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Linear kitchen in country style. Country style kitchen design: a combination of rustic styles. Features of country style in different countries

Thanks to the home comfort and warm atmosphere, each room of this type turns into a work of art.

The expression of the best moments of the past is largely possible thanks to wall coverings. Country-style wallpapers are not only artificially aged materials.

Lots of patterns and effects- this is what the range of such products is famous for, and in each collection, manufacturers try to emphasize the kindest and sweetest features of the past.

There is no better option for maintaining a cozy atmosphere, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the features of the use of such materials in design.

The main features of style

The specifics of the country style can be understood by focusing on the name: translated from English, “country” means “rural”, so old furniture, accessories of the past and wallpapers reminiscent of childhood will fit perfectly into such a design.

Initially, this rustic style was used exclusively in country houses, but over time it began to appear in apartments. Today it remains as popular as many modern trends, although it requires a lot of effort in the process of decorating interiors.

The only style similar to the country direction is this. But in provincial designs, preference is given to more luxurious, light and refined details: furniture with carving or gilding is considered one of the constant attributes of Provence, while in country interiors it looks completely contradictory.

But the wall coverings of these areas are in many ways similar, so you can also look for a suitable design in collections designed for provincial rooms.

One of the specific features of country style is considered the possibility of using modern details without compromising the harmonious perception of the interior.

For example, upholstered furniture or bright textiles can complement the vintage features of such rooms.

The choice of finishing materials can also be varied.

In the process of finishing the country interior, you can use the following wallpaper options:

A country-style interior will be more cohesive and harmonious if you can combine wallpaper with other materials. In such a design wooden panels and beams can be used, which are suitable for dividing walls or the entire space.

Pay special attention to the shades used in this design. In most photos, country-style wallpapers are made in light, natural colors that do not create powerful accents in the interior.

It is believed that ensuring a harmonious design is possible with a combination of no more than three shades, but in country style this principle does not always work. For example, wallpaper with floral scenes, including a large number of natural shades, will look cozy and festive in the interior of any room.

Buying wallpaper for country interiors, do not forget about the importance of textile accessories in this style. Think in advance how curtains, tablecloths, upholstered furniture will look like. If you have already purchased fabric for decoration, choose wallpaper based on the available colors and patterns.

Textiles in the interior of the country can also be used for decoration. But you should not abuse this effect: just hang a small canvas on one of the free walls and decorate with themed accessories or a frame.

To better understand the intricacies of country-style interior design, let's find out which approaches to the design of individual rooms are considered the most advantageous. Do not forget that you will decorate the interior for yourself, therefore take into account the psychological influence of drawings and colors.

Coverings for the living room

Most often, signs of country style are present in this interior. As a rule, it is the living room that has the maximum space in the house, therefore it will be much easier to implement all design ideas here.

Moreover, the free space allows you to use even darker shades in the decor of the walls: your room will not look cramped and uncomfortable with small accents of more saturated colors.

Making a living room in a rustic country style is possible using both patterned and. The easiest way to decorate selection of wallpapers that do not contain drawings and patterns. In this case, the emphasis on style features will be created through thematic accessories, furniture and textiles. So walls should not merge with interior details.

As a palette for this design, you can use light and pastel colors: beige, blue, yellow and others.

Rustic kitchen wallpaper

There is nothing cozier than a country-themed kitchen. This interior is always personified home comfort, simplicity, family cohesion, friendly and pleasant atmosphere. You can emphasize such effects by choosing wallpaper in spring shades.

Light wallpaper can be pasted on all the walls in the room. Today, the possibility of moisture or grease getting on the surface of the wallpaper is no longer considered a problem, since many varieties of wallpaper for walls have increased resistance to external influences.

Wall decoration of such a kitchen is possible using white, green, blue, yellow, beige colors. The floral theme is especially pleasant in this type of interior. Complete the style with fresh flowers in bright colors- and you get a holistic design.

If you are worried about the preservation of light shades on the walls, you can choose darkened country-style wallpaper options.

Subdued tones on the walls require sufficient lighting and free space. , olive, terracotta, lavender and even pale shades in certain areas of the country kitchen will form accents and protect the walls from dirt.

Advice: to create an environment close to a rustic natural theme, look. On a free wall next to the dining table, they will look most harmonious.

Wallpaper of any of the above options can be combined with tiles, so many people prefer to design a kitchen apron with these materials.

Not bad in the interior of a rustic kitchen look wallpaper, stylized wood or stone. Furniture and other decorative elements can be matched to such walls.

In a rustic style, you can decorate other rooms of your house.

For a study, wallpaper in a cage or a strip of unobtrusive shades is suitable.

In the hallway, small accents of wallpaper on a floral theme or light plain materials as a background would be appropriate.

And in the children's room, you can stick any country wallpaper in light colors: they will provide a relaxing effect and will not interfere with your child's peaceful rest.

The decoration possibilities we have indicated are far from all the features of the country style. Each of you will be able to emphasize in such an interior something of your own, dear to your heart and caused by pleasant memories.

In addition, this style manifests itself in different countries in its own way, which means that you can get no less interesting ideas, focusing on the historical features of other nationalities.

The province of Provence, which is located in the southeast of France, is associated by many with natural beauty, a measured lifestyle and an inspiring beginning. Still, the lavender Provencal valleys have been captured for centuries by the brush of Van Gogh and Cezanne. But Provence is now written not only with a capital letter, and in this case, Provence is an interior style that is very fashionable today.

Before choosing wallpaper, see if the Provencal aesthetic really reigns in your home or, if you have just begun to transform the house, in which direction you are moving.

Provencal style is:

  • Background bed tones;
  • Gravity to the floral print;
  • Many decorative knick-knacks made of porcelain and textiles;
  • Light curtains;
  • Abundance of sunlight;
  • Simple in design, but very decorated furniture.

Provence style is sometimes confused with country style. And, of course, you can confuse - these styles are consonant, because they have one beginning - the worship of a calm, measured, rural lifestyle. Considering that the lifestyle of the western village is the standard, it is assumed that the house is not the smallest, and the family can afford such an abundance of decor and stylistic unity.

Interior in Provence style: a master class on decoration (video)

Provence wallpaper for the living room: transforming the interior

The living room should always be decorated, relatively speaking, a little more elegant. At the same time, no pomposity, dynamism, feeling of the throne room. On the contrary, the living room also emphasizes the measured lifestyle of the owners, but at the same time it should be conducive to receiving guests, gathering a large number of people in one space.

Since the living room is usually the focus of furniture and other elements such as a fireplace, wallpaper should only set off this union.

For the living room you need such wallpaper in the style of Provence:

  • Solid embossed;
  • Preferred colors - olive, beige, white, lavender;
  • Monotonous walls will not look boring, because, as a rule, more than one picture is hung on the wall in a Provencal living room, bright rugs, cozy textiles, a lot of sofa cushions, and beautiful vases with fresh flowers are indispensable.

It is better not to take paper wallpapers for the living room, the degree of their wear is higher, and in the most “running” room there should be stronger wallpapers. If you still want wallpaper with a plot pattern for the living room, it should be faded enough so as not to cross the line with that unacceptable variegation of the interior.

Provence wallpaper in the interior of the living room (video)

Wallpaper in country style and Provence for the bedroom

The purpose of the bedroom is relaxation. This means that the atmosphere of the room creates peace and tranquility. This does not mean that monotonous wallpapers will also migrate to the bedroom, on the contrary, floral wallpapers are more appropriate for the walls here. But all sorts of floral wallpapers, in principle, can belong to the Provence style.

Wallpaper in the style of Provence with a floral print:

  • This is a bit of a retro style, you can’t take wallpaper in a large flower, with fantasy flowers, with geometric flowers;
  • A small flower, albeit very frequent, against a background that emphasizes the depth of natural color - this is what you need.

The background for such a floral pattern is a color that, ideally, is one of the color associations of Provence. Lavender fields mean lilac, the greens of the Provencal valleys mean mint, olive, etc.

Wallpaper in the bedroom: country and Provence (video)

What kind of wallpaper for Provence style can I choose for the kitchen

In principle, if you really follow the Provencal style, then the kitchen does not have to be wallpapered at all, painting will be enough.

But painting is less common in our interiors, so by choosing the right wallpaper, you will fall into the aesthetics of the style.

The kitchen needs the following wallpaper in Provence style:

  • Browse collections that feature a gastronomic print- cups and saucers, spoons, teapots, steaming pastries, etc. Such a plot drawing, if it is not very large, will be in harmony with the style.
  • For a romantic kitchen, wallpapers with birds are also suitable., just emphasize this theme of birds with some kind of allied element in the kitchen - for example, a picture of a bird or cups with a "bird" pattern;
  • For a room where food is prepared and eaten, wallpaper in warm colors more relevant.

If you are a fan of white furniture in the kitchen, openwork curtains, cozy textiles here, you can take “cold” wallpapers with a barely noticeable bluish pattern. They will get rid of the effect of a white kitchen a la the operating room, but add a soft rustic elegance to the kitchen.

Wallpaper for the kitchen (video)

Provence wallpaper for other rooms

In the hallway, the choice of wallpaper is also simple - the less furniture, the brighter the wallpaper, and vice versa.

Since the entrance hall is the first thing a guest sees when entering the house, you should immediately set the mood of the whole house in it.

Children's wallpapers, wallpapers for a children's room exploit, basically, all the same floral pattern. And if you think that there are so many of them in other rooms, you can also turn to the plot drawing, a little with a touch of retro. For example, a boy and a girl from the beginning of the last century on a retro bike. Or a girl with a bird cage, etc.

Wallpaper in the style of Provence for the interior (video)

Provence is a style that preserves traditions, a style that preserves a person in the aesthetics of unity with nature, far from the principles of urban moods. This is nostalgia for my grandmother's childhood, for the times when we read books and had tea in the living room, and did not sit in gadgets. Perhaps this is what you need.

Successful repair!

Provence style wallpaper design (photo)

Diverse and international. It combines traditional ideas about the village life of residents from different parts of the Earth. Through the efforts of designers, your kitchen can be transformed into a Texas ranch, alpine chalet or a Russian hut. However, such a variety of plots is built on the same principles.

Country-style kitchen: signs of style

When building the interior of a country kitchen, designers take as a basis the naturalness of materials, the simplicity of artistic solutions and the original features of a particular topic. Properly introducing accents and using shapes and colors characteristic of the style, they get an interior filled with warmth, coziness and comfort.

Obviously, for a close acquaintance with the style, a detailed analysis of all the components is necessary. Furniture, textiles, household appliances, accessories and decor require a serious creative and rational approach. Having made an organic pattern out of them, we will get a real country music.

Interior details

In shaping the design of a country kitchen, one should remember about materials that are forbidden for style, which can bring dissonance into the overall image. You can not use plastic, bright linoleum, chrome-plated metal, ceramic tiles with contemporary prints. Everything that looks ultra-modern is contraindicated for country music. What do designers offer?


For a "rustic" atmosphere, natural or artificial stone, matte ceramic tiles in soothing colors can be an ideal option for floors. AT kitchen-living room country-style pave the floor parquet board or a tree. This choice allows you to maintain the comfort of the living space and is perfect for the chosen style.

In the decoration of the walls, materials are used that are consonant in mood with the rural way of life. If the wallpaper, then in a small flower and pastel shades. The pattern in a cage also looks advantageous, especially for the interior of a chalet and English cuisine.

Important! Wallpaper for the kitchen must be resistant to moisture and well tolerate cleaning with soapy water.

Having conceived white kitchen country, there is a reason in the decoration of walls with embossed plaster. It does not contradict the signs of style and fits perfectly into the rural atmosphere. Shown for country and stone and wood. Often you can find a combination of two materials. An apron made of natural or artificial stone and wooden lining on the walls give the room a unique flavor.

In most of the country kitchen design, the ceiling remains white, but for the expressiveness of the interior, it is equipped with wooden beams. This technique reinforces associations with an unpretentious rural setting.

If you're thinking of a country kitchen a la Texas ranch, opt for wood trim or paint in warm shades of yellow or beige for the ceiling.

Metal may be present in country music in the form forged table legs and chairs, some decorative elements.


The main load on textiles falls on the windows. For curtains in the kitchen country choose fabrics such as linen, cotton, textiles. In the interior under the ranch, windows can be decorated with wooden blinds.

The color scheme of textiles should be in tune with the walls or furniture. All the same polka dots, a small flower and a cage. It is allowed to decorate curtains with frills and ruffles, cord garters. In support of the main textiles, it is useful to add decorative napkins, potholders, towels containing the same pattern motifs as in the curtains to the interior.

Do not forget about the shape of the windows. Modern plastic windows you can close it with curtains, or you can pick up models made in a rustic style.


Designers say that furniture in the country kitchen is so colorful and tasty that it is easy and pleasant to work with it. It breathes with antiquity, originality and an indescribable feeling of peaceful rustic simplicity. There is no pretentious decor, bizarre lines and pompous solemnity in it. Everything is quiet, calm, comfortable and soft.

Grandmother's chests, wicker baskets, modest or massive sideboards and benches live in country style, replacing plastic, metal and glass. Country kitchen furniture is made of wood or its imitation. And this is the main material for her. It is important that the furniture looks solid, solid, strong. Cabinets and cabinets can be painted in pastel colors or retain a unique wood pattern.

The exception is country kitchen provence, which, like everything French, looks airy and a little reckless. She likes light shades, lots of white and decoupage in decor. Touching pictures from the life of the French village decorate the furniture facades, giving them tenderness and playfulness.

Forming small kitchen country, do not overload it with furniture. Leave massiveness and roughness to the lower cabinets. In the top row, use open shelves, wicker facades, whatnots.

The soft and peaceful rural country style creates an unusually comfortable and welcoming atmosphere in the room. A country-style kitchen looks like a small oasis of warmth and comfort against the backdrop of faceless and boring gray everyday life.

The main features of country style

Country, created back in the 19th century as a nostalgia for village life, is still very popular. First appeared in America, today it has many varieties. But any of its trends - Swedish chalets, French Provence, English, Italian (Mediterranean), German, Japanese or Russian country have one thing in common - a complete lack of pretentiousness.

Country style kitchen

However, it is difficult to call it too simple. Today's country is a combination of practicality and romanticism, convenience and sophistication.

Its second feature is high functionality. In a country-style kitchen, there are a lot of things the hostess needs, but there is no feeling of clutter - each of the items in such a kitchen works and performs its own function.

Finishing materials and colors

Cutting-edge technologies are not suitable for this style, so there should be no plastic, linoleum and shiny metal surfaces. Only natural wood or painted wooden surfaces, stone or its high-quality imitation, linen, cotton or wool and a minimum of metal and mirrors.

The decoration uses mainly a natural palette: olive, lavender, sand and other not too catchy colors are taken as the basis. Defiantly bright and unnatural combinations of them are unacceptable - the colors can be quite saturated, but slightly muted. When choosing lighting, preference should be given to soft diffused light - this style does not like excessive brightness either.

The flooring here is wooden or made of stone. Alternatively, you can lay out ceramic tiles imitating stone on the floor. The walls in the country-style kitchen are painted or pasted over with beige, pale blue, light green, yellowish, terracotta or brown wallpaper. That is, preference is given only to warm shades. Plaster or plain whitewashing is often combined with brickwork here. Wallpaper with a floral ornament or a cage is also appropriate here.

Wallpaper in the kitchen with a small floral print

Textiles in the country pay especially close attention. The kitchen is decorated with embroidered tablecloths with elements of national decor or floral ornaments, light curtains with small floral patterns, lace napkins and other handmade accessories. To decorate curtains and furniture elements, it is permissible to use ruffles and simple draperies. The atmosphere of the “good old house” can also be recreated with the help of hand-knitted capes for chairs, stools or armchairs.

Country style furniture

Furniture made of natural unpolished or painted wood - a kitchen set, tables and chairs - is used here is simple, with a minimum of decor. The main criteria here are convenience and practicality. In a large room, a fireplace or its high-quality imitation will look perfect. It is advisable to select furniture fittings from artificially aged brass. Stools or chairs can be replaced with benches or cozy upholstered wooden sofas - with high-quality workmanship, they will look quite natural. Long, sturdy shelves and wicker furniture are welcome.

Country is simplicity, convenience and comfort

Advice. A slow cooker, a modern electric kettle and a toaster are best hidden in cabinets. The shiny sides of the refrigerator can be decorated with wooden panels.

For the kitchen in English country is more acceptable massive pieces of furniture and wood of dark shades with a well-visible texture.

For American variations of this style are characterized by lighter shades of wood and roughly processed details. Here it differs, perhaps, even in excessive simplicity. French Provence is softer, and furniture painted in light colors is more in line with it. Due to the pastel shades, it looks unusually light, almost weightless. The soft and smooth details of the Provence interior create a special atmosphere of sophistication.

Furniture painted in light pastel colors

mediterranean style is brighter. Deutsch country music is almost as heavy as English, plus it has a greater number of forged objects and clay products. The hostesses of this country are proud of their utensils, so in almost any kitchen you can find an abundance of open shelves with dishes displayed on them. You can also find bright accents here.

mediterranean italian cuisine

Scandinavian country tends to be more minimalist. The color palette here, just like in French, is mostly pastel, but cold shades. From the decor - only national woodcarving, a small amount of kitchen utensils and light curtains.

scandinavian country

German country music - an example of order and accuracy

Slavic rural country is distinguished by simple unpainted pieces of furniture, an abundance of carved wooden utensils and tiles. This kitchen is rich in embroidery and patterned painting.

Country style kitchen accessories

To create a cozy rustic atmosphere, you can use any items of rural life. It can be both earthenware or ceramic dishes, copper trays, teapots, antique clocks, kerosene lamps, as well as wicker baskets, embroidered, knitted accessories or handicrafts made from wicker or straw.

You can decorate shelves or walls with bunches of herbs, bunches of onions, garlic, small bouquets of forest flowers. Small trinkets are also welcome, which will make the kitchen especially cozy. The most important thing is not to overload the room and not create chaos from things in it. For decor, choose only the most original or your favorite items. Let your kitchen become a real island of coziness and comfort for you.

Provence decor

Advice. If you want to add variety to the decor, you can choose not only classic country music for decorating the kitchen, but also use it in combination with other areas.

What could be more harmonious and natural for the atmosphere of a hearth than the warm notes of a cozy country in the traditions of the good old village? Country style and its French variety of Provence embody measuredness, calmness and simplicity.

Rustic wallpaper collections

The main component of the original provincial style are genre wallpapers. If you want to bring the atmosphere of the southern corner of France or the old-fashioned rustic charm into the interior, the first thing to do is to transform the walls.

The "Wallpaper Salon" presents a rich collection of wallpapers in country and Provence style by American brands Wallquest and Aura in a variety of colors and prints:

  • plain canvases of warm or airy pastel colors;
  • coatings with an aged or sun-bleached effect;
  • traditional polka dots, stripes or checks;
  • delicate floral motifs.

Sincere Provence does not tolerate rough texture, the best materials for wall decoration are paper, non-woven or vinyl coatings. Warm and homely - they will find application in the design of the bedroom, atmospheric living room, cozy kitchen or hallway. .

Wallpaper in the style of country / Provence - the best conditions for buying

In the Salon's catalog, you can easily select Provence-style wallpapers using a convenient search system by materials, palette, and price category. It is easy to find and buy original coatings at the best prices, you just need to leave a request for an order. Our advantages are the variability of payment, a gallery of promotions and discounts, the possibility of "trying on" materials at home, delivery throughout the Russian Federation.

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