Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Condensed milk (condensed milk). Whole milk condensed with sugar. Technical specifications What type of condensed milk does not exist?

The abundance and variety of goods in stores and supermarkets force consumers to stand in front of the shelves for a long time, choosing the best. Milk is an amazing product of nature, which contains almost all the substances we need. Condensed milk retains many of the beneficial properties of milk. This is a nutritious, tasty and familiar product to everyone since childhood. Condensed milk can be consumed as a delicacy or added to tea, coffee, and used to prepare various confectionery products. In order not to become a victim of counterfeit products, let’s figure out what the correct condensed milk should be.

So how to choose condensed milk?


Condensed milk is produced in metal or plastic cans. The most common is metal, although plastic is more convenient and lightweight. Neither plastic nor metal packaging affects the taste of the product, provided that they are manufactured without violations of technology. You should not buy condensed milk in damaged or dented cans, because... the metal in them may crumble. The taste and appearance of milk deteriorates. Remember, the can should not be bent or deformed, because... In this case, dangerous elements contained in iron could get into the product. Even if the metal can has the correct shape, experts recommend pouring the milk into glass jars after opening. When buying condensed milk in non-standard packaging, read the label very carefully - modern packages often contain milk-containing products that have nothing in common with natural condensed milk.

Marking GOST (DSTU)

The most important indicator and indicator of the authenticity of a product is the GOST badge (or DSTU for Ukraine). Only “GOST” products are the best, because in condensed milk produced according to specifications, various composition options are possible. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer legally uses its own recipe.

According to GOST R 53436 - 2009, condensed milk is divided into condensed cream with sugar, skim condensed milk with sugar, and whole condensed milk with sugar.

These products mainly differ in fat content, and the fat content of sweetened condensed cream is at least 19%, the fat content of whole condensed milk with sugar is exactly 8.5%, and the fat content of sweetened condensed milk does not exceed 1%.

Any other names - “Condensed milk”, “Varenka”, “Condensed milk”, “Special condensed milk”, “Condensed milk and cream”, “Condensed milk with sugar”, “Dietary condensed milk”, “Boiled condensed milk” or even just “Condensed milk” " means that various additives and substitutes for natural products were used during the production of the product. Such a product has absolutely nothing in common with “true” condensed milk.

Designations on the bank

Carefully examine the can of condensed milk and absolutely all the embossed symbols. The first letter on the lid should be the embossed letter M - this marking is used to indicate condensed milk. The next two digits are the manufacturer's code; these numbers may vary. They are followed by two or three very important numbers that indicate the product range. It is best to focus on 76; this is the number that hides condensed milk with sugar without extraneous additives. Bottom row - production date. The shelf life of natural condensed milk is only 12 months, combined, i.e. with additives and substitutes, can be stored a little longer.


Last year, Rospotrebnadzor conducted a small study, the results of which are shocking - 90% of condensed milk on the country’s domestic market contains a large amount of vegetable fats. Manufacturers do not even indicate any information about this on the packaging, depriving us of freedom of choice! The situation on the Ukrainian market is not the best.

Manufacturers most often sin with palm (or coconut) milk, as well as titanium dioxide (this is E-171). Everything is clear with the first ingredient - it is much cheaper than natural milk. The second one raises big questions. E-171 is an inorganic pigment, it is a tasteless and odorless dye, a white amorphous powder. It is used to produce paper, rubber, paints and varnishes and... condensed milk.

So, according to GOST, the composition of condensed milk and cream includes only raw cow's milk or cream, as well as sugar and drinking water. Only ascorbic acid is used as an antioxidant, and some sodium or potassium derivatives are used as stabilizers. That's all! There should be no vegetable fats, sweeteners or preservatives!

If the packaging contains the following ingredients: palm oil, pectin, starch, whey powder, milk fat substitute, synthetic dyes, etc., then the condensed milk does not meet the quality standard and is not “real condensed milk.” This product is only vaguely similar in taste to condensed milk.

Checking condensed milk for the presence of vegetable oils

Method number 1. The condensed milk needs to be boiled. If boiled condensed milk does not flow even from an inverted jar and is very thick, then the product is really made from milk. If the condensed milk remains liquid after cooking, it contains vegetable fat. Typically, when heated, natural milk becomes thicker, unlike vegetable fat, which remains liquid.

Method number 2. Place a teaspoon into the jar. In real condensed milk the spoon will not fall. Before the experiment, check the condensed milk for thickness. According to GOST, its consistency should not be too thick, but not too liquid. The viscosity of dessert is easily determined by a special device in laboratories. You can also expose a fake at home. To do this, you need to stir the condensed milk in a jar. Excessive fluidity or thickness, as well as uneven structure, should alert you. Scoop a small amount of condensed milk into a teaspoon and watch it start to drip. A thin continuous stream means that this is real, correct condensed milk and you are lucky with your purchase.

Best before date

Please pay attention to the expiration date of the product. Typically for a metal can it is 12 months, for a plastic can it is 2 or 3 months. If condensed milk is packaged in a store by the seller, it can only be stored for a few days. Of course, you should not buy expired products. By the way, even “correct” condensed milk, made from natural ingredients in accordance with GOST, may turn out to be of poor quality. This is primarily due to improper storage. Despite the fact that condensed milk is a canned product, it is very sensitive to improper storage conditions. Condensed milk should be stored in a cool, dry place, at a temperature of 0°C to +10°C, but when the shelf life expires, the condensed milk begins to sugar. Having opened the package of condensed milk, carefully examine its contents: if the expiration date has not yet expired, but the condensed milk has already been candied, this means that it was stored in the heat or cold.

Studying the contents

1. Proper condensed milk is usually white with a slight creamy tint. Light brown appears only if the entire technological process took place at high temperatures. Powdery consistency and white with a slightly greenish tint indicate low quality of the product.

2. The consistency of condensed milk should be homogeneous throughout, without the presence of milk sugar crystals. Is the product too thin? This means that there was little protein in the starting material. If, on the contrary, the condensed milk is too thick, milk with high acidity was used during production and the protein curdled during condensation. Sandiness and mealiness also indicate a very low quality of the product. Storing the product at high temperatures may be one of the reasons for thickening.

3. If the condensed milk is candied, then the expiration date has either expired or is coming to an end.

4. If you find dark spots or mold under the lid, you should absolutely not eat such a product. Such “surprises” most often appear on the lid due to violation of sanitary conditions in production.

5. The smell and taste of condensed milk should be sweet, clean, with a pronounced taste of pasteurized milk. You should not experience any foreign tastes or odors. A pleasant, light feed taste is allowed. Taste defects include rancid, bitter, fishy flavors and musty odor.

6. If you find foreign impurities in the purchased condensed milk, feel free to return the can to the store. The dessert should only have a uniform consistency. Condensed milk should not pour out of the can abundantly, nor should it fall out in pieces. Such milk is considered to be of poor quality.

7. Lumps in condensed milk do not just appear. Their occurrence is facilitated by spores of brown-chocolate mold, which penetrate the product and “kill” its quality. Lumps also indicate poor sanitary conditions of production.

8. If the condensed milk is light beige or gray in color, the production technology was significantly violated, or ingredients were used that should not be in condensed milk.

9. Under no circumstances should you eat the contents of a swollen jar, because... this indicates the presence of dangerous harmful microbes.

10. A sign of low-quality condensed milk is the presence of starch in its composition. It is added to artificially thicken milk, as well as to improve its appearance. The presence of starch in condensed milk significantly spoils the taste of the product.

How to cook condensed milk

To get a tasty treat, buy condensed milk with a fat content of at least 8-8.5%. Pay attention to the composition of condensed milk: it should not contain any impurities or vegetable fats. Such condensed milk will not cook. The composition should ideally include only milk and sugar. Before cooking, remove the paper label from the jar. Place the jar in a saucepan and fill with cold water. The condensed milk should be boiled for 2-3 hours, and throughout the entire time the jar should be completely covered with water. Calculate the required amount of water in advance.

Now place the pan with the jar on high heat. After the water boils, the heat must be reduced to a minimum and continue to cook the condensed milk until completely cooked. If the liquid from the pan has boiled away, add a little hot water. Under no circumstances should you add cold water, otherwise the can of condensed milk will explode. After two to three hours, let the jar cool.

We wish you a good choice!


What is condensed milk?

What is condensed milk, the benefits and harms for the human body, as well as what medicinal properties does it have and how exactly is this product useful for human health? These questions often arise among those who care about their health, lead a healthy lifestyle and show interest in traditional methods of treatment. And this interest is understandable. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get an answer to these questions.

Oh, what a sweet word - “condensed milk”. For many of us as children, it represented complete happiness. We could eat it in jars (if allowed) whenever we wanted! And even now we often want to pamper ourselves with this sweet delicacy and with its help, as it were, return to a serene childhood.

Condensed milk was invented by the Frenchman Upper at the beginning of the 19th century, and it first went on sale in America in 1856.

In Russia, it began to be produced at a small factory near Orenburg in 1881. Thus, condensed milk is already over 200 years old!

The composition of this product is very simple - only milk and sugar. Sugar is dissolved in milk, and then evaporated for a long time at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees until the required thickness is obtained. The result is a product with a moisture content of up to 26%, sugar in the amount of 43.5% and a fat content of 8.5% or more. One can of milk contains 1200 kcal. Condensed milk, according to GOST, should not contain any other components, because it is a baby food product!

Condensed milk is divided into:

Fat content:

Whole condensed milk with sugar - this classic condensed milk is used everywhere in cooking; colloquially it is called condensed milk. The product contains at least 8.5% fat and at least 28.5% milk solids, with a protein mass fraction of at least 34%.

Skim sweetened condensed milk - this condensed milk, which contains no more than 1% fat and no less than 26% milk solids, with a mass fraction of protein in them of no less than 34%.


Sweetened condensed milk is the classic condensed milk that is discussed in this article.

Condensed milk without added sugar - This product is usually called concentrated milk.

Condensed milk with cocoa or coffee added - this can be either real condensed milk with cocoa or coffee, or a plant-based milk product called “Condensed milk and cocoa” or “Condensed milk and coffee.”

Condensed milk with added chicory is 7% fat condensed milk, to which, among other things, chicory is added.


Regular condensed milk is condensed milk of regular consistency with or without sugar, which is discussed in this article.

Boiled condensed milk is a type of condensed milk that has a thicker consistency and is obtained through additional heat treatment. Boiled condensed milk has a caramel flavor and a brownish color.

Useful properties:

Condensed milk is considered the healthiest sweet because it contains a lot of calcium and other useful minerals and vitamins, but unlike other sweet products (cakes, marmalade, sweets and other confectionery products), it does not contain yeast or food additives. Thus, natural condensed milk has many beneficial properties inherent in fresh milk.

The beneficial substances contained in condensed milk improve brain function, strengthen bone tissue and have a beneficial effect on cellular metabolism. One of the beneficial elements of condensed milk is calcium, which strengthens bones and teeth. The benefit of condensed milk also lies in the fact that it restores blood, improves immunity, and normalizes hormonal levels. Condensed milk can quickly replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals in the human body, improve tone and provide a surge of strength.

But the fact that condensed milk has beneficial properties does not mean that it should be eaten in cans, since excessive consumption of condensed milk can harm the human body.

Real condensed milk should be white, with a slight creamy tint, homogeneous, thick and have a creamy taste.

Condensed milk, although it is canned, is very demanding in terms of storage conditions and shelf life. It should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to 10 degrees and for no more than 12 months.

Any violation of these rules (increased or decreased storage temperature), violation of the tightness of the packaging or storage duration makes this product unsuitable for food.

If, upon opening a can of condensed milk, you notice that it has begun to crystallize, lumps or mold have appeared in it, and the can itself is swollen, throw it away immediately! By consuming such spoiled milk, you risk ending up in a hospital bed for a long time and significantly compromising your health.

Nutritionists advise eating condensed milk not as an independent product, but in combination with other products, such as pancakes or fruit, and wash it down with unsweetened tea.

Know your limits! Many of us are accustomed to eating condensed milk in large spoons and in large quantities, and yet the daily intake of condensed milk is only 2 tablespoons!


Condensed milk contains a lot of sugar, and, naturally, it is very high in calories.

Condensed milk is contraindicated:

  • overweight people;
  • for obesity;
  • for diabetes mellitus. Excessive consumption of condensed milk can cause tooth decay.

Condensed milk, alas, is the most falsified dairy product - more than two-thirds of condensed milk is fake!

According to GOST, real condensed milk is called “Whole condensed milk with sugar” and cannot be called anything else. If on store shelves you see jars with the name: “Sweetened condensed milk”, “Condensed milk” or “Sweetened condensed milk” (there are many options), despite the blue and white label familiar from childhood, you should know that this is a fake!

In order to reduce the cost of such condensed milk, instead of natural milk fat, various vegetable fats are added, for example palm oil, which is harmful to the human body, as well as various food additives.

During a laboratory study, a white dye E171 was found in some types of condensed milk - titanium dioxide, a very toxic substance that is used in the manufacture of paints (titanium white), in the production of ceramics and solar batteries.

In addition, real condensed milk must be packaged only in cans; no other packaging - plastic tubes, cups, etc. - is allowed.

To protect yourself as much as possible from counterfeits and not cause harm to your body, read the label carefully. Remember, if a product contains anything else besides milk and sugar, it is a harmful product!

How to choose in the store:

In order to purchase a can of real condensed milk, you need to pay attention to the following points when purchasing:

Name. It should begin with the word “Milk”, and not with the words “condensed”, “boiled”, “real”, “condensed milk” - these and similar words in the names should alert you.

The word “milk” means “whole condensed milk with sugar.”

You need to carefully study the composition on the label. If the product is real, it complies with GOST 2903–78 for Russia, DSTU 4274:2003 for Ukraine. This is indicated on cans or soft packaging, in which this product is not currently prohibited from being produced.

The abbreviation TU on the packaging indicates that the production complies with the technical specifications, but the composition contains vegetable fats. And as we know, they should not be in real condensed milk.

The genuine product contains only sugar and whole cow's milk, without any “food”: thickeners, stabilizers, dyes, vegetable fats, starch.

These simple rules will help you choose real, healthy condensed milk. Also today you can find varieties of condensed milk with the addition of cocoa, coffee, with cream and sterilized.

According to GOST, they have the following “correct” names that will help distinguish them from fakes:

"Cocoa with whole condensed milk with sugar"

"Natural coffee with condensed milk and sugar"

"Condensed cream with sugar"

“Sterilized condensed milk in a can” (sugar-free product).

You should know that opened condensed milk can be stored for no more than 5 days.

Recipe for making condensed milk at home

To make homemade condensed milk you only need two ingredients, a saucepan, a spoon and about an hour and a half of time. Milk and sugar should be taken in the following proportions:

  • Milk - 1 liter;
  • Sugar - 1 glass.

When you buy milk, pay attention to its shelf life; it should not be long. Also try to use fattier milk (3.5%), it makes condensed milk tastier.

To prepare condensed milk, follow these directions:

  • Pour milk into a saucepan and place on low heat;
  • Heat it almost to a boil and take about 1 glass of milk from the pan;
  • Dissolve all the sugar in a hot glass of milk;
  • Pour the milk and sugar into the pan and continue to keep it on low heat;
  • Reduce heat to low when the mixture begins to boil;
  • Stir the milk constantly so that it does not burn on the pan;
  • Boil the milk until one third of its original volume remains. At the same time, the condensed milk begins to acquire a creamy tint. This requires from 40 minutes to 1 hour;
  • Pour the condensed milk into a jar and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

At first the condensed milk will seem liquid, but after overnight in the refrigerator it becomes viscous.

In order for condensed milk to have a homogeneous mass without lumps, to be thick and tasty, you need to know the small secrets of its preparation:

It is best to cook condensed milk in a stainless steel pan: it will not burn in it. If you don’t have such a pan, then use any other pan with a thick bottom;

Instead of sugar, it is best to use powdered sugar, from the store, not homemade. Some housewives believe that the small starch content in store-bought powdered sugar gives condensed milk a better consistency;

Milk for condensed milk must be fresh. Do not use sterilized milk, or at least pasteurized milk;

Monitor your milk volume carefully. If you remove the pan from the heat before two-thirds of it has evaporated, then the condensed milk will not be viscous, but if you overcook it, it will be caramel;

To prepare boiled condensed milk, transfer the condensed milk into a jar and close the lid tightly, lower it into a saucepan with cold water so that the water completely covers the jar. Place the pan on the fire and bring its contents to a boil. Time it for 2 hours and when it’s up, take out the jar: the boiled condensed milk is ready.

A product such as condensed milk is familiar to us, and since then has not lost its position among consumers. Many manufacturers of condensed milk have still not abandoned the classic packaging, by which you can invariably determine what exactly is in the sealed jar, without even studying the information indicated on it.

This packaging preserves the taste of condensed milk for a long time, and also prevents spoilage. In addition, it is convenient to transport it in an iron can, nothing will happen to the packaging, and for convenient use you just need to open it. The tin can has proven itself to be the best.

And almost every manufacturer says that their product complies with GOST. But what is GOST for pasteurized condensed milk? How to determine whether a product from a particular manufacturer is worth buying? And, most importantly, what is the technology for producing pasteurized condensed milk? All these and other questions will be discussed in detail in this article, which will help not only to understand the intricacies of preparing and packaging the product, but also how not to make a mistake when choosing it.

Production technology

Today you can see several options for condensed milk on the market. This:

  • whole condensed, that is, traditional;
  • low-fat condensed with sugar;
  • with sugar and filler; coffee, cocoa or fruit additives can be used as fillers;
  • condensed cream with sugar.

All these products are prepared using generally the same technology. The milk is selected, condensed, the fat content and other indicators in the product are regulated. If necessary, sugar and fillers are added in appropriate proportions.

In this case, let’s take a closer look at the process of producing whole condensed milk with sugar:

At this point, the preparation of condensed milk can be considered complete. After this, it is packaged in cans and sterilized. The shelf life of such a product in this package is 1 year. In plastic packaging or plastic cups, the product is stored for much less time.

Sometimes salts and stabilizers are added to the product after seeding. Not every manufacturer uses these components.

Why is condensed milk sterilized?

Pasteurization is a necessary condition for preparing condensed milk. Pasteurization is necessary to achieve the following goals:

  • prevention of neglect during storage;
  • stabilization of the physical and chemical properties of milk;
  • destruction of pathogenic microorganisms in the product and prevention of their further appearance.

During pasteurization, the product is heated to 90-95 degrees. From this we can judge that the milk is not brought to a boil, while all its beneficial components are preserved.

GOST sweetened condensed milk

Real condensed milk has only one GOST. This is a standard established by the Russian Federation in 2009. This is GOST R 53436 - 2009. This document prescribes the composition of condensed milk and cream, as well as the complete technology for its production. If the product is manufactured in accordance with this standard, the name of GOST will be indicated on the packaging.

Traditional condensed milk with sugar is not the only canned milk product on the label of which you should look for the GOST designation. Products manufactured according to this standard include whole sweetened condensed milk, skim sweetened condensed milk, and sweetened condensed cream.

The modern market offers consumers a wide variety of canned milk. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers are responsible for the quality of their products, adding various preservatives, flavoring additives, thickeners and dyes to the product. In accordance with the approved standard, there should be no such additives in it. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the information indicated on the packaging.

What is included in condensed milk?

Among other things, you need to pay attention to what is indicated in the “Product Composition” column. These should be:

  • cow's milk and cream;
  • sugar;
  • drinking water (not in all cases);
  • ascorbic acid as an acidity stabilizer;
  • some industrial stabilizers sodium and potassium as stabilizers.

As for fats, not all manufacturers indicate their content on the packaging of the product. It is important to know that condensed milk can only contain milk fats; it should not contain any plant or animal components.

Unacceptable components also include:

  • palm oil;
  • pectin;
  • starch;
  • chemical components under the index E;
  • synthetic dyes and flavors.

Product properties

You can also determine the quality of condensed milk by the contents of the package. Unfortunately, not every manufacturer indicates on the label those components that are actually included in the product. In addition, the production technology may be violated, which will significantly affect not only the properties of the product, but also its safety when consumed. For example, canned milk was not subjected to proper heat treatment, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms began to multiply inside the packaging.

First of all, you should pay attention to the consistency of the dairy product. It should be homogeneous, without any lumps or crystals. In addition, the consistency should not taste starchy. If you feel small powdery particles that do not dissolve, it means that excess thickeners in the form of potato, corn starch or wheat flour have been added to the product.

Dietary properties of the product

Many people believe that condensed milk is a far from dietary product. It contains a lot of sugar and fat, and is also high in calories. However, even a small amount of the product leads to rapid satiety, but after consuming it, the feeling of hunger returns quite quickly.

The satiety of a product is influenced by such an indicator as density. The fewer fibers and solid particles in a product, the lower its density. For example, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, whole grains, bran, and nuts have a low density. The density of condensed milk with sugar at 50 °C is 1280-1320 kg/m3.

This is a fairly low indicator, which means little benefit of the product for the body. Therefore, you should not abuse it, even taking into account that it has a fairly high energy value, high content of proteins and healthy fats.

The glycemic index is another indicator that should be taken into account when consuming certain foods. It affects the body's production of a substance called insulin. After eating a product with a high glycemic index, the pancreas sharply increases insulin production.

Why should it be taken into account? Firstly, if you constantly consume foods with a high glycemic index, this can lead to rapid deposition of fat in the body. Secondly, such food is dangerous for people with diabetes. Additionally, high-value foods are beneficial for athletes when consumed immediately before vigorous exercise.

  • a glycemic level of about 10 is low;
  • 40-70 - average;
  • but above 70 is already a fairly high figure.

The glycemic level of sweetened condensed milk is 80. From this we can judge that it should be consumed in moderation.

How many calories are in condensed milk

Sterilized condensed milk is a fairly high-calorie product. Depending on whether canned milk contains sugar or not, milk or cream was used in production, and also the fat content of the product, this indicator may differ. For example, condensed low-fat milk without sugar has the lowest calorie content compared to other types of condensed milk.

If we consider condensed milk with sugar, that is, the classic, most familiar version of the product, then its calorie content will be 320 Kcal per 100 g. This is a significant indicator. But, again, manufacturers do not necessarily adhere to the recipe in accordance with GOST, so this indicator may fluctuate in one direction or another.

But, in any case, the calorie content of the product will be indicated on the packaging. By the way, one teaspoon of condensed milk contains 40 calories.

In addition, you should know that in 100 gr. The product contains 7.2 g of protein, 8.5 g of fat and 56.0 g of carbohydrates.

Calorie content of boiled condensed milk is 323 Kcal.

Shelf life

As you know, condensed milk in a tin can is stored for quite a long time. However, you need to pay attention to the timing, since an expired product may lose its beneficial properties over time; in addition, pathogenic microorganisms often form in it, and metal oxidation occurs, which contributes to the production of toxins in the product.

The shelf life of condensed milk in a metal can is 12 months. If it comes out, using the product is not recommended. For more detailed information about who can and who is not recommended to consume condensed milk, visit the section.


The classic packaging for condensed milk with or without sugar is a metal can. Other types of packaging cannot preserve the properties of canned food to the same extent and such a long shelf life.

An airtight can of condensed milk weighs 380 g. The volume of a can of condensed milk is 330 ml. These indicators are needed in order to be able to follow a clear recipe when preparing confectionery products containing condensed milk.


Popular producers of condensed milk:

  • Alekseevskoe
  • Vologda dairy products
  • Glavproduct
  • Gustiyar
  • Ostankino 1955
  • Rogachev
  • Ruslada
  • Soviet

Condensed milk, usually with sugar, which is obtained by evaporating the liquid.


Condensed milk is produced by evaporating the liquid from cow's milk at a temperature of 60 degrees. The result is a thick mass of high fat content with a moisture content of no more than 26 percent and sugar content of no more than 43.5 percent.


    condensed milk with sugar - this is classic condensed milk

    unsweetened condensed milk, often called concentrated milk

    condensed milk with chicory - it contains normalized cow's milk, sugar and chicory. The fat content of this product is 7 percent

    condensed milk with coffee or cocoa

    boiled condensed milk is milk obtained by heat treatment of ordinary condensed milk. It has a brown color and a caramel flavor. Boiled condensed milk was first produced in households, and later began to be produced on an industrial scale.

Condensed milk is also divided into types depending on fat content:

    skim condensed milk – fat content no more than 1 percent

    regular condensed milk – fat content 8.5 percent

    cream – fat content 19 percent.


Since condensed milk is not subjected to high-temperature treatment during production, it retains almost all the beneficial substances found in milk. Including large amounts of calcium, fluoride, sodium, iodine, as well as vitamins A, B, C and E.


Condensed milk is used to add to coffee and tea, to make confectionery products, and also to be consumed in its pure form.


Condensed milk should be stored in the refrigerator for up to one year.

Useful properties

Since condensed milk, according to technology, should not contain anything other than milk and sugar, it is considered one of the healthiest sweets. Condensed milk strengthens the immune system, bones, and also improves vision.

Restrictions on use

Condensed milk contains a large amount of sugar, so its daily intake is no more than two tablespoons per day. This product should be used with caution by people who are prone to obesity, as well as people who are overweight and predisposed to diabetes.


The method for producing condensed milk was invented by the American Gale Borden. On August 19, 1856, he received a patent for the technology for producing condensed milk. The first condensed milk factory opened in the United States in 1858. During the Civil War, it was received by soldiers who fought for the army of the North. Condensed milk became so popular that Borden was able to open several new factories and later transfer the business to his sons. The city where he lived in the last years of his life was named in honor of the inventor of condensed milk in America.

In Russia, condensed milk began to be produced in 1881 at a plant in Orenburg.

In Soviet times, condensed milk was traditionally packaged in a tin can with a recognizable label design. Its design was developed in 1939 by Iraida Fomina, the daughter of a famous architect. The label design has not changed for decades and now remains a familiar attribute of condensed milk.

Condensed milk is one of the main components of the state food reserve.

Now it is very difficult to imagine life without everyone’s favorite condensed milk. Despite the fact that it was used most actively among compatriots, in fact, the idea of ​​​​creating condensed milk belongs to the French confectioner Nicolas Appert, who was the first in the history of cooking to propose an original idea: to store it in tin cans. At first it was just milk, since it was stored longer in a tin container and did not absorb foreign odors.

Production process

In the process of producing condensed milk, full-fat cow's milk is processed at a temperature of about 60 degrees, which allows, on the one hand, to evaporate excess moisture, and on the other hand, to preserve the maximum amount of beneficial properties of natural milk. In the process, sugar is added to the milk and condensed milk is obtained, which not only retains all the beneficial properties of regular milk, but is also much better absorbed by the body due to the fact that it does not contain, unlike regular milk. In addition, the shelf life increases significantly: condensed milk can be stored for about a year, while natural milk will not last that long. During the entire storage time, condensed milk retains all useful vitamins and minerals, as well as trace elements. Truly high-quality condensed milk acts as not only a good dessert, but also as an excellent replacement for pure dairy products.


For the first time, the idea of ​​pasteurizing milk and storing it in the form of canned food was thought about when there was an unpleasant case of poisoning of children with milk. It was then that confectioners first thought about how to create milk that would be a safe and at the same time healthy product. In addition, the resulting product had to perform a very important function: it should be suitable for consumption by people who cannot tolerate dairy products.

Only in the middle of the 19th century did the American Gail Borden give the world the familiar condensed milk, creating the first device in the world at that time that made it possible to condense milk by adding sugar to it. Just a little over 20 years later, a plant was built and launched in Russia, which produced condensed milk in closed cans. Since then, since 1881, condensed milk has become very firmly established in our lives and we cannot imagine a country without this product.

In Belarus, in the city of Rogachev, there is a real monument to condensed milk. This monument was erected when the plant, which produced canned milk, celebrated its 75th anniversary. A so-called time capsule was placed at the base of the monument, which was bequeathed to be opened when the plant celebrated its centenary.

Composition of condensed milk

The main advantage of condensed milk is that it is both a natural and very nutritious product. It is obtained from whole cow's milk, which is heat treated to evaporate excess moisture. Despite this, condensed milk retains all the same beneficial properties that natural milk has. Of course, in this case it is necessary to choose an exclusively natural product made from whole milk.

Condensed milk is based on a combination of milk itself and a large amount of sugar, so it is a very high-calorie product that is completely unsuitable for those who are on a diet or monitoring their diet for medical reasons. Naturally, it should also be avoided by those with diabetes. Everyone else can only rejoice in the fact that condensed milk is not only very sweet and tasty, but also healthy. Perhaps it can rightfully be considered one of the healthiest and most delicious sweets in the world, including due to the fact that children eat it with great pleasure.

Composition of condensed milk (per 100 g)
0.2 mg
0.2 mg
2 mg
B3 (PP) 0.8 mg
0.1 mg
0.4 mg
0.2 mg
29 mg
318 mg
224 mg
69 mg
30 mg
282 mg
124 mg

The calcium contained in condensed milk contributes to the normal development of bones and teeth, supports normal cell function and strengthens muscles. maintains normal vision and improves its condition. Phosphorus, which is also found in condensed milk, improves brain function and supports the nervous system, and also stimulates the restoration of blood cells.

How to choose the right one

In order for condensed milk to bring you exceptional benefits, you need to choose it correctly. Give preference to trusted manufacturers; remember that a truly good product cannot be cheap, since the production of condensed milk requires a considerable amount of milk.

Condensed milk is divided into several types:

  1. With added sugar, this is what the popular term “condensed milk” refers to.
  2. No added sugar, that is, just concentrated milk.
  3. Made from pure cow's milk with added sugar and (has a bitter aftertaste).
  4. Condensed milk with cocoa or.
  5. Boiled condensed milk with caramel flavor, which is obtained after heat treatment of ordinary condensed milk.

Modern manufacturers often make condensed milk from vegetable fats with the addition of , so be sure to read the ingredients before buying anything.

From a medical point of view

If you consume condensed milk in moderation, about 1 or 2 teaspoons per day, it will be extremely beneficial. The substances contained in condensed milk help stimulate the immune system and have a comprehensive positive effect on the body. However, it is important to remember that, like any other product containing sugar, condensed milk causes a sharp jump in blood sugar levels, giving a surge of energy, which then drops sharply. That is why it is recommended to consume it in very measured quantities to avoid unpleasant jumps in blood sugar levels. But if your work involves heavy intellectual or physical stress, a small amount of condensed milk will only be beneficial, as it very quickly restores the body’s energy potential, improves performance and, due to its taste, improves mood.

Is it possible to eat condensed milk on a diet?

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to have condensed milk on a diet. Unfortunately, despite a wide range of beneficial properties, condensed milk has been and remains an extremely high-calorie product, which is absolutely contraindicated for those people who are watching their figure or want to lose weight. This is due to the high sugar content in condensed milk, so if you are on a diet, you should choose some other dessert that contains fewer calories. Of course, if you add a couple of teaspoons of condensed milk to yourself, nothing bad will happen. However, the diet usually involves consuming fewer calories than the body needs. The body needs about 1,400 calories per day, while a can of condensed milk contains 1,200, so it is absolutely not suitable for those who are losing weight.

Low-calorie condensed milk recipe

However, if you really want, you can prepare an analogue of condensed milk, only from skim milk. This is a good alternative to this product. To create dietary condensed milk you need:

  • 150 grams of milk powder;
  • milk with minimal fat content (0.5-1%);
  • sugar substitute to taste;
  • corn starch - 1 tbsp.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and then simmered over low heat for 2 hours until the resulting mixture thickens. After cooling, pour it into another container and put it in the refrigerator. Naturally, this condensed milk will not be as tasty and definitely not as healthy as natural one, but it contains much fewer calories. It will help cope with the diet for those who really love sweets and cannot deny themselves it for a long time.

Application in cosmetology

It’s hard to imagine, but in fact, condensed milk is quite often used in cosmetology. For example, one famous London hairdresser very often uses condensed milk for his work. According to him, using condensed milk when coloring hair helps to avoid overdrying and serious damage.

Of course, dyeing hair using condensed milk requires a certain skill, but you can make masks from condensed milk even at home. For example, if you are suffering from dry and flaky skin, you can use the following recipe: take one tablespoon of berry or fruit juice and add 1 tablespoon of condensed milk. The resulting mass should be applied to those areas of the skin that especially suffer from dryness and flaking, leave for 15 minutes, and then rinse well.

You can even use condensed milk-based hair masks. To do this, you need to take one, grind it in a blender, add a little natural oil, preferably wheat germ oil, one teaspoon, a teaspoon and the same amount of condensed milk. This sweet, tasty mixture must be applied to your hair, wrap your head well and warm your hair, using a hairdryer. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes and then rinse off with warm water. Your hair will thank you.

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