has great charm and attracts a variety of people, but on the other hand, he is irritable, vindictive and insidious.

Scorpio-Dragon naturally has strong energy and has a magical effect on others. He can be both kind-hearted and frank, and dangerous and harsh in communication. He rushes from one extreme to another and in moments of irritation it is better not to encounter him. At the same time, no matter how formidable and intimidating the Scorpio-Dragon may seem, at heart he is a very sensitive and kind person who is able to reason sensibly and, if necessary, admit that he is wrong. He never stoops to lies, is stubborn and persistent in achieving his goal. Scorpio-Dragon is wise, thoughtful, strong and very insightful. He makes all decisions only after carefully weighing and calculating all the steps.

A person born under the sign of Scorpio in the year of the Dragon is very unpredictable and sometimes detached from life. He is so internally contradictory that he simply cannot help but demonstrate it to others. The Dragon is ready for self-sacrifice, but Scorpio does not want to infringe on its own interests. and has strategic thinking, makes and implements plans without sharing even with loved ones. The dragon, on the contrary, craves everyone's attention. These multidirectional energies barely coexist in one person, who constantly surprises his friends and loved ones. Either he is noble and open, then he hides within himself and weaves nets. Scorpio-Dragon never gives up or compromises.

All Dragons suffer from suspicion and jealousy, and the added vindictiveness of Scorpio creates a personality that is best not to be at odds with! He always goes to the end, both in sincere, good wishes and in furious motives. This personality is so dynamic and changeable that it is very difficult to predict what he will be oriented towards, good or evil. For him, like no one else, strict self-control is necessary so as not to do evil deeds. An effective way to deal with this problem is to either play sports or direct your energy to creative activities.

Scorpio-Dragon is ambitious, inventive and visionary. He sets global goals for himself and never deviates from them. A person born with the Scorpio-Dragon combination is not afraid of any work, including hard physical labor. He makes an excellent boss and a competent companion. It is a pleasure to deal with him, as he will never let you down and his affairs are always in perfect order.

In romantic relationships, Scorpio-Dragon has the ability to charm the opposite sex at first sight. He has powerful sexual potential, which makes him very interesting in personal relationships. In a family, this is a reliable and faithful partner, capable of providing his loved ones with everything they need.

Scorpio-Dragon woman

A woman born under the sign of Scorpio in the year of the Dragon is attractive, bright and confident, immediately attracting the gaze of those around her. She is distinguished by her emotionality and energy. She lives by emotions and passions, both her own and those of others. Loves intrigue, adventures, loves to take part in various conspiracies and rallies.

Born in the year of the Dragon, she will protect everyone and everything. There is no use arguing with her. The Scorpio-Dragon woman defends her opinion, as well as the rights of the offended, to the last. If she is kind, then there is infinite goodness, but loss of control over herself turns her into a vixen. She has an explosive temper and it is impossible to remain indifferent towards her: she is either loved with all her soul or hated with all her heart.

The Scorpio-Dragon woman has many talents and good intellectual abilities. She can easily achieve success in any chosen activity, but she has a strong craving for entertainment, gambling and all kinds of pleasure. Therefore, her life will completely depend on which path she chooses. At the same time, the Scorpio-Dragon woman is conservative and likes to follow the beaten path. This is a born leader, capable of leading.

In relationships with men, the Scorpio-Dragon woman is undoubtedly bright and attractive, driving many fans crazy. In a romantic period, she can be tender and affectionate, but in a long-term relationship she shows an imperious character and firmly stands on her point of view. She makes many demands on men, and if they do not fulfill what she has in mind, then sudden outbursts of anger of enormous destructive power await them. Not every man can withstand such pressure. The Scorpio-Dragon woman constantly needs new emotions, passions and impressions. However, family always comes first for her and for the sake of her loved ones, she is ready to do anything.

Scorpio-Dragon man

A man born under the sign of Scorpio in the year of the Dragon is active and energetic, honest and straightforward. This is the darling of fate, capable of achieving a lot in life. He is not afraid to take risks and boldly rushes into different adventures. But it is worth noting that thanks to his amazing intuition, he easily copes with difficulties and very often emerges victorious.

At a young age he can be reckless and simply waste his talents and gifts. But, with age, his character hardens, he becomes reasonable and clearly moves towards his goal. The Scorpio-Dragon man is hardworking and responsible, efficient and punctual, but is quarrelsome in a team. If he is dissatisfied with something, he immediately expresses his thoughts directly, including to his superiors. He will be better able to prove himself in leadership positions.

In romantic relationships, the Scorpio-Dragon man is fickle and decisive. He doesn’t hesitate to make acquaintances, quickly falls in love, flares up, gets disappointed and cools down. In personal relationships, as in life in general, he is frank. He talks about his feelings and his attitude right away.

Born in the year of the Dragon, he will never remain silent and this often provokes scandals. In family relationships, such a man can be a real despot, and in order to create a happy family life, he needs a sensitive and affectionate wife, capable of extinguishing his outbursts of rage and aggression with her love. And only a truly patient woman will be able to maintain a relationship with him. But this must be a strong woman at the same time, otherwise he will simply crush her with his energy.

These women choose their destiny themselves. They have a strong craving for entertainment, gambling and pleasure, but at the same time they have good intellectual abilities and talents. Therefore, they can easily achieve their goal, get a good job and get settled in life. They will have to make their choice in early childhood, after which they will move in one direction.

Despite their courageous and confident nature, these women are unlikely to take risks and participate in dubious activities. Before making an important decision, they try to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages, which allows them to achieve their goals. They are also quite conservative and like to follow proven paths. At the same time, these are born leaders, ready to lead women.

Characteristics of a Scorpio-Dragon woman in Love

Attractive, noble and confident, they immediately attract the gaze of other people. They know how to look after, try to fulfill all the whims, which delights their chosen ones. However, as the courtship period progresses, you may encounter other qualities that you may not like. These are powerful women who always prefer to stand firmly by their point of view.

Horoscope of Scorpio-Dragon woman in Family and Marriage

Family often comes first for these women. They try to provide for her financially, resolve all difficulties that arise and remain devoted to their chosen ones. They make many demands on them and expect them to be fulfilled, which they do not always cope with. If this happens, then they may also experience sudden outbursts of anger, which have destructive power.

Dragon-Scorpio Woman - Career and Finance

Thanks to their talents, vitality and self-confidence, they can succeed well in their careers. They cope well with their responsibilities and perform work at a high level. Difficulties may arise with superiors, who may give what they consider stupid instructions and comments. They will not tolerate this and may openly enter into conflict, which will result in a quick dismissal.

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