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The most dangerous signs of the zodiac - statistics from the FBI. The most dangerous man in the zodiac...

You can talk as much as you like about the influence of planets and stars on the character of people, but research has gone further. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has revealed the birth dates of serial killers. According to their study, certain zodiac signs are more prone to certain types of crime.

So, what kind of people most often commit crimes? We offer you to familiarize yourself with the rating compiled by experts - from the most peaceful and calm, to potential cold-blooded killers.


Despite the fact that you can hear a lot of bad things about Gemini, they are the least dangerous sign of the zodiac. It's rare for Geminis to have blood on their hands, as they don't take others seriously enough to hurt or kill them. The greatest harm that they are capable of is to crush a person with their chatter.


Aquarius cares about justice and has a strong ego. This is the second least dangerous sign of the zodiac. Maybe it's because they're smart enough not to get caught, or they just don't leave evidence after a crime.

Leos tend to avoid any trouble. According to statistics, if a Leo commits a murder, he does it only to attract attention.


Libras are considered good, fair and patient. However, among them there were more cases of murders than among Aquarius and Lviv. Libras tend to get violent if you try to take advantage of their good intentions.


Among Virgos, there are usually psychopaths and very smart killers. However, Virgos are more likely to resort to fraud and theft than to murder.


If you thought that Pisces are very spineless people, you are greatly mistaken. Among the most famous serial killers are many Pisces. Given their addiction proneness, Pisces often commit crimes.


Among all the signs of the zodiac, Capricorns are the average serial killers. Although they respect the rules and laws, when they are angry, they show the worst. They rarely kill, but once they do, they are hard to stop.


People born under the sign of Aries are known for their unruly nature. They can get angry easily, but tend to subside quickly. You should stay away from Aries when they are angry, they will soon forget about what made them angry anyway.


Taurus' anger can be very intense. However, this zodiac sign is more prone to fraud rather than murder.


Sagittarius is on the third position in the list of the most dangerous signs of the zodiac. They don't target petty crimes, but something bigger, like mass murder. Although in most cases, Sagittarians rarely harm others. They are more likely to commit theft, but they are very difficult to catch.


People of this sign are real psychopaths. They can be sadistic and easily manipulate others. Scorpions often become professional spies and mercenaries. Most serial killers were born in November.

Four great elements - Fire, Earth, Air and Water cover all the signs of the zodiac known to us. Light Gemini, fair Aquarius and good Libra obey Air. To watermarks we include romantic Pisces, domesticated Cancers and passionate Scorpios. earth element manages reliable Taurus, wise Caprigamy and neat Virgo. Fire burns in the hearts of passionate Aries, free Sagittarius and majestic Leo. All these elements affect specific signs, giving each of them their own unique character traits and their tendency to crime.

What is the sign of the zodiac - such is the criminal

Sagittarius - most often break the law among the children of Fire. Criminals - Sagittarians are extremely resourceful, smart and cunning. They are almost impossible to catch. Royal Lions are dangerous and formidable criminals. And fighting Aries is difficult to defeat, they are always on guard.

Their air signs, it is Libra who most often violates the law. Always armed and always dangerous - this is about them, about the zodiac sign Libra. The dodgy, dishonest Gemini is prone to petty fraud. And the just peacekeepers of Aquarius are often pushed to crime only by the thirst for revenge and the restoration of violated justice.

Temperamental passionate Taurus will not be afraid and risk everything that they have important in life for one criminal purpose. Serious Virgos love serious weapons. Among Capricorns, there are a lot of different criminals, they are so deep and unknowable.

Among the children of Water, cruel Cancers break the law most of all. Pisces and Scorpios, who are not far from Cancers, usually have a difficult temper and are known for their uncontrollability.

1. Gemini

Not everyone loves Gemini, but, surprisingly, there are very few criminals among them. We consider them the most harmless sign of the zodiac. For Gemini, by their true nature, people are not such a serious thing to get blood on their hands. It is known that the only torture inherent in Gemini is that they will talk you to death.

2. Aquarius

The fairest sign of the zodiac - Aquarius have such a strong ego that few can handle it. It is simply impossible to suppress them. Aquarius is also not dangerous, like criminals. Their mind is too strong, and their actions are calculated - they are unlikely to fall into the hands of justice.

3. Leo

Peace-loving royal Lions will bypass everything that can give them trouble. They don't need it if they are respected. According to statistics, most often only those Lions who simply do not have enough attention commit crimes. And attention and honor to Leo is vital.

4. Scales

It would seem - how fair, kind and patient Libra can be criminals. But they surprise us with the fact that there are quite a lot of Libra criminals. Libras can show themselves to be very cruel if they realize that their good intentions have been used.

5. Virgo

Cautious and sensible, attentive and intelligent, Virgos are prone to murder. More often than other signs, they are subject to psychopathic personality changes. They are caught, however, on theft and fraud more often than on murders.

6. Pfish

If you consider Pisces to be completely harmless, you will be surprised to learn that under the sign of quiet and gentle Pisces, according to statistics, quite a few serial killers were born. Pisces, like no other, are prone to various addictions, which is why many strange, unusual and perverted murders are committed by Pisces.

Horoscope 2018: which zodiac sign is the most dangerous.

Much has been said about the typical characteristics of one and the other. Earlier, the Today.Lifestyle website found out what exactly each of the signs of the zodiac is afraid of, and now it's time to name the most dangerous representative of the zodiac circle. We should remember about real statistics. So, in order to demonstrate criminal inclinations, the FBI revealed the dates of birth of serial killers. According to their study, certain zodiac signs are more prone to certain types of crime.

So, what kind of people most often commit crimes? We give the answer in the ranking from the calmest to the most cruel sign of the zodiac.

The calmest of all are Gemini, and the most dangerous ...

Gemini: character traits

Despite the fact that you can hear a lot of bad things about Gemini, they are the least dangerous sign of the zodiac! It's rare for Geminis to have blood on their hands, as they don't take others seriously enough to hurt or kill them. The greatest harm that they are capable of is to crush a person with their chatter.

Aquarius: character traits

Aquarius cares about justice and has a strong ego. This is the second least dangerous sign of the zodiac. Maybe it's because they're smart enough not to get caught, or they just don't leave evidence after a crime.

Leo: character traits

Leos tend to avoid any trouble. According to statistics, if a Leo commits a murder, he does it only to attract attention.

Libra: character traits

Libras are considered good, fair and patient. However, among them there were more cases of murders than among Aquarius and Lviv. Libras tend to get violent if you try to take advantage of their good intentions.

Virgo: character traits

Among Virgos, there are usually psychopaths and very smart killers. However, Virgos are more likely to resort to fraud and theft than to murder.

Pisces: character traits

If you thought that Pisces are very spineless people, you are greatly mistaken. Among the most famous serial killers are many Pisces. Given their addiction proneness, Pisces often commit crimes.

Capricorn: character traits

Among all the signs of the zodiac, Capricorns are the average serial killers. Although they respect the rules and laws, when they are angry, they show the worst. They rarely kill, but once they do, they are hard to stop.

Aries: character traits

People born under the sign of Aries are known for their unruly nature. They can get angry easily, but tend to subside quickly. You should stay away from Aries when they are angry, they will soon forget about what made them angry anyway.

Taurus: character traits

Taurus' anger can be very intense. However, this zodiac sign is more prone to fraud rather than murder.

Sagittarius: character traits

Sagittarius is on the third position in the list of the most dangerous signs of the zodiac. They don't target petty crimes, but something bigger, like mass murder. Although in most cases, Sagittarians rarely harm others. They are more likely to commit theft, but they are very difficult to catch.

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Some people believe that the signs of the zodiac are directly related to the predisposition to a particular crime. There is certainly some truth in this. Together with astrologers, psychologists study the personality of criminals and are increasingly convinced that there is a direct relationship between a person's birthday and the type of crime to which he gravitates. Let's find out more about each zodiac sign!

Fire Signs (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo)

Of these three characters, the most different kind deeds is located Sagittarius. Moreover, it is difficult to catch him. Aries is always a criminal armed to the teeth, and Leo is simply dangerous in itself. Leo's self-confidence allows him to easily turn various things around.

Air Signs (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius)

If we compare all the signs with each other, Libra is the one who commits the most crimes. They are very dangerous and often heavily armed. Geminis are caught in various scams, and Aquarians go against the law for revenge.

Earth Signs (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus)

This category of criminals often goes to jail. Taurus is the most temperamental and dangerous. Virgo is a little cowardly, so she tries to "surmount" weapons from head to toe, and Capricorn is simply a master in avoiding punishment for any crime.

Water signs (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces)

Surprisingly, Cancers most often fall on the hook of the police. Often they act not for themselves, but for the sake of loved ones. A little behind Cancer are Scorpio and Pisces.

What deeds tend to different signs Zodiac

crayfish most often commit murder due to their temper. Often they leave their "author's" marks on the bodies. In most cases, Cancers are recognized as mentally unstable.

Taurus accused of money laundering. They masterfully turn all sorts of schemes that law enforcement agencies have been unraveling for years.

Sagittarius- a thief, a robber, a virtuoso swindler. They prefer not to maim their victims, but simply rob them to the bone. Well, of course, if the victims do not resist, then they do not touch them.

Capricorn often a member of a criminal gang and has sadistic tendencies. The same can be said about Aries.

Virgin- unsurpassed hackers and burglars, and Libra often accused of corruption.

Fish related to the distribution of drugs, and Twins skillfully rob everyone they can.

scorpions most often hired killers, and Aquarius- excellent manipulators, hackers and crooks. It is about them that they say that they are engaged in "honest taking money from the population."

Certainly this comic horoscope, and do not take it to heart, but do not forget that in every joke there is some truth.

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There is no doubt that every person is unique. But some groups of people have common features character. It's about the signs of the zodiac. Experts say that 12 categories can be used for a generalized assessment of a person's qualities. This point of view is not groundless: patterns among groups of people who were born under the auspices of certain constellations have been identified through large-scale studies. We invite you to find out which zodiac signs are the most dangerous!

Zodiac signs capable of cruelty and murder: 12th place

11th place

Aquarians are real fighters for justice. It is very important for them to do only the “right” things. Therefore, they rarely engage in criminal activity.

10th place

People born under the auspices of the Leo constellation are simply above all these problems. True, you should not piss off the Lions - if they decide to kill, then they are attentive to all the details.

9th place

Libra is more dangerous. Despite the fact that representatives of this zodiac sign are usually kind and patient, they can be ruthless.

8th place

Dev should also beware. Often they go to crime. Most often it is fraud or theft. But they are not capable of more serious offenses. But it is worth noting that the innate accuracy of Virgos allows them to get out of the water dry.

7th place

The fact that far from safe creatures are found in the still pool is confirmed by Pisces. They are in seventh place in the rating of criminal signs of the zodiac. Some serial killers were Pisces!

6th place

Capricorns are not the best dangerous signs of the zodiac, but they can also be cruel. Most often this happens when they see injustice and violence.

5th place

It is much easier to anger Aries, and therefore the representative of this sign is in fifth place. Aries rarely commit serious crimes like murder, but they can easily cripple!

4th place

3rd place

In third place are Sagittarius. It is with representatives of this sign that you need to be extremely careful. Have you ever heard of cruel maniacs? So, most of them were born under the auspices of this constellation!

2nd place

The second place in this ranking belongs to Scorpions. To achieve the desired goal, they spare no effort, no means, no sophisticated torture. People born under this sign are real psychopaths! Many serial killers were born in November!

1 place

Horoscope of rivals

At right approach astrology will solve even the most serious problems. For example, if you meet a rival on your way, you should not immediately throw scandals and tantrums! First you need to know the sign of the zodiac - this will allow you to understand how to deal with a homeowner!

Lovers born under the sign of Aries are self-confident and rude. These women are real hunters, if they like a man, they will not pay attention to his marital status. To defeat such an Amazon, it is enough just to piss her off. Most men can't stand a brawler next to them.

The Taurus rival is feminine and beautiful, which is why she attracts men. At the same time, she is far from the most dangerous: the Taurus girl is extremely demanding and persistent.

From the list of the most dangerous homeowners according to the sign of the zodiac, you can safely cross out the young ladies-Gemini. They are fickle and unserious. Instead of joining the fight for someone else's man, she will find a new chosen one.

Much more persistent rivals are Cancers. At the beginning of a relationship, they behave extremely modestly, seem sweet and defenseless. But everything changes dramatically, one has only to start provoking her - instead of an angel, a cold-blooded woman appears, repelling people with her behavior.

Young ladies-Virgos almost never become homeowners. Representatives of this sign always do only the right things, and the destruction of families is not included in this list!

The most dangerous sign of the zodiac for female lovers is Libra. They have good intuition, weave intrigues, and at the same time are very diplomatic. You can defeat her by calling for an open conversation - Libra will prefer to stay in the shadows and find another man.

According to statistics, the most dangerous sign of the zodiac, which has a tendency to destroy other people's relationships, is Scorpio. They are smart, sexy and dangerous. The only drawback is excessive commercialism!

Razluchnitsa-Sagittarius never hangs on the neck, knows how to empathize and listen. But she also has a minus: Sagittarians always want to keep everything under control. And men who commit adultery prefer a more open relationship.

In search of an answer to the question - which zodiac sign is the most dangerous, you can safely forget about Capricorns. These young ladies almost never interfere in families!

Rarely destroy relationships and Aquarius. Of course, they can accept the courtship of unfree men, but - for a short time. And without ringed fans, Aquarius has a lot of boyfriends.

Do not be afraid of women born under the sign of Pisces. They are, of course, sensual, but terribly fickle. In less than a week, a new gentleman will take a place in her heart!

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