Fire Safety Encyclopedia

How to correctly determine the width and height of swing and sliding doors on your own? What should be the opening for the installation of an interior door Minimum door opening size

When renovating, due attention must be paid to the installation of interior doors. Of course, there are certain standard dimensions, but in order not to have to destroy the wall or change the already selected canvas, it is necessary to study all the nuances. In this case, it is important to correctly calculate the dimensions of the opening, to know the standard and features of different types of structures. In the modern market, you can find domestic and foreign products, it is important to remember that GOSTs are different.

GOST indicators of the size of the canvas

The parameters of the door leaf must be taken into account when calculating the opening. Doors and frame have standard sizes approved by the state.
GOST table for interior paintings:

Type of room Width cm Height cm Opening depth in kitchen702007 Bathroom, bath55-60190-2005-7room802007-20Living room (double door 120 (two leaves) 2007-20

If repair work was carried out earlier, the walls were leveled or dismantled, the depth may not correspond to the above data.

The market offers a large selection of doors and accessories from domestic and foreign manufacturers. Most often, products have a height of 200 cm, a width of 60, 70, 80 cm (less often 190 by 60, 70.80 cm). The door frame thickness ranges from 15mm to 45mm. Knowing the standards and dimensions of the doorway, you can choose the best option. There are situations when ignoring the parameters ends with the expansion of the opening or the return of the newly acquired canvas.

When buying a canvas from a foreign company, you need to carefully study the dimensions, because their standard is somewhat different.

The formula for measuring the doorway

If it is necessary to make an opening, but the issue with the door has not yet been resolved, it is necessary to take into account the following points in advance:

  • Canvas dimensions: height and width, thickness.
  • Door frame dimensions: width and thickness.
  • The width of the platbands.

Calculation example:

  • Tightly

Height (In dv) - 200 cm

Width (W dv) -70 cm

  • Box

Thickness (T k) - 3 cm

  • Mounting gap (Mz) -1 cm

Door block (Bd) - 2 cm

  • Threshold height (V p) - 2 cm

The formula for calculating the width of the doorway:

W dv + 2 * T k + Mz + 2 * Bd = 70 + 2 * 3 + 1 + 2 * 2 = 81 cm

Formula for calculating the opening height:

In dv + b n + 2 * T k = 200 + 2 + 2 * 3 = 208

Conclusion: for a 200 by 70 door leaf, a 208 by 81 doorway is required.

Opening depth: standard 7.5 cm, so manufacturers make door frames for this value. If the canvas has already been purchased: you will have to make the box individually, more broadly - use the add-on. Therefore, it is better to carry out the calculations in advance.

Algorithm for measuring the size of the doorway

To correctly measure the size of the opening, you must follow the sequence of actions:

  • Measure the height from the floor to the top (if the opening is not even, you need to measure it in the narrowing area), to the middle of the platband.
  • Width - from the middle of the left to the middle of the right clypeus (taking into account the narrowing).
  • Depth is measured at the top, middle and bottom (to find the widest value).

A positive result depends on the accuracy of the measurements.

Table for calculating doorways standard:

Width cm Height cm Room type Standard
62 — 65 195 — 197 Toilet, bath 55*190
67 – 70 195 — 197 Toilet, bath 60*190
67 — 70 205 — 207 Toilet, bath 60*200
77 – 80 205 — 207 Kitchen 70*200
87 – 90 205 — 207 Room 80*200
97 – 100 205 — 207 Room 90*200
127 — 130 205 — 207 Living room (double door) 2*60*200

Frame and door leaf parameters

The dimensions of the box of interior doors must correspond to the dimensions of the canvas, taking into account the gaps.

The frame should be proportional to the thickness of the wall. If there is free space, they use extensions that overlap the gaps.

Dobor - these are racks around the frame perimeter for expanding the door frame.

The main element is still the doors themselves. The standard is defined based on the following parameters:

  • Interior door leaf height: 190-200 cm. Sometimes an individual approach is needed. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the gap between the base and the floor so that the canvas opens and closes freely.
  • The width depends on the room.
  • The thickness is different (depending on the manufacturer's requirements), the standard is 4.5.

Features of double leaf doors

For the living room, a good solution in interior design will be the installation of double-leaf interior doors. Attention, when calculating the sizes, double the value.

As for GOST: the standard is a width of 120 to 150 cm. This range allows you to get a comfortable, complete and functional design. Thickness - 4.5 cm.

Details about measurement and installation:

If the opening does not correspond to the specified value and does not lend itself to expansion, the following is necessary:

  • One sash is in a fixed position and is used as needed.
  • The width of this fold is 1/2 or 1/3 of the width of a standard interior door.
  • The second is a full-fledged door.

Both options have a big plus in functionality: they improve permeability: it is easy to bring in, take out furniture.

As for the height: if the opening is larger than the specified standards (size: 200-210 cm), a special fixed bar is attached at the top.

Maximum canvas dimensions

The widest doors are standard - 90 cm. Only a limited number of manufacturers produce products of such dimensions. In new buildings, such parameters of the interior door frame are not used, because the design looks ridiculous or cumbersome. Still, these sizes are found:

  • In the "stalinkas".
  • In offices.

The most popular material for interior dimensional (and not only) canvases: MDF.

When installing entrance and interior doors, as well as replacing them, it is necessary to take into account a lot of different factors that will affect both the installation process itself and the subsequent operation. Everything is important, starting from the side into which the door will open, ending with the presence of a threshold. But, perhaps, the most important point will be the measurement and calculation of the installation size of the opening.

Doorway standards

Regardless of whether the premises are being renovated or a new house or apartment is being finished, the standard dimensions of doorways must be taken into account without fail. The main parameters of the opening are, in principle, standardized, however, many door manufacturers may deviate from the standard by an insignificant amount. To avoid unpleasant moments that lead to an increase in the cost of repairs in general, it is imperative to know the exact size of the opening.

Today the manufacturer will offer several standard sizes of doors and door frames. The most common door size in height is 2 meters, and the width can be 60, 70 or 80 cm. Nevertheless, it is not uncommon to find ready-made doors with a height of 190 cm and a width of, for example, 550 mm. Moreover, the thickness of the door frame can be from one and a half to 5 cm.

You need to pay attention not only to this, but also to many other points that will appear already when inspecting the doorway. local. First of all, you need to pay attention to such things:

Knowing these nuances, you can easily select and install both interior and new entrance doors.

How to calculate a doorway

Calculation and installation of the doorway. will pass without complications in the case when the box matches the dimensions of the opening as closely as possible. If the box is significantly smaller, it is not a fact that you can reliably fix it in the opening, but even worse when it turns out to be larger. In principle, this is not a catastrophic situation, but you will either have to expand the opening or order new doors, which is absolutely useless.

To correctly calculate the dimensions of the opening, you need to know only a few parameters. First of all, you need to know the height and width of the door leaf itself, know the thickness of the door frame and its width and width of the platbands. An example of a calculation is shown in the diagram in several versions, but for accuracy it is necessary to take into account an installation gap of at least 2 cm around the entire perimeter.

Box thickness and possible problems

Now it's worth talking about the thickness of the door frame. In typical houses, which are built from the same panels or even from bricks, the wall thickness is in principle standardized - it is a stable 75 mm. Based on this size, almost all manufacturers make the thickness of the door frame exactly the same. But if this is not taken into account, then you will have to install an additional expander, or vice versa, saw off part of the box, which not everyone can do at home.

If you do not precisely adjust the thickness of the box to the thickness of the walls, then the installation of the platband can be either difficult or completely impossible, which will certainly affect the appearance of the door group as a whole. To avoid errors, it is necessary to measure the thickness at least at three different points, and if the size is not too different and is within the standard, then you can do without ordering a non-standard design. Otherwise, either the installation of extras or the longitudinal sawing of the box shines.

Additional timber can also be useful in the case when the walls are not too pleasing with ideal geometry, which is quite often found in panel and brick high-rise buildings. If it is not installed, then the platband, like a carbon copy, will repeat the curvature of the wall, which is undesirable, since this will ruin both the overall door composition and the interior of the room as a whole.

So you can avoid mistakes and install doors quickly and efficiently without unnecessary nerves and misunderstandings. Successful repairs and high-quality doors to everyone!

You have decided on the color of the interior door and the type of construction, but do not know which size is right for you? Take your time with the purchase, first determine the size of your doorways. From our article you will find out what dimensions of interior doors are considered standard and how to correctly measure the doorway so that later it will not be excruciatingly painful for the time and money spent.

Standard sizes of interior doors

Most manufacturers adhere to standard sizes of interior doors: height 2000, width 600 mm, 700 mm, 800 mm. Rarer doors with a size of 1900 mm * 550 mm can also be considered a standard. The size takes into account only the door leaf, frames and platbands are counted separately. These dimensions are optimal for GOST doorways.

Recall that different types of premises have their own size standards:
To the kitchen: blade width - 700 mm, blade height - 2000 mm, opening depth - 70 mm.
To the bathroom: blade width - 550 mm or 600 mm, blade height - 1900 mm or 2000 mm, opening depth - from 50 mm to 70 mm.
To rooms: blade width - 800 mm, blade height - 2000 mm, opening depth - from 70 mm to 20 mm.

However, the dimensions of the openings are not always standard. In this case, they either change the opening, or make a custom-made door. Making a custom-made door is 30% more expensive than a similar but standard model.

How to correctly calculate the size of the opening for an interior door?

Even if you are sure that all openings in your house are standard, take measurements anyway. The walls may not be perfect. To find out the optimal door dimensions for your room, you need to know the following parameters:
1. Dimensions of the doorway. We measure the width and height at three points and fix the smallest value.
2. The thickness of the door frame. We measure at three points and fix the highest value. Standard size 70 mm.
3. Width of platbands ... The width of the platbands is important if a large gap forms between the doorway and the frame.
4. The presence and dimensions of the threshold. The threshold is made from a part of the box and corresponds to its thickness.
5. Availability of additions ... If, when measuring the thickness of the door, you realized that your size is far from the standard, then you will need extras. Completions from almost all manufacturers have a standard width - 100 mm, 150 mm, 200 mm.

So, we have removed all the required dimensions and can proceed to the calculations. Let's say we want to install an interior door with a size of 2000mm * 800mm with a frame thickness of 25mm. Then we will carry out the following calculation:

Calculation of the width of the opening for an interior door
800 mm ( web width) + (25 + 25) mm ( box) + (20 + 20) mm ( mounting clearance) + 5 mm ( total clearance for the free entry of the web into the box ) = 895 mm.

Calculation of the height of the opening for an interior door
2000 mm ( blade height) + 25 mm ( box thickness) + 25 mm ( gap between floor and door or threshold ) + 20 mm (mounting gap at the top ) + 3 mm ( for free door entry into the frame ) = 2075 mm.

We round off the values ​​and we get that for a door with a size of 2000mm * 800mm with a box thickness of 25 mm, we need an opening of 2080mm * 900 mm.

Non-standard openings require narrowing or widening. When expanding the opening, depending on the material of the wall, use cutting the opening, or cutting. Cutting is required for monolithic walls, cutting is suitable for blocks and bricks. The narrowing of the opening is carried out using brickwork or concreting.

It is not limited to just a beautiful spring view. In order not to overpay about half the cost for a non-standard product, they equip a doorway of standard sizes.

If you initially equip the standard size of the doorway in the wall, in the future there will be no problems with choosing a new block. It is important to take into account that domestic and foreign standards are different. The difference is small, but it is better to decide in advance on the model so as not to reduce or expand the entrance to the room.

The size of the opening is always larger than the dimensions of the sash. The calculations take into account the thickness of the box, which, according to the standard, varies from 15 to 40 mm. For each room, a typical door block size is used:

  • For combined bathroom, as well as separate baths and toilet equip an entrance with a height of 1.9–2 m, a width of 550 or 600 mm. The depth is 50 to 70 mm.
  • For kitchen the optimal size of the canvas is 2 * 0.7 m. The passage is made with a depth of 70 mm.
  • V bedroom a block is suitable - 2 * 0.8 m. The depth is arranged within 70-200 mm.
  • V Hall often double-leaf structures are installed with an increased width of up to 1.2 m. Two sashes with a width of 600 mm are installed. The option of one fixing half - 400 mm and the working main blade - 800 mm is possible.

When arranging a passage in the interior partition, one must take into account that its size and even depth will change after the walls are aligned with plaster or drywall.


The most common width of a single-leaf door is 60, 70, 80 cm. Less popular canvases with a width of 40, 55, 90 cm. However, such dimensions also correspond to the standard and are sometimes in demand.

For sliding systems according to the domestic standard, there are minimum as well as maximum restrictions. The width of the canvas varies from 60 to 120 cm.

For each standard door, the opening width is calculated taking into account the thickness of the frame. Additionally, the clearances required for the free opening of the sash, as well as the correct installation of the door frame, are taken into account. For example, if a canvas of 80 cm is chosen, then the width of the passage will be 88.6 cm.


The widespread domestic standard for the sash height is 2 m. Less often, doors with a height of 1.9 m and 1.8 m are made, they are less in demand.

The calculation of the height of the doorway takes place in the same way, taking into account the gaps. However, they also provide for the presence of a threshold. For example, for a two-meter sash with a frame thickness of 3 cm, the opening height should be 278 cm.In the absence of a threshold, one thickness is removed - 3 cm.The indicator decreases to 248 cm.

The standard height is 2 m. Sometimes the manufacturer increases the parameter to 2.5 m. When calculating the height of the opening for, similarly, they provide for a technological gap between the ends of the leaf, as well as the upper and lower edges of the doorway. Additionally, the thickness of the elements of the sliding system, which play the role of the frame, is taken into account.

Sliding door opening dimensions


Most of all standard boxes are produced with a thickness of 7.5 cm. The value is due to the parameters of the interior partitions. If the door frame is installed in a thick wall, they are additionally used. It is more difficult to solve the issue with a thin partition. To prevent the box from protruding from the wall, the frame will have to be sawed or part of it removed with a plane.

The thickness of the passage is measured at least at three points. If the wall runs obliquely and is thicker than the box, it is additionally used. The bar is sawn with a wedge. Platbands on all sides should be tightly pressed against the wall, regardless of flaws.

Custom dimensions

For foreign-made doors, the domestic standard for the height, as well as the width of the doorway, does not match. Blocks with a height of 2 m plus or minus from 10 to 15 cm are more common.The width is from 60 to 90 cm.

French standards differ from domestic ones by reducing the size of the door by 1 cm.If we compare two sashes with a width of 90 cm, then the parameter for the imported canvas is 89 cm.

A non-standard size of the opening is often typical for private houses built according to an independently developed project. Modern designers love to use ceiling-length doorways. They increase the space and make it possible to create a unique room design. Such options are less common inside new buildings, where a modern layout is made.

For non-standard dimensions of the interior door opening, you have to order the door block individually. There are firms that provide a similar service, but the cost of the product will be overstated by 30 percent.

Interior doors have custom widths and heights. Dimensions depend on the place where the unit is installed. Usually, high and wide doorways are equipped for a hall or kitchen. For a bedroom or bathroom, the entrance is made smaller in width - from 55 to 60 cm.

Arched doorways

The dimensions of the arched interior openings depend on the architectural features of the building. The width of the arch can be selected individually, and the height is limited by the ceiling. If the distance from the floor to the floor slabs is 2.5 m, then the arch is made with a maximum height of 2.2 m.For high ceilings of 3.2 m, an arched structure with a height of 2.6 m is suitable.

Many manufacturers do not indicate the dimensions of the finished arches. In technical documentation, the permissible interval is often spelled out. An example is an arch with a maximum height of up to 2.4 m, a thickness of up to 18.5 cm, and a width range from 79 to 150 cm.

How to measure a wall opening for an interior door?

To calculate the doorway, the dimensions of the entire block are taken, taking into account the gaps. A free space of 1 cm is left between the ends of the walls and the three elements of the well. The gap is needed for free entry, as well as leveling it. The threshold is set firmly to the floor.

When calculating doorways, they additionally provide for free space around the entire perimeter between the ends of the canvas and the inner plane of the frame elements. The gap is needed for free opening of the sash.

An example of calculating the opening width for a door of 80 cm with a frame thickness of 40 mm looks like that:

  • Add two gaps of 10 mm between the wall and the box.
  • Two gaps of 4 and 2 mm are added between the ends of the sash and the inner surface of the box elements. A smaller distance of 2 mm is left on the hinge side.
  • The sash width of 800 mm is added to the finished result, as well as two thicknesses of the frame elements. In the given example, this is 2 * 40 mm.

The summation showed that the width of the passage is: 10 + 10 + 4 + 2 + 800 + 40 + 40 = 906 mm.

Swing door opening dimensions

The calculation of the size of the doorway for interior doors in height is carried out in the same way, only the presence or absence of a threshold is taken into account. At the top, the free space between the wall and the box element is 10 mm. The gap between the ends of the curtain and the inner part of the box is: at the top - 3 mm, at the bottom - 5 mm. Now, to calculate the height of the passage, it remains to sum up all the values. If absent, then one thickness of the bow is not added.

Taking measurements of a previously used passage in the wall

If the purpose of the repair is to replace the old block, the following steps are taken to measure the doorway:

  • remove the old canvas along with the frame;
  • clean the ends of the walls from mortar and other debris;
  • assess the strength of the masonry;
  • if necessary, the passage is strengthened;
  • the measurement is carried out in the maximum and minimum gaps;
  • at least two points are measured near the corners to avoid skewing.

The measurement result is transferred to the drawing. If it is not possible to accurately calculate the size in order to ensure the evenness of the box, take the minimum values, increased by 1 cm of the technological seam.

When you independently perform calculations and measurements of the opening for the door, a diagram sketched on a piece of paper will not be superfluous. A sketch with dimensions will help you more accurately determine the design.

If it is necessary to install an interior door, you initially need to purchase a canvas with a box after that. In stores you can find both non-standard and classic models. You need to know what additional dimensions a doorway for a door of 80 cm has, so as not to be mistaken when purchasing an entrance group.

Every master should be able to calculate the size of the opening for an interior door 2000 by 800. Canvases made of MDF, chipboard, fiberboard, solid wood have a running width of 60, 70 and 80 cm (single-leaf structures).

In multi-storey panel houses built in the Soviet Union, passages from 80 to 100 cm wide are provided. This is a classic version. Standard characteristics are dimensions approved at the state level and supported by GOSTs. The advantages of standard dimensions:

  1. A wide variety of models. You can find the product you need in a specialist store.
  2. Low cost and good quality.
  3. Easy to install.

If it is necessary to purchase a pass-through system, the consumer asks about what kind of opening is needed for an interior door of 80 cm, so as not to carry out additional work during installation. In order to avoid mistakes, it is necessary, taking into account the technological clearances and dimensions of the purchased product with the box.

How to calculate everything?

Before you start calculating the dimensions of the passage for the interior structure, you need to take into account the following parameters:

  1. Box width.
  2. Threshold, if any.
  3. Additional decorative elements.
  4. The thickness of the box.
  5. Height and width of the web.

For a door of 80 cm, it is better to calculate without a threshold. Example: a canvas with a size of 2000x800 mm, the thickness of the box is 25 mm. The calculation begins with the summation of the thickness of the box and the width of the web. 25 mm must be taken twice, since the box is installed on both sides of the passage. To the resulting amount, you need to add 20-40 mm. This is the technological gap required for installation work. You should get 870-890 mm - this is the width of the passage for the model at 80 cm.

Important! It is necessary to pay attention to the material used for the manufacture of the interior door. When choosing an array, the thickness of the box will be greater (+20 mm).

The threshold plays a role in calculating the height of the web. The height is calculated in the same way. The thickness of the box is taken once, and if a threshold is present, its height is added.

Before starting the installation of the product, it is required to inspect the condition of the walls and correct the shortcomings. Entrance structures must not be fixed to wobbly elements (plasterboard structures, pieces of wood covered with cement). When installing the compartment, the width should be greater than the passage.

Table of standard sizes of openings

To facilitate calculations, it is worth using a ready-made table of standard sizes:

Aperture Passage
Height, cm Width, cm Height, cm Width, cm
205,5-206 70-71 200 60
205,5-206 80-81 200 70
205,5-206 90-91 200 80
205,5-206 100-110 200 90
205,5-206 133-134 200 120 (two wings)
205,5-206 153-154 200 140 (two wings)

Here are the parameters of the passages and entrance groups, which can be purchased at hardware stores. Moreover, the range of such products is large. Installation can be done independently if you follow the instructions. If you do not have sufficient knowledge and experience, then entrust the measurements and the installation process to specialists.


It is recommended to take measurements with precise instruments, for example, a laser tape measure. In this case, it is worth considering the errors of the instrument. The amount of additional costs and the amount of work will depend on the correct calculation. If the dimensions were determined correctly, then the installation of the structure will not cause difficulties.

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