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Choux pastry for dumplings is a universal recipe. Choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings: recipe for Slavic cuisine Choux pastry for dumplings

Dear culinary comrades, I am publishing the long-promised recipe for choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings. First of all, I want to thank the culinary specialist Vodoleyka for her recipe for choux pastry for dumplings, which became the starting point in my research. The taste of this wonderful dough delighted me, but over time a serious drawback was revealed: frozen products made from it tore during cooking... Having tried other choux pastry recipes on the site and not being satisfied with the results, I thought a little and quite quickly found the right solution. I hope you will like this choux pastry too. I never tire of apologizing for the “beauty” of the photographs...

Ingredients for “Choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings”:

Recipe for “Choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings”:

I made dumplings with cabbage. Everything is clear about the filling: sauté chopped onions and grated carrots, wash the cabbage, squeeze, chop and simmer with carrots and onions.

So, the dough. Sift one and a half cups of flour with salt, make a well and pour vegetable oil into it.

Pour boiled water into oil and stir until smooth. Let cool slightly, my dough took 5 minutes to cool.
Lightly beat the egg in a separate container, just to mix the white with the yolk. Pour the egg into the hot, but not fiery, dough and begin to mix. At first, the dough will separate into fragments that slide merrily in the bowl with the help of the egg, but after a minute you will get a homogeneous choux pastry.

Sift the second half of the flour onto the work surface, make a small depression, lay out the custard mixture and knead the dough to the usual dumpling consistency.
This dough is very soft and manageable, kneading it is a real pleasure.
Place the finished dough back into the bowl to ripen, covered with a damp towel. It had to sit for at least half an hour, mine rested for an hour because I was cooking something else. You can leave it on for a longer time if you are busy, but make sure that the towel does not dry out.

Sprinkle the working surface with a little flour (the dough has picked up moisture from the towel, now it needs more flour), somewhere on the edge, where it is convenient, pour out a separate tablespoon of flour, we will need it in a couple of minutes. Divide the dough in half, roll out one piece, and continue to rest the second piece under a towel.
We cut out circles from the rolled out layer; with a slight movement of the hand we turn all the dough remaining from cutting into a small bun and return it under the towel. YES! The scraps of this dough remaining after rolling are instantly formed into a completely uniform piece, soft and tender.

We additionally roll each circle with a rolling pin to the desired thickness; this method is much more convenient than masochistically trying to roll out a huge layer of dough to 2 mm. This dough hardly shrinks after rolling!!!, and the thickness of the layer you choose is maintained.
Place the filling on each circle.

Now pay attention, we really need that small pile of flour that lies on the edge of the table now. The hand with which you seal the dumpling should be thoroughly dipped in flour. The dough has a plasticine effect, the edges stick together perfectly, but when squeezed, the outer part of the seam can be pulled by your fingers. To avoid this, dip your fingers in flour each time. This is how we make all the dumplings or dumplings. Those that are intended for freezing in NZ, I immediately place them in batches on a lightly floured cutting board (I have one that fits exactly in the freezer), lightly freeze them and put them in a container for storage.
Regarding the amount of filling. I had about three tablespoons left, but I quickly sharpened it while my dumplings were cooking.

Let's put on the water! Bring 2 liters of water to a boil, add a teaspoon of salt, WAIT until the water boils again, and throw in the dumplings. In my 2.5 liter saucepan I cook them in batches of 10 pieces. It’s difficult to determine the exact cooking time, I like everything well cooked, no al dente, so I cooked it for probably 10 minutes.
I think the vast majority of cooks know this very well without me, but if young housewives or men suddenly joined us... As soon as you throw all the dumplings into the water, immediately stir them carefully, otherwise they may stick to the bottom of the pan. The frozen ones will stick for sure!

We strain the water well, throw a rather large piece of butter on top, and with a fork, gently grease the dumplings with it. Leave for 2-3 minutes to cool down a little, iiiiii.....
Let's return to the test.
1) Very soft, pliable when rolled out, the scraps completely merge with each other.
2) Very soft when finished, but nevertheless holds fillings well, does not tear, cooked frozen products completely retain their taste.
Hope you find it useful! Bon appetit!


Hi all! Vika Leping is with you, and today I will tell you how to make choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings, the recipe for which is very simple and understandable to everyone. To be honest, my mother was preparing it when I came to visit her for dumplings with cherries, which will appear in my culinary blog next time!

The choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings is prepared very quickly, it does not stick to your hands, to the table, to the rolling pin and to everything else, so it will appeal to everyone who is doing this for the first and not the first time. By the way, I once tried to make something, but it took me a couple of hours and I realized that my hands weren’t up to it 😀 And then my mother showed me this recipe and taught me the wisdom!

So, choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings, or how to make dough for dumplings and dumplings.


  • - wheat, premium - 4 glasses without a slide
  • - 1 glass
  • - 1 piece (possible without it)
  • - pinch

Cooking method

Let's start preparing the dough for dumplings or dumplings by boiling water. While it is boiling, beat the egg with a pinch of salt. Those who don’t eat eggs (or try not to eat them, like me) skip this stage. Now sift the flour into a large bowl.

Take a fork, make a well in the middle of the flour and pour a glass of boiling water into it. Now the most important thing is how to knead the dough for dumplings and dumplings. We act quickly. Mix the dough with boiling water thoroughly with a fork and do not stop.

Add (or not add) the beaten egg and continue to thoroughly knead the dumpling or dumpling dough with a fork. The main thing is not to pour the egg into boiling water so that the white does not curdle.

Continue stirring the choux pastry for dumplings with cherries, potatoes or dumplings with a fork until it cools a little (this will happen quickly), and then continue kneading with your hand.

When the choux pastry for dumplings sets as in the photo...

We put it on the table and continue kneading it on the table. The dough for dumplings does not stick to anything, so there is no need to dust it with flour.

Knead the lump for 10 minutes until smooth. The dough recipe for dumplings and dumplings, as you can see for yourself, is very simple.

By the way, if you are going to cook dumplings or dumplings, you should make the dough in advance so that it has time to cool. Wrap it in a towel and let it lie for 1 hour, stirring it for 30 seconds every 15 minutes. If you leave the choux pastry without a towel, it will become covered with a thin crust.

That's all, now you know how to make dough for dumplings or dumplings! Let me summarize.

Brief recipe: choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings

  1. Boil purified water.
  2. Sift the flour into a large bowl.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat the egg with a pinch of salt.
  4. Make a well in the flour, pour in boiling water and quickly knead the dumpling dough with a fork.
  5. Continuing to knead, add the egg (just not in boiling water), knead further (you can use your hand) until the dough becomes more or less homogeneous.
  6. Place the dough for dumplings on the table (no need to sprinkle with flour), continue kneading for another 10 minutes until elastic and smooth.
  7. Wrap the finished dough in a towel and leave to cool for an hour, stirring it every 15 minutes for 30 seconds.
  8. You can make dumplings or dumplings - the dough is ready!

The recipe for dumpling dough or vareniki has come to an end, very soon I will continue my story and show how my mom prepares the most delicious dumplings with cherries! Or with other berries, she says there is no difference. And also, since Seryozha and I now live in Kyiv, in the same city as my parents, we can all often get together for dinner, and going to mom’s for dinner is a pleasure, you know 😉 Although, recently I invited my mom and dad , cooked my favorite And . So I'm keeping up!

I also have a special section , so don't hesitate to read! And so as not to miss the most delicious cherry dumplings in the world, , it's free! In addition, when you subscribe, you will receive as a gift a whole collection of complete recipes of 20 dishes that can be prepared very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes, which will save a lot of your time! Eating quickly and tasty is real!

And Vika Leping was with you! Try making choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings, like, leave comments, rate it, tell us what you did and remember that everyone can cook deliciously, that you are more talented than you can imagine and, of course, enjoy your food! I love you, be happy!

5 stars - based on 5 review(s)

Once you try to make dumplings from choux pastry, you will not exchange this dough for any other. It turns out tender, fluffy, does not stick to your hands and other surfaces, and does not require the addition of flour when modeling and kneading. The main thing is to follow the proportions for preparing the choux pastry, from which you can make not only dumplings, but also dumplings. Today I want to introduce you to a recipe for making dumplings with potatoes. Of course, we’ll prepare choux pastry.


To prepare dumplings from choux pastry we will need:

flour - 2 cups;

boiling water - 1 glass;

vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;

Filling for dumplings:

potatoes - 5 pcs.;

onions - 1-2 pcs.;

salt pepper.

Cooking steps

Preparing choux pastry for dumplings

Roll out the choux pastry without adding flour. The dough is plastic and does not stick to the surface. We cut out circles for future dumplings.

For the filling, boil the potatoes and fry the onion in a frying pan. Salt and pepper. We bring everything to a puree state. The filling for dumplings with potatoes is ready!

Cook the dumplings with potatoes in salted water until done. When serving, you can add a little melted butter.

Dumplings with choux pastry potatoes are ready! Bon appetit!

Recipe for choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings without eggs

Cooking time: 10-15 min.
Required utensils: deep bowl, spoon, work surface.


Cooking step by step

Video recipe for making choux pastry for dumplings without eggs

Be sure to watch this short video to get a visual idea of ​​how to prepare choux pastry according to this recipe correctly, and most importantly, simply and very quickly.

  • This dough can be prepared for future use. To do this, you need to put it in a plastic bag and store it in the freezer.
  • Instead of sunflower oil, you can use olive oil.

Recipe for lean choux pastry for dumplings or pies

Cooking time: 45-55 minutes.
Required utensils: sieve, deep bowl, bread maker, large board.


Cooking step by step

Video recipe for making choux pastry in a bread machine

And this video will help you learn how to properly prepare the dough according to my recipe in a bread machine.

  • Please note that one glass contains 250 g of wheat flour.
  • To make the dough elastic, the flour must be sifted.
  • You can also knead this recipe by hand: First mix the flour and salt, and then add water and oil to it and knead.
  • If you do knead the dough with your hands, then let it “breathe” for 30 minutes.
  • Don't add all the flour at once. First add 4.5 cups and add the rest of the flour as needed.
  • If you liked the recipes for choux pastry for making dumplings, then I recommend trying “choux pastry for chebureks.”
  • To compare with custard, I suggest preparing “classic dough for homemade dumplings.”
  • Surely you and your family love pizza, so you just need to master the recipe

This is not dough, but just a song! Delicate, elastic, pliable, pleasant to work with and very tasty! Whether dumplings, dumplings or chebureki, it always turns out simply amazing. You can also use it to make delicious manti, poses, pies and puff pastries. What can I tell you, here is a review from one of the girls who tried it: “Super dough! There wasn’t a single person who tried my dishes from this dough and didn’t ask for the recipe! And I’m generally silent about my husband - as soon as I have time to make the dough, he gives me a list of orders from one portion of dough: dumplings, crumpets , pasties with cheese! With such appetites, you’ll have to make it straight into a bucket of boiling water!”

1 egg
3 cups flour
1 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 cup boiling water

Add salt to the egg and beat with a fork.

Then add 3 cups of flour and 1 spoon of vegetable oil.

Mix well and add 1 cup of boiling water (don’t be afraid, there will be no glue)

Mix with a spoon

And then knead with your hands (if necessary, add a little flour)

Recipe author: Sweetness, photos: oldeg.

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