Encyclopedia of fire safety

Meat in chips recipe in the oven. Meat chips: production technology. To complete the recipe, you will need


Beef chips homemade is an incredibly tasty and convenient snack. Freshly made homemade chips will perfectly complement a large feast, a light, modest dinner or a fishing trip. It takes a lot of time to cook beef, as it must languish until all the moisture is gone. The beef chips should equally dry out and take on a dark brown color.

Fresh beef flesh is cut with a sharp knife into thin, long layers across the fibers. According to the recipe, meat chips are marinated in a mixture of peppers and sauces, while exuding appetizing smells. Then the strips of future chips are dried at a low temperature in the oven, so that the beneficial properties of the beef remain. This will especially please those who avoid fatty foods and monitor the calorie content of foods. Roasting will take a certain time, during which ordinary meat will turn into an amazingly tasty and nutritious dish. From time to time, the oven will have to be ventilated to evaporate the condensation, and also occasionally turn the beef chips. Such an appetizer is stored, of course, not as long as a store-bought one, but with one hundred percent probability it will suit even children.

The recipe for making beef chips is simple, albeit lengthy. But such trifles as 4 hours of waiting will not force a true meat-eater to retreat. Armed with patience and a detailed step-by-step recipe with a photo, you can begin the process of cooking the future treat.


  • (1 kg)

  • (1 tablespoon)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (ground, 1/4 tsp)

  • (1 tablespoon)

  • (2 tsp)

  • (2/3 st.)

  • (2/3 st.)

Cooking steps

    Put all the necessary ingredients on the desktop. Cut the meat into thin strips. The thinner the layers of beef, the more transparent and tender they will turn out at the exit.

    Mix all pepper mixtures in a suitable container with onion and garlic powders.

    In a separate bowl, combine soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce.

    Add the pepper mixture and honey to the sauces.

    Mix until smooth with a whisk.

    Dip a piece of meat into the prepared marinade and set aside.

    Repeat the soaking process with all meat strips.

    Beef soaked in marinade should be covered with cling film and allowed to brew in the refrigerator for about 4 hours.

    After the specified time, remove the chips and put them on a paper napkin.

    In the process of drying marinated meat, napkins should be changed at least twice. This is done to eliminate unwanted moisture.

    Dried beef can be sent to the oven. To do this, the meat must be spread over the entire grate and simmer at a temperature of 80-90C for 3-4 hours. At the same time, do not forget to ventilate the oven and turn the chips over if necessary..

    By the end of cooking, the meat chips will be completely dry and dark golden in color.

    Cut the already prepared and cooled layers into strips or squares and put them on a flat dish.

    Homemade beef chips are ready. You can serve with or without sauces. Greens and spices are also optional.

    Enjoy your meal!

How to cook meat chips at home without harmful flavors and a lot of salt? Such a product can be a healthy and less calorie alternative to store-bought snacks, even if consumed daily. Cooking dried meat is quite simple. It does not require specialized equipment and skills.

How to make meat chips at home from pork

Pork meat is one of the most delicious and popular foods among gourmets. It is also possible to get the most delicious snacks for beer at home from it. It is best to use carbonate for these purposes, since it has sufficient fat content, but it is not difficult to dry it.

Main ingredients for snacks:

  • meat (slightly frozen) - 800 grams;
  • any soy sauce chosen according to your preference - 50 milliliters;
  • table salt - optional;
  • seasonings (red pepper, paprika, coriander) - a teaspoon.

The cooking process will look like this:

  1. Remove all veins and excess inclusions of fat from the carbonate. Cut the product across the fibers into thin plates.
  2. Prepare marinade. To do this, you need to mix the sauce with all the ingredients (except pork) and leave it like this for a third of an hour.
  3. Put slices of pulp into the prepared sauce and leave for six to eight hours.
  4. Arrange the pieces in one row on a wire rack and dry for six hours at a temperature of 50 degrees. It is important that the slices are located far from each other.
  5. Serve ready snacks chilled.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make meat chips are presented above. It is allowed to use other spices and seasonings to taste in the recipe. The amount of salt can also be adjusted independently.

How to make meat chips for beer at home

Cooking dry snacks does not require special skills and training. Instead of a dryer, it is acceptable to use an oven at the lowest temperatures, but this method can significantly change the taste of the slices. The total drying time should be about six hours. However, meat can be consumed already four hours after being sent to the dryer. Such pieces will be softer, but it will not be possible to store them for a long time.

Snacks are allowed to be consumed with beer or other drinks, as well as an independent dish. They can be served with tomato, mayonnaise or sour cream sauce according to preferences.

Note: If an oven is used for cooking, it is recommended to leave the door ajar during the process.

From chicken breast

Chicken meat is considered the most dietary and useful for making dry slices. However, the principle of their manufacture is similar.

A piece of chicken breast must be selected whole, otherwise the chips will turn out to be too small. Beforehand, it is recommended to slightly freeze it or get it out of the freezer and defrost it not completely. Meat should be cut across the grain. For cooking, you need two breasts. Other Ingredients:

  • soy sauce - two tablespoons;
  • garlic - three to four cloves (optional);
  • pepper and coriander - half a spoon;
  • sunflower oil - a tablespoon;
  • parsley (optional)


  1. Cut the pulp into thin strips.
  2. Mix all other marinade ingredients. Dilute them a little with water.
  3. Put the pieces in the marinade and pour them thoroughly.
  4. Leave overnight or six to eight hours to soak.
  5. Lay out baking paper on a baking sheet. Spread the prepared slices on top in a single layer and sprinkle them with parsley.
  6. Dry in the oven or dryer at 60 degrees for four hours.


meat chips are very thin slices of dried meat, which are made by removing the liquid in the meat fibers using a low temperature. In other words, the meat is dried for a long time at the lowest temperature in a dehydrator, electric dryer or oven.

There are many recipes for making meat chips, but the manufacturing technology remains unchanged (unless, of course, you decide to stop the process during drying to make the chips not dry, but dried). Like the principle of cooking, the composition of the products basically remains the same: it is meat and salt. Salt plays an important role in the preparation of a tasty and crispy snack: firstly, it prevents the growth of bacteria in the meat cells, and secondly, it increases the rate of moisture release from the fibers. Other spices, spices, marinades and additives - individually, at will. The choice of meat can also be approached based on taste preferences. It can be meat chips made from beef, pork, chicken, horse meat, venison, lamb or turkey.

You can make meat chips quickly and easily at home. It is not necessary to have industrial culinary equipment. It is enough to have an electric dryer available to make a tasty dish rich in proteins and useful substances.

The step-by-step photo recipe below will help you prepare the right meat chips with your own hands from pork.


  • (frozen, 800 g)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (50 ml)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    Prepare all foods. Pork slightly freeze or not completely defrost for easier cutting of meat. After removing the veins and fat, cut the meat into thin long layers across the fibers. The thinner the meat slices, the more they will look like crispy chips.

    To prepare the marinade, mix soy sauce, paprika, honey, pepper, coriander and salt. Leave the mixture to infuse for about 20 minutes.

    Marinate the pork in the honey-soy mixture for 6-8 hours. Cover the container with meat with cling film and put it in a cold place.

    Put the meat soaked in marinade on the dryer grate. Spread the pieces should be at a small distance from each other. Dry the meat for about 6 hours at 50 degrees.

    After four hours of drying, the meat is ready for consumption. It is dry, slightly moist and stretchy when bitten. During the drying process, the meat decreased in volume.

    After 6 hours, the meat chips are completely ready. The weight of the total finished snack was 350 grams.

    In the absence of a dryer for making chips, you can use the oven. Place the meat on the grill and bake at a low temperature with the door open.

    Meat chips should be served chilled. For meat, you can cook sour cream or tomato sauce with herbs and garlic.

    Enjoy your meal!

How to cook meat chips at home without harmful flavors and a lot of salt? Such a product can be a healthy and less calorie alternative to store-bought snacks, even if consumed daily. Cooking dried meat is quite simple. It does not require specialized equipment and skills.

How to make meat chips at home from pork

Pork meat is one of the most delicious and popular foods among gourmets. It is also possible to get the most delicious snacks for beer at home from it. It is best to use carbonate for these purposes, since it has sufficient fat content, but it is not difficult to dry it.

Main ingredients for snacks:

  • meat (slightly frozen) - 800 grams;
  • any soy sauce chosen according to your preference - 50 milliliters;
  • table salt - optional;
  • seasonings (red pepper, paprika, coriander) - a teaspoon.

The cooking process will look like this:

  1. Remove all veins and excess inclusions of fat from the carbonate. Cut the product across the fibers into thin plates.
  2. Prepare marinade. To do this, you need to mix the sauce with all the ingredients (except pork) and leave it like this for a third of an hour.
  3. Put slices of pulp into the prepared sauce and leave for six to eight hours.
  4. Arrange the pieces in one row on a wire rack and dry for six hours at a temperature of 50 degrees. It is important that the slices are located far from each other.
  5. Serve ready snacks chilled.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make meat chips are presented above. It is allowed to use other spices and seasonings to taste in the recipe. The amount of salt can also be adjusted independently.

How to make meat chips for beer at home

Cooking dry snacks does not require special skills and training. Instead of a dryer, it is acceptable to use an oven at the lowest temperatures, but this method can significantly change the taste of the slices. The total drying time should be about six hours. However, meat can be consumed already four hours after being sent to the dryer. Such pieces will be softer, but it will not be possible to store them for a long time.

Snacks are allowed to be consumed with beer or other drinks, as well as an independent dish. They can be served with tomato, mayonnaise or sour cream sauce according to preferences.

Note: If an oven is used for cooking, it is recommended to leave the door ajar during the process.

From chicken breast

Chicken meat is considered the most dietary and useful for making dry slices. However, the principle of their manufacture is similar.

A piece of chicken breast must be selected whole, otherwise the chips will turn out to be too small. Beforehand, it is recommended to slightly freeze it or get it out of the freezer and defrost it not completely. Meat should be cut across the grain. For cooking, you need two breasts. Other Ingredients:

  • soy sauce - two tablespoons;
  • garlic - three to four cloves (optional);
  • pepper and coriander - half a spoon;
  • sunflower oil - a tablespoon;
  • parsley (optional)


  1. Cut the pulp into thin strips.
  2. Mix all other marinade ingredients. Dilute them a little with water.
  3. Put the pieces in the marinade and pour them thoroughly.
  4. Leave overnight or six to eight hours to soak.
  5. Lay out baking paper on a baking sheet. Spread the prepared slices on top in a single layer and sprinkle them with parsley.
  6. Dry in the oven or dryer at 60 degrees for four hours.

Good time, dear neighbors!
We often like to dry meat at home and none of our friends-acquaintances not only give such a thing, but have not even heard of it ... So I decided to share with you a very simple and very tasty recipe.

And so: we take a good piece of meat - I like young, not fatty pork most of all, veal is good, but beef is not very good. But here you can choose. The only thing to keep in mind is that the meat should be as free of veins and layers of fat as possible, the ideal piece is a cue ball, but I usually choose from a shoulder blade. Wash the meat, wipe it with a towel, cut it very, very thinly. I usually first cut (if the chosen piece allows) into strips along the fibers, and then thin "plates" across the fibers. If the meat is wet with soyshkom, then we spread it on a plottense so that all excess moisture is absorbed. We put our meat in one layer on a baking sheet (at this time the oven can already warm up), salt and pepper. First, I cover the baking sheet with parchment, do not add oil!

That's how much I got with 1.2 kg of meat. + (you can see in the photo) there are trimmings left - these are pieces where there were streaks, salko. We send the meat (my oven allows you to put everything at once) into the oven for 5-10-15 minutes (depending on the oven) at maximum power. During this time, the meat will release juice, which is better not to wait until it has all evaporated, but to drain into a bowl (my family loves buckwheat in such a "broth", besides, it is a good base for sauces). After the meat juice has been drained, we return the meat to the oven, lower the temperature to 100 C and leave the door slightly closed. Periodically mix the meat (as if drying crackers)))). After about 40 minutes - an hour, if you are not going to store for a long time, you can already eat))) If you are going on a hike, then dry for at least 1.5 hours - such meat is an excellent substitute for stew: I won’t even compare by weight; in terms of quality - you know what you cut)))

Please note that all the liquid will evaporate, and salt and pepper will remain))) Keep this in mind when seasoning the meat. But I usually salt and pepper "in an adult way"))) When we use it on a hike, salt and pepper serve as additional preservatives. I pre-soak the meat in boiling water, and then I cook porridge-soup ... If at home, then an excellent snack for beer instead of any purchased chips - natural, nutritious; in the "semi-dried" version, it perfectly replaces ham in salads.

Well, since we are talking about meat today, a couple of photos of my sausage "ikeban")))
I make the sausage myself, since now it’s not a problem to buy guts.

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