Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

The importance of morning exercises for schoolchildren. Morning exercises and its physical significance. Morning exercises - exercises

Why do you need morning exercises?
We all know the painful feeling of waking up in the morning. How sometimes it can be difficult to start a new day, to recover from a wonderful dream, a stormy evening or weekend. But you need to force yourself to achieve your goals and complete your tasks. How to gain energy for the whole day? Of course, you can cheer yourself up with strong coffee or energy drinks, but how long will your body last? There is a way out - morning physical exercises!

Morning exercises will not only invigorate the body in the morning, but will also invigorate the body for the whole day, increase the supply of oxygen to the body and thereby increase brain performance.

Benefits of morning exercises:
Morning exercise awakens, heals and strengthens the body.
Improves blood circulation, which helps activate all body systems.
Has an effect.
Disciplines a person.
Improves mood and increases performance.

Even our beloved pets - cats and dogs - do physical exercises with a certain set of exercises. At first, they stretch gracefully - stretching all their muscles, and then they begin to move slowly, stretching all the joints and muscles, but you can’t calm them down all day.

How to accustom your body to morning exercises:

  • To start doing morning exercises, you need to understand that you are doing this for yourself and to improve your health.
  • Try to follow the rules, then waking up in the morning will bring joy.
  • Say “No” to laziness! If we allow ourselves to reset the alarm clock several times in the morning, then we can set aside a few minutes for morning exercises.
  • Do exercises in a good mood.
  • To begin with, you can do the simplest exercises while lying in bed and gradually add regular exercises, some of which are described below.

Morning exercise rules:

  • You need to enjoy exercise, so you shouldn’t lift heavy weights in the morning or go for multi-kilometer runs.
  • You should not start exercising immediately after waking up; give your body 10-15 minutes to wake up.
  • Morning exercises should consist of 5-10 exercises, each of which must be repeated about 10 times. If you are just starting to get involved in morning exercises, then the number of exercises can be reduced.
  • Morning exercises should be done at a calm pace.
  • Clothes for charging should be comfortable.
  • It is best to do morning exercises in the fresh air or in a ventilated room.
  • Morning exercises should be done regularly! Only regular exercise will bring maximum benefit to the body.

Exercises for morning exercises:
A set of exercises for morning exercises should consist of a warm-up, which lasts 2-3 minutes, and basic morning exercises.
Warm-up may consist of regular stretching, smooth bends and turns of the head and torso, walking on toes, rotational movements of the arms, and so on.
Basic morning exercises can include exercises such as bending (both standing and sitting), gymnastic bridges, squats, all kinds of rotations (head, shoulders, knees, arms, elbows, feet) and so on. Choose the exercises you like, diversify your morning exercises.

One of the activities that has a beneficial effect on the health of the body is morning physical exercise. In addition to the specific effect that facilitates the process of transition from a state of rest to a state of active wakefulness, performing morning exercises increases the level of a person’s overall physical activity. For the majority of the urban population, morning exercises are often the only specially organized physical activity. Like most effects on the body, morning physical exercise is useful only if it is used competently, which takes into account the specifics of the body’s functioning after sleep, as well as the individual characteristics of a particular person. Morning physical exercise is necessary for every person to improve and maintain normal health. It is especially relevant for urban residents, as well as for those whose work involves staying in one position for a long time, the so-called “sedentary work.”

The value of morning physical exercise

Morning physical exercise is one of the most common forms of physical education. Exercise consists of a set of physical exercises of moderate intensity, covering the main skeletal muscles. Usually carried out after sleep, exercise tones the body, increasing basic vital processes (blood circulation, breathing, metabolism, etc.). Exercise mobilizes the attention of those involved, increases discipline (instills the hygienic skill of exercising). Charging ensures a gradual transition of the body from a resting state during sleep to its everyday working state. People who regularly exercise improve their sleep, appetite, general well-being, and increase their performance. Systematically carried out exercises are a good way to improve health. Exercise is useful for all people, from childhood to old age. Charging is especially necessary for people with insufficient motor activity in everyday activities (sedentary professions). Physical exercises - simple and accessible to people of varying physical fitness and varying health conditions - are selected according to a specific plan, taking into account age, gender, health status and the nature of work activity. In addition to gymnastic exercises, exercise may include moderate jogging or light cross-country running.

Morning physical exercise has a huge impact on human health, well-being and performance. Morning exercises strengthen a person physically, dramatically reduce colds and other diseases, and promote active work activity. A prerequisite for morning exercises is regular daily exercise. In the warm season, it is recommended to carry them out in the fresh air, and in winter - in a well-ventilated area. Who doesn’t know how difficult it is sometimes to get rid of morning drowsiness and lethargy after waking up. Morning exercises help to get into the usual rhythm, activate the work of organs and systems of the body, and restore efficiency. It is necessary to compensate for the lack of movements. When performing physical exercises, streams of impulses rush from sensitive nerve endings located in muscles, joints, skin to the brain, quickly increasing the excitability of the central nervous system and ensuring its readiness for active activity. In other words, changes that occurred during sleep under the influence of morning exercises are eliminated, muscle tone increases. The cardiovascular and respiratory systems switch to active operating mode.

Increasing efficiency and labor productivity is perhaps the most important goal of morning exercises, although, of course, not the only one. Its second purpose is to give a person good health and a cheerful mood. morning physical exercises performance

It has been proven that systematic physical exercise has a significant positive effect on mental functions and forms mental and emotional resistance to intense intellectual activity. The results of numerous studies on the study of the parameters of thinking, memory, stability of attention, the dynamics of mental performance in the process of productive activity in individuals adapted (trained) to systematic physical activity and in those not adapted to them (untrained) convincingly show the direct dependence of all these parameters of mental performance on the level both general and special physical fitness. The ability to perform mental activity is less susceptible to the influence of unfavorable factors if, in the process of its implementation, the means and methods of physical culture are purposefully used, for example, physical training breaks, active rest, etc.) Research results show that stability of attention, perception, memory , the ability to perform mental calculations of varying complexity, and some other aspects of thinking can be assessed by the level of preservation of these parameters under the influence of varying degrees of fatigue.

How to choose exercises for morning exercises, how to do them correctly and what benefits it will bring

To wake up, some people drink coffee in the morning, others drink natural juice. We also refresh ourselves with delicious food, take a contrast shower, listen to invigorating music, but very often we forget about the main thing: drink water immediately after waking up, give thanks for the new day, think about what we want from it.

There is one secret, using which every person can receive great benefits. Simple actions that give the body strength and energy for the whole day. We are talking about morning exercises. Many women are sure that housework can completely replace it. But it is not so. Let's find out why.

When performing any work, be it washing, ironing, cleaning, different muscles are involved, but the same ones all the time. It turns out that some muscles work all the time, while others are inactive, while morning exercises alternately load all muscle groups. Another very important thing is that when some muscles work, others recover faster.

The benefits of morning exercises

When a person gets out of bed, his body is in transition mode for some time - from inactivity to activity. Morning exercises help you make this switch faster and get ready for active work. Its beneficial effect on women's health cannot be overestimated.

  • helps you wake up faster;
  • improves overall well-being;
  • gives a charge of vivacity, helps fill your day with energy;
  • improves mood and performance;
  • improves health;
  • improves joint mobility;
  • activates all processes in the body;
  • helps maintain a good figure;
  • prolongs life.

The real meaning of the word “charging” is very simple - to charge the body, like a mobile phone.

One of the “clear evidence” of the importance of charging

Even in Ancient China, a 10-minute morning workout was equivalent to half an hour of daily physical activity. And now the Chinese start their day with exercise. A huge number of people gather in areas near their homes early in the morning and engage in various exercises. They know it brings health.

Morning exercises - exercises

You need to start with simple exercises. The first is stretching, a wide variety, and they can be performed without getting out of bed.

The ideal option for morning physical education is breathing exercises, for example, the Miller complex. Simple exercises take only 10 minutes and bring enormous benefits. To understand the principle itself and perform them correctly, find a video of these exercises on the Internet.

After this, walk barefoot on the floor, do not rush to put on slippers or socks. Movements should be springy, in the form of small steps. It is very useful to massage your hands and fingers. This activates blood circulation and the functioning of internal organs.

And then – bends, turns, squats, lunges, circular movements of the feet, running in place. Try not to overload your body, take deep breaths and exhales from time to time, and restore your strength. It is advisable to supplement morning exercises with cheerful, invigorating music.

A separate topic is abdominal exercises. They are required. This is very important for a woman. Strong abs will help maintain your posture, make childbirth easier, make pregnancy more enjoyable, and will also add self-confidence.

Choose 10 exercises for yourself - such that they involve all muscle groups and are performed in different positions: lying, sitting, standing.

Do exercises before breakfast, in comfortable clothes, in a ventilated room.

It's so simple - 10 minutes and you'll feel much better all day long. You just need to overcome laziness and feel all the benefits that morning training brings. No matter how you look at it, there are only advantages everywhere.

Don't look for reasons to justify your reluctance to do exercises. After all, now you understand that this is not a waste of time, but, on the contrary, a significant saving of time, a huge contribution to your health, and it’s also free. Medicines are more expensive, and going to the hospital also takes a lot of time.

Find your own incentive to make exercise an integral part of your morning routine, whether it's to improve your figure, improve your health, or gain peace of mind. The most important thing is to understand why you need it.

When you don’t have to force yourself, and this will come with time , when you feel the benefits that daily exercise brings, then every morning will be good, and the day will be more fruitful.

Good morning, healthy blog subscribers. Today I want to talk about the benefits of morning exercises. In this article I will tell you the question of why morning exercises are needed. We will talk about its importance for the health of the body. In addition, I will teach you how to do morning exercises correctly and give you important recommendations.

It is worth noting that today, despite the propaganda and fashion for , there are practically no specific programs for performing morning physical exercises. Moreover, in many forums dedicated to healthy lifestyle, morning exercises are assessed quite skeptically. In this article I will focus your attention on a set of physical exercises for both adults and children. We will look at some practical and theoretical aspects related to the classes. in the morning.

What is morning exercise?

Morning exercises include a simple set of general physical exercises, which is performed in the morning after waking up. Its goal is to increase vitality and prepare the body for upcoming physical activity. After all, in the morning it is important for our body to get involved in work activities as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Some people confuse morning exercises with gymnastics or warming up before morning sports training. The phrase “morning exercise” speaks for itself. Morning exercises are a charge (filling) of the body with energy after a period of rest. And as I already said, charging does not require any special exercises. It includes only general physical exercises.

As for morning exercises, this is a completely different concept, not related to morning exercises. Morning gymnastics, and gymnastics in general, includes performing a set of special gymnastic exercises for stretching and development. This complex is best performed in the fresh air before or after a morning jog or at some other time.

And in order to include the body in work activities, to properly and normally establish its functioning at the initial stage after awakening, it is necessary to perform a set of general physical exercises daily. That is, when you wake up, you should not go to the bathroom or to the kitchen to prepare , and do morning exercises. At the same time, perform it in such a way that it brings benefits and does not harm the cardiovascular system.

By the way, before you start performing a set of general physical exercises after waking up, I will give you some important recommendations that will help you improve your well-being after sleep. But more on that below. Now let's talk about the importance of morning physical exercise.

The importance of morning exercises for human health

It is worth stating the fact that many people underestimate the importance of doing morning physical exercises. Analysis of the research I conducted shows that performing a set of physical exercises after waking up is not the norm for most people. But it’s in vain that many neglect morning exercises. And now I will tell you why.

Morning exercise is beneficial in many ways. Few people know that it performs several important functions. Firstly, morning exercises help you wake up faster and get your body in the right order. When performing basic exercises, blood and lymph flow increases. This makes it possible to quickly come to your senses and get involved in work activities. Exercise increases tone, gives a feeling of lightness and removes lethargy after bed rest.

Secondly, morning exercises have a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs and systems, as well as on the body as a whole. The fact is that regular exercise after waking up primarily has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Daily morning exercise saves your heart 10 beats per minute. Just imagine how many beats per minute are saved per day, and how much per week, per month! If you do morning exercises every day, your heart will save millions of beats per minute per year. But a prerequisite for this: consistency. And only after a year or two you will be able to bring the cardiovascular system to a state in which the heart will work in an “economical” mode, which will prolong your life.

In general, daily morning exercises improve the body’s immune system and strengthen its resistance to.

And finally, morning exercises perform a preventive function. It is useful for the prevention of diseases associated with joints and spine. With the help of exercises performed after waking up, you develop correct posture, stretch muscle fibers, and normalize the respiratory and nervous systems.

Morning exercises afterwards make it possible to maintain the body in working condition, normalize health and gain vigor. In order for the exercises to be as effective as possible, you should begin charging in a calm state.

Nine facts related to morning exercise

  1. Doing morning exercises every day helps save 10 heart beats/minute.
  2. Morning exercise improves in the body, which generally has a beneficial effect on both general condition and weight loss. Regular exercise helps .
  3. More than 90% of people who exercise in the morning improve their results . They achieve better athletic results.
  4. By doing physical exercises, a person receives a boost of vivacity and energy.
  5. Some people have found that exercising in the morning helps them regulate their appetite throughout the day.
  6. Very important note! By doing exercises, we become more disciplined.
  7. Research has proven that physical activity stimulates .
  8. As a result of exercise, physiological processes in the body will work better, which will lead to an overall improvement in well-being.
  9. Just try doing exercises in the morning and you will see how great it is.

In general, if you do morning physical exercises every day, you will receive all the bonuses that I told you about above. But if in addition you listen to my recommendations below, the effect will be much greater. So, what do I advise you when organizing morning exercises?

  1. Do morning exercises in the morning hours. After sleep, a person is not ready for the stress that awaits him during the day. At night, the movement of blood in the vessels slows down, and the heart rate decreases. Such inhibition also affects the nervous system, reducing reaction speed and mental activity. That is why it is important to perform a set of simple general physical exercises after waking up. Personally, I recommend doing it this way. Once you have opened your eyes, do not suddenly get out of bed. But you don’t need to throw a blanket over yourself to hide from the sunlight.
  2. After awakening, you must immediately implement the correct psychological attitude. Don't think about the fact that you want to sleep. Mentally condition your brain that you need to take action, you need to complete tasks and achieve the goals that you have set for yourself. This will make it easier for you to get out of bed.
  3. I recommend starting exercise while you are still in bed. This will increase the overall effect . These exercises are not difficult. By the way, professional athletes also use this technique before preparing for competitions. After all, it is important to go to the start cheerful, active, filled with vital energy. So, remove the blanket from yourself so that it does not bother you. Lie on your back, place your arms along your body. Press your legs towards you one by one, bending them at the knee joints. First one leg, then the other. After this, you can bend both legs at the same time. I recommend doing the “bicycle” exercise. Then, stretch well. Stretch your body like a string.
  4. If after doing these simple exercises you still find it difficult to get up, then try the following. Sit on the edge of the bed with your feet flat on the floor. Tilt your head to the left, then to the right. Down, then up. You can also add circular movements with your head. Such exercises increase blood flow to the brain, which helps you wake up faster. Oxygen supplied by the blood activates the functioning of the brain.
  5. After you get out of bed, I recommend that you walk around the apartment a little. First open the window for ventilation, go to the restroom. And make your bed. Such “primary” elementary movements will well prepare the body for more significant loads. Now you can start doing your morning exercises.
  6. Again, exercise is best done with the window open. When it's warm, the window can be opened completely. If you have a spacious balcony, this will be a plus! When the temperature outside is low, it is better to open the window for ventilation.
  7. Physical exercises can be performed in underwear. But you can also wear a home track. I recommend doing exercises with a bare torso. In this case, due to exposure to fresh cool air, you will still be . Do not create a draft under any circumstances. And don't stand on the bare floor with bare feet. If you are barefoot, it is better to stand on the carpet. If you do not have a carpet, and the floor is covered with tiles or laminate, and is not insulated, then do your morning exercises in socks or slippers.
  8. Remember that morning exercises are a short procedure. It lasts 3-5 minutes. There is no point in exhausting yourself with any special exercises. The purpose of morning exercises is to activate the body’s work, and not to improve the body!
  9. If you are a regular at morning physical exercises, then it is not forbidden to increase its duration to 15-20 minutes by including special exercises in its list. For example, squats and. You can also perform a number of gymnastic exercises.
  10. The exercises are performed in a clear sequence, starting from the head and ending with the ankle.
  11. After finishing your morning exercises, you can start water procedures or go for a morning jog. Personally, after completing all the above manipulations (airing the bedroom, cleaning the bed, toilet, physical exercise), I go outside and 7-9 km at an easy pace or driving at . Only after the morning sports part do I carry out hygiene and hardening procedures. By the way, this daily routine delays the first meal (breakfast). It is very important. You can’t stuff yourself with food right after waking up. To digest food, the body does difficult work, expending a colossal amount of energy. The body must wake up before it can begin to digest food. You need to have breakfast no less than an hour and a half after waking up. Those who do not observe this time then feel tired.

Who is recommended to do morning exercises, and are there any medical restrictions?

The set of physical exercises that I have given in this article is ideal for both very young schoolchildren and older people, both men and women. There are absolutely no restrictions for doing morning exercises. On the contrary, you will gain many of the advantages outlined above. Every person on earth should do physical exercises in the morning!

Morning exercises are suitable for people of any age and level of physical fitness. The exercises included in the complexes of such exercises are very simple, useful and effective. They have no medical restrictions. On the contrary, the set of exercises I have outlined is recommended in health resorts and hospitals.

The only point that I would like to voice is that it is most pleasant to do morning exercises together with family members. With adults, of course, you can study the following set of physical exercises. But for the little ones, morning exercises may look like this (watch the video). By the way, the video has very pleasant music, and if you do exercises with your kids, you can turn on this video in the morning.

Morning exercises: a set of physical exercises

So, armed, remembering the saying: “How you start the day is how you spend it,” you decided to do physical exercises in the morning. So, I suggest you do the simple set of exercises I have given below every day after waking up. They should be completed in the same order in which they are presented.


  1. We improve blood flow and lymph flow to the head. We increase the supply of oxygen to the brain. We provide prevention of diseases of the cervical spine.
  • Tilt the head to the left, to the right, forward, backward.

Tilts are carried out in turns. First one way, then the other, then forward, then back. Do this exercise slowly, slowly. When tilting your head at the lowest point, hold it for a few more seconds. Number of repetitions 4.

  • Turns the head to the left and to the right.

Turns are made slowly. First one way, then the other. You can add a chin lift to this exercise: turning your head to the side, you seem to be trying to lift your chin up. Number of repetitions 4.

  • Circular movements of the head to the left, then to the right.

The exercise is also performed slowly with a maximum range of motion. Try to stretch the neck muscles and cervical vertebrae. Number of repetitions 4-6.

  1. We stretch the shoulder girdle. We do prevention .
  • Circular movements of the shoulder girdle forward and backward.

Feet shoulder width apart. We place our hands on our shoulders (left hand to the left shoulder, right hand to the right shoulder). Slowly, with maximum range of motion, we perform circular movements with our arms forward, then back. Number of repetitions 4-6.

  • Circular movements in the elbow joints to the inside, then to the outside.

Feet shoulder width apart. Hands are bent at the elbows in front of you. Rotate your elbow joints first to the inside, then to the outside. Number of repetitions 4-6.

  • Jerks with arms to the sides while turning the body to the left and right.

Feet shoulder width apart. Hands are bent at the elbows in front of you. Make jerks in the shoulder girdle for two counts, then, turning your body in the pelvic area to the side, straighten your arms and make jerks in this position for another two counts. Thus, in one direction the exercise will be performed in four counts. Performing the exercise in both directions will be considered one repetition. Number of repetitions 4-6.

  • Jerks your arms up and down.

Feet shoulder width apart. One arm is straight up, the other down. Posture is straight, chin raised. After making jerks with your arms for two counts, change their position the other way around and do more jerks for two counts. This will count as one repetition. When changing the position of your arms, they should not bend. Always stay straight. Number of repetitions 4-6.

  1. Knead the main part of the body. We prevent , straighten your posture. Improving heart function.
  • Tilts of the body to the left and to the right.

Feet shoulder width apart. One arm is extended upward. The other is on the belt. The back is straight, the head looks straight. We bend for two counts in the direction opposite to the outstretched arm. Then, changing hands, we bend in the other direction. Important: the outstretched arm should always remain straight and not bend. The fingers of the outstretched hand are also straightened. Number of repetitions 4-6.

  • Circular movements of the body to the left, then to the right.

Feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. We perform circular movements of the pelvis to the left, then to the right. The exercise is performed with maximum amplitude, slowly. We make good deflections. Number of repetitions 4-6.

  • Bend to the left leg, then to the right.

Feet slightly wider than shoulder width. The body is tilted at an angle of 90 degrees. Arms extended to the side. Touch your feet with your fingertips one at a time. The legs are straight (do not bend at the knees). Right hand to left leg. Left hand to right leg (cross to cross). If it is difficult to perform the exercise without bending your legs, then you can avoid touching your toes with your toes. However, reach out to them as much as possible. Feel how your back muscles stretch and your spine “crunches.” Do 4-5 bends for each leg.

  1. Stretch your lower body. Disease Prevention , prevention of ankle injuries.
  • Circular movements in the knee joints to the left, then to the right.

Feet together, slightly bent at the knees. Hands are placed on the top of the knees. Circular movements are performed by slightly squatting with a maximum range of motion. Do 4-6 repetitions on each side.

  • Circular movements of the ankle.

Feet shoulder width apart. Place one foot on your toes and begin to make circular movements in one direction, then the other. After that, change legs.

  • Squats.

Feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. When squatting, your heels do not come off the floor, your arms are straightened forward in front of you. After lifting, the hands are again placed on the belt. Do the exercise slowly, without jerking. Number of repetitions: 4-6. If you have venous-vascular diseases or diseases of the knee joints, it is better to skip this exercise. Take the stairs more often, do not use the elevator.

  • Walking around the house on the outside of the foot and on the inside of the foot. This exercise is a good prevention and treatment for flat feet.

The charge of energy that morning exercises gives the body allows you to quickly and effectively bring the body into working condition.

I also advise you to include the plank exercise, walking on your knees and elbows as part of your morning exercises. This will significantly strengthen your spine and joints. As they age, they will thank you very much and will not cause you discomfort.

As I already said, for more “advanced healthy lifestyle” practitioners, after completing the set of exercises I have outlined, you can include special flexibility exercises in your morning exercises.

Remember that if you exclude morning exercises from , then restoring the body and bringing it back to normal may take several hours. In other words, without physical exercise, you will experience lethargy, drowsiness and apathy throughout the first half of the working day.

Morning exercises are a basic, simple set of exercises. By breakfast you will not only feel energetic, but you will also be in a good mood.

Yes, and don't sleep too much. While you are sleeping, someone has already achieved their goal! And yours will remain in your dreams.

Morning hygienic exercises - exercises - is one of the most common forms of physical education. Exercise consists of a set of physical exercises of moderate intensity, covering the main skeletal muscles. Usually carried out after sleep, exercise tones the body, increasing basic vital processes (blood circulation, breathing, metabolism, etc.). Exercise mobilizes the attention of those involved, increases discipline (instills the hygienic skill of exercising). Charging ensures a gradual transition of the body from a resting state during sleep to its everyday working state.

People who regularly exercise improve their sleep, appetite, general well-being, and increase their performance. Systematically carried out exercises are a good way to improve health. Exercise is useful for all people, from childhood to old age. Charging is especially necessary for people with insufficient motor activity in everyday activities (sedentary professions).

Physical exercises - simple and accessible to people of varying physical fitness and varying health conditions - are selected according to a specific plan, taking into account age, gender, health status and the nature of work activity. In addition to gymnastic exercises, exercise may include moderate jogging or light cross-country running.

Charging should be carried out in a well-ventilated room, and if conditions permit, in the fresh air. The exercises should be performed in light clothing that does not restrict movement. After charging, water procedures are recommended - wet wiping, washing, showering, and in summer - swimming. When doing exercises, you need to monitor your well-being and proper breathing during the exercise. Elderly people, as well as people with any health problems, should consult a doctor before starting exercises and carry out exercises under his supervision. To regulate the load during exercise, self-control is important as an auxiliary means - monitoring the physical state (counting pulse, periodically weighing).

Different people have different abilities to adapt to environmental conditions, work, and rest. The level of health, and therefore those forms of physical activity that can be recommended as a means of healing, depend on the individual capabilities of the body’s adaptive systems. The dominant role here is played, of course, by the cardiovascular system. To assess the adaptive capabilities of your cardiovascular system, you can use a simple classification (Baevsky R. M., 1987). Below is a methodology for such an assessment, as well as several options for morning exercise complexes intended for people with different “adaptive potential” of the cardiovascular system.

In order to assess your adaptive potential, you need to know the following indicators: resting pulse and blood pressure, body weight and length, age. This data is substituted into the formula:

AP = 0.011(HR) + 0.14(SBP) + 0.008(DBP) + 0.009(MT) -

0.009(DT) + 0.14(V) - 0.27

where AP is the adaptive potential of the circulatory system in points (from 0 to 4);

HR - pulse rate (bpm);

SBP and DBP - systolic (upper) and diastolic (lower) blood pressure (mmHg);

DT - body length (cm);

BW - body weight (kg);

B - age (years).

The higher the value obtained, the weaker your adaptation capabilities.

To evaluate the result obtained, it must be compared with the data given in the table.

Morning exercise complex No. 1

1. Walking in place or moving with sweeping arm movements, squeezing and unclenching your fingers. Duration 1 minute.

2. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Left hand through the side up, right behind the back, bend and stretch, inhale; return to the starting position, exhale. Repeat, changing the position of your hands. The pace is average.

3. Standing, rise on your toes, raise your arms up through your sides, bend over - inhale; return to the starting position - exhale.

4. Standing, legs apart, left hand up right on the waist; springy tilt to the right; repeat the same in the other direction. Breathing is uniform, pace is average.

5. Standing, swing your left leg back, swing your arms forward, relax your hands - inhale; starting position - exhale; repeat the same with the right leg.

6. Standing, rise on your toes, arms to the sides - inhale; lunge with your right leg, bend forward, touch the floor with your hands - exhale; starting position - inhale; the same with the left leg. The pace is average.

7. Sitting on the floor, hands to shoulders. Three springy bends forward, holding your shins with your hands - exhale; straightens up, hands to shoulders - inhale. Gradually increase the inclines. Don't bend your legs. Raising your torso, straighten your shoulders. The pace is average.

8. Starting position - sitting at the back. Bend over, go into a resting position, lying behind, bend your right leg forward; repeat the same, bending your left leg. Pull your toes back. Breathing is voluntary.

9. Starting position - standing on your knees. Leaning your head forward and raising your right knee, arch your back; initial position; straighten your right leg back and bend; initial position. The same with the other leg.

10. Starting position - kneeling position. Arms forward, up, to the sides, bend over while turning your torso to the right - inhale; turning straight and sitting on your heels, bending forward, arms back - exhale; initial position. The same thing, making a turn in the other direction. The pace is slow.

11. Stand with your feet apart, arms forward, fingers intertwined. Turn the body to the left - inhale; starting position - exhale; bend back, hands behind your head - inhale; starting position - exhale. The same in the other direction. The pace is average.

12. Standing, hands on your belt. Jump alternately on the right and left leg. Breathing is voluntary. The pace is average.

13. Running in place or moving. Breathing is uniform. The pace is average. Duration 40 - 50 seconds. Change to walking with a high hip lift for 20 seconds or more.

14. Stand with your feet apart, hands on your belt, hands forward. Rising on your toes, elbows back, bend over - inhale; starting position - exhale.

Morning exercise complex No. 2

1. Walking with sweeping arm movements at an accelerating pace. Duration 1 minute.

2. Stand with your feet apart, fingers intertwined. Turning your palms outward, arms up, rise on your toes - inhale; separating the hands, arms through the sides down, return to the starting position - exhale.

3. Running (15 - 20 s) with slowing down and switching to walking.

4. Stand with your feet apart, hands on your belt. 1 - turn the body to the left, arms to the sides; 2 - 3 - springy tilt back; inhale; 4 - starting position; exhalation; 5 - 8 - the same with a turn to the right. The pace is average.

5. Lying on your back, arms to the sides. Raise your right leg, lower your leg to the right until it touches the floor; raise your leg; initial position. Do the same with your left foot, lowering it to the left. Breathing is uniform, pace is slow.

6. Starting position - kneel and then sit on your heels, leaning forward, palms on the floor. 1 - 3 - sliding your chest above the floor, first bending and then straightening your arms, move to the support position lying on your hips - inhale; 4 - bending your legs, quickly return to the starting position - exhale. The pace is slow.

7. Lying on your back, arms to the sides. Bend your legs and, holding the middle of the shin, press your knees to your chest, tilt your head to your knees - exhale; return to the starting position - inhale. The pace is slow.

8. Sitting legs apart, arms to the sides. Bend forward, touch the toe of your left foot with your right hand, touch your left foot back - exhale; starting position - inhale; repeat the same - to the right leg. The pace is average.

9. Starting position - standing on your knees. Unbending your left leg and lifting it back, bend your arms and touch your chest to the floor - inhale; when doing push-ups, return to the starting position - exhale; repeat the same, raising your right leg. Hands supported at shoulder width. The pace is average.

10. Starting position - crouching position. 1 - pushing the legs, lying down; 2 - lying position, legs apart; 3 - lying position, legs together; 4 - push of the legs, crouching emphasis. Breathing is voluntary. The pace is slow.

11. Starting position - crouching position. Straighten up. swing your left leg back, arms to the sides - inhale; emphasis crouching - exhale; the same swing of the right leg. The pace is average.

12. Running in place with transition to walking. Breathing is uniform, pace is average.

13. Standing, hands behind your back. 1 - jump legs apart; 2 - jump back to the starting position; 3 - 4 - jumping on two legs. Breathing is voluntary. Duration from 20 s.

14. Stand with legs apart. Hands up, bend over - inhale; springy bend forward, arms to the sides - exhale. The pace is average.

15. Walking in place, average pace, 30 - 40 seconds.

Morning exercise complex No. 3

1. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. Pull your elbows back as you inhale and relax as you exhale.

2. Standing, feet together, arms down. With your feet stepped to the side, raise your arms to your shoulders, then return to the starting position. The pace is average.

3. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, one arm up, the other down. Perform arm swings alternately.

4. Standing, arms down. While inhaling, raise your arms up through your sides and lower them as you exhale. The pace is average.

5. Walk in place, raising your knees high, gradually speeding up and slowing down.

6. Standing, legs apart, hands on the belt. Bend over (exhale), reaching your toes with your hands. The pace is average.

7. Stand with your feet together and your arms bent in front of your chest. Jerk movements with bent arms for two counts and straight arms for two counts. The pace is average.

8. Standing, feet together, arms down. Alternately raise your hands up - inhale, lower - exhale. The pace is slow.

9. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. 3 side bends of the body, return to the starting position. The pace is average.

10. Standing, feet hip-width apart, arms down. Perform springy half-squats with swinging arms forward and backward. The pace is average.

11. Calm walking with relaxation (shaking arms and legs alternately) for 15 - 20 seconds.

12. When walking, alternately raise your arms up - inhale, lower - exhale. The pace is slow.

Morning exercise complex No. 4

1. Starting position - sitting on a chair, legs bent, hands on knees. Move your hand to the side, inhaling, put your hand on your knees - exhale.

2. Starting position - the same. Bend your knees. 4-6 times with each leg.

3. Sitting, straighten your legs, lower your arms. Alternately move your arm and leg to the side as you inhale, and return to the starting position as you exhale.

4. Standing, feet hip-width apart, hands to shoulders. Rotation of the shoulder joints forward and backward.

5. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. Alternately move your hand to the side while turning your torso and, as you exhale, place your hand on your belt. The pace is slow.

6. Standing, feet hip-width apart, hands on the waist. Squat as you exhale, arms forward, while lifting, inhale. The pace is average.

7. Walking in place, raising your knees high, at an average pace, 15 - 30 seconds.

8. Standing, legs apart, arms down. Raise your hands to your shoulders while inhaling, lower as you exhale, and relax.

9. Standing, legs together, one arm up, the other down. Swinging movements of the arms with changing the position of the arms for 2 counts. The pace is average.

10. Standing, legs apart, hands on the belt. Rotate the torso at a slow pace 6 times in one direction and the other.

11. Sitting on a chair, straighten your legs, hands on your knees. Alternately bend and straighten your feet and hands at an average pace.

12. Raise your shoulders while inhaling, lower your shoulders as you exhale, relax.

Morning exercise complex No. 5

This complex includes exercises that develop mobility in the joints, trunk muscles, and respiratory muscles.

1. Sitting on a chair, legs bent at the knees, hands on the knees. Raise your shoulders - inhale, lower them - exhale, relax. Breathing is calm and shallow. Repeat 3 - 6 times.

2. Sitting on a chair, hands on your knees. Squeeze your hands while lifting your toes towards you. The pace is average, 8-10 times.

3. Starting position - the same. alternately withdraw the straightening arm and return to its original position. The pace is slow. 3-4 times with each hand.

4. Sitting on a chair, legs bent, hold the back of the chair with your hands from behind. straighten your legs one by one, your feet sliding along the floor. The pace is average, 4 times with each leg.

5. Sitting on a chair. Raise your straight arm up - inhale, lower - exhale. The pace is slow, 3 times with each hand.

6. Starting position - the same. Torso turns with arms raised. At a slow pace, 3 to 4 times in each direction.

7. Standing sideways to a chair, one hand on top of the back. Perform swing movements with the opposite arm and leg back and forth. Perform swings freely without tension. Repeat 4-6 times with each arm and leg.

8. Stand at a distance of outstretched arms from the chair and, leaning on the back, slowly squat - exhale, rise - inhale. 4 - 6 times.

9. Sitting on a chair, hands on your knees. Perform circular movements with your foot, touching your toe to the floor. 4-8 times with each leg.

10. Starting position is the same. Alternately raise your hands up - inhale, lower - exhale. 3-5 times with each hand.

11. Starting position is the same. Alternately bringing and spreading the heels and toes of the feet for 4 counts. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 8 - 12 times.

12. Sitting, straighten your legs, lower your arms. Lean back in your chair, close your eyes, relax - 5 - 10 seconds.


Popular Medical Encyclopedia, Ch. ed. Pokrovsky V.I., 1991

Utkin V.L., Bondin V.I., “Atlas of physical exercises for beauty and health”, M.: Physical culture and sport, 1990.

Mikulich P.V., Orlov L.P., “Gymnastics”, M.: Physical culture and sport, 1959.

Kutsenko G.I., “Book about a healthy lifestyle”, M.: Profizdat, 1987.

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