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Is it true dreams. Lucid Dreaming: Fact or Fiction? Interesting cases from the lives of famous people: a dream in the "hand"

At the end of August 1883, Ed Samson, a reporter for The Boston Globe, drank heavily after checking in and, unable to walk home, fell asleep on the couch in the editorial office. In the middle of the night, he woke up in a panic: Samson dreamed that the tropical island of Pralape was dying due to a monstrous explosion of a volcano.

People disappearing in lava flows, a column of ash, giant waves - everything was so real that Ed Samson could not shake the vision. He decided to write down his dream, and then, still drunk, wrote "important" in the margin - to think at his leisure what it all meant. And went home, forgetting the notes on the table.

In the morning, the editor decided that Samson had received a message from some wire agency, and sent the information to the room. "Reportage" reprinted many newspapers before it turned out that Pralape Island was not on the map and no agency was broadcasting reports of the cataclysm.

The case for Samson and The Boston Globe could turn out badly, but exactly at that moment information came about the terrible eruption of the Krakatoa volcano. In the smallest detail, coinciding with what Samson saw in a dream. Not only that: it turned out that Pralape is the ancient native name of Krakatau...

Today, of course, it is impossible to check how true this story, which happened almost 130 years ago, is. But there is too much evidence of so-called prophetic dreams to indiscriminately declare all of them to be mere inventions.

Such dreams were witnessed by Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein, Rudyard Kipling and Mark Twain - and tens of thousands of other people.

Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein, Rudyard Kipling and Mark Twain - and tens of thousands of other people throughout the history of mankind, regardless of era, civilization and culture, testified to such dreams.

These dreams contain information that is not symbolic: the images are much more vivid than in "ordinary" dreams, and the meaning is not covered by anything. And to understand these dreams, there is no need to analyze them.

Since the birth of parapsychology at the end of the 19th century, which is trying to explore the supernatural abilities of a person from the point of view of science, its adherents have tried to understand whether prophetic dreams are a reflection of the process of “subconscious logic”.

Perhaps we are constructing future events on the basis of signs not fixed by consciousness? After all, without our conscious participation, the brain is able to register an incredible amount of the smallest details lost in the general array of information: barely audible sounds, images caught out of the corner of the eye, microvibrations, smells, fragments of random thoughts and words.

Without our conscious participation, the brain registers an incredible amount of tiny details.

During sleep, the brain sorts and classifies these data, establishes connections between them, and perhaps deduces from their totality the inevitability of events whose logic is not available to us in the waking state. Perhaps this could be an excellent explanation for some dreams. But not all.

What vibrations and sounds could tell the same Samson in a Boston bar that at that very moment a volcano began to erupt on the other side of the world, and even tell the name of the island, which last appeared on maps in the middle of the 17th century?

laboratory dreams

Psychophysiologist Vadim Rotenberg once dreamed that he fell, slipping near the house, and his glasses broke on the ice. Of course, there was nothing special in this dream, but the next morning Rotenberg slipped near the house - in the very place that he had seen in a dream. Glasses, of course, fell and broke.

But it was not this event that prompted Vadim Rotenberg to think seriously about strange dreams, but his scientific specialty - he has been engaged in the psychophysiology of memory and interhemispheric relations of the brain for a long time and professionally. And I have come across the topic of prophetic dreams more than once.

“When I began to be interested in prophetic dreams, hypnosis and other mysterious phenomena, colleagues predicted a complete obstruction of the academic world,” he says. “But that didn't scare me. I am sure that the topic still deserves serious scientific study.”

Unfortunately, there are many difficulties along the way. The subjective ones are that the scientific community is indeed very skeptical about parapsychology.

“Academic science is dominated by the idea of ​​random coincidences of dream images with future events,” explains Vadim Rotenberg. “Such coincidences are statistically very unlikely, but they are remembered because of their high personal significance.”

We may even dream every night that a person close to us, for example, strokes a cat: most likely, we simply will not remember such a dream. But if in a dream the same person sticks his head into the mouth of a tiger, then the dream will no longer be forgotten. And if something like this happens soon in reality, then we will completely believe in prophetic dreams. Although it will be just a coincidence.

There are also objective obstacles. How is it possible to record dreams and the information received in them? Nevertheless, such attempts are being made.

Psychologists Montague Ullman and Stanley Krippner, for example, recorded physiological parameters during sleep in the participants of the experiment: the electrical activity of brain neurons, eye movements, muscle tone, pulse.

Based on these data, the onset of REM sleep, the phase of sleep accompanied by dreams, was determined. At this moment, one of the researchers, being in a separate room, focused on "transferring" certain thoughts and images to the sleeping person.

After this, the subject was awakened and asked to recount the dream. In dreams, the information that was transmitted to the sleeping person was regularly present. Subsequently, the results of this study were repeatedly confirmed.

Through space and time

Vadim Rotenberg puts forward a hypothesis that could explain the results of these experiments. Its essence is that the left hemisphere of the brain, which dominates while we are awake, is responsible for the analysis, rational explanation and critical perception of reality.

But in a dream, the main role passes to the right hemisphere, responsible for imaginative thinking. Freed from conscious and critical control, the right hemisphere can manifest its unique abilities.

Freed from conscious control, the right hemisphere can display unique abilities

One of which is the ability to pick up certain signals at a distance. First of all, this concerns information about our loved ones, since it is especially important for us.

“I had a friend who literally intimidated his mother: several times upon waking up, he said that he needed to contact one or another of their relatives or friends (sometimes living in another city), because everything was not all right with him. And every time it turned out that something tragic really happened, ”says Vadim Rotenberg.

And yet such dreams, although they impress us beyond measure, can hardly be called prophetic: after all, they contain information about events that occur with people separated from us in space, and not in time.

Is there any way to explain dreams that clearly tell us what is yet to happen? Perhaps yes. But for this, it will be necessary to revise no less than our fundamental ideas about the Universe.

"How can that be?"

Back in the 1960s, physicist John Stuart Bell mathematically proved what was then confirmed experimentally: two particles can exchange information at a speed faster than the speed of light, as if reversing the flow of time in this way. Completely isolated from each other, beams of photons behave as if each particle "knows" in advance how the other will behave.

Bell himself, in popular lectures, illustrated this incredible fact with a simple example: suppose there is a man in Dublin who always wears red socks, and in Honolulu there is a man who always wears green.

Imagine that we somehow forced a man in Dublin to take off his red socks and put on green ones. Then the man in Honolulu must at that moment - without being able to know what happened in Dublin! Take off your green socks and put on your red ones. How is this possible?

Is the information transmitted between them at superluminal speed through some secret channels? Or do both receive it from some future, really knowing how and at what moment to act?

“Bell's theorem has presented physicists with an unpleasant dilemma. One of two things is assumed: either the world is not objectively real, or there are superluminal connections in it,” notes the founder of transpersonal psychology, Stanislav Grof.

But if so, then our usual ideas about linear time, calmly flowing from yesterday to tomorrow, become extremely doubtful. Of course, it is difficult to admit that the world does not work the way we used to think.

But here is what the outstanding physicist of the twentieth century, Nobel laureate Richard Feynman wrote about our problems with understanding the Universe and its laws:

“The difficulty here is purely psychological - we are constantly tormented by the question: “How can this be?”, Which reflects an uncontrollable, but completely unreasonable desire to imagine everything through something very familiar.
... If you can, don't torture yourself with the question "But how can this be?", because otherwise you will reach a dead end, from which no one has ever got out. Nobody knows how it can be."

But if the structure of the world does not lend itself well - at least for the time being - to our usual, "left hemisphere" logic, then maybe the right hemisphere can come to the rescue? This is exactly what Vadim Rotenberg suggests.

“The complex network of real interconnections that determines the future does not fit into the rigid coordinates of logical thinking, slips out of them and creates the impression of indeterminacy.
But right hemispheric imaginative thinking simply does not use this grid of coordinates, and for it the real interweaving of connections does not look either unnecessarily complex or internally contradictory.
And therefore, the right hemisphere is able to capture these connections in their entirety in such breathtaking fullness that, as a result, it is possible to predict the future.

And in this case, prophetic dreams not only do not look like something surprising, but, on the contrary, become almost inevitable - after all, it is in a dream that our right hemisphere receives maximum freedom.

“Of course, this is just my point of view, it is by no means universally recognized, and, of course, I cannot prove it scientifically,” Vadim Rotenberg stipulates.

But perhaps science should pay more serious attention to the phenomenon of prophetic dreams? Who knows, suddenly it will not only not contradict physics, but on the contrary, it will push it to create a new model of the world.”

Prophecies without miracles

The founder of analytical psychology, Carl Gustav Jung, believed in the possibility of anticipating events in a dream that had not yet happened. He himself had dreams that can be called "prophetic".

But in his psychotherapeutic practice, Jung sought, above all, to find realistic explanations for the dreams of his patients.

« I remember one incident with a man hopelessly entangled in some dark deeds. As a kind of outlet, he developed a passion for climbing. He tried thereby to "rise above himself."

Once he dreamed that from the top of a mountain he was taking a step into the void. When I heard his story, I immediately saw the danger that threatened him and tried to convey this warning to the patient ... He did not listen. Six months later, he "stepped into the void."

The guide-guide saw how he and a friend descended the rope. A friend found a foothold on the edge of a cliff, and my patient followed him down. Unexpectedly, he let go of the rope, the guide said, and seemed to jump ...

Another case associated with a woman whose complacency knew no bounds ... However, her dreams reminded her of unseemly situations in the past.

When they were discovered by me, the patient indignantly refused to acknowledge any such thing. Then her dreams began to be filled with hints of the danger that lay in wait for her while walking through the forest. (Usually she walked there alone, reminiscing.)

I realized what was threatening her, and warned her repeatedly, but to no avail. Soon, during one of these walks, this woman was attacked by a sexual maniac. If it were not for the help of passers-by who heard her cry, she would not have survived.

There is no magic here. The woman's dreams told me that she secretly longed to experience something similar - just like the climber, who subconsciously sought the final solution to his difficult problems ...

Thus, dreams can sometimes anticipate certain situations long before they happen. It is not necessarily a miracle or some form of foreknowledge. Many crises in our lives have had a long, unconscious prehistory.

We are approaching them step by step, unaware of the accumulating dangers. However, what we overlook is often perceived by the subconscious, which can convey information through dreams.”

The less this or that phenomenon is studied, the more myths and fables surround it. For many hundreds of years, sleep has remained the object of absolutely fantastic conjectures. Recently, I came across information that up to 80% of the Russian population believes that prophetic dreams are true ... Being a somnologist, I cannot ignore this topic full of delusions. And, of course, I intend to argue with those who believe in the mysticism of prophetic dreams.

Sorcerers and ghosts, instantaneous movements in space and the transmigration of souls, abductions by aliens and encounters with the Loch Ness monster... How we would like to believe that in our everyday life there is a place for the inexplicable!

The less this or that phenomenon is studied, the more myths and fables surround it. For many hundreds of years, sleep has remained the object of absolutely fantastic conjectures. Recently, I came across information that up to 80% of the Russian population believes that prophetic dreams are true ... Being a somnologist, I cannot ignore this topic full of delusions. And, of course, I intend to argue with those who believe in the mysticism of prophetic dreams.

What are dreams?

The whole truth about prophetic dreams... To begin with, let's figure out what dreams are. Dreams are called "shards of the day." It is believed that this is a kind of by-product of brain activity, which is formed at night during the processing of information received during the day. Separate fragments of this information flow add up, mix with each other, giving birth to our dreams. From this point of view, the origin of dreams was very well described by I.M. Sechenov, who described them as "unprecedented combinations of experienced impressions."

The content of dreams is determined not only by fresh, but also by earlier memories. For example, it happens that a sleeping person suddenly sees in a dream a person whom he has not met for several years. Why is this possible? The fact is that during sleep, the subcortical layer is disinhibited and chaotic excitation of neurons belonging to different parts of the brain is observed. For this reason, long-standing memories can be “embedded” in dreams, including even those that a person would seem to have long forgotten about.

Thus, there is no mysticism in the origin of dreams. Are there prophetic dreams that can predict the future? Most likely this is a hoax. Moreover, we can say with confidence: it is everyday reality that "predicts" our dreams, and not vice versa.

Why do dreams sometimes come true

Sometimes even the most inveterate skeptics suddenly begin to believe in miracles: there comes a moment in their life when, for some unknown reason, some dream comes true. How can this be explained?


The simplest answer to the question of why prophetic dreams are dreaming is a common coincidence. Every night a person sees several dozen separate dreams, their number reaches several thousand a year, so sooner or later one of them may, quite by chance, repeat itself in reality.

Singer Irina Otieva, confident that prophetic dreams really exist, once said that at the age of 10 she saw herself in a dream, already an adult, singing in a huge concert hall. She realized that this dream was prophetic when, many years later, she performed in the Rossiya Concert Hall - in the very one from her dream.

However, after I started questioning her, we found out two things. Firstly, she dreamed of a singing career from early childhood, and secondly, even before her dream, she had already been to Russia with her parents. Impressions from the concert, dreams of creativity and fame - this is how, apparently, this “prophetic” dream turned out.

Even those dreams, the plot of which does not relate to everyday life at all, can be attributed to a coincidence. The reason for this is the information flows that fall on a person every day. Television, radio, the Internet… The information load from the outside is simply colossal, sometimes we don’t even record everything we see and hear, but information, regardless of our will, enters the brain, and in the process of its processing, the most unusual dreams arise. Some are interested in: what to do to have a prophetic dream? According to this logic, the answer to the question is simple: live an ordinary life, look around, pay attention and remember.

Once I spoke with a woman who claimed that a few days before the fire in the Ostankino tower she had a dream that the tower had already burned down. Was it a prophetic dream? On the eve of her dream, this lady could well walk past the TV tower on her way to work, then watch some story about a fire on TV, and then, quite naturally, see a “cocktail” of a tower and a fire in a dream.

Subconscious information analysis

Are you familiar with the concept of enlightenment? You are facing some kind of problem, you don’t know how Unconscious information analysis is another of the answers to the question of why you dream of prophetic solutions, and at one moment the solution suddenly comes as if by itself. This is the result of the analytical abilities of our brain. We may not focus on thinking, but the brain still automatically “thinks for us” and sometimes delivers the results of its activities in such an unexpected and pleasant way.

Analysis and the search for solutions are processes that take place in our head all the time, and immersion in sleep does not stop them. That is why the intuitive, predictive guesses of the brain are sometimes reflected in our dreams. Unconscious analysis of information is another answer to the question of why prophetic dreams occur.

One man told the story of how a "prophetic dream" helped him find the missing value. During a business trip in a hotel, his watch disappeared. He left the room in the morning for the pool, and when he returned a couple of hours later, they were not on the bedside table near the bed, although he clearly remembered that he had taken them off and put them there before leaving.

The man turned to the hotel security, he was assured that no one entered the room in his absence. Suspecting a universal conspiracy, he searched the entire room and did not find the loss. Tired of searching, he lay down on the bed and accidentally dozed off. He did not think how to see a prophetic dream - he just fell asleep. In a dream, he saw how he looked into the bag with swimming trunks and a towel, which he took with him, and saw a watch there. Waking up and doing the same thing in reality, he actually found his "treasure".

At the time of the story, this gentleman believed that he was faced with a double riddle: firstly, he did not understand how the watch could get into the package, and secondly, he allegedly saw a prophetic dream. However, by restoring the chain of events that happened on that mysterious morning, he had to debunk his belief in miracles.

It turns out that before leaving for the pool, the dreamer had a fleeting intention to look after swimming in a fitness bar, so he took his wallet with him. Or rather, I thought that I had taken it, but in reality, out of absent-mindedness, I grabbed a watch from the bedside table. He never went to the bar - he was tired of swimming and forgot. But during sleep, his brain “remembered” this, analyzed the information and provided him with a ready-made solution, telling him where the lost item was. Did this person see a prophetic dream? In a way, yes. But there was nothing mystical about it. Everything can be explained scientifically...

In the situation described above, the prophetic dream is, as it were, turned into the past, but still I would like to predict the future. Analysis and forecast are, in a certain sense, a prediction of the future based on past experience. We plan our lives, we expect that something will happen in the future, and in connection with this, we somehow prepare for this. This is precisely the uniqueness of the human brain, that it has abstract thinking, it can think and predict the future.

But for some reason, we absolutize such predictions in a dream. Therein lies the problem. Any forecast of events in the future is probabilistic. An event may or may not occur with a certain probability. For example, if you dreamed that you would go to work tomorrow (like all the previous weeks, months and years) - will it be a prophetic dream? 99% of people will say no. But how not? You dreamed about the future!

And here is another example. You dreamed that you were leaving the house and an icicle would fall on your head. You went out and she really fell! Most people will say that this is a prophetic dream. But in fact, this happened an event that could happen, albeit with an extremely low probability. The brain predicted it, as a person looked at the weather forecast the day before, which spoke of a thaw, icicles and black ice.

If you dream of some potential trouble in the future, then it is quite possible to analyze the situation and take some action to avoid it. For example, a month ago you crossed the road in the wrong place in front of rushing cars. And suddenly you dreamed that you were hit by a car. Think about it. Maybe you should walk the extra 100 meters and use the pedestrian crossing?

But it’s not worth bringing your behavior to the point of absurdity in connection with such “prophetic dreams”. Imagine the following situation. You didn't come to work today. And tomorrow write an explanatory note to the boss: “Dear Chief! I'm not sure if there are prophetic dreams, but since I dreamed that I was hit by a car, I decided not to leave the house all day. At best, you will be advised to see a psychiatrist, and at worst, you will simply be fired.

Here we can recall the saying of one Englishman: “If you dreamed that horse number 6 would win tomorrow at the races, then bet money on it, but do not mortgage your house.”

deja vu

Please note: very often people realize that some of their dreams turned out to be prophetic only at the moment when it comes true. Until then, they may not even remember it! Probably, in such cases, prophetic dreams are imitated by such a well-known phenomenon as deja vu.

Sometimes a person has a spontaneous failure in the propagation of signals through the information channels of the brain. New information gets into the departments responsible for memories. This makes us perceive the current situation as something that has already happened in the past.

Deja vu is a very specific sensation that is accompanied by a feeling of "out of reality". For this reason, during deja vu, a person may think that he saw the event that just happened in a dream. Hence the photographic coincidence of reality and some "prophetic" dreams.


“Everyone lies,” said the main character of the famous television series (“Doctor House”). And this is true - a person, without noticing it, tells a lie or half-truth at least 20 times a day.

Are there prophetic dreams? Many are easily convinced that yes. Moreover, this topic is very mysterious. It gives the dreamer significance and arouses interest in relation to his person. This is used by people seeking to attract attention to themselves. Pay attention to those who allegedly see prophetic dreams. As a rule, these are teenagers, older people and women with problems in their personal lives - a typical list of people deprived of attention. Thus, it is worthwhile to perceive stories about prophetic dreams with a healthy distrust.


How I want to believe that prophetic dreams are trueThe idea of ​​​​the existence of prophetic dreams is strongly supported by various interpreters, predictors and "magicians in the seventh generation." This is a very good tool for influencing people with unstable mentality. Figures of the occult sciences, as a rule, are very good psychologists who can convince an impressionable person of anything. And just prophetic dreams are a very fertile topic, providing a strong and long-term dependence on people who have fallen into their trap.

Several times I had to consult people with severe insomnia and depression, which developed against the background of constant expectation of some kind of trouble from supposedly prophetic dreams. It usually goes like this.

A person comes to the interpreter of dreams and tells his dream. Whatever he says, he will be told that everything is terrible, the chakras are closed, the biofield is damaged, the beloved will leave, there will be no money and diseases will fall ... Of course, this is followed by an offer to fix everything, but you need to come regularly and tell your prophetic dreams; Truth, the most honest word – this will help! And it is on this that healing rituals will depend.

Naturally, all this is not done for free. After some time, a person is told that the problem is even deeper, black magic is already involved here, enemies are poking his Voodoo doll with needles and, in general, the strongest evil eye ... Even more manipulations and money are needed. The unfortunate person develops severe chronic stress, a persistent reflex of expecting trouble is formed. All this leads to depression and severe insomnia, which has to be treated by psychiatrists and somnologists.

Prophetic dreams are true. Usually they dream from Thursday to Friday, and on Christmas time you can even guess at a dream. Special conspiracies and rituals will help you see a dream that will surely come true in reality. If on any given day you had a dream and you want it to come true, in no case do not tell it to anyone for three days. If you saw a bad dream, hold your crown, light a candle and look at its flame, knock on the window three times ...

Ladies and gentlemen! Don't turn a secret belief in miracles into deliberately cultivated madness. Today there is no reason to believe that prophetic dreams really exist. Of course, it would be fun to see your future spouse long before you meet or find out what will be listed on the stock exchange next year. But, alas, this is not possible.

Psychologists say that the tendency to believe in various kinds of predictions suggests that a person does not like to take responsibility. Do not look for clues and predictions in the chaotic images of night dreams. Manage your life yourself!

Despite the fact that there is something mysterious and magical in prophetic dreams, nowadays few people believe in the otherworldly power of dreams. But some, ignoring the level of skepticism, continue to believe in the veracity of such dreams.

According to sociologists, housewives and elderly people, mostly women, believe in the veracity of prediction dreams most of all. But history and science are aware of cases that clearly prove that prophetic or prophetic dreams are not an invention: Dmitri Mendeleev saw and remembered his table of chemical elements in his dream, Elias Howe - a sewing machine, Giuseppe Tartini made an agreement with the devil himself in a dream , after which he wrote his famous "Devil's Sonata", and mathematician Alan Turing dreamed of a microcircuit, thanks to which he was able to invent a computer.

Historians also claim that ten days before his death, the famous American President Abraham Lincoln had an amazing dream: in the center of one of the halls of the White House there was a coffin, which was covered with the national flag. When the president asked the sentry who died, they answered him like that - the president of the country. He was brutally murdered right in the theater.

In 1912, a young American woman dreamed of rescuing her mother on a boat when the ship was sinking - this is exactly how one of the passengers on the Titanic saved her life.

Mikhail Lermontov loved to do mathematics. There was a case when he could not solve a complex mathematical problem and the writer went to bed, unable to cope with it, in a dream a stranger suggested a solution to him, and Mikhail Yuryevich, waking up, immediately wrote it down, and also managed to draw a portrait of the mysterious and a stranger to him. Many years later, experts clearly established that the portrait depicted the Scottish scientist John Napier, who is credited with the creation of logarithms, he lived in the seventeenth century. Contemporaries of Mikhail Yurievich claimed that Lermontov had never heard of the mathematician John Nepere and knew nothing. John Napier himself is from Scotland, and the branches of the family tree of the Lermontov family begin with George Lermont, a native of Scotland.

Modern astrologers are convinced that people see the highest percentage of prophetic dreams on Monday, on Tuesday - the dream will come true after a while, on Wednesday and Sunday - it will only partially come true, on Thursday - the dream always comes true, on Friday - only love dreams will come true, and Saturday - early dreams.

Astrologers are also convinced that a dream seen by a person on his birthday is prophetic and will certainly come true. Be that as it may, in reality, a person spends about a third of his life time in a dream, so his desire to understand the issue of dreams is quite logical.

We can look into our future while we sleep. Our ancestors thought so, many modern people also believe that a dream will certainly mean something. The statement is very curious, but very controversial. Let us recall at least our own dreams, or rather, their theme. Watching horror movies before bed is not uncommon for you. Do you like the REN-TV channel with its mystical stories? Then in a dream you probably had to witness the end of the world or the visit of aliens.

Our dreams are just impressions received during wakefulness, but processed by the subconscious. It turns out that this is something like a donut diet, tasty and useless. However, for the sake of entertainment, you can look into the dream book every day, looking for an interpretation of the various images that came to us at night. But no sane person would take it seriously. However, if you are an impressionable person, fortune-telling for a dream will help you tune in the right way. But for this purpose, come up with your own dream book, where there will be only good interpretations.
However, the nighttime process is not so primitive as to unequivocally state that divination for sleep is a hopeless occupation. Such conclusions can be reached by studying scientific sources.
exist, there is no doubt about it. But according to eyewitnesses, warnings do not come to us in the form of incomprehensible images. Usually in a dream there is a clear and clear situation that does not allow for ambiguous interpretation. It turns out that some force, hitherto unknown to us, gives a sign to individual individuals in order to warn them or direct them along the right path?
According to one of the hypotheses of scientists, during sleep, the human brain is connected to a common information field, the so-called noosphere. This explains the phenomenon of prophetic dreams. If all this is true and the noosphere contains information about our future, then in our dreams we can look into it. I must say that in Slavic household magic there are many ways of divination in dreams, including fortune telling on cards for sleep, Christmas and Christmas. Let's try to figure out how true such a prediction will be.

Let's remember the familiar: "mummer-betrothed, come to dinner." The girl asks a question, wanting to get a clear answer. If at that moment the young lady has a gentleman, most likely it is he who will dream. Those whose heart is still free may dream of a nice neighbor or former classmate. However, if the lady, after such a dream, proceeds to decisive action, it is quite possible that he will turn out to be prophetic.
Based on our short analysis, we can conclude that dream fortune telling is rarely true. But what about the general information field and information about our future? Perhaps this will seem strange and contradictory, but it is possible and even necessary to guess in dreams, but in modern terms, using a different technology.
Did you know that dream work is present in ancient occult sciences such as Voodoo. Many of us have heard that Voodoo magic is quite strong, and this is true, since Africans have not lost their ability to communicate with the forces of nature. According to Voodoo rules, divination begins with a purification ritual, usually a bath with herbs and oils. Then comes a prayer - an appeal to the spirit of Legbe, which opens the gate to dreams. In this case, it is necessary to clearly and clearly formulate your question. Pay attention to how the ritual goes. Just putting an object under the pillow and using a set of words is not enough. For divination, you need to prepare. By the way, in a dream, you can analyze existing relationships. After all, our brain picks up certain signals in the behavior of a lover, but is too clouded by "love hormones" to analyze them. But the subconscious is free from rose-colored glasses and will be able to do it for him.
You can use your dreams very productively, but for this, first learn to separate truth from fiction, information from above from signs and superstitions. After doing some work, you will learn to use dreams even to see your future.

From ancient times to the present day, people want to know what fate has prepared for them. Someone turns to fortune-tellers and clairvoyants, someone tries to penetrate the secrets of the future on their own: with the help of cards, runes, various kinds of fortune-telling, etc. And the most gifted people are able to foretell the future with the help of dreams. So what kind of dreams can be considered prophetic?

Prophetic dreams are dreams in which a person can see a situation in the future, which he will later encounter in reality. Of course, not every dream can be considered prophetic. So, for example, if you have a dream involving your lover, this does not mean at all that the situations from the dream will actually happen. The fact is that most likely during wakefulness you thought a lot about your partner, and the subconscious, under the influence of strong emotions experienced during the day, reproduces his image during sleep. But there are other situations as well.

It's no secret that the great Russian scientist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev discovered his periodic table of chemical elements during sleep. In this case, the truth is worth noting that a prophetic dream has become a side effect of prolonged mental activity, painstaking work.

A very interesting story happened to Elias Howe, the creator of the double stitch sewing machine. Howe struggled for a long time over the creation of his sewing machine, but all in vain, the threads shamelessly broke. He, as was done with a conventional sewing machine, pulled the thread up into the “eye”, which, as it turned out later, was his mistake. But then one night, Howe had a dream that he was sitting on a tree in Africa, and around him a lot of natives, dancing with spears, on the tips of which there are holes. Waking up, Elihas Howe realized his mistake and placed the hole for the thread not at the upper end of the needle, but at the point below. And so the first machine with a double line was born.

But the most interesting prophetic dreams are predictive dreams. Such dreams can show a piece of the future. There is a belief that the human soul leaves the body during sleep and can travel out of time, that is, return to the past and look into the future. A dream is a way to show what you see.

But truth or fiction is a prophetic dream? There is a mysterious example of a predictive prophetic dream that Abraham Lincoln had. In his dream, Lincoln saw a coffin located in the East Hall of the White House, surrounded by a huge number of crying people and sad guards. Lincoln did not see the face of the deceased, and therefore decided to ask the soldier who died, to which the guard replied that they were burying the President, he died from an assassin's bullet. A couple of days later, unfortunately, Lincoln's dream came true. However, do not be afraid, a prophetic dream is not a sentence. Perhaps such dreams are dreamed just in order to have time to correct the situation and we just need to be more attentive to them.

For example, during the First World War at that time, the still young corporal Adolf Schicklgruber (later famous throughout the world under the name Adolf Hitler) fell asleep during a respite in a trench, and had a terrifying dream in which he and his comrades were buried alive earth and fragments of a nearby bomb. The dream turned out to be so realistic that, upon waking up, Adolf could not believe that he was still alive. He jumped to his feet and decided to get out of the trenches. But already standing on his feet, under the threat of being shot down by enemy snipers, Adolf realized how stupid he had acted and wanted to return back to the trench, when a shell exploded nearby. The young corporal instinctively fell to the ground and crawled to the trench, but once in place, he saw a chilling picture: all his comrades died, and just as he saw in his dream, he was the only survivor. So Adolf's prophetic dream saved his life, it's not for us to judge for the better, but such a story took place.

Summing up, I would like to note that, despite the fact that prophetic dreams are quite interesting and mysterious, you should not get hung up on them. Each person costs his own life and dreams should not set conditions for him. Of course, you need to listen to them, but only you can decide how to live your life.

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