Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Fairy tale “About letters and sounds” “Dividing words into syllables. Fairy tales about vowels and consonants Compose a fairy tale on the theme of sounds and letters

Grammar tales about sounds and letters

In the land of sounds

Lived in a magical land of sounds. This country was very tiny. And there were only 31 inhabitants. No one saw them, since they were invisible.

But you could hear them. Six sounds were singers: A, U, Y, I, E, O. They were called vowels for their melodiousness and vocality. Ya [y'a], Yo [y'o], Yu [y'u], E [y'e] sang along with them.

The remaining 21 were also kind, with good sounds, but they could not sing. Listen to this: B C D F G G I K L M N P R S T F X C CH Sh Shch.

They were very friendly, agreed with the vowels in everything, loved to stand next to them. And they were called consonants.

The sounds still live together, singing magical songs. You can also sing along with them, but to do this you need to be able to recognize all the sounds and pronounce them correctly.

Try it!

How sounds learned to turn into letters

A lot of time has passed since sounds settled in one magical land. They were invisible, but they loved to sing.

One day, a wizard from another kingdom appeared in that country. He liked it there so much that he wanted to get to know its inhabitants better. And when he found out that all the residents were invisible, he was very upset. But he was still a wizard, and a very kind one at that. And he decided to give each resident a magic dress. Each sound received a dress unlike the others. As soon as you put it on, the sound immediately became visible and turned into a letter. The letter could be seen, depicted, drawn, written. The wizard was very pleased. After all, now, having read or sung it, or whispered it, he called the sound by name. That's how they met.

Who is more important?

One day, vowels and consonants argued among themselves: which of them is more important.

Of course we are more important! - the vowels shouted. - Without us, no one will open their mouth!

Well, we’ll see about that later,” those who agreed unanimously objected. - Try to pronounce us without opening your mouth even a little. Nothing will work!

And here it will work! For example, M.

Is it just one M, nothing else!

And yet we are more important! Not a single word, not a single syllable can exist without us.

What is true is true. But without us, those who agree, not a single word will be understandable. Come on, say something without our help! At least the name of the science that studies you and me!

O...E...I...A,” the vowels sang and fell silent in embarrassment.

You see! And if we say FNTK, then everyone will guess that this is PHONETICS.

Let us suppose. Although we decided that it was FANTIK. But according to

try to say the following words without us: WINDOW, TREE, IF.

The consonants mumbled something unintelligible in response and also fell silent.

What do you guys think? Which one is more important and necessary?

Always together

One day the vowels and consonants did not get along and went in different directions. The consonants huddled together, wanted to talk - but nothing...

They coughed:

Kh! Sneezed:

Pchh! They chuckled:

For some reason they called the cat:

Puss, puss, puss! And we got bored... Suddenly:

It seemed to them that someone was crying somewhere... They listened.

Ah-ah-ah! Ooo! - the vowels shouted. They cried like little children:

Wow! Wow! Aukali:

And the consonants shouted to them (or rather, they wanted to shout, but they only managed to mutter indistinctly:


And they heard a joyful, but also inarticulate:


They made peace, stood side by side again, and said clearly:


And since then they have never been separated again. They can't live without each other. Who then will form the words? It happens, however, that they quarrel a little, but then they all make up anyway.

(according to A. Shibaev)

Letter dispute

Recently the letters argued again. And it all started because of YA.

“I am the most important,” said the letter Y. “Because I am me.”

And you’re not the main thing,” the letter A shouted. “You’re standing.”

We are not letters, we are the sounds of speech,

They pronounce and hear us.

Breathing freely in every vowel,

The consonants are interrupted for a moment.

And only he achieved harmony,

Who can alter them?

Air flows freely through the mouth,

The sound is vowel.

The vowels stretch out in a ringing song,

They may cry and scream

They may be afraid of the child in the crib,

But they don’t want to whistle and grumble.

And the consonants... the consonants

Rustle, whisper, creak,

Even snort and hiss,

But I don’t want to sing to them.

Sss... - a snake whistle is heard.

Shhh... - a fallen leaf rustles

Zhzh... - bumblebees are buzzing in the garden.

Rrr... - the engines rumble.

(V. Berestov)

1. Find an obsolete word in the text.

2. Determine its lexical meaning. If determining the value did not cause any difficulties, see point 4; if it does, see point 3.

3. Refer to a dictionary of outdated words or an explanatory dictionary:

4. determine how dictionary entries are arranged in the dictionary;

5. find the desired dictionary entry;

6. pay attention to the correct pronunciation of the word;

7. read his interpretation;

8. look at examples of use;

9. if the word has multiple meanings, choose the meaning that suits the context;

11. Think if the object (phenomenon) designated by this word is in modern reality. If yes, see point 5, if not, see point 6.

12. This is archaism.

13. This is historicism.

Scheme 1.Language model

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What happens the same?

What is he doing?

What (who) does the same?

What does it look like?

What is the difference?

Scheme 2.Family tree of the Russian language

Elena Sharipova
A fairy tale about sounds and letters (for children and parents)

A Tale of Sounds and Letters.

(For children and parents)

In some kingdom, in some state there was a city Zvukograd. 33 magical people lived in this city letters. Each the letters had their name, to which she responded - sound, and only two there were no letters, no names, no sounds. But this city could not exist without them. This letters Ъ and ь signs. They were very important to Zvukograd. Without a hard and soft sign, many words would have a completely different meaning. Or they were not clear to us. b sign divides sounds, prevents them from merging.

There were two kingdoms in this city. They lived in the same kingdom letters, which were easy to pronounce smoothly, their names can be easily sung and they lived in the red kingdom, which was called "Vowels". Queen of Vowels letters and sounds She loved the color red very much and therefore in this kingdom all the inhabitants wore red clothes. The kingdom was not big. Only 10 inhabitants lived in it - A-Z, U-Y, O-Y, Y-I, E-E. Lived in the second kingdom letters, which cannot be sung; rather, when they are pronounced, noises are made. Unlike vowels, they have to make their way through the obstacles of the lips, teeth, and sometimes the nose. "Consent" they were named because they are always pronounced next to vowels.

One day sounds everyone met in the clearing. They played happily, and in the evening when they began to call them home, the voices began to merge. and many sounds heard yourself paired with another sound. So they appeared in Sound city syllables, and then words began to appear. In this kingdom the king had two daughters, Rose and Riza. Rose always wore blue clothes, and Riza always wore green ones. The king loved his daughters very much and divided his kingdom into two parts. He gave one part of the kingdom to Rose, and the second part to Riza. Daughters Rose and Riza quarreled very often because they letters many names were similar. The king thought for a long time about how to reconcile the sisters, to make sure that the sisters stopped quarreling. The news of the quarrel between the two sisters spread throughout the kingdom. The magical Fairy also heard about this. She invited Riza to name her the letters are just as soft, as her name sounds and to designate your letters your favorite color green. And calling Rose is as firm as the first one sounds. sound name Rose and designate your letters in blue. Since then, the sisters never quarrel anymore and built for their letters a new two-story house in which the Rosins and Rizins lived together letters.

Thus a new city appeared, in which 33 live letters. One day the Fairy decided to visit this city. She looked to sounds of the first floor. They loved to wear hats and did not hear her knocking on them. The fairy was offended by them and called them deaf. Since then there have been deaf people sounds P F K T Sh S. Merry people lived on the second floor letters they heard the Fairy come to them and played with her. The Fairy really liked them and she gave them each a bell and called them ringing. Since then they have been called voiced B C D F Z, They are pronounced loudly.

Letters F, Sh, C hid from the Fairy on a cloud. The fairy called them for a long time. Since then they have been pronounced firmly and are designated in blue. Letters H,Sh,Y walked on the green grass and the Fairy called them softly and suggested that they be designated with the color green. And also them letters made friends with vowels. The vowels A, U, Y, O, E became friends with the Rosins sounds. And the vowels Ya, Yu, I, Yo, E with the Rizins sounds. Letters, who managed to move into a two-story house, were called doubles. Voiced people live on the second floor, and deaf people sounds live on the first floor. Sounds Y, L, M, N, R, for whom there was not enough space in the new house, moved into the magic cubes. Letters Ш,Ch,Ts,H made friends with the forest snakes, since then they always hiss and they were nicknamed hissing sounds. In our Zvukograd there are special vowels letters E, Yo, Yu, I which can mean two sound, if they are at the beginning of a word, after a vowel or after the b or b sign.

The Magic Fairy liked the new city, because playing with sounds, these are the cities where she got various words, sentences and whole stories. The fairy named this city "Alphabet". Since then, the Alphabet has existed, in which 33 live letters. 10 vowels sounds, 21 consonants sounds and two letters, not having sounds.

Depending on the age of the students, this material can be used for different purposes and at different stages of work. So, school-age children can be offered this fairy tale at the stage of familiarization with concepts. A fairy tale will help preschoolers generalize ideas on this topic, consolidate terminology, thanks to the plot, figurative comparisons and elements of comic etymology.

If desired, the lesson material can be used in parts (separately vowels and consonants).

The lesson is conducted against the backdrop of a demonstration presentations, which includes sound and animation.

Lesson – fairy tale “Journey of the Hedgehog”

Topic: Vowels and consonants.

Summarize children’s ideas about vowels and consonants;
- consolidate the concepts: vowel, consonant, voiceless, voiced.

Equipment: cut-out alphabet, presentation, sound symbols.

1. Organizational moment

The speech therapist gives the children letters (3 pieces each: 1 vowel, 1 voiced consonant, 1 voiceless consonant) and asks:

What is this? (Children: - These are letters)

Speech therapist: What is this? Listen: a, o, m, s, i, g? (Children: - These are sounds)

Read your letters - name the sounds. (Children name their letters)

Speech therapist: - Find its own symbol for each letter. (Children put a red symbol under a vowel, a blue symbol with a bell under a voiced consonant, a blue symbol without a bell under a voiceless letter)

2. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

Today I will tell you a fairy tale about how a hedgehog became acquainted with sounds in his forest. You already know a lot of sounds, so you will help me.

3. Fairy tale.

(Slide 2) A hedgehog lived in one forest. He loved to walk in the forest. One day he walked for a long time and saw a red house.

(Slide 3) Someone was singing in the house. The hedgehog heard a song. (Slide 3 - sound)

What wonderful sounds! “How they sing!” thought the hedgehog and knocked softly on the door.

The door opened and he was greeted by sound guys in red dresses. (Slide 4 with animation)

Hello, they said, who are you?

And we are sounds.

What's your name?

(By the articulation of vowels, symbolically depicted on the slide, children identify sounds. Each child must name his own sound corresponding to the letter he has. The child names the sound, shows the letter, after which this letter appears on the slide. Children’s response model: “Me name is A")

Very nice to meet you! - said the Hedgehog.

And we all have the same last name,” said the sounds.

Yes? — the hedgehog was surprised, “What is your last name?”

All of us - ….?" (Children answer “Vowels!”)

Thank you, vowels, for the song! You sing so well! Can I come to you again?

We will be very happy!

3. And the hedgehog moved on. Suddenly he sees a blue house standing. (Slide 5) The hedgehog stopped and began to listen. But I didn’t hear the song. But in the house, someone was growling (how? - Children determine the 1st sound in the word “growled”), hissing (how?...), buzzing (how?), snorting (how?..), puffing (how?.. ), grumbled (how?..), grumbled (how?..), wheezed (how?..), mooed (how?..), etc.

(On slide 5 there is an opportunity to demonstrate different sounds by clicking on the speaker images)

Suddenly the door opened and the hedgehog heard:

Hello! Who are you?

I am an ordinary hedgehog, my name is Hedgehog, and my last name is Lesnoy. And who are you?

We are sounds.

Oh, how many sounds there are in our forest! I won’t remember all of you right away!

It's nothing! Remember our last names.

And immediately all the sounds scattered in different directions and formed into two columns. Only now the Hedgehog noticed that some (they stood on the left) had bells hanging around their necks, while others (they stood on the right) did not have bells.

The sounds with bells said in chorus:

Our surname... (Children: - Voiced!)

The sounds without bells also said in chorus, but very quietly:

Our last name is... (Children: - Deaf!)

And our name is...

And then a terrible noise arose because they all called their names together. (Children pronounce in chorus according to the consonant sound)

All! All! Quiet! - the hedgehog shouted. But the sounds were noisy. Then the hedgehog shouted: “Quiet! I came up with something! The sounds fell silent, and then they asked in chorus:

You need another last name so that it is immediately clear that you all know how to make noise! Do you agree?

Yes! YES! - the sounds screamed. - We agree!

And so they shouted for a long, long time: “We agree! We agree! We agree! We agree! We agree! We agree!”...

STOP! - Hedgehog shouted. If you agree, then you CONSENT!

Hooray!!! We agree! We agree! We agree!

You will be VOICED CONSONANTS because you have a loud voice, and you will be VOID CONSONANTS because you have no voice.

What a long last name! - said one of the sounds.

You do not like?

Like! Like! We agree! We agree!

Oh oh oh! - Hedgehog shouted, - How loud you are! I'll go to another house. Other sounds live there - Vowels. They sing songs, and you just make noise!

“We also want to sing, but we don’t know how,” the consonants said sadly. Maybe you can come up with something?

I figured it out! You need to make friends with the vowels and sing together.

But how? We can't sing!

And it is not necessary. You will help - pronounce your sounds, and the vowels will sing theirs. Together you get syllables and words. And syllables and words can be pronounced, sung, and even read. Let's go visit the vowels! They will be glad!

And off they went. Along the way, Hedgehog learned the names of sounds and tried to remember which of them were voiced and which were deaf.

Do you guys remember?

(Slide 6 - with animation)

Children classify the consonants presented on the slide, and the Speech Pathologist controls the presentation: after each answer, the Speech Pathologist clicks the mouse and the letter is “sent” to the desired column, which allows children to check the correctness of their answers)

(Slide 7 - with sound)

Speech therapist: - Let's listen to what songs the consonant C made with vowel sounds.

... Let's learn this song.

Notes Depending on the age of the students, this material can be used for different purposes and at different stages of work. So, school-age children can be offered this fairy tale at the stage of familiarization with the concepts vowel, consonant, voiceless, voiced already in the first lessons.

Accordingly, the next stage may be reading words, synthesizing syllables and words, etc.

Pyadysheva Elvira Vladislavovna,
teacher speech therapist,
Education Center No. 1429, Moscow

About the girl Emma.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Emma. She studied in the second grade. Once I was given a homework assignment to write words with double consonants. Emma got a D.

At night she had a dream. The double consonants were chasing the girl. Emma tripped and fell. The letters circled above the girl and shouted indignantly:

Don't you know the rules about us? After all, you won’t be able to write very many words now,

And Emma forgot how to write her name...

And when during the Russian language lesson the children began to write the name Emma, ​​the girl could not do it and began to cry.

Why are you crying? – asked her teacher.

I don't know how to spell my name.

The teacher looked at the second-grader with a smile and said:

You didn't remember a single word with double consonants. But it's not too late to do this. Learn them and your name will return to you.

The girl was delighted, followed the teacher’s advice and since then knows how to spell her name, as well as words such as:bath, class, cash desk, team, alley, mass, gram, horse, buzz, Saturday, hockey, program, collection, art, yeast, platform, passenger, flu, quarrel, Russian.

Consonant dispute.

Voiced and voiceless consonants lived in Zvukobukvograd. One day an amazing argument took place between them.

In words likemushroom, tooth, frost, eye, city, you need to write the letter of a voiced consonant at the end, the voiced consonants repeated.

No, it’s not true, the deaf said and did not stop, because they wanted to take power into their own hands. – Try to prove that in wordsvegetable garden, oak, tooth, collective farm, lunch you need to write the letter of a voiced consonant at the end, not the unvoiced one.

The sonorous ones became depressed. After all, they did not know the most important rule.

The vowels quarreled.

One day, the vowel letters were walking through the forest and quarreled so much that even the birds scattered, the animals ran away - everyone felt ashamed of them, it was disgusting to listen to them swear.

Why did they suddenly quarrel? The fact is that when vowels are unaccented, each wants to take the place of the other.

Luckily, there is a wizard called Accent. As soon as he makes a vowel stressed, it is immediately clearly heard. The children learned about this and really wanted to make friends with the wizard so that they could write words correctly and correctly.

Stress over vowel

Can make the letter clear!

A tale about the hissing ones.

Once upon a time there were the hissing consonants Zh, Sh, Ch, Shch, and not far away lived the vowels A, U, Yu, Ya, I, Y One day the letters decided to play hide and seek. It fell out to drive hissing, the rest ran to hide. The letters sit in hidden places, waiting to be found. But the hissing ones looked into all the cracks, searched hard, rustled around - they found many. But they just can’t find the three vowels Y, Yu, Ya. They searched and searched, lost their senses, and searched until evening. And so, stumbling, offended, tired, hungry, they decided to go home to sleep. It was already evening. They pass by the neighboring house and see that Y, Yu, Ya are sitting as if nothing had happened, laughing, watching TV, drinking tea with gingerbread. The hissing ones were offended - they have been apart since then. They never stand together!

The braggart letter.

Somehow the vowels began to argue which of them was more important.

And this is me! - shouted the letter A. - I’m the first in the alphabet!

I! I! I! - the letter Y strained. - I - this is what every person says about himself!

And another vowel letter smiled and said:

What are you talking about? Who are you in charge? If the emphasis is not on you, you will be barely audible! In the entire alphabet, I am the main one, because I am always the drummer! (e).

About iotated vowels.

One day, the letters E, E, Yu, Y entered the office of the chief doctor in Zvukobukvograd. They had never been sick before and were frightened by what was happening to them.

What's wrong with you? - asked the doctor.

We are unwell. Something appeared inside us.

“We need an x-ray,” the doctor said.

No sooner said than done. They took an x-ray, the doctor looked at the picture, and then...

You have YOT inside you! And short, in a different way.

Is it dangerous? – the letters became worried.

Of course not. This happens sometimes. It's just YOT playing hide and seek with you. He is invisible and loves to fool everyone.

What medicine would you recommend to us? - asked the letters.

As often as possible, do a phonetic analysis of the words you work with.

And in my notebook I wrote down: E, E, Yu, I – IOTated.

The letters E, E, Yu, I got together, consulted and decided to always be on guard if they stood up:

· At the beginning of a word

· After a vowel

· After separating b and b.


A famous magician lives in the country of Grammar. His name is Soft Sign. As soon as he approaches a word, it becomes completely unrecognizable: verbate becomes a nounspruce , and cannedjar - in a warm placebathhouse. The Soft Sign boasted: I am, they say, the most magical. But some residents of the country of Grammar began to laugh: “We can show tricks even without you. If we want, thenonion turn intoLuke , mouse Vteddy bear , Aglad - Vrow “The Soft Sign fell silent and began to think.

Requests of the Soft Sign.

The soft sign is friendly with different letters. In wordsskates, days, stumps - with I, in wordsdroplets, loops, embers - with L. But for some reason not with K.

K gets up only after a soft sign. He tried to get up after her several times, but K wouldn’t allow it. Well, he doesn’t allow it, so so be it. And then eventually I came to terms with it. “I even feel very good standing between the letters - L and K. We will be friends forever and will never part, it will be more fun for me!

But then one day the girl began to write these words in her notebook. It's come to thiscoals. The word does not fit on the line. What to do? The girl divided the word into syllablesooh-holy and decided to reschedulecoals. The soft sign became worried, worried, and did not want to part with the letter K. He began to ask: “Don’t separate from K, please!” How else?

- U-holki, - asked for a soft sign.

You can not do it this way. I can not. Our rules are strict, they don’t allow it.

Thenembers - the Soft Sign asks again.

You can not do it this way. Not according to the rules.


What are you, what are you, is it possible? It turns out you don't know the transfer rules at all.

So the Soft Sign had to part with his girlfriend.

The verb and its friends. (3rd grade).

Once upon a time there was a verb. One day he decided that everyone must bring some benefit to people. He went around the world to seek happiness. He walks, sees - sits on a pebble Noun and cries. And she cries because she doesn’t bring any benefit. He invited the Verb with him to seek happiness. Good people said that happiness and wealth only come from work.

They walked and walked and met an Adjective, sad, quiet, silent, who was just as lonely. They invited me to come along. Whether they walked for a long time or for a short time, they suddenly found themselves in the fairyland of Grammar.

Residents of the country greeted their friends friendly and offered to live together. In this country everyone worked, there was no time to be bored. The friends happily agreed to stay and work in the proposal like the others. The smile never left their faces because they were useful. And what could be more beautiful - to benefit others!

Favzana Ayupova

A child learns concepts and knowledge that are difficult for him easily and well if they are presented in a language he understands.

A fairy tale is such a language for a child. The concepts of “sound” and “letter” are abstract; children often confuse these concepts. So that children understand and distinguish between these concepts, so that they learn to differentiate the concepts of “sound” and “letter”, I made

manual “Living sounds and letters”.

Purpose of the manual

1. introduce children to vowel sounds,

2. form the concept of “vowel sound”,

3. develop auditory attention,

4. develop phonemic awareness.

5. introduce children to vowel letters (consolidate visual images of vowel letters);

6. teach children to distinguish and differentiate the concepts of “sound” and “letter”.

When introducing children to vowel letters, I tell them the following fairy tale. (I borrowed the idea from the magazine “Obruch”)

A tale of sounds and letters.

There are so many countries in the world! Country of Smiles and Riddles, Sunny Bunnies and Cheerful Boys! And in our country, at the foot of the peaks of Gramota, there live the restless inhabitants of Vowel Sounds. They are all different, each sound has its own character: A - joyful and cheerful, U - angry, O - loves to be surprised by everything, I - smiling and kind, E - loves to reason and is slow, s - the most stubborn. (Having pronounced these sounds, I fixed the children’s attention on the position of the lips. Together with the children, we decided to designate these “magic” sounds with the following icons: the sound “A” (wide open mouth) - a square, the sound “O” - a circle, the sound “U” - small a circle is a tube, the sound “E” is an oval, the sound “s” is a rectangle, the sound “I” is half an oval.

I – I – I, O – S, A – E – U!

But one day the sounds started thinking.

“Everyone has a home, but we don’t, we have nowhere to live,” said the vowel sounds.

Squirrels live in a hollow, said the sound “A”.

The bear has a den, says the sound “I”

People live in apartments and houses. We are alone without a permanent place of residence,” they picked up the sounds “E” and “s”.

We thought and thought and decided to build our own housing. The sounds “A” and “I” found three sticks each.

“A” built himself a hut with a crossbar. “And” I fitted the crossbar diagonally to the two posts and was satisfied.

The sound “U” made itself a house that looked like a tree with a branch. The sound “O” found the old wheel and remained to live in it. The sound “E” found a cracked wheel rim and placed a stick inside. He also got a house.

The satisfied sounds were happy for a long time that they too had houses and began to call their houses with letters. People look at these houses and know that in the letter - house "A" there lives the sound "A", in the letter "U" there lives a resident - the sound "U", etc.

Such a fairy tale and a visual image of sounds and letters help children distinguish between the concepts of “sound” and “letter”, which are difficult for preschoolers.

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