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How to put the Soviet language on VKontakte. How to change the language in VK in the new version to Russian

Good afternoon friends. In today's article, we will learn how to change the interface language of the VKontakte website.

Sometimes it happens that you need to change the language of the social network interface. The functionality of the site provides a similar option, and everything is implemented quite simply. Below we'll take a look at how it all works.

Set of languages ​​of the social network VKontakte

The site has a rich set of languages ​​- almost all the languages ​​​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation are represented there, as well as neighboring countries, the countries of the former CIS and Europe. You can choose from any of the list below.

Where can I see this list. To do this, do the following:

How to change the language in VK on a computer

To do this, do the following:

1. Go to the page settings menu and select “Settings”

By default, the entire interface of the site is in Russian. If you do not touch the language settings, then the entrance is also carried out in Russian, and the working language remains Russian.

To translate the page back into Russian, you need to do the same steps. Only in the list select the Russian language.

How to change the language in VK on a smartphone or tablet

There is no direct option to change the language in the VK mobile application. To change the language in the mobile version, you need to change the interface language of the Android system of your smartphone. This is done in the settings. Usually the path looks like this: “Settings” - “Language and input” or “Settings” - “Advanced settings” - “Language and input”.

To translate everything back into Russian, you need to select Russian in the “Language and input” settings section in the same way and apply the setting.

Hello, friends! Today we will talk about changing the language in social network In contact with. This can be useful if, say, you want to show your page to a foreign guest. Or maybe a friend decided to play a joke on you, and, taking the opportunity, changed the language for Vkontakte on your device. Perhaps you are learning a foreign language, so why not spend time online with benefit - you will quickly remember the words that are often repeated on Vkontakte.

Let's start to deal with our question, and you will see that there is nothing complicated in this.

Switch language

Those who access their VK page from a computer or laptop need to do the following. Login to your account and scroll down the page. On the left, under the main menu items and blocks with ads, you will see a few more buttons: "Blog", "For Developers", "Advertising", "More".

Click on the "More" button.

A drop-down list will open. In it, select the last item "Language: ...".

After that, the following window will appear. If you need to change the language in VK to Russian, then just click on the flag image or the word "Russian". If you want to change VK to English, click on the corresponding flag.

If you didn’t find what you need in this list, click the “Other languages” button.

A window will open with all languages ​​supported by Vkontakte. Find the one you need and click on it.

If you liked it when your page was automatically translated into an unusual language for the holidays, then in this list you will see the pre-revolutionary and Soviet language in VK.

This is the one I chose. I don’t understand anything, but in order to change it back to Russian, you need to do everything as described above.

Only in the drop-down menu there are two items, I choose the one where after the first word there is a colon - this means "Language: ...".

How to change the language in VK on the phone

Now let's see how you can change the language of Vkontakte from your phone or tablet. We will consider separately the Vkontakte mobile application that you downloaded from Play market or App Store, and the mobile version of the site - when you access your page through a browser.

On the mobile app

On this moment, you won’t be able to change the language for your Vkontakte page through the mobile application installed on your phone or tablet - there is no such function yet.

But you can completely change the language of the device system. To do this, go to the settings and find the item there that relates to the change. Then select the one you need from the list.

After that, by going to your Vkontakte profile through installed application, you will see that the language has changed to the one that was selected.

Using the mobile version of the site

If you do not want to completely change the system language of your device, and the previous paragraph is not suitable, then you can change it for Vkontakte through the mobile version of the site.

Open a browser on your phone or tablet and go to your page. Next, click on the three horizontal bars in the upper left corner to open the side menu.

Select "Settings" in it.

On the settings page, make sure the first tab "General" is open.

Are you looking for information on how to change the language in a contact?

Sometimes it happens that after blocking an account, for example, or after hacking a personal page - we find that the interface language in the contact has changed - and it’s good if it’s English, but if it’s some kind of incomprehensible one?

Do not worry - after reading this article you will learn how to solve your problem and how to change the language in contact from English to Russian and vice versa, as well as to any other.

In fact, this is done in just a couple of clicks, the main thing is to know where to click 🙂

So, first, let's find out how to change the language in contact to any other from Russian.

How to change the language in contact from Russian

Previously, in order to change the language in a contact, it was necessary to find a page on which there would not be a long tape with information.

Now everything is easier and new version You can find the button we need from any page:

  1. Being on any VK page - look at the left menu column - scroll to the very bottom under the block with advertising.
  1. Hover the mouse over the "More" button, a small menu drops out

  1. The bottom line is the language, click it and we will see a list of the main languages ​​\u200b\u200bto which we can translate the interface in contact.

The "other languages" button in translation from English means: other languages.

After clicking it, a window will open in front of you with a large list of other languages ​​\u200b\u200bthat you can switch to.

For example, here is how the interface looks like in a contact in Arabic 🙂

As you can see, even the names of people were translated, though into Latin. All the names of the buttons are also in Arabic, and the names of the groups remained as they were in Russian.

You should be careful when changing the language to some exotic one, because it will be more difficult to translate back into Russian, because all the button names will be in the same exotic language 🙂

By the way, did you notice that in the list of languages ​​there are such interesting languages like pre-revolutionary and Soviet?

And now let's talk about how we can translate into Russian, if we inadvertently ended up in the interface, let's say Turkish or English or some other language.

How to change the language in a contactinto Russian

So let's say we're on the Turkish interface. What to do now and how to return the Russian?

We follow the same pattern:

  1. On any page, look at the left column of the menu, (though in Arabic it will be the right column), scroll down.
  2. Hover over this button - it is the latest (in the Russian version it is called "more")

  1. A small list of 2 items drops out, in all languages, no matter what you are in, select the lowest item.

  1. That's all, a window with languages ​​to choose from will open before you. Choose Russian and it's done! 🙂

How to change the language in VK on the phone

You can change the language on your phone by going to " full version" in contact with.

How to do it?

We go to VK through the browser by opening a new tab.

You will find yourself in the mobile version of Vkontakte, but we need the full version. In order to be in full - press the button with three dashes in the upper left corner

A menu has popped up, which we scroll down to the end. Click the "Full version" button or in English it is "full version".

Now the VK interface on your phone is displayed in the same way as on your computer, which means that you can apply the tips that were given in this article a little higher through your phone.

If the article turned out to be useful to you, please share it on social networks by clicking on the button of your favorite social network. Thank you 🙂

If you access the site of your favorite social network using a browser, and it doesn’t matter what device you have (computer, smartphone or tablet), then changing the language will be very simple. Another thing is if you use applications for mobile phone- in this case, you will have to use a different path. However, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Full version of the site

You can use the full version of the VK website both on a computer and on any other device, including a smartphone or tablet.

To change the language, go to any section of the menu, for example, in the settings. In this case, it doesn’t matter, much more important is to get to the bottom of the page, where the additional menu is located. It looks like this:

The main thing here is the link word “Russian”, which means that you are currently using the Russian language on the site. Let's say you want to change the Russian language to English. In this case, click on the link word "Russian", after which a window with a choice of language will appear.

To select a language, click on the checkbox.

If you click Other languages, you can see all the languages ​​\u200b\u200bthat VK supports, and there are a lot of them. Select the one you want by clicking on it once.

Everything, the process of changing the language is completed.

Mobile version of the site

If you are using the mobile version of the VKontakte website (do not confuse it with a mobile application), then here is what you need to do to change the language.

Open your page. On the left side of the screen there is a menu, select "Settings" in it.

In the settings, find the "Regional Settings" section, where one of the menu items is called "Language".

Tap on it, after which a choice of languages ​​\u200b\u200bwill appear. Choose the right one.

Mobile app

In the case of using mobile application for your smartphone or tablet, you will have to use a different method. IN latest versions VK applications do not have the ability to change the language only for the application itself, but there is another way - to change the language in the system (firmware). This method applies to both Android and iOS (is this method available for Windows phone, we don’t know for sure, but with a probability of 99% we can say that it works).

To do this, you just need to change the language on the device. Go to your device settings and change the language.

After changing the language in the firmware, the application will also change the language to the selected one.

Now the VKontakte application looks like this:

There is no other way to change the language in the application yet.

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