Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

How the Amers returned to earth from the moon. How the Americans took off from the Moon: scientific explanation and facts. What did Neil Armstrong eat on the moon?

At the end of last week, American scientists released data according to which the majority of participants in manned flights to the Moon died from severe cardiovascular diseases, while for other astronauts this cause of death is much less common. According to researchers, this is a consequence of the radiation dose received in space. The news caused a mixed reaction, and the debate about the reliability of NASA's lunar program flared up again. At the request of the Life editors, Vitaly Egorov, popularizer of astronautics and press secretary of the Dauria Aerospace company, spoke about the main misconceptions and stereotypes that constantly accompany many discussions about people on the Moon.

1. The lunar landing was filmed on a sound stage

NASA, of course, had pavilions with a mock-up of the lunar module and an imitation of the lunar surface. There was a test site where lunar craters were simulated. But all this was created and used to train astronauts, so that unusual conditions would be more familiar to them and allow them to work more efficiently. This is a normal stage of preparation for any mission. In the same way, Soviet lunar rover drivers trained at the training ground in Crimea and on the volcanoes of Kamchatka. And not in order to fake pictures from the Moon, but to be prepared for what awaits them there. Those images that are officially listed as lunar are actually taken on the Moon and can be analyzed for consistency with satellite images of the lunar surface.

The myth “they filmed in a pavilion” is adhered to by many Russian cosmonauts and space specialists who have no doubt about the authenticity of the American flights to the Moon. Our cosmonauts say: “They flew, but some details of the landing could have been filmed on Earth and shown just for clarity - what it was like there.” In my opinion, this position is partly forced, as our specialists protect themselves from the need to explain all sorts of controversial aspects of photo and video shooting with a waving flag or the absence of stars in the sky and the like.

2. The flag is waving, but the stars are not visible

A frequently encountered argument in discussions, which, in the opinion of its arguers, should prove a conspiracy. But, firstly, actually flying to the Moon and filming the Moon landing are two different things, and one does not exclude the second. Secondly, you need to know the conditions on the surface a little better and watch videos and photos more carefully. As for the flag, everything is simple, the astronaut just waves it with his hand. If you watch not five seconds of filming of the flag installation, but take a longer recording - they are all now published on the YouTube video service - then you can see a direct connection between the “draft” and the astronaut who approaches the flag. He grabbed the flag - the wind rose, let go of the flag - the wind died down. And so on several times.

As for the stars that are not in the photo from the Moon, this can also be explained simply: they landed during the day. Although the sky on the Moon is black, the cameras were set to shoot in daytime conditions, because the brightness of the Sun on the Moon is even higher than on Earth. If you look at the footage taken on the International Space Station, you will also not see stars in the black sky if the filming was carried out on the sunny side of the Earth.

3. Films with video recording of the first landing disappeared

This myth has some basis, although it does not fully correspond to reality. All photographs and videos taken by cameras on the lunar surface by the Apollo 11 expedition have been preserved and have now been published. The footage of the live television broadcast, which was conducted from the Moon to the NASA receiving station and distributed to various television studios, was re-recorded. Since everyone already saw the television broadcast, and the recordings of these frames were stored in television studios, NASA did not particularly value the magnetic reels with the broadcast in its archives and lightly re-recorded them when such a need arose in the 80s.

They only realized it in the 2000s: as it turned out, the recordings at television studios remained with a great loss of quality, while NASA stations received a higher-quality signal. The broadcast sources were never found, so they tried to improve the quality with the help of specialists from Hollywood. Therefore, Hollywood now officially took part in the preparation of recordings of the lunar landing, and this is openly written on the NASA website. However, this does not cast doubt on the fact of the first landing and the five subsequent ones, the records of which were no longer lost.

4. After the completion of the lunar program, the Saturn 5 rocket disappeared without a trace.

A myth based on the fact that it is now impossible to resume production of this rocket, since all the performers and contractors of this system have long disappeared or changed their direction of activity. In addition, the difference in the capabilities of the rocket of the 60s, which launched 140 tons into low Earth orbit, and modern rockets, whose record is only 28 tons, is very surprising.

The Saturn 5 itself has not disappeared; NASA has two samples of the rocket, which are located in the museums of the Space Center. Johnson (Houston) and Kennedy Space Center (Cape Canaveral). Plus, there are several dozen F1 engines, which provided the outstanding capabilities of the rocket. Now NASA has a small group that is engaged in reverse engineering: based on surviving samples, it develops a new version of the engine using modern technologies. But this work is not a high priority because NASA has engines that are superior to the F1 in a number of ways.

In a similar way, the Soviet N1 and Energia missiles “disappeared.” Now, if there is a conversation in Russia about creating a super-heavy rocket, they talk about work practically from scratch, and not a return to the Soviet legacy.

The most important contribution of the lunar program remained in the form of the enormous experience of US space technology developers, who were able to translate it into the Space Shuttle program. If NASA's entire lunar program took place in Hollywood, then America simply would not be physically able to implement the space shuttle program. Let me remind you that if you count the shuttle itself, the Space Shuttle system launched up to 90 tons into low Earth orbit.

5. Now America doesn’t have its own rocket engines, which means it didn’t have them before

The successful sale of Russian RD-180 and RD-181 engines in the United States created a misconception among some Russians that America had forgotten how, or even did not know how, to make rocket engines.

Here, too, it is easy to dispel doubts with two simple facts: the most powerful Delta IV Heavy rocket to date is American, and it is equipped with American RS-68 engines.

These engines are oxygen-hydrogen and are inherited from the Space Shuttle program. Their problem is their high cost, so it is more profitable for the United States to buy Russian ones.

The most powerful rocket engines of our time - more powerful than the F1 and RD-171 - are solid propellant SRBs, which also remained from the shuttle. The SRB is now being installed on the new super-heavy rocket SLS, which should launch 70 tons into low Earth orbit. SRBs were the reason why NASA did not resurrect the F1.

For more applied tasks such as launching satellites or supplying the ISS, the United States uses both Russian engines and the American Merlin from SpaceX.

6. Taking off from the Moon requires a rocket and a spaceport, but they weren’t there.

Actually they were. The lunar landing module was not only a means of soft landing, but also a take-off device. The upper part of the module was not only a cabin for astronauts, but also a launch rocket, and the lower part of the landing module acted as a cosmodrome.

To launch from the surface of the Moon and enter lunar orbit, much less energy is required than to launch from Earth, since there is less gravity, no atmospheric resistance, and a small payload mass, which is why large rockets can be dispensed with.

7. All lunar soil has disappeared or is being carefully hidden by NASA

During six lunar landings, astronauts were able to collect and deliver 382 kilograms of lunar samples. Most are now stored at the Lunar Sample Laboratory in Houston. About 300 kilograms are now truly inaccessible for research: they are stored in a nitrogen atmosphere so that terrestrial conditions, primarily atmospheric oxygen, do not lead to changes and destruction of the samples. At the same time, about 80 kilograms of samples are available for study by scientists around the world, including Russian ones, and if desired, one can find scientific publications that compare lunar meteorites, samples from Soviet stations and samples delivered by Apollo astronauts.

In Russia, anyone can see a few grains of lunar soil at the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow. There is both Soviet and American lunar soil.

Some soil samples delivered by the Apollo program were indeed stolen or disappeared into museums and institutions, but this is a small percentage of the total amount of moon rocks and dust delivered.

For those interested in the topic, I can recommend a photo report by the young Russian cosmonaut Sergei Kud-Sverchkov, who visited the Lunar Sample Laboratory excursions and posted photographs on his blog.

8. Cosmic radiation should kill everyone

Today the press often discusses cosmic radiation along the way. In the context of these conversations, the question is raised about how people flew to the Moon if radiation is so dangerous.

To understand the difference in flight conditions, it is worth remembering that a flight to Mars takes a year and a half, and a flight to the Moon under the Apollo program takes less than two weeks. If you carefully study the results of studies of the influence of cosmic radiation during a flight to Mars, you can find out that during 500 days of flight an astronaut will receive a dose approximately one and a half times higher than the permissible dose.exposure level. If for astronauts this level corresponds to a 3 percent increase in the threat of cancer, then a flight to Mars already provides 5 percent of this threat. By comparison, smokers increase their risk of cancer by 20 percent.

The design of the spacecraft should also be taken into account. The lunar module did not have additional radiation protection, but its skin included an aluminum body, a hermetic shell, and multilayer thermal protection, which created an additional shield from cosmic particles. However, only 40 percent of the lunar module area directly protected pilots from space conditions. In other areas of the surface they were additionally covered by a multi-meter service compartment with equipment and rocket fuel and a landing module.

We should not forget about the Soviet and then Russian experiments on studying cosmic radiation. Now the Phantom and Matryoshka experiments are being implemented on the ISS, and the Phantom flew to the Moon in Zond-7, which made it possible to assess the degree of damage to humans by streams of cosmic particles. In general, the conclusions are encouraging: if there are no solar flares, then you can fly. If it were not possible, then Roscosmos probably would not be working on the lunar program for the end of the 2020s and would not be making plans to build a lunar base.

Political leaders of the USSR immediately congratulated the United States on its successful lunar program, and Russian cosmonauts and scientists still express confidence in the reality of landing people on the Moon. Conspiracy believers have to explain this somehow in order to remain committed to their idea. And so the idea was born that the USSR was also in the conspiracy. As arguments in favor of a conspiracy, facts from the history of our countries that relate to the period of détente of international tension are usually cited: arms limitation, trade cooperation, the Soyuz-Apollo program.

Despite the fact that the Soviet Union has no longer existed for a quarter of a century, there is, of course, no documentary evidence of any of its participation in the Moon conspiracy. Moreover, not a single piece of evidence has appeared from contemporaries that could confirm the fact of such a conspiracy. Although now, it would seem, nothing stands in the way of bringing the Americans to clean water.

10. No one saw traces of astronauts on the Moon, and the “landing site” is forbidden to be examined and studied

The most powerful modern telescopes on Earth are unable to see traces of the lunar landing. They can see surface features measuring 80-100 meters, which is much larger than the size of the lunar module. The only way to see the lunar modules and astronaut tracks is to send a satellite to the Moon or a lunar rover to the surface.

Over the past 15 years, satellites from Europe, India, Japan, China, and the USA have been sent to the Moon. But only the NASA LRO satellite was able to see it more or less qualitatively. The detail of his images is up to 30 centimeters, it allows you to see the lunar modules, scientific equipment on the surface, paths trodden by astronauts, and traces of lunar rovers.

Satellites of India and Japan tried to examine traces of American landings, but the detail of their cameras at 5-10 meters did not allow them to see anything. The only thing that was possible was to identify the so-called halo - a spot of light soil that arose from the impact of the rocket engines of the landing stages. Japanese scientists, using stereo photography, were able to recreate the landscapes of the landing sites, and they showed full compliance with what is visible in the astronauts’ photographs: large craters, mountains, plains, faults. In the 60s there was no such technology, so it would not have been possible to simulate the landscape in the pavilion.

In 2007, the Google Lunar X PRIZE competition was announced for the development of a private lunar rover, which must reach the Moon and cover a certain distance. The winner should be paid up to $30 million. The competition offers an additional $2 million Legacy Award to the team whose rover can photograph one of the Apollo lunar modules or Lunokhods. Fearing that hordes of private robots will rush to historic landing sites, NASA has issued recommendations not to get too close to the landing sites, so as not to trample the astronauts' footprints and damage historical monuments. Currently, only one of the competition teams has announced that they are going to take a look at the Apollo 17 landing site.

In 2015, a group of space engineers appeared in Russia who undertook to develop a microsatellite capable of reaching the Moon and photographing the Apollo landing sites, Soviet Lunas and Lunokhods with a quality exceeding NASA LRO. Funding for the first part of the work was sought through crowdfunding. There are no funds yet to continue the work, but the developers do not intend to stop and hope for the support of large private investors or the state.

Throughout 2010, American popular science channels “discovery” continued to broadcast heavily documentaries dedicated to the American landing on the Moon.

Over the course of this year, a lot of details and a lot of interesting things about this supposedly amazing mission have been demonstrated.

But what really?

Since childhood, every boy of my generation dreamed of becoming an astronaut and exploring the expanses of space. Or become a designer and create spaceships. And I was the same as everyone else.

But my dreams were lucky enough to come true. In 1983, I entered the institute, where they began to teach us how to design the very rocket engines that are used for space exploration.

I am eternally grateful to my teachers, who were able to instill in me (as well as all my classmates) this subtle feeling that allows me to treat glands and various chemical substances as something living, with its own character and its own capabilities. Taught to invent, design and analyze.

Time has passed. And in the summer of 2010, while watching another American film about the moon landing, I became interested in an interview with Neil Armstrong- the first person who, according to the United States, landed on the surface of the Earth's satellite. Neil, older and seemingly wiser, answering a journalist’s question, passionately described the impression the lunar soil made on him during landing:

“He was like powder! Like talc! Small, small. Only the smell... It smelled so disgusting, as if something had burned. It's like burnt rubber..."

After these words, my wife and I looked at each other in bewilderment, and after silence she asked: “ What about spacesuits? not sealed? »

This incident became another “pebble” that tipped my “scales” into the plane of complete skepticism regarding authenticity of the "US lunar mission".

The fact is that in another popular science television show, “MythBusters” (USA), its participants, with the help of specialists from NASA and the opportunities provided by this agency, consistently recreated in Earth’s conditions all the controversial issues that illustrate the “lunar mission.”

These include long jumps, a swinging flag, an intricate run on the surface of the moon, and much more. It was clearly proven that all this can be done on Earth without much difficulty.

But personally, I want to dwell in detail on only one solid fact: Was there a real possibility of the American take-off compartment of the lunar module taking off from the surface of the Moon?

Takeoff from any surface of the planet is carried out using a jet engine, the thrust of which must be sufficient to overcome the gravity of the planet and lift the weight of the aircraft.

A simple school formula is known to everyone: force equals mass times acceleration.” The force with which the spacecraft presses on the surface of the Earth (is attracted to it) is the weight of the apparatus. It is equal to the mass of the vehicle multiplied by the acceleration of gravity on a particular planet. Weight is the value indicated in the passport for each device.

The force of a running engine that lifts the apparatus is called “thrust”. For a vehicle to take off, the thrust must be greater than the weight of the vehicle on a particular planet.

In addition, a reserve is needed that will provide the acceleration necessary for the aircraft to achieve the so-called first cosmic speed - the speed at which the device can enter a near-planetary orbit. The lunar module had to reach this speed in order to be picked up by the return vehicle in lunar orbit.

For Earth conditions, the thrust of the engine can exceed the mass of the rocket by ten times, as, for example, the engine of the first stage of the Saturn V launch vehicle participating in that American space flight. A rocket weighing 3 million kilograms (3 thousand tons), overcoming a free fall acceleration of 9.8 m/s2, was accelerated to the first cosmic speed by an engine with a thrust of 34 million newtons. That is, the thrust of an engine of 34,000,000 newtons is equal to: 3,000,000 kg multiplied by 9.8 m/s2 plus a margin of 10 - 15 percent.

According to the published tactical and technical characteristics, the lunar module (USA) has a total mass of 16.5 thousand kilograms, a landing compartment mass of 11.7 thousand kilograms, and a take-off compartment mass of about 4.5 thousand kilograms; The takeoff stage engine has a thrust of 1590 Newtons. According to the above formula, such thrust can lift on the Moon, where the acceleration of gravity is 1.62 m/s2, a device weighing only 980 kilograms.

Thus, the take-off compartment of the Lunar mission weighing 4599 kilograms cannot be lifted from the Moon by an engine having a thrust of 1590 Newtons. Moreover, this same module could not fly in terrestrial conditions, because the lack of engine thrust on Earth here was aggravated another five times.

Therefore, no Americans flew to any Moon, or at least they certainly did not return from it..

For what reasons did Soviet space exploration specialists agree to recognize this “flight”, we are not even interested, because this does not in any way affect the very possibility of carrying out the Lunar mission.

But the fact that the take-off compartment of the American lunar module did not have an appropriate engine, and also did not even have tanks for fuel and oxidizer in its design, is eloquently explained by the fact that the average age of four hundred employees of the American Lunar Mission Control Center was 26 years. These are young specialists, without work experience, without skills, without the necessary technical literacy. The oldest of them was 36 years old, to compensate for his age, three more people who were still 18 years old had to work at the Center.

And this “kindergarten” supposedly accomplished what, almost half a century later, NASA is still unable to do. In which secret laboratories like NASA-Hollywood Neil Armstrong sniffed “lunar soil”, one can only guess.

Andrey Tyunyaev

Donald Trump's adviser admitted that the Apollo mission never reached the Earth's satellite

Donald TRUMP gave American astronauts an ambitious order - to resume flights to the Moon and lay the foundation for the future conquest of Mars.

Our astronauts will return to the Moon for the first time since 1972. This time we will not only leave our flag and footprints there, the US President promised.

The easiest thing would be to leave all this stupid talk about flying. Because the mission was and remains impossible.

NASA expects to conduct the first flight of an uninhabited capsule around the Moon in 2019. If successful, the next mission will already have a crew on board. But this will not happen until 2021.

That is, in 1972 they supposedly walked calmly on the Earth’s satellite, but now, 50 years later, they are not sure that they will even get there. It turns out that technology has not developed all this time, but has degraded.

The adviser commented on the inconsistency Donald Trump in Science and Technology, Professor at Yale University David Gelnerter. He openly stated that the Americans did not fly to the Moon and Apollo never landed there.

The first Rovers were just models and did not know how to drive. That's why the NASA photo shows footprints, but no tire tracks.

If NASA scientists today claim that they still don't know how to properly protect a spacecraft from radiation in the Van Allen Belt, why the hell are we supposed to believe that they walked through it in aluminum foil spacesuits in 1971? The answer is very simple: this never happened,” he told reporters from the threshold of the White House.

American newspapers, naturally, did not publish the words of this high-ranking “madman.” NASA supported Trump’s optimistic promises with another portion of declassified footage of the lunar expedition. The film, as always, is of disgusting quality, making it more difficult to discern the forgery.

Later the car was improved, and astronauts rode it in the desert

In the video we watch the astronauts ride on the Rover self-propelled vehicle. Previously, Rover was shown only in a parked version. It was funny. In the first photographs of the lunar vehicle, everyone noticed the absence of wheel tracks. There are plenty of astronauts' footprints, but none from wheels. Neither in front nor behind. How did the lunar vehicle end up in this particular place without leaving any trace of its arrival? There was a version that he was simply placed on the set with a crane.

Now the Rover is moving. Familiarity with a school physics course is enough to understand that the car rolls on the Earth, and not on the Moon. This can be seen from the trajectory of soil flying out from under the wheels. Sand settles and stones fly, although in airless space they should fall at the same speed.

There is no air on the moon. Therefore, both pebbles and the smallest particles, meeting no resistance, fly along symmetrical trajectories

In addition, it is not clear why they needed a car on the Moon with an electric motor power of only one horsepower. And it is doubtful that the lunar module would suddenly have 325 kilograms of carrying capacity to load this strange cart.

The Americans wanted to demonstrate to the whole world their undoubted technical superiority, but the pursuit of special effects played another cruel joke on them.

On Earth, grains of sand, due to air resistance, fly along sharply asymmetrical trajectories resembling a triangle and fall

In general, cinema is cinema.

Americans are as far from the moon today as they were in 1972.

What kind of Moon can we even talk about if they can’t even take off without our engines,” explains the senator Alexey Pushkov.

Really. The Americans can't live without our engines. But now their power is clearly not enough to implement the lunar program. And guess who will be the first to rush to the satellite when there is enough of it. Naturally, we will not see any American flank there.

It’s even clear how the State Department will explain it: “It was stolen by aliens.”

The triangular shape of the plume behind the supposedly lunar “Rover” corresponds to the braking of grains of sand in the air

Dying confession

In 2014, an interview with the famous film director was published Stanley Kubrick. His friend is also a director T. Patrick Murray interviewed him three days before his death in March 1999. Previously, Murray was forced to sign an 88-page non-disclosure agreement for the content of the interview for 15 years from the date of Kubrick's death.

In the interview, Kubrick spoke in detail and in detail about the fact that all the lunar landings were fabricated by NASA, and he personally filmed the footage of the American lunar expeditions in the pavilion.

KUBRIK was ruined by his long tongue

In 1971, Kubrick left the US for the UK and never returned to America. All this time, the director led a reclusive life, fearing murder. He was afraid of being killed by the intelligence services, following the example of other participants in the television support of the US lunar scam. Actually, that’s what happened.

How American astronauts were able to fly back to Earth from the Moon and received the best answer

Reply from User deleted[guru]
Men, are you kidding me or what? Have you heard about landing aircraft? There was fuel. We were preparing to fly to the moon.
Lunar module
Apollo Lunar Module The Apollo Lunar Module was developed by Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp. (USA) and has two stages: landing and takeoff. The landing stage, equipped with its own propulsion system and landing gear, is used to lower the lunar craft from lunar orbit and softly land on the lunar surface, and also serves as a launch pad for the take-off stage. The take-off stage, with a sealed cabin for the crew and an independent propulsion system, after completion of research, launches from the surface of the Moon and is docked with the command compartment in orbit. The separation of stages is carried out using pyrotechnic devices.
Takeoff stage
The lunar module's ascent stage has three main compartments: the crew compartment, the central compartment, and the rear equipment compartment. Only the crew compartment and the central compartment are sealed; all other compartments of the lunar ship are not sealed. The volume of the pressurized cabin is 6.7 m3, the pressure in the cabin is 0.337 kg/cm2. The height of the take-off stage is 3.76 m, the diameter is 4.3 m. Structurally, the take-off stage consists of six units: the crew compartment, the central compartment, the rear equipment compartment, the liquid-propellant rocket engine mounting unit, the antenna mounting unit, the thermal and micrometeor shield. A cylindrical crew compartment with a diameter of 2.35 m, a length of 1.07 m (volume 4.6 m3) of a semi-monocoque structure made of well-welded aluminum alloys.
Two workstations for astronauts are equipped with control panels and instrument panels, an astronaut tethering system, two forward viewing windows, an overhead window for observing the docking process, and a telescope in the center between the astronauts.
Landing stage
The landing stage of the lunar module in the form of a cross-shaped frame made of aluminum alloy carries a propulsion system with a landing rocket engine from STL in the central compartment.
Four compartments formed by a frame around the central compartment contain fuel tanks, an oxygen tank, a water tank, a helium tank, electronic equipment, a navigation and control subsystem, a landing radar and batteries.
A four-legged retractable landing gear mounted on the landing stage absorbs the impact energy of landing the craft on the lunar surface by collapsing honeycomb cartridges mounted in the telescopic legs of the landing gear; The impact is additionally softened by the deformation of the honeycomb liners in the centers of the landing heels. Each heel is equipped with a probe that signals to the crew the moment the rocket engine is turned off upon contact with the lunar surface. The landing gear is folded until the lunar spacecraft separates from the command compartment; after separation, at the command of the crew of the lunar ship, the squibs cut the pins at each leg and, under the action of springs, the chassis is released and locked. Like the take-off stage, the landing stage is surrounded by a thermal and micrometeor shield made of multi-layer mylar and aluminum. Landing step height 3.22 m, diameter 4.3 m
Source: Read! Everything is written down here!

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How American astronauts were able to fly back to Earth from the Moon

Answer from Andrey Pokhlebaev[newbie]
All this is very interesting, especially in theory. However, I am tormented by vague doubts - why the hell do they need our RD-180 NOW? In theory, we should learn about space from them, visit their orbital stations, however...

Answer from Yergey Familiev[newbie]
Oh, I don’t know how you can breathe and still work mentally with an air pressure of 0.337 kilograms!!! It's only a third of the atmosphere!

Answer from Alina Dubinina[newbie]
Takeoff from any surface of the planet is carried out using a jet engine, the thrust of which must be sufficient to overcome the gravity of the planet and lift the weight of the aircraft. A simple school formula is known to everyone: force equals mass times acceleration.” The force with which the spacecraft presses on the surface of the Earth (is attracted to it) is the weight of the apparatus. It is equal to the mass of the vehicle multiplied by the acceleration of gravity on a particular planet. Weight is the value indicated in the passport for each device.
The force of a running engine that lifts the apparatus is called “thrust”. For a vehicle to take off, the thrust must be greater than the weight of the vehicle on a particular planet. In addition, a reserve is needed that will provide the acceleration necessary for the aircraft to achieve the so-called first cosmic speed - the speed at which the device can enter a near-planetary orbit. The lunar module had to reach this speed in order to be picked up by the return vehicle in lunar orbit.
For Earth conditions, the thrust of the engine can exceed the mass of the rocket by ten times, as, for example, the engine of the first stage of the Saturn V launch vehicle participating in that American space flight. A rocket weighing 3 million kilograms (3 thousand tons), overcoming a free fall acceleration of 9.8 m/s2, was accelerated to the first cosmic speed by an engine with a thrust of 34 million newtons. That is, the thrust of an engine of 34,000,000 newtons is equal to: 3,000,000 kg multiplied by 9.8 m/s2 plus a margin of 10 - 15 percent.
According to the published tactical and technical characteristics, the lunar module (USA) has a total mass of 16.5 thousand kilograms, a landing compartment mass of 11.7 thousand kilograms, and a take-off compartment mass of about 4.5 thousand kilograms; The takeoff stage engine has a thrust of 1590 Newtons. According to the above formula, such thrust can lift on the Moon, where the acceleration of gravity is 1.62 m/s2, a device weighing only 980 kilograms.
Thus, the take-off compartment of the Lunar mission weighing 4599 kilograms cannot be lifted from the Moon by an engine having a thrust of 1590 Newtons. Moreover, this same module could not fly in terrestrial conditions, because the lack of engine thrust on Earth here was aggravated another five times.
Therefore, no Americans flew to any Moon, or at least they certainly did not return from it.

Answer from Yo S[guru]
They gave in together and flew back... To the Earth.

Answer from Vasily Selyunin[master]
Miraculously :)

Answer from User deleted[guru]
They jumped up and flew away. 🙂
Updated after 18 hours.
But as? - work in a compartment 1.07 meters high and long? - It seems astronauts are not dwarfs at all...
With extreme curiosity I will listen to the stories of anyone who has spent half a day, for example, in the empty body of a washing machine 1.07 meters long - and: unmistakably! - who at the same time solved the most complex ballistic problems, firmly knowing that for every mistake he would receive, well, at least very much! - a painful electric shock, and not inevitable death, as was the case with the astronauts who supposedly landed on the moon... Ha.
Moreover, with an unbiased, even unprofessional, analysis of the supposedly “lunar” photographs, it is obvious that two or three out of any randomly selected five are fakes.
And if we also recall the panicked behavior and extremely unprofessional actions of American crew members in emergency situations that occurred during joint expeditions on the Russian orbital station "Mir", and compare them with the officially promoted behavior and actions of American astronauts during accidents on their lunar program, then everything becomes crystal clear. Especially if you also take into account the “disappearance” of their lunar archives. Ha.

Answer from Daimon[guru]
Along the way, with the Russians.

Answer from Maksim:)[guru]
They just didn’t actually fly to the moon, there is such a thing as a “radiation barrier”, which an ordinary person cannot overcome without consequences. And all the films of their flight and documents disappeared from the archive without a trace.

Answer from Dee[guru]
Does lunar gravity and its lack of atmosphere really require a lot of fuel? . But rocket engines don’t need air at all to operate! =))

Answer from Selg Zamitter[guru]
It's good to laugh at the poor. It's a sin.

Answer from Aloprort Dorpaolrvyp[newbie]
Well, it has long been known that this is all a production, the Americans officially admitted that they had not been to the moon, Armstrong was filmed in the studio. now they are preparing a flight to the moon to vindicate themselves and prove to everyone that they really will be the first to land on the moon

Answer from New[guru]
They were pedaling :)

Answer from Yo.[guru]
they had everything. . Have you ever heard of liquid oxygen? ? 😉

How did the Americans take off from the moon? This is one of the main questions asked by supporters of the so-called Moon conspiracy, that is, those who believe that American astronauts did not actually go to the Moon, and that the Apollo space program was a massive hoax, invented in order to splurge. to the whole world. Despite the fact that today most scientists and researchers are inclined to believe that the Americans really landed on the Moon, skeptics remain.

Problems with takeoff

Many people sincerely do not understand how the Americans took off from the moon. Additional doubts arise if we remember how launches from Earth are arranged. To do this, they equip a special cosmodrome, build launch facilities, require a huge rocket with several stages, as well as entire oxygen plants, refueling pipelines, installation buildings and several thousand service personnel. After all, these are operators at the consoles, and specialists and many other people, without whom you cannot do to go into space.

All this, of course, did not and could not have happened on the Moon. Then how did the Americans take off from the moon in 1969? This question remains one of the key ones for those who are sure that the American astronauts, who became famous throughout the world, did not leave the Earth’s orbit at all.

But all conspiracy theorists will have to be upset and disappointed. This is not only possible and understandable, but most likely it actually happened.

Force of gravity

It was the force of gravity that ensured the success of the entire expedition for the Americans. The fact is that on the Moon it is several times smaller than on Earth, so there should be no questions about how the Americans took off from the Moon. It wasn't that difficult to do.

The main thing is that the Moon itself is several times lighter than the Earth. For example, only its radius is 3.7 times less than that of Earth. This means that it is much easier to take off from this satellite. The force of gravity on the surface of the Moon is about 6 times weaker than Earth's gravity.

As a result, it turns out that the first escape velocity that an artificial satellite must have in order to avoid falling on it while rotating around a celestial body is significantly less. For the Earth it is 8 kilometers per second, and for the Moon 1.7 kilometers per second. This is almost 5 times less. This factor became decisive. Thanks to such circumstances, the Americans took off from the surface of the Moon.

It should be borne in mind that a speed that is 5 times less does not mean that the launch rocket should be five times lighter. In reality, to fly off the Moon, a rocket could weigh hundreds of times less.

Missile mass

If you thoroughly understand how the Americans took off from the Moon in 1969, then there should be no doubt about their achievement. Let's talk in detail about the initial mass of the rockets, which depends on the required speed. According to the well-known exponential law, the mass grows disproportionately quickly with the required speed. This conclusion can be made based on the key formula for rocket propulsion, which was derived at the beginning of the 20th century by one of the theorists of space flights, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky.

When launched from the surface of the Earth, the rocket must successfully overcome the dense layers of the atmosphere. And since the Americans took off from the Moon, they did not have such a task. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that the thrust of the rocket engines is also spent on overcoming air resistance, but the aerodynamic loads that put pressure on the body force designers to make the structure as strong as possible, that is, it has to be made heavier.

Now let's figure out how the Americans took off from the surface of the Moon. There is no atmosphere on this artificial satellite, which means that engine thrust is not spent on overcoming it, and as a result, rockets can be much lighter and less durable.

Another important point: when a rocket launches into space from Earth, the so-called payload must be taken into account. The weight taken into account is quite significant, as a rule, several tens of tons. But when launching from the Moon, the situation is completely different. This very “payload” is only a few hundredweight, most often no more than three, which just fits into the mass of two astronauts with the stones they collected. After these justifications, it becomes much clearer how the Americans were able to take off from the Moon.

Lunar launch

To sum up the conversation about how the Americans took off into space, we can conclude that to enter lunar orbit, a ship with a crew on it can have an initial mass of less than 5 tons. In this case, approximately half can be attributed to the required fuel.

As a result, the total mass of the rocket that launched from the Earth and went to its artificial satellite was about 3,000 tons. But the smaller your vehicle, the easier and easier it will be to drive. Remember that a large ship requires a crew of several dozen people, but a boat can be operated alone, without resorting to outside help. Rockets are no exception to this rule.

Now about the launch facility, without which, naturally, it is unlikely that the Americans would have been able to take off from the Moon. The astronauts brought it with them. In fact, they used the lower half of their lunar ship. During the launch, the upper half, which contained the cabin with the astronauts, separated and went into space, while the lower half remained on the moon. This is the original solution the designers found so that they could fly away from the Moon.

Additional fuel

Many people continue to wonder how the Americans flew from the Moon to Earth when they did not have special refueling devices. Where did such an amount of fuel come from that was enough to reach the artificial satellite and return back?

The fact is that no additional refueling devices were required on the Moon; the ship was fully refueled on Earth with the expectation that there should be enough fuel for the return journey. At the same time, we emphasize that on the Moon there was still a kind of flight control center at launch. Only he was at a great distance from the rocket - about three million kilometers, that is, he was on Earth, but this did not make his effectiveness any less.


When asking the question whether the Americans could take off from the Moon, one must admit that they did not make any special secret from the technical data of the ships, almost immediately publishing the main figures and parameters. They were even cited in Soviet textbooks for higher educational institutions when studying the features of space flight. Domestic specialists who worked with this data did not see anything unreal or fantastic in them, so they did not agonize over the problem of how the Americans flew away from the Moon.

Moreover, it was Soviet scientists and designers who went even further when they created a rocket that was able to make such a flight without human intervention at all, without two astronauts who still managed the ship and controlled it in the case of the Americans. This project was called "Luna-16". On September 21, 1970, for the first time in the history of mankind, an automatic station launched from the Earth, landed on the Moon, and then arrived back. It only took three days.

An automatic station delivered about 100 grams from the Moon to Earth. Later, this achievement was repeated by two more stations - these were Luna-20 and Luna-24. They, just like the American ship, did not require additional refueling stations, special structures on the Moon, or special pre-launch maintenance; they made this journey absolutely independently and autonomously, successfully returning back each time. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in how the Americans flew from the Moon, because within the framework of the Soviet space program this path was repeated more than once.

"Apollo 11"

In order to finally dispel all doubts about how and on what the Americans flew from the Moon, let’s figure out which rocket delivered them to the artificial Earth satellite and back. It was the manned spacecraft Apollo 11.

The crew commander on it was Neil Armstrong, and the pilot - During the flight from July 16 to 24, 1969, they managed to successfully land their ship in the Sea of ​​Tranquility area on the Moon. American astronauts spent almost a day on its surface, or, to be more precise, 21 hours, 36 minutes and 21 seconds. All this time, the command module pilot, whose name was Michael Collins, was waiting for them in lunar orbit.

During the entire time spent on the Moon, astronauts made only one exit to its surface. Its duration was 2 hours 31 minutes and 40 seconds. Neil Armstrong became the first earthling to set foot on the surface of the Moon. This happened on July 21st. Exactly a quarter of an hour later Aldrin joined him.

At the Apollo 11 landing site, the Americans planted the flag of the United States and also placed a scientific instrument, with which they collected about 21.5 kilograms of soil. He was brought to Earth for further study. What the astronauts flew from the Moon on was known almost immediately. Nobody made secrets and riddles out of the Apollo 11 spacecraft. Returning to Earth, the ship's crew underwent strict quarantine, as a result of which no lunar microorganisms were identified.

This American flight to the Moon was the fulfillment of one of the key tasks of the American lunar program, which was outlined by US President John Kennedy back in 1961. He stated then that the landing on the Moon should take place before the end of the decade, and so it happened. In the lunar race with the USSR, the Americans won a convincing victory, becoming the first, but the Soviet Union managed to send the first man into space earlier.

Now you know exactly what the Americans flew from the Moon on and how they were able to accomplish it all.

Other arguments of supporters of the Moon conspiracy

True, the matter is not limited to doubts about the takeoff of astronauts from the surface of the Moon. Many admit that it is clear how the Americans took off from the Moon, but, according to them, those who should explain the inconsistencies associated with the photo and video materials brought by the Americans are silent.

The fact is that many of the photographs that serve as evidence that the Americans were on the Moon often contain artifacts that apparently appeared as a result of retouching and photomontage. All this serves as additional evidence in favor of the fact that the filming was actually organized in a studio. Doubt is raised by the fact that retouching and other methods of photomontage, popular at that time, were often used solely to improve image quality, and this was also done with many photographs received from satellites.

Proponents of the conspiracy theory claim that in the video and photographic documents in which American astronauts plant the US flag on the Moon, ripples are clearly visible on the surface of the canvas. Skeptics believe that such ripples appeared as a result of a sudden gust of wind, but on the Moon, which means the pictures were taken on the surface of the Earth.

In response, they are often told that the ripples could have appeared not from the wind, but from damped vibrations that would certainly have arisen when the flag was planted. The fact is that the flag was attached to a flagpole located on a telescopic horizontal crossbar, which was pressed against the pole during transportation. The astronauts, once on the Moon, were unable to expand the telescopic tube to its maximum length. It was because of this that the ripples appeared, which created the illusion that the flag was fluttering in the wind. It is also worth noting the fact that in a vacuum, vibrations take longer to die down, since there is no air resistance. Therefore, this version is completely justified and realistic.

Jumping height

Also, many skeptics pay attention to the low height of astronauts’ jumps. It is believed that if the filming was actually done on the surface of the Moon, then each jump would have to be several meters high due to the fact that the gravitational force on the artificial satellite is several times lower than on the Earth itself.

Scientists have an answer to these doubts. Indeed, due to the different gravitational force, the mass of each astronaut also changed. On the Moon, it increased significantly, because in addition to their own weight, they were wearing a heavy spacesuit and the necessary life support systems. The pressurization of the spacesuit created a particular problem - it was very difficult to make the quick movements necessary for such a high jump, because in this case significant forces would be spent on overcoming the internal pressure. In addition, by jumping too high, astronauts risk losing control of their balance, which is likely to lead to them falling. And such a fall from a significant height is fraught with irreversible damage to the backpack of the life support system or the helmet itself.

To imagine how dangerous such a jump can be, you need to keep in mind that any body is capable of performing both translational and rotational movements. At the moment of the jump, the forces may be distributed unevenly, so the astronaut’s body may receive a torque and begin to spin uncontrollably, so the landing location and speed in this case will be almost impossible to predict. For example, a person in this case may fall headfirst, suffer serious injuries and even die. The astronauts, well aware of these risks, tried in every possible way to avoid such jumps, rising above the surface to a minimum height.

Deadly radiation

Another common argument among conspiracy theorists is based on research Van Allen conducted in 1958 studying radiation belts. The researcher noted that the flows of solar radiation that are fatal to humans are restrained by the Earth’s magnetic atmosphere; in the belts themselves, as Van Allen argued, the level of radiation is as high as possible.

Flight through such radiation belts is not dangerous only if the ship has reliable protection. During the flight through the radiation belts, the crew of the Apollo spacecraft was in a special command module, the walls of which were strong and thick, which provided the necessary protection. In addition, the ship was flying very fast, which also played a role, and its trajectory lay outside the area of ​​the most intense radiation. As a result, the astronauts had to receive a radiation dose that would be several times less than the maximum permissible.

Another argument that conspiracy theorists cite is that the photographic films must have been exposed due to radiation. It is interesting that the same fears existed before the flight of the Soviet spacecraft Luna-3, but even then it was possible to transmit photographs of normal quality, the film was not damaged.

The Moon was photographed with a camera on many occasions by many other spacecraft that were part of the Zond series. And some of them even contained animals, such as turtles, which were also not harmed. The radiation dose based on the results of each flight corresponded to preliminary calculations and was significantly lower than the maximum permissible. A detailed scientific analysis of all the data obtained has proven that on the Earth-Moon-Earth route, if solar activity is low, there is no danger to human life and health.

The history of the documentary film "The Dark Side of the Moon", which appeared in 2002, is interesting. In particular, it showed an interview with the widow of the famous American director Stanley Kubrick, Christiana, in which she said that US President Nixon was very impressed by her husband’s film “2001: A Space Odyssey,” which was released in 1968. According to her, it was Nixon who initiated the collaboration between Kubrick himself and other Hollywood specialists, the result of which was to correct the American image in the lunar program.

After the documentary was shown, some Russian news outlets claimed that it was genuine research that was proof of the Moon Conspiracy, and Christiane Kubrick's interview was seen as clear and indisputable confirmation that the American moon landing was filmed in Hollywood under Kubrick's direction.

In reality, this film was a pseudo-documentary, as the creators themselves admit in its credits. All interviews were composed of phrases deliberately taken out of context, or acted out by professional actors. It was a well-thought-out prank that many fell for.

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