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Dreamed of torn clothes. Dream interpretation clothes, what clothes dream about, clothes in a dream. The meaning of sleep about a bathrobe

In their nightly dreams, people can see things that they regularly encounter in everyday life. For example, it might help to understand what it means. A man or woman only needs to remember the details on which the prediction directly depends. So, what should you prepare for?

Clothing: Miller's dream book

What is Gustave Miller's opinion? What does his dream book prophesy for men and women? Clothing is a symbol that can predict both good and bad events. The interpretation directly depends on the details.

  • Dreamed of an outfit that doesn't fit well? Such a plot predicts a breakup for the dreamer. It can be not only a break with a lover, but also the termination of friendly, business relations. Also, this symbol can warn of a mistake that needs to be fixed urgently.
  • A person may dream that he refuses clothes that have finally gone out of fashion. This means that in reality new acquaintances await him. Communication with old friends and buddies will cease to attract the dreamer, he may even refuse it altogether.
  • Clothes of high quality, but unfashionable - a symbol that promises good luck. Luck will literally haunt the sleeper. It is important not to miss the rare chance that providence itself will provide.
  • Why dream of torn and dirty clothes? Miller's dream book prophesies deception to a man or woman. In the coming days, you should be careful, avoid dubious acquaintances and transactions. It is also impossible to exclude the possibility that the sleeper himself will try to deceive someone.
  • A lot of bright outfits are a sign that the dreamer will fail in an important matter. Now is not the right time to take on new projects. It is better to take a break and wait for a more favorable moment.
  • Men of different ages in suits - a plot that predicts unpleasant things. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to shift them onto other people's shoulders, even if the dreamer makes such an attempt. A person will have to perform his duties on his own.

Loff's interpretation

Why dream of clothes? Loff's dream book considers various plots, the interpretation depends on the details.

  • Buying an outfit for an important occasion - what does it mean? It is highly likely that the sleeper suffers from loneliness. A person needs attention, protection. He should not shut himself off from people who are sincerely disposed towards him.
  • Trying on beautiful and appropriately sized clothes is a good sign. In the near future, a person will cope with a difficult task. Achievements will positively affect the sleeper's self-esteem. Self-confidence will help him tune in to new victories.
  • Lost things are a negative symbol. Such a plot indicates the increased vulnerability of the dreamer. A person needs to be careful in the coming days. It is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings, as enemies can impersonate friends. Their intrigues can destroy the life of the sleeper if he does not take care of his safety.

Hasse's prediction

  • Why dream of buying clothes? Dream Interpretation Hasse informs that this is fortunately. In the near future, the life of the sleeper will change for the better. He just needs not to interfere with this, then everything will be fine.
  • Taking off your clothes is a dream warning. It is better to abandon the planned plans, since luck is not on the side of the man or woman now. It is better to wait for a more favorable moment to realize your dreams.
  • Why dream of old clothes? Dream Interpretation Hasse makes a negative prediction. A waking sleeper should be wary of monetary losses, his financial situation may worsen. It is important to avoid impulse buying. Wearing old things - to the troubles that can occur in various areas of life.
  • A black robe promises the dreamer sadness, suffering. Tragedy will happen in the coming days. A white outfit predicts joyful events, changes for the better.
  • Wearing children's things in a dream - quarrel with loved ones in reality. The sleeper can both take a direct part in the conflict and observe its development. In any case, the consequences will be severe.

Freud's interpretation

What does Sigmund Freud say about all this? What interpretation does his dream book offer? Clothing is a symbol that can have different meanings.

  • Admiring someone else's outfit is a plot that indicates interest in another person. The dreamer dreams of a romantic relationship with the hero of night dreams, finds him sexually attractive. It is difficult to say whether his wish will come true.
  • Dressing in someone else's clothes is a sign that a man or woman has low self-esteem. It is necessary to develop self-confidence, otherwise success will not be achieved. You should start with small victories over yourself.
  • What does it mean to take off your clothes? Freud's dream book informs that a person is ashamed of his naked body. Such a plot may warn that modesty prevents the sleeper from succeeding, and other people appropriate his achievements.
  • If a man or woman in night dreams does not like the outfit of another person, in reality the sleeping person feels dislike for this person. It is better to refrain from communication that does not give pleasure.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

What information is contained in this guide to the world of dreams? What does the clothes symbolize? Azar's dream book prophesies a waste of money to a person. In the coming days, you should refrain from impulsive purchases that will negatively affect your financial situation. Also, you should not conclude important contracts, issue large loans.

A hole in clothes is dreamed of by someone who in real life risks incurring a lot of debt. In the near future, you should not deal with the loan. A person will not be able to pay it, which is fraught with serious troubles. In extreme cases, it is worth borrowing money from relatives or friends.

Soiled clothes dream of dishonor. Soon the sleeper can afford an unseemly act. It cannot be ruled out that the dreamer learns something bad about someone close to him. Such information will make him disappointed in this face. Long clothes symbolize a well-deserved reward. In the near future, the dreamer may move up the career ladder, receive a bonus or an increase in salary.

New things

What does the new clothes symbolize? The dream book informs that this is a good sign. The sleeper has a project, the implementation of which will bring him success. On the way to your goal, you will have to overcome many obstacles, but the effort will be worth it. The result will exceed the wildest expectations.

Much depends on whether the dreamer liked the new clothes. The dream book predicts a change for the better if the outfit pleased the sleeping person. A person’s social circle will expand, new people will attract positive into his life. Nothing good should be expected if a man or woman did not like things.

Trying on a beautiful new outfit and admiring your reflection in the mirror is fortunately. All the problems that poison the dreamer's life will disappear by themselves.

white outfit

The color of the dreaming things has a direct impact on the interpretation. What does the white dress symbolize? The dream book informs that this is a negative sign. In reality, the sleeping person runs the risk of falling into a confusing situation from which it will not be easy to get out. Also, such a plot may indicate that it is not easy for a person to find a common language with others. The sleeper avoids rapprochement with people, tries to isolate himself from them. It is necessary to learn to trust others, not to be afraid of communication and not to avoid it.

What does it mean to wear white clothes? The dream interpretation warns that soon someone will turn to a man or woman for help, which should certainly be provided. Also, such a plot can prophesy getting rid of a false accusation.

Walking with someone dressed in white is a bad sign. A dangerous disease will be discovered in the hero of night dreams. You should pay attention to your loved ones, take an interest in their well-being. To see your other half or children in such an outfit - to communicate with nice people.

black things

Of course, people can see not only white outfits in their nightly dreams. Why gives a negative assessment of such a plot. In real life, events will occur that will sadden the sleeping person, make him suffer.

If the dreamer himself is dressed in a black outfit, this bodes bad news. Also, a person can be drawn into a conflict that will have a negative impact on his entire subsequent life. A black headdress for the fair sex prophesies the appearance of a rival. Some woman will make an attempt to recapture her husband or lover from the dreamer.

Different colors

A factor that must be taken into account is the color of the clothes. The dream interpretation gives a positive assessment to the night dreams, in which yellow outfits appear. In reality, a man or woman is waiting for financial luck, entertainment, fun. However, if a supernatural glow emanates from the robe, such a plot promises a change for the worse.

Raspberry things are a good sign. In reality, the dreamer will be able to defeat powerful enemies. To do this, you only need to exercise maximum caution, not to share your plans with anyone. Blue clothes prophesy the achievement of the goal. However, many obstacles will have to be overcome on the way to it. A person will cope with this thanks to his perseverance and fortitude. A green outfit is a sign that promises prosperity and happiness.

Why dream of red clothes? The dream interpretation promises the sleeper tears, misfortunes. However, a dark red outfit is considered a good sign. Such a symbol predicts a successful deliverance from the intrigues of enemies. A sudden outbreak of passion is another possible interpretation. Multi-colored outfits prophesy drastic changes in life. A person will find himself in a cycle of events that can be both good and bad.

A wardrobe

A wardrobe with clothes can also dream of men and women. The interpretation of a dream directly depends on its fullness. If it is completely clogged with things that are sloppy, then such a plot warns of the emotional emptiness of the sleeper. A person needs to pause, relax, sort out his feelings.

It's great if the things in the closet are folded neatly. Such a dream indicates that all the dreams of a man or woman will come true. The main thing is not to rush, to conquer one peak after another, and not to take on all things at once.


What other options are possible? Why gives a positive assessment to the night dreams in which the coat appears. Such a plot means that the dedication and courage of a person will be rewarded. The sleeper is waiting for the recognition of others.

A jacket seen in a dream predicts a change in image. This will help a person find a well-paid job, meet the second half.

What is the dream of a fur coat for? Such a plot indicates that a person is tired of communicating with others. He needs some time alone. A change of scenery is welcome.

To iron clothes

In their dreams, a man or woman can iron clothes. What does this mean?

  • Ironing things is a dream that predicts a trusting and warm relationship in the family. The conflicts of the sleeper with the household will finally be a thing of the past. If he pays enough attention to relatives, everything will be so.
  • Ironing a business suit - to change jobs. In the coming days, a person may be offered a profitable position.
  • Burning a thing in the process of ironing is a bad sign. The dreamer will have a dangerous opponent, from whom it is advisable to stay as far away as possible.

dirty things

Obviously, things in night dreams do not have to be clean at all. What does dirty clothes symbolize? The dream interpretation warns the sleeper that he may become a victim of deception. Taking off such clothes is a change in the financial sector. It is difficult to say whether they will be favorable.

Blood stains on things - to the machinations of competitors. In the near future, a person needs to be extremely careful. Dusty clothes are a sign that prophesies the loss of a valuable thing. To stain the outfit with ice cream is to suffer through the fault of other people. Sticky earth - to diseases, forced departure from home. An outfit stained with soot promises gossip behind your back. Unfortunately, others will believe the rumors that enemies spread about the dreamer. This could negatively affect his career.

Did a man or woman dream about trying to clean clothes from dirt with a brush? Such a plot prophesies a threat to reputation. The dreamer will have to try to refute the rumors spread behind his back by ill-wishers. If someone else is doing this, this indicates that the sleeper is offended by fair criticism. It is better to listen to the opinions of others and engage in self-improvement. To clean your belongings from dust - to regain lost control over the situation.

try on

What offers different interpretations, it all depends on the details.

  • Trying on new clothes in night dreams is good luck in business. Whatever project the sleeper undertakes, he will be able to successfully implement it.
  • Putting on old things is a nuisance in the financial sector. The dreamer's financial situation will worsen, he is threatened with deprivation and need.
  • A lover tries on old clothes - fortunately in his personal life. The second half loves the dreamer very much.
  • Wearing tight clothes is a big mistake. Most likely, the sleeper will lose a large amount of money through his own fault.
  • Trying on the outfit of a deceased person - to the division of property. For example, someone will leave the dreamer an inheritance that other people will also claim.
  • Wearing rags, torn clothes - to the failure of an important matter. What a man or woman dreams about will never come true.

Why else is he considering such an option as trying on a large number of things. In this case, the sleeper is waiting for well-being and happiness.

In the shop

A clothing store is a symbol of career advancement, professional growth. What awaits the person whom he dreamed of?

  • Events can take place in a large store. What does it mean to choose clothes in this case? The dream interpretation prophesies to the sleeper an important choice that will have to be made in the near future. The life of the dreamer and his loved ones directly depends on what decision he makes.
  • In his dreams, a person may find himself in an elite boutique. Why, in this case, dream of choosing clothes? The dream interpretation informs the sleeper about his habit of living beyond his means. Also, such a plot may indicate inflated ambitions. You need to learn to realistically assess your capabilities.
  • Choosing things in second-hand - to the development of self-confidence. This will help a person arrange his personal life.
  • To see yourself in a fitting room without clothes is to need the support of loved ones. The man found himself in a difficult situation from which he will not be able to get out on his own. Do not hesitate to ask friends and relatives for help, they will definitely provide it.
  • Empty boutique - to the collapse of all hopes. Do not rely on the fact that the plan will be able to be realized. Unfortunately, this will never happen.

buy, steal

Stealing clothes - what does such a plot mean? Night dreams warn a person that he is not satisfied with his own social status. The dreamer dreams that his financial situation will improve, those around him will treat him with respect. Unfortunately, without significant efforts on the part of the sleeper, one cannot count on changes for the better.

A man or a woman carefully chooses the outfit that he is going to buy? Such a plot promises a small profit. If you cannot find the right product, in reality you should prepare for a worsening financial situation. The dreamer will be able to avoid serious problems if he reduces his expenses. Bargaining in night dreams - to material losses. A person allows himself to spend more than he is able to earn.

What does it mean to buy clothes? The dream interpretation predicts a fascinating and interesting event. If the purchase pleased a person, then a change for the better awaits him. If the thing brought from the store quickly disappointed, then you should prepare for the worst.

What clothes

What else does interpretation depend on? What does it mean to see clothes? The dream book recommends remembering what kind of thing it is about?

  • Dress. It symbolizes the victory that the sleeper will win over ill-wishers. Evening dress indicates that the dreamer likes to splurge. For a woman, such a plot predicts a date with a loved one.
  • Pantsuit. He dreams of success, prosperity. For entrepreneurs, such a dream prophesies a profitable contract, which is important not to miss.
  • Wedding dress. Such vestments predict conflicts with the second half, friends.
  • Skirt. Buying or trying on a dark thing is a serious quarrel with the chosen one. The dreamer has accumulated many complaints about the second half. A light product promises good news.
  • Shorts. This symbol indicates the frivolity of the dreamer. A man or woman should take their duties more seriously.
  • Sport suit. One who has a long life waiting for him can see him in his dreams.


What else determines the interpretation of dreams about clothes? The dream book informs that the material from which things are made is also important.

  • Silk. Such outfits promise lonely people a romantic acquaintance. If the dreamer already has a soulmate, his happiness will be cloudless.
  • Fur, wool. Things made of such materials predict prosperity, financial stability. If the sleeper has debts, he will soon be able to pay off his creditors.
  • Cotton. Such products symbolize tears. Most likely, a person will shed them due to separation from a loved one.
  • Guipure. Such clothes prophesy the disclosure of secrets. The dreamer's secret will soon become public, and his own intemperance is to blame.
  • Velvet. This symbol means that a person overestimates his abilities. The dreamer needs to learn to set realistic goals for himself.
  • Leather. Things from this material prophesy changes for the better. From the sleeper, only minor efforts will be required.
  • Knitwear. Such products promise minor quarrels. Fortunately, this will not have a serious impact on the relationship of a person with others.
  • Atlas. Such clothes predict a long journey, a long business trip. Fortunately, the trip will be pleasant.

Medea's prediction

Why dream of dressing or dressing someone else? The dream book of Medea reports the following about clothes.

  • Wearing trousers or a skirt is a sign that a person is suffering from sexual dissatisfaction. He dreams of having a romantic relationship, but does nothing to achieve this goal.
  • Bra, underpants - a symbol that the dreamer is hiding his fantasies from his partner.
  • Dress, jacket, coat - a sign that the sleeper does not get along well with others. A person needs to learn to find a common language with people. His career advancement, as well as happiness in his personal life, directly depends on this.
  • A shirt, a jacket - proof that the dreamer is used to hiding his feelings. Now is the right time to tell your loved ones about them.

Things belonging to other people

What does someone else's clothes symbolize? The dream book will help you figure this out.

  • In his nightly dreams, a person can borrow an outfit belonging to another person. Such a dream warns that it will not be possible to do without outside help.
  • Trying on someone else's clothes that do not fit - what does this mean? Such dreams prophesy a person of trouble, grief. If things are too big, there is a high probability that the sleeper is minding his own business. If they are small, then such a symbol predicts financial losses. The financial situation of a person may worsen due to his habit of living beyond his means.
  • Wearing clothes of relatives or friends - to receive an inheritance. It is highly likely that it is the hero of night dreams who will leave it to the dreamer.
  • A person may dream that other people's things fit him perfectly. Such a dream means that a complex project will be successfully implemented. For a person, this will come as a surprise, since he does not have high hopes for him.
  • Someone tries to borrow clothes from a sleeper and gets rejected? Such a plot warns that the dreamer has dangerous enemies. If he doesn't exercise the utmost care, these people will succeed in ruining his life.


What else is the interpretation of the dream book capable of offering? The clothes that the sleeper washes, what does it mean? Such a plot warns that the sleeper wants to get rid of unpleasant memories. A person has committed an impartial act in the past, which he wants to forget forever.

Also, washing clothes can mean a desire to get rid of unpleasant people. The dreamer is not satisfied with his inner circle, he ended up in a bad company. Even such night dreams can prophesy the emergence of insurmountable obstacles on the way to the goal. If things were washed off, this predicts a victory over enemies and competitors for the sleeper. If washing did not help to cope with stubborn stains, then the dreamer cannot count on success. To the set goal, a person will have to go a thorny path, which will be littered with gossip and intrigue.

Many things

Suppose that in night dreams a man or woman has a lot of clothes. The dream book will help you figure out what this means. Such dreams indicate that a person has taken a defensive position. He is not so much trying to deal with difficulties as he is trying to avoid it. You should not hide your head in the sand, such a position will not lead to good.

A large number of bright and beautiful things - a dream that is a warning. In the near future, a person should refrain from making new acquaintances, take a closer look at his immediate environment. Someone may try to ruin his life out of envy, revenge, or for their own benefit. Also, such a plot calls for caution in matters that are related to finances. If the sleeper is not vigilant, he risks losing a large sum.

Various plots

Looking for clothes - what does it mean? Such dreams signal that the dreamer is looking for ways to protect himself from the danger that threatens him. It can also mean that a person is desperate for help, but he does not dare to ask friends and relatives to provide it.

Taking off your clothes is a dream that prophesies the beginning of a new life stage. A person will finally be able to get rid of the burden of the past, turn his eyes to the future. Now is the right time to start making long-term plans. Shoot dirty things - to changes that will affect the financial sector. Most likely, the financial situation of the sleeper will improve, although the opposite situation can also be assumed. Taking off new clothes is a sign that tells about the desire of a man or woman to tell her chosen one about her feelings.

A dream in which things are burning does not bode well. In real life, a person is waiting for serious financial losses. The sleeper may lose property through the fault of people whom he sincerely considered his friends. One who does not dare to confess his feelings to the chosen one can tear clothes in a dream. If the sleeper is still unable to gain courage, he should not count on positive changes in his personal life in the near future.

Darn clean things - to the successful achievement of the goal. A person will be able to easily overcome all the obstacles that arise in his path. Darn dirty clothes - a sign that you will not be able to correct your mistakes. This may be due to the fact that the dreamer will choose the wrong moment.


What other options are considered by guides to the world of dreams? What does it mean to wear nice clothes? The dream interpretation in this case predicts good luck, prosperity for a man or woman. In life, a bright streak will soon come, the sleeper will literally be pursued by luck.

If things in a dream are not only beautiful, but also fashionable, a brilliant idea will illuminate a person in the near future. Its implementation will help him improve his financial situation, win the recognition of others. It is not worth postponing this indefinitely, as there is a danger of missing the moment. You should also beware of competitors who can steal the idea.

Clothes are beautiful and expensive, why dream? If a person wears such things in his nightly dreams, then he can count on success and prosperity in reality. If the dreamer seeks to acquire such an outfit, but he does not have enough money, this warns of the habit of living beyond his means.

- If you dream that you are wearing a lot of clothes, then expect trouble.

To see or buy children's clothes in a dream means that your hopes are in vain. Sometimes after such a dream, family scandals or with a lover should be expected.

- If the clothes are big for you or you put on someone else's, then you are not doing your job.

Wearing someone else's clothes in a dream, especially if it doesn't suit you, means that troubles and grief await you. Such a dream also warns you that you are not doing your job. For lovers, such a dream predicts the collapse of hopes.

- New clothes in a dream are always associated with new plans and portend good luck in business, new acquaintances, new relationships, a new period in life or a profitable business, if you like these things. Such a dream is especially favorable if you put clothes on yourself.

- Borrowing someone else's clothes in a dream means that you cannot do without someone else's help.

- If in a dream someone asks you to lend him your clothes, and you refuse this person, then you should beware of envious people or rivals.

- If you dream that you are badly or poorly dressed, then your life will be bleak and monotonous, associated with worries about a piece of daily bread.

- Seeing a dirty dress or stained clothes in a dream on oneself is a sign of shame, humiliation.

- Rags, junk to see or wear it - a sign of need, deprivation.

- Seeing, trying on or putting on your old clothes in a dream means that you will live the same way as at the time when you wore these clothes.

- Unfashionable, but good-quality clothes in a dream portend you a modest well-being and a calm, measured life.

- If you dream that you are taking off your old, worn, torn clothes or just clothes that you don’t like, then you will have good changes in life, success in business and personal.

- Clothes covered in blood, seen in a dream, warn you that your enemies are not sitting idle.

- A hole in clothes in a dream portends an illness or injury in the place where the hole will be.

- Seeing patches on clothes is a sign that your well-being will be shaken. Putting patches in a dream means that soon you will have to seriously cut your expenses. Seeing patches from others is a sign of imminent need and trouble. A patch on new clothes is a harbinger that your bright hopes will not come true. Being ashamed of a patch or covering it in a dream means that you will soon find yourself in a desperate situation and will try to hide it from others. Sewing a patch in a dream is a sign that you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to your own stupidity and frivolity. To see or install a lot of patches - to lack of money. If you dream that you are walking through the mud and soiled your clothes, then beware of illness.

Seeing a uniform in a dream means that responsible work awaits you, thanks to which you will earn the respect of others and make a decent fortune.

- If you dream that you are putting on a priest's robe, then you will be protected by an important dignitary. The richer the robe, the richer your patron will be.

- Wearing trousers in a dream indicates that you will try to get out of a difficult situation with honor.

- A man's suit in a dream is a symbol of unsuccessful money transactions.

- To see or wear a vest - to false news.

- Leather clothes in a dream are a sign of prosperity and good luck. After a dream in which you saw yourself dressed in leather clothes, you can experience happiness in risky ventures.

- Wearing a clean shirt in a dream means that you will be able to avoid trouble. If in a dream your shirt is white, then good news about success in business awaits you.

- If you dream that you are sewing a shirt, then a loved one will appreciate your feelings for him if you can finish your work in a dream. But if you do not finish it in a dream, then your happiness with your loved one will not be complete.

- Losing a shirt in a dream means that failure and shame await you.

- A dress dress, a tailcoat or a tuxedo in a dream to see or wear is a sign of an early entry into a profitable marriage.

- Seeing a coat in a dream is a sign of a change in position. The more expensive and beautiful it is, the better your business will go.

- Dropping, losing, getting dirty, seeing it torn or dirty in a dream is a sign of great troubles, difficulties, humiliations. If it turns out to be great, then grief awaits you in a matter that is “too tough for you”.

- If you dream that someone took your coat from you, then you will face difficulties in business and in your personal life.

- Seeing yourself in a dream in underwear is a sign of shame and dishonor.

- If you dream that you see yourself in pajamas or a nightgown, then you should take care of your health. Such a dream portends a disease.

- Seeing others in a dream in clothes that they usually sleep in is a harbinger that someone from your family will need your help.

- Trouble, worries and sorrows are foreshadowed by a dream in which you or someone will take off their underwear.

- To see a corset in a dream is a sign of revealing a secret. Sometimes such a dream predicts that the person you love is not indifferent to you, but hides his feelings. To wear a corset in a dream means to suffer because of your own curiosity. Trying on a corset in a dream - k. Fastening (unfastening) a corset in a dream is an indication that you should be patient in an important matter, and not vent your evil on your neighbors in order to avoid unnecessary quarrels.

- Clothing made of linen or cotton in a dream is a sign of poverty, unless you wear it out of season.

- A dream about clothes made of cheap fabrics portends failure and grief.

Rich, from expensive fabric (silk or velvet), a magnificent dress, embroidered, etc. to see in a dream means receiving good news, the benefit and respect of others.

to see yourself luxuriously dressed (in a brilliant, unusual dress or suit) - to a serious illness.

- To put on a woman's dress is a shame and a loss for men, a woman to be in men's clothes in a dream is a harbinger of imminent marriage.

- Seeing a cheap dress in a dream means vain hopes.

- A dream in which you saw that your outfit is decorated with flowers means that your happiness is short-lived.

Wearing wedding clothes in a dream means that you will have an illness or great grief. Wearing a wedding dress in a dream with pleasure - to joy and success in business.

- Wearing silk bloomers in a dream means making a profit.

- A dream in which you saw that your clothes are on fire, but at the same time remain intact, means that your friends will betray you and start spreading bad rumors about you. This is a bad dream - it portends you a lot of grief, undeserved insults, humiliation and insults.

- To see a masquerade costume in a dream portends an unusual turn in your business.

- Children's fancy dress in your dream means that you will be lucky where you did not think.

- To see cuffs on your dress in a dream is a sign of triumph, an official meeting. Seeing them starched and very white is a sign of honor or respect from others. Sometimes such a dream means the stability of your position or emphasizes the firmness of your position on some issue. If the cuffs on your dress are torn, dirty, frayed, then expect grief due to failures in business or in love. Such a dream predicts that you will be dissatisfied with yourself, and your pride will be hurt by the dishonest and mean act of a partner or loved one. If you dream that there is no cuff on the dress, although you know that they should be there, then some business will not turn out the way you would like.

- A cloak in a dream is a symbol of your condition, what you have or will have according to the law. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may receive an inheritance. If you dream that you are wearing a raincoat to protect yourself from bad weather or something else, then you should remember that the enemy is watching you. A camouflage cloak in a dream portends trouble in business and indicates the need to keep an eye out, as the enemy is not asleep. A new cloak in a dream portends success and prosperity. Covering yourself with them in a dream means receiving a profitable offer. If you don’t like the raincoat in a dream, then your business will not go well.

- A home or hospital gown in a dream portends ill health, worries and troubles. However, to dream of men's bathrobes in which you can walk down the street (such as national, quilted, beautifully embroidered) is a sign that another person will soon enter your family. If the robe has an exotic look, then the person will be of a different nationality. To see a lot of ceremonial robes in a dream means that you will have many meetings with different people from other countries.

A long train on a dress is a sign that there are a lot of rumors about you that are unlikely to flatter you. The dream warns you that you should not talk too much about yourself and avoid rash acts and casual relationships.

- Long tails on clothes are a sign of respect for the people around you. Short tails on clothes predict the opposite. Frayed tails on clothes mean poverty or need. Cut tails in a dream - to losses and disappointments.

- Red (crimson) - a sign of sadness or illness due to the death of a relative. However, most often such a dream means that success in business, respect for others and power await you. For lovers, red outfits predict that their situation will change for the better and everyone will respect and honor them.

- The crimson color of clothes in a dream portends you victory over enemies, success in business and protection of a powerful patron.

- If the dress is black, short or shiny, then such a dream predicts a quick death for the patient, and for the one on whom you see it, death from a serious illness in the prime of life. To be in black clothes in a dream yourself is a failure in love.

- Yellow clothes color means jealousy, gossip, love adventures.

- Colorful and bright clothes in a dream portend an abundance of opportunities. For lovers, such a dream portends quarrels and misunderstandings.

- Clothes of floral, delicate colors in a dream indicate that a tender affection will arise between you and some person. This dream portends pleasant conversations, peace of mind.

White clothes in a dream almost always predict bad changes, sadness, illness, experiences. To dream of a crowd dressed in white linen means that soon you will have a period of great setbacks associated with reforms in the country. A cheerful company in beautiful white clothes in a dream is a sign of success in business and in love. White clothes on a loved one in a dream warn you of a serious illness of this person, which will cause you a lot of trouble and excitement. A white shirt in a dream means your hopes and immaculate thoughts. Sometimes such a dream predicts that some kind of false accusation will be dropped from you. Green clothes in a dream are a sign of hope or a trip to distant lands. in a dream or seeing new ones is a sign of success in business. Taking off trousers in a dream is a sign of loss or loss.

- Seeing a caftan in a dream means a calm, well-established life in the house. Breaking it, losing or spoiling it is a harbinger of trouble that will destroy your life.

- Frills, ruffles on a dress in a dream mean that your behavior may cause disapproval of others.

If in a dream your clothes are small, then you are doing nothing.

- A dream in which you saw that someone else's good-quality or rich clothes suited you perfectly, the business that you did not have high hopes for would come true and promise you the respect of others and profit.

- Seeing or examining the lining or inside of clothes in a dream means that you do not trust your loved ones or partners. Sometimes such a dream tells you that you should be careful when making important decisions that may affect your future.

- Dressing in a dream in the presence of strangers means that you will find yourself in an awkward position.

- Seeing insects on your clothes is a sign of trouble, and anxiety, and dishonor.

Shaking them off your clothes in a dream is a sign of liberation from worries and useless machinations of slanderers who seek to discredit you.

Miller's dream book

Seeing clothes in a dream- dream prediction. The success of your affairs depends on what the clothes were like in a dream: whole and clean, or soiled and torn.

Seeing great but unfashionable clothes- portends that you will be lucky, but neglect valuable ideas.

If you refuse clothes that are out of fashion- then soon you will move away from your current environment, start new business, make new love relationships. All this will completely change you.

See yourself and others dressed in white- means change, and almost always sad.

Walk with the man in white- means illness and grief for him, unless it is a young woman and not a child. In the latter case, pleasant events can be expected.

See yourself and others- portends quarrels, disappointments and unwanted companions on a trip. Commercial activities will not justify your desires.

See yellow clothes- portends interesting entertainment and financial success.

If you see a silently moving ghost in yellow, in unnatural light- we should expect a change for the worse. Good luck will accompany you if you see a beautiful yellow fabric in a dream.

Seeing blue clothes in a dream- means that your energy will help you achieve the fulfillment of your desires. Friends will support you.

See crimson clothes in a dream- means that you will get rid of terrible enemies by changing your intentions in time.

See green robes- a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness.

See multi-colored robes- portends drastic changes and the interweaving of good and bad in the future.

Seeing in a dream clothes that do not fit well on you- implies the end of some of your attachments. It is possible that you make a mistake in some enterprise.

Seeing an old man or a young man in well-tailored suits- means that you will undertake some unpleasant and troublesome business.

If a woman sees in a dream that she does not like her clothes- a dream portends that she will meet unpleasant rivalry in achieving social success.

If she admires the clothes of others- a dream promises jealous suspicions of her friend.

Seeing in a dream the loss of some detail of the toilet- means interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love.

Seeing beautiful but old-fashioned clothes- means that you will be lucky, but you will neglect progressive ideas.

If in a dream you refuse unfashionable, outdated clothes- in real life, you will find yourself in a pleasant environment and make new connections, do new things, new love will inspire you - and all this will turn you into a completely different person.

See yourself or other people dressed in white robes- means events or changes in life that will sadden you.

Walk in a dream with a man dressed in white- predicts the illness of this person or misfortune, unless it is a young woman and not a child. In this case, you will be surrounded by nice people.

Seeing yourself or others dressed in black in a dream- portends quarrels, disappointment and grumpy companions. Perhaps the course of commercial affairs will not justify your hopes.

yellow robes- dream of fun, entertainment and financial success. This is an auspicious dream. But if you see a ghostly, supernatural glow emanating from clothes, then such a dream may portend changes for the worse.

blue clothes- a sign that persistent attempts and fortitude will lead you to victory. Your friends will faithfully support you.

Seeing crimson or dark red clothes in a dream- predicts that you will avoid the intrigues of powerful enemies by changing your intentions in time.

Green clothes- a symbol of happiness and prosperity.

Multi-colored clothes seen in a dream- predicts rapid changes. Everything will mix up in your destiny, both good and evil.

If you dream that the clothes do not suit you- this is a sign of the transience and variability of your tastes and hobbies. Most likely, you will make a mistake in some undertaking.

Seeing old or young people dressed appropriately- predicts that you will become engaged in a business that you will not like and will give you a lot of trouble.

If a young woman dreams that she is unhappy with her clothes- in real life, she will meet many annoying obstacles on the way to her goal.

If she admires the clothes of others- in reality, she will be haunted by the jealous envy of her friends.

Lose an item of clothing in a dream- a sign of anxiety in love and commerce.

To a young woman to dream that she is dressed in a black transparent suit- means that sadness and disappointment will soon await her.

If she dreams that she meets another woman in crimson clothes and with a mourning crepe veil on her face- a dream predicts that she will be surpassed by a rival whom she had not taken seriously before, and bitter disappointment will fill her soul.

When interpreting dreams about clothes- you should be attentive, cautious and notice whether things look natural and natural.

If a bright supernatural light breaks through the clothes, and the faces of people wearing these clothes are distorted- beware: terrible misfortunes can await you on the path of life.

Seeing dirty and torn clothes in a dream- means that deceit will bring you evil. Beware of making friends with strangers.

If a woman has such a dream- Her virtue will be tarnished if she is not careful in choosing her friends.

Clean new clothes- promises prosperity.

If you dream that you have a large selection of clothes- a dream carries elements of doubt. Perhaps you will need the most necessary. Young people have such a dream- promises unfulfilled hopes and disappointments.

Rip your clothes to shreds- warns that your peace of mind will be disturbed due to gossip and slander.

Blue clothes- the subtle body associated with the ajna chakra (it is also blue, like this chakra). This is a high body.

Complete dream book of the New Era

clothing- reflection of the perceived image of oneself (worldview in relation to oneself).

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Seeing velor clothes on yourself or on others in a dream means you are living beyond your means.

pink clothes- to cheerful, carefree days.

Take off your clothes means to lend without repayment.

splatter your clothes- splashing a new coat with mud in a dream means that you have a bad opinion in the eyes of people.

Seeing tight clothes in a dream- means that you are going to seduce someone.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Seeing velor clothes in a dream or buying it in a store- to the stability of your business.

pink clothes Your naivete is unforgivable.

Take off your clothes- Loss of property.

Splatter your clothes (stain)- you will be slandered.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Velor clothes- to a joyful event, to a feast.

pink clothes- to hopes.

Take off your clothes- to shame.

splatter your clothes- to a damaged reputation.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

buy clothes- happiness; wear black- sadness; white- contentment; children's- family quarrel.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Buy clothes in a dream- portends a happy event in your life.

light clothes- means satisfaction and spiritual uplift, dark- sadness at heart and change for the worse.

Baby clothes- portends family troubles. fashion outfits- to interesting meetings and entertainment in the company of people you like, out of fashion- you will soon change your image by doing something else and making new connections.

Fitted tutelka in tutelka and perfectly fitting clothes- means that you will undertake something that will bring you a lot of trouble, but will bring deep moral satisfaction.

If the clothes do not fit and spoil the whole figure- in reality, break with old connections and attachments without making new ones.

To envy a rival dressed up in an elegant suit that suits her very well- in real life, you will be tormented by jealousy and consumed by suspicion.

If you don't like someone's flashy or tasteless clothes- you will have to try very hard not to look at least worse than others in terms of your appearance at the upcoming celebration or when visiting some spectacular event.

Do you want to cover yourself with your own blanket, wrap the canopy- portends wealth and nobility.

Choose a hat or belt- You will get a promotion.

Woman putting on headdress and belt- portends the birth of a son.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Lose clothes- loss; dress in new clothes in a dream- joy; into the old- sadness.

Psychoanalytic dream book

clothing- the person of the individual: his behavior, position and role; his thoughts and desires, often real facts. Clothing also serves as protection against unwanted touch.

To be dressed in a uniform or even in armor; inability to undress- the danger of expressly conforming to the views of other people instead of developing an independent character.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

If in a dream you had a chance to dress another person or child, then in reality try not to be frank with strangers. To put on something yourself - to the beginning of a new business. Dream Interpretations will tell you why the indicated action is most often dreamed of.

According to the dream book for the bitch

Dressing yourself in a dream literally means planning, thinking, looking for a solution to a specific problem. If you dreamed that you had to dress in a hurry, then the dream book predicts disappointment and changes in plans due to the stupid behavior of a loved one.

Why dream if you happen to dress another character? Trust only yourself and rely solely on yourself. The dream interpretation is sure: only in this case you can achieve success.

According to the dream book from A to Z

Why dream if you decide to dress another person? It literally means to subjugate the will, to impose one's thoughts, ideas, to control. You can dress yourself before the implementation of a certain enterprise. In both cases, the dream book is convinced that the interpretation of sleep directly depends on what exactly you are lucky to wear.

Did you dream that you were wearing shoes? Expect great luck or an increase in income. If you managed to put some thing inside out, then succumb to the temptation or trust a stranger. It is good to put on a brand new coat in night dreams. According to the dream book, this is a sign of the fulfillment of desires. But if the little coat turned out to be torn, then you will receive sad news. Wearing someone else's coat, according to the dream book, can lead to an erroneous choice (conclusion) and getting into a confusing situation.

Why dream if you had to wear a suit? Growing up children will bring a lot of experiences, but the dream book advises you to trust them more. It is good to see and wear velvet things in a dream. This means that fame and generally recognized success awaits you. But if at night you had to wear an old, worn and dirty robe, then you will break the dream book: get ready for trouble at the workplace or at a party.

Did you dream that you were wearing a thimble in a dream? True friends will help to cope with troubles. Putting on gloves for yourself - to excessive frugality. Wearing an accessory to another in a dream symbolizes an attempt to subdue, control.

What does it mean if in a dream you had a chance to wear a wig to someone? The dream interpretation warns: the changes that you have planned will bring a very unexpected result. If you happen to wear glasses, then you have to communicate with an obsessive and unpleasant person. The same plot reflects the desire to isolate oneself from something, literally not to know, not to see.

Why dream of putting on your shoes, someone else's, dirty, clean, new, old

Did you have to wear shoes at night? The image suggests that there is a right way to solve a problem. A more complete interpretation will give the color, model, condition and other nuances of the butt. Why dream if someone had a chance to wear obviously someone else's shoes? In reality, you will begin to impose your opinion, point of view, demeanor. Wearing a brand new pair is good. For men, she promises profit, success, for women - a new romantic relationship.

Did you dream that you were wearing an old, torn or dirty headband? Get ready for life's challenges. Seeing shoes with holes means that your plans will fail, because you didn’t calculate something. In a dream, did you manage to put on shoes with lumps of dirt? Expect a series of conflicts and troubles. In addition, the planned road will be difficult.

What does it mean if you happen to wear strong, but strange-looking shoes? The existing problem can be solved in an unusual, but very simple way. You can see unpaired shoes to communicate with an unreliable person. If in a dream it turned out to put on only one leg, then a one-sided vision of some kind of problem leads you to failure.

In a dream, put on your clothes, someone else's, dirty, clean, new, old

In a dream, did you have a chance to wear high-quality, but not fashionable clothes for a long time? Good luck awaits you, but do not neglect your previous ideals and goals. Had a dream about how they refused to wear old unfashionable clothes? It's time to radically change the way of life, habits, environment.

You can put on new clothes for someone in a dream to joy, old clothes - to sadness and trouble. Why dream if you managed to put too many clothes on yourself and another? You will fall ill in reality or this person will fall ill with an ailment. If a man had a chance to wear new clothes, but in real life he will find himself a mistress or wife. For a woman, the same image promises sadness, dissatisfaction.

Why wear a ring, earrings, jewelry at night

If you decide to wear jewelry to someone, then the frivolity of others will lead to a nervous breakdown. Seeing jewelry or jewelry on yourself means getting a profitable position and satisfying ambitions.

Why dream if you are not lucky to wear fake jewelry? In a dream, this is an eloquent sign of falsehood and deceit. Had a dream about how they put on another ring? Soon, on your own initiative, conclude some kind of alliance, business relationship, marriage. The interpretation of sleep depends on the quality of the product and the dream plot. What does it mean if you put on a ring for yourself? This is an omen of the birth of a child and the fulfillment of desires.

What does it mean to wear socks, tights

If you dreamed that you were wearing pantyhose to someone or yourself, then you will have to spend time and money to solve a difficult problem. At the same time, torn and old tights indicate hypocrisy, claims, disorder. The same image guarantees unforeseen difficulties in the solved case.

Why dream if you had to wear socks? In reality, you will be able to save money and buy something pleasant. You can wear men's socks before a long journey, a trip. The same plot symbolizes a profitable offer.

Dreamed of holey socks? Get ready for a quarrel, trouble, failure, communication difficulties. Beautiful socks symbolize the attention of the opposite sex in a dream, and very long socks symbolize a long-standing relationship. If a man had to wear stockings to a woman, then a big profit or a romantic date awaits him.

Why in a dream wear a wig, a hat

If in a dream you decided to wear a wig, then this means that you are ready for decisive action, change. That's just it will not bring the desired effect, but only worsen the current situation. I dreamed. that you decided to wear a wig to another person? In reality, you will try to take control of something, impose your opinion, or hide some secret, fact. Seeing other characters wearing a clown wig means that a loved one will betray you.

Why dream if you had a chance to wear a hat? In reality, get ready for an abundance of worries and troubles. If the hat is solid and beautiful, earn respect, if it is old and plain, then you will have to be ashamed. Did you dream that you put a hat on someone else's head? In reality, literally convey your worries, deeds or responsibilities.

What does it mean to dress a child, a baby in the night

Why dream if it happened to dress a small child or baby? In real life, expect an influx of household worries and problems. At the same time, the plot symbolizes an undertaking or a business to which you give all of yourself.

If you tried to dress a child, and the clothes turned out to be small, then you initially chose the wrong path or make efforts in the wrong place. Seeing that things turned out to be big on the baby means that what you want does not correspond to real possibilities.

Had a dream about dressing a very capricious child? This is a sign of your own dissatisfaction. Alas, you are not able to change anything at the moment, so be patient and wait for favorable times. An attempt to dress a child in very colorful and unusual clothes indicates the uncertainty of the position, instability, lack of purpose.

Dress in a dream - how to interpret

What does it mean if in a dream you had to wear someone or something? The interpretation of sleep is directly dependent on the meaning of the object being worn, as well as the characteristics of the action itself.

  • wear a lot of clothes - chores, illness, unpleasant situation
  • messy - uninvited guests
  • fast - unnecessary haste
  • slow - the need to hurry
  • dress in white clothes - praise, victory
  • in black - dead man, disappointment, accusation
  • in red - matchmaking, shame, illness
  • in green - dignity, success
  • in blue - reflections, choice
  • dress in a new one - luxury, profit, undertakings
  • in the old - difficulties, lack of money, problems from the past
  • into a rich, expensive one - envy or the truth will be revealed
  • poor dreamer - misfortune
  • the patient - deterioration
  • dress in mourning - appointment
  • in transparent - the discovery of secrets
  • on holiday - profit
  • long - honor, recognition
  • in the dirty - sadness, gossip, difficulties
  • torn - lies, troubles, lack of money
  • dress in a female man - shame, loss, deceit
  • into a man's woman - temptation. danger
  • dressing a dead man - the old business will return
  • child - an undertaking, a favorite pastime
  • mistress - waste of money
  • wife / husband - care, family hearth
  • stranger - an unusual situation
  • wear a coat, dress, jacket - relationships with others
  • shirt, jacket, blouse - real feelings, emotions
  • skirt, trousers - preoccupation with appearance, image
  • underwear - fears, innermost dreams, secrets
  • hats - thoughts, ideas
  • wear a hat with a feather - posturing, setup, deceit
  • with flowers - joy, happiness
  • with a veil - mourning, tears
  • dressing another jewelry - good luck in business
  • with precious stones - an unusual event
  • beads, necklaces - tedious, but worthwhile work, connection
  • brooch - a gift, a pleasant surprise
  • ring, ring - offer, unity
  • bracelet - imposing one's own opinion
  • chain - submission, control
  • earrings - lose something valuable

To interpret the dream action, you can use the meaning of any objects, as well as characters that had to be dressed in a dream. But only your own emotions and intuition will give the final interpretation.

Dream Interpretation of G. Miller

Why do Clothes dream - a psychological interpretation:

I dreamed about clothes - then this is a dream prediction. The success of your affairs depends on what the clothes were in the dream: whole and clean, or soiled and torn.

Seeing that you have seen excellent but unfashionable clothes - this portends that you will be lucky, but neglect valuable ideas.

If in a dream you refuse clothes that are out of fashion, then soon you will move away from your current environment, start new business, and start new love relationships. All this will completely change you.

To see that others are dressed in white - this means change, and almost always sad.

See also: what shoes are dreaming of, what fashion is dreaming of, what a fashion designer is dreaming of.

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

What is the dream of Clothes:

Dreamed of various, hung or scattered clothes - this predicts a firework of events in the near future, unexpected and exciting, which, however, will do you more harm than good.

Why dream of seeing a large number of unworn clothes - it threatens you with big troubles, the more clothes, the more troubles.

It is better to be half-dressed in a dream, this is for well-being.

Dressing, Dressing in a dream has a dual meaning - it is a sign of good luck or bad luck.

Dream Interpretation of A. Vasiliev

What are the clothes for?

I dreamed of new and clean clothes - this promises you good.

Why dream of seeing dirty clothes or a stain on it - this is a loss of honor and shame.

Also, you will find slander, the possibility of accusation and serious health problems.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

Seeing that they were buying clothes, trying on clothes - this portends you a happy event in life.

Why dream of seeing light-colored clothes - this means satisfaction and spiritual uplift. Dark clothes - you will have sadness in your soul and a change for the worse.

Children's clothes in a dream - portends family troubles. Fashionable outfits - for interesting meetings and entertainment in the company of people you like.

Out-of-fashion clothes were dreaming - then soon you will change your image, doing something else and making new connections.

Why dream of seeing a fitted tyutelka in a tyutelka and perfectly fitting clothes - this means that you will do something that will bring you a lot of trouble, but will bring deep moral pleasure.

Dream interpretation for girls

What is the dream of Clothes according to the dream book:

The dream in which you buy clothes for yourself suggests that in reality you need the approval of others, their attention to your person, but you don’t know how to achieve this. Losing clothes is a disaster.

Dressing, trying on clothes - Dreaming in a dream of good, beautiful, but unfashionable clothes, then such a dream portends that you will be lucky, but neglect the valuable advice of a smart person.

If you dry your clothes, you will soon move away from your current company, start new businesses, make new love affairs, all of which will radically change you and your outlook on life.

Yellow clothes seen in a dream portend entertainment and monetary gain.

Blue clothes seen in a dream means that your energy will help you achieve your desires, and relatives and friends will support you in every possible way.

Seeing red clothes - to get rid of terrible enemies and change your plans in a timely manner.

Seeing green clothes is a symbol of hope for prosperity and happiness that never leaves you.

Seeing colorful clothes is a drastic change, a mixture of good and bad in your life in equal parts.

Why dream of seeing poorly sewn and ill-fitting clothes on you, then this dream portends the destruction of some of your long-standing attachments. Seeing a person in a well-tailored suit is a sign that you will soon begin some unpleasant and extremely troublesome business for yourself.

Soiled and torn clothes, as a rule, portend deceit and warn of caution in dealing with strangers. Such a dream can also mean an act with which you can permanently tarnish your reputation.

Why dream of seeing that you have a very rich wardrobe, this dream warns you: be careful, otherwise wrong actions will lead you to losses, as a result of which you will fall into need. For young people, such a dream promises unfulfilled hopes.

Light clothing made of silk, linen, cotton promises that circumstances will soon turn out not in your favor.

To see yourself without clothes - to gossip around your name.

To see in a dream a familiar person undressed - to the chagrin and pain of loss.

Only for women

Seeing yourself in a dream in a black suit is a sign of sadness and disappointment.

Dress - If your clothes are unfashionable and fit poorly on you, then such a dream means that the dreamer will face unpleasant rivalry in achieving love success.

To see that you admire the clothes of others, then in reality jealous suspicions of a friend await you.

Losing some detail of the toilet in a dream is a sign that you will have problems in money matters and obstacles in love.

Sewing clothes is a harbinger of a successful marriage with an enterprising and economic person; for married women, such a dream means comfort and harmony in the house.

Seeing another woman - familiar or unfamiliar - in a mourning veil on her face means that she will be surpassed by a rival whom she considered unequal to herself; bitter disappointment awaits the dreamer in the very near future.

Worldly dream book

Why dream clothes in a dream book:

I dreamed of clothes, first of all, you should remember what kind of clothes they were, their condition, and what you did with them, depending on this information, you can interpret this dream in one direction or another.

So, in a dream, to see the clothes that you put on yourself - soon, you will find yourself in an ambiguous position that threatens to tarnish your reputation. The best way out is not to engage in a skirmish with others, defending your point of view, but simply to laugh at yourself along with others.

If you dreamed of clean, but already unfashionable clothes, then you can expect a stable, but small income. You had a risky opportunity to increase your income, but you chose to use traditional enrichment methods.

If in a dream a man saw himself in white clothes, then in reality illness and grief await him. If a child or a woman had such a dream, then in reality they will have great luck. Seeing yourself in a dream dressed in all black means big setbacks, losses in the very near future.

Dreaming of clothes? See the next interpreter.

Lewis' dream book

Why dream in a dream Clothes in a dream:

Clothes in a dream are often a symbol of a person. Old, torn clothes can mean an old way of life, ideas that need to be changed, or that are already on the way to change. Frequent change of clothes can also symbolize the need for change and an attempt to develop a new way of being in the world.

T. Lagutina's pocket dream book

What is the dream of Clothes according to the dream book:

If you dreamed of clothes from your wardrobe, then do not pretend that you are richer than you really are.

To see that you are worried about the modesty of your wardrobe, then you will try to meet the right people.

See also: why the closet is dreaming, what clothes are dreaming of, what the hanger is dreaming of.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

A wardrobe filled with clothes is a material benefit from heart hobbies, money.

Seeing that you have old clothes, consisting of old or torn things, then you have to get into a rather humiliating position. You will have to kowtow to unworthy people, because they will be able to solve some of your problems.

Lunar dream book

Clothes for what dreams:

to gray everyday life.

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

What is the dream of Clothes:

If a woman dreamed of a military uniform, then she would face a scandal with her husband or lover through her fault.

See also: what the school is dreaming of, what the military is dreaming of, what clothes are dreaming of.

Big dream book

Why do Clothes dream - dream analysis:

To see that you are wearing uniforms and other people dressed the same way around - then think about who is next to you and what unites you.

Perhaps you remember a pleasurable time in the military, at work, or you identify with a certain group.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

What is the dream of Clothes, what does it mean:

Uniform in a waking dream means the appearance of friends who occupy a high social position. They are the ones who will help you make your plans come true. If for some reason she does not want to put on a uniform, in reality she will suffer from slander and other troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Zodiac Signs

If Clothes are dreaming, what is it for:

Seeing yourself in military uniform means that in the near future you will face strict control by your superiors or a serious check by accounting authorities.

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