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Calculator for calculating materials for floor screed in the room online. Floor screed calculator - calculate the required amount of material Calculation of the floor screed calculator m200

They have several important features. Firstly, the entire process in a single room must be carried out continuously. Secondly, cement loses its quality characteristics over time, so you need to use fresh material. With such technological requirements, timely calculation of the amount of the mixture is simply necessary. And now we will try to figure out how to calculate the floor screed solution on our own.

There are a lot of factors that affect the consumption of material for such work. Among them:

  • the area of ​​the room in which the repair is carried out;
  • the initial quality of the floor (the thickness of the layer depends on it);
  • brand of cement;
  • sand quality.

And in stores, ready-made dry mixes for screed are sold.

When using them, you do not have to think about the brands of cement and the quality of sand. But such pleasure will cost much more. So, this option is not suitable for everyone. The same condition for all will be the determination of the required volume of material.

How to calculate the volume of a mixture

By itself, the formula for calculating the amount of finished material that you need is quite simple. Take and multiply by the desired layer thickness. The value obtained as a result of such calculations will denote the desired volume.

A complicating circumstance here is the determination of the required thickness of the screed. For different types of buildings, it can be different. It all depends on the expected load on the floor. In residential premises, the recommended thickness at the thinnest point is 3–5 cm. This is quite enough to ensure sufficient coating strength.

For those who will use the finished mixture, it remains only to look at its density on the package and, through simple manipulations, calculate the mass of material that is needed to fill the previously obtained volume.

If you prepare a cement-sand mixture (CPS) yourself, you will have to find out a few more circumstances that affect this process. Namely:

  • the required brand of the finished solution;
  • the required brand of cement for its preparation;
  • proportions between constituent parts.

We prepare the DSP on our own

As the name implies, its main components are cement and sand. To get a solution, they need to be mixed with each other and add water there in certain proportions. The proportions themselves depend on the required brand of mortar and the brand of cement that will be used for preparation.

Marking of cement and ready mortar. What does the number after the M mean?

Each package must be marked with the letter M and a three-digit number next to it. This designation shows what load (in kilograms) 1 cm 3 of a stone obtained from such a material can withstand, with its ratio to sand 1: 1. That is, made from material grade M 500, with the above proportions, after drying, must withstand pressure 500 kg/cm3.

Now on sale you can find cement with the designation from M 300 to M 700. For floor screed, the M 400 brand is most often used. After all, it is most convenient to prepare a mixture suitable for this type of work from it.

The solution itself is labeled according to the same principle. To obtain a certain brand of the finished composition, it is necessary to know the proportions for mixing its components.

The optimal composition for the screed

To determine what brand of mortar you will receive by mixing the two main components, you need to divide the figure from the package by the number of shares of sand in the mixture. Solution M 150 or M 200 is considered optimal for screed. You can get such a mixture from cement M 400 by mixing it with sand in a ratio of 1: 3 or 1: 2.

Now let's pick up a calculator and calculate the amount of each component in the total volume. In our example - a room of 29 m 2, a screed thickness of 5 cm - the required volume of the mixture is 1 m 3. If you mix materials in a ratio of 1: 3 (4 parts in total) - there will be 0.25 m 3 of cement in it, 0.75 m 3 of sand.

For further calculations, you need to know the weight of one cube of each of the components. On average, these figures are 1300 kg for cement and 1625 for sand. We use them in our calculations: and. This means that 325 and 1220 kg of each substance will be needed, respectively.

And, of course, it serves as an integral part of any solution. It must be added after mixing the dry ingredients in an amount up to 50% of the total volume. To make it easier, let's give an example of the ratio of parts in the most common unit of measurement - in buckets. And that: one bucket of cement will require 3 buckets of sand, and, somewhere, 1.5–2 buckets of water.

When preparing materials, it should be remembered that when mixing components, they shrink. The final amount of solution is often less than expected by about 30%. So it is necessary to make an appropriate reserve.

As you can see, all the necessary measurements and calculations are quite easy to carry out using improvised means. And if you trust online resources, you can use the calculator on the site. In any case, it is better to check the results several times, and only after that proceed with the purchase of materials. Indeed, in this situation, the price of the issue is not only in money, but also in the final quality of the floor in your house.

Video on how to fill the floor screed:

The work on pouring the floor screed should begin with the calculation of the necessary materials, the amount of cement, sand, water and reinforcement materials (if necessary). Such calculations will help to perform our online calculator.

This calculation is made on the basis of cement grade m400 at a ratio of 1 to 3.5 with sand, such a solution is considered optimal for screed.

What kind of sand is better to use for screed

For rooms where the strongest screed is needed, it is necessary to use fine-grained river sand with a grain size of t 0.14 to 3 mm. As a rule, it is industrial premises, or those where the floor will experience a constant increased load. In addition, such a screed must be “ironized” - covered with a thin, up to 10 mm, layer of strong cement mortar, or used.

For residential premises, offices and others where there are no increased loads on the floor, mountain sand is also suitable, including clay impurities. It is advisable to use fine-grained sand with a grain fraction of up to 2 mm, this will improve the quality of the screed.

The bulk density of sand, with a moisture content of 10-20%, averages 1600 kg per cubic meter.

How to reinforce the screed

To increase the characteristics of the screed, it must be reinforced. To date, there are 2 types of materials, these are metal mesh and fiberglass. Let's take a closer look at these 2 types.

Metal grid

Traditional option. It can be either a solid welded mesh of 4-5 mm rods, which comes in sections or rolls, or reinforcement bars with a cross section of up to 12 mm, interconnected by wire. In this case, the strength will increase significantly.

The disadvantage of this type of reinforcement is a significant increase in the weight of the screed. In addition, when using reinforcement, the minimum screed layer will be approximately 30 mm, which may not always be a suitable option.

fiberglass or microfiber

Newer material, but already managed to gain popularity. It consists of polypropylene fibers 3-18 mm long. Sold by kilograms. They are added directly to the solution itself before mixing with water.

This material has several advantages:

  1. reduces the time of work,
  2. has a high resistance to mechanical stress,
  3. increases water resistance
  4. reduces the cost of the tie.

Consumption of reinforcing materials

Calculated on the basis of the total surface area of ​​the screed, 1M2 mesh goes to 1 M2 of the screed, regardless of the thickness of the layer.

It is added at the rate of 0.8-1.2 kilograms per 1 M3 of solution, depending on the required strength of the screed (the more fibers in the solution, the stronger it is).

Filling the floor screed in an apartment or industrial premises is a mandatory procedure. A topcoat is laid on a leveled base or it is used without finishing as a work surface for industrial production. Before deciding how to calculate the amount of cement for floor screed, it is necessary to find out the purpose of the room and the expected load on the concrete base.

One of the main criteria in preparing a mortar for pouring a base is its thickness. It should be remembered that reinforcement with a metal mesh is carried out with a minimum base thickness of 20 mm, the maximum pouring height is 40 mm, it is this thickness that is most often used for floors in civil housing construction.

The next important point for calculations is the brand of cement. To organize the base, cement grades M300, M400, M500 are used. As a result of mixing with sand and water, a cement mortar with a value of M150 or M200 is obtained.

The brand of the mixture is determined based on the planned load on the base. So M200 can be used to organize bases in industrial buildings, for example, in garages, and the strength of the M150 brand is sufficient to fill the screed in an apartment.

To carry out calculations, it is necessary to know the cement consumption rate to obtain a solution of a certain brand. So, to obtain one cubic meter of M150 brand solution, 330 kg of M500 cement or 400 kg of M400 cement will be required. To get the same volume of brand mortar, M200, you need to purchase 410 kg of M500 cement or 490 kg of M400 cement.

Let's calculate the organization of the base with a thickness of 40 mm for a room with an area of ​​30 sq.m. in two versions: for mortar grade M150 and for grade M200 using cement grade M400. Calculation procedure:

  1. First you need to calculate the volume of filling in cubic meters. To do this, you need to multiply the area by the thickness (30x0.04). It turns out the volume of the solution in 1.2 M 3.
  2. Considering the cement consumption rate per 1 m 3 for mortar M150 and cement M400, we get: 1.2 m 3 x400kg = 480 kg. The weight of one bag of cement is 50 kg, which means that 10 bags will be required.
  3. Considering the cement consumption rate per 1 m 3 for mortar M200 and cement M400, we get: 1.2 m 3 x490kg = 588 kg, which corresponds to 12 bags.
  4. The amount of sand is calculated from a ratio of 1: 3, which means for a solution of the M150 brand, it will be necessary to purchase: 480x3 \u003d 1,440 kg of sand, and for a solution of M200: 588x3 \u003d 1,764 kg.
  5. The volume of water is added gradually until the required plasticity of the solution is obtained.

For the production of work on the organization of the screed in the apartment, river sand is used, for industrial premises, sand from quarries is chosen.

This model for calculating the consumption of cement for a floor screed is applicable for any area and thickness of the mixture laying layer. To get the area of ​​​​the room, multiply the length and width of the room.

If the configuration of the room is complex, it is best to use the floor plan and calculate the area, referring to the paper. Thus, given the ratio of 1: 3, it will be possible to determine how much cement and sand are needed per cubic meter of screed mortar.

For dry mix

When using dry and semi-dry mixes for organizing a screed, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics for each specific mix, which can be found on the packaging. Usually indicate the volume of the mixture to cover one square meter of the base with a layer of 1 mm. For example, to obtain a solution of the M100 brand, sufficient for use inside residential premises, the manufacturer of a semi-dry floor screed recommends the following flow rate:

  • mixture consumption 2 kg per square meter with a screed thickness of 1 mm;
  • water consumption 0.22 l per 1 kg of the mixture.

Given the above data, it is possible to calculate the required material for 30 square meters with a screed thickness of 40 mm.

It is necessary to multiply the area by the consumption of the mixture by 1 m 2 and by 4 (since the planned thickness of the screed is 4 mm, and the calculation is given for a thickness of 1 mm). We get: 30x2x4 \u003d 120 kg, while the volume of water required: 120 kg x 0.22 l \u003d 26.4 liters.

For traditional solution

The traditional calculation of building materials for the production of conventional cement-sand mortar is carried out in cubic meters, therefore, for ease of calculation, cubic meters must be converted to kilograms.

For example, for an area of ​​30 sq.m. and a screed thickness of 40 mm will require 1.2 m 2 of solution. In this case, the volume of cement will be one fourth of the total volume, and sand - three fourths.

It turns out that cement will require 0.3 m 3, and sand - 0.9 m 3. The estimated number of kilograms of cement in one cube is 1300 kg, and sand is 1625 kg.

As a result, to obtain 1.2 m 3 of the solution, you will need cement 0.3 m 3 x1400kg = 420 kg and sand 0.9 m 3 x1625kg = 1463 kg.

The required volume of water to obtain 1.2 m 3 of a solution is calculated at the rate of 0.4 liters per kilogram of dry ingredients, which is (420 + 1463) x 0.4 = 753 liters.

What does consumption depend on?

The calculation of the cement mortar for pouring the screed depends not only on the grade of concrete that is planned to be obtained, but also on other factors. The above were idealized calculations, but in real life there are various changes and corrections:

  • Examples of how to calculate cement for a screed are valid for fresh cement, but if a material released more than six months ago is received for work, the strength of concrete using it will be significantly lower. Therefore, the volume of cement in the mixture is increased by 10-15%;
  • If the height measurements of the future screed were determined incorrectly or there are significant defects in the base, the volume of the cement-sand mortar may increase up to 50% of the calculated volume;
  • To save money in the production of the screed, as well as to ensure the thermal insulation properties of the base, additives can be used in a mixture of large fractions, while the thickness of such a screed can reach 10 mm. Expanded clay, shungizite or crushed stone are usually used as additives, but such materials significantly change the properties of concrete and can affect the durability of the screed;
  • When placing communications at the base of the screed, a change in volume occurs, which affects the amount of materials for preparing a solution for pouring the screed;
  • The amount of material used depends on the brand of cement used and the required strength of the resulting mortar;
  • When pouring some rooms, there may be a requirement for organizing a slope of the screed, in this case there is also a change in the volume of the solution and materials for its manufacture.

Before installing floor coverings, it is necessary to level all floors in an apartment or room. For floor screed, cement-sand mortar is mainly used. To save the budget, it is necessary to correctly and accurately calculate the required amount of materials for the future solution for the floor screed. The calculation can be made using the online floor screed calculator.

The values ​​are in meters, pay attention to the thickness. Specify in this format (0.00 meters)

An example of calculating the amount of required materials.

To calculate the required volume of solution, we use the formula:

  • S is the area of ​​the room;
  • H is the height of the required screed layer;
  • V is the required volume of the solution.

Using the above formula, we can calculate the required dry volume of the mixture. An important point in calculating the required volume of mortar is the fact that the volume of mortar from cement, sand and water is less than the total volume of all ingredients. So from one kilogram of cement-sand mixture, after adding water, 0.7 kg is obtained. solution. Thus, we obtain the formula for the volume of the required solution:

The volume of the dry mixture / 0.7 = The volume of the required solution

Cement and sand are sold in bags and paid per kilogram, so we need to calculate the amount of ingredients in kilograms.

Based on the fact that:

  • one cubic meter of cement-sand mixture weighs 1540 kg
  • in a cube of cement is 1300 kg of substance
  • in a cube of sand - 1625 kg
  • The ratio of cement to sand in the solution is 1 to 3
  • You can make generalized formulas of individual ingredients.

Mc=(S × h /0.7) ×325

MP=(S × h /0.7) × 1220

  • M c - the mass of the required cement;
  • M p - the mass of the required sand;
  • S is the surface area;
  • h is the height of the layer.

Outcome. Using the online floor screed calculator in practice, you can avoid additional expenses and find out the amount of material.

Table of volumetric proportions for various grades of concrete

Concrete, brand

The ratio of cement / sand / crushed stone

cement M 400

cement M 500

Table of the ratio of concrete grade to quantity

In order for the floor surface to be perfectly even, a high-quality cement filling is required, to calculate the volume of which a floor screed calculator is used.

Is it possible to do without proportions?

What happens if you take half a bag of cement, pour a bag of sand and the same amount of gravel into it, and then dilute everything with water straight from the hose? Undoubtedly, it will be a concrete mixture, but even a professional will find it difficult to say what brand, since no standards were observed, especially with regard to liquid. In addition, it is not a fact that the resulting volume will be enough for a screed for the entire room, and the layer will turn out to be either very thin or sufficient, but only for half the room.

It should be remembered that the thickness of the fill must be at least 8 millimeters on any part of the floor (by default - at its highest point), otherwise cracks will appear. But, let's say, we know approximately how many cubic meters are needed for a room of 20 squares with a screed thickness of half a centimeter. The required amount of materials has been purchased, and the original question pops up again - is it possible to mix the solution without knowing the proportions?

You can, but the result will definitely be unexpected. For example, it is likely that a hardened screed will crack despite its thickness, or, on the contrary, you will end up with heavy concrete that is poured in industrial premises, which will mean cost overruns. You will also have to write down the remaining surplus of cement as waste, which after six months loses 30% of its strength.

Calculate the upcoming volume of filling

Before calculating our screed, let's take the same floor area that was given for an example earlier - 20 m 2, it is not difficult to calculate it, it is enough to multiply the lengths of the walls that have a common angle. Even if the room has a complex shape, there is almost always a house plan that indicates exactly what area this room has. Next, we determine for ourselves the thickness of the floor screed, let it be 0.05 meters, then, multiplying the two values ​​\u200b\u200bthat we have, we get 1 cube of the solution.

It should be noted that when pouring a dry mixture with water, the smallest particles, reacting with the liquid, fill the existing voids, due to which the actual volume is somewhat less than that calculated from the amount of materials. Therefore, we multiply the result obtained earlier by the consumption coefficient, which is equal to 1.2. As a result, we get a volume of the same 1.2 cubic meters, and this should definitely be enough for the planned filling. In this case, we will not calculate floor irregularities in the form of a difference in heights, since they, as a rule, are insignificant if the technologies during construction are observed.

Screed calculator

Specify floor dimensions.

Determine the proportions of the mixture

As you know, cement and concrete are positioned by grades, although today it is also customary to talk about classes. Accordingly, in order to obtain the required degree of pour strength, it is necessary to take a certain brand of cement. Floor screed requires M400, and in no case a lower class. To find out the consumption of the main component, you can refer to SNiP - according to them, 490 kilograms should be taken per 1 cubic meter of screed to obtain high-class concrete. If you need to calculate the average (more budgetary), you can refer to the table below:

Other components are easy to calculate if you already know what proportion you will lay the fillers in. There are quite a few options, providing, for example, only a cement-sand ratio or the use of gravel or crushed stone as an additional component. In the latter case, the mixture will no longer be just mortar, but full-fledged concrete. The proportions for the screed calculator are always compiled in such a way that there is one share of cement in them.

A typical ratio of cement is 1:4 or 1:3, however, the proportion of fine filler may be less if large bulk materials are added, that is, crushed stone or gravel. In particular, the 1:2:4 option is considered a fairly common proportion. Another ratio between the components 1:3:6 is also quite often used. In general, it is on how much and in what proportions is put into the solution that the brand of concrete depends, this can be seen from the following table:

It is important to know that the more sand and water is contained in the solution per share of cement, the lower the strength of the screed and the greater the likelihood of cracks.

Ready poured floors

If the calculations using the floor screed calculator still seem too complicated for you (there is no inclination for mathematics and the proportions are completely incomprehensible), you can simply take the finished mixture. In this case, no calculations are required, it is enough to measure the amount of water indicated in the instructions and mix the solution with a special nozzle on the drill, which turns it into a mixer. The only drawback of this option is its price, ready-made is not at all cheap.

True, here you need to remember some subtleties, in particular, that the dry mixture is more airy, that is, it has voids, and with the addition of water, it considerably decreases in volume. That is, if you take a cubic meter of the finished composition and dilute it with liquid, you will end up with about 0.85 cubic meters of solution. It is necessary to take with a margin of about 30%. And one more nuance: it is better to knead the composition in a bucket (it is more convenient to work with a mixer), first pouring water, and only then pouring out the dry mixture. Mixing with a shovel in a large container or on a metal sheet is excluded, since the quality of such a mixture will be extremely low.

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