Encyclopedia of fire safety

What is table margarine made from? Calorie content and useful properties - table milk margarine. Benefits of eating margarine

Cooking oil, or, more simply, margarine has become an integral part of modern cooking. Its range is huge. In stores you can find this product of any quality, composition, color and variety. It is present in ready meals as well as baked goods. But few people know that this product is in use relatively recently. Margarine owes its appearance to Hippolyte Mezh-Mourier, a French chemist who invented an amazing dairy product more than one century ago. It was invented as an inexpensive and high-quality analogue of butter.

Kitchen and dining room

It is these two types that margarine happens, the composition of which we will give below. Giving preference to one or another option, you should decide for yourself with what exactly you plan to use it. After all, the kitchen look is added to hot first and second courses, used for frying vegetables and meat products. Table margarine tastes like butter, and therefore is perfect for dough and snacks. Mistresses prefer fat rather than oil, as it prevents the flour products from becoming hardened quickly. In addition, the table view of the dairy product makes the flour dish much tastier, gives it a unique creamy smell and a golden hue.

Benefits of using margarine

Many consumers think long and hard about whether to buy margarine or butter. These doubts are caused by uncertainty about whether there is anything useful in the composition of the first product. Of course, margarine contains vitamins, but they are all artificially added to it. This was done in order to bring it closer in nutritional properties to natural butter.

Margarine is a dairy product of plant origin, so it does not contain cholesterol. But sometimes some elements of animal origin are added to the composition to improve the taste. However, this product certainly has some advantages. So, margarine stays fresh longer. Accordingly, dishes prepared on its basis also differ in this feature. This product is much cheaper. It is easier to spread on baked goods. But the benefits of margarine are directly related to the quality of the substances from which it is made.

Beware, it can be dangerous!

Margarine, whose composition is mostly composed of trans fats, has a harmful effect on the functioning of the heart. Also, for the production of this product, waste products of chemical origin are used, which can cause quite severe harm to health. It's no secret that vegetable fats are the raw material for the manufacture of margarine. And modern manufacturers get them from genetically modified soybeans, which can also provoke the appearance of very strong allergic reactions.

What is margarine made from?

Among buyers, the opinion has spread that oil is used to produce margarine. But, of course, these are just the fantasies of too impressionable people who love to convey various rumors and conjectures to the public. To debunk this myth, we will tell the reader what the dairy product actually consists of. The composition of margarine according to GOST includes oils of vegetable origin and/or fats of fish and marine mammals. It is also allowed to add animal fats and dairy products to it.

Margarine is a water-oil emulsion that contains at least 39% fat by weight. For the production of the product, liquid hydrogenated oils of vegetable origin and fats of marine mammals (also in liquid form) are used. In slightly smaller quantities, it may contain animal rendered fats, butter and milk fat.

What else is margarine made of? It contains substances such as preservatives, water, emulsifiers, salt, food coloring, antioxidants and flavors. Ingredients that improve the taste of the butter substitute can also be present. These include whey, sugar, milk and pasteurized or powdered cream.

It's tastier with "Pyshka"

This dairy product is especially popular with housewives. This hype is caused primarily by the fact that the composition of Pyshka margarine compares favorably with the absence of hydrogenated fats, which are the most harmful ingredient of any product in this category. The butter substitute under the indicated trademark is a quality product with a uniform consistency, which has a positive effect on baking.

The full composition of margarine "Pyshka" is as follows:

  • 75% refined deodorized vegetable oils and fats;
  • water;
  • dry whey;
  • emulsifiers;
  • salt;
  • citric acid;
  • natural dyes;
  • vitamins;
  • flavoring.

Is there any milk?

It is quite difficult to distinguish butter from milk margarine in appearance. They are similar in composition, digestibility by the human body, taste and aromatic properties. Milk margarine (the composition is presented in the article) contains 82-84% fat, protein in an amount of from half to one percent, as well as calcium, potassium, vitamins A, B and E, magnesium. In the process of making this butter substitute, fermented milk is added to it. Such an ingredient makes it possible to maximize the similarity of milk margarine and butter. Pre-pasteurization of milk before it is added to fat, and its further fermentation with lactic acid bacteria provides margarine with a smell and taste of this product.

Oh, cream, cream!

The composition of creamy margarine includes oils of vegetable origin and animal fats. During the production of the product, the emulsification method is used. This process refers to the mixing of fats with a liquid containing water. For example, with pasteurized cow's milk. This product should not contain more than twenty-five percent butter. Even taking into account the manufacturers' arguments that butterfat is of the highest quality, it cannot be compared with real butter.

However, this product has unique properties. First, it differs in universality of application. Secondly, margarine (we have already specified the composition) is enriched with vitamins of groups A, B, PP and E. It also contains elements such as choline, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and potassium. That is why the creamy product is actively used in industrial enterprises and at home.

Table margarine

This variety appeared in the thirties of the last century. These were hard hungry times. Scientists have invented a new product that is cheaper than butter. Table fat began to be added not only to the dough, but also to other dishes. But despite this, this dairy product remained a second-class product. With the advent of the 1990s, when butter became a scarce commodity, table margarine regained popularity. Not only a domestic product appeared on the market, but also a foreign one.

Table margarine, the composition of which is edible fat, milk, salt, sugar, dyes and refined oils of vegetable origin, is divided into two grades. This is a sandwich and dining room. It also comes in solid types and soft bulk (they are packed in plastic jars).

How to choose the best product

No matter what is said about the harmfulness of margarine, we still continue to use it. The only exception is children, to whom it is not recommended to give it in principle. For small eaters, the amount of butter substitute that they get while eating pastries is enough. Therefore, when buying margarine, you need to learn how to choose it.

The highest quality product is the one on the packaging of which is marked "R 52179-2003" and the GOST symbol. Such a product must be wrapped in foil, it protects it from the effects of foreign odors, humidity and light. The label should also contain information about the composition of margarine. Give preference to a product that does not contain GMOs. A dye is added to the fat, on which the shade of the original product directly depends. If the dairy product has a yellow color, then it has vitamins, a white tint indicates that the product is not colored, and a product containing dyes will have a light yellow color.

Production, varieties and composition of margarines in the world

Low calorie margarine. In its production, coconut, palm and palm kernel vegetable oils are used, so the product is plastic. For example, in Germany, pork fat is added to margarine.

Solid bar margarine This type of margarine consists of 80% lard and 20% vegetable oil.

Bulk margarine consists of 40-50% liquid fat. As an auxiliary component, it contains milk, butter, sugar, salt, emulsifiers, preservatives, aromatic additives that form the water-milk basis of this product.

Nowadays, margarine is produced, which does not contain milk. Sodium caseinate and sour cream are added to some types. Permitted preservatives in our country are citric, benzoic and sorbic acids. As part of the water base of this product, citric and lactic acid are used to increase microbiological stability. For the resistance of solid fats to the oxidation process, margarine includes butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene (oxidizing agents).

Margarine is of two types - kitchen and table. Kitchen margarine is used to add to the first and second hot dishes, when frying meat, vegetables and minced meat. Table margarine has the taste of butter, so it is used for dough products and snacks.

Margarines in demand by consumers

In the network of shops and supermarkets you can buy various varieties of margarine. Consider the most in demand, this is margarine:

  • Sandwich.
  • Lactic.
  • Low calorie.
  • Slavic.
  • Creamy.
  • Table dairy.
  • Extra.

Sandwich margarine. They produce sandwich bar and soft, of improved quality. The most favorite margarine is light yellow. For the preparation of this margarine, the main and auxiliary raw materials are used. The main raw material is a fatty base, which is used as a variety of refined sunflower oil, odorless and tasteless. Single-acid multi-melting gricerides give the product softness, and high-melting ones, give hardness.

100g of sandwich margarine contains:

  • Water - 15.8.
  • Proteins - 0.5.
  • Fats - 82.
  • Carbohydrates - 1.2.
  • Kcal - 746.

This type of margarine is table, so it is used for dough and all kinds of snacks.

Milk margarine refers to table margarine. It should be noted that this type of margarine in appearance and taste is difficult to distinguish from butter. Milk margarine does not contain milk, which is replaced by a milk fat product, 25% of which consists of hydrolyzed whale oil. The composition of the considered margarine contains a significant amount of biologically active compounds and vitamins, such as vitamin A, B, PP, E. B, as well as sodium, phosphorus, choline and magnesium.

100g of milk margarine contains:

  • Water - 15.9.
  • Proteins - 0.3.
  • Fats - 82.3.
  • Carbohydrates - 1.
  • Kcal - 746.

Since milk margarine belongs to the table type of margarine, culinary experts consider it the best table type for preparing all kinds of culinary products.

Low-calorie margarine is a product based on vegetable oil, water, emulsifiers and flavors. The main raw materials for the production of margarine are vegetable oils (sunflower, cottonseed, soybean) and animal oil (whale). Low-calorie margarine includes such varieties: Siberian, Citrus, dairy-free homemade, Rosinka, Volga and Chocolate. This margarine contains saturated fatty acids, mono- and disaccharides, ash, vitamins A, PP, B1, B2, as well as magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and calcium.

100g of low-calorie margarine contains:

  • Water - 38.4.
  • Proteins - 0.5.
  • Fats - 60.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.7.
  • Kcal - 545.

Low-calorie margarine is used in cooking for baking low-fat confectionery.

Slavic margarine is a fatty product that includes edible fats, milk, salt, high quality sugar. In terms of taste, texture, smell and calorie content, this type of margarine is close to butter. Fermented milk, which is part of the Slavic margarine, gives the product a pleasant taste and aroma. Liquid margarine emulsion is prepared in special mixers. To give stability, emulsifiers are introduced, cooled and mechanically processed and packed. Slavic margarine contains vitamins A, PP, B2, E, B6 and microelements magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium.

100 g of Slavic margarine contains:

  • Water - 16.5.
  • Proteins - 0.3.
  • Fats - 82.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.1.
  • Kcal - 743.

This type of margarine is used in cooking for baking confectionery and as a separate product for spreading sandwiches.

Cream margarine is a product based on vegetable oil, water, emulsifiers and flavors. Margarine is the best-selling food product, while cream is the most popular among consumers. It is prepared by mixing natural hydrogenated and vegetable fats with pasteurized fermented milk and 25% butter. Creamy margarine is a high-quality product, has a creamy taste and aroma, contains vitamins A, PP, E and microelements.

100g of creamy margarine contains:

  • Water - 16.5.
  • Proteins - 0.5.
  • Fats - 82.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.
  • Kcal - 745.

This variety of margarine is universal. It is suitable for frying, stewing, baking and for sandwiches.

Milk table margarine is difficult to distinguish from butter. In appearance and digestibility by the body, this type of margarine is close to butter. This type of margarine contains 60% fat and coconut oil and 30% vegetable. This margarine contains vitamins A, E, B and calcium, magnesium and potassium. To bring the taste of table milk margarine closer to butter, fermented milk is added to it and emulsified. Lecithin acts as an emulsifier, which combines fat and milk and creates a uniform consistency.

Milk, which is added to margarine, is pasteurized and fermented with lactic acid bacteria, which gives the margarine its aroma and taste. Dairy table margarine differs from butter in that it does not contain butter, but dairy table margarine has 25% hydrogenated whale oil.

100g of table milk margarine contains:

  • Water - 16.2.
  • Proteins - 0.3.
  • Fats - 82.
  • Carbohydrates - 1.
  • Kcal - 743.

Margarine table milk is used for the production of confectionery, in cooking and for sandwiches.

Margarine extra is a very high-quality margarine, which is a complete food product. Doctors consider it possible to use it as a diet food. It contains milk and coconut oil. In extra margarine, vegetable oils and fats of marine animals are subjected to hydrogenation, which provides this type of margarine with the necessary consistency. Deodorization eliminates the specific smell and taste inherent in marine animals. Margarine extra contains vitamins A, E, PP, B, it is salty and without salt, and is divided into 1st and 2nd grade.

100g extra margarine contains:

  • Water - 16.
  • Proteins - 0.5.
  • Fats - 82.
  • Carbohydrates - 1.
  • Kcal - 744.

High-quality margarine extra differs in density, uniformity and plasticity. Has a good taste and smell.

Benefits of eating margarine

  • Margarine is considered a good source of fat.
  • The usefulness of margarine is in vegetable origin, therefore it does not contain cholesterol.
  • The usefulness of this product directly depends on the quality of the raw materials from which it is produced.
  • The advantage of margarine is that this product remains fresh for a long time, costs less, and spreads easier than butter.

Harm from eating margarine

  • Margarine contains trans-fatty acids and chemical residues.
  • The components of artificial origin that are part of margarine are not processed by human digestive enzymes, so the use of margarine can lead to metabolic disorders and a decrease in immunity. The risk of diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases increases.
  • Long-term use of margarine causes a deterioration in sperm quality in men, reduces the production of testosterone and leads to infertility.
  • The raw material for the production of margarine is vegetable fats, which today are obtained from soybeans, which are considered genetically modified, which can cause severe allergies.

Margarine is stored at a temperature of 0-4ºС. Shelf life is one and a half months.

Margarine is a cheap substitute for natural butter, similar to it in chemical composition, texture, smell and taste.

Margarine was created in France by the chemist Hippolyte Mezh-Mourier.

Production and composition of margarine

Currently, sandwich bar and sandwich soft margarine, margarine of improved quality and table margarine are produced. Among consumers, the most popular sandwich margarine is slightly yellow.

In the production of this food product, auxiliary and main raw materials are used. Fat base is used as the main raw material. The quality of the finished product largely depends on the physicochemical parameters and rheological characteristics of the base.

Hardness, melting point and solids concentration are the most important indicators of the properties of margarine. Accumulation of single-acid, different-melting glycerides gives this product softness, while high-melting glycerides give it increased hardness.

As the fat base of margarine, various refined sunflower oils without taste and smell are most often used. In the US, the main raw material for the production of this product is soybean oil, and in Western Europe - rapeseed.

In the production of low-calorie margarine, palm kernel, coconut and palm vegetable oils are widely used. When using these oils, this product is more plastic. In Germany, pork fat (lard) is added to certain varieties of margarine.

Bar hard margarine consists of 80% lard and 20% liquid fat (most often vegetable oil). Bulk margarine is 40-50% liquid fat.

The composition of margarine as auxiliary components usually includes milk, butter, salt, sugar, preservatives, emulsifiers, aromatic and flavoring additives (vanillin, cocoa powder, coffee extract). Auxiliary components form the water-milk basis of the product.

Salt in margarine gives it a salty taste and also reduces splatter when it is used to stir-fry foods.

In addition to milk margarine, margarine is now being produced that does not contain milk. However, fermented cream, sodium caseinate are added to some types of such a product.

As preservatives in the production of margarine in our country, it is allowed to use sorbic, citric and benzoic acids. In Holland and Denmark, sorbic acid and potassium sorbate are used. In the UK and the USA, both sorbic and benzoic acid, as well as their sodium and potassium salts, are used. Lactic and citric acids are introduced into the water base of the product to increase the microbiological stability. Citric acid has a synergistic effect on preservatives and oxidizing agents.

To increase the resistance of solid fats to oxidation, margarine includes oxidizing agents - butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene at a concentration of 0.02%. Usually they are added in a mixture with tocopherol, lecithin and citric acid.

Emulsifiers aid in moisture retention, as well as anti-splatter properties and provide shelf life for this product.

Currently, margarine is produced in chocolate (brown), pink, yellow and other colors.

Nutritional value and calorie content of margarine

In terms of calories, margarine is not much inferior to butter. The calorie content of margarine is 745 kcal per 100 g.

One hundred grams of this product contains 16.5 g of water, 0.5 g of ash, 3 mg of choline, 25 mg of vitamin E, 0.03 mg of vitamin B2, 0.02 mg of vitamin A, 400 mcg of vitamin PP.

In addition, margarine contains 7 micrograms of phosphorus, 10 micrograms of potassium, 187 mg of sodium, 1 mg of magnesium and 11 mg of calcium.

All useful substances are added to this product artificially.

The benefits of margarine

The energy value of margarine is higher than that of cow's butter, so this product is considered a good source of fat. In addition, it contains a number of trace elements and vitamins.

The benefits of margarine lie in its vegetable origin. That is why it does not contain cholesterol. Although sometimes fats of animal origin are added to the composition of this product to improve its taste.

The benefits of margarine directly depend on the quality of the raw materials from which it is produced.

Harm margarine

In scientific circles and the press, the question of the dangers of margarine is often discussed.

The composition of the product includes trans-fatty acids (TIFA) and residues of various chemicals. That is why margarine can cause considerable harm to an adult, as well as a children's body.

Human digestive enzymes cannot process the artificial components that make up margarine. That is why the regular use of FAFA, even in small amounts, leads to metabolic disorders, to a decrease in immunity, and also increases the risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular and oncological diseases. In addition, trans fats impair the quality of breast milk and result in underweight babies.

In men, regular and long-term use of margarine leads to a deterioration in sperm quality, as well as reduces testosterone production and increases the risk of infertility.

Storage conditions

Margarine should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to 4°C - one and a half months, at a temperature of -10 to -20 °C - about two months. The shelf life of the product also depends on the type of packaging.

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St. Petersburg Institute of Trade and Economics

Department of Commodity Science and Expertise of Goods

on commodity science of foodstuffs

Commodity characteristics of margarine

St. Petersburg 2009


1. Nutritional value of margarine

2. Method for the production of margarine

3. Classification and range of margarine

4. Examination of the quality of margarine

5. Storage and transportation of margarine



About a hundred and thirty years ago, margarine was created - a mixture of animal fats with vegetable fats subjected to hydrogenation or, simply speaking, the saturation of fatty acid molecules with hydrogen atoms to turn liquid vegetable fats into solid ones. The inventor of margarine was the French chemist Hippolyte Mezh-Mourier.

The fat mixture he received as a cheap substitute for butter had a pearly sheen, which, in fact, gave the name to the new product, because in Greek “pearl” is “margaritarion”.

Interestingly, the chemical composition of margarine almost does not differ from butter and contains up to 82% fat and no more than 18% of the aqueous phase with small amounts of proteins, sugar and salt dissolved in it. At the same time, high-quality margarine, unlike butter, is completely free of cholesterol, which reduces the risk of heart disease.

Thanks to this, margarine is considered a physiologically complete food product. True, along with "bad" cholesterol, butter contains "good" cholesterol, which is vital for the human body for normal metabolism. But the hydrogenation of fats in the production of margarine, according to recent studies, has an extremely unpleasant side effect.

It leads to the formation of so-called trans-fatty acids, which are practically absent in butter and vegetable oils and therefore unusual for our body. Transisomers, the share of which in hydrogenated margarine reaches 40%, increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, disrupt the normal functioning of cell membranes, contribute to the development of vascular diseases, and adversely affect sexual potency.

To feed the army and the poor, margarine was invented in France - a cheap product for sandwiches and fries. It had an unnaturally pearly white color and a taste that would repel anyone accustomed to real butter. Therefore, over time, margarine began to be tinted yellow, giving it a resemblance to butter, and at the same time they dubbed the word butterin - from butter (butter) and margarine (margarine).

All this happened at the end of the century before last, people had different ideas about food and life, and then they did not accept Butterin, considering it a fake. And today, butterin is returning to store shelves everywhere under the guise of so-called "spreads" and "mixes", successfully competing with butter and margarine.

1. Nutritional value

Margarine- emulsion fat product. It is produced from vegetable fats. Mass fraction of total fat not less than 39%. It is allowed to add animal fats, dairy products, flavoring and aromatic additives. It has a plastic, dense, or soft, or liquid consistency, (from clause 3.1. GOST R 52178-2003).

Margarine is a highly dispersed emulsion of fat and water, which, along with a high melting point, determines its high digestibility - 94%. The biological value is determined by the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, phosphatides, vitamins.

In terms of digestibility and basic indicators of biological value, table margarines are not inferior to butter from cow's milk, and in terms of the content and ratio of fatty acids, they even surpass it and approach the fat of the optimal composition. So, table margarines of various recipes contain 17--23% saturated fatty acids, 8--17% linoleic And 43--47% oleic acid, ? -sitosterol contained in them in quantity 0,04% . It should be noted the very high organoleptic properties of table margarines.

Cooking margarines are called cooking or kitchen fats. Unlike table margarines, they do not contain dairy components, including butter from cow's milk, and are used only in the heat treatment of products, in particular when frying. In various recipes of cooking oils from 50 to 85% takes vegetable and animal fat, the rest 15--50% constitute natural vegetable oils or animal fats- lard, beef and bone fat. They also include preservatives, dyes, antioxidants. In addition, to increase the nutritional value of cooking oils, some of them are injected vitamin A And phosphatide concentrate.

Introduction to margarine dietary supplements significantly increases the nutritional value of the product. These supplements include vitamins, minerals, organic acids, individual amino acids, which are added to products to improve taste, presentation, increase shelf life or intensify production processes (preservatives, dyes, antioxidants, fillers, etc.). In addition, margarine is added 1--3% milk proteins, which have little effect on nutritional value, but improve organoleptic and sometimes technological properties. Introduction vitaminsA, D, E, C in soft margarines, including those for dietary purposes, increases their nutritional value.

Used to make margarine emulsifiers(lecithin, mono - and diglycerides, etc.), which create a stable emulsion of fat in water or water in fat, and also improve the plastic properties and nutritional value of margarine.

In accordance with the requirements of physiologists, the daily intake of fats should be 95-100 g. In this case, there should be the following ratio of fatty acids: polyunsaturated - 20-30%, monounsaturated - 40-50%, saturated - 20-30%. It should be noted that none of the natural fats does not meet the specified standards. Margarine is a product with specified properties. Margarine production technology allows you to change the recipe in accordance with the requirements of physiologists. For different age groups, preventive and dietary nutrition, different compositions of margarine can be selected.

2. Production method

In the production of margarine, the main and auxiliary raw materials are used.

Main raw material(from clause 5.3.2. GOST R 52178-2003):

- Fat animal, rendered edible fats, interesterified milk fat, hydrogenated fish and marine mammal oils, and others.

- Oil peanut, cocoa, hydrogenated vegetable oils, coconut, cow butter according to GOST 37-91, corn, palm, palm kernel, sunflower, rapeseed, soybean, refined cotton and others.

- Olein palm.

- Palmitin cotton.

- Salomas unrefined for margarine products frame, unrefined for margarine products, refined deodorized for margarine products.

- Stearin palm

Auxiliary raw materials(from clause 5.3.4. GOST R 52178-2003):

- Milk pasteurized bovine, spray-dried whole bovine, spray-dried defatted bovine

- Cream dry, pasteurized

- Serum dry milk cheese

- Water drinking

- Sugar- sand

- Salt cooking food

- Starter cultures bacterial

- Cocoa- powder

- Starch potato, corn.

- Antioxidants: ascorbyl palmitate, ascorbyl stearate and others; butylated hydroxyanisole, butylated hydroxytoluene and mixtures thereof; gallates, tocopherols, natural and synthetic, tert-butylhydroquinone.

- Flavors

- Vanillin

- Vitamins: vitamin A, retinol palmitate solution 55% in oil, retinol acetate solution 86% in oil, retinol palmitate, retinol acetate, alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) solution and others.

- Acids: lemon food, dairy food (highest and first grades).

- Preservatives: benzoic acid, sorbic acid, sodium, potassium and calcium benzoate, sodium, potassium and calcium sorbate and others.

- Concentrate whey-protein, phosphatide food.

- Food colorings: microbiological carotene (provitamin A) in oil, carotenes, annatto extracts, curcumin or turmeric, beta-apocarotene aldehyde, methyl or ethyl esters of beta-apocarotene acid and others.

- Sweeteners:"Sweetly", composition of sweeteners "Megasvit" and others.

- Stabilizers: food sodium alginate and others.

- Food emulsifiers: soft monoglycerides, distilled monoglycerides (MGD) and others; mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, as well as their esters with acetic, acetyltartaric, citric, lactic, tartaric acids and sodium and calcium salts of these esters; lecithins; esters of polyglycerol and fatty acids; esters of polyglycerol and ricinolic acids and others.

Margarine production

There are two technological schemes: periodical And continuous actions. Regardless of the technological scheme, the production of margarine consists of the following operations:

Acceptance and preparation of raw materials;

Preparation of margarine recipes;

Tempering and mixing the fat base, milk and additives;


Cooling and crystallization;

Plastic processing, packing and packing.

Acceptance of raw materials is to assess its quality according to established indicators.

Raw material preparation includes obligatory refining of vegetable oils and tallow, pasteurization and fermentation of milk, cleaning of butter.

Formulation of margarine carried out in accordance with its purpose and name.

Tempering- this is bringing to a certain temperature all components of the prescription mixture: fat base - 4--5 ° C above the melting point; milk - up to 15 - 20 ° C.

emulsification- distribution of one liquid into another in the form of drops in special mixers (emulsifiers) with vigorous stirring. For the production of low calorie margarine, stronger emulsification is needed, which is usually achieved by recycling the emulsion.

At cooling margarine emulsion, the process of crystallization and recrystallization occurs with the transition of less stable crystalline (metastable) through intermediate to stable (stable) crystalline modifications, which is the essence of the phenomenon of polymorphism.

With slow cooling of the margarine emulsion, glycerides crystallize sequentially in accordance with their pour point. As a result, large crystals are formed, characteristic of the most high-melting stable crystalline form, which causes the heterogeneity of the structure of the finished product, which gives margarine a rough taste, powdery and marbling texture. During storage, such margarine becomes brittle. With rapid cooling, the formation of crystals begins at a temperature below the pour point. In this case, lower-melting, less stable crystalline forms are formed. Thus, using the ability of margarine to supercool, it is possible to obtain a fine-grained structure with high plasticity, low melting point, the necessary consistency and other organoleptic properties.

Scheme of periodic action is based on the principle: the refrigeration drum is a vacuum collector. The mixture of components according to the recipe from the mixer is sent to the emulsifier, where a finely dispersed emulsion is obtained. Then the emulsion is fed to cooling drums, the surface temperature of which is from -18 to -20°C, for cooling and crystallization. The emulsion is fed to the surface of the drum in the form of a thin film and solidifies in this form. The hardened emulsion is removed from the surface of the drum with a special knife. At the same time, chips are formed, which fall into the hopper and are sent to the vacuum collector for plastic processing.

Vacuum-compressor is a screw-mixing machine in which margarine is compacted during mixing, first by the upper and then by the lower screws. In the process of mechanical processing, excess air and moisture are removed from the chips under vacuum with some thermal action. The shavings are homogenized and acquire the consistency of butter.

Margarine leaves the vacuum assembly at a temperature of 12-16 ° C, it is packaged and sent for storage and aging.

Continuous production schemes

Production of margarine on the line of the company "Johnson". This line includes tanks for fat mixture and additives, automatic scales, a dosing pump, three mixers, an emulsifier pump, a double filter, an equalization tank, a subcooler, a structurer and filling and packaging machines.

Prepared fats, emulsifier solution, fat-soluble additives are fed into the total capacity of automatic scales and weighed. Then the components of the fat and water-milk phases are pumped into mixers, where emulsification takes place with mixers with a rotation speed of 46 rpm and a temperature of 38-40 °C.

The emulsion is passed through the emulsifier pump for 5 minutes and sent to the third mixer, where it is thoroughly mixed and fed to a double filter, and then to an equalizing tank with a steam jacket and a float valve. Then the emulsion at a temperature of 38-40 ° C enters a four-cylinder subcooler (votator). After cooling, the emulsion has a temperature of 10-13 °C.

When packing in packs, the margarine emulsion is fed through a distributing device and filters by structurators to the mold and filling and packaging machines. When packing into a monolith, the margarine emulsion is fed from the votator to the decrystallizer apparatus and then to a two-unit fat filling machine of the Roberts type.

Production of soft bulk margarine on the Schroeder line. This line includes: two tanks, two mixers, an emulsifier pump, a high pressure pump, a pasteurizer, a combinator, a crystallizer, filling and packaging machines.

Dosing of the components of the formulation is carried out using microprocessor technology in automatic mode. Each component is weighed in quantities according to the recipe and pumped into the mixer, where they are mixed using mixers with a rotation speed of 30-35 rpm. / min at a temperature of 39-43 °C.

From the mixer, the emulsion is pumped by an emulsifier pump into a flow mixer, from where the stable emulsion enters a three-cylinder high-pressure pump and, under a pressure of 1-5 MPa, is fed into a pasteurizer, where it is pasteurized at a temperature of 80-85°C and cooled to 39-43°C.

From the pasteurizer, the margarine emulsion is fed through a pipeline to a combinator consisting of three cooling cylinders and one cylinder for additional mechanical processing. In the combinator, the emulsion is cooled to 10-13°C due to the evaporation of liquid ammonia. In the cylinder during additional processing, recrystallization of margarine occurs with the release of latent heat of crystallization with an increase in temperature by 2-3°C. Then, through the crystallizer, margarine enters the filling machines, where it is packaged in polyvinyl chloride cups. The cups are transported along the filling conveyor and sent to packaging machines.

3. Classification and range of margarine

The classification of margarine is based on the following features:

- appointment- according to GOST 240-85, margarine is divided into sandwich, table, for industrial processing;

- quality-- according to GOST 240-85, table margarine (Creamy, Dairy, New, Rainbow, Sunny, Era) is divided into the highest and 1st grades;

- consistency-- hard slab, soft bulk, whipped;

- mass fraction of fat-- high-fat (80--82%), low-fat (65--72%), low-calorie (40--60%). Low-calorie margarine also includes spreads and halvarin.

Depending on the purpose, margarines are divided into groups: sandwich, table and for industrial processing. Within the group, the name of margarine corresponds to a certain recipe composition.

Sandwich margarines(fat 62 and 82%) are used to make sandwiches at home and in the catering network. Assortment - Extra, Slavic, Amateur, Chocolate creamy, Leningrad. Margarine Extra (without salt) can be used to make cream.

Table margarines(fat 72, 75 and 82%) are intended for consumption at home and in the catering network for the preparation of culinary, flour confectionery and bakery products. Assortment - Creamy, Dairy, New, Rainbow, Sunny.

Margarines for industrial processing(fat 82, 82.5 and 83%) are intended for the production of bakery products (Liquid for the baking industry), for flour confectionery products (Liquid milk for the confectionery industry) and for industrial processing (Dairy-free).

Depending on the organoleptic characteristics, canteen margarines and dairy-free margarine are divided into higher And 1st grade. The taste and smell of sandwich margarines, top grade table margarines and margarine for the confectionery industry are clean, milky or lactic acid. In margarine of the 1st grade, a smack of the original fatty raw material is allowed. The Chocolate Cream has a pronounced taste of chocolate and vanillin. In margarine for the baking industry and Dairy-free, there is no taste and reserve. The consistency for all types of margarine (except liquid) is plastic, dense and homogeneous. In the 1st grade, slightly smearing consistency and color heterogeneity are allowed.

Russian margarine: In recent years, the range of margarine produced by the Russian industry has expanded significantly. The distribution network receives high-fat margarine manufactured in accordance with GOST 240-85, low-fat margarine and low-calorie bulk margarine, produced according to various technical conditions developed and approved in the prescribed manner.

- Bar margarine: High-fat margarine includes amateur with a high content of table salt (1.0--1.2%); Butter, containing butter, and Dairy, containing 10% coconut oil and 14.7% milk, with a mass fraction of fat of 82%; Atlanta oil (80%) with hydrogenated fish oil.

Reduced-fat margarine includes Irkutsk containing butter; Raduga with the addition of phosphatides and vitamin A, dairy-free Rossiyanka with the addition of vitamin A with a fat mass fraction of 75%; Sunny with the addition of phosphatides, with a mass fraction of fat 72%, Creamy Volgograd, containing 10% butter with a mass fraction of fat 67%; Creamy fragrant and Creamy new, also containing 10% butter with a mass fraction of fat of 65%.

Low-calorie margarine includes Siberian, Citrus and dairy-free Domashniy, Rosinka, Volga with a mass fraction of fat of 60%, as well as Chocolate cream with a content of 18% sugar and 2.5% cocoa powder with a mass fraction of fat of 62%.

- Bulk margarine: High-fat (82%) margarine includes Solnyshko with phosphatide concentrate and vitamin A.

Reduced fat margarine -- Breakfast butter containing 40% butter, with a fat mass fraction of 72%.

Low-calorie margarine includes Stolichny, which is dairy and dairy-free, with the addition of 10% coconut oil, phosphatide concentrate, vitamins A and E; Dessert with 10% sugar, 2.5% cocoa powder, whey protein concentrate and vanillin; Creamy with a mass fraction of fat of 60%, as well as dairy-free Utro with the addition of vitamin A.

They also produce liquid margarine for the baking industry and liquid milk margarine for the confectionery industry with a mass fraction of fat of 82%, without the addition of salt and dairy-free with a mass fraction of fat of 82.5%.

- Imported margarine. At present, a wide range of imported products is presented on the domestic market: high-fat bar, packaged in parchment, laminated foil, net weight 250, 400, 500 g; low-calorie bar and bulk margarine in polymer jars and cups, net weight 200, 250, 400 and 500 g. As a rule, margarine of the same name is produced both in bars and in bulk.

Among the low-calorie margarine, halvarin is the most widely represented. The technology and the name are patented in the Netherlands, but are currently being widely developed around the world. Halvarin is a highly plastic, finely dispersed product with a fat base melting point of about 30 °C.

A feature of imported margarine is that it is usually fortified with fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E.

From Finland comes margarine Voimix, Finea, Rama (bulk), Masmix, containing butter, with a mass fraction of fat of 60%.

The Netherlands supplies a large group of halvarines: Summer, Linco, Frany, RilantO; Topper. They are both bar with a mass fraction of fat of 70%, and bulk with a mass fraction of fat of 40%.

Hashalls Buttermix bar margarine with a mass fraction of fat of 82% and Hashalls eve with a mass fraction of 80% come from Sweden. Margarine AUround Buttermix with a fat mass fraction of 60% and Scandi Valley with a mass fraction of fat of 60 and 80% are produced in bars and bulk. Its recipe includes butter and fermented milk.

Low-calorie halvarins with a mass fraction of fat of 40% come from Denmark; Nille containing hydrogenated fish oil and Mira based on vegetable oils.

Germany supplies bulk margarine Rama, and Holland - bar Rama with a mass fraction of fat of 70%, containing butter and whey.

4. Quality expertise

Requirements for the quality of margarine (according to GOST R 52178-2003): According to the current regulatory documentation, organoleptic, physico-chemical, microbiological quality indicators of margarine, as well as safety indicators are standardized. Organoleptic quality indicators margarine are taste, smell, texture and color.

Taste and smell margarine must be clean, characteristic of this type of margarine, without foreign tastes and odors. Defects in taste and smell include a weak aroma and an empty unexpressed taste. A bitter taste appears when using low-quality salt or milk with bitterness. Excessively sour taste occurs as a result of the use of milk with high acidity. The stearic taste determines the long-term storage of high-melting lard. A cheesy or curdled taste is given to margarine by fermented milk. Metallic taste is a consequence of long-term storage of the product in a metal container.

Consistency margarine is determined at a temperature of 18 °C. Solid bar margarine has a plastic, dense, uniform texture, shiny, dry-looking cut surface. Soft bulk margarine has a highly plastic, homogeneous, spreadable consistency, and a shiny surface. Margarine consistency defects include graininess, flouriness, greasiness, caused by a violation of the cooling regime or excessive mechanical processing of the margarine emulsion. A cloudy tear is the appearance of cloudy drops of water on the surface of a margarine cut - the result of introducing unfermented milk into the recipe or not following the order of introducing the emulsifier. A large tear - moisture flowing from the cut surface of margarine, is due to an insufficient amount of emulsifier.

Color margarine should be homogeneous throughout the mass. Most types of margarine are similar in color to summer butter. Margarine Chocolate, Citrus, Raspberry has shades of components introduced according to the recipes, which is specified in the technical specifications. Margarine color defects - spotting, marbling, striping, resulting from uneven cooling of the margarine emulsion. The pale color is due to insufficient amount of dye. Grayish or brownish shades are the result of poor-quality bleaching of raw materials.

When determining the grade of table margarine, it should be taken into account that the permissible defects for premium products are a matte cut surface; for the 1st grade - a slight aftertaste of the original fatty raw materials, slightly smearing consistency, slight heterogeneity of color, slightly grayish or creamy shades when using cottonseed, soybean, rapeseed, palm oils and lard from them.

From the physico-chemical parameters of margarine determine mass fractions: fat, moisture and volatile matter, table salt (0,03--0,7%); melting point of fat isolated from margarine (27--33 ° C); acidity (2,5%); stamina margarine for industrial processing. Microbiological indicators of margarine must comply with the requirements of SanPiN

5. Storage and transportation of margarine

Margarine is produced packaged and bulk. Sandwich margarine for retail - packaged.

Margarine is packaged: in the form of bars wrapped in parchment, capped foil, net weight from 200 to 500 g; in cups and boxes made of polymeric materials, net weight from 100 to 500 g. Packaged margarine is packed in plank, plywood, cardboard, corrugated cardboard boxes. Bulk margarine is packed in corrugated cardboard boxes, cardboard boxes for butter, plank and plywood, wooden barrels, plywood-stamped barrels, plywood drums. The net weight of margarine in all packaging units must be the same: no more than 22 kg - in plank, plywood and cardboard boxes; no more than 50 kg - in drums and barrels. Permissible deviations of the net weight of a margarine packaging unit are (in%), not more than: from 100 to 250 g inclusive - ± 1.5; over 250 to 10,000 g inclusive -- ±1.0; over 10,000 to 100,000 g inclusive -- ±0.5. Boxes, drums and barrels in which bulk margarine is packed must be lined with parchment, subparchment or polymer film (polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene-cellophane, polyethylene). Marking of margarine is made in accordance with GOSR R 51074-97. Additionally, the grade, date of manufacture and storage conditions of margarine are indicated. Margarine should be stored in refrigerated warehouses or refrigerators at an air temperature of -20 to 15°C with constant air circulation. It is not allowed to store margarine with products that have a sharp specific smell. Guaranteed shelf life of bulk margarine at -20 to -10°С is 90 days, from -9 to 0 С - 75 days, from 0 to 4°С - 60 days, from 5 to 10 °С -- 45 days; packaged in parchment - 60, 45, 35, 20 days, respectively; packaged in laminated foil - 75, 60, 45, 30 days, respectively. Margarine Homemade, Creamy, New, Rosinka is stored at a temperature of -20 to 10°C for no more than 90 days. Bulk soft margarine in cups or boxes made of PVC at a temperature of 0 to 10°C can be stored for no more than 75 days. The guaranteed shelf life of margarine with preservatives increases at a storage temperature of 5 to 15°C by 10 days.


1. Shevchenko V.V.; “Commodity research and examination of consumer goods”; St. Petersburg: INFRA, 2001.

2. Website http://www.petkach.spb.ru (site about spreads)

3. Website http://www.farkom.com.ua/index.php/technolog/78-margarin (site about margarine production)

4. Website http://www.ocgsen.nnov.ru/SPRAV/p_pit_margarin.htm (website about quality requirements for margarine)

5. Internet site http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margarine.

6. GOST R 52178-2003 “Margarines. General technical conditions".

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Margarine- edible fat obtained by emulsifying a mixture of vegetable oils and animal fats that have undergone certain processing (hydrogenation, refining), with fermented milk or water, followed by cooling and mechanical processing of the emulsion until a product of the required consistency is obtained.

In terms of calories, taste, smell, appearance and consistency, margarine is similar to butter. Its chemical composition is close to that of butter. The digestibility of margarine is 97-98% and is equal to the digestibility of butter and lard.

Margarine is widely used in the confectionery, bakery and other food industries, as well as in catering establishments and home cooking for the preparation of dough products, hot and cold dishes, and is used for sandwiches.

Margarine "Special" sandwich Rosglavzhirmaslo Gorky oil and fat plant

For the production of margarine in the USSR, vegetable oils (sunflower, cottonseed, sesame, etc.) and animal fats were used as the main raw materials: butter (not lower than the 1st grade), rendered pork, beef, whale and other fats (not lower than the highest varieties). Vegetable oils were used in natural refined and hydrogenated form. In addition to fats, natural and skimmed milk (fresh and canned), natural fresh pasteurized or dry cream, as well as table salt, beet sugar, flavoring and flavoring agents, food colorings, vitamins and emulsifiers were used. Purified phosphatides, as well as preparations obtained from densified glycerol and fatty acids, were used as emulsifiers.

Table margarine "ERA" (Soyuzmargarinprom, 1973)

The production of margarine consisted of the following main operations: preparation of fats and milk, mixing of the raw materials provided for in the recipe, emulsification of fats with milk (or water for dairy-free margarine), cooling, emulsion processing, packaging and packaging of the finished product. The industrial production of margarine in the USSR was mechanized. Margarine plants were equipped with equipment that allows the entire production process to be carried out in closed, continuously operating apparatus, subject to all necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions.


For the production of margarine, vegetable oils, as well as liquid (at normal temperature) animal fats (whale, fish) were subjected to hydrogenation (treatment with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst) to acquire a greasy or solid consistency. In order to purify, remove impurities and smell, vegetable oils, as well as hydrogenated fats, were subjected to refining (purification). At the same time, mechanical and alkaline cleaning, hydration (removal of protein and mucous substances), washing, decolorization, deodorization (removal of aromatic substances) and filtering of fats were carried out. The quantitative ratio of various fats in the mixture prepared for the production of margarine fluctuated within the limits established by the recipe, depending on the melting point and consistency of the mixture. Dyes, vitamins and emulsifier were introduced into the fat mixture. Milk for the manufacture of margarine was used fermented with special types of lactic acid bacteria, some of which enrich milk with B vitamins. Salt and sugar were added to fermented milk. Milk gives margarine the taste and aroma of butter, and also increases its shelf life..

In the process of emulsifying fats with milk (water), the latter is distributed in the form of tiny balls in the fat mass, forming a strong non-separating emulsion. Cooling the emulsion was intended to turn it into a dense mass, which was then subjected to mechanical processing to make it homogeneous.

Margarine. Glavraszhirmaslo Ministry of Light and Food Industry of the USSR (Artist E. Miniovich, 1952.)

Depending on the raw materials used for its manufacture and the technology of the process, margarine was divided into the following types: milk, cream, dairy-free and powdered (dry). Milk and cream margarines, depending on the ratio of fats in the raw mixture and flavoring substances added during its manufacture, were in turn divided into chocolate and confectionery margarines, and milk margarines were also divided into animal and table margarines.

The quality of margarine had to meet the requirements of GOST 240-57.


According to organoleptic indicators, margarine had to meet the following requirements: the taste and smell were clean, well-defined, corresponding to the taste and smell of butter, and for dairy-free margarine, the color had to be uniform throughout the mass, for uncolored margarine - from white to light yellow, for dyed - light yellow or yellow; consistency at a temperature of 15 ° dense, homogeneous, plastic; the cut surface is shiny, dry in appearance.

The quality of margarine was assessed by organoleptic indicators using a hundred-point system. In accordance with the data of the organoleptic evaluation, margarine is divided into the highest and the 1st grade. The distribution of points was made as follows: taste and smell - 50, texture and appearance - 25, color and color - 10, salting - 5, packaging - 10 points. The scoring was carried out according to the GOST 240-57 table. Depending on the amount of points received, margarine was assigned to the corresponding grade. The quality score for premium margarine was to be at least 93 points, incl. in taste and smell - at least 44 points, and for the 1st grade - 89 and 41 points, respectively.

Dairy animal margarine

Margarine was not allowed to be sold with a score for taste and smell below 41 points or with a total score below 89 points; with a taste of bitterness or paint; with a greasy, rancid, metallic, fishy or other foreign taste and smell, as well as with a taste of stearin; a pronounced salty or sour taste and smell or a pronounced taste of vegetable oil; with flowing moisture, with a floury, curdled consistency; moldy or contaminated.

Composition of margarine (in %)

Packaging of margarine in cardboard boxes, as well as plywood drums, was not allowed for sea, river and mixed rail-water transportation, as well as for transportation associated with reloading from broad gauge to narrow gauge and vice versa, and for deliveries to the Far North and the Arctic.

Dairy animal margarine

The net weight of margarine had to be the same in all boxes of the batch. Margarine in small packages, wrapped in parchment, was produced in net weights of 100, 200, 250 and 500 g. Deviations from net weight are allowed for packaging in 100, 200, 250 g ± 1.5%, for packaging in 500 g ± 1, 0%. Packaged margarine was packed in plank, plywood or cardboard boxes. At the bottom of the barrel or the end side of the box, a stamp was applied indicating: the name of the manufacturer, the name of margarine, its variety, net and gross weight, production date, serial number, place and number of GOST.

Plank box used for packaging margarine (Lviv Zhirkombinat)

The label of the packaged product should have indicated: the name of the manufacturer, the name of the margarine, the variety, the net weight, the date of issue, the composition of the margarine (the date of issue of the margarine was affixed by the composter).

It was necessary to store margarine in refrigerated and darkened rooms or refrigerators, with constant circulation and air supply, at a temperature of +2 to -2 ° and a relative humidity of 75-80%. In warehouses, boxes and barrels were stacked at a distance of 50-70 cm from the outer walls. When storing margarine, it was necessary to systematically inspect the container; in case of mold on the surface, it was necessary to thoroughly clean it with clean rags. For long-term storage in a warehouse, boxes and barrels should be turned over every 10-15 days.

For packaged margarine, the guaranteed shelf life at temperatures from +4 to +10°C was set to no more than 30 days. In the store, margarine could be stored for no more than 3 days in summer, and no more than 5 days in winter. For stores where products are stored in cold chambers at temperatures below 8°, winter storage periods were applied throughout the year.

Margarine "Special" sandwich Soyuzmargarinprom MPP USSR Moscow Margarine Plant

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