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We need a Russian-speaking lawyer in Thailand. Haris & Associates offers a wide range of legal services. Other types of services

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Urgently! Need a lawyer in Koh Samui today.

We ask everyone who can help find a good lawyer on Koh Samui to contact Alexey: 0840 30 7982
We got into an accident, the Thais cheated us out of half a million rubles.
Tomorrow at 10 am there is a meeting to sign documents, we want our lawyer to be there.

Unfortunately, we are unable to contact Andrey (samuidais), if someone can convey a request to him to contact us, we will be very grateful.

Re: Urgently! Need a lawyer in Koh Samui today.

Thanks everyone for the help and advice!
yes, in the end they paid 100 thousand and the victim signed a document that he did not claim anything else.

our absolutely sober friend was turning around in his car on the ring road, visibility before the turn was 100 m, and at the moment of the turn he collided with a Thai man on a moped. as he himself describes it, he was alone. 2 Russian women saw the accident and said that the mopedist was rushing around the corner at breakneck speed. According to the law, whoever turns around is wrong. A man immediately arrived at the hospital, introduced himself as the victim’s father and said that he was a lawyer, the best in Samui. transferred his son to the best hospital on the island and began stories about how the guy wouldn’t be able to work for six months, but he supposedly earned 50 thousand a month. We stalled for 5 days, asked to bring proof of income, then when we received all the information about what the insurance would cover, and realized how much this guy could earn, and also how much the trial would cost us, we started looking for a lawyer (thanks to Andrey AID), in In the end, it really didn’t come to court, we agreed on 100 thousand.

At first they wanted to fuck me in the ass multiple times in a group.
But the Furom residents advised: “Bargain, reduce the amount of fucking!”
I bargained, and THEY reduced the claims and said that they agreed to eat only ONE time.
But they advised me: “It’s time, keep bargaining, you can achieve a further reduction in penetration.”

Hooray. Thanks everyone! Who helped me with advice. We agreed on the price of the issue. I will only get locked up ONE time. This is success.
I am so happy about THIS victory, and our common one.
As agreed, I was imprisoned only once; we signed papers that there were NO claims against me.
I am now finally free! Hooray! Thanks everyone!

But seriously, they scammed another sucker.
It is because of such successful cases of divorces that “suckers tolerated” us and are trying to continue to scam us.

Valuable advice?
Don’t pay anything to anyone, and tell THEM ALL to decide everything officially, whatever they award, I’ll pay.
And it will turn out. that there was no fracture, and if there was, then the victim himself was to blame, etc.

Where were you the topic. Or a blog. Same DDP. The victim described it himself.
After the accident, they brought him to the police, his scared “Russo-farang”, and began to extort $10,000, threatening him with prison and saying. that everyone there was injured in an accident, and will be in wheelchairs. And HE would have given the money out of fear, but he simply didn’t have it, in the end the case was brought to court, a representative of the Russian Consulate came to the trial, and the court verdict was a 3,000 baht fine. (All victims were alive and well).

Choosing a lawyer in Pattaya


Choosing a law firm in your homeland will not be difficult. I would like to dwell on the specifics of such a choice in Thailand and, in particular, in Pattaya.


When you first meet with a multilingual consultant, make sure he understands you. If you explain the essence of the problem to a Thai in Russian and receive the answer “sap do” - I can do it - there is a possibility that his main task is to get an advance payment from you and then forget about your existence (most Thais do not understand Russian). If you are sure that you want to work with this company, use the services of a translator. You and the lawyer must fully understand each other.


Of course, it is best to look for a lawyer through the recommendation of friends. If your friends have already contacted a specialist on a similar issue and were satisfied, this, of course, speaks in his favor. It is worth making an appointment and finding out if this specialist will help solve your problem. But we are talking only about positive recommendations. You should not contact a company that has already ruined its reputation; believe me, it will not try to correct it in your particular case.


Ask to explain how the company will resolve your issue step by step, what documents are required from you, whether there will be intermediate actions/papers/negotiations. Lawyer services in Thailand are not cheap, for your money you have the right to demand “transparency” of the work process. If they don’t answer your questions, they either don’t know the answer or are simply afraid to give you unnecessary information. Both are not in favor of the lawyer.


Price is, of course, one of the selection criteria. Companies that are confident in the quality of their services can afford to set prices slightly higher than average, knowing that this will not scare serious clients. Others set prices lower in hopes of attracting new customers. But believe me, no one will work at a loss. Lawyers don't give out free cheese.


Don’t hesitate to ask about the company’s employees, how many lawyers there are, and what area of ​​law they specialize in. The company must have specialists working in different areas. If there is only one lawyer sitting in the office, he is also the director, he is also the janitor, there is an option that he will go on sick leave tomorrow along with your documents. And you will have no one to ask.


If you choose a company on a national basis, then only from the point of view of comfort. Determine with whom it will be easier for you to find a common language and come to an understanding. The easier it is for you to communicate, the greater your chances of understanding the lawyer’s qualifications and integrity.

These are just a few tips for choosing a lawyer. Ultimately, it all depends on you. Paying for legal services is also a type of investment; do not rush to say goodbye to your money, weigh the pros and cons and make an informed choice.

Our partners: legal company Expert

Unreliable agencies, lawyers, etc. in Thailand

Good evening!
I've been studying the site for a long time, but I still haven't found any information.

Forgive the mole rat, but answer me, is there some kind of blacklist of real estate agencies, are there any trusted agencies and lawyers somewhere...that I can contact. I really need advice from experienced people, in person/not in person, but I really need information from old-timers and other informed people.
and is there reliable information on prices, real prices today

I really hope for you and really look forward to the information

Re: regarding the purchase of real estate

Yes, here the agent’s dishonesty is obvious. My friend immediately warned me - the foreman will receive 20-30 percent in advance and the rest when the floors are washed and the furniture is placed

in general, such agents who undertake to sell, undertake repairs, and even offer to take you to a crocodile farm :) immediately inspire distrust
Mine just gave me the foreman’s business card, but call me and make an agreement yourself - I supposedly have another business

Re: Unreliable agencies, lawyers, etc.

And it will, no doubt. There was a story when a buyer could not receive his hard-earned property for a long time, he contacted all authorities, and the seller filed a counterclaim: insult to personality. The story ended well, the buyer still received ownership of what he bought, but...

Recently, such incidents have begun to occur more and more often - it’s not pleasant. Conclusion - it is better to use lawyers and read the contract carefully.

In Phuket, the sale of the Tropical Condo project in the Rawai area is currently underway. Be careful. The project has been under construction for three years now, completion is not yet in sight, and the foreigner co-owner is no longer in Thailand.

I’m embarrassed to ask - out of sheer enthusiasm. 😮

I'll definitely put it down to beer!

Of course, this realtor is an asshole, but you also need to use your brain - why buy an apartment without knowing the prices?
Why order repairs from a person who has already scammed you?
How can you leave repair workers (especially Thais) unattended and go somewhere?

The moral of this story is that if you come to a foreign country, you don’t need to immediately make sudden moves - buy real estate, start a business. We must first figure out what and how, then there will be no such hits.

You'll get some assholes and not weak ones, that's for sure.
It is stupid (and even dangerous) to undermine rights in a foreign country using illegal methods.
The moral of this story is that if you come to a foreign country, you don’t need to immediately make sudden moves - buy real estate, start a business. We must first figure out what and how, then there will be no such hits.

Thank you, you just opened my eyes. . **
The most important thing that I understood from your speech, as a professional psychologist, is “not to make unnecessary body movements. turn on your brain so you don’t get fucked.” . **
Thank you for telling me about yourself and your priorities, and I have already outgrown that stage of development when they are afraid of pussy. ➡
Are you really so naive that you believe in legal methods?
How old are you?

pups correctly advised not to aggravate the situation and by saying “thank you” you should have left it at that.

What did you want to hear? “Right now, fellow countrywoman, let’s show up in a brigade and smash Jack’s office to smithereens?”

Well, they showed carelessness in a foreign country, did not heed warnings about scams, it happens (and this has been written about here on the forum many times).
It would be nice if you were young and green, but judging by your profile, you are only 2 years younger than pups, but your age is not an indicator of experience, and your story clearly showed this.

Drink more and kill it. Jack the goat is blacklisted.

Life in Thailand on Koh Samui

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How to choose a lawyer in Thailand

Translation of a chapter from the book “How to buy land and build in Thailand.” By Philip Bryce.
My comments are in italics.

The very first lawyer I met in Thailand gave me some interesting advice: “Never trust lawyers, never trust Thais and never trust locals!” Of course, not everything is so simple, however, I would recommend keeping these words in mind. Murphy's law “if there is a chance that something bad can happen, then it will happen” especially often works in Thailand.

(since the book was written by an American and mainly for Americans and Europeans, the author prefers scare tactics.. As for citizens of Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet republics, it makes sense to many of them, especially those who did business in their homeland, on the contrary, relax a little)

The very first and most important thing: your lawyer must speak good English (of course, you yourself or your authorized representative must also speak good English). I believe that the root cause of most of the problems associated with living in Thailand is misunderstanding. In legal matters, clear communication is vital.

Second, your lawyer should have extensive experience in the specific area of ​​law that interests you. For example, if you are going to buy land, he should know absolutely everything about the methods of acquiring land for foreigners, as well as the procedure for registering a company.

During a preliminary conversation with your potential lawyer, “cast the bait” by asking a few questions to which you already know the answers, for example, from the Internet.

When interacting with Thais, be sure to keep in mind that many Asians, rather than providing clear information that may cause negative emotions, will prefer to make you happy now. Very important information may be suppressed or misrepresented, as they sincerely believe, for your own good. Unfortunately, this approach can be found even in the legal profession. In America, every lawyer feels it is his responsibility to paint the darkest possible scenario; in Thailand you will often hear: “Mai pen rai” - “No problem!” Thais tend to say what you want to hear, not what you need to know, so it is best if you find out in advance what kind of approach your future lawyer takes to discussing issues.

It is also necessary to test the potential lawyer's ability to express himself in English in writing. How regularly does your lawyer candidate use email? If you do not live in Thailand permanently, you will have to do a lot of correspondence. Try sending a few test emails to a few attorneys to see how responsive they are and how clear their responses are.

In many tourist areas of Thailand there are many good real estate companies that also provide related services. Often such companies have close relationships with legal and construction companies. Be very careful when using a lawyer recommended by the real estate agent or the seller. “Conflict of interest” is of no concern here, and one day you may find that despite regularly paying bills from the lawyer, he is helping the seller or the seller's agent.

What you still need to do is find reviews of your lawyer from his farang clients who have carried out similar transactions. But the best thing would be to find dissatisfied customers.

Like any property owner in Thailand, you will probably need legal services after the purchase and sale transaction has been completed. Constantly evaluate your lawyer's behavior and communicate with others about their experiences. It may be more profitable if another lawyer represents your interests.

If you doubt the credibility of your lawyer's recommendation, ask others. One or even two more opinions is a great way to protect yourself. If you let other attorneys know that you are considering them for your case, chances are they will give you free advice.

Reprinting of material is permissible only if a link to the original post is placed.

Legal services in Thailand in Phuket

SkyProperty company offers legal services in Thailand on the island of Phuket. We cooperate with leading lawyers in Thailand. Their activities extend to the most popular legal practices in the field of civil, land and tax law. In addition, our counterparties provide representation in the courts and government agencies of Thailand.

How to create conditions for working and doing business in Thailand

If you are planning to work or do business in Thailand, then the lawyers working with us will prepare all the necessary documents and help you understand the intricacies of Thai legislation:

  • Work permit
  • Annual renewal
  • Registration of legal entities in Thailand
  • Assistance in purchasing a ready-made business, franchises
  • Registration of transactions, drafting contracts, translations (English, Thai Russian)
  • Increase in authorized capital
  • Updating of constituent documents
  • Attention! Even one day of work without permission entails criminal liability.

    If you need the help of a qualified lawyer in Thailand, by contacting our company SkyProperty, you will receive advice on the following issues:

    Support of real estate transactions

  • Purchase of real estate owned by a legal entity
  • Long-term property rental
  • Purchase and registration of condominium real estate into private ownership
  • Registration of land ownership or lease
  • Purchase and rental of commercial real estate
  • Expert assessment - checking the legal “purity” of the object
  • Notary support

  • Certification of signatures, copies of documents
  • Certification of transfer of shares
  • Certification of contracts
  • Certification of powers of attorney
  • Making wills
  • Confirmation of translation accuracy
  • Certification of oaths, testimony of witnesses
  • Tax consultant, tax reporting preparation

  • Enterprise income tax
  • Personal income tax
  • Real estate taxation
  • Land Department taxes
  • Accounting services

    • Reporting
    • Drawing up an annual balance sheet
    • Audit
    • Monthly accounting
    • Contributions to the pension fund
    • Depreciation
    • Consolidation
    • Dividend calculation

    Other types of services

  • Lawyer consultations
  • Resolution of legal conflicts
  • Judicial practice - civil and criminal law
  • Family disputes
  • Legal advice in Phuket

    SkyProperty cooperates with leading lawyers practicing in Thailand. Since all specialists have extensive experience working with Thai legislation, by contacting us you will receive:

  • Comprehensive answers to your questions
  • Competent consultation
  • Tactful Communication
  • Our contractors work with both individuals and legal entities and are ready to offer their services in a wide range of civil, family, housing, tax and financial law.

    You can ask additional questions by phone - call right now.

Lawyer - buying real estate in Phuket: important

In a country like Thailand, the experience and professionalism of the law firm’s employees are quite important. This is due to the fact that all the laws in Thailand are very specific and can have different interpretations. In the article presented to your attention, we give some recommendations regarding the selection of a lawyer and a law firm that needs to be done, purchasing property in Thailand.

Lawyer - : information

Almost everyone who contacts us with questions acquisition and rental of real estate note that most of the materials published on the Internet are contradictory. Even in articles written by lawyers, you can find different answers to the same question. Some consultants believe that the most reliable option is to open a Thai company. Others are completely convinced that it is necessary to settle for a long-term rental. There are also consultants who offer their clients such dubious options as a fictitious marriage with a Thai citizen. So, it’s quite easy to get confused here.

Lawyer - buying real estate in Phuket: goals

First, you need to determine the purpose of contacting a lawyer. One of the most important tasks of a lawyer is to find and offer the client the most reliable and effective option for his particular case. The method that your friends have successfully used may well be impossible in your specific situation.
When purchasing real estate, you'll be faced with a lot of pretty serious questions regarding transfers, sales and probate. You will also be faced with the issue of extending the contract for a new term with determining the terms of the extension. All these nuances must be spelled out in the documents.

Lawyer - buying real estate in Phuket: consultations

The vast majority of experts agree that you should only sign anything after consulting with a lawyer.

For a more objective assessment of the situation, you can also seek advice from some disinterested specialist.

It is important to remember that the legislation of a country such as Thailand does not ensure the purity of documents that confirm owner's title, in other words, document verification is the responsibility of the real estate buyer. All documents included in the list of necessary documents for registration of ownership must be reviewed and verified in the province to which the property being purchased belongs.

Lawyer - buying real estate in Phuket: payment

When it comes to fees, there is a fairly common belief that legal services are expensive, but this is not true. In most cases, you can agree with a lawyer on a fixed fee for his services, rather than hourly. Law firms that have established themselves in this market most often provide their clients with first completely free consultations. When conducting a consultation, a person who contacts a law firm receives the most up-to-date information, thanks to which he can avoid many unpleasant moments in the future.

If you still have any questions regarding the purchase or rental of real estate in Thailand, write to us or call us!

Any procedure with real estate in Thailand entails the receipt, execution and certification of documentation by the authorities. Ownership documents (chanot), project documentation for obtaining a building permit are drawn up in Thai. Contracts with the contractor, as well as purchase and sale agreements, can be concluded in English or in two languages ​​- English and Thai.

To conduct transactions, the customer (buyer) will need the services of a lawyer. The agency conducting the transaction acts as a consultant.

Purchase procedure

The procedure for purchasing real estate can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Signing a letter of intent or an agreement on a deposit, which indicates the amount of the deposit, the amount for which the property is being sold, the address and other information about the property, the passport details of the buyer and the seller, and the deadlines for fulfilling obligations. This agreement implies that if the buyer fails to fulfill his obligations, the deposit remains with the seller, but if the seller does not fulfill his obligations, the amount is returned to the buyer. The agreement also specifies the date of signing the main contract. This document does not require notarization.
  2. Signing the main contract with making the first payment (20-40%). This agreement describes all the details of the transaction, deadlines for fulfilling obligations, amounts of payments, account numbers to which payments are made, dates of transfer of ownership of the property to the buyer. The agreement is certified by a notary.
  3. If, under the terms of the agreement, payments are made in stages, each payment is confirmed by a receipt from the seller. The buyer deposits money into the seller's account and keeps receipts for the transfer of money. In the case of purchasing housing under construction from a developer, payment is made after control of the next stage of construction. Control can be entrusted to the agency; this is stipulated in the main contract.
  4. The final payment is made on the day of acceptance and transfer of the property to the buyer's name. The document on the transfer of ownership is prepared at the Land Department. This procedure requires a prior application to the Land Department by the seller (30 days in advance). Submitting an application does not require the participation of the buyer, but it is an important point that affects the period of transfer of ownership.

Cost of legal services

The cost of legal services to support a transaction for the purchase and sale of a house or apartment in Phuket by a law firm, depending on the range of services (checking and preparation of contracts, certification, powers of attorney) and the timing of the transaction may vary in the region 25-60 thousand baht.

Registration of a Thai company, provision of nominee shareholders costs around 60-80 thousand baht.

Citizens of which countries have the right to purchase real estate in Thailand?

By law, any foreigner has the right to own 49% of any property in Thailand. The rest must belong to a Thai citizen or legal entity, where again 51% of the authorized capital must be owned by Thais and 49% by foreigners.

But there are ways to get full ownership of real estate (Freehold). For example, a condominium developer has the right to sell 49% of the living space of an apartment building to foreign individuals in full ownership (Freehold).

If a foreigner does not have time to purchase real estate from the quota of 49%, then the foreigner can arrange for an apartment from the remaining 51% of the living space of an apartment building on a long-term lease (Leasehold) for 30 years with the right to extend twice. As a result, the lease term reaches 90 years.

A foreign buyer can register the house as full ownership (Freehold). But the land under it is issued for a long-term lease (Leasehold) for 30 years with the right to extend twice. As a result, the lease term is 90 years.

Freehold (Free-hold) - registration of ownership of land, including under a building, to a Thai company. The foreigner's share in such a company can be no more than 49%.

But these restrictions are circumvented as follows:

  • The buyer is appointed as a director of the Thai company, and the nominee partner renounces the shares in favor of the buyer;
  • The Thai shareholding is diluted among a number of Thai nominees so that the buyer owns a majority share of the shares.

Thus, the foreign citizen effectively receives full ownership of the company and land.

  • 60,000-80,000 baht ($1,840-2,450) to open a legal entity;
  • Registration fee and taxes – up to 6% of the assessed value of the land. Paid in one lump sum;
  • Maintaining tax and accounting records for a company (regardless of whether the company is in business or not) – about $1000 per year.

The registration of transactions is carried out by the Phuket Land Committee. For documents, a certified copy of your passport is required. The rest of the troubles will be taken care of by lawyers.
For villas in luxury complexes, a mixed scheme is often found. All the land of the complex is registered in the name of a Thai company. The community of owners creates an offshore company that owns a minority stake in the Thai company. Each owner has a share in an offshore company (the size of the share depends on the size of the plot) and his own offshore company through which the share is registered. At the same time, a long-term lease of 30+30+30 was issued for each piece of land between a Thai company (the owner of the land) and offshore companies that belong to the owners.

If we talk about a legal entity registered in Thailand, where one of the founders is a foreigner, then here the company can register any real estate (apartments, houses, land, commercial properties) as full ownership (Freehold).

What rights does a foreigner receive after purchasing real estate in Thailand?

Purchasing property in Thailand does not entitle you to a residence permit or citizenship. the same as other foreigners.

The Kingdom has a program that allows a foreigner with an investment amount of $15,000 or more to receive a special VIP card (as a bonus, it allows you to receive VIP service in hotels, airports, golf clubs, etc.) and a long-term visa for 5-20 years. Some developers of luxury complexes offer clients visas under this program in exchange for the purchase of housing.

What responsibilities does a foreigner have after purchasing real estate in Thailand?

There is no general annual property tax in Thailand. There are one-time fees when registering a property with the land department - 2-3% of the value of the property. They are paid on the day of the transaction at the land department.

Annual payment of taxes is only required if the property is used commercially. Thai real estate is subject to three types of taxes:

  • Land tax is small, only a few baht
  • Development tax imposed on land.
  • Tax on the use of buildings, that is, rent

Any owner must also pay for utilities.

  • Read more:

At the same time, tax residents of the Russian Federation (people who actually live in the Russian Federation for more than 183 days a year) still have obligations to their country. They must notify the Russian tax authorities about the creation of accounts in foreign banks or legal entities. And this may be required during the transaction.

  • Read more:

You can select and study offers for the sale of real estate in Thailand using open sources: the Internet, specialized portals, printed publications and thematic exhibitions. At the latter, you can chat live with realtors and developers, and get advice on the spot.

  • Look on foreign real estate

Search window for selecting real estate on the website portal

How to look for a realtor in Thailand?

To search and purchase real estate in Thailand, Russian-speaking buyers most often turn to an agency for help - this avoids the language barrier and difficulties with interpreting local laws.

About half of all buyers purchase property in Thailand for personal use. The second half is to generate rental income. Therefore, many owners may not come to the country for years and it is necessary to have someone on site to represent their interests. One way is to choose a reliable local real estate agency during the purchasing process.

Such an agency has information about the real estate market, it will select and show you the best properties that suit your goals, advise on the main points, share experience, negotiate with the developer, and then resolve all issues regarding the transaction in your absence. Real estate agency services in Thailand are free for buyers. But the seller will have to pay a commission.

In extremely rare cases, the seller adds the commission amount to the cost of the property.

You can search, select and purchase real estate on your own. But in practice, without understanding the specifics of the legislation and not speaking the language, it is difficult to go through the entire procedure without outside help. Since Russian buyers are not uncommon in Thailand, many agencies and developers have Russian-speaking employees.

  • See the list.

Realtor tasks:

  • selection of objects that meet client requirements;
  • organizing a trip to Thailand to view real estate;
  • negotiation of prices and special conditions with the seller on behalf of the buyer;
  • agreement on the procedure and date of the transaction;
  • preparation of documents and contracts, checking the property for possible encumbrances.

Step-by-step procedure for a real estate transaction

Stage 1. Reserving an object and making a depositA

When choosing an object and discussing the conditions, a reservation agreement is signed between the buyer and seller. It reflects information about the parties to the transaction, the selected object, its cost, payment schedule, and details for sending funds.

When signing the reservation agreement, the buyer makes a deposit - about 1% of the total cost - in order for the property to be taken off the market. The deposit can be paid in cash or to the seller's account. The transfer can be made from a bank account in any country. The deposit is usually non-refundable, and if the transaction does not take place due to the fault of the buyer, then you will have to say goodbye to this amount. If the transaction does not take place due to the fault of the seller, the money will be returned.

Stage 2. Conclusion of an agreement

After signing the reservation agreement and making a deposit, within 1-2 weeks the buyer receives a preliminary agreement from the seller for review and amendments if the seller is a developer. If the transaction is on the secondary market and the seller is an individual, then the preliminary agreement is usually drawn up by a legal company.

This agreement specifies all the information about the property, the conditions for its acquisition and the method of registration, information about all costs during registration and further maintenance of the property, penalties for non-compliance with the agreement.

Attached to the contract are copies of identification documents between the seller and the buyer, and real estate documents. The preliminary agreement has legal force and failure to comply with it is grounds for going to court.

Stage 3. Checking the condition of the property and the purity of the transaction

The buyer can use the services of a lawyer to check the condition of the property and the purity of the transaction. Typically, law firms offer the following services:

  • Checking the land plot - who is the owner, are there any encumbrances (from $700).
  • Checking the selling company. Who is authorized to conclude a transaction on behalf of a legal entity, composition of founders, authorized capital, etc. (from $700).
  • Checking the contract, making changes, agreeing on terms with the seller (from $500).
  • Registration of the transaction in the land department (from $300).

Typically, only contract verification is ordered on the primary market. A full legal check of real estate is carried out only when concluding transactions with secondary housing. And as a rule, at the expense of the buyer. Can be carried out both before making a reservation deposit and after, depending oncircumstances and agreements of the parties.

Stage 4. Payment for the transaction

When purchasing a property on the primary market, the buyer transfers funds by bank transfer under an agreement to the details of the developer in Thailand. Money can come from the buyer’s account opened in any country. A transfer from a legal entity registered in any country in which the buyer is the founder is allowed.

If the transaction takes place on the secondary market, usually the buyer opens an account in a Thai bank and transfers funds from another country to it. At the time of registration with the Land Department, he provides the seller with a check issued for the required amount.

If an apartment or house is registered as freehold, then it is important that the money comes to Thailand from another country. This fact is verified when registering the transaction by the land department. If the object is registered for long-term lease (Leasehold), then the calculation can occur in any way.

Unlike many countries in the world, Thailand does not check the origin of money.

  • Read more:

When purchasing a home from a developer, documents can be sent to the buyer for signature via DHL. And when purchasing secondary properties, it is advisable to complete the transaction in person and in the presence of a lawyer.

Stage 5. Registration of ownership

All transactions are registered with the Land Department. There are Thai staff who speak little English, and all paperwork is done in Thai. Therefore, foreigners are rarely there, or accompanied by Thai representatives.

When purchasing a property on the primary market, the transaction is usually registered in the land department by a representative from the developer on the basis of a power of attorney from the buyer in his name. When purchasing an object on the secondary market, this is usually done by a lawyer.

On the day of the transaction, the land department issues the buyer a package of documents. It depends on the method of registration of real estate.

For example, if this is a Freehold apartment, then the new owner receives:

  • Sales and purchase agreement in Thai standard format. It contains the name and surname of the new owner, information about the property and must be signed and sealed by government officials.
  • Land certificate (Chanote) is a document for the land under the house, where on one side there is a plan of the land, and on the other the entire history of transactions with it. When registering ownership of an apartment, according to the law, the foreigner is also a shared owner of the land, in proportion to the purchased area of ​​the apartment in the house.
  • House book (Blue book), which contains the address and information about the apartment.

In many residential complexes, which are most often aimed at foreign buyers, you can purchase real estate in free ownership or Freehold

Possibility of remote acquisition

Typically, a real estate transaction in Thailand lasts from 1 week to 1 year. It all depends on the readiness of the object. The personal presence of the buyer is only necessary at the time of registration of the transaction at the land department. Therefore, the first stages (selection of an object, reservation, signing of an agreement, acceptance) can be completed remotely.

Then you can come to Thailand to formalize the transaction or to sign a power of attorney for a lawyer who will register the property on behalf of the buyer. Or, if you have a notarized power of attorney for the representative, which gives the right to re-register the object to the new owner, the transaction can be completed without ever coming to the country.

Additional costs

Transfer fee

It is important to know that payment of the fee falls equally on both the buyer and the seller. When purchasing housing in private ownership (Free Hold), the fee or Transfer Fee will be 2% of the final cost of the property.

Before signing the contract, it is necessary to clarify whether the seller agrees to pay his part, otherwise the full amount will have to be paid to the buyer. For a buyer, when purchasing housing in Free Hold, the tax duty will be 1-2%, and when purchasing in Lease Hold - 1%.

When registering a transaction with the land department, taxes and registration fees are paid. They depend on the method of registration of the transaction, as well as on the estimated value of the object itself in the land department. The latter is usually underestimated.

Therefore, the exact cost of taxes and fees is found out in the land department a few days before the transaction is completed. Typically, taxes are paid in half by the seller. On average, the buyer ends up paying 2-3% of the property price.

Lawyer's fees

If the transaction is completed by a lawyer hired by the buyer, his fee is usually about $300. At the same time, depending on the total amount of work, the lawyer may assign a larger amount. Or tie the fee to the transaction amount, for example, 1%.

Mortgages and installments in Thailand

In Thailand, foreigners cannot get a mortgage from local banks.

But developers can offer installment payments. Standard interest-free installments are provided for the construction period (1-2 years) when purchasing a property at the construction stage. In this case, the payment schedule is reflected in the contract, and payment occurs upon completion of certain stages of construction.

Some developers offer financing. Thus, it is necessary to contribute 50% of the cost of the project (this 50% can also be paid during 1-2 years of construction). The remaining 50% is paid over the next 1-5 years at 5-7% per annum. Under this scheme, the maximum installment period is 7 years.

The buyer can obtain financing from a Russian bank and pay for real estate in Thailand.

Summary: this is something to remember

  • Real estate agency services in Thailand are free for the buyer.
  • Purchasing property in Thailand does not entitle you to a residence permit or citizenship
  • There is no general annual property tax in Thailand. There are one-time fees when registering a property with the land department - 2-3% of the value of the property.
  • Foreigners cannot get a mortgage in Thailand
  • The transaction can be paid by transferring money from the buyer’s bank account opened in any country.

Translation of a chapter from the book “How to buy land and build in Thailand.” By Philip Bryce.
My comments are in italics.

The very first lawyer I met in Thailand gave me some interesting advice: “Never trust lawyers, never trust Thais and never trust locals!” Of course, not everything is so simple, however, I would recommend keeping these words in mind. Murphy's law “if there is a chance that something bad can happen, then it will happen” especially often works in Thailand.

(since the book was written by an American and mainly for Americans and Europeans, the author prefers scare tactics.. As for citizens of Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet republics, it makes sense to many of them, especially those who did business in their homeland, on the contrary, relax a little)

The very first and most important thing: your lawyer must speak good English (of course, you yourself or your authorized representative must also speak good English). I believe that the root cause of most of the problems associated with living in Thailand is misunderstanding. In legal matters, clear communication is vital.

Second, your lawyer should have extensive experience in the specific area of ​​law that interests you. For example, if you are going to buy land, he should know absolutely everything about the methods of acquiring land for foreigners, as well as the procedure for registering a company.

During a preliminary conversation with your potential lawyer, “cast the bait” by asking a few questions to which you already know the answers, for example, from the Internet.

When interacting with Thais, be sure to keep in mind that many Asians, rather than providing clear information that may cause negative emotions, will prefer to make you happy now. Very important information may be suppressed or misrepresented, as they sincerely believe, for your own good. Unfortunately, this approach can be found even in the legal profession. In America, every lawyer feels it is his responsibility to paint the darkest possible scenario; in Thailand you will often hear: “Mai pen rai” - “No problem!” Thais tend to say what you want to hear, not what you need to know, so it is best if you find out in advance what kind of approach your future lawyer takes to discussing issues.

It is also necessary to test the potential lawyer's ability to express himself in English in writing. How regularly does your lawyer candidate use email? If you do not live in Thailand permanently, you will have to do a lot of correspondence. Try sending a few test emails to a few attorneys to see how responsive they are and how clear their responses are.

In many tourist areas of Thailand there are many good real estate companies that also provide related services. Often such companies have close relationships with legal and construction companies. Be very careful when using a lawyer recommended by the real estate agent or the seller. “Conflict of interest” is of no concern here, and one day you may find that despite regularly paying bills from the lawyer, he is helping the seller or the seller's agent.

What you still need to do is find reviews of your lawyer from his farang clients who have carried out similar transactions. But the best thing would be to find dissatisfied customers.

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