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How to withdraw money from a beeline balance. How can I withdraw money from the Beeline balance: all methods and restrictions. Sending money to ATMs

Often there is a need to withdraw funds from the Beeline mobile operator number. It should be said right away that money is simply dumped from Beeline. Let's look at the most basic ways.

So, there are four methods for withdrawing money from Beeline: replenishing the balance of a plastic card, transferring the balance of a bank account, withdrawing to your electronic wallet, receiving cash through a Unistream transfer. To withdraw money, you need to go through a simple registration on the official website of the operator beeline.ru. This service will allow you to check the balance of the card, withdraw from your mobile in a convenient way.

After registration, go to the "Beeline - Money" page and select the desired option:

  • Replenishment of the wallet;
  • Replenishment of a bank account or card;
  • Cash withdrawal through Unistream;
  • Transfer to another Beeline number.
If you urgently need to replenish your electronic wallet, you can always use the services of Beeline and solve this problem in a few seconds. We go to the above site beeline.ru, select the option "Transfer to electronic wallets". Next, fill out the form where you should indicate: your number from which you will withdraw money, the amount you need, the recipient's wallet, the confirmation code that came in the message. Remember that there are several affordable e-wallet services available today. Namely WebMoney, Yandex Money, Wallet. The specified amount will be credited to the account, and a commission will be debited, which is 5.95% of the payment.

In addition, consider some financial restrictions:

  • The minimum withdrawal amount is 100 rubles, and the maximum is 1000.
  • Only ten transfers can be made per day, the maximum withdrawal amount per day is 3000 rubles.
  • A week - ten withdrawals in the amount of 8000 rubles.
  • A month - fifty transfers and 30,000 rubles.

You can transfer money to a current account in all major banks in the country. Go to the "Transfer to account" page, where again you need to enter some information, namely: the phone number for withdrawing funds, the bank through which you want to receive money, the amount in rubles, your initials. The specified amount will then be transferred to the current account. The withdrawal fee will be 4.95%. The currency crediting lines can vary from several minutes to five days.

There are also limitations here:

  • The minimum transfer amount is 500 rubles, and the maximum is 5800.
  • Only 10 transfers can be made per day, and the maximum withdrawal amount is 15,000 rubles.
  • 20 withdrawals in the amount of 30,000 rubles are allowed per week, fifty for 30,000 rubles per month.

Transferring money to a card is practically no different from the previous ones. We select the “Transfer to card” option and fill in the fields: indicate the cell phone for withdrawing money (there must be at least 1300 rubles on the account), the number of the plastic card, the code from the picture. The independent commission will be 4.95%. It is worth remembering that transfers are possible only to Visa and MasterCard cards of a Russian bank. Lines of receipt of money on Visa - up to one hour, and on MasterCard - up to four business days.

When withdrawing to a card, the following restrictions apply:

  • You can withdraw a minimum of 500 rubles, and a maximum of 5800 rubles.
  • Ten transfers in the amount of 15,000 rubles are available per day.
  • You have the right to make twenty transfers per week (30,000 rubles), per month - fifty transfers in the amount of 30,000 rubles.
In addition, you can receive the withdrawn money immediately in cash, through the Unistream transfer system. At the same time, we indicate: your phone number (it will not be possible to withdraw money from a number issued to another person), the amount you want to withdraw, your initials, the region of receipt. After the transaction is completed, you will be given a control word that you need to say at the point of instant money. You should also present your passport, and the commission will reach 5.95%. The duration of money transfer depends on the recipient's bank and ranges from several minutes to a couple of days. The advantage of this method is that money can be withdrawn not only in Russia, but also in Georgia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Moldova or Tajikistan.

Cash out restrictions are as follows:

  • The minimum amount is 100 rubles, and the maximum is 14,000 rubles.
  • You can make 10 transfers per day, and the maximum withdrawal amount is 15,000 rubles.
  • 20 withdrawals in the amount of 30,000 rubles are available per week, 50 transfers and 30,000 rubles, respectively, per month.

In addition, to receive cash via Unistream, you can act differently: send an SMS message with the text “Uni” and your data to number 7878. From number 8464 you will receive a message confirming the transfer operation, you should send a positive response. From the number 7878 they will send an SMS with a code that must be presented together with the passport upon receipt of cash. Payment limit - 1000-14000 rubles.

It is impossible to foresee all cases in which money may be urgently needed. If such a need suddenly arose, it is worth remembering all the sources where they can be obtained in the shortest possible time. One of these sources is the ability to cash out the funds that the user spent to replenish the account of his mobile device. Thanks to this opportunity, you can make a transfer to another city, pay for the purchased item and just keep some money "for every fireman."

How to cash out money from a Beeline phone?

All movements of funds from a mobile account are possible due to the use of SMS requests and the use of the operator's portal in the Beeline.Money subsection. Before proceeding with the withdrawal of funds, you need to make sure that there are enough of them, including the cost of the withdrawal fee. Most often, several different options are used to get cash from a Beeline account. They are worth considering in more detail.

We withdraw money from Beeline to a bank account or card?

It is possible to withdraw funds to a bank account / bank card by sending SMS or through operations on the operator's official portal.

To withdraw money via SMS, type a message with the following content:<тип_карты><номер_карты><сумма>and send it to number 7878. The type of card will be the payment system (Visa / Mastercard / Maestro), the number - 16 digits indicated on the front side of the card, the amount - respectively, the amount requested for withdrawal without kopecks. You cannot transfer money to cards whose number contains less than 16 digits. In total, SMS can take the following form: Maestro 1234567890123456 1000.

It is possible to replenish a bank account from the operator's account only on the official website of the operator in the "Payment and Finance" section - subsection - "Money transfers".The time for crediting funds to a bank account directly depends on which bank the transfer is made to. The operator specifies a maximum period of 3 days.

The possible minimum for transfer is limited to 50 rubles. for a bank card and 500 rubles for a client's bank account, respectively. The maximum amount for a withdrawal request: per day - 14,000 rubles, per month - 40,000 rubles. A commission of 5% is charged for the operation, a minimum of 50 rubles.

Get money from a Beeline phone at an ATM

It is possible to withdraw funds from the current account using ATMs with the Beeline Money software option installed. The affiliate network of ATMs where you can withdraw funds from Beeline may change, and is currently represented by ATMs of JSC SMP BANK and PJSC BANK MOSCOW-CITY. The current list of ATMs can be found on the official portal of the operator ().

Receiving funds is possible if you make an application for withdrawal in the "Payment and Finance" section - subsection - "Money transfers" - "Withdraw money from the phone at an ATM". The last method includes the following steps:

  1. You need to send SMS to 7878, which will contain RUB<сумма>, i.e. indicate the currency (RUB) and the amount of funds requested to be received: kopecks are not entered.
  2. The result of these actions will be a notification about the need to confirm the operation. You will need to send a message with the number 1 to confirm the transfer. Then, in the next SMS from the operator, the code required to receive funds will appear - you need to remember it. It is valid for 3 days.
  3. Within 3 days you need to go to an ATM that has "Beeline Money" among the options. There you enter the phone number and the above code from SMS.

Useful video:

A one-time withdrawal has limits: 100 rubles is the minimum amount for withdrawal, 5000 rubles is the maximum possible. The operation is subject to a commission of 5.95%, which is deducted from the personal mobile account in addition to the funds withdrawn.

Withdrawing money via Contact, Unistream, Russian Post and Golden Crown

It is possible to withdraw funds from the operator's personal account virtually throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, including those places where there are no bank branches and ATMs. This is possible where there are divisions of the Russian Post or institutions that are capable of issuing through the Kontakt, Unistream or Zolotaya Korona transfer systems:

  1. On the operator's portal, you need to go to the "Payment and Finance" section - subsection - "Money transfers", then subsection - "Send transfer";
  2. Then select the location where you want to receive the transfer;
  3. Next, in the form that opens, you need to fill in the fields containing information about the persons who will send and receive funds, indicate the amount and number of the subscriber from whose account the debit will be made;
  4. Confirm the transfer, i.e. enter the code sent by the operator in SMS in response to the transfer application.

The system allows you to withdraw up to 15,000 rubles at a time. There is also a minimum amount - 100 rubles, and for transfers through Contact - 1000 rubles. In addition, the client will bear the costs associated with paying the commission (from 2.6% + 50 rubles for Russian Post and 5.95% + 10 rubles for Contact and Unistream). The commission is applied only for transfers within the territory of the Russian Federation, for transfers within the CIS (the list of countries is specified in the photo), no commission is charged.

Before going to the point of issue of funds, you need to make sure that you have a passport and a code word (the client receives it after all the steps to send the transfer).

By transferring to another subscriber's phone

This method is especially suitable for those places where there are no bank branches and ATMs.Its additional advantages are that the transfer can be made in various currencies, the geography covers the CIS countries, and of course, that you can transfer money not only to your accounts. We talked in more detail about transfers from a mobile phone to another phone in the articles - “; "
The algorithm for transferring money from the phone of one subscriber to the phone of another is as follows:

  1. Go to the Beeline website;
  2. Open the section "Payment and finance" - subsection - "Money transfers", then subsection - "Transfer to another subscriber's account";
  3. Choose a transfer to the account of a Beeline subscriber or an account of a subscriber of another operator;
  4. You can choose to send a money transfer directly from the operator's website or via sms. If you decide to make a transfer through the form on the site, then follow the following points;
  5. Fill in the data regarding the sender and recipient in a special form;
  6. Specify the required transfer amount;
  7. Enter the numbers of the code received from SMS in the form on the site.

Beeline office visit

This method has several options. You can request to withdraw funds from the client's personal account, or you can terminate the contractual relationship with the operator by returning the money from the account in cash.

Of course, for this you need to visit any convenient for you. At the office, a statement is written confirming the client's wish: simply withdraw money or completely terminate the service agreement and receive money.

The application must contain information regarding the direction of withdrawal of funds: to a plastic card, another mobile account or in cash at the office cash desk. How to fill out this application correctly, answer procedural questions - all this will be done by the employees of the corresponding Beeline office. You can download the application at.

How to pay for goods/services using the phone?

For SIMs issued as part of corporate services, it is possible to pay for goods and services from a mobile account, only a sufficient amount of funds on the initial balance is required. Payment is made as follows:

  1. An invoice is issued for payment with a unique supplier code;
  2. An SMS is sent to 7878 with the necessary data;
  3. In response, a message is received that will confirm the payment.

Sellers of goods and service providers receive payment as an ordinary non-cash payment.Payment is possible thanks to Contact and Unistream systems. As a request, the SMS should look like:<код поставщика ФИО пользователя сумма>.

An additional option for withdrawing money from a Beeline mobile account

In addition to the above options, it is possible to withdraw funds by simply replenishing another mobile account.
It is possible to make such a transfer not only within the Beeline network, but also in favor of other mobile operators. To make a transfer, dial the USSD command - *145# and the call button. Next, you need to follow the simple recommendations that follow after the command.
A one-time transfer is limited to 5,000 rubles, the lower limit corresponds to 10 rubles. A commission is applied, the amount of which varies depending on the amount of the transfer. So, if the transfer occurs to a Beeline number from 30 - 200 rubles, then the commission will be 15 rubles. If from 201 rubles. - 5000 rubles, then the commission will be 3% + 10 rubles. in the home network and 4.95% + 10 rubles. the withdrawal of funds in favor of subscribers of other operators will cost the user.

Can I withdraw funds from my phone? A similar question is asked by many people who have accumulated a significant amount on their balance sheet. This feature is indeed available. However, it is not represented in all companies. From the article you will learn how to withdraw money from a phone connected to Beeline.

Withdrawal of funds to a bank card or electronic wallets

Any actions related to Beeline money transfers are performed by sending SMS or through the site. At the same time, in both cases, it is possible to receive funds for various types of cards and electronic services Webmoney, Yandex and Qiwi Wallet.

Additional information:

  • the minimum transaction is 10 rubles. for wallets, 50 r. on cards and 500 r. to the account;
  • the maximum amount for one operation is 5000 rubles. for wallets, 14000 r. to cards and accounts;
  • commissions - 8.5% + 10 rubles. on Webmoney, 8.95% + 10 rubles. on QIWI, 7.95% + 10 rubles. on Yandex, 10% (minimum 60 rubles) on cards and 2.99% on bank accounts.

Consider step-by-step instructions with which you can easily and quickly transfer money from Beeline.


To complete a transaction, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Open the send message menu.
  2. Enter the recipient's number - 7878.
  3. The content of the message will depend on where you are going to send the finances. If you are sending money to a card, then enter: “Type and number of the card amount”. To transfer to a wallet, you need to dial: “Service provider code account number amount” (example, wm 123456789012 300).
  4. Send a message.

When withdrawing funds to an electronic wallet, the subscriber will be required to confirm the operation. To do this, you will receive an appropriate SMS, which will display all the information on the ongoing payment. If all the data is entered correctly, then you need to send a response SMS. After that, a notification will be sent with information about the service performed.

Attention! The amount that was indicated in the application will come to the account. Commission (8.5% for electronic services and 10% for bank cards) will be charged from the phone.

Withdrawal through the site


If you entered the correct information, then the enrollment will occur for some time (from 5 minutes). If you encounter any problems, contact the operator's support service.

Transfer to the balance of another phone

If you want to not only withdraw funds from the balance, but are going to send them to another subscriber, then you can use a more convenient transfer method. Moreover, with its help, you can withdraw and credit funds to the numbers of any telecom operators.

Method details:

  • the size of the commission when sending to Beeline from 30 to 200 rubles. - 15 p. when sending more than 200 rubles. - 3% +10 rubles;
  • commission for sending to the number of another operator - 7.95% + 10 rubles;
  • operation time - from 0 to 5 minutes;
  • the minimum size is 15 rubles;
  • the maximum size of the shipment is 5000 rubles. (at once).

You can perform this operation in the following ways:

By sending SMS

The method is suitable for users who do not have access to the Internet. For its implementation it is necessary:

  1. Send SMS by phone 7878, and in the text dial: “Number of the recipient payment amount” (for example, 79126537867 200).
  2. After a few seconds, you will receive a message from the operator with information about the debit.
  3. Confirm the operation by sending a response SMS.

If everything is done correctly, you will receive a notification indicating the paid service. After that, the number will receive the amount that was declared when sending (the commission is debited from the sender's balance).

On the operator's website

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Go to the payment page (see above for how to get there).
  2. Find the shipping method you want.
  3. Click Submit from Website.
  4. Select the carrier the recipient is using.
  5. Enter the required information.
  6. Confirm the payment by dialing the code from SMS.

Get money from an ATM

We got acquainted with the ways that allow you to redirect funds to another account. However, many subscribers are wondering: how to withdraw money from a Beeline phone in cash? The function is indeed available from the operator. In this case, you can get cash from an ATM.

Withdrawal information:

  • the commission is - 5.95% of the amount (it will not work to receive money without a commission);
  • the minimum withdrawal amount is 100 rubles;
  • the maximum transaction amount is 5000 rubles. at one time and 40,000 r. per month;
  • the required balance on the phone balance after the transaction is completed is at least 50 rubles.

Withdrawal procedure:

  1. Go to the nearest ATM, which shows the logo of the service (you can find out about the location of such terminals on the company's website).
  2. Send a message to 7878 with the text: "RUB amount".
  3. In response, you will receive an SMS with instructions. Follow them to submit your application.
  4. Enter the received PIN code and phone number at the ATM.

After that, you can receive the selected amount in cash.

Withdraw via contact or Unistream

If you are in cities where there are no ATMs, you can withdraw funds from your phone through the Russian Post or Contact and Unistream services. For this you need:

  1. Go to the payment page.
  2. Select "Send Transfer".
  3. Select the desired method.
  4. Enter the requested information.
  5. Confirm the transaction through the code from the SMS.

It will be possible to receive cash at any point of Contact, Unistream or Russian Post. To receive it, you will need to provide a passport and name the code word (it will come in SMS to the sender).


  • when sending within the Russian Federation via Unistream, the SIM card is charged - 5.95% + 10 rubles. (in other countries, the commission is not debited);
  • if sent via Contact within the Russian Federation, then an additional fee will be charged - 5.95% + 10 rubles. (in the CIS free of charge);
  • for a transfer to any branch of the Russian Post is taken - 2.6% + 50 rubles. (with home delivery - 4.37% + 80 rubles).

As you can see, it is really possible to withdraw money from Beeline. And this can be done in various ways. So, if there is extra money on the balance, you can transfer it using any method indicated in the article.

Often there are situations when there is an urgent need for cash, but you spent the last money, for example, on mobile communications. It would seem that the money has already been credited to your mobile number and it is not possible to return it, but this is not about us. Cellular operators have long provided the opportunity to transfer funds to bank cards, numbers of other subscribers and withdrawals from ATMs, but not many users know about this.

In fact, there are really a lot of ways, and all of them will differ from each other in the percentage that is charged from the amount when transferring, and the time of transactions. Within the framework of this article, only the possibility of withdrawing funds from the Beeline mobile operator is considered.

You can transfer money from a Beeline number to any bank card in a few clicks, namely: Visa, Maestro, MasterCard. The commission is calculated based on the transfer amount. See the screenshot below, in which all percentages of commission deductions are registered.

If you are going to transfer certain amounts of money on a regular basis, we recommend that you look at the restrictions that are imposed for each subscriber for one number per day, week, month. See screenshot below for details.

Translation methods

To transfer from your Beeline number to a bank card, you can use one of the methods described below.

By sending SMS

  1. Send an SMS to 7878, specifying the text in the following format: "card type" "card number" "amount". The type of card is selected - Visa, MasterCard or Maestro;
  2. For example, you need to transfer 1,500 rubles from your account to a Visa card. In this case, you enter the following text: Visa 1234567890123456 1500. Of course, indicate your bank card number;
  3. After sending the request, you will receive an incoming SMS containing a verification code. Confirm the operation to complete the transfer.

Attention! Your bank card number must have at least 16 digits, otherwise the transfer will not be possible!

Using the functionality of the Beeline website

  1. Go to the official website of the mobile operator, select the item "Money transfers" in the "Catalogue of services" tab, and indicate which card you want to transfer money to. For example, it will be Visa;
  2. Click on the tab with the required type of transfer, and specify such data as: card number, payment method, phone number, amount. You can also specify your email address, which will receive a notification of a successful transfer;
  3. Agree to the terms of service by ticking the appropriate box on the site;
  4. Confirm the operation of debiting funds from your number and wait for them to come to your bank card. In the future, all that remains is to withdraw them from an ATM and use them for their intended purpose.

Cash at ATMs

Even if you do not have a bank card, you can get cash without any problems using only an ATM. Fantastic, you say? Perhaps, but this has long been a reality. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. From your mobile phone, on which you have funds, send a message to the short number 7878 with the RUB code and the amount. For example, RUB 700 if you need to withdraw 700 rubles;
  2. Within a few seconds, a response message will be sent to your number, in which there will be a verification code. Send it and wait for the secret code, which will be valid for 3 days;
  3. In your city, find an ATM with the Beeline logo, find the Money.Beeline service in it and enter your phone number, as well as the secret code that was sent to you;
  4. If the data is correct, the ATM will give you money in the amount indicated in the message, and a bank card is not required.

Attention! If you do not know where the ATMs in your city that support this option are located, go to the Beeline official website, go to the “Money transfers” section, select the “ATM” transfer type and browse the list, indicating the city. It is also worth noting that at the moment the mobile operator Beeline works with the following banks: SPM Bank, Asia-Pacific and BIN Bank.

The withdrawal fee is 5.95% and is debited from your mobile phone during the execution of the application. You can see the limits and restrictions in the screenshot below.

Transfer to electronic wallets

At the moment, transfers are only possible to Webmoney and Yandex.Money, so you must have one of these wallets registered to successfully complete the operation. You can withdraw funds from a Beeline number both via SMS and through the official website, and the procedures for these payment systems are slightly different, so we examined both options in detail.


To transfer money from your Beeline number to Webmoney, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Beeline official website, select the "Catalogue of services" tab, then "Electronic money";
  2. In the list, select the Webmoney payment system and fill in the data according to the example, as in the screenshot below. (note that this is demo data, and you need to specify your own);
  3. Indicate the phone number from which the funds will be debited, indicate the amount and, just in case, the email address;
  4. Enter the code from the picture, check the box at the bottom of the page and click "Pay";
  5. Wait for a notification message to your phone and confirm the operation;
  6. As soon as the transfer is completed, you will receive a corresponding message on your mobile. The commission will be 8.57% + 10 rubles (this is a fixed rate).

Attention! You can transfer amounts from 10 rubles, but you will still pay 8.57% + 10 rubles of a fixed payment. Funds will be credited to your Webmoney wallet within a few minutes, but sometimes there may be delays.

There is also another way to transfer funds to Webmoney, but you don’t need to go to the site, and you don’t have to specify passport data. In this case, you will need to perform the following series of actions:

  1. Dial a message on your phone from which you are going to send money, in which indicate the following text: wm 123456789012 250. The first 12 digits are your ruble wallet in the WebMoney system, and 250 is the amount;
  2. Send a message to the short number 7878 and wait for a response SMS confirming the operation;
  3. As soon as the operation is confirmed, funds will be transferred to the specified Webmoney wallet within a few minutes. The commission will remain the same as in the case of transferring money from the Beeline website.

Yandex money

Yandex.Money is another popular payment system that is also integrated with Beeline, so you can withdraw money from your number to your Yandex wallet. Do the following:

  1. Go to the Beeline official website, go to the "Catalogue of services" section, then to the "Electronic money" tab and select "Yandex.Money" there;
  2. Enter your wallet number in the Yandex payment system;
  3. Specify the Beeline phone number from which funds will be debited and the amount of the amount;
  4. Enter the code from the picture, agree to the terms by checking the box and click the "Pay" button;
  5. A confirmation message will be sent to the specified number. Confirm the payment, and within a few minutes the funds will be transferred to Yandex.Money at the specified number. The commission will be 7.95% + 10 rubles (fixed rate).

Below you can view the restrictions on transfers from your Beeline number to electronic payment systems.


Despite the fact that on the Beeline website there is no information about the transfer of funds to QIWI, this can be done through the website of the payment system itself. And here's how to do it:

  1. Register in QIWI from your Beeline number;
  2. Log in to the mobile application or from the PC version on the site;
  3. Select the “Top up wallet” tab, then click on the item “From phone balance”, and specify the payment amount;
  4. These funds will be debited from your phone, which is attached to the QIWI payment system. To do this, you will be sent a confirmation message;
  5. The commission will be 0% if you have an amount of up to 5000 rubles, and the total number of payments per month is considered. If it exceeds 5,000 rubles, then the commission will be 6.05%.

Transfer from Beeline to pickup points

If you do not understand what we are talking about, we explain: issuance points are branches in large Russian banks and related organizations that allow you to make transfers throughout Russia and the CIS. The only disadvantage of this method is the waiting time for the transfer. On average, the process takes from 3 to 7 days (working). From Beeline, you can transfer and receive funds at the following points of issue: CONTACT, UNISTREAM, Russian Post.

This procedure is a little more complicated than those described above, however, if you do not want to pay a large percentage and are willing to wait a few days, and then go to the nearest bank or post office to receive cash, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Beeline official website, go to the "Catalogue of services", select the "Money transfers" tab and indicate here the necessary system for withdrawing funds;
  2. We consider the example of UNISTREAM in the Russian Federation. If you have a card in this system, then select the item "I have a card number", if you do not have one, then select the first item;
  3. Specify all the data of the sender and recipient, indicate the phone number from which the funds will be debited, the amount, enter the code from the picture and click "Pay";
  4. Confirm the operation by entering the code to the response message in your phone, after which you will be sent a transfer control number;
  5. Notify the recipient. He must take his passport with him, write down this code and present these data at the UNISTREAM office, after which he will be given the indicated amount of funds;
  6. You can see the commission sizes and restrictions in the screenshots below.

Attention! You will not be able to send money to yourself, therefore, in order to receive your own money, you need to provide data, for example, your friend or relative. But at the same time, he himself will have to visit the representative office of the selected system and tell them the code and present his passport.

Get cash at Beeline office

We recommend using this method only if you have a large amount on your mobile phone and at the same time you are ready to part with it. You can visit any Beeline office with a request to terminate the contract. In this case, your number will be blocked, and all the funds that were on the number will be returned to you in cash or transferred to another number within this mobile operator. Please note that the SIM card will be blocked, so you will not be able to deceive the system. In the future, in about six months, your number will be included in the general database and it will go to another subscriber, for example, when signing a contract.

Transfer to another number

If you do not have to receive money in cash and it is enough to transfer it to another number, it is enough to use the transfer service, and this can be done both within the Beeline operator and to the numbers of other operators, for example, MTS or Megafon. You can see the size of the commission and restrictions below in the screenshots.

There are two ways to perform this operation: via SMS and on the operator's website. If you want to make a transfer on the site, follow the steps:

  1. Go to the Beeline website, go to the "Catalog of services" section, select "Mobile communications" and indicate the number of which mobile operator the transfer will be made to;
  2. Specify your number from which funds will be debited, enter the amount, enter the code from the picture and click "Pay";
  3. A confirmation SMS will be sent to your mobile, and after a response message, the funds will be debited.

The same procedure can be carried out via SMS. The conditions are the same, just the way is different. If this option suits you better, follow these steps:

  1. Send an SMS from your number from which you want to withdraw money to 7878 with the text 7xxxxxxxxxx 250, where the first combination is the number, the second is the amount;
  2. Wait for a response message, enter the code that will come in it and confirm the operation. Within a few minutes, the money will be transferred.

It happens that extra money accumulates on the balance of the phone. The reasons can be different: starting with the fact that someone repaid the debt to you and ending with the fact that you receive some kind of payment to your personal cell account. In the event that the accumulated surplus is spent on services, for example, Beeline is too expensive, the funds can be withdrawn from the account. That is, to turn virtual finance into real. But not everyone knows how to withdraw money from a Beeline phone. To do this, you can use several output methods.

Cash withdrawal through ATMs

Until recently, such a service was simply impossible. People sought to use personal accounts of their cell phones in only one direction - replenishment in any convenient way. Now Beeline offers to redirect finances, including in the direction of debiting funds for cashing out. This can be done in two ways.

First way

You can withdraw cash using the site money.beeline.ru. On this page there is a link to withdraw from an ATM. By clicking on it, we get to the page for filling out the transfer form. Here, the phone number, the amount of the payment are entered without fail and the window with the captcha (a random set of characters) is filled in. After that, you can press the payment button.

A message with payment details will be sent to your phone. It needs to be confirmed. After that, you will receive a PIN code for cash withdrawal. A list of the nearest ATMs cooperating with Beeline can be found on the same pages. It can also be obtained by calling 7070 .

Second way

You don't need to use the internet for this. It will be enough to send SMS with a certain code:

RUB(space)(payment amount)

This means that if you intend to withdraw 500 rubles, then in the body of the SMS you need to write:

Such a message is sent to 7878. There will be no charge for sending a message. Only the amount of cashing out and the commission for payment will be written off.

In response from a number 8464 a message will be received, which must be confirmed by sending " 1 ". This is done for security purposes.

In response, you will receive a code required for entering at an ATM. In addition to the code, upon receipt, you will need to enter your mobile number. After that, you can withdraw the ordered cash.

To withdraw money from Beeline, you need to pay a commission. It will be debited along with the payment amount.

The amount of commission payments is 5.95% of each transfer.

The minimum you can send is one hundred rubles, the maximum is five thousand at a time. All amounts must be a multiple of one hundred rubles.

Withdrawal to a bank card

For those who do not know how to cash out money from a Beeline phone, one more withdrawal method can be advised. But in this case, you will need any valid bank card. You can also transfer excess funds from your personal cell phone account to it.

Step 1. Choose the type of card
Step 2. Fill in the form and submit

First way

From Page money.beeline.ru you need to go to the link to withdraw money to a bank card. A form will open to fill out. In it, you need to register the bank card number, the phone number from which the debiting will take place, the amount and enter the captcha (a set of random characters).

Next, you need to click the "Pay" button. The number specified in the sending form will receive a short message with a code to confirm the payment. The code is entered in the appropriate field on the site pages. Now you need to click on the confirmation link to write off finances.

Second way

It is enough to send SMS to the service number. In the message, you must specify all the digits of the card number and the amount expected to be sent. Before the plastic number, you need to write "card". It might look something like this:

card 1234123412341234 1000

This is all sent to 7878 and confirmed. The company does not take money for SMS to this account.

Tariffication of services and conditions of debiting

You can transfer from 50 to 14,000 rubles. at once. Additionally, a fixed amount of 50 rubles will be taken for sending up to a thousand. If you send more, then 10 rubles plus 5.95% is taken for each transfer.

Withdrawal through transfer systems

Cheaper, but time-consuming can be called a withdrawal through the Unistream and Contact transfer systems. They also have two ways to cash out.

First way

On the Beeline website, you need to fill out a transfer form. It contains data on the sender (full name and passport) and on the recipient (name and passport). The amount, captcha and phone number for debiting money are also prescribed.

Second way

You can organize such a transfer using SMS. The code word of the transfer system is written in the body (for Unistream - uni, for Contact - cont), and then the full name, passport of the sender, full name of the recipient and the amount. It's in that order.

For an example, you can see:

cont Sender SenderVic SenderLev 12345123451 Receiver ReceiverWitch Receiver 1000

All this is referred to 7878 . SMS goes there for free.

Tariffication of services and conditions of debiting

You can send from one hundred to 14 thousand rubles at a time. The commission will be charged 2.99% plus 10 rubles one-time for sending.

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