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How to care for clematis in spring for good plant development? Correct feeding of clematis in spring and summer for abundant flowering How to feed clematis for lush flowering

Clematis, like any other flower, must be fed for a good and lush flowering. Then he will fully develop and give you his amazingly beautiful flowers that will decorate your fence, wall or gazebo. It all depends on what you have planted this amazing plant next to. Indeed, it is for this that clematis is grown, so that it further decorates the structure that serves as its support. And now, let's directly figure out which types of fertilizer are suitable for clematis. What can you feed him, and what he doesn't like. We feed clematis. How and how should this be done? For the entire period of its growing season, clematis is usually fed 4 times. In the spring, when your clematis just wake up, you already need to think about feeding. They do this not immediately, but only at the end of spring. You need to feed with urea (here is a good article about this fertilizer). This fertilizer will need to take just a tablespoon, and add mullein to it (it should already be in liquid form, 1 liter). Both of these components are diluted in an ordinary, 10-liter bucket of water. The second time feeding will need to be done when clematis has not yet bloomed, but is already going to do it. The calculation is carried out again for a bucket of water. In it, "Agricola-7" is already bred (a tablespoon of this drug) and, in addition, potassium sulfate (taken in the same amount). When your clematis has successfully bloomed, you need to start feeding it again. The same 10 liters of water, but in them we already dilute any of these 2 fertilizers: again, "Agricola-7", or, it can be replaced with "Flower". And the final feeding, at number 4, will be necessary for clematis when its growth comes to an end. The same amount of water is taken, the preparations will be slightly different. We already take "Agricola for flowering plants" (here the quantity is 2 tablespoons), plus to this preparation potassium sulfate and superphosphate (both of them in a tablespoon). With regard to the consumption of fertilizers. At all stages of feeding, this is no more than 10 liters. So much needs to be poured onto each clematis bush. Preparing clematis for winter. How to do it? In order for clematis to successfully overwinter, it must be properly prepared for this. You need to start with pruning; when carrying out it, you will need to seriously shorten the shoots and leave them only 20 centimeters in length. The roots must be covered. This can be done with humus or dry peat. The plant itself is covered with a box on top. And then they add additional sawdust on top. A film is laid on top of the sawdust, but at the same time it is necessary to make a hole in it so that the clematis there simply does not sniff and suffocate. In severe frosts, clematis and under such shelter may suffer. It happens that clematis gets a little frosty. In this case, it recovers rather quickly, but the flowering will no longer be so lush.

To make your clematis "pleasing to the eye", you should adhere to simple rules for caring for this flower. The cultivation of clematis is quite simple: clematis needs watering, garter shoots, pruning, loosening and mulching the soil, and feeding. However, the right place for planting clematis plays one of the main roles in growing this flower.

As you know, for planting clematis it is worth choosing sunny or slightly shaded places. Clematis does not like drafts or blowing winds, therefore, when choosing a place to grow this plant, take this feature into account.

If we talk about the soil, then clematis needs a well-fertilized, loose, light, moisture-permeable, non-acidic, fertile soil. However, no matter how fertile the soil is, clematis will need feeding.

Because clematis blooms profusely and for a long time and annually renews almost all of its shoots and leaves, then, naturally, it needs strength and energy - nutrients for this. That is why it is so important to know what fertilizer clematis needs and when it is best to fertilize.

Top dressing of clematis

Already starting from the end of May - beginning of June (during the period of active growth of clematis), clematis needs not only weeding, loosening and garter vines, but also feeding. Most often, during this period, gardeners use urea, lime solution, or liquid manure to feed clematis.

When clematis has not bloomed yet, but only plans to do it, it is worth taking care of the second feeding of the plant. During this period, clematis can be fed with such fertilizer as Agricola-7 (1 tablespoon of this drug + potassium sulfate is diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water).

During the period of lush flowering, clematis needs not only abundant watering, but also feeding. During the flowering period, clematis is best fed with mineral fertilizers or liquid manure.

In August clematis most often they start to get sick, which is why during this period their health should be closely monitored. For better "well-being" clematis can be fed with mineral fertilizers and ash. Ash not only promotes the ripening of vines, but also improves the winter hardiness of flowers.

When clematis is fading, it needs the following feeding: the same preparation "Agricola-7" or "Flower" can be diluted into 10 liters of water. And when the growth of clematis comes to an end, it can be fed with Agricola for flowering plants + superphosphate and potassium sulfate (two tablespoons of Agricola + one tablespoon of superphosphate and sulfate each).

Preparing clematis for winter

At the end of September, the feeding of clematis stops and the preparation of the plant for winter begins. It is during this period that clematis can be transplanted to a "safer" place, if initially you made a mistake. In September, clematis care consists in loosening the soil and weeding.

Clematis requires pruning in mid-autumn. Pruning should be done very carefully and carefully. Make sure that the root collar of the plant is underground. If it is on the surface, sprinkle it with humus. When the air temperature begins to drop, the clematis will need to be covered. This can be done using dry peat or humus.

As for the wintering of clematis, it is still better to cover the clematis than to leave it under a layer of snow. An excellent "insulation" for clematis will be crushed polystyrene, brushwood or dry leaves. So that your "blanket" for clematis is not "caked" under a layer of snow, it is worth building a kind of rigid frame. A regular wooden box is perfect for this purpose.

So, clematis are covered with a drainage layer, covered with a wooden box and waterproof material (polyethylene or the like, but with holes for air), sprinkled with earth (a layer of at least 30 cm).

In the spring, the shelter from clematis is removed gradually, in several steps. To begin with, a layer of snow is removed, later it makes holes for ventilation, and the polyethylene is removed completely only when the threat of frost has passed. The drainage layer (dry leaves) is also removed gradually so that the plant gets used to the coolness and sun.

Clematis are liana-like plants of the buttercup family. It is known as clematis, vine or grandfather curls among gardeners and is widely used for vertical landscaping. Spectacular climbing shoots of clematis, from the beginning of June to August, decorated with graceful flowers, serve as a decoration for gardens and summer cottages, balconies and gazebos. To obtain a lush flowering, competent care is required throughout the growing season. Spring events are of particular importance. First of all - top dressing, which lays the foundations for future flowering.

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    Care after winter

    They begin to take care of clematis literally immediately after the snow melts, freeing awakened plants from winter shelters and performing a number of other simple, but important activities.

    Removing cover

    After wintering, protection is removed from clematis. Do it gradually:

    • When the mercury column in the daytime stops dropping below 0 ° C, ventilation holes are made in the protection, providing fresh air and light to the plant shoots.
    • Complete winter shelters are removed only when the threat of night frosts disappears.


    Clematis are pruned in the fall. If for some reason this could not be done, then pruning is carried out in early spring:

    • In varieties blooming twice a year, all old and dried shoots are removed, and healthy ones are shortened to 1 m.
    • Clematis blooming on the shoots of the current year are cut to a length of 30 cm, leaving 2-3 buds.
    • In the spring, remove all broken and deformed branches.

    Support and garter

    Spring growth of clematis shoots begins in May, reaching a maximum by the middle of this month. At daytime temperatures above 10 ° C, the vine stretches 7-10 cm per day and needs support, natural or artificially erected. It is worth taking care of its presence and the garter of the vine in early spring.

    The first garter is carried out at a minimum distance from the ground. As the shoots of clematis grow, they are fan-shaped over the surface of the support, carefully watching that they do not intertwine, and fix it. This will provide good illumination of the shoots, protect the plant from mechanical damage and their consequences, and also give the bush a decorative look.

    Fixation scheme for clematis shoots


    In spring, clematis have an increased need for moisture. After the snow melts, the soil is sufficiently saturated with water, but its reserves are quickly consumed. Clematis painfully react to moisture deficit, therefore, in spring, especially with a small amount of precipitation, the soil is moistened.

    Watering is carried out infrequently (once a week), but abundantly, trying to moisten the soil to a depth of half a meter, which is explained by the core type of the plant root system. From 10 to 20 liters of water are poured under young bushes, 1.5-2 times more under adults. The older the plant, the more moisture it needs.

    Loosening the soil

    After each watering, the soil is loosened. This will avoid excessive evaporation of water and prevent the growth of unwanted vegetation.

    The first time the soil is loosened in early spring, still wet from the melted snow, in order to destroy the soil crust and weeds. Loosening is carried out to a depth of 2-5 cm.


    Covering the soil with mulch partially replaces watering and loosening. It helps to preserve moisture in the ground, saturating it with oxygen and protects the roots from overheating.

    Various materials are used as mulch: peat, semi-rotten manure, sawdust, straw, compost, humus. The use of organic matter contributes to the receipt of additional nutrition by plants during the rain.

    Mulch is laid around the bushes, being careful not to touch the shoots. This will protect them from being damaged by rodents.

    Planting at the base of the shoots of clematis of annual flowering plants works similarly to mulch. It can be marigolds, which not only protect the roots, but also repel some pests with the help of smell.

    Prevention of diseases and pests

    The roots of clematis, especially in conditions of waterlogged soil, are susceptible to fungal diseases (fusarium, wilting, gray rot), which can lead to the loss of the plant. As a prophylaxis for the onset of diseases in the spring, copper sulfate (50 g per 10 l), foundationol (20 g per 10 l) or any other fungicide are introduced under the clematis bushes, 3-4 liters per bush. The processing is repeated 3-4 times.

    Dangerous pests of clematis are gall nematodes that invade root tissues and form thickenings (galls). To prevent their appearance, spring soil mulching is carried out using mint or wormwood, the smell of which scares them away.

    Spring feeding

    The vegetation of most varieties of clematis is distinguished by the annual renewal of almost the entire above-ground mass and long and abundant flowering. To carry out these processes, the plant needs a large amount of nutrients. Therefore, after winter, clematis must be fertilized.

    For normal development, the plant needs 16 micro and macro elements. It gets three of them (oxygen, carbon and hydrogen) mainly from the air. The rest 13 are from soil.

    Fertilization rules

    Top dressing of clematis in spring is carried out in compliance with several rules:

    • fertilizers are applied after watering or in wet soil;
    • to prevent overfeeding, solutions of medium concentration are used, dry additives are scattered in small portions;
    • the introduction of mineral additives is alternated with the use of organic matter.

    Clematis do not tolerate chlorine-containing fertilizers.

    Spring feeding scheme

    During the season, adult clematis bushes are fed 5 times. Most of the dressings are in the spring.

    Sequence Dates of the Fertilizers used Important information
    1 First half of MayUrea solution (30 g per 10 l of water) or ammonium nitrate solution (2 g per 10 l of water under a bush from 5 to 10 years) or scatter fertilizer over the soil surfaceNitrogen is required for the growth of green mass. It activates the processes of cell division, preventing aging. With a lack of this element, the growth of shoots slows down, the leaves become smaller and acquire a yellowish or reddish tint, and few buds are formed.
    2 A week after the first feedingInfusion of mullein (1:10) or chicken droppings (1:15).-
    2/3 Additionally, between 2 and 3 dressings (mid - end of May)Soil liming: 150-200 g of chalk (lime) or dolomite flour are dissolved in 10 liters of water. This solution is treated with 1 sq. m. soil.

    The addition of lime milk implements 2 tasks:

    • enriches the soil with potassium and calcium, without which it is impossible to get a bright flowering;
    • allows you to adjust the acidity of the soil: clematis does not tolerate an acidic environment.

    After liming, the soil is mulched

    3 1.5-2 weeks after the second feedingAny complex fertilizer, for example, Kemira universal, 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water-
    4 During buddingSuperphosphate, potassium nitrate 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of waterPhosphorus and potassium are essential for bud formation. With their lack, few colors are formed. The pedicels of some of them darken, the buds go down and do not always open.

    Clematis do not feed in summer. This will shorten the flowering time!

    Foliar spring feeding

    Clematis responds well to foliar dressing. In the spring they are held twice:

    • with the growth of shoots, during the 1st feeding, young shoots are irrigated with a weak (1 teaspoon per 10 l of water) urea solution;
    • at the end of spring, during the formation of buds - using the preparations "Master", "Avkarin", "Flower solution".

    Clematis will definitely respond to spring troubles and will delight with their flowering all season.

In nature, there are more than 300 species of clematis, which pleases with its flowering from late spring to early autumn. A curly flower will be a wonderful decoration for any site if you know how to feed clematis. There are a lot of dressings that must be applied in a certain period of time and in the required proportions.

Trace elements necessary for clematis

It is recommended to alternate fertilizer for clematis. Experts advise periodically changing mineral fertilizers to organic matter diluted to a liquid state. When introducing top dressing, you need to remember that the plant needs timely and sufficient watering. Since clematis do not tolerate supersaturation of nutrients in the soil, but they love water very much, fertilizers should be applied in small portions, after thoroughly shedding the soil.

Fertilizers and top dressing for clematis are applied only after watering.

Like most plants, clematis needs nitrogen, especially during the growth period, potassium, magnesium, iron and other trace elements. Therefore, all fertilization should be carried out at a certain period of the plant's life.

Fertilizers for clematis

Long-term and rather abundant flowering of clematis is not possible without the required amount of nutrients, therefore, gardeners are advised to make a number of dressings, including not only industrial preparations, but also folk remedies.

If, even during the planting of young shoots of clematis, the soil was thoroughly fertilized, then you can forget about fertilizing for a whole year, so as not to overload the soil. If the preparatory work has not been carried out, then you can start complementary foods almost immediately after planting.

The most common and effective types of fertilizers are the following:

Top dressing clematis - when to start

Many gardeners know that a flowering vine, which is also distinguished by its decent size, spends a lot of energy during its active growth. Therefore, clematis, like no one else, needs timely fertilization. You need to start feeding even before the young sprout hits the ground.

Before planting, the soil must be thoroughly fertilized. For these purposes, nitrogenous fertilizers, as well as humus, are suitable. The soil should be prepared as much as possible so that the plant can strengthen the roots, start growing and set buds.

The very next year after planting, you can start spring feeding, continuing to fertilize the soil until mid-autumn. In winter, clematis retires, so it does not need fertilization.

Important. If the land was not prepared before planting, then after planting clematis in the spring, you need to apply fertilizer in the fall so that the plant can calmly overwinter.

The soil where it is planned to plant clematis is fertilized even before planting.

Spring feeding of clematis

In the spring, long before flowering, it is necessary to start fertilizing the plant with organic substances. Since during this period clematis is actively growing and is already beginning to lay flower stalks, it requires a large amount of nitrogen.

At the very beginning of spring, bird droppings or manure are introduced, which are bred, like all organic matter, in a ratio of one to ten. The resulting solution is poured into the root.

Urea diluted in water can also become an alternative to organic substances. To prepare the solution, it must be borne in mind that for each square meter of soil there is no more than 20 grams of urea.

April is the time to apply the next top dressing under the root, as well as sprinkle the weaving stems. In this case, a solution is used as a fertilizer - a liter of water and 3 grams of urea. The only thing to remember is that spraying should be carried out in cloudy weather or in the evening, since all useful trace elements decompose in the light.

In May, clematis must be protected from soil acidification. For this, it is recommended to feed the plant with a lime solution, taking 150 grams of slaked lime per 10 liters of water.

In May, clematis are fed with a small amount of lime mortar.

In the spring, for lush flowering in the garden, preparations with potassium and phosphorus are also used. This should be done at the moment when the first buds begin to form. You can use complex mineral fertilizers, as well as a tincture of cow dung. All these funds are aimed at strengthening the immunity of clematis and at the formation of outlets.

Summer feeding of clematis

Starting in June, when the plant will already bloom, the quantity and quality of fertilizing must be calculated based on the qualitative composition of the soil. If the soil is fertile and has been additionally fertilized according to all the recommendations given, then you can apply complex fertilizers only a couple of times during the summer. Otherwise, the plant needs to be fertilized for all three months.

At the end of August, you need to add phosphorus and potassium necessary for clematis. Potassium sulfate diluted in water is most effective. For 5 liters of liquid, no more than 15 grams of the substance is required.

Important. In the summer, once every 30 days, clematis should be sprayed with a solution of boric acid and potassium permanganate. The manipulation should be carried out in the evening.

If the summer is rainy, then the plant must be protected from root decay. This will help wood ash, which is poured under the bush after each rain.

In a rainy summer, a little wood ash is brought under the root of clematis.

Autumn feeding of clematis

Since mid-autumn, no fertilizers are added to the soil. The plant managed to gain useful substances during active growth, so they will be enough for clematis for a dormant period. The only thing that needs to be done is to cover the ground around the bush with wood ash. This is done in late September - early October in order to protect the plant in the fall before sheltering for the winter from excess moisture.

Experienced gardeners know that plants need not only medicinal fertilizers, but also preventive measures.

Therefore, below are some helpful tips from experienced gardeners:

  1. Copper sulfate should be used every season to prevent disease. They spill soil around the plant.
  2. To achieve abundant and long-lasting flowering, all feeding should be stopped with the appearance of the first flowers.
  3. To prevent the soil from acidifying, it is necessary to spill it with lime milk (solution) in the spring.
  4. Before applying any fertilizer, clematis must be thoroughly spilled.
  5. When using foliar dressing, there is a need to spray the leaves on both sides (top and bottom).
  6. In order for the plant to overwinter well, it must be covered before the onset of cold weather, having previously stopped all application of baits.
  7. In order for all the beneficial substances from the spray solution to be absorbed into the leaves, this procedure must be carried out in the evening or on a cloudy, but not rainy day.
  8. Clematis is good for the neighborhood with other plants. Therefore, this can be used to protect the plant roots from overheating. You can plant a lawn or low-growing flowers around the bush.

In the video, an experienced florist tells how to feed clematis for lush flowering.

Compliance with the norms of fertilization and dressing is a guarantee that clematis will delight with its flowering for many years.

Clematis, like any other flower, must be fed for a good and lush flowering. Then he will fully develop and give you his amazingly beautiful flowers that will decorate your fence, wall or gazebo. It all depends on what you have planted this amazing plant next to. Indeed, it is for this that clematis is grown, so that it further decorates the structure that serves as its support. And now, let's directly figure out which types of fertilizer are suitable for clematis. How you can feed him, and what he doesn't like.

We feed clematis. How and how should this be done?

For the entire period of its growing season, clematis is usually fed 4 times. In the spring, when your clematis just wake up, you already need to think about feeding. They do this not immediately, but only at the end of spring. You need to feed with urea (here is a good article about this fertilizer). This fertilizer will need to take just a tablespoon, and add mullein to it (it should already be in liquid form, 1 liter). Both of these components are diluted in an ordinary, 10-liter bucket of water.

The second time feeding will need to be done when clematis has not yet bloomed, but is already going to do it. The calculation is carried out again for a bucket of water. In it, "Agricola-7" is already bred (a tablespoon of this drug) and, in addition, potassium sulfate (taken in the same amount).

When your clematis has successfully bloomed, you need to start feeding it again. The same 10 liters of water, but in them we already dilute any of these 2 fertilizers: again, "Agricola-7", or, it can be replaced with "Flower".

And the final feeding, at number 4, will be necessary for clematis when its growth comes to an end. The same amount of water is taken, the preparations will be slightly different. We take already "Agricola for flowering plants" (here the quantity is 2 tablespoons), plus to this preparation potassium sulfate and superphosphate (both of them in a tablespoon).

With regard to the consumption of fertilizers. At all stages of feeding, this is no more than 10 liters. So much needs to be poured onto each clematis bush.

Preparing clematis for winter. How to do it?

In order for clematis to successfully overwinter, it must be properly prepared for this. You need to start with pruning; when carrying out it, you will need to seriously shorten the shoots and leave them only 20 centimeters in length. The roots must be covered. This can be done with humus or dry peat. The plant itself is covered with a box on top. And then they add additional sawdust on top. A film is laid on top of the sawdust, but at the same time it is necessary to make a hole in it so that the clematis there simply does not sniff and suffocate.

In severe frosts, clematis and under such shelter may suffer. It happens that clematis gets a little frosty. In this case, it recovers rather quickly, but the flowering will no longer be so lush.

And here is another useful video on the same topic. We look.

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