Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Silence followed by my hands squeezing your hips. Backing track burning to the ground

Hand in hand, fingers intertwined, sometimes barely touching each other, sometimes squeezing as if they were afraid to separate even for a second and be lost forever. A light kiss, almost fleeting and a terrible trembling that spreads throughout the body and stops in the lower abdomen, turning into butterflies. Another kiss and again the wave overwhelms, carrying further and further into the abyss of lust and debauchery...

The hand crawls along the cheek, neck, chest... now gently caressing, now squeezing as if it is yours and you will not give it to anyone... Trembling... Again this pleasant trembling... Breaks me... Breaks me like an experienced drug addict who craves more and more... A new dose, a stronger drug... Give me more... I want... Don't stop... Continue... I beg you, just don't stop!

I greedily bite my lips, sometimes almost tearing them off, passionately biting. And the body wriggles like a snake on the hot ground under the scorching sun.

The hand slides along the thigh... It slides slowly, gently, as if mocking, knowing that there is no longer the strength to endure, but you like to look into my eyes, crazy with desire, to touch the body, which goes crazy and shudders from your every touch...

Ay...! The lips went lower - to the neck... God!... Lower, lower... Hands passionately squeeze the chest. I have no strength to endure this mockery anymore, to wait...

Below... Below... Lips touch the breasts... The tip of the tongue describes circles around the nipples... Greedy biting... The back involuntarily arches. I want to touch you with my whole body. I want to feel all of you... Inside me... Hands randomly slide along your back... Along your wet, wriggling back, sliding lower, digging into your body and as if tearing it apart. And up again... A moment and my back is already to you. With each touch, the mind becomes cloudy, turns off and animal instincts come into play. The hand dug into the hair, the back arched, the body was immobilized and did not want to resist, the second hand slides over the chest, squeezing it almost to the point of pain, lips greedily bite into the neck...

Ay...! In one motion you pulled me even closer to you. The body lives separately from the brain. And now I’m already squirming in every possible way, trying to do everything so that you enter as quickly as possible, caressing you. Hands, they slid lower and lower, bypassing all the most erogenous zones. Your hand was on your hip again: outside, inside... YES!!! And now your fingers are already caressing... Already inside... Your breathing has become faster, it’s hard to breathe. From such touches, breathing becomes more and more like a groan. The groan of a body burning at the stake of passion, vice, crazy desires... The fingers are becoming more insistent, the movements are sharper, the penetrations are deeper... I flow like the last bitch, hungry for sex. Another moment and with a slight tug you put me on my knees, still wrapping my hair around my hand. You didn’t let go of them for a second, practically not allowing me to move, you owned me completely, subduing the already weak-willed slave of your hands and your desires. Entered, piercing through the whole body! My back popped out, a drop of sweat flowed down my spine, slightly tickling, and it gave me goosebumps all over my body. Your hands followed the curves of your body, slid... You penetrated deeper and deeper... Your hips swayed to the beat of your movements. I no longer had the strength to hold on! I collapsed onto the pillow, greedily squeezing it with my teeth, and from this sinking it became even deeper, my hands were crumpling the sheet, my fingers dug into wild pain, my movements became sharper and harsher, my breathing more and more often broke into a groan, a groan into a scream... The air was heated to the limit ! Hands squeezed thighs. A hard blow to the buttocks! It seemed like there was going to be an explosion! Don't stop, I beg you, don't stop! Come on, again and again! Deeper, more often! It burned from the inside, tore into pieces, tore the whole body to shreds, trying to break out. It was like the death of Pompeii, as if a volcano had exploded inside me, heat washed over my whole body, sweat flowed down my back. You pressed your whole body against me, I straightened up, your hands slid over my chest again, going lower... You took my hand, put it on my lower abdomen, our hands in unison slid lower and lower over my body and here we are together we caress my perineum, wet, pliable, dripping with juices.

The movements were in rhythm with your penetrations. Hands stroked her breasts, fingers squeezed her swollen nipples. Our bodies merged into one. I felt some kind of frantic rush from within that filled me, spreading throughout my whole body... Explosion! The breathing turned into a groan, the groan into a scream... Oh, yes! YES! The body went limp, the juices of love flowed down my legs... I wanted more and more!

Let's not stop!

Starting to slowly unbutton the buttons of your shirt, starting with the top. The fingers move lower and lower until the shirt falls open.
I pull my shirt off my shoulder and it slips off and falls to the floor.
You obediently sit down on the chair, and I take off your belt, throwing it to the side, towards the crumpled shirt lying on the floor.
I squeeze a little oil into my palm and rub it in rhythmic circular movements, starting from your neck to your shoulders. You close your eyes and hum softly.
My hands move down and around your tummy, crawling to your back, slippery with oil; they stroke and knead your skin.
I lean down and kiss your lips softly, chastely. You smile, sighing peacefully and growling quietly...
My nose moves along your neck, throat, and down...
My lips move down your neck and chest, biting and sucking your skin, and I enclose you in a circle of arms and begin to kiss your chest, nuzzling your springy hair...
My gaze falls on your lips again. Half open. Beautiful, like the creation of a brilliant sculptor.
And I suddenly find myself reaching out to them...
And I start biting your lower lip, throat, earlobe...
You take me by the waist and pull me into your arms, and I willingly submit to you.
You move your hand to your knee, slide your palm along your leg, lifting up your skirt... It tickles.
My lips make a path from my ear down along my cheekbone.
- And what should I do with you? - you ask slyly, your fingers stopping at the edge of your stockings. Yours strong hand creeps along inside hips and I squirm in your lap.
Before I know it, you boldly take my hand, sending it to the zipper of your jeans, in a familiar gesture that means “come on, unzip it.” Smiling mysteriously, I playfully unzip my jeans, and you straddle me and enter me. I grab the back of the chair, my feet lightly touch the floor... and we begin to move.
My head rolls on your shoulder, and I am completely at the mercy of this powerful sensation.
You squeeze my head with your palms, plunging your fingers into my unruly, but shampoo-fragrant hair, grabbing, squeezing, and sharply pulling back by the hair, passionately kissing my neck..
I press myself as close to your chest as possible, and the silence of the room is broken only by my intermittent breathing..
“Lie down,” you command, and my body obeys, stretching my arms above my head.
Leaning over, you kiss me tenderly on the lips, looking at me expectantly. I answer you with a touchingly defenseless look, so childishly vulnerable, that your heart shrinks with pity... but you don’t give in to this feeling, but take out a hard leather belt from under the pillow, carefully, very carefully weaving it around each of my wrists. hands. Then, sharply and tightly tightening the end of the belt, your hand slides to my lower back, pressing my waist tighter to you. You sink slowly, and I help you, wrapping my legs tightly around you.
My teeth bite your cheeks, chin, go down your neck, and you pick up the pace, pushing and filling me - and we are carried away with you far, far from the anxious evening, earthly worries. The world is empty, only we are in our room, we move in unison, as a single whole - each of us is completely dissolved in the other - and our moans and sighs are mixed with each other. I enjoy the exquisite feeling of your power over me, and my body blossoms around your flesh.
I try, I honestly try not to close my eyelids, but the feeling is so delicious and strong, this fullness.. I arch my back with a groan.
- Open your eyes! - you growl, squeezing my hands tighter and entering me with a sharp pressure, I even scream.
I raise my eyelids and you look into them with your wide eyes. Slowly moving his hips back, plunging into me again,
At the sight of your excitement and your reaction to me, I light up even more, my blood is already burning. in yours dark eyes The fire of passion also burns. You switch to a steady rhythm, I enjoy it, bask in it, look at you, see your passion, your love - and we come to the top together.
I explode with a scream, pulsate around you, and you follow me.

Well... I love initiative girls, initiative. I imagine us kissing. Slowly at first, lightly touching your lips with your lips. Then I lightly grab your bottom lip and suck on it.
I'm letting go. I follow upper lip tongue and smack you on both lips.
Then I kiss you desperately, as if I’m thirsty and you’re the only source from which I can drink.
You raise your hands and press your palms to my chest. I wrap my arms around your waist and start kissing your neck and shoulders.


And then you suddenly show your initiative.
You lightly push me to sit on the sofa and sit down next to me. I stroke your hair, shoulders, back. You move your hand from my knee to my thigh and further to my fly. You unfasten the lock and struggle with the belt, cursing. I help you, and you begin to stroke my mound in my trousers with your fingers.

I sit on your lap, run my nails along the back of your head and squeeze your hair. We kiss.
With one hand you stroke my thighs, rising higher and higher. With your other hand you press me with all your strength to your chest. My back arches and our bodies touch and rub against each other rhythmically.
A muffled, quiet moan breaks through the kiss.
Your hand rises higher and higher on your thigh, it is already under your dress. You lower your other hand and firmly but gently squeeze my buttocks with your palms.
I begin to choke with passion, and the kiss is interrupted for a second. Your lips move down to my neck and you lightly bite it, and then kiss it passionately. A hoarse moan escapes my lips. The rhythm quickens.
You pull my dress over my head and immediately help me take off your T-shirt. Now our skin is touching.

*continue, or should you?

Continue, otherwise my hand is busy)))

Egoist!!! I continue!

You grab me by the waist, lift me up and throw me on the bed. Now I'm lying on my back, and you're above me. With one hand you pull off your pants, I help you. We don't stop kissing. You move your lips to my neck and down to my chest. Your hand slides further down my stomach and slips into my panties.
From the chest, your lips return to mine again. Your fingers smoothly caress my labia. One of my hands is stroking the back of your head. I slide the second one down your back and at your waist, transfer it to your stomach, and then slip it into your panties. I wrap my hand around your dick and begin to massage it up and down.

Your eyelids begin to tremble with pleasure, and a silent moan escapes your lips. Your fingers quicken the pace, and mine quicken to the rhythm. And you put your finger inside me. A barely audible trembling permeates my body, my eyes roll back. My back arches and I tear myself away from your lips for a moment. I pull off your panties, but you don’t touch mine yet. This is the only piece of clothing left. My hand massages your penis, and the nails of the other dug into your shoulder.
We can no longer continue the kiss, too deep breathing mixed with quiet moaning. But our lips still touch.

You introduce a second finger into me, the rhythm becomes faster and more furious. My head falls back and a loud sigh escapes my lips. The nails of both hands dig into your back.
You rip my panties and throw them away without getting off me. There are no clothes left. You insert your fingers into me again, but after a second you take them out and enter me. Our moan merges - mine loud and yours barely audible.

Your movements are smooth and careful, you press yourself completely against me and stop for a few seconds. We look into each other's eyes.
My lips are red and swollen from kissing, my pupils are dilated, my eyelids are trembling. We begin to kiss tenderly and “deeply”. You begin to move very slowly and smoothly inside me.
Moans through the kiss.
The pace increases, the kiss “breaks” with deep breathing. You take one of my legs and throw it over your shoulder. You lift yourself up on your hand and jerk into me. I place my other leg on your waist.
You reduce the range of motion, smoothly and slowly move your pelvis. You don't leave me completely, but you don't penetrate deeply either. My hands are thrown behind my head and rest against the headboard, my eyelids are trembling.

After a minute of smooth sex, you suddenly and without warning enter me as deep as you can.
A loud groan, the nails of one hand scratching the headboard, the nails of the other digging into your shoulder.
Your movements become sharp and aggressive. The amplitude and tempo increase sharply to a maximum. You enter me very deeply with sharp thrusts. My moans are getting louder, but you can hear the beat of your heart even more clearly...

*went to get a vibrator... you’ll finish reading and now continue

I suggest you take your time, but prolong the pleasure. I freeze and enjoy the sight of your naked body, you under me, your rapid breathing, interrupted when I begin to move inside you.

How do you feel about changing your position? Do you like it from behind or from above?

Both, in any order...
now you describe...

I rise and slowly pull out of you. I feel like you don’t want to let me go, but I have to, honey, I have to))).
We get up from the sofa onto the floor. I hold you close to me, with pleasure feeling your smooth skin under my palms, hard rough nipples rubbing against my chest, your hot, intermittent breathing.
I run my palm from your shoulder to your ass and squeeze it tightly. We kiss. This time without foreplay - deeply and greedily, intertwining tongues and enjoying the intoxicating smell of our bodies.

I take you by the shoulders and turn you towards the sofa. I continue to stroke you. One hand travels from your lower abdomen to your chest, and its fingers begin to trace circles around your nipple.
The other hand, on the contrary, leaves the breast that she was caressing and goes down between your legs. I feel your wetness with my fingers. I'm teasing you a little with my fingers again, playing lewdly with your lower lips. I stuck one finger between them and started moving it back and forth. Not deep, but each time lightly pressing on the place where your lips meet.

I free your neck and shoulders from your hair, moving it to the side and begin to kiss you. First behind the ear, into your tender neck. I can smell your wonderful scent. It is in this place that the smell of a woman is especially pleasant.

My finger continues its movements below, between your lips, penetrating deeper and deeper over and over again.
I kiss you below. There, where the neck almost ended and the shoulder began. Then I go even lower. Now I kiss your shoulder, but that’s not enough for me. I go even lower and cover the entire path from your shoulder to your ass with kisses, and you get the last “control” kiss right on the most plump but elastic part of your body. The other half of your ass also gets my kiss.

I kneel in front of you and turn you towards me. Now I have a great view of your swollen lips. I kiss you right there. And then I slowly move my tongue around them.
I kiss your lips again, but now my tongue replaces my finger and touches your clitoris.
You let out a loud moan and grab my head with your fingers. I begin to passionately kiss your lower lips, running my tongue between them over and over again.

I stand up and turn your back to me again. I put one hand on your lower abdomen, inviting you to move your pelvis closer to me, and with the other I lightly press on your shoulder, forcing you to bend over and rest your hands on the sofa.

I admire this picture for a few moments, and then I put my dick to your lips. I press lightly and he penetrates deeper into your hot flesh.
You moan softly and tilt your head forward. Your shoulders tense and your fingers dig into the rumpled sheets.

Sharply I go deep inside you, as far as possible. I hold you tightly by the hips so that you cannot dodge and penetrate deeper and deeper until I finally feel something against which my penis rests.
Now I'm slowly coming out, but not all the way.
You can’t stand it and your ass itself begins to move towards my dick.
I increase the speed of my blows and you give in to meet me every time. One of my hands leaves your thigh and moves to your chest. I squeeze it tightly, but gently so as not to cause pain.

I keep hitting you. Pound. This word is perhaps most suitable. I pound you furiously from behind, and you moan and shake your head. I see that you like this crazy ride and this makes me even more excited.

I place my hand on your tummy and continue to hold your hips with the other. Now it is no longer you who voluntarily go to meet me, but I accelerate your movement.
I lift you slightly and you seem to be flying in my arms, feeling at what frantic pace I’m planting you between your legs. The leather sac of my testicles is hitting your ass. Each of my movements begins to be accompanied by your sobbing, and there is a squelching between your legs every time I thrust into you with force.

I feel like my dick is going numb, preparing for a sudden volley.
Can I cum inside you?

You come out of me and lie down on the bed on your back. You pull my hand, inviting me to sit on top. I turn around and kneel over you, I'm not sitting down yet. I lean on my hands and lean towards your face. We start kissing slowly... half a minute, maybe a minute. Breathing has time to recover, but remains deep.

I tear myself away from your lips, rise above you and slowly sit on your dick. Your eyes close in pleasure, your hands squeeze my hips.
I slowly begin to move up and down, put my hand on yours and move it up to my chest. You squeeze it and stroke it.
I put my other hand behind my back and lower it down to where our bodies touch. I begin to stroke and massage your testicles.

I stop going up and down and start moving back and forth and side to side, slowly but gradually increasing the pace.
your hand goes down my stomach, lower...
you slip your finger between us and begin to gently rub my clit.

I arch my back and lean back, increasing the pressure on your cock. My movements are becoming faster, my range of motion is increasing. I rest my hands on your knees, and you put your hands on my hips, helping me move faster. Even faster... even stronger.
I can't control my moaning. Your breath getting louder.
I lean forward, resting my hands on your shoulders. My nails dig into your skin, but not too much, you feel my hands trembling. My lips are trembling. I keep moving.

You take me by the waist and without leaving me you turn me onto my back. You don't slow down, you only increase it. Getting stronger and deeper. My legs are wrapped around your back, my hands are resting on the headboard, scratching it.

It's no longer a moan - a scream. I bite my lips, my eyes roll back, a tear rolls down. There's a ringing in my head, I can hear every heartbeat.
You're not slowing down...

will you finish?

I enter you hard and sharply, piercing through your flesh over and over again. Through the veil of pleasure I see your hair, wet strands scattered across your forehead, closed eyes, smile. The edges of your lips tremble, and every time I enter you a sharp cry escapes.
I dig into your lips and begin to move only my pelvis, no longer leaving you completely, but only halfway, and then I immediately go back towards your uterus.

I kiss your eyes, your flushed cheeks, your neck. I kiss your nipples, and I press you closer and closer to me, feeling a wave of growing pleasure.
You press me against you with all your strength, and I feel the contractions of your vagina. There were tears in the corners of your eyes. You moan loudly in exhaustion and this is your decisive move that makes me shoot cum right into your body.

I feel like shot after shot I'm emptying the contents of my testicles. We snuggle closer to each other and lie silently, closing our eyes, remembering the fantastic pleasure that we had to experience thanks to each other.

want to get back to the economics debate?

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