Encyclopedia of fire safety

Wasteland 2 director's cut rail nomad camp. Miscellaneous. Gorkinovich distillery

Wasteland 2 is a post-apocalyptic role-playing game from Brian Fargo, the sequel to the 1988 game and the ideological predecessor of the Fallout series.


The game takes place in the southwestern United States in the middle of the 21st century after a thermonuclear war between the superpowers of the USSR and the United States, fifteen years after the events of .
Leader of the Nevada Desert Rangers General Vargas(formerly a member of the squad that saved the Wasteland from the threat of a rebellious artificial intelligence), is alarmed by unknown radio transmissions that talk about the "unity of machines and people", and also contain threats to completely exterminate the Desert Rangers. He sends Ace (also a veteran of the AI ​​battle) to install a direction-finding device on a distant radio tower in order to locate the source of the signal. However, a few days later, Ace is found murdered. Worried, General Vargas directs a detachment of four newcomers straight from the funeral to investigate this strange crime. It is you who will lead this squad.


Creation of a squad

Ranger base

So, the game begins with the fact that we are offered to create four rangers, distribute attribute points and general skills. You should not rush to distribute them, this is an important aspect of the beginning of the game.
General recommendations:

  • It is worth creating fighters of different classes (for example: medic, sniper, etc.)
  • Skills should not be repeated
  • The squad needs a "specialist" in locks and safes, a "hacker" (high skill "computers")
  • "Energy" and "heavy weapons" skills are ineffective in the initial stage of the game

At the beginning we will see a video made in the form of old documentaries, where we are shown the events that took place in the game. After that, the squad that you created starts a conversation with General Vargas which will explain our position and main goals. From a long monologue we learn that we are in Ranger Strongholds and recently one of the rangers died Ace.

Here are our main goals: H find Ace's records, which will help to find out the cause of his death
Hfind the radio transmitters that were with him at the time of the murder, close to radio towers.

In all walkthrough guides you can see advice, take a shovel and go dig all the holes. This is not the case with everything, of course you need to take a shovel, but it’s not necessary to dig everything, I recommend taking it in skills "perceptions" this will highlight all useful pits. When you leave, there is a guard at the exit who will give you a shotgun (if the "communication" skill is high) and Angela Det will offer her help (I recommend taking it with you), also if you talk to her, she will tell you about Eise who he was and what he meant to her. Then we keep on our way to our first mission, to the location radio tower.


After leaving citadels we find ourselves on a tactical map, where Vargas explains the details on the radio and conducts a short training course on the game itself. After a long monologue, you can go to radio tower. After arriving at the location on the ground, traces of blood are visible on them and we keep our way. But there are no easy ways, we will meet a couple of bandits (you can negotiate with them, kill or pay). Behind the radio tower there will be a sheet from Ace's diary, we report this on the radio and move on. And then the bloody trail breaks off and we see a metal leg (you can take it with you) and stains of engine oil that will lead us to the cave. In it, our first boss, a mutant toad, will be waiting for us, the fight is not difficult, but be careful and attentive. At the end of the cave we find out that Ace was killed by a robot, we select the last pages of the diary, which put us on the map Rail nomad camp

We contact our headquarters (again, a long chat will begin about the fact that the robots have not been seen for a long time), who will order us to bring the part of the robot (this is where the leg came in handy). And of course they will give a new goal: to deliver radio transmitters to the most powerful radio towers in Arizona

We continue to investigate the murder of our comrade and return to Ranger Citadel to restock and sell all the junk you find.

  • The open world is just a convention, it is better to complete the tasks assigned to you and study it gradually
  • Oasis - these are places where you can replenish water, without it your squad will die
  • Don't forget to survey the mission area
  • The radio is an important element of the game (you can use it to receive tasks and upgrade your squad)


While you are in citadelsbe sure to replenish supplies, buy ammunition, etc. After purchasing all the necessary things, you can set off to complete our task, namely to insert a radio transmitter into another tower, which is located in Haipule . As soon as you enter the global map, you will be contacted by radio and given a new order to save Highpool or CX - cent (you can choose any it will not affect anything)
Let's go to help location SH center (simply because it's closer). On the place we will know that all plants mutate and attack people, and people turn into zombies. Our taskfind out the cause of the infection, eliminate it, and then restore the work of the local radio tower. First we need to get to Main complex, and for this you will need to break through various mutants. In the main building you can take a break (trade, complete mini-tasks). Here we are met Kathy Lawson, local manager. She will tell us what happened here, namely, the intoxication of the fertilizer compartments. We need to fix the breakdown, save the people who are trapped and locked in the airlocks.

The task itself is not difficult, it comes down to the fact that we go down to the basement of the center, where we open the locked doors by breaking and moving along the chain we come to the boss of this location. It turned out to be Patrick Larsen(saboteur of synthetics) it was his fault that all plants mutated and people began to die. The fight with him will be difficult but quite passable. It remains to pour the serum into the tank (we find the serum in the process of completing the task). All, CX Center sapsen. You can now repair the satellite dish (located not far from the main building). Our next goal will be Highpool, that's where we're heading.

  • Beware the red plants (explode)
  • If a member of your squad has become infected, you can identify him, for this you need to complete the task (the serum will heal everyone)
  • At this location, a medic and first aid kit will be very useful.


On the radio, we are told to save people and repair the tower in Haipule. Saving people will be our main task. When we arrive in the city, we will find it in ruins. All that is required of us in this location is to reach the radio tower. Along the way, we will meet mutant lizards and a group of bandits. , they are easy to deal with.

Also on your way you can save death Sean Bergin, a member of the “Red Scorpions” clan (gangster group), it is up to you to save him or not. If you save you will learn more about the bandits and their enmity. At the end we will see that the radio tower is destroyed. We contact our headquarters, we learn from them that there is another station, which is located in Damonte. But getting to the city is not so easy. First you need to go to the old prison, which is now held by the Red Scorpions, and there to find out how to get through the radiation cloud to the east, where Damonta.

  • Be careful, opponents are weak but there are many of them
  • Do not rush to complete the task, first study the area
  • There are many traps in the location, prepare first aid kits


When we arrive at the location, we will see Fred Darvisom, he is a local merchant whose cart is stuck. After the help rendered to him, he will tell what things are going on here. And in fact, everything turns out to be sad, the local gang red scorpions, commits robbery in full. Not far from the entrance, we meet elderly people who complain about the hard life in the wastelands. Asking about Damontu they will answer that they need protective suits that they sell Red(dealer).

Reda no need to search for a long time opening the gate leading to the cave, we will go to the goat mountains), but the passage to it is blocked by two turrets, we destroy them (I did not find a way to turn them off). After talking with him, we learn that he does not have costumes, but he does have them. Bajchowski who is currently in jail Ranger Strongholds. We return to the global map and the headquarters is immediately contacted by dreams, they ask to protect the Radio Tower from synthetics. In fact, it turns out that there were only robots, we search them and return to the base

  • In order not to doom all civilians on the territory of the prison to death, do not kill the initially peaceful representatives of the red scorpions, especially those with unique names and dialogues.
  • There are a lot of additional tasks at the location (do not be too lazy to complete them, they are not difficult)
  • Don't forget to upgrade your "perception" it will help you notice useful items and ambushes
  • The fight with the robots is very long (buy first-aid kits and ammunition)


After doing a lot of useful work and becoming full-fledged Rangers, heading to our headquarters. Here you can study the local inhabitants. But first, we have another conversation with Vargos. He will ask you to give all the finds (details from robots) and give you one more task death investigation Hell Blade in the village Darwin. But we came here on a different matter, namely to talk to a prisoner in a local prison, Rick Bachowski.

He agrees to give us the coordinates a cache of costumes in exchange for freedom. Let's drop it and head to Trailer Rick(the point will appear on the map). How do we arrive at the place we will be contacted by radio, the command and demand to return Baichovski to the base, whether to do it or not is up to you, in any case we will get the desired costumes and the quest will be completed
Having opened the safe and put on protection, we go to the world map. Now our main goal is the radio tower Damonts. We just go into the radiation east of the prison and start looking for a passage.

  • In the Citadel, pay attention to all the characters, they have a lot of tasks that will help you gain experience
  • Sergeant Gilbert Sagarro nicknamed "Thresher" you can transfer the diary Asa and other interesting finds
  • After this task, you can return to the location Prison and fight the scorpions (you must be strong enough)


The passage will be in the very center of the eastern radiation cloud. This is the territory of certain sectarians (monks) with their own religion. When we enter the location, we will meet Jill Yeat, which will tell us that the cultists have deified the nuclear warhead and are keeping the entire region in fear, threatening "the wrath of Titan". And to go through the canyon to Damonte, it is necessary to make a donation to the monks. The bad news doesn't end there, by order Vargas,Angela Det must return to the citadel (she has good skills, so this is a heavy loss). And along the way we will meet introduced Army of the Rattlesnake (AGZ), which is supposedly an analogue of the Rangers. AGZ trying to eliminate the monks, but at the same time they don’t consider us allies and will attack (you can make an alliance with them by finding their base in the wasteland). As soon as we get to the first checkpoint, we need to make a donation (collect 3 barrels of radioactive waste). As soon as they gave it away, they give us an "escort" of one of the monks (suttily useless). We can head to Damontu.

  • Because the Angela Det leaves our squad should not be made the strongest in the squad, you risk getting into a hopeless situation
  • Collecting waste is an additional task (everything will be displayed on the minemap)
  • It is better to pass this location in a peaceful way (without joining groups)


Having finished our business, we go to the global map, where, having gone north, we will stumble upon Damontu. As soon as we arrive in the town, we will be contacted by radio from the rangers' stronghold. We will be allowed to listen to a radio broadcast about the New Citadel and the high-tech future, dedicated to half-humans - half-robots, whose wearable distribution has already begun. Vargas, wanting to know the source of the signal, will ask you to speed up. Herself Damonta been invaded by robots. Many residents are dead and robots are patrolling around.
In the southwest, in one of the buildings we can meet our friend Jill Yeat(she will give the task to "return the runaway cows").

This location is waiting for us, also boss robot who is holding a girl hostage. Having removed the robot's sex life, he will start his monologue, the fight will stop. But the hostage must be rescued, apply hacker skill on downstream management consoles, so so that we don't notice robots. First, hack a large computer, in order to read the inscriptions on small consoles, turn off lower of them. Now the hostage's life is safe. But the robot, noticing this, will start the fight. After defeating him a second time, we pick up tank track #TRL-01553. The rescued hostage needs to be returned to the elderly couple (they will ask you for help as soon as you enter Damontu). A Radio tower , which we are looking for, is located near the beginning of the location. But only it is fenced and you will need to open the gate. By inserting the radio transmitter into the control console of the radio tower, we will listen to the next radio message and determine the source of the signal, we will learn that the state of California is not destroyed, but the general Vargas demands our return to base.

  • There are a lot of mines in the location (the skill "explosive engineer is needed here)
  • Robots will be the main opponents (very large range of shots and a lot of health)
  • To break the lock on the gate near the radio tower, you will need a high lockpicking skill
  • If you let go Reda Baichowski, in this location he will show you another treasure and take you to it (at Reda very low health, can die easily)
  • After the battle with the Robot Boss, you can recruit a fighter in the cage (he is half a robot and therefore very smart)
  • Tank track #TRL-01553 useful for the Prison location (with its help we fix a robot that will help kill the leader of the bandits and thereby complete the quest)


When we return to Ranger Citadel, general Vargas will report that Angela Det(our former partner) died. She was sent with a reconnaissance group by helicopter to California, but the plane was shot down. We, after listening to her latest report, should go on the second helicopter to California, where we should help the local headquarters of the rangers.

Our plane did not have enough to the base and it crashed. We find ourselves in Santa Fe Springs This will be our new base. Shooting back from infected dogs, we find a lieutenant Wade Woodson(replacement to our Vargas). He will give us the task to clear the territory from annoying dogs and close the holes through which they climb. You need to close it with boards that can be found near the building where it is located Woodson. As a reward, we are giventhe key to the gate, behind which is the transition to the map, and new tasks (plot).

Increase broadcast radius in Los Angeles (find 3 repeaters for radio towers)
Investigate the attack on the Foxtrot group (deceased reconnaissance group)
Upgrade protective suits (for this you need to find bags of cat litter)
Reconnect with the Citadel in Arizona

  • You may not be allowed into California due to the small number of completed tasks (all additional tasks are located in the locations described above, they are all "give, bring, kill, save")
  • In the future, you will need strong fighters in the squad, do not forget to devote time to your squad
  • Worth doing equipment (new weapons are always useful)
  • Dogs, although weak, are quite numerous, do not let them surround you


As soon as we go out to explore the map, Woodson tell us that we have a local radio. And because in California many different groupings who are fighting for influence: Mannerites, synthetics, churchmen, robots, and they hate synthetics), then our program will be broadcast through the radio ("rule of law, prompt assistance to all those in need). So we can be given additional tasks, we will immediately be asked to "return the cows" (it must be completed to continue the plot). It turns out that the synths came to take tribute and took the cows, you need to act quickly otherwise they will be seen and you will fail. Once completed, Woods will contact us again - "Team Eco has a guest here at the base in Santa Fe." It turns out that local merchants have arrived, one of them is called Pistol Pete, these merchants are full of all kinds of good, but very expensive. Himself Pete gives us a big rescue quest Rhodium(there is our radio tower)


This is a big city that has a city hall, a hospital, a bank (which can be robbed), and a small casino with a brothel. At the entrance, we are met by a gate with guards and collect a fee (you can kill them, the gate will have to be opened by "brute force" and you can pay). Once in the city, you can start exploring it and doing side quests (very useful) or find a tower and a way to fix it. The radio tower will be practically in the center of the city, and it can be repaired Virgil, you can find it in the opium fields. You can also find bags with cat litter here, it’s not difficult to find them, they are visible from afar, you just need to explore the entire map. Next, let's go to Temple of the Angel.

  • Synths sometimes don't know that you are rangers and ask to attack the robots (sin refuse)
  • If you kill the guards at the gate, many will be hostile to you.
  • The mayor can be saved, but he will not be kind if you kill his son (who is a mystery)


AT angel temple, initially you can’t get there because the Mannerites (local group) mistakenly consider the Rangers responsible for killing civilians. To get into the location, we need to catch red-handed those who are behind all these. Immediately after leaving Rhodium, Woodson will tell us on the radio that next to Temple there is another attack, this is our chance. We advance to the place and see synths here, after their elimination, the Manners restore the reputation of the rangers and we can enter.
In the temple you can find a prisoner Fletcher, who is accused of slovenliness and will soon be hanged. After talking to him with him, he will refuse to run. But after that, when you leave the temple, the sheriff will stop you and say that Fletcher fled. Suspicions fell on us. We'll have to bail one of the squad.

You can start an investigation, or you can leave your comrade there. Our main task here is to activate the radio tower. It can be accessed from Mr Manners or Tori Robbinson(depending on whose lane you choose at the end of the quest with Fletcher). But it can be activated without it. To do this, you need to get into the ventilation. After entering the temple, turn left and go to the end, there will be a door to the toilet, and inside there is a ventilation grill in the wall. we pass through it. Here we go straight and turn left. We go to the end, on the shelves you can pick up another bag of cat litter. At the end of the piti there will be a ladder, we go up and get into the room behind the closed door Manners. We put the repeater and return the same way back. Done, the radio tower is active and transmitting a signal. We need to get back to Woodson and report.

  • If you decide to investigate the escape Fletcher, for this, be sure to ask everyone (so that all dialogues are available)
  • From the back of the cage where they kept Fletcher there will be traces, they will lead you to the main events of the task
  • This location also has a couple of bags we need (it’s not difficult to find them alone, you just need to talk to everyone, the bags will meet you on the way)
  • If you save all the girls (mini-task) you will be given a special coupon with which you can buy any item in the store for $1.


Woodson we give bags of cat litter and in return we get improved radiation suits, with which you can cross the northern radiation belt (you will need zeolite for the southern one). We leave for Hollywood, where we need to find this zeolite and activate another tower.

When we arrive, it turns out that the area is engulfed in religion and we need to join one of the three competing factions. All this we learn from the speaker from the TV Matthew, there will be a pile of stones nearby, we use dynamite on it, a secret passage will open for us, through which you can immediately get into the church. We need to talk to McDadom(leader of sectarians). We agree to its terms and enter into its sixth. Immediately he barks us the task of finding dirt on the evangelist Mayweather. As a reward, we will be given access to the radio tower (there is no choice). Compromising evidence on him can be given to you by his wife Faith.

A coup of power begins (we contributed to it), on the body of the one we killed Mayweather we take the key to the radio tower and repair it. Next to it there will be bags of zeolite we need (2 bags are in a safe, it can be blown up). Activate the radio tower and return to Woodson who owes us new suits.

  • If you decide to explore Hollywood(it's just teeming with "bring it kill" quests) take a look at Rambo, he owns a gun shop
  • If you decide to go down into the sewers, be careful the drug addicts there are very aggressive (you can also destroy their laboratory there)
  • What would Faith gave you compromising evidence, you need to find her ex-husband - Simms(It turns out that he was killed Mayweather and holiness White, proof is in the second)


After receiving improved suits (buy ammo, first aid kits), we set off through the southern radiation belt, to seal beach. Not far from the entrance we will see something that looks like a fortress. Near the entranceJoni Zipper and Dwizzle are standing. You need to understand which of them wants to help you, and who will lead you into a trap. The correct option is to trust Joni. He will lead through the left door, bypassing the ambush. But unfortunately, the battle with the synths cannot be avoided, but we have a very advantageous tactical position, they have to run out into the corridor that is under fire. Straightening up. Through the stairs we get inside the complex for the production of robots. Here we are waiting for a couple of doors that need to be neutralized with "explosives" and opened with the "computers" skill. Now we have a large workshop and Dugan (boss) - the leader of robots and the sworn enemy of synths (it turns out Dugan and Matthew- allies, another conspiracy theory).After the conversation, Dugan leaves and leaves behind several robots and a meson cannon. It's not hard to deal with them. As soon as they are done with, we head through the massive doors, right behind them is Dugan himself and the scorpion. There will be no problems with it, there are many shelters.

  • Use first aid kits more often ( a lot of unexpected meetings)
  • Before the fight with Dugan, place the most armored fighters in front of the squad
  • Take care of the main shooters and specialists

Dugan is done and we need to get back to Vargas. We sit in a robot helicopter and fly back to Arizona to help our brothers.


It turns out that the synths captured the citadel. We need to recapture it, but our ranger brothers, led by the general, will not help us alone. Vargas(as well as those whom you helped).Our first opponent will be the scorpitron burner (helpers are of little use). Inside Ranger Strongholds using the elevator we go down to the lower floors. There we are waiting Matthew and a crowd of synths. He will start his long monogol (unmissable), after which his body is captured by the Kochis base AI and all synths go under the control of the AI.

Pull your squad back (your allies will hold back the onslaught). Your main weapon is firepower (need to be collected as the game progresses), grenades will also come in handy.

And so Matthew defeated, and we still have to stop the spread of the AI ​​virus through a computer network. To do this, you need to detonate a nuclear bomb, but for this you need someone from your team to sacrifice themselves. We watch the last cut-scene and watch the movie.

Titan Canyon Map

Titan Canyon

It is possible to get to the canyon after we have a protective suit. If you have a monk on your team, who can be picked up at point 11, then many raiders will not attack you. In addition, if Angela Det is with us on the team, then she will fall to the base. Where it is possible to collect slag for donation is marked on the map with a green dot.

Some of the containers that the raiders have cannot be touched if you have a monk with you, then you will need to fight him and the raiders. In addition, you have the opportunity to choose who you prefer rattlesnakes or monks

note to the map

  1. Jill Yates, help heal Doc next to her and ask her about the monks and the Titans. At the time when you heal Doc, talk to her and she will ask you to find the shepherd Bart. Bart is on point 23
  2. Mysterious stranger follow him to point 4
  3. Follow this place to a stranger, he will ask for help to overthrow the monks, when using ass-licking, it is possible to take from him the key to the headquarters of rattlesnakes
  4. Tom, he doesn't have the mark of the Titans, and he killed people with the mark, and now the crazy monks will figure him out as an enemy. With sufficient conversational skill, it is possible to offer him help to find him help and a wife for him.
  5. Go to this point with Tom. In that place, deal with the badgers along with this so that Tom does not die in the battle. He will start digging a grave for his wife. Talk to him, he will give us the key. In the same place in the pot, take the banana pudding.
  6. It is possible to break the barrier, it is possible to shoot through it
  7. Church Police with Brother John.
  8. Brother Chavez will ask you to go to Brother Franks point 11.
  9. Let's notice the scene, as the monk will protect Sarah by blowing up everyone. Take Sarah's medallion, it is possible to give it to David Barnes in Damonte, after which kill her, or not.
  10. 1st roadblock. If you have Ralphi (rail nomad camp) in your team, then brother Ranel will report that he is his dad. While they are chatting, he will want to blow himself up. It is possible to convince him with sufficient dialogue skills. Then Brother Franks will be there, he will give us containers for collecting radioactive waste - this sludge will be a domestic donation. Brother Shapiro will join us and now raiders will not attack us
  11. Raider camp, if Shapiro's brother is with us, they will not start attacking
  12. Tank with radioactive waste for collecting sludge
  13. A few will attack us if one of the monks is with us. At Loagen Ryukdeshel, in case he is filled up, it is possible to pick up the AK-47
  14. Stinky Boar, will tell about the fact that they were attacked by people in dark uniforms and ask to be taken to the checkpoint
  15. Raiders will not attack you if a monk walks with you
  16. Gary Niger and the 2nd checkpoint with killed monks
  17. + 1 skill
  18. Raiders will not attack you if a monk is with us, there is another barrel of slag right there.
  19. Raiders quarrel, it is possible to try them on using pumped conversational skills
  20. In this place, go alone, do not take the monk Shapiro with you. Use the Trolley or the refrigerator. In general, a detachment will jump out here (if you don’t crack the alarm), hand over your weapons and go inside
  21. Rattlesnake Army Base Captain Sadler will ask us to help him get to the rocket in the Temple of the Titans and then they can attack the Temple, we will take the encoder for the control room
  22. Condemned shepherd Bart, you need to perfectly have a pumped hacking or strength skill. At the time when you release it, you will answer to Jill.
  23. Clyde will ask you for water and report to the roadblock that they are in trouble.
  24. 3rd Checkpoint where Brother Gorsky stands, tell him about Clyde and his problem
  25. Entrance further to the Temple of the Titans

Titan Temple

Titan Temple Map

note to the map

  1. Dale, he will ask him to help and give him one container of sludge, but using a conversational skill, you can understand that he is confused all the time in his own story and is most likely lying. But it is possible to give him a container, he will give it to us deserted. If you do this, then entering the territory of the Temple, he will tell you the password to the dark entrance
  2. Raiders will not attack you if Brother Shapiro is with you.
  3. Here it is possible to use Tom's key on the chest, which you have the opportunity to help in the canyon of the Titans
  4. Entrance to the temple if you work for the police
  5. Buck Dinges is a drunk, talk to him, maybe take a Kevlar vest and few power cells
  6. Mr. Taggart merchant
  7. Brother Roy Parsons. Here is the entrance to the Temple of the Titan, if you have collected all the containers, give them to the monk and you will be allowed to enter inside
  8. Brother Staal
  9. Enola's dad. He will ask us to find Brother Wright who ran into mine number 7 and found his own titan. We will have a new location warehouse number 7
  10. Dale (at point 2), if you help him with the container, then going inside he will be in this place, talk to him, he will say the password 60845 to the dark entrance to the temple of the Titans
  11. Entrance to the temple of the Titans, code 60845
  12. Brother Nero, it is possible to use the speaking skill and then he will depart
  13. Hardcore entrance to Temple of the Titans
  14. At the time when you persuade brother Nero, he will stay in this place, it is possible to kill him
  15. Polyclinic. Doctor Baum, it is possible to give him glasses, which can be found in Highpool at point 4 (watch on the map of Highpool), then he will write us a sick leave to the Temple
  16. Entrance to Temple Hardcore
  17. Physician Sydney Kyle
  18. Exit to the wasteland, it will be possible to exit at the end of the conversation with Enol's father, at the time when you agree to find the warhead in warehouse number 7
  19. Temple hardcore entrance
  20. Condemned Brother Guano
  21. Toaster, in case it is repaired, we will take depleted uranium
  22. Titan rocket mockup

How much and what to do

At the time you arrive at Titans Canyon, it is possible to take several routes. It is possible to get to the 1st checkpoint and agree to bring donations for the crazy monks. To do this, you need to collect radioactive sludge in three containers.

At the end of which we will be allowed to enter the territory of the Temple of the Titans.

The most reliable option on how to get to the rocket unnoticed is to help Dale (map Canyon Temple point 2 and 11), then he will give the code to the entrance to the temple and get to the rocket by breaking the locks. At the time when we approach the rocket, Enol's dad will appear and ask to find a warhead for him in mine number 7, if we agree, then there will be no battle, if not, we fight

Second option. It is possible to find a closed camp of the army of rattlesnakes (point 21.22 on the map) for this, use a trolley or a refrigerator. At the base of rattlesnakes, Captain Sandler will give us an encoder and ask us to get into the Canyon Temple itself, for this we use the entrance (watch point 5 on the Canyon Temple map) and make our way to the rocket, bypassing the patrols,

Together, where the convicted brother Guano sits in the corner, it is possible to find the “Pamphlet from the Titan Rocket Museum” and bring it to Sandler, as confirmation that the rocket is just a dummy. Sandler will ask you to bring him a warhead from mine number 7.

In general, the task to go into the mine and bring a warhead can be given to you by both rattlesnakes and monks, you decide which of them you will go to meet. Moving up the global map to the mine from the Temple of the Titans, you will stumble upon Damonta

How to get to the rocket without killing anyone

Mine (warehouse) No. 7

Red will rummage around a little more and report: “Not here.” and dump, and we go further to the mine.


Pass through the mines and turrets and go inside. In that place, Ryan is already waiting for us. Talk to the monk. At the end of which we have a couple of options for action, we can go to the computer and launch a rocket at the monks or at the AGZ.

It is possible to disable the warhead by using the explosives skill, but in any case, when we arrive at the Temple of the Titan location, we will notice a picture that all the monks have been killed. Near the exit to the wasteland (point 19 on the map) a new toaster will appear, in there will be a "hymn to the fiery flood"

In order to open the safe next to the computer, we switch to English in the game, go to the computer and write the word Joshua in the input line. We will open a panel in British, select the “no” option. After that, a safe will open to our right.

Wasteland 2 Walkthrough - [#24] - Titan Canyon

rail nomad camp map

note to the map

  1. Entrance to the location
  2. Jessica
  3. Where will Ralphie drown
  4. Topecan with a severed leg
  5. Mine the bike in the playground
  6. shooter junkies
  7. radioactive mushrooms
  8. Cemetery, it is possible to dig up a lot of fascinating things, it is possible to reach a medal of honor from a toaster, it is possible to give this medal in the Atkinson camp to Honest John. The star will say Bellona, ​​which is the password for the safe in Darwin Village.
  9. Archive in there will be a book "Rise of the Midnight Bomber" +1 to the skill of the caller
  10. house with people
  11. Here is Ralphie whom we saved, at the time when he was drowning in the river, it is possible to take him into his own team. He has a perfectly pumped toaster repair skill 5
  12. woman Anna will give us the item "Anna's eagle feather"
  13. Scotchmo might have this bum on his own team. If you do not want him to be in your team, transfer him to the team everything that he has in his inventory to the second team member and exclude him.
  14. The rotting corpse of a desert ranger. Pick up the A.K. Ranger Star from it. and his diary. Give General Vargas
  15. This is an entertaining and at the same time a little boring quest. Apply force to the turtle, then follow it. She will plod along for a very long time and eventually die on the shore and a stump will appear near her, which can be dug out.
  16. A place that you have the opportunity to dig if you follow the turtle
  17. Æthelwulf utopia, it is possible to give the captain Ethyl Mercaptan in the citadel
  18. Use the animal taming skill on the statue. A scientist rat will come out from under the statue. The owner of the animal will be subject to the effect of N.I.M.Z secret. + 1 intelligence
  19. It is possible to use a train whistle
  20. The bar in which Gorkinovich is located, which implements the squeeze. You need to have the 4th ass-licking skill and then the Gorkinovich distillery label will appear on the map. In the bar, ask Samuel about the ranger Ace, with the pumped dialogue skills, he will agree and tell about the ranger and the robot battle and give you Ace's diary. If you take Angela Det to the bar with you, she will shoot him. Contact the base and report back.
  21. A gun shop where Mr Holliday will be. It is possible for him to return the stolen goods by drug addicts. The goods are in the Atkinson camp
  22. Old slot machines. Go inside and talk to Quorex, offer him help. He will ask you to bring an old CD-I device for him. Located in the Atkinson camp, can be purchased from Honest John
  23. Going into this trailer on the cabinet shelf, take the book “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” give it to Corporal Flintlock Eggleston at Ranger Citadel
  24. Merchant "Torchok" It is possible to shove radioactive mushrooms into him. See the location on the map (7)
  25. If there is Scotchmo in the domestic team, he will take us to the hiding place
  26. An unusual person will follow us
  27. Dilapidated radio tower, we need to find details of it in case we want to attach a repeater to it
  28. The meeting room where the Topekan chief resides
  29. entrance to Camp Atchinson
  30. If you wish to steal the golden crutch (does not lead to peaceful response) Generator. Disarming the alarm before trying to disarm it. Turn off the generator.
  31. Side entrance to the meeting room, you need to remove the alarm and hack, you need a huge level of skills. It is necessary besides this in order to steal the golden crutch
  32. The golden crutch

Peaceful response to conflict between Topekans and Akinsons

At the time when you deal with the SH-center or Highpool, be sure to go to the citadel to sell the trash, buy some and take other tasks. Upon completion of this task, you will be allowed inside. Here I will not describe all the additional tasks.

We run to the city center. A woman, Jessie, will run out to meet us and ask for help for a drowning man. Run after her to the bridge, run along it to the pillars.

Ralphie will be in the water, use force on the pillar, it will fall into the water and Ralphie will be saved. Talk to him and go further into the city. On the way you will come across a Topekan with a severed leg, help him by applying surgery.

Then it is possible to go to the camp ... .. and chat with Kekkab - report to him that we helped one of the Topekans. Talk to him. He will tell that they have hostility between the Atkinsons and the Topekans. He does not want us to help him in conflicts.

In order to talk to him, you need to find the brake pad.

Go to the Atchinson camp. Talk to leader Casey. If you ask him about the pads, he will tell you to bring his daughter to him and then he will tell you where the pads are (the pads are in the swing next to his house, you need to break them easily). It is fundamentally important: but if you bring the stocks to Kekkab, then he will inform us now, we will wipe them all off the face of the earth and will do it without that, in general, this is not a solution to the problem.

In order to peacefully resolve the conflict, talk to Casey with a proposal for peace (do not ask questions about the pads) Then he will report that he is ready for a truce if we bring his daughter.

We go back to Kekkabu, then you need the smart-ass skill - 6 or ass-licking - 5. If you have one of the skills, he will let Jesse go. Go back to Casey and talk to him. He will offer to meet near the broken roads.

Note that at the end of his sentence, the word together is in italics. Write this word right on the line. Then you will offer him a new option, “What if you both begin to have it?”.

In general, he agrees.

Again we run to Kekkabu, he will demand that Casey cut off his left hand and then he agrees to the world. We go to the arrow, which will be near the entrance to the Atchinson camp and talk about it to Casey. He will agree.

Camp Atkinson

Camp Atkinson Map

note to the map

  1. enter exit
  2. Holliday's Stolen Supplies
  3. rail thief camps
  4. Camp Atkinson, Melissa
  5. Antiquities of the switchman - Honest John's trading shop it is possible to give him a medal He will tell about Darwin. Buy a CD-I from him
  6. The house where there is a broken toaster. After repairing it, I took a liquid fertilizer sprayer and give it to Melon Lewis in the CX center. He will give you a melon, use it and you will see the effect melon +1 charisma +2 AP
  7. Chisel is located, if we solve the conflict between the camps, he will be at the exit from the camp of the rail nomads, it will be possible to take him into the group a good tank, but little intelligence
  8. Casey James Principal Atkinsons
  9. brake pads - hidden in the swing, you need to smash them. As has been repeated before, pads do not lead to a peaceful response to the conflict between the warring camps.

Gorkinovich distillery

Gorkinovich distillery

The mark on the map will appear only after we chat with Gorkinovich in the camp of rail nomads, and you need to have more than 4 ass-licking skills. He will ask you to find his missing party. Take a look at the plant at the end and report to Gorkinovich.

note to the map

  1. Larry he was surrounded by tramps, here it is possible to use conversational skills in order to peacefully resolve the conflict, or fight. In addition, if you take Scotchmo with you, he will solve the problem. Ivan will ask us to deal with honey badgers
  2. Ben, it is possible to give him dried juniper berries, which are available in the toaster in the colony location. For this he will give a special squeeze.

Wasteland 2 WORLD in the Rail Nomads Camp walkthrough (part 5) release version 2014 Steam


On the page you will find a complete walkthrough of the game Wasteland 2. The guide is supported by screenshots and comments by the author. Wasteland 2 walkthrough completed 100% to the best final ending.


In the client with localization from BUKI, critical errors were found in the dialogs. Simply put, replicas and choices began to disappear. All this leads to stupor in tasks and can ruin the passage. In case of inconsistencies in the dialogues, switch to English. and re-pass this section.

Detailed walkthrough of the game Wasteland 2. Part 1.

Walkthrough Wasteland 2 begins with a briefing by General Vargas. Listen to him fully and ask about all the subtleties of the task. At once take a shovel at the graves and along the way we drip embankments, any useful junk can get there. After marking the quest on the map, go up and to the left, further down and talk to Angela. She'll want to help with the search for the missing boy and the mission with the relays and the tower. I took her to the team.

Walk until the map and get to the destination - "radio tower". Along the way, do not forget to report on the radio, this is not only a way to get a promotion, but also a special quest mechanism through which you will interact with your superiors, and also sometimes receive incoming signals, that is, extra. missions. Entering the location, we stomp right and carefully peer into the bushes to the left of the mountains, the badge of the deceased will be lying around in the water of them. After, following the footsteps, we go higher and going out to the gang, we start a dialogue.

Here we either wet them or pay. You can also go to the right, but there you have to disable the alarm and break open the door. If such skills are absent, then in any case you will have to go to the breach. After the battle, by the way, with the help of a computer engineer, you can set up a tower signal and get something like Morse code in response. On the map, in addition to the plot campaign, there is one cave with toaster and statue, which gives additional experience, and there are a couple of boxes on the right in the street. Don't forget to check the finds for traps.

After entering the cave, in the north of the map, kill a huge frog and collect ALL quest items nearby. You should have a repeater and scraps of a diary. Now we leave and stomp to the south. On the way, the chief will contact us and give us two points for verification, these are also towers. But everyone will be attacked, so here you need make a choice to which rush first. I drove my company first to "SH-center".

Having entered the location of the SH center, go straight and you can run around the neighborhood in search of mutant beetles and other living creatures. In the center, you can cut down the fence and open the box. To the left, if you move away from the fence in that direction, you can find a sealed door on the south side of the building and a mined one on the west. Inside the safe and boxes with weapons. We undermine the door and we are inside. Now go through the thickets to the end, there is still a safe and boxes.

Now stomp to the northern part, to the door, shrouded in vines. Bazaar on the "intercom" with a scientist and cutting down the plants, we go inside. First, we undermine the pulsating contraption to the left of the passage from a distance, but only from a distance so as not to get infected. In the future, you also need to avoid this rubbish, although if you complete the tasks at the center by 100%, then you will eventually receive the medicine.

Inside we talk with the staff and get the task of saving the complex. As well as a task to search for fruits from those plants that explode on contact. There are 10 fruits in total. After the dialogues, three passages will unlock. We go to the right and if skills allow, then we hack the doors from above, and then from below. After meeting the scientist, in the first door on the right, you can join the lady to the team and she will also cope with the code lock. We stomp further.

On the way, four people from the laboratory will be caught in an ambush. We take a position behind the fence and bring down all the zombies and insects. Then we break the plants and collect the remaining fruits. Returning to the center, give the find to the doctor and go left. Now we unlock another door with a combination lock. Then you have to go through the location again and at the end save the person from the rabbits. We speak with the man, then we head to the last, central door and dive into the basement.

Now you need unlock the gateway, which is opposite the control panel, not to the sides. We get down and kill the guards that come across along the way. Don't forget to search the holes with a shovel. We find a passage in the wall on the right. Inside, take the weapon from the corpse and go forward. In the next room, chat with a person, take a spray gun, further, behind the locked door, there are more nyshtyachki. If you have the skills to break locks and electronics, then rummage around. One box is mined. Now take the man out of the basement and go to the lady and the man in the wheelchair, they are located where you met the doctor who is now on your team.

Give the sprayer to the doctor, and she will cure the cripple, but not you. We return back to the basement. And now we go through the gateway to the left of the control panel. Here you need to break open the doors, for this you need a good burglar. After, move forward and if there is a technician in the team, then repair the robot, it will break through the plants. If not, then knock out the boards by force and kill the guards in the cave. Finally, you must come to the surface.

Once at the location of the prison, go along the road and find a merchant with a goat. We pull out his cart with the help of brute force, and then we talk. He will tell us about the place on the hill, where Red sits under the turrets. He will tell you about scorpions and you can also trade with him. To the left of the entrance to the city, there will be a farm, where one of the inhabitants will ask you to return the stolen pigs to him. A little further, a wounded woman will lie. She will ask you to kill her, but if you do this, the farmer and his family will hide from you.

To the right of the location there is also a settlement and a couple of houses. There you can also take the task of repairing the well, if there is a skilled technician, then we repair it. Then we talk with all the characters on the territory and go up. Scorpions at the checkpoint will ask for money, supposedly a tax on weapons. If you don’t want to pay, then you can go around through everything, too, the settlement on the left. There is a tap there, and if there is an intelligent hacker, then the container from the entrance to the cave can be removed and the prison can be entered from the basement. Also, there is another move, already to the left of the container.


If you want to amicably resolve conflicts with scorpions, do not kill them, bypass patrols and checkpoints.

If you want to walk quietly, then stomp through main passage and not through the basement. There, along the minefield, to the left and further up, to the main farms, but you still have to fight once. If with a fight, it is better to approach from the basement. In the basement itself, you will also have to fill up about a dozen enemies. I found a grenade launcher in a crate at the back, so I slipped through the place very easily. After leaving the street, take a position from above on the ledge and extinguish the guards from above. Nothing difficult either. When finished, knock the enemies out of position on the uphill and exit to the farms.

On the farm, if you pass the patrol on the road, you can walk without a fight. Talk to all the inhabitants, and most importantly with the man at the dovecote. Now go on the left side and knock out the door at the pigsty. After freeing the pigs, you will complete the task of the farmer. You can do this quietly or by shooting. If you want to be quiet, then break through the fence on the other side of the pigsty and two more passages behind the corn field. If you go down to the prison itself, then you will stumble upon a protected area from a minefield and two turrets.

There is no way to get through here yet, a step behind the stones and the whole group is mashed. Let's chat with a key character named Red, on the main quest. We return to the farmer who was looking for pigs, and then we go to the wounded woman. Next to it there is a descent into the mine, through the grate. It can be broken or hacked, the tunnel will lead to a merchant on the goat mountain. You can also get to Red through the front entrance, but there you have to fight with the turrets or enter the client code into the panel (I never found the code). If you don’t feel sorry for the cartridges and first-aid kits, go ahead. (Sniper, turrets don't reach, use that).

In conversation, you will learn that you need to visit the convict in the rangers' stronghold. Upon arrival, go to the main gate. Inside, we run around all the merchants and all the characters. When the tour is over, go to the prison and free the prisoner in exchange for help in finding a suit. Now you can go to his stash (it's in the west of "Rick's Trailer"), there you can find a radiation protection suit, code to the safe "733". The criminal was released, as promised. After that, I scrambled through the infected stations, on a mission from Sue. Unfortunately, I could not complete it, because. one medicine was not enough. Earlier, I wrote later so that you do not spend the medicine, if you obey, then complete the task.

I also ran through the locations below, in the south. Nothing special, just killed the weak mobs and collected the goodies. At the same time, I recommend looking beyond the border with radiation, sometimes there are caches where you can find good weapons, armor and ammunition. Without a suit, of course, it is better not to go there. Do not forget to look into the mysterious temples, they give pumping. After all this, I also went to the previously explored location "Radio Tower" to check the signal. The point will have about five robots, we clean the loca and leave

It is also worth finding people in the center behind the truck and taking a task from them to clean up the building opposite. You can go there through the front entrance. After killing everyone, report to the man, the water cooler is inside the building, near the entrance. After that, you can go to the merchants, which are located in the northern part, they are guarded by robots, but it’s worth fighting for a good merchant. If you give some weapons to the second girl, then she will give you a "big berta" machine gun, though under the caliber 7.62.

In the diner in the center of the map, you can find two people who have lost a girl, we agree to help them. We go higher and come across 10 robots and one turret. To win, we bring the robots to ourselves, while leaving part of the group on the hill to the left, there is still a statue. After killing everyone, move on, not aggro a group of monsters in the center, but carefully, along the wall, we exit to the hangar. We grope for the entrance and prepare for battle. Making a separate save.

First you need to decide whether you will save the girl, which is held in the middle by a humanoid robot. If you do, then you do not need to fight next to the generator and computers that are in the corner. You can sneak to a cage with people and fight there as much as you like.

We kill all the robots that have come running, then we take on the enemy in the center of the map. We remove half of his lives and then he will stop the shootout and allow him to enter into a dialogue. We don’t tire him with conversations, he won’t say anything anyway. Just at this moment, go to the computers and hack the settings indicated in the screenshots, strictly in the order described above. Set up an ambush around the robot in advance and try not to hit the tied girl in battle.

For those who do not want to bother and look for sophisticated solutions, you should just shoot the enemies, remove the key from the boss's neck and go to the tower across the yard. I preferred the bloodless option.

We scout the situation and visit the temple. Now you need to find beer on the roof of the temple in the chest. Then go out into the courtyard and give the beer to the soldier at the table. He will talk and blurt out about the eye, it needs to be stolen. It is located next to this place, near the fence. You can steal it through a gap in the same fence. Taking the eye, go to your wife in the temple and show it. In return, she will give dirt on the head. Take it to the person at the cells with people. Then proceed to the hall. After killing the head, you will be given a key. Use this key to unlock the door in the yard.

At the checkpoint, take all bags of zeolite (3 pcs.). There are two more in the safe, but you will need a good lockpicking skill here. At the end of the location there will be another tower, insert the transmitter. In the dialogue, do not forget to mention Matvey, and we ourselves leave the loca. If you want to help the prostitutes win back the place, then break the door panel with brute force and kill the guards in the yard. After, prostitutes will run in and you will be able to hand over the task to the leader in the pack. It is not necessary to finish off the rest, but it is possible for the sake of experience.

As a result, we should get 6 bags of zeolite. This is enough to create a suit for 6 radiation. We go home and get a suit from the chief. When you go out into the wasteland, you will receive a signal about the attack of a giant synth. The fight with him will be easy. Place the soldiers around the perimeter and do not climb close, otherwise you will run into a flamethrower and small bugs. After killing everyone, we go to the Seal Beach. The denouement is approaching, collect cartridges, improvements, first-aid kits. Clean out your backpacks. Nothing else is useful to you, merge all white objects and unnecessary trash.

At the point we speak with the merchant and do not recommend him to go to the synths with toys. There will be two synths on the left, one of which will lead you into an ambush, and the second one really wants to help. We don’t torture our heads, Johnny will help, the second one needs to be shot. We follow Johnny and when he falls down, you can shoot an ambush or hack the terminal and close the door. Having penetrated the subway, we begin the search for the main workshop.

As soon as you stumble, get ready for a solid fight. A tank, two shooters and melee warriors from the heels will be placed against. You won’t be able to sit out, the enemy will take up defense, and the tank’s cannon, every three moves, will strike very painfully. The easiest option is to work with grenade launchers on groups of enemies and on a tank, but, in principle, it all depends on equipment and skills. If the energy weapon is well pumped, then the synths will die quickly. For example, I was able to get almost everyone with a sniper and headshots. No one was worried about damage in 480. The tank was overwhelmed by numbers.

Before leaving the surface, prepare for an even more serious mess. A combat scorpion, a tank and a main synth with minions await you. Theoretically, you can dump without a fight. the helicopter standing behind has an active icon for leaving the location, but I still killed the enemies. And, by the way, not in vain, the chief had a good set of protection and weapons, which cost 2k scrap in the store.

Arriving at the battlefield, bargain with the sellers for the last time, stock up on everything you need as much as possible and storm the citadel.

In the first couple of fights, it will be possible to retreat and bribe, entering the citadel, the path to the merchants will be cut off. We go down into the opened hatch. Boss ahead. Send the doctor from the SH center forward, and without a weapon, if she is still on your team, she will definitely become one of the enemies. And you yourself take positions along the perimeter, better even a hill. Carry on a dialogue with Matvey, and when "AI Kochis" moves into him, choose your fate. I chose to fight.

The fight is hard, there are sooo many enemies. To win, coordinate the work of all soldiers in such a way as to prevent mixing. The enemy must keep his distance. You need to beat off three waves. Moreover, even if the enemy seems to be defeated and only snipers and grenade launchers remain on the horizon, still do not rush to attack. There will be reinforcements, right behind the two structures in the center. Hit them until they run out. Then storm the positions and finish off the former Matvey.


Immediately after the fight, a countdown will begin and when it reaches 100%, humanity will be destroyed. Drop everything, there is no time for a search, do not scrape weapons and supplies, they will no longer be needed. You need to quickly rush to the edge and leave the location. Next, we hack the panel and go out into the flight room. There will be a turntable and our former partner. We speak with her (the timer will stop). Now there are several options: fly away without detonating the bomb, or go to detonate it.

If you are going to undermine, then prepare the burglar, he must go down the sills and break two doors on the left. There will be a nuclear bomb in the room. In the dialogue with the bomb, one hero can sacrifice himself for the sake of the group. The rest are saved.

Everything, the successful passage of the game Wasteland 2 is completed. The main thing is that mankind has been saved from the threat of complete annihilation. Next, a debriefing will take place, where you will be shown the results of your walk. Enjoy.

note to the map

  1. Entrance to the location
  2. Jessica
  3. Where will Ralphie drown
  4. Topecan with a severed leg
  5. Mine the bike in the playground
  6. shooter junkies
  7. radioactive mushrooms
  8. Cemetery, you can dig up a lot of interesting things, you can get a medal of honor from the toaster, this medal can be given in the Atkinson camp to Honest John. The star will say Bellona, ​​which is the password for the safe in Darwin Village.
  9. The archive inside will be the book "Dawn of the Midnight Scorer" +1 to Vozvotechnik skill
  10. house with people
  11. Here is Ralphie whom we saved when he was drowning in the river, you can take him to your team. He has a well pumped toaster repair skill 5
  12. girl Anna will give us the item "Anna's eagle feather"
  13. Scotchmo, you can take this bum to your team. If you don't want him to be on your team, just put him on your team, transfer everything he has in your inventory to another team member and expel him.
  14. The rotting corpse of a desert ranger. Pick up from it star ranger A.K.. and his diary. Give to General Vargas
  15. This is an interesting and at the same time a little boring quest. Apply force to the turtle, then follow it. She will trail for a very long time and eventually die on the shore and a stump will appear near her, which you can dig out.
  16. A place you can dig if you follow the turtle
  17. Æthelwulf utopia, can be given to Captain Ethyl Mercaptan in the citadel
  18. Use the taming animal skill on the statue. A scientist rat will come out from under the statue. The owner of the animal will be subject to the effect of N.I.M.Z secret. + 1 intelligence
  19. You can use the train horn
  20. The bar where Gorkinovich is located, who sells pomace You need to have the 4th ass-licking skill and then a mark will appear on the map distillery Gorkinovicha. In the bar, ask Samuel about the ranger Ace, with pumped dialogue skills, he will confess and tell you about the battle between the robot and the ranger and give you Ace's diary. If you take Angela Det to the bar with you, she will shoot him. Contact the base and report back.
  21. The gun shop where Mr. Holliday will be. You can return the stolen goods to him by drug addicts. The goods are in the Atkinson camp
  22. Old slot machines. Go inside and talk to Quorex, offer him help. He will ask you to bring an ancient CD-I device for him. Located in the Atkinson camp, can be bought from Honest John
  23. Going into this trailer on the cabinet shelf, take the book " do androids dream of electric sheep? Take it to the Ranger Citadel to Corporal Flintlock Eggleston
  24. Merchant "Torchok" You can shove radioactive mushrooms into him, see the location on the map (7)
  25. If we have Scotchmo in our team, he will take us to the cache
  26. A strange man will follow us
  27. An old radio tower, we need to find parts for it if we want to attach a repeater to it
  28. The meeting room where the Topekan chief resides
  29. entrance to Camp Atchinson
  30. If you want to steal the golden crutch (does not lead to a peaceful solution) Generator. Disarm the alarm before trying to turn it off. Turn off the generator.
  31. Side entrance to the meeting room, you need to remove the alarm and hack, you need a high level of skill. This is also necessary to steal the golden crutch.
  32. The golden crutch

Peaceful solution to the conflict between Topekans and Akinsons

When you deal with the SH-center or Highpool, be sure to go to the citadel to sell junk to buy and get other tasks. After completing this task, you will be allowed inside. Here I will not describe all the additional tasks. We run to the city center. The girl Jessie will run out to meet us and ask for help for a drowning man. Run after her to the bridge, run along it to the pillars. Ralphie will be in the water, use force on the pillar, it will fall into the water and Ralphie will be saved. Talk to him and go further into the city. On the way you will come across a Topekan with a severed leg, help him by applying surgery.

After that, you can go to the camp ... .. and talk to Kekkaba - report to him that we helped one of the Topekans. Talk to him. He will tell you that they have a feud between the Atkinsons and the Topekans. He does not want us to help him in any conflicts. To talk to him, you need to find a brake pad.

Go to the Atchinson camp. Talk to leader Casey. If you ask him about the pads, he will say bring his daughter to him and then he will tell you where the pads are (the pads are in the swing next to his house, you just need to hit them). Important: but if you bring the stocks to Kekkab, then he will say now we will destroy them all and will do so, in general, this is not a solution to the problem. To peacefully resolve the conflict, talk to Casey with an offer of peace (do not ask about the pads) Then he will say that he is ready for a truce if we bring his daughter.

We go back to Kekkab, then you need the smart-ass skill - 6 or ass-licking - 5. If you have one of the skills, he will let Jesse go. Go back to Casey and talk to him. He will offer to meet near the broken paths. Note that at the end of his sentence, the word together highlighted in italics. Write this word directly on the line. Then you will offer him a new option "What if you both own it?". In general, he agrees.

Again we run to Kekkabu, he will demand that Casey cut off his left hand and then he agrees to peace. We go to the arrow, which will be near the entrance to the Atchinson camp and talk about it to Casey. He will agree.

Camp Atkinson

note to the map

  1. enter exit
  2. Holliday's stolen supplies
  3. rail thief camps
  4. Camp Atkinson, Melissa
  5. Antiquities of the switchman - Honest John's trading shop and you can give him a medal He will tell about Darwin. Buy a CD-I from him
  6. The house where there is a broken toaster. I repaired it and got liquid fertilizer sprayer Give it to Melon Lewis in the CX Center. He will give you a melon, use it and you will get the melon effect +1 charisma +2 AP
  7. Chisel is located, if we solve the conflict between the camps, he will stand at the exit from the camp of the rail nomads, he can be taken into a group of an excellent tank, but little intelligence
  8. Casey James chief of the Atkinsons
  9. brake pads- hidden in the swing, you need to smash them. As already repeated earlier, the stocks do not lead to a peaceful solution to the conflict between the warring camps.

Gorkinovich distillery

Gorkinovich distillery

The mark on the map will appear only after we talk to Gorkinovich in the camp of rail nomads, and you need to have more than 4 ass-licking skills. He will ask you to find his missing party. Take a look at the factory and then report to Gorkinovich.

note to the map

  1. Larry he was surrounded by tramps, here you can use conversational skills to peacefully resolve the conflict, or fight. Also, if you take Scotchmo with you, it will solve the problem. Ivan will ask us to deal with honey badgers
  2. Ben, you can give him dried juniper berries, which are in the toaster in the prison location. For this he will give a special squeeze.

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