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Stars before plastic surgery. Photos of celebrities before and after plastic surgery, you will be surprised. Video: arguments for and against plastic surgery

In an effort to meet the ephemeral ideal of beauty, girls are ready for any risks, including the expensive intervention of a plastic surgeon.

Often the result justifies the investment, but sometimes plastic surgery turns into unexpected consequences, and sometimes they can appear years after the procedure. So, in front of you are Russian stars who have become victims of unsuccessful plastic surgery!

1. Masha Malinovskaya

The TV presenter repeatedly turned to a plastic surgeon with a request to increase her lips, as a result of which Malinovskaya's upper lip at some point began to resemble an unpleasant congenital ailment - a cleft lip. Subsequently, the fashion for a huge mouth passed, and Masha returned her former neat shape to her lips.

But if the lips were returned to an adequate state without any problems, then the operation to reduce the hypertrophied bust of Malinovskaya ended in failure. In 2014, Masha sued her plastic surgeon: he managed to insert breast implants of various sizes into the star.

2. Oksana Pushkina

In 2003, the TV presenter, who celebrated her 40th birthday, decided to remove age-related changes with the help of mesotherapy - a course of subcutaneous injections with nutrients. The figure skater Irina Rodnina, who at that time was 54 years old, made up the company of her friend. The procedure satisfied the expectations of the girlfriends, and a year later they ventured into a second course. During the injection, Oksana Pushkina noticed that the doctor was using a non-sterile syringe. A week later, a small bump appeared on the face of the presenter, which grew every day. As a result, the entire skin of the face was covered with bumpy formations and acquired an unpleasant shade. A criminal case was opened against the cosmetologist, and Oksana eliminated the consequences of an unsuccessful “rejuvenation” for a long time.

3. Masha Rasputina

In 2000, Masha Rasputina married dollar millionaire Viktor Zakharov and received uncontrolled access to the possibilities of plastic medicine. The singer, who had just undergone childbirth, regained her former harmony, tightened her chest and face. But she did not stop there: soon Masha enlarged her bust to an absurdly disproportionate size and radically redrawn her face. From the former appearance of Rasputina, perhaps only the “branded” dimples on her cheeks remained.

4. Anastasia Vertinskaya

In the mid-2000s, Vertinskaya underwent a facelift in a foreign clinic, and even then many accused her of losing her individuality. Years later, the consequences of plastic surgery became more noticeable: scars appeared along the hairline, the lips began to lose shape.

5. Vera Alentova

The third lift turned into complications for Vera Alentova: her eyes became asymmetrical, her lips were twisted, and the nasolabial folds fell inward, disfiguring the beautiful face of the actress.

6.Sergey Zverev

The metamorphoses of the outrageous Russian stylist serve as a vivid example of the fact that not only women have complexes about their appearance out of the blue. It is believed that Zverev was forced to resort to plastic surgery due to a car accident that disfigured his nose, and the following operations only corrected the unfortunate consequences of the first. Others believe that Sergei deliberately changed his appearance, which did not suit a man from early childhood. One way or another, Zverev has repeatedly stated that "there is no limit to perfection" and further operations - to be.

7. Tatyana Vedeneeva

In 2015, TV presenter Tatyana Vedeneeva appeared in public with swelling typical of the recovery period after a facelift. However, the experts did not consider the plastic to be unsuccessful - the woman simply went out before she returned to normal.

8. Ludmila Gurchenko

The desire to preserve youth forever did not pass without a trace for the actress - although Gurchenko really looked much younger than her years, her face completely lost its resemblance to the original features.

In today's article, we will analyze from photographs how our stars changed before and after plastic surgery. Who benefited from surgery, and who, on the contrary, did harm, who was no longer recognized by fans, and who was confused with the dark one from Viagra, who had to return the shape of the lips to their natural appearance, what operations are popular with Russian theater, film and pop stars . Consider some popular representatives from the 80s, 90s, 2000s, as well as famous personalities of modern social networks and the scene, read the details of the investigation below.

Julia Volkova

The dark one from the Tatu group fell in love with changing her appearance from her eyebrows - thin curved lines were replaced by a tattoo. The singer's first plastic surgery was lip augmentation. The operation was not very successful, the mouth became like a big "dumpling", and Yulia had to make injections to at least slightly reduce her lips back.

After two births, the singer went for breast augmentation, and from a neat small bust she received the fourth size. As a result of a small number of surgical interventions, Julia added a dozen years to herself.

Anastasia Prikhodko

Singer Anastasia Prikhodko, the winner of the Star Factory show, first worked with Kostya Meladze and performed, but then she preferred her family to her career. She married her first man and had a daughter. Happiness did not last long, Nastya went through a difficult divorce and abandoned her work. Recently, photos with the results of the plastic surgery of the singer's jaw began to appear on social networks. Nastya herself now calls her face - "Skin-covered skull." Not all fans came to taste her new look, but Prikhodko is only happy about this.

We like the choice of Anastasia, the face has become more refined, and the image of the star has become more youthful. Fans compare her with the former member of the Via Gra group, Nadezhda Granovskaya.


Another graduate of Star Factory-4, a former girlfriend of Timati. Alexa quickly won the sympathy of the audience, because of her gentle voice, sensitivity and good looks. In recent years, she has changed a lot due to many plastic surgeries. First of all, the singer enlarged her lips, in pursuit of Western trends. Fans immediately noticed the changes, and not everyone liked it, including Alexa herself. Due to the individual reaction, the gel was unevenly distributed and left small seals. Therefore, the new lips looked unnatural. After a while, the star did another plastic surgery and slightly reduced her lips. Also in the before and after photos, traces of rhinoplasty are clearly visible - the hump has disappeared and the tip has become more refined.

Alexa assures that she has never resorted to plastic surgery, but the editors of the Plastic Club cannot be deceived. Fans of the girl believe that before the plastic surgery she looked like a cute girl, and after that she became like a “fairy gnome”. The last photo shows how the girl again tried to restore the natural shape of her lips. It has become much prettier - she was lucky with the surgeon, her lips look quite natural.

Alla Pugacheva

The prima of the Russian stage has undergone not a single plastic surgery: numerous braces, liposuction, mammoplasty with a lift and implant placement, and circular blepharoplasty. Removed the second chin and slightly reduced the wings of the nose. Rumor has it that surgeons are refusing her new operations, because Alla overdid it. But thanks to plastic surgery, she looks young and modern, brings up children and leads an active concert activity, is married to Maxim Galkin, who is much younger than her.

Alla Borisovna actively maintains an Instagram account, in one of the pictures in a swimsuit, there is a noticeable absence of cellulite on her legs, a slender figure and a chiseled face. The star has stopped wearing the famous black hoodies, trying to emphasize the figure of skinny jeans, jackets and belts at the waist. The singer regained her youth and pleases her fans.

Anna Khilkevich

Known for the youth series Univer, actress Anna Khilkevich chose modest outfits for red carpets. The situation changed when Anya increased her breasts to size 4. In the pictures, dresses with a deep neckline often began to flicker. In addition to mammoplasty, a slight lip augmentation and rhinoplasty were performed - the nose became thin and graceful. The image has become more feminine, each operation went very well, the changes suit Anna very well.

Evgenia Kryukova

The theater and film actress worried for a long time because of her protruding ears. Even as a child, her peers joked about her, and at an older age, Evgenia sculpted a band-aid and make-up glue to at least smooth out her protruding ears. But due to the fact that plastic surgery has become quite popular among our stars, the actress herself decided on otoplasty, began to feel really attractive and gained confidence.

Nikita Dzhigurda

The famous brutal showman Nikita Dzhigurda, unexpectedly for everyone, decided on plastic surgery. Previously, for such news, one could listen to a lot of angry comments from fans, because this is unacceptable for men. But in our time, new operations are another reason to remind yourself on social networks. Which is what Nikita did, immediately after the operation he posted a post with a photo in a bandage on Twitter that he had blepharoplasty. He decided to take such a step for the sake of his wife - he presented it as a gift for Valentine's Day.

Dzhigurda recorded the entire process of the operation on video and promised to put it on the network. In the before and after photos of the star, you can see that blepharoplasty was done very handy - Nikita had huge bags under his eyes, which added age to him and noticeably spoiled his appearance.

Taisiya Povaliy

The pop singer does not hide the fact that she regularly uses the services of plastic surgeons. Taisiya considers it her duty to look young and attractive to her fans. In addition to anti-aging procedures, Taisiya underwent rhinoplasty, making the back of the nose a little thinner and the tip smaller. It's great that plastic helps Russian stars in the photo after look younger and more beautiful than in the photo before.

Elena Yakovleva

The famous actress not only had an eyelid lift operation, but also advises everyone not to be afraid of surgeons. The main thing, Elena believes, is not to overdo it. After blepharoplasty, the actress underwent a circular facelift. However, at the premiere of the film "Cheap Hero" Elena was unrecognizable, the actress did too many braces. Fans doubted if it was her.

Valery Leontiev

Outrageous singer Valery Leontiev has always surprised me with something in his appearance. Over the years of his career, Valery underwent several plastic surgeries. The singer's favorite is Botox, in addition, lip augmentation, blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty were performed. Leontiev decided on the first operation back in the 90s, and for this he had to go abroad, because such interventions had not yet been developed in Russia.

Rumor has it that Leontiev corrected the shape of his hips and did an abdominoplasty, but maybe this is the merit of sports? Are such operations really popular among Russian male stars?

In any case, most of the Russian stars from our today's list of plastic benefited. The networks sparkle with beautiful photos with perfect facial features, plump lips, slender waists of forever young idols.

Star women, star men, it would seem, had everything in life: fame, recognition, money. But human nature is inherent in constant fears, worries, that, they say, the time will come when the appearance will fade and the popularity, which is now pursuing at every step, will go to others - younger and more ambitious. Therefore, there was nothing surprising in the fact that in search of the elixir of eternal youth, they went to a plastic surgeon. And he, if he was considered a professional in his field, was, of course, able to restore a slender figure, smooth skin, and even skillfully hide the age of a star. Of course, there were also failures, which often turned into tragedies.

Megan Fox

Many women cherish in their hearts the dream that they will someday be like this dazzling Hollywood beauty. And therefore they boldly go to a plastic surgeon, who, according to the iron logic of the fairer sex, should make a second Megan out of each.

Fox was once a simple pretty girl, and there was nothing special about the aspiring actress - the future Hollywood star. But all this is in the past, and experts today say that thanks to the intervention of plastic surgeons, a miraculous transformation has taken place. For example, if you compare Megan's thin lips in old pictures and today, you can notice a significant difference. They look now sensual and more plump. Evil tongues claim that Fox wanted to be like Angelina Jolie in this component. Interesting changes in Megan's appearance occurred as a result of rhinoplasty (plastic surgery of the nose): the face of the actress acquired more sophisticated European features.

Also, almost everyone admitted that due to the implants, the breasts of the Hollywood actress became higher and more attractive. And the smooth skin on the forehead without any wrinkles is eloquent evidence of Botox injections.

Kim Kardashian

The statements of the famous Hollywood diva that nature itself awarded her with seductive curvaceous forms and, they say, at the age of eleven this was already evident to everyone, cause a grin from experts. They, in turn, can prove the presence of traces of many plastic surgeries both on the body and on the face of Kim Kardashian. For example, thanks to liposuction, a socialite got her famous “fifth point”, which her husband never ceases to admire. And the implants only added high breasts and a certain harmony to the charms of Kim's figure. Not without rhinoplasty as well: the nose of a Hollywood star has become more refined. And although she furiously assured journalists that she had only once "shot" with Botox, all the changes on her face speak just about the results of this procedure.

Tori Spelling

It seems that the once famous actress does not take care of herself at all. With each pregnancy, Tori becomes unrecognizable to her fans, she is rapidly losing her former shape. And I remember that at the age of less than 16 she made herself a rhinoplasty, wanting to look more attractive and seductive. Apparently, trying to catch up, today's Tori Spelling made mammoplasty. It turned out, however, not very well: the luxurious breasts of the former star turned into something that is even difficult to talk about ...

Donatella Versace

Before the famous trendsetter fell into the hands of plastic surgeons, she looked like a sweet blonde and could appear in the world without fear of sympathetic looks. Today, the face of the eminent Italian is a kind of mask, and the most noticeable are very voluminous lips. Mammoplasty, rhinoplasty, lip contouring, Botox injections - do not count the surgical operations that Donatella Versace underwent. And they ultimately led to negative changes in the appearance of the Italian. Although experts believe that the constant use of illegal substances by Donatella played a negative role here. In addition, she is a well-known lover of sunbathing, and ultraviolet light contributes to the appearance of wrinkles and skin defects.

Lindsey Lohan

The Hollywood hooligan, whose entry into society always raises fears that a new scandal is about to break out, was also no stranger to fashion and underwent many plastic surgeries. Even at the dawn of her youth, she persuaded her mother to make her breasts like those of star beauties. And already at a more mature age, she became interested in lip contouring.

Britney Spears

She is considered a regular patient of plastic surgeons, on whom the famous singer spares no expense, patience and time. And it is worth noting that Britney is quite sensible in this risky business. For example, she did not change the sense of proportion when she did herself rhinoplasty. The singer's nose has become more elegant and refined, in perfect harmony with her face. Mammoplasty, abdominoplasty, liposuction, Botox injections - this is the list of operations and procedures that this star woman went through to look attractive and seductive in public.

Halle Berry

The dark-skinned beauty continues to amaze with her chiseled forms, and it seems that over the years she is only getting younger. Holly, according to her, is terribly afraid of any injections, a scalpel and other items related to medicine. Although the Hollywood star, like any woman, is a little cunning. Even at the dawn of her acting career, Holly realized that her wide nose slightly spoils the appearance of the actress. And she turned to a plastic surgeon, who performed an ordinary miracle. Today's charming Halle Berry with a beautiful nose is very different from the previous one - and does not know the end of men, for whom she is considered a symbol of Hollywood beauty.

Jocelyn (Perisse) Wildenstein

The brow lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, canthopexy, fat grafting, midface lift, lip injections, implant chin augmentation and other plastic surgeries that this woman underwent had one goal - to please her husband, billionaire Alec Wildenstein. A plan has long matured in her head: with the help of plastic surgery, turn into an inimitable catwoman in order to keep her husband from cheating and always be with him. Alec was not only surprised by the transformation of his wife, but for a long time he was in mixed feelings. And soon they started talking about Jocelyn's appearance as a living picture of the horrors of plastic surgery.

Priscilla Presley

The only wife of the great Elvis never thought that her appearance, which he admired, would change so much. And not for the better. In the mid-2000s, Priscilla met Daniel Serrano, who was known among the rich and famous women as a magic doctor who returned smoothness and elasticity of the skin with the help of a rejuvenating gel. No one suspected that this charlatan injected technical silicone under the skin at $500 per injection. As a result, Priscilla Presley received once and for all the spoiled shape of her lips and the irregularities around them. True, before that she had already done an unsuccessful facelift, as a result of which her cheekbones increased and her chin became somehow unnatural, took on a strange shape.

Meg Ryan

It would seem that everything was with her: plump cheeks from birth, a sweet smile, a special charm that many fans of the actress's talent loved. It seemed to her that this was not enough, and she decided to experiment with her face. Meg first installed the famous Gore-Tex implant in her lip. The result was not at all what the actress expected. She then had a lower facelift. Of course, with age and the birth of children, Meg Ryan's appearance has undergone many not very pleasant changes. However, experts attribute this to the unsuccessful plastic surgery she once underwent.

Nicole Kidman

Careful self-care and the bounties that nature has given you are the components of the attractive appearance of a Hollywood star. So, at least, says Nicole. However, we have heard about this more than once from the lips of other famous beauties. But traces of rhinoplasty (correction of the shape of the nose), figuratively speaking, are evident. And experts note that Nicole Kidman has repeatedly undergone non-surgical cosmetic procedures, including chemical peeling of the face (with the help of chemical agents), laser and thermage. And the last metamorphoses of Nicole surprised all of Hollywood: the appearance of the actress has changed a lot.

Angelina Jolie

The jewelry work of plastic surgeons allowed the Hollywood star to say that she ... never resorted to their services. Changes in the appearance of the famous actress could only be determined by experts. And they claim that during her career she has done rhinoplasty, facelift, breast augmentation and cheek reshaping.

Rene Zellweger

And this Oscar winner was not bypassed by the fashion for plastic surgery. This is eloquently evidenced by the appearance of Rene, who acquired unusual features. For example, round cheeks with pleasant dimples, the squint of the eyes characteristic of the actress, have disappeared. And the high bust and slender figure of Rene directly speak of liposuction and breast augmentation surgery. Of course, some fans of her talent are a little sorry that the image of the former Zellweger has disappeared. But the Hollywood star is immensely happy with the changes in her appearance and figure.

Victoria Beckham

She is living proof of how you can mold yourself into a star woman without any special external data. A little talent, a little good taste, a lot of luck and plastic surgery - and you are already almost an ideal to follow. After the birth of the child, Victoria, in order to keep her shape, made herself a breast augmentation. Then the turn came to rhinoplasty: a slight correction of the tip of the nose only gave Beckham's appearance a special charm. They say that after the third birth, Victoria changed the implants. This operation allowed her to keep her figure in its original form. And today, looking at a slender and attractive star, you won’t even think that she is the mother of four children.

Paris Hilton

The scandalous socialite is trying to walk her slender legs in the spirit of the times. She zealously spoke out in defense of rhinoplasty. It was this plastic surgery that made her nose very attractive and in harmony with her face. And when the magnificent forms of some Hollywood stars began to cause frank envy in Paris Hilton: there was a decision to go under the scalpel of a plastic surgeon again. Mammoplasty was successful, Paris was happy in seventh heaven and now she can rightfully boast of her breasts.

Demmy Moor

The first operation that the famous actress underwent in her early youth was the elimination of strabismus. And then, figuratively speaking, off we go. Convinced of the miraculous power of plastic surgery, Demi corrected the shape of the nose: it became more noble. Then came the turn of liposuction of the body. To a chiseled figure and a beautiful oval face (skillful work of a plastic surgeon), a breast enlarged with the help of implants was added. And in the end, the world received Demi Moore - a brilliant star, whose talent and beauty we still admire.

Tara Reid

Seductive blonde - the star of the film "American Pie" won fame not only for her talent, but also for the number of plastic surgeries she underwent. Liposuction, mammoplasty, Botox injections - in general, not to count cosmetic procedures and surgical interventions, which, according to the actress, should have brought her a new look and a slender body. However, everything turned out, unfortunately, the other way around. Unsuccessful plastic surgeries and debilitating diets led to a disastrous result: today's Tara Reid is very far from the former image of a Hollywood beauty and does not look very attractive.

Janice Dickinson

She boldly admits that she has an amazing shape at the age of 60 thanks to plastic surgery. Janice gives herself Botox injections every six months and undergoes various cosmetic procedures. It is known that the former supermodel underwent a neck lift and a tummy tuck, as well as corrected her eyelids and underwent augmentation mammoplasty. Yoga, proper nutrition and successful plastic surgery are the components of the magnificent figure of Janice Dickinson.

Pamela Anderson

A stoic and at the same time beautiful woman, as a result of implantation of silicone (3 kilograms of weight!) Has the most magnificent stellar breasts and the most sensual lips in Hollywood. In pursuit of world fame, she had to endure a lot of plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures in order to stay in the eyes of men as the most attractive star on the planet. Aesthetic mammoplasty at a young age, collagen injections in the lips and cheekbones, ceramic coating of teeth, rhinoplasty - you can continue this "honorable" list of interventions in the appearance and body of the actress, which created the image of Pamela Anderson, the forever young diva of Hollywood.

Ashlee Simpson

She was always embarrassed by her slightly long nose and noticeable hump, which is why she decided on rhinoplasty. And Dr. Canodia, the famous Hollywood plastic surgeon, can be said to have given Ashley a new look. Now she looked so attractive that she even changed her wardrobe, hair and makeup in order to match the resulting image.

Miranda Kerr

The Australian beauty after her divorce from star husband Orlando Bloom slightly changed her image. Having a magnificent figure, she decided to increase her breasts. Plastic surgeons seem to know their business very well. Today's Miranda Kerr with a plump and high bust is just a shine, a woman is the dream of every man.

Blake Lively

The Gossip Girl star seems to have made a mistake. Her pretty nose clearly stood out among the correct noses of Hollywood noses, he gave her face a special charm. But the girl wished to keep up with fashion and turned to a plastic surgeon. After rhinoplasty, Blake's nose became straighter and thinner. Of course, the appearance of the actress won in some way, but she lost her individuality.

Salma Hayek

The sultry beauty, referring to her alchemist grandmother, claims that her advice helped to maintain an attractive appearance and slim figure. Therefore, there is no question of plastic surgery, which she allegedly once underwent. And she carries everything of her own with her - almost from the cradle. However, experts on this matter have a completely different opinion. They believe that Salma at one time had a rhinoplasty, enlarged her breasts, bringing it to seductive splendor, and also used Botox injections.

Jennifer Aniston

She still looks great, and it seems that age is not a hindrance to her. In general, Jennifer was negative about plastic surgery and even said that she was not going to change her face. But it turned out that adherence to principles sometimes has nothing to do with popularity. To be always in the spotlight of the public, you need to make certain sacrifices. At least a successful rhinoplasty opened the way for Jennifer to a big movie.

Scarlett Johansson

Already in her youth, she was distinguished by a rare beauty, which was not at all spoiled by a wide nose. True, over time, when fame began to pursue the actress, this small flaw of nature seemed to her annoying. And she did rhinoplasty. True, before that, the star beauty said that she would turn to plastic surgeons only when the first signs of old age appeared.

Tom Jones

The popular singer spent 40 of his 75 years on plastic surgery. Sometimes it seemed that Tom wanted to set a kind of record and, in pursuit of the passing youth, he was ready for any sacrifice. Of course, today's deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes irritate the aged star. But what to do with age, especially since even one facelift, according to plastic surgeons, will lead to disaster.

Marilyn Monroe

The legend of Hollywood, it turns out, was also not against plastic surgery. And all the talk about her natural beauty had no real basis. Marilyn underwent a rhinoplasty, an operation to insert an implant into her chin. In addition, she enlarged her breasts, which became the subject of admiration for many men.

Devon Sava

Devon, apparently tired of the roles of eternal boys, decided to add a little brutality to his appearance. The performed rhinoplasty slightly ennobled Devon's face, saved him from some rusticity. But still, such sacrifices did not bring him big roles, and he remained the star of one film "Destination".

Rose McGowan

The actress was forced to resort to the services of a plastic surgeon. Rose was in a car accident that damaged her face. Plastic surgery has changed the appearance of the actress so much that the directors had to exclude Rose from many projects: they were simply afraid that the fans would not recognize the actress!

Masha Malinovskaya

She does not hide her addiction to plastic surgery and believes that they can work a miracle with any woman. Masha Malinovskaya no longer knows the number of procedures that she underwent in order to create a new image of a secular diva. Masha tried to give her appearance and figure new features in order to shine at all levels of bohemian life. But not so long ago, Masha decided to shed herself a heavy silicone load and ... reduced her breast size. By the way, this clearly benefited the girl - Masha became much more elegant.

Sergey Zverev

According to the star, the operations were a necessary measure: the face of a famous stylist was badly injured in an accident. Be that as it may, he became very interested in plastic surgery, and soon only the color of the eyes remained from the former Sergei Zverev.

Jacqueline Stallone

Apparently, in an effort to match the status of the mother of the famous son, she subjected herself to numerous plastic surgeries. Although the doctors, knowing her allergic reaction to certain drugs, advised Jacqueline not to overdo it in this matter. Beauty injections, facelift, blepharoplasty, lip augmentation did not bring her the desired result. On the contrary, they only disfigured the face of Jacqueline Stallone. It is paradoxical that she, being a famous astrologer, failed to predict her own failures.

The famous singer sincerely believes that the recipe for her youth on stage lies in a dozen plastic surgeries that she underwent in order to maintain her shape. Rhinoplasty, lip correction, facelift, facial implants, liposuction, buttock correction and breast augmentation - all means are good for achieving the cherished goal! We add that the ageless pop diva even removed a couple of ribs to make her waist look like a ballerina.

Michelle Pfeiffer

One of the most charming and beautiful actresses in Hollywood constantly repels the attacks of journalists who claim that she has done herself a skillful rhinoplasty. Michel, on the other hand, is of the same opinion: nature itself gave her a beautiful nose, and she never dealt with plastic surgery. Although the absence of wrinkles on the face, smooth skin suggests otherwise. It is unlikely that here there were certain cosmetic procedures and trips to plastic specialists.

Kate Winslet

She strongly criticized cosmetic surgery and all kinds of diets that help to lose weight and keep the figure in its original state. However, the next appearance of the star in public somewhat shocked her fans. It turned out, according to experts, that Kate made herself a contour plastic in the area of ​​​​the eyes and lips. And it should be noted that the changes in appearance have benefited: Winslet looks very attractive.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

A wide nose, chubby cheeks - this is exactly what the appearance of the famous actress once looked like. And it was necessary to urgently do something to change the face and fit it into the framework of a Hollywood star. Salvation came in the form of rhinoplasty, which the surgeons performed simply brilliantly. It was with her result that Katherine's brilliant acting career began.

Grishka and Igor Bogdanov

The French physicist brothers were beautiful, young and did not know the end of their fans. But over time, everything passes: popularity falls, ratings roll down. And they did not find anything better to return the glory with the help of plastic surgery. Unfortunately, this has become a habit. Numerous surgical interventions have led to the fact that there is no trace left of the appearance of the former beauties ...

Kate Beckinsale

One magical "touch" of the master surgeon - and your new image excites many men. Something like this happened with Kate Beckinsale. The actress only slightly corrected her nose, made it more refined. This was more than enough for her to be recognized as one of the most attractive women on the planet.

Lara Flynn Boyle

Excessive thinness star "Twin Peaks" was a big problem for her, then added another associated with plastic surgery. Correction of the hump on the nose, lips pumped with silicone, Botox injections, in fact, deprived her of her former appearance - a sweet face that fans of the actress's talent so liked.

Elizabeth Hurley

Any reminder of plastic surgery infuriates her. The proud actress convinced everyone, including herself, that she had never been to a plastic surgeon. However, to maintain a girlish figure by the age of 50 and a beautiful face without a single wrinkle is beyond the power of any woman. Breast augmentation, Botox injections, lip shaping - all this was noticed by experts and delivered a verdict: the beauty of Elizabeth still underwent plastic surgery.

Sarah Jessica Parker

The Oscar winner and the most stylish woman in Hollywood bravely underwent a series of plastic surgeries in order to change her appearance. For example, Jessica redid the shape of her nose three times until she achieved the desired result. And we must give her credit - after rhinoplasty, she no longer went to the surgeon. Thus, the actress retained her originality.

Victoria Lopyreva

The Russian socialite is wary of plastic surgery. Victoria believes that her capabilities are exaggerated. But if you compare today's photos with pictures of ten years ago - the result is obvious!

Janet Jackson

The pop diva seems to have gone too far with plastic surgery. Breast augmentation, rhinoplasty and other operations led to the fact that she became like a doll. Add to this heavy physical exertion in the gym, exhausting diets that did not benefit the singer, but only aggravated the situation. Plastic surgeons had already warned Janet that she needed to stop with operations that generally did not bring positive results.

Julia Roberts

She carefully hides the secrets of her beauty. The star speaks of plastic surgery as unnecessary and harmful interventions in the appearance and body of a woman. We could well agree with her, if not for the opinion of some experts.


The popular singer is humorous about the rumors that she has undergone a number of plastic surgeries. Fergie continues to demonstrate a magnificent body on stage and charm thousands of fans with her smile. Although many have noticed that the singer's breasts have acquired more magnificent and seductive forms. And this already speaks of the transferred mammoplasty, the traces of which cannot be hidden from prying eyes.

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The achievements of modern plastic surgery make it possible for literally every woman to turn back the clock and eliminate the shortcomings that interfered physically and provoked psychological discomfort. The example of Russian stars who trusted skilled plastic surgeons only reinforces the validity of this opinion. We want to tell a few stories of magical "star" transformation right now.

Plastic surgery by Alena Shishkova

The ex-wife of Mr. Black Star, a participant in various beauty contests, and now a popular and world-famous model, Alena Shishkova did not always have an ideal appearance. In childhood and adolescence, her face was also attractive and pretty, but thanks to plastic surgeons, her facial features became more refined and aristocratic.

Alena began to change her appearance after meeting with rapper Timati. She fixed it first. Plastic surgeons made it smoother, adjusted the volume of the wings, and removed the hump.

The girl was inspired by the result and continued to improve. This time it was her lips that came into her field of vision. Despite the fact that by nature Alena's lips were quite seductive and harmonious, she decided to increase them with fillers.

Choosing the right plastic surgeon is half the battle. Relying on the experience of the master, Alena did not fail - after the introduction of a gel based on hyaluronic acid, the girl's lips acquired a sexual volume, became more expressive. To eliminate the vulgar “duck face” effect, the model chooses makeup in natural pastel shades. And it fucking suits her!

The further, the more Alena is transformed. It is believed that the girl repeatedly turned to specialists to correct the shape of her cheekbones. But experts cannot agree on what kind of manipulation she performed: removed Bish's lumps or raised her cheekbones with filler injections. Whatever it was, but after the operation, the face lost weight, visually stretched. Additionally, Alena probably did an endoscopic forehead lift. Thanks to this procedure, her eyes literally opened up.

The girl became the crown of positive transformations. Alena Shishkova twice turned to plastic surgeons: the first time they enlarged her mammary glands with the help of implants, and the second time they did a lift after childbirth. Despite the intervention of specialists, the model's breasts have increased, but at the same time it looks as natural as possible.

Plastic surgery Keti Topuria

Rapidly bursting into Russian show business, the young Georgian immediately became popular and acquired a lot of fans. Perhaps it was the general attention of fans to her person that strengthened the complexes that Keti experienced because of her large nose with a characteristic hump.

When this became possible, the girl immediately turned to plastic surgeons to correct the defect. The operation was performed in two stages: first, the specialists aligned the nasal septum, and then they polished the shape of the nose and eliminated the hump.

Keti Topuria is one of the few who did not hide the intervention of specialists and frankly admitted to the rhinoplasty performed. Moreover, the girl noted that she considers such operations incredibly useful, because thanks to the elimination of minor flaws in appearance, a person gets a chance to change his life for the better.

If you look at the latest pictures of the singer, you can see a few more changes in her appearance - enlarged lips and lush breasts.

Plastic surgery Irina Dubtsova

Irina Dubtsova is known for her “neat” attitude to appearance and believes that it is necessary to interfere in the creation of nature only when it is really necessary. You can’t trust fashion in such a matter, otherwise there is a risk of overdoing it and getting carried away, forever losing your individuality.

Irina followed her principles and ventured into plastic surgery at a critical moment when other methods of body shaping did not work. The lack of effect from strict diets, grueling workouts in the gym led the singer to a plastic surgeon, who helped the girl regain her confidence.

The artist does not hide from the fans that she turned to specialists, and with great pleasure demonstrates her new look. After correcting the shape of the navel, the girl additionally enlarged and tightened her breasts, which lost their shape after childbirth and feeding.

Irina Dubtsova in an interview said that the operations were carried out in a Russian clinic. Moreover, during a recent examination in a German clinic, the doctor did not immediately determine that there were implants in her breasts. This is the best confirmation of the high professionalism of Russian specialists.

Plastic surgery Rosa Syabitova

The all-Russian matchmaker and host of her own TV show, Roza Syabitova, was forced to turn to plastic surgeons after a swift one. After losing 20 kg of excess weight in a short time, she decided to continue to change and went to the professionals.

Experts decided to “polish” Rosa’s figure with the help of liposuction and abdominoplasty. Impressed by the new look, the woman dared to increase her breasts, along the way she did blepharoplasty and a circular facelift. The result of the surgical intervention was a radical change in appearance, the main matchmaker of the country, literally before the eyes of millions of viewers, became younger and threw off at least 15 years of age.

Be that as it may, the changes have benefited and made the appearance of the TV presenter and singer more sexy and sensual.

Plastic surgery Alena Vodonaeva

The sexy brunette, who came to the television broadcasts of Doma-2 for an experiment and immediately attracted attention, remains one of the most mysterious women. It can be seen how, over the years, her appearance has changed, but Alena herself practically does not comment on the changes taking place in her appearance.

The most important metamorphoses are associated with the girl's breasts. By nature, she is incredibly lush and voluminous, but this seemed to Alena not enough. Therefore, when she got to the TV set, the girl got the idea to adjust the shape and volume, which she achieved after some time. There is an opinion that it was Alena Vodonaeva's plastic surgery that became the starting point in the craze of the Doma-2 participants for plastic surgery.

Alena Vodonaeva, however, denied the intervention of specialists and continued to assert that her breasts were natural. Just recently, the girl again reminded fans of this piquant feature of her body, saying that she had reduced the volume from 5 to 3. There is still controversy about this operation, because the fans did not notice a strong decrease, so they suspect that Alena just made a facelift .

Alena Vodonaeva has another controversial operation on her account - lip augmentation. In the early 2000s, the use of hyaluronic acid fillers was considered exotic, so it took enviable courage to carry out such a procedure. But Alena was not one of the timid, so soon the girl appeared before the audience of the show in a more sexy way.

Provocative pictures of the model continue to appear regularly on the pages of her social media accounts. Alena Vodonaeva still looks stunning, it seems as if time passes her by. Perhaps the reason for this lies in the healthy lifestyle that she adheres to. But one should not exclude the support of experienced plastic surgeons, who filigree sharpen the appearance of the ex-participant of "House-2", leaving no traces of their intervention.

Plastic surgery Evgenia Feofilaktova

Another former member of Doma-2, who went down in the history of the project as the first girl who practically demonstrated the results of the work of plastic surgeons on the air.

Evgeniya made her first visit to the plastic surgery clinic in 2010 together with the project operator. Then she asked for advice from viewers, discussed her feelings and fears live, and demonstrated changes. Most of all, the girl was frightened by the fact that implants would become an obstacle in breastfeeding. But the doctor removed the concerns by placing a silicone prosthesis under the muscle, which subsequently did not affect lactation.

The new bust of the third size allowed the girl to take a different look at herself in the mirror. Evgenia was incredibly happy about her renewal, she changed her wardrobe with pleasure, adding to it a lot of dresses with a sexy neckline.

Assessing the positive feedback from the public, Evgenia began to reconsider the rest of the features of her face and body. This time, thin lips fell under the sight of the girl. Thinking about increasing their volume, the project participant wished to use biogel, which gives a lasting effect. But over time, the substance led to the growth of connective tissue, which caused the lips to increase even more. Plastic surgeons helped to correct the situation. They returned the former volumes of the lips, making them natural.

It would seem that experiments could be completed here, but Evgenia Feofilaktova did not stop there. And she did the right thing, because the rhinoplasty allowed her to make facial features almost perfect. After reducing the size and correcting the wings, Eugenia's nose became neat, graceful, giving her appearance a touch of aristocracy.

Now Evgenia Feofilaktova supports youth and beauty by visiting the offices of cosmetologists and massage therapists. From time to time, she gives Botox injections, proving by example that with the right approach, you can stay young for many years!

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