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They withdraw money from Beeline. How to cash out money from a Beeline mobile phone: description of all available methods. Personal visit to the official representative office

Quite often, citizens think about how to withdraw money from Beeline. This question can be answered in different ways. The main thing is that the meaning does not change - you need to transfer funds from the SIM card account either to a bank card, or to an electronic wallet, or simply cash them out. It is possible to approach the solution of the problem by various methods. Next we will talk about all the possible options.

Methods for solving the problem

What scenarios take place in practice? There are quite a lot of them. The majority of methods involve the payment of a commission for transactions. But more on that later.

When thinking about how to withdraw money from Beeline, you can highlight the following techniques:

  • through ATMs;
  • using bank plastic;
  • through the official BeeLine page;
  • through translation systems such as Contact;
  • using Russian Post;
  • through electronic wallets.

Everyone chooses for themselves how to act. Transfers through the Contact payment systems and requests for help from Russian Post are not common. They require a lot of time and effort. Therefore, we will not talk about them.


How to withdraw money from Beeline? You can try to bring your idea to life through ATMs. The user can find the nearest suitable ATM machines on the website of the Beeline operator.

Transactions are subject to the following conditions:

  • commission - 5.95%;
  • the minimum transfer amount is 100 rubles;
  • the maximum limit for a one-time transaction is 5,000 rubles;
  • the limit of transfers per month is 40,000 rubles.

It is important to remember that after the transaction, the client must have at least 50 rubles left on his mobile phone account. Otherwise, the operation will not go through the processing stage.

To withdraw money from your Beeline account using an ATM, you must:

  1. Generate a message like: name_of_payment_system plastic_number transfer_amount. For example, Mastercard XXXXXXX 100, where XXXXXXX is the 16-digit card number.
  2. Send SMS to number 7878.
  3. Confirm the operation. Instructions for this will come in the reply message.
  4. Get a PIN code for withdrawals.
  5. Find a suitable ATM.
  6. Provide your mobile phone number.
  7. Enter PIN.
  8. Receive funds in cash.

This technique sometimes causes a lot of trouble. They are connected with the fact that it is not always possible to find a suitable ATM near the subscriber. In conventional ATMs, the procedure being studied is not carried out.

On the cards

How to withdraw money from Beeline to a Sberbank card and more? This is the second way to cash out from a mobile phone from the BeeLine operator. It is used quite often.

Money can be transferred to Visa, MasterCard, Maestro cards. The option is available to any banks. The commission is charged according to the following rules:

  • transactions up to 1 thousand rubles - 50 rubles;
  • working with a Visa card - 5.95% and an additional 10 rubles;
  • transfers to MasterCard and Maestro - similar to the previous commission.

The minimum payment is 50 rubles, the maximum one-time payment per day is 14,000. You cannot transfer more than 40 thousand rubles per week. The same rule applies to monthly restrictions.

The principle of operation is extremely simple. To understand how to withdraw money from Beeline, just follow the instructions:

  1. Write a message like: payment_system card_number payment_amount.
  2. Send SMS to number 7878.
  3. Wait for funds to be transferred.

That's all. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible about the reception. Then the funds received can be cashed out by withdrawing them from an ATM using the generally accepted method.

Website and maps

You can withdraw money from Beeline to a Sberbank card on the official page of the mobile operator. A similar operation can be carried out with plastic from any Russian financial organization.

It is suggested to act according to the instructions:

  1. Open the official Beeline website.
  2. Go to the section "Payment and Payments" - "Money Transfers".
  3. Select "To card".
  4. Indicate your bank account details in the designated fields.
  5. Enter the phone number from which funds will be debited.
  6. Specify the transfer amount.
  7. Confirm the operation.

Fast, simple and convenient. But that is not all. And there are different methods to withdraw money from Beeline. There is still a withdrawal to the electronic wallet.

Wallets to help

We found out how to withdraw money from Beeline to Sberbank. Some citizens prefer to work with online wallets. You can use them to pay for purchases online.

To transfer money from a Beeline SIM card to any wallet on the Internet, you will need:

  1. In the SMS message write: card_type wallet_number transaction_amount.
  2. Send to a short number already known to us.
  3. Receive a response message indicating successful request processing.

This is one of several approaches. Some subscribers bring their idea to life via the Internet. To do this you need:

  1. Open the page beeline.ru/customers/how-to-pay/oplatit-so-scheta/#/services/category-17.
  2. Select the type of electronic wallet.
  3. Enter the details.
  4. Indicate the number from which you want to debit money.
  5. Enter the transaction size.
  6. Click on the "Send request" button.

Within a few minutes, the funds will be transferred to the specified wallet account. For such transactions, a fairly large commission is charged - 8.5% of the transfer amount + 10 rubles. The minimum you can transfer at a time is 5,000 rubles, per month - 30,000 rubles.


We found out how to withdraw money from Beeline to a Sberbank card and more. How exactly to act, everyone decides for themselves.

All of the above techniques usually involve fast processing of transactions. Money is transferred to the specified accounts almost instantly. Sometimes you have to wait up to 5 business days.

In practice, there is another way to transfer - from Beeline to Beeline. To bring your idea to life, you need to dial the command *145#, then press the “Call” button and follow the instructions on the mobile phone display. Usually you have to select “Transfer to phone” in the menu that appears, and then enter the recipient’s number and the size of the transaction.

Most users do not even suspect that they can receive money from their mobile phone account in cash. Thus, you can pay for a specific product or service, as well as transfer funds to another person’s account. However, how to withdraw money from a Beeline phone in cash is still a mystery to many, and therefore it is worth considering several ways to withdraw funds.

Why is this necessary?

This service can be more useful than it seems at first glance. Cashing out a certain amount of money from your mobile phone will be convenient not only when you urgently need money. It can also be used to transfer funds to a bank card. In addition, Beeline now allows you to make money transfers in this way.

Also, it is worth remembering a common situation - a person accidentally tops up a SIM card account with a larger amount than he originally expected. There are also cases when salaries in electronic currency are transferred to the phone, after which it is necessary to at least transfer from the Beeline account to the card.

Of course, such a service is useful, because even if you have never encountered such situations, it is always convenient to have a certain amount in reserve stored in your Beeline account.

How to cash out money from your phone account?

There are several ways to withdraw money from a phone number. Each of them is ideal for certain situations:

  • Contact the Beeline office;
  • Transfer money to a bank card;
  • Withdraw funds through an ATM;
  • Withdraw funds at the point of issue;
  • Use the payment system.

Contacting the company office

There may be several options for action in this case. You can either simply issue a refund from your balance, or terminate the contract with the company and receive in cash the entire amount of funds that was on your cell phone account.

Thus, the first step is to contact the nearest Beeline service office. Next, you will have to submit an application indicating your requirement - withdrawal of funds or termination of the contract, with the subsequent issuance of money.

In the application, you must indicate how you want to return the money - to a bank card, to another phone account, or to receive cash at the cash desk. More complete information about what needs to be written in the application can be obtained from the service center staff.

You can download a sample application at.

Transfer to a bank card

This is a simple and fast method that does not require a lot of effort and free time. You just need to send an SMS to a short number 7878 .

In it you must indicate the name of your card, account number and the amount you want to transfer to it. The text of the SMS will look something like this: “ Visa 0000 0000 0000 0001 1000».

Where is 0000 0000 0000 0001 your card number

Of course, to use this method it is not necessary to use a Visa - MasterCard or Maestro will work just fine. At the same time, you can be a client of absolutely any Russian bank.

However, this option means that you will have to pay a commission.

Tariffs are as follows:

You can write off a maximum of 14,000 rubles per day by making 10 transfers. The minimum amount is 50 rubles. You can withdraw money this way no more than 20 times per week, withdrawing 40,000 rubles. The monthly limit is also 40,000 rubles, but there can be only 50 transfers.

You can transfer the amount to your account without sending an SMS. To do this, just go to the website Money.beeline.ru.

This page contains a field for the bank card number, telephone number and transfer amount. After filling out, you need to enter the captcha and confirm the payment:

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

The card will be topped up in a few minutes, but some banks process transactions much longer – up to 5 days. Additionally, login is not required.

Note! This procedure is also possible from the official Beeline website. To do this, you need to go to the Beeline section. Money.

Withdrawing funds through an ATM

If previously it was only possible to top up mobile phones through ATMs or deposit money with a bank card into an account, now it is possible to carry out the reverse operation. The method is suitable for cases when you don’t have a bank card at hand, but you need to withdraw cash urgently. However, this is not possible in every ATM, but only in devices from SMP-Bank, Asian-Pacific Bank or BIN-Bank.

The first option is to send an SMS to the already familiar number 7878. The text of the message should contain the name of the currency and the amount of money you want to transfer. It may look like this: “RUB 100”. You can withdraw at least 100 rubles. After this, after a while you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code, which will allow you to withdraw money from the nearest ATM.

Note! A commission is also charged for this operation. Tariff – 5.95% of the transfer amount.

But if your phone is connected to the Internet, but you don’t want to deal with SMS, then you can use the already familiar service Money.beeline.ru. The procedure will not differ from transferring money to a card.

The only difference is that after clicking the “Transfer” button, you will receive a code through which you can withdraw money from an ATM.

Withdrawing money at the point of issue

Receiving funds is possible at Unistream, Contact, Webmoney or Russian Post collection points. But first, you will have to send funds through Money Beeline. There are several forms on the site that must be filled out with the details of the sender (your phone number) and the recipient. You won’t be able to withdraw money without a commission either, but it is only 2.6% of the transfer amount. You can send at least 100 rubles.

Note! When sending money via Contact, Unistream or Webmoney , The duration of the operation will be no more than 5 minutes. Russian Post will be able to receive them only in 3-7 days, but at the same time it will be able to deliver cash to your home.

Through payment systems

This option is good because it can be used even in populated areas where there are no ATMs or bank branches.

Along with this, the method is available in all countries in the CIS, and funds can be transferred in any currency. In addition, this way you can transfer money from your account to another person.

Your actions will be as follows:

  1. Go to the official Beeline website;
  2. Enter the “Money Transfers” section;
  3. Specify the details of the sender and recipient;
  4. Specify the transfer amount;
  5. Enter the code that will be sent to you via SMS in the appropriate field.

How to pay for a product or service via phone?

This service is a privilege of a corporate SIM card. All you need is to have a starting balance on your Beeline SIM card. In practice, everything will look like this:

  • They issue you an invoice;
  • You send an SMS to number 7878 with the command;
  • You receive a message to confirm your payment.

For sellers, this is the same as if you paid with a regular bank card or electronic currency.

The transfer is made through Unistream or Contact. The command looks like this: “vendor code your full name transfer amount.”


Previously, Beeline reported that users will be able to send funds to other subscribers of this operator or even others by simply calling one number. What kind of number is meant became a little later.


It is quite possible to cash out funds from a Beeline account, and there are even several convenient ways to do this. Therefore, when choosing an action, users can be guided by their location, the purpose for which money is urgently needed, or the amount that needs to be withdrawn.

There are often situations when there is an urgent need for cash, but you spent the last funds, for example, on mobile communications. It would seem that the money has already been credited to your mobile number and it is not possible to return it, but this is not about us. Mobile operators have long provided the opportunity to transfer funds to bank cards, numbers of other subscribers and withdrawals from ATMs, but not many users know about this.

In fact, there are really many ways, and they will all differ in the percentage that is charged on the amount during the transfer and the time of transaction. Within the framework of this article, only the possibility of withdrawing funds from the Beeline mobile operator is considered.

In a few clicks you can transfer money from a Beeline number to any bank card, namely: Visa, Maestro, MasterCard. The commission is calculated based on the transfer amount. Below, see a screenshot that shows all the commission percentages.

If you are going to regularly transfer certain amounts of money, we recommend that you look at the restrictions that are imposed for each subscriber for one number per day, week, month. Below is a screenshot with detailed information.

Translation methods

To make a transfer from your Beeline number to a bank card, you can use one of the methods described below.

By sending SMS

  1. Send an SMS to number 7878, in which you indicate the text in the following format: “card type” “card number” “amount”. Select the card type as Visa, MasterCard or Maestro;
  2. For example, you need to transfer 1,500 rubles from your account to a Visa card. In this case, you enter the following text: Visa 1234567890123456 1500. Bank card number, of course, indicate yours;
  3. After sending the request, you will receive an incoming SMS containing a verification code. Confirm the transaction to complete the transfer.

Attention! Your bank card number must have at least 16 digits, otherwise the transfer will not be possible!

Using the functionality of the Beeline website

  1. Go to the official website of the mobile operator, select the “Money transfers” item in the “Service Catalog” tab, and indicate which card you want to transfer money to. For example, it will be Visa;
  2. Click on the tab with the required type of transfer and provide information such as: card number, payment method, phone number, amount. You can also indicate your email address, to which a notification of a successful transfer will be sent;
  3. Agree to the terms of service by checking the appropriate box on the website;
  4. Confirm the operation of debiting funds from your number and wait for them to arrive on your bank card. In the future, all that remains is to withdraw them from an ATM and use them for their intended purpose.

Cash at ATMs

Even if you don't have a bank card, you can easily get cash using just an ATM. Fantastic, you say? Perhaps, but this has long been a reality. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. From your mobile phone on which you have funds, send a message to the short number 7878 with the code RUB and the amount. For example, RUB 700, if you need to withdraw 700 rubles;
  2. Within a few seconds, your number will receive a response message containing a verification code. You send it and wait for the secret code, which will be valid for 3 days;
  3. In your city, find an ATM with the Beeline logo, find the Money.Beeline service in it and enter your phone number, as well as the secret code that was sent to you;
  4. If the data is correct, the ATM will give you money in the amount indicated in the message, and you will not need a bank card.

Attention! If you do not know where ATMs are located in your city that support this option, go to the official Beeline website, go to the “Money transfers” section, select the “ATMs” transfer type and view the list by specifying the city. It is also worth noting that at the moment the mobile operator Beeline works with the following banks: SPM Bank, Asia-Pacific and BIN Bank.

The withdrawal fee is 5.95% and is debited from your mobile phone when you complete the application. You can view the limits and restrictions in the screenshot below.

Transfer to electronic wallets

At the moment, transfers are only possible to Webmoney and Yandex.Money, so to successfully complete the operation, you must have one of these wallets registered. You can withdraw funds from a Beeline number either via SMS or through the official website, and the procedures for these payment systems are slightly different, so we examined both options in detail.


To transfer funds from your Beeline number to Webmoney, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the official Beeline website, select the “Service Catalog” tab, then “Electronic money”;
  2. In the list, select the Webmoney payment system and fill in the data according to the example, as in the screenshot below. (note that this is demo data, and you need to provide your own);
  3. Indicate the phone number from which the funds will be debited, indicate the amount and, just in case, your email address;
  4. Enter the code from the picture, check the box at the bottom of the page and click “Pay”;
  5. Wait for the notification message on your phone and confirm the operation;
  6. As soon as the transfer is completed, you will receive a corresponding message on your mobile phone. The commission will be 8.57% + 10 rubles (this is a fixed rate).

Attention! You can transfer amounts starting from 10 rubles, but you will still pay 8.57% + 10 rubles fixed payment. Funds will be credited to your Webmoney wallet within a few minutes, but sometimes there may be delays.

There is also another way to transfer funds to Webmoney, but you don’t need to go to the site and you don’t have to provide your passport information. In this case, you will need to perform the following series of actions:

  1. On your phone from which you are going to send money, dial a message in which you indicate the following text: wm 123456789012 250. The first 12 digits are your ruble wallet in the WebMoney system, and 250 is the amount;
  2. Send a message to the short number 7878 and wait for a response SMS confirming the operation;
  3. As soon as the operation is confirmed, funds will be transferred to the specified Webmoney wallet within a few minutes. The commission will remain the same as in the case of transferring money from the Beeline website.

Yandex money

Yandex.Money is another popular payment system that is also integrated with Beeline, so you can withdraw money from your number to your Yandex wallet. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the official Beeline website, go to the “Service Catalog” section, then to the “Electronic Money” tab and select “Yandex.Money” there;
  2. Enter your wallet number in the Yandex payment system;
  3. Indicate the Beeline phone number from which funds will be debited and the amount of the amount;
  4. Enter the code from the picture, agree to the terms by checking the box and click the “Pay” button;
  5. A message confirming the operation will be sent to the specified number. Confirm the payment, and within a few minutes the funds will be transferred to Yandex.Money to the specified number. The commission will be 7.95% + 10 rubles (fixed rate).

Below you can view the restrictions on transfers from your Beeline number to electronic payment systems.


Despite the fact that there is no information on the Beeline website about transferring funds to QIWI, this can be done through the website of the payment system itself. And here's how to do it:

  1. Register in QIWI from your Beeline number;
  2. Log in to the mobile application or from the PC version on the website;
  3. Select the “Top up wallet” tab, then click on the “From phone balance” item and indicate the payment amount;
  4. The specified funds will be debited from your phone, which is attached to the QIWI payment system. To do this, you will be sent a confirmation message;
  5. The commission will be 0% if your amount is up to 5,000 rubles, and the total number of payments per month is counted. If it exceeds 5,000 rubles, then the commission will be 6.05%.

Transfer from Beeline to pick-up points

If you don’t understand what we’re talking about, let us explain: issuing points are branches in large Russian banks and related organizations that allow you to make transfers throughout Russia and the CIS. The only disadvantage of this method is the length of wait for the transfer. On average, the process takes from 3 to 7 days (working days). You can transfer and receive funds from Beeline at the following points of issue: CONTACT, UNISTREAM, Russian Post.

This procedure is a little more complicated than those described above, however, if you do not want to pay a large percentage and are willing to wait a few days and then go to the nearest bank or post office to get cash, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the official Beeline website, go to the “Service Catalog”, select the “Money Transfers” tab and indicate here the required system for withdrawing funds;
  2. We look at the example of UNISTREAM in the Russian Federation. If you have a card in this system, then select the “I have a card number” item, but if you do not have one, then select the first item;
  3. Enter all the details of the sender and recipient, indicate the phone number from which funds will be debited, the amount, enter the code from the picture and click “Pay”;
  4. Confirm the operation by entering the code to the response message on your phone, after which you will be sent a transfer control number;
  5. Tell it to the recipient. He must take his passport with him, write down this code and present this data at the UNISTREAM branch, after which he will be given the specified amount of funds;
  6. You can view the commission amounts and restrictions in the screenshots below.

Attention! You will not be able to send money to yourself, so in order to receive your own money, you need to provide information, for example, about your friend or relative. But at the same time, he himself will have to visit the representative office of the selected system and tell them the code and present his passport.

Get cash at the Beeline office

We recommend using this method only if you have a large amount of money on your mobile phone and are ready to part with it. You can visit any Beeline office with a request to terminate the contract. In this case, your number will be blocked, and all funds that were on the number will be returned to you in cash or transferred to another number within this mobile operator. Please note that the SIM card will be blocked, so it will not be possible to deceive the system. In the future, in about six months, your number will be included in the general database and it will be given to another subscriber, for example, when signing a contract.

Transfer to another number

If you don’t have to receive money in cash and just transfer it to another number, just use the transfer service, and this can be done both within the Beeline operator and to the numbers of other operators, for example, MTS or Megafon. The size of the commission and restrictions can be viewed below in the screenshots.

This operation can be performed in two ways: via SMS and on the operator’s website. If you want to make a translation on the site, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Beeline website, go to the “Service Catalog” section, select “Mobile Communications” and indicate to which mobile operator the transfer will be made;
  2. Enter your number from which the funds will be debited, enter the amount, enter the code from the picture and click “Pay”;
  3. A confirmation SMS will be sent to your mobile phone, and after a response message the funds will be debited.

The same procedure can be carried out via SMS. The conditions are the same, just a different method. If this option suits you better, follow these steps:

  1. From your number from which you want to withdraw funds, send an SMS to number 7878 with the text 7xxxxxxxxxx 250, where the first combination is the number, the second is the amount;
  2. Wait for the response message, enter the code that comes in it and confirm the operation. Within a few minutes the money will be transferred.

The use of mobile communications has made the world more convenient, simpler and closer to people. Today it is rare to find people who fundamentally do not own cell phones. To fully use the service, you need to have the device itself and a special package from the operator. The service is paid, so funds are regularly transferred to your account. For some, they even accumulate, so there is a desire to use the money for other needs. There are also difficult situations when a small amount of money is urgently needed, but the credit card has already exhausted its capabilities. In this case, the money on the phone bill can help out the owner. If you understand the methods of receiving cash from such an account, you can always keep a small amount in it as an insurance policy for an unforeseen event.

Mobile users can use various methods to receive cash. Everyone will choose the most suitable one for themselves or can use several at once. Before withdrawing funds, you need to check your phone balance to know your real capabilities.

Withdrawing money to a card

Most adult mobile users from the Beeline operator use cards from various domestic banks. They come in international and local payment systems. If you follow the instructions below, you can transfer money directly to your card.

The simplest method is sending SMS to number 7878. In order for the system to transfer money to a plastic product, you need to create and send a message of the following type: card type and number, withdrawal amount. The type of plastic product and its number are indicated on the front side; there must be enough funds in the account for the transfer. The amount is indicated in national currency without kopecks.

If there is a need to transfer money to an account in one of the banks, then this procedure is available to owners of Beeline packages. To do this, you will have to use the company’s proprietary resource. The site has all the necessary tools for money transfers. It will take some time for the money to arrive. The maximum period is 3 business days, but usually 3-5 minutes are enough.

Banks operate with large sums, so it will not be possible to withdraw less than 50 rubles to a card at a time. You can transfer money to a bank account starting from 500 rubles. There are also a number of restrictions on the maximum: 40 thousand per month or 14 thousand per day. The bank charges a commission for services. Their size today is 6% plus 10 rubles. The minimum commission is 50 rubles.

Using an ATM

To receive cash, you should use branded devices from Beeline or partner ATMs. These are today BIN Bank, SPM Bank and the Asian-Pacific Bank. To quickly find the nearest self-service devices, you can use specialized resources or corporate websites of banks.

The method of receiving funds through ATMs is not difficult. You just need to follow the instructions below:

  • Send a message to number 7878 with the amount in rubles;
  • The system performs a simple check. To do this, she will send an SMS to your phone with a confirmation request. It needs to be answered. Write “1” in the text. After verification, the system will send a secret one-time code for withdrawing money from an ATM. It remains in effect for only 3 days;
  • Now you need to go to the nearest ATM from Beeline or select a device from one of the partner banks. The user needs to enter his phone number and secret code using the keyboard. The ATM will dispense the required amount.

Using this method, you can get 100-5000 rubles, if such an amount is on your balance. Don't forget about the 6% commission.

Use of international payment systems and mail

If a mobile communications user lives in a locality where there are no self-service devices from Beeline or other company partners, then you can use an alternative method. A post office or any bank is suitable for this.

To receive funds you need to do the following:

  • Go to the Beeline corporate resource and log in. Go to the service payment page. Select the “Money transfers” section;
  • From the proposed options, select the most suitable one for the user;
  • Carefully fill out the form provided by the system. It is necessary to indicate the telephone number, transfer amount and recipient details;
  • The system will send a verification code to your phone. It must be entered into a special field on the screen. All that remains is to wait for the information to be processed and verified by the system to complete the transaction;
  • Get cash from a bank or post office.

Another option

Funds from your mobile account can be transferred to another number. To do this, you need to send a USSD request of the form *145# and then follow the instructions of the system. A one-time transfer should not exceed 5 thousand rubles. It will not be possible to transfer less than 10 rubles. Money can be sent to Beeline numbers and other operators.

There are times when too much money has been deposited into a Beeline account and there is a need to withdraw them to the card. How to do this?

All major mobile operators provide the opportunity for their customers to withdraw funds. Beeline, of course, also has such a service. You can withdraw money from Beeline to a Sberbank card, e-wallet, or to the account of another subscriber. The transfer is carried out almost instantly, since the operation takes no more than 5 minutes.

The withdrawal service is provided by default to all clients of the Beeline operator who are over 14 years of age. Money transfers can be carried out with some restrictions:

  1. From one personal account you can withdraw money only to 5 different Sberbank cards associated with the same owner.
  2. One bank card can only be topped up from two phones.
  3. You can withdraw a maximum of 14 thousand rubles per day.
  4. The maximum withdrawal amount per month is 40 thousand rubles.

Read more about the commission for withdrawal to bank cards from Beeline

Cost of the service for withdrawing money from Beeline

The service itself is free, but there is a transaction fee. Transfer commission - 6% + 10 rubles, but not less than 50 rubles.

How to withdraw funds to a Sberbank card?

You can transfer money using two methods:

Withdrawing money from Beeline using a mobile phone

  • To a toll free number 7878 you must send a text message indicating the type of card (MasterCard, Visa, Maestro), its number, and the withdrawal amount. Example: visa 1234567890987654 (account details) 1500 (amount). For MasterCard and Maestro clients, the word “visa” must be replaced with “maestro” or “master”. More templates below.
  • After this, you will receive an SMS containing a confirmation code, which will also need to be sent to 7878.
  • If there are enough funds to complete the transfer, then the money will be debited and the bank account will be replenished within 5 minutes.

Examples of templates for withdrawing money:

  • Master 1234567890123456 1000 - withdrawal of 1000 rubles to a MasterCard with number 1234567890123456
  • Maestro 1234567890123456 3300 - withdrawal of 3300 rubles to a Maestro card with number 1234567890123456
  • Visa 1234567890123456 2500 - withdrawal of 2500 rubles to a Visa card with number 1234567890123456

Withdrawal of money from Beeline through the official website of the operator

  • In the “Payment” menu you need to find the link “Pay from your phone account”
  • The page that opens will provide links, among which you will find a suitable service that corresponds to a bank card;
  • Then you will need to fill out the fields that appear in which you need to enter the card number, the phone number from which the transfer will be made and the withdrawal amount. The window will show the commission, as well as the total amount that will be transferred from the Beeline account;
  • A confirmation code will be sent to the specified phone number, with which you will need to confirm the transfer.

The money will be withdrawn from the account within 5 minutes; it may take a little longer to arrive on the card.

Video instructions for withdrawing money from a Beeline account

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