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Death of Hitler. The Fuhrer's last secret. The truth about Hitler and the 3rd Reich. facts that are carefully hidden Hitler's death, staging of the play

Adolf Hitler, Jewish-German fascist
According to the passport - a Jew

According to news agencies and newspapers in February 2002, Adolf Hitler is a Jew according to his passport.
This passport, stamped in Vienna in 1941, was found among declassified British documents from World War II. The passport was kept in the archives of the special forces of British intelligence, which led espionage and sabotage operations in Nazi-occupied European countries. The passport was first made public on 8 February 2002 in London.

The spread of A. Hitler's passport.

On the cover of the passport is a stamp certifying that Hitler is a Jew.

The passport contains a photograph of Hitler, as well as his signature and a visa stamp allowing him to settle in Palestine.

Passport cover of A. Hitler.
Origin - Jewish

On the birth certificate of Alois Hitler (Adolf's father), his mother, Maria Schicklgruber, left his father's name blank, so he was considered illegitimate for a long time. Maria on this topic, she never spread with anyone. There is evidence that Alois was born to Mary from someone from the Rothschild house.

“Hitler is Jewish by mother. Goering, Goebbels - Jews. [“War under the laws of meanness”, I. “Orthodox Initiative”, 1999, p. 116.]

Adolf Hitler himself did not have a mandatory document confirming his purebred Aryanism, while he himself insisted on passing a law on this document.

In 2010, saliva samples from 39 relatives of Adolf Hitler were examined.
Tests show Hitler's DNA has a marker haplogroup E1b1b1. According to the scientific classification, its owners are carriers Hamito-Semitic languages, and in biblical jews, descendants of Ham, or rather - Berber nomads. Haplogroup E1b1b1 is determined by the Y-chromosome, that is, it shows paternal inheritance. The study was conducted by journalist Jean-Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeerem and published in the Belgian journal Knack (By Michael Sheridan. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had Jewish and African relatives, DNA test suggests. " DAILY NEWS". Tuesday, August 24th 2010.).

Connections - Zionist

For a written request Rothschild about the return of valuables confiscated from him by the Nazis, Hitler ordered the return of the gold, and instead of the seized carpets that Eva Braun liked, new carpets were bought with Reich's money.

After that, Rothschild moved to Switzerland. Hitler ordered Himmler to guard Rothschild.

Hitler kept the gold of the Nazi Party with Swiss bankers, among whom there were no Jews.

Adolf Hitler is a devout Christian.To attack the Soviet Union received support and approval Vatican.

"Fascist ideology was taken ready-made from Zionism." [“War under the laws of meanness”, I. “Orthodox Initiative”, 1999, p. 116.]

The purge of the Jewish nation is entrusted to Hitler

Hitler destroyed only those Jews whom the Jews themselves indicated to him: the poor and those who refused to serve the world kahal.While the Habers (Jewish aristocracy) quietly left for America and Israel.
In the concentration camps, the SS was assisted by the Jewish police, consisting of young Habers, and Jewish newspapers were published praising the Nazi regime.

PR-action "Holocaust" - entrusted to Hitler

Jews took full advantage of the fruits of the Second World War. Their main asset, their victory against the whole world, was the Holocaust project, which, according to the Jews, symbolizes and establishes the loss of 6 million Jewish lives by the Jewish people.
And, although this is a lie, Hitler's merit in the formation of such a large-scale "Flag" is undeniable.

For example, in Israel, a fascist state, a law has been passed that establishes punishment for ... doubts about the Holocaust.
Work on the resettlement of Jews in other countries - entrusted to Hitler


As we found out earlier, the persecution of Jews during the Second World War was carried out by agreement between German and Jewish Nazis / Zionists, who set as their goal the creation of the "State of Israel". At least “50 years of work” and the victims of two World Wars were thrown into the furnace of insane provocation.

How did Adolf Hitler die? Did he take poison, shoot himself, or did he die peacefully in his own bed? The answer to this question has been worrying many people for almost seventy years. And not in vain. The version of Hitler's successful escape from the Reich Chancellery has been exaggerated from the very moment of the capture of Berlin. It has been refuted more than once, but with enviable persistence it reappears...

Incomprehensible beginning

On April 30, 1945, a message arrived in Moscow about Hitler's death. Stalin's reaction was restrained: "Finished, scoundrel!" Then came the business question: "Where is the body?" In Berlin, the question was forwarded to the parliamentarian, German General Hans Kreb. He replied that Hitler's corpse was burned at the stake ... Apparently, Stalin did not believe the words of the German, and in early May a TASS message appeared in the newspapers: "Hitler's death is a new fascist trick ..."

By that time, groups to search for and capture Hitler had already been formed in all the armies storming Berlin. And on May 2, two dead doubles of Hitler were discovered by Soviet officers on the territory of the Reich Chancellery. One of them was found in an underground bomb shelter, the second - in a fire pool in the yard. Both were shot in the face.

The captured Vice-Admiral Hans Voss, who was brought in for identification, looked at one of the discovered "Fuhrer" and said: "This is Hitler, and no one else." And only when he noticed that the “Reich Chancellor” had darned socks on his feet, Voss began to doubt ...

On July 17, 1945, during a dinner in Potsdam, Stalin announced to Truman that Hitler had escaped. On that day, 78 days had passed since his "death".

charred remains

The next corpses of unknown men and women were discovered on May 4 in a crater from an air bomb in the garden of the Reich Chancellery. The burnt bodies could not be identified. Therefore, the remains were ordered to be buried. This find was not given any importance, because on that day the corpse of the second double was identified.

LIFE correspondent inspects the place where the "remains of Hitler" were buried.

But soon an SS man from Hitler's guard said that he personally observed the removal of the bodies of "Hitler and his wife" and their "burial" in the garden ... The remains were dug up again, and on May 8 a forensic medical examination took place in the hospital.

The conclusion read: “No characteristic signs were found on the body changed by fire ...” So by May 9, the detectives had no evidence that the charred body was the ruler of the Third Reich. Only the jaw of the "Hitler" was well preserved, but there was nothing to compare it with.

"Unexpected Luck"

The investigators went in search of the dental clinic of Professor Blaschke, who served Hitler. And then the officers began to get lucky. They found the professor's assistant, Fraulein Heuserman, and she described from memory all the "repair work" of the Fuhrer. Moreover, she told the Russian officers where to look for Adolf's medical history.

As if by magic, X-rays and even gold crowns were found in the bunker of the Reich Chancellery, which Blaschke never had time to put on Hitler's teeth. Soon, the scouts also found a dental technician who accurately described the prostheses he made for the Fuhrer and Eva Braun, and then identified them.

However, at the beginning of June 1945, for some reason, Stalin issued a strange order: all information about the “unknown man (presumably Hitler)” was declared a state secret.

New consequence

And yet, it was not possible to silence the story of the death of the Fuhrer. At the end of 1945, the British and Americans proposed that the Soviet government conduct a joint investigation. The Soviet side accepted the offer, but did not share information with anyone. Perhaps because the new investigation has given more questions than answers.

One of Hitler's doubles was his driver (in the photo he is to the left of (Hitler). The driver very often replaced Hitler at various events. According to one version, it was he who was "killed by Hitler" ...

It all started with the fact that the NKVD specialists again began to verify the results of the previous investigation, since most of the witnesses to Hitler's death were at hand - in Soviet prisons. According to the testimony of the prisoners, the picture of Hitler's suicide looked as follows.

On April 30, at 15.30, the Fuhrer closed himself in the office, and after a while the Fuhrer's valet Heinz Linge and Bormann entered the office and saw the Fuhrer and Eva Braun sitting on the sofa with no signs of life. On Hitler's left temple, Linge noticed the entrance hole of a bullet.

True, Linge confessed to his cellmate informer: “I don’t know if this is really a bullet wound - they could have drawn this red spot ...”


Then the SS men doused the corpses of Hitler and Eva Braun with gasoline and set them on fire.

Moreover, only Bormann and Linge saw the dead Hitler. The rest of the witnesses saw the Hitler couple already wrapped in gray blankets. The act of investigation also noted the presence of spots of "red-brown" color on the armrest of the sofa. The upholstery elements were sent to the Moscow forensic laboratory for blood type determination. Express analysis gave a stunning result: the substance under study is not blood!..

Well, the English doctor Hugh Thomas, having gained access to the State Archives of the USSR, subjected the examination of photographs of the jaws of the "alleged Hitler" and an x-ray of Hitler's oral cavity, which was stored in the US National Archives. As a result, a sensational conclusion: the bridge put into the mouth of the "Hitler" found in the funnel does not correspond to the curvature of his jaw! The bridge was clearly a part of the wrong person.

random victim

The corpse of Eva Braun also "gave surprises." According to a medical examination, the Eve found in the funnel had only 11 teeth of her own. Moreover, the teeth of the found woman were in poor condition - they turned yellow and contained many fillings and crowns. But Eva Braun touchingly cared about her appearance all her life. She had 24 of her teeth, of which only three were sealed.

Shortly before his death, Hitler and Eva Braun married

Most likely, the unknown woman, whose body they tried to pass off as the body of Eva Braun, was an accidental victim of shelling and picked her up somewhere on the adjacent street.


Needless to say, the Fuhrer had a chance to escape, and not bad. For the highest ranks of the SS at the turn of 1944 - 1945, a secret evacuation route "Rat Path" was created, which led through Austria to Rome, where one of the highest hierarchs of the Catholic Church provided the fugitives with false documents. From Rome, the Nazis went to Spain, Argentina, Ecuador ...

Passenger list approved on 20 April 1945 from Berlin to Barcelona. The first is Hitler, the name of Goebbels, his wife and children is crossed out

And starting in March 1945, ten submarine captains based in Hamburg were ordered to maintain a constant readiness for the evacuation of members of the Reich government ...

Calm old age

So over the years after the war, the aspen stake was never driven into Hitler's grave. Moreover, in the recently published book of the Argentine writer Abel Basti "Hitler in Argentina" it is said that the Fuhrer, together with Eva Braun, fled to Argentina, where he lived until 1964. The author of the sensational study relies on declassified FBI archives.

In particular, - the author comments, - in the book I publish a secret report dated August 1945, which refers to the possibility of the Fuhrer's arrival to the shores of Patagonia. Most likely, Hitler and seven other Nazi leaders landed from a German submarine off the coast of Caleta de los Loros, in the southern province of Rio Negro, in July-August 1945.

Hitler's submarine was accompanied by two more submarines, and all of them were flooded after the passengers disembarked, and this is a proven fact: three German submarines really rest at a depth of 30 meters at the site of Hitler's alleged landing. Unfortunately, we still have not been able to fully explore what is inside the submarines - this is too expensive an expedition.

Adolf Hitler died, according to the publicist, in 1964.

Photo of a man who died in 1964 in South America. According to a number of researchers, this was Adolf Hitler

In the book, I also published the story of a woman, Catalina Gamero, who served Hitler during his stay at the villa of the Eickhorns - these are well-known financial agents of Nazi Germany in South America. This woman is still alive, she is in her right mind and remembers such details that it is impossible to come up with ...

But what about the remains of Hitler stored in Moscow, you ask?

All these remains are pure farce, says Abel Basti. - There is no evidence of Hitler's death. The fact that Hitler managed to escape was unbearable for the USSR - so they created the myth of his suicide in the bunker ...

Declassified Archives

Be that as it may, the Russian secret services continue to claim that Hitler committed suicide in 1945. So, in April 2000, at the exhibition “The Collapse of the Third Reich”, organized by the Museum of the Russian Army and the FSB, truly sensational materials on this topic were presented. Judging by these documents, the remains of the dictator were "burnt completely" in 1970, and the ashes were scattered. It happened at the tank range of one of the parts of the Western Group of Forces.

According to a declassified criminal case, on June 3, 1945, the charred remains of Hitler and Eva Braun were taken to the Rathenow area, where they were buried.

For a quarter of a century, the USSR kept all this in absolute secrecy. And so, in 1970, the decision was made to "finish forever" the story of Hitler's death. This dramatic and dark epilogue to World War II was directed by Yuri Andropov, then head of the KGB. The operation was codenamed "Archive".

The task force of the KGB arrived in Magdeburg, at the location of the Soviet military camp. The remains of Hitler and Braun were brought there after being removed from the ground. Then they were burned and thrown into the Elbe ...

Adolf Hitler is without a doubt one of the most controversial and hated personalities in world history, and for good reason. His beliefs, opinions and ideals led humanity to a war that caused widespread death and destruction. However, he is an integral part of the (albeit negative) history of this planet, so we should better know what personality traits a person capable of such monstrous things as Hitler possessed. Let's hope that by looking into the past and studying the terrible person that was Hitler, we can prevent the rise to power of a man like him. So, we present to your attention twenty-five facts about Hitler that you might not know.

25. Hitler married Eva Braun and committed suicide the next day.

For many years, Hitler refused to marry Braun out of fear of how it would affect his image. However, he decided to do it when the Germans were promised defeat. Hitler and Brown were married in a civil ceremony. Their bodies were found the next day. Hitler shot himself, and Braun died from a cyanide capsule.

24 Hitler Had A Controversial Relationship With His Niece

When Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece, was studying medicine, she lived in Hitler's apartment in Munich. Later, Hitler became very possessive and domineering towards her. Hitler even forbade her from doing anything without his knowledge after he heard rumors about her relationship with his personal driver. On his return from a brief meeting in Nuremberg, Hitler found the body of his niece, who had apparently shot herself with his pistol.

23. Hitler and the Church

Hitler wanted the Vatican to recognize his authority, so in 1933 the Catholic Church and the German Reich signed an alliance under which the Reich was guaranteed the protection of the Church, but only if they remained committed to exclusively religious activities. This agreement, however, was broken and the Nazis continued their anti-Catholic activities.

22. Hitler's own version of the Nobel Prize

After the Nobel Prize was banned in Germany, Hitler developed his own version, the German National Prize for Art and Science. Ferdinand Porsche was one of the recipients for being the man who created the world's first hybrid car and the Volkswagen Beetle.

21. Hitler's collection of Jewish artifacts

Hitler originally conceived the idea of ​​creating a "Museum of an Extinct Race" in which he wanted to house his collection of Jewish artifacts.

20. Eiffel Tower elevator cables

When Paris fell to German control in 1940, the French cut off the Eiffel Tower elevator cables. This was done on purpose to force Hitler up the stairs to the top. However, Hitler decided not to climb the tower, so as not to overcome more than a thousand steps.

19. Hitler and the women's cosmetics industry

Initially, Hitler planned to simply shut down the cosmetics industry to free up funds in the war economy. However, in order not to disappoint Eva Braun, he decided to close it gradually.

18. American genocide of Native Americans

Hitler often praised the "effectiveness" of the American genocide of Native Americans.

17. Hitler and Art

Hitler had artistic inclinations. When he moved to Vienna in the 1900s, Hitler initially considered pursuing a career in art. He even applied to enter the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna (Vienna's Academy of Art), but was rejected because of his "unsuitability for painting."

16. Hitler's family environment

Hitler grew up in an authoritarian family environment. His father, who was an Austrian customs officer, was famous for his strictness and temper. It was also noted that Hitler adopted many of his father's personal qualities.

15 Why Hitler Was Disappointed By Germany's Surrender In World War I

While Hitler was recovering from a gas attack during the First World War, he learned of the armistice, which meant the end of the war. This announcement angered Hitler and gave rise to his belief that the Germans had been betrayed by their own leaders.

14 The General Who Refused to Commit Suicide

When it became apparent that the Germans were about to be defeated in the Battle of Stalingrad, Hitler expected the leader of his army to commit suicide. However, the general remarked, "I'm not going to kill myself because of that bohemian corporal" and surrendered in 1943.

13. Why he didn't like football

Hitler later developed a dislike for football because Germany's victory over other nations could not be guaranteed, no matter how hard they tried to manipulate or force the results.

12. Real full name of Hitler

Hitler's father changed his name in 1877. Otherwise, it would be difficult for people to pronounce Hitler's full name - Adolf Schicklgruber.

11. Honorary Aryans of Hitler

One of Hitler's close friends and personal drivers was found to be of Jewish origin. For this reason, key officials in Hitler's party recommended his expulsion from the SS. However, Hitler made an exception for him and even for his brothers, considering them "honorary Aryans".

10 Hitler's "Noble Jew"

Hitler had his own way of paying debts of gratitude. When he was still a child, his family could not afford the expensive services of a professional doctor. Fortunately, the Jewish-Austrian doctor never took money from him or his family for medical services. When Hitler came to power, the doctor enjoyed the "eternal gratitude" of the Nazi leader. He was released from a concentration camp. He was also given proper protection and received the title of "noble Jew".

9The Lawyer Who Cross-Examined Hitler

Early in his political career, Hitler was called as a witness. He was interrogated by a Jewish lawyer named Hans Litten, who cross-examined Hitler for three hours. During the reign of the Nazis, this Jewish lawyer was arrested. He was tortured for five years until he finally committed suicide.

8. Hitler as a Disney fan

Hitler loved Disney. He even described Snow White as one of the best films in the world at the time. In fact, sketches of the Timid Dwarf, Doc and Pinocchio, which were made by Hitler, were discovered.

7. Hitler's funeral

His body was buried four times before it was finally cremated and the ashes scattered to the wind.

6 Hitler's mustache shape

Initially, Hitler had a long mustache curled up. During World War I, he trimmed his mustache, reshaping it to his famous toothbrush style. According to him, the more magnificent mustache prevented him from properly fastening the gas mask.

5. Loan from Mercedes-Benz

While Hitler was imprisoned, he managed to write an application for a car loan to a local Mercedes-Benz dealer. Years later, this letter was found at a flea market.

4. What his mustache meant to Hitler

It is believed that Hitler wore a mustache because he thought it made his nose look smaller.

3. A souvenir from Hitler to a successful Olympian

Jesse Owens, a successful Olympian, was surprised to receive a gift from Hitler after his successful performance at the 1936 Olympics. President Roosevelt did not even send a telegram to Owens to congratulate him on such an achievement.

2. Hitler as a wounded infantryman

During World War I, Hitler was an infantryman who was wounded at the height of the war. Surprisingly, Hitler evoked mercy and sympathy from the British soldier.

1. Hugo Jaeger was Hitler's personal photographer

Throughout the turmoil, Yeager remained very loyal to Hitler. To avoid criminal liability for his association with Hitler, the photographer decided to hide his photographs of the Nazi leader. However, in 1955 he ended up selling these photographs to Life Magazine for a lot of money.

In 1933, Hitler led a completely destroyed, weakened and robbed Germany with 9 million unemployed. And in order to make the country strong, Hitler carried out a number of measures in a complex, which, according to the recognition of many modern Western analysts and economists, led to "Hitler's economic miracle."

Where did Hitler start? - from the reform of the legislative body, the German Duma, the Parliament - the Reichstag, in order to be able to quickly pass the laws necessary for the country to overcome the crisis.

On February 28, 1933, German President Hindenburg signed a law - the "Law for the Protection of the People and the Reich", which removed parliamentary immunity. After that, many communist deputies were arrested. After that, new elections to the Reichstag were held. Hitler needed partners in the legislature, co-creators, and not enemies and useless debaters.

By the way, Russian President Vladimir Putin followed the same path in 2002, when he decided to bring the country out of the crisis and strengthen the controllability of the processes in the country for this - by the methods of polit. technologies created a presidential majority in the Duma.

Since during this period Hitler was not yet that Hitler-fascist, but was a Hitler-reformer, a comparison of his reforms with today's reforms in Russia will be not only correct, but also interesting, entertaining and instructive. It should be noted that during 1991-2002. in Russia they hoped that the laws of the free market would work and an economic miracle would happen in Russia "by itself" - it did not happen .... After that, there was hope for a way out of the crisis not by some natural drift, but by a controlled conscious way. It was in this way that Hitler managed to achieve an economic miracle.

Then, in order to strengthen the manageability of the country, Hitler strengthened the vertical of power connecting the center with the regions - the position of viceroy of the chancellor was introduced in all lands (regions) for their strict control - better control, faster response to incidents, and it is easier to carry out reforms all over the country at once, otherwise there will be disharmony and red tape. V. Putin did the same - he divided the country into several large regions, introduced the position of his representative and the appointment of governors. These measures, plus control over the Duma, took Putin 5 years, Hitler - one year.

Further, Hitler was going to carry out radical reforms in society itself, but for this he needed a reliable and loyal army, so that in the event of political disagreements, the army could not act on his side, and not on the side of the enemy. A vivid example of this is when in 1991-1993. the Soviet army split up and began firing tanks at its own people's Duma.

To this end, Hitler had to resort to a PR campaign, a provocation, inflating the noise around the "Ryom putsch" to a large size. After that, Hitler carried out a purge in the army, and through personnel changes ensured the reliability of the army.

Further, Hitler understood that a big idea was needed to unite the nation - a national idea. And Hitler did not look for this idea for more than 14 years, as it was with Gorbachev, Yeltsin and Putin, because it was natural - "The battle against hunger and cold." To this end, Hitler called on even the propertied classes to organize a collection of money, to behave modestly in food and clothing, not to be luxurious - when the country and people are in such a difficult situation. A simple idea became national.

Hitler in this situation acted very radically - he closed the opposition parties, and in the first place the communist one, and reformed the trade unions, through which these parties influenced a huge number of workers.

And after his idea became audible to the German people - Hitler began to promote the cult of labor instead of the cult of speculation and the market - in the autumn of 1933, numerous posters depicted Hitler himself, raising a clod of earth with a shovel. Along with the company - "Battle against hunger and cold", the "Battle of Labor" was announced.

Hitler, like Roosevelt in the United States during the crisis, organized a wide front of public works in order to maximally load the unemployed with work and benefit the country from them. For the same purpose, instead of branch trade unions, Hitler created on May 4, 1933 a single state structure - the "German Labor Front" (DAF), for the operational transfer of labor brigades, which consisted of 25 million Germans.

The historian of history Alan Bullock notes that on this occasion, Hitler - "Price control was also maintained, with special attention paid to food prices: compared to the average prices for 1933-1934, they increased, but remained until the last war year , below the price level of 1928-1929".

And Hitler achieved this quickly and simply - he put the trade link between the village and the city under his control - he removed numerous private intermediaries. In 1933, the organization "Peasant Estate" was created, and in 1935, all population groups associated with food production were united in the "Imperial Corporation of Agricultural Producers", which made it possible to regulate and plan the agricultural market, and lower prices without detriment to agricultural producers .

Hitler successfully began to implement a plan to create a cheap people's car so that every German family would feel worthy; the organization of the production of a cheap car, the Volkswagen, began.

Despite the fact that Hitler really cared a lot about the workers, and did a lot for them - the law "On the regulation of national labor" equalized the worker and the employer, gave the worker the right to sue the employer, mass layoffs could only be with the sanction of an imperial authorized official . Hitler, in order to improve the efficiency of all enterprises, including private ones, introduced a ban on strikes by adopting the Labor Charter. It was also forbidden to conclude collective tariff agreements, it was forbidden to organize various workers' councils and committees of workers' deputies. After that, private business owners could work in peace, and were also pleased with Hitler.

Hitler, like Stalin, had to deal with the turnover of workers - and he introduced restrictions on the freedom to change jobs.

Hitler strove for the operational management of the country, so that he could, as a manager in a company, immediately make a decision, be able to flexibly and quickly respond to changing conditions. Even the Reichstag, reformed under his Parliament, did not suit him with its slowness and inefficiency. Hitler argued that parliament and democracy "exclude any individuality, establishing majority rule, which is typified by stupidity, lack of ability and cowardice."

To this end, Hitler achieved the adoption of a law according to which the chancellor (Hitler) could operatively manage the country, while issuing his necessary decrees and laws without coordinating them with parliament and even the president. In order to have executive discipline, and orders quickly reached the address and were executed, Hitler implemented the principle of personal responsibility: "one is appointed - the only person who is responsible for the decisions made."

And when, on August 1, 1934, the 84-year-old Hindenburg found himself in agony and unable to perform any functional duties, the government decided not to call new elections - but to combine the two posts into one: chancellor and president. Thus, there was a strengthening and concentration of supreme power in Germany with Hitler.

This is the number - Hitler's defender is in the black, and the critic is in the red. Ah yes, objective facts. We are not monsters, we are just objective. Well, of course.

I will not refute Hitler's "giftedness" in economic matters, it is clear that no one will believe me, everyone has instinctive hypnosis by a "strong" personality. I'll do it more gracefully and come in from the other end.

Have you ever thought that clever Hitler a priori nullified all his economic achievements by provoking the Second World War (which he was going to do since the loss in the First), as a result, destroying both Germany and its economy? Seriously, have you thought about this? Oh yeah, should we look at it separately? The fact of the matter is that no - Hitler cultivated economic potential and stimulated the birth rate in order to take revenge for the defeat. Dictators, in general, are always not averse to unleashing a conflict and seizing new territories, sooner or later almost any dictator begins to think about this, at least. However, in the case of Hitler, this was originally a fixed idea.

And therefore, all that Hitler did for Germany was the destruction of reputation, bringing a huge part of the territory under Soviet occupation for several decades and suffering from the horrors of war. This is what Hitler did directly for the Germans.

It is strange that this is not available to most. Although, I say this, of course, purely formally. I understand very well why. Foul, human admiration for "strength", that is, cruelty, falsely taken for dignity. That is why many considered it their duty to pretend to be fools and become a lawyer for this mediocre maniac. It's a sad thing, but there's not much you can do about it.

Awesome apology for Hitler! In Russian in Russia 2016! Against the backdrop of incessant "patriotic" chatter, sanctimonious exclamations "thank you to grandfather for the Victory" and cowardly calls "to Berlin," a clear, confident voice sounded glorifying Hitler. What else was to be expected after very state-minded minds proclaimed Stalin an effective manager. To fight evil - gays and liberals - you need a hero. Here he is, Herr Hitler. As long as his apprentices, demagogues and populists of all stripes, suddenly appear in a crowd, mature and assert themselves, here he is, ready. Forgive him, they say, gas chambers are a trifle for him: big things are seen from a distance. So we saw - a hero!

Allegations of an economic miracle created by Hitler are a myth. Dictators have never had and cannot have a sustainable economy.

By 1924, Germany had already overcome the economic crisis after the First World War and the damage to Versailles. Under pressure from the US, European countries moderated their greed, and Germany's reparation debts were restructured and the Ruhr returned. A period of prosperity begins on American loans, which is interrupted by the world crisis of 1929. It was a crisis that everyone faced and everyone was looking for solutions. There was unemployment everywhere, everywhere there was high inflation. Hitler followed the American path - he directed budget funds to finance large-scale public works. As in the United States, there were autobahns. Economics Minister and head of the Reichsbank Schacht, a Keynesian and liberal economist, pushed for more substantial reforms: he launched a large government bond program and also privatized much of what had been nationalized by the Weimar Republic. Nor can one discount the increasing proceeds from the confiscation of arrested Jews.

Unemployment fell, inflation fell. Unemployment would have decreased even more if not for the slave labor of concentration camp prisoners, the first of which was opened in March 1933 in Dachau. Then the labor of prisoners of war was added.

But the German economy was flawed: at the request of Hitler, all resources were increasingly directed to military purposes - first to prepare for war, and then to conduct it. Hitler did not understand anything else in the economy, like any other dictator. They are interested in the economy only to the extent that it is able to feed their adventurous actions. Military spending rose from 2 billion Reichsmarks in 1934-35. up to 16 billion in 1938-39. Schacht strongly objected, but lost and resigned. German economy in the mid and late 1930s. - this is an economy of food shortages, consumer goods .. Military spending sucked all the juice out of the economy. If not for the war, this model would have collapsed.

What did Hitler do for Germany? He destroyed her.

30 million of our fellow citizens were not killed by gays and liberals - they were killed by Hitler, who made his way from a populist and demagogue to a Nazi. There is no other way.

70 years after the Victory, new demagogues - Hitler's heirs - feed us with horror stories about migrants, flawed races and nations, from which borders and walls must be fenced off. All this will quickly turn into new concentration camps.


Usually, when they talk about the reasons for Adolf Hitler's coming to power, they recall his outstanding oratorical gift, charisma, political will and intuition, the difficult economic situation in Germany after the defeat in the First World War, the Germans' resentment for the shameful conditions of the Versailles Peace, but in reality this all are just secondary prerequisites that contributed to his coming to the top of the political Olympus.

Without regular serious funding for his movement, paying for a number of expensive events that made the German National Socialist Workers Party (in the German transcription NSDAP) popular, the Nazis would never have reached the heights of power, remaining common among dozens of such local movements. For those who have seriously researched and are researching the phenomenon of National Socialism and the Fuhrer, this is a fact.

The main sponsors of Hitler and his party were the financiers of Great Britain and the United States. From the very beginning, Hitler was a "project". The energetic Fuhrer was a tool for uniting Europe against the Soviet Union, other important tasks were also solved, for example, the ground tests of the "New World Order", which they planned to spread throughout the planet, passed. Sponsored by Hitler and the German financial and industrial circles associated with the global financial international. Among Hitler's sponsors was Fritz Thyssen (the eldest son of the industrialist August Thyssen), since 1923 he provided significant material support to the Nazis, in 1930 he publicly supported Hitler. In 1932, he was part of a group of financiers, industrialists and landowners who demanded that Reich President Paul von Hindenburg appoint Hitler Reich Chancellor. Thyssen was a supporter of the restoration of the estate state - in May 1933, with the support of Hitler, he established the Institute of Estates in Düsseldorf. Thyssen planned to bring the scientific base under the ideology of the estate state. Thyssen was a supporter of the war with the USSR, but he protested against the war with Western countries and opposed the persecution of Jews. As a result, a break in relations with Hitler followed. On September 2, 1939, Thyssen left with his wife, daughter and son-in-law for Switzerland. In 1940, in France, he wrote the book "I financed Hitler", after the occupation of the French state, he was arrested and ended up in a concentration camp, where he stayed until the end of the war.

Financial assistance to the Nazis was provided by the German industrialist and financial magnate Gustav Krupp. Among the bankers, Hjalmar Schacht, president of the Reichsbank and Adolf Hitler's confidant for relations with his political and financial sponsors in Western countries, collected money for Hitler for Hitler. This talented organizer since 1916 headed the private National Bank of Germany, then became its co-owner. From December 1923 - head of the Reichsbank (led until March 1930, and then in 1933-1939). He had close ties with the American corporation J.P. Morgan. It was he who, since 1933, carried out the economic mobilization of Germany, preparing it for war.

The reasons that forced the German financial and industrial elite to help Hitler and his party were very different. Some wanted to create a powerful strike force against the internal "communist threat" and the labor movement. They were also afraid of an external danger - the “Bolshevik threat”. Others played it safe in case Hitler came to power. Still others worked in the same group with the global financial international. And everyone benefited from military mobilization and war - orders poured in as if from a cornucopia.

After the defeat of the Third Reich in the war and until now, in the mass consciousness of people, Jewry is a victim of Nazism. Moreover, the tragedy of the Jews was turned into a kind of brand, cashing in on it, receiving financial and political dividends. Although much more Slavs died in this massacre - more than 30 million (including Poles, Serbs, etc.). In reality, Jews are different from Jews, some were destroyed, persecuted, while other Jews themselves financed Hitler. The "world community" prefers to remain silent about the contribution of influential Jews of that time to the formation of the Third Reich, the growth of Hitler's influence. And people who raise this issue are immediately accused of revisionism, fascism, anti-Semitism, and so on. Jews and Hitler is one of the most closed topics in the world media. Although it is no secret that the Fuhrer and the NSDAP were sponsored by such influential Jewish industrialists as Reinold Gesner and Fritz Mandel. Significant assistance to Hitler was provided by the famous banking dynasty of the Warburgs and personally by Max Warburg (director of the Hamburg bank M.M. Warburg & Co.).

Among other Jewish bankers who did not spare money for the NSDAP, it is necessary to single out the Berliners Oskar Wassermann (one of the leaders of Deutsche Bank) and Hans Privin. A number of researchers are sure that the Rothschilds participated in the financing of Nazism, they needed Hitler to implement the project of creating a Jewish state in Palestine. The persecution of Jews in Europe forced them to look for a new homeland, and the Zionists (supporters of the unification and revival of the Jewish people in their historical homeland) helped organize the creation of settlements in the Palestinian territories. In addition, the problem of the assimilation of Jews in Europe was solved, persecution forced them to remember their origin, unite, and Jewish self-consciousness was mobilized.

Interestingly, in fact, Hitler and his party were financed and paved the way for the Nazi seizure of power in Germany by the same forces that prepared the revolutions of 1905, 1917 in Russia, sponsored the Bolshevik, Socialist-Revolutionary, Menshevik parties, and carried out close work with all Russian revolutionary forces. This is the so-called "financial international", the owners of the banks of the United States, Britain, France and other Western countries, the American Federal Reserve System.

In addition, it should be noted that the top leadership of the Third Reich itself largely consisted of Jews or people with Jewish roots. These facts are set forth in the work of Dietrich Bronder “Before the advent of Hitler”, based on 288 sources (he was the general secretary of the unification of non-religious communities in Germany), Henek Kardel “Adolf Hitler - the founder of Israel” (during the war he was a lieutenant colonel and knight of the Iron Cross). A lot of facts about the Jews in the Third Reich can be found in the works of Willy Frischauer "Himmler", William Stevenson "The Brotherhood of Bormann", John Donovan "Eichmann", Charles Whiting "Canaris", etc. Adolf Hitler himself had Jewish roots, such famous Nazis , as Heydrich (after his father Süss), Frank, Rosenberg. Eichmann, one of the authors of the plan for the final solution of the Jewish question, was a Jew. The extermination of Poles and Jews on Polish territory was led by the Jew Hans Michael Frank, he was the Governor-General of Poland in 1939-1945. One of the most famous adventurers of the 20th century, Ignaz Trebitsch-Lincoln, an ardent supporter of Hitler and his ideas, was born into a family of Hungarian Jews.

Julius Streicher (Abram Goldberg) was the editor-in-chief of the anti-Semitic and anti-communist newspaper Sturmovik, an ideologue of racism and an ardent anti-Semite, a Jew. He was executed in 1946 by the Nuremberg Tribunal for anti-Semitism and calls for genocide. Reich Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels and his wife Magda Berend-Fridlander had Semitic roots. Semitic origin was Rudolf Hess, Minister of Labor Robert Ley. It is believed that the chief of the Abwehr Kanaris came from Greek Jews.

Before the war, up to half a million Jews lived in Germany, up to 300,000 of them left freely. Those who did not leave partly suffered, but the Jews of Poland and the USSR suffered the greatest damage, they were significantly assimilated and they were “put under the knife” as having lost their Jewish identity. Many Jews fought in the Wehrmacht, so only about 10 thousand people fell into Soviet captivity.

Personally, thanks to Hitler, a category of more than 150 "honorary Aryans" appeared, which included mainly large Jewish industrialists. They carried out the personal instructions of the leader to sponsor certain political events. The Nazis divided the Jews into the rich and everyone else, there were benefits for the rich.

Thus, we see that many interesting pages were cut out of the history of the Second World War and its prehistory through the efforts of the Western media, official historians, and politicians. Jews financed the creation of the Third Reich, Hitler personally, were in the leadership of Germany, participated in the "solution" of the Jewish question, the destruction of their fellow tribesmen, fought in the German armed forces. And after the collapse of the Reich, the German people were charged with all the blame for the genocide of the Jewish people and forced to pay an indemnity. Until now, Germany and the Germans are considered the main culprits in inciting the Second World War, although the organizers of this massacre remained unpunished.

The USSR and its political leadership like to be accused of anti-Semitism, but Saiko in the book "Crossroads on the Road to Israel" and Weinstock in the work "Zionism Against Israel" provide very interesting data. Of the Jews who were persecuted by the Nazis and found refuge abroad between 1935 and 1943, 75% took refuge in the totalitarian Soviet Union. England sheltered about 2% (67 thousand people), the United States - less than 7% (about 182 thousand people), 8.5% of refugees left for Palestine.

Adolf Hitler - Jew, grandson of Rothschild. http://

The main secret of the past World War II: the link - the Jews and the Nazi regime. Jewry is divided into several large groups that are very much at odds with each other. I recommend reading very interesting information that will add understanding to those who are interested in the real reasons for the events taking place ... This Jewish bastard killed the best Germans and Slavs.
See the continuation on Rutube.ru
"Hitler the founder of Israel"

The past and the future are intertwined with a strong thread, but few people think about it in the present.
Every action, every choice made leads to certain consequences, and it is these actions that predetermine the subsequent course of events in life.

But many people make the same mistakes over and over again, not realizing that the past, present and future are connected, and only you can determine what exactly this connection will be.

Love, hope, courage. Death, life, birth. Future, present, past.
All this existed before us and will exist after.
Everything is interconnected.

150 thousand soldiers and officers of the army, air force and navy could be repatriated to Israel, according to the Law of Return. This suggests that in almost every Jewish family in Germany in the 40s, someone fought on the side of the Nazis.

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