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Features of training and diet (menu) during the period of drying the body for a man: a special program. Drying meals for men and girls

How to dry properly for muscle relief for men - how it really happens.


  • Age - 45 years
  • Height - 163 cm
  • Weight - 70 kg

I started strength training at the age of 17, when I was still in high school, and immediately fell in love with it. I spent all my free time in the gym. Be sure to train every day after school. There was no internet at the time, so I got information on how to build workouts, nutrition and supplementation, and how to dry properly for muscle relief for men, so I drew from bodybuilding magazines. After I graduated from high school, I started working in the nightclub industry in Dallas, Texas. I have been doing this for years and my lifestyle was not very healthy then, to say the least!

I drank, smoked and ate fast food, especially at night after the clubs closed. At the time, my training was irregular at best.

What was the turning point for you?

After about three years of consuming fast food every day and avoiding consistent workouts, I gained a lot of excess weight. I lost the muscle mass that I had been able to build in previous years and was generally unhappy with my body and state of mind. Too many parties and food, as well as lack of exercise, made itself felt! Once on the Internet I came across a photo of the athlete Pham "Flexx" Vu and read an article about him and his advice on how to dry a man's body. I was instantly inspired by his physique. When I saw an Asian with such a figure (I myself am half Asian), it motivated me very much. I remembered how I felt in the past when I trained, and I realized that I had to return to the sport. My goal was to dry the body for the relief muscles.

It was at that moment that I decided to get down to work and was able to achieve major changes. I started going to the gym almost every day and even tried to start eating better.

What was the most difficult part of your transformation?

The most difficult thing was just to start and figure out how to dry properly for men who are not 20 years old, metabolism is not so fast and fat does not go away so easily. I didn't have a gym membership at the time, so I forced myself to run almost daily. I'm not a runner at all, but I knew I had to start somewhere and started doing cardio to lose fat. Gradually, I managed to increase the distance of jogging to 5 km, and several times I ran 10 km, which was a great result for me.

When I finally bought a gym membership, I started doing strength training. It was an amazing feeling!

What motivates you to keep drying and work harder?

I am very motivated by the knowledge that at 45 you can compete in Men’s Physique Pro. I am one of the oldest athletes in the IFBB. Also, not many professional bodybuilders come from Minnesota, where I come from. I want to show athletes how to dry the body from fat for men.

My goal is to inspire you to work hard to achieve your cherished dream at any age!

What are your plans and where do you see yourself next year?

My main goal is to win professional competitions and get the qualifications to enter the Olympia stage.

I would like to continue to compete in the IFBB. Perhaps I will even challenge myself and decide to compete in the new "Classic Physique" category.

What's your approach to training?

Since I am 45 years old, my body drying program for men is not as tough as it used to be, I don’t train as hard as I did in the old days. My job is to reduce the likelihood of injury. Typically, I focus on the movements, change their tempo, and also focus on muscle contraction during each rep. In addition, I strive to maintain muscle tension throughout each set. In my opinion, this is very important.

Drying workout program

Monday: Legs / Shoulders / Abs

  • Squats 4 x 8-12
  • Front squats 3 x 10-12 (Superset)
  • Leg extension 3 x 10-12
  • Romanian deadlift 3 x 10-12 (Superset)
  • Leg curls 3 x 10-12
  • Seated Calf Raises 5 x 15-20
  • Seated Dumbbell Press 4 x 10 (Superset)
  • Seated side dumbbell raises 4 x 10
  • Hanging leg raises 3 x 15
  • Russian twist 3 x 20
  • Body slopes in a crossover with a rope 3 x 20

Tuesday: Back / Biceps

  • Pull-ups 4 x 15
  • Row of the bar to the chest in an incline 4 x 10-12 (Superset)
  • Row of the block to the belt while sitting 4 x 10-12
  • One-handed dumbbell row 4 x 10-12
  • Row of the upper block for the head 4 x 10-12
  • Pullover with a dumbbell 4 x 10-12 (Superset)
  • Lowering straight arms in a crossover 4 x 10-12
  • Lifting the bar for biceps 3 x 10 (triple drop set)

Wednesday: Chest / Triceps

  • Bench press with dumbbells 4 x 8-12
  • Bench press on an incline bench in the Smith machine 4 x 8-12 (Superset)
  • Raising hands with dumbbells on an incline bench 4 x 8-12
  • Bench press on an incline bench head down in the Smith machine 4 x 8-12 (Superset)
  • Reduction of hands in a crossover 4 x 8-12
  • Extension of arms in a crossover 3 x 10 (triple drop set)

Thursday: Shoulders / Abs

  • Press the bar from behind the head 4 x 10-12
  • Raising arms to the sides with dumbbells standing 3 x 10 (triple drop set)
  • Dumbbell curls in front of you 4 x 10 (Superset)
  • Raising arms to the sides with dumbbells in an incline 4 x 10
  • Twisting 3 x 20
  • Raising the legs 3 x 15

Friday: Hands

  • Lifting the bar for biceps 4 x 8-12 (Superset)
  • French press with dumbbells 4 x 8-12
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps with a hammer grip (Superset) 4 x 8-12
  • Extension of arms in a crossover 4 x 8-12
  • Lifting a dumbbell for biceps with support on the elbow 3 x 10-12
  • Extension of the arm back in the crossover 3 x 10-12

Saturday: Lagging Muscle Workout

On Saturdays, I train lagging muscle groups. For example, I work on the upper chest, lats and legs.

Sunday: Rest


This is my drying workout routine for men as I prepare for a competition.

What is the secret of your amazingly developed upper and lower abs?

The secret lies in doing different body drying exercises for each of these muscle groups. To work on the upper press, I use different types of crunches, and for the lower press, I use hanging leg raises (in large quantities).

Do you reduce your water intake before performances? What works best for you when preparing for a show?

This season, during the last week before the show, I was "loaded" with water. Let's say, if the show is scheduled for Saturday morning, a few weeks before that I drink 5.5 liters of water a day. As soon as the last week of preparation begins (Monday and Tuesday), I increase my water consumption to 7.5 liters. Then, on Wednesday and Thursday, I drink 9.5 liters. The day before the show, my water consumption reaches 11 liters per day.

On competition day, if I’m thirsty, I only take a sip of water or drink very little just to wash it down.

Diet when drying the body

How do you approach nutrition?

When preparing for all my shows, I carefully select the diet when drying the body.

In the off-season, when I'm not competing, I follow the 80/20 rule. That is, within a week, 80% of my diet is healthy foods, and 20% is whatever I want.

For example, from Monday to Friday night, I eat the "right" food. Friday night comes cheat time and I eat whatever I want. I do the same on Saturday and Sunday.

Effective drying in 8 weeks

Detailed diet. Tables BZHU + fiber

Do you eat and dry, or do you stay in the same shape all year round?

I try to stay lean all year round and keep my body fat at no more than 10%, so when I get ready for a show, I don't have to follow any strict weight loss diets.

Daily Diet:

This is my menu when drying the body for burning fat and working on the relief.

  • First meal: 1/2 cup protein, 1 cup oatmeal, 1 tablespoon peanut butter, 1 protein shake mixed with 1 cup egg whites and 1/2 cup protein
  • Second meal: 1 cup beaten egg whites, 1 cup spinach, ½ cup pepper, ½ avocado, 1 tortilla
  • Third meal: 170g chicken, 1 cup jasmine rice and 1 cup broccoli
  • Fourth meal (after workout): 1 cup egg whites, 1 scoop of protein, and 1 apple or banana
  • Fifth meal: 93% ground beef (or turkey), 1 cup sweet potatoes, and 1 cup broccoli
  • Sixth meal: 170 g tilapia or white fish, 1 cup spinach and 6 asparagus sprouts

Are you a sweet tooth? Are there any foods you couldn't live without, and how do you cope with appetite at all?

Yes, I'm a big sweet tooth! ( Laughs) My favorite food is probably ice cream, if you can call it food. ( Laughs). Otherwise, I would say pizza.

In order not to experience unnecessary temptations, I prepare food for the week ahead, and also always keep high-calorie foods in my bag. It really helps me stick to my diet.

What additives should I take when drying?

The sports nutrition for drying the body for men, presented below, is divided into supplements that are taken all year round, and those that are being dried.

All Year Round:

  • Whey Protein
  • Creatine
  • Glutamine
  • Vitamins
  • Fish fat
  • Pre-workout complexes
  • BCAA / EAA (Essential Amino Acids)


  • L-Carnitine (Liquid)
  • Conjugated linoleic acid
  • Fat burner

What are the top three tips you can give on how to dry properly for men?

  1. Eat according to your goals. Food is critical!
  2. If you want to achieve results in the shortest possible time, be as consistent as possible with your training and nutrition.
  3. Learn to be disciplined. There will be many obstacles and difficulties on your way. This applies to both exercise and diet. The more disciplined you are, the better the result will be!

Favorite quote:

"Fuck the circumstances, I create opportunities." Bruce Lee.

Drying the body for men is a time when a man is actively exercising and choosing the appropriate nutrition in order to give his body relief. For some men, the process of drawing muscles occurs quickly enough and without much effort, while some have to "sweat".

In terms of body structure, men can be divided into three types: ectomorphs (lean physique with a small percentage of muscle mass, for them drying will take place quickly), mesomorphs (muscular physique with a minimum amount of subcutaneous fat, the drying procedure is simplified and most effective in a short period of time), typical endomorphs (muscular physique with a large amount of subcutaneous fat, the procedure for drawing muscles is lengthy and requires a lot of effort).

The main nuances of drying the body in men

Very often, adolescents and young men during the period of drawing muscles cannot achieve the desired result, since mistakes were made in drawing up a program, there are errors in the process of training or in nutrition. Nutrition for body definition should be directed to both “mass” and “strength”. In the process of active training, the male body must fully receive the necessary vitamins, minerals, and, otherwise, not drying, but the decay of muscle mass will be observed.

The result of an improper diet can be not only loss of muscle tissue, but also disruption of all vital systems in the body. In the long term, the kidneys and liver are primarily affected.

Diet for drying the body is somewhat different from the usual diet for weight loss. For each workout day, a small amount is provided, and on weekends it is recommended to completely abandon them. Yes, the complete elimination of carbohydrates from the diet is an almost impossible mission, since they are present in small dosages in greens, and in fruits and vegetables. But it is possible to exclude a larger percentage from the diet (by removing low GI carbohydrates from the daily menu: vegetables and cereals; high GI carbohydrates for the drying procedure and for the male body are completely harmless, but they will somewhat slow down the effectiveness of the procedure).

For any athlete during the drying period, regardless of his body type, you need to consume one third more than he used during the muscle building period.

Body drying rules for men

The procedure for drawing the relief on the male body is very laborious, and the effectiveness depends on how correctly the whole complex is performed:

  • breakfast is a mandatory meal, if you refuse to eat in the morning, you can provoke a slowdown in metabolic processes;
  • five meals a day - you need to eat food every three hours, in small portions, this procedure allows the body to cope with the food that has got into it much faster and at the same time, without depositing subcutaneous fat;
  • the last meal should be at least two hours before bedtime;
  • two thirds of the total daily diet must be eaten in the morning;
  • sauces, fast food, sweets, alcohol must be completely excluded from the diet;
  • per day you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean, simple;
  • additionally use multivitamin and vitamin complexes;
  • as snacks, you need to use foods with the presence of useful ones: nuts, seeds,.

Nutrition during a diet focused on drying the male body

The menu for the week should include:

  • proteins - two grams per kilogram of body weight. You need to distribute proteins evenly throughout the day;
  • carbohydrates - from two to seven grams per kilogram of body weight (this is with a regular diet), and when eating-drying, you need to reduce carbohydrate intake to a minimum;
  • fats - must be included in the diet without fail 0.5 grams per kilogram of body weight.

The approximate number of kilocalories per day for the drying diet should be 1700-2500.

Acceptable Products

The entire daily diet must be divided into equal parts. Acceptable products: boiled chicken meat, (only proteins), boiled squid fillets, steamed low-fat fish, low-fat dairy products (,), greens, herbs, rye pasta, buckwheat or rice porridge in water, herbal or ...

Menu for the day

Below is an example of a basic menu for the day for a man in the 80+ weight category:

8-00 - one hundred grams of boiled, one hundred grams of buckwheat or rice porridge;

10-00 - four hundred grams of four percent or completely fat-free cottage cheese;

12-00 - three hundred grams of green apples, chopped into pieces;

14-00 - one hundred grams of boiled chicken, one hundred grams of buckwheat or rice porridge;

16-00 - four hundred grams of fat-free cottage cheese;

18-00 - one hundred and fifty grams of boiled chicken, three hundred grams of fresh or stewed vegetables;

20-00 - three hundred grams of protein omelet (do not use proteins in the diet);

22-00 - protein shake or four hundred grams of fat-free cottage cheese;

24-00 - three hundred grams of cottage cheese;

2-00 - sleep.

The menu is provided for a day free from training, since on a training day, sports loads can be done only two hours after eating.

Menu for the week

The diet for drying the body should last at least one month, as safe drying is slow and gradual without stress for the body. Below is an example of an approximate menu for a week for weight loss at home. The menu is designed for six meals a day.

Monday: 1 - two hundred and fifty grams of cottage cheese,; 2 - two hundred and fifty grams of boiled chicken meat, rice porridge and; 3 - boiled (100 g), five egg whites, boiled (10 g); 4 - boiled chicken (200 g), boiled (60 g), vegetable salad with cauliflower or broccoli (150), orange; 4 - low-fat cottage cheese (200), one medium-sized banana; 5 - a handful, a handful, a handful; 6 - protein shake.

Friday-Saturday: 1 - skim oatmeal and a glass of fresh orange juice; 2 - boiled chicken breast (150), boiled buckwheat porridge (100), one tomato; 3 - protein shake; 4 - boiled chicken (150) and vegetable salad with; 5 - cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat (400); 6 - pumpkin seeds - a handful.

Sunday: repeat the Monday diet.

A drying diet for men for a month is recommended to be drawn up by a trainer or nutritionist, and at the same time taking into account such contraindications as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, low or high blood pressure, and malfunctions of the central nervous system.

And remember, the diet by itself will not show decent results, you need to adhere to the complex: the intensity and regularity of training, good rest and proper nutrition.

The body drying diet is very popular among both women and girls and men. This diet isn't just about losing weight. First of all, such a diet is able to make the body more athletic and prominent.

Drying the body does not mean that there should be a reduction in the amount of water in the human body. Drying for both men and women is aimed at reducing the fat deposits that accumulate under the skin of both men and women.

The essence of the body drying diet

Our body receives and absorbs energy best from carbohydrates. But if the menu contains an excess of these substances, then they are able to stay in the body for a long time, releasing the so-called glycogen, which later turns into fat and remains in the human body for a long time.

The body drying diet is based on the carbohydrate-free diet on the menu. As a result, when carbohydrate stores run out, the body begins to waste glycogen as an energy source. This process promotes the breakdown of fats. Also, this diet is one of the fastest ways to lose weight, which turns out to be an important benefit for girls and women who are struggling with this problem.

Body drying menu

At the time of drying the body, a person must completely abandon flour and confectionery products. Also, the consumption of fatty and highly salty foods, fried foods, pasta is not recommended, and the consumption of cereals in the menu should be reduced.

In order for the body to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients, it is necessary to include the following foods in the diet:

  • Proteins of animal origin - calf meat, chicken breast, turkey, lean white fish, rabbit meat, eggs;
  • Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Legumes - peas, brown rice, beans, buckwheat;
  • Use various fruits and vegetables as carbohydrates;
  • Nuts - almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts;
  • Special sports nutrition.

Diet for drying the body for men

For men, drying the body is of the utmost importance. With the help of it, the effect of gaining muscle mass is achieved. As a result, the body becomes more prominent and beautiful. But it is simply unrealistic to gain dry muscle mass, therefore, drying the body in men consists in the simultaneous increase in fat and muscle.

Male body fat percentage

An approximate diet for drying the body in men should look like this:

  • 06:30 - water - 300 ml;
  • 07:00 - cereal porridge (oatmeal, millet, corn) - 100 g, half a grapefruit;
  • 09:30 - brown rice - 60 g, chicken egg - 2 pcs., Fresh vegetables, or steamed;
  • 11:30 - buckwheat porridge - 60 g; chicken breast - 120 g; vegetables; linseed oil - one teaspoon;
  • 13:30 - cottage cheese with a low fat content - 150 - 200 g; vegetables; olive oil - one teaspoon;
  • 15: 30- 16:30 strength training or jogging;
  • 16:30 - immediately after training: the use of sports nutrition, enriched with amino acids;
  • 17:00 - buckwheat porridge - 60 g; chicken breast - 120 g; vegetables; linseed oil - one teaspoon;
  • 19:00 - chicken egg - one yolk and five whites; vegetables;
  • 21:00 - chicken fillet (white fish, rabbit, veal) - 120 g; vegetables; olive oil - one teaspoon;
  • 22:30 - low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g. Also during the day you must drink at least three cups of green tea.

As a result of such a diet, we get the following ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

  • Proteins 200-150 g.
  • Fats 50-70 g.
  • Carbohydrates 160-180 g.

This diet is designed for men weighing 75-80 kg. With more body weight, the amount of food consumed should be increased.

Approximate diet for drying the body for girls and women

For females, the diet for drying the bodies of girls and women is much different from the diet of men. After all, the female sex most often sets itself the task of losing weight, and not gaining muscle mass. Therefore, it is better to calculate the amount of food consumed individually - for girls and for women.

Normal fat loss is 1 kg per week. Such a diet will not harm the health and general well-being of the girls.

Percentage of body fat in women

In the first week, the amount of carbohydrates consumed should be reduced to 2-2.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. For example, if the weight is 65 kg, then 130-160 g of carbohydrates are allowed in the daily diet. Also, at this time, the body should receive a large amount of various vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beets, etc.) and lean protein (chicken or quail eggs, boiled meat and low-fat cottage cheese).

It is worth starting drying gradually, without limiting yourself sharply in food.

During the second week of drying, the amount of carbohydrates consumed should be reduced to 1 g per kilogram of body weight. You should eat more protein foods. For example, boiled poultry, vegetables, lean white fish, greens. Sugary fruits are best avoided and the amount of salt you eat is greatly reduced.

The third week is the most difficult. The amount of carbohydrates should be reduced to 0.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. Leave protein intake unchanged. Most girls in this difficult period refuse to dry.

In the next two weeks, there is an exit from the drying of the body. Thus, in the fourth week, the ration of the second is repeated, and in the fifth menu it corresponds to the first week.

For girls, the diet must be accompanied by sports training. It is enough to devote time to sports activities 3-4 times a week.

Body Drying Benefits

Drying the body has a number of benefits for both girls and men. This is a great way to lose weight and build muscle at the same time.

The advantages of drying are in the following aspects:

  • Significant reduction in subcutaneous fat.
  • The figure will become much slimmer, and the muscles will be more prominent and more noticeable.
  • The body drying diet is very varied, so it is not necessary to limit yourself to the same type of products.
  • The result will be noticeable after a short amount of time.

Disadvantages of body drying

There are also drawbacks to such a diet. So the rejection of fast carbohydrates will lead to a constant feeling of mild hunger in both men and women. And if you break the diet of the diet, then the desired effect will not be achieved.

Also, one of the disadvantages of such a menu will be the imbalance of the incoming food. The carbohydrate content will drop sharply, but the amount of protein will increase. This can negatively affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys, which ultimately leads to high cholesterol.

A relief figure, pumped up muscles are the dream of many men. You can achieve a similar effect at home, following certain rules and diet. Drying the body for men at home is easy and simple. Sports nutrition during drying involves the consumption of nutritional supplements that convert fats into energy, and exercise is designed to strengthen the muscles.

Muscular man posing

How to dry properly for muscle relief for men

Alcohol and protein shakes are incompatible concepts, so it is important for the stronger sex to set priorities from the beginning, to choose a goal for themselves. Other bad habits are also excluded, you have to lead a correct and active lifestyle, regularly visit the gym. There are a number of valuable techniques on how to properly dry for muscle relief for men, but in this matter an integrated approach is provided, which includes the following components:

  • effective, almost extreme body workout;
  • replacing your favorite foods with a rigid diet against excess fat.

The morning of a professional or novice athlete should start with a protein shake, which, in addition to drying, provides a boost of vivacity. Workouts should alternate with recovery periods, with the emphasis preferably on strength training for guys. With a combination of muscle work and rest, in addition to a low-calorie diet, a positive result is noticeable in the shortest possible time.

How not to harm when drying the body?

  1. Drying the body provides for the preparation of a special diet and the implementation of certain exercises aimed at developing the relief of the muscles.
  2. In no case should you go on a ketone (carbohydrate-free) diet. This is very dangerous for the body. This is explained by a chain of several factors. With a deficiency of carbohydrates and glucose, the body begins to consume glycogen, and then fats.
  3. Complex nutrients are burned rather slowly, but the main problem is that ketone bodies (residues of complex substances that the body did not have time to break down) are left as a result of a lack of glucose. They make the blood acidic and poison the body. This can lead to ketosis or ketoacidosis. Symptoms include drowsiness, weakness, dry lips, and a feeling of acetone odor. After severe poisoning, a diabetic coma may occur.
  4. In order to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, a man should reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed gradually, they cannot be completely excluded immediately. Therefore, the first requirement of proper nutrition during the period of drying the body is to reduce the volume of servings along with the preservation of reusable meals.
  5. The daily number of meals is 4 to 6 times, the portions should be small, the protein level should be maintained at the proper level.

Fat Burning Basics for Men

Both the training process and the diet are two sides of the same coin. Along with the growth of muscle mass, the fat content in the athlete's body also grows. Therefore, the main task will be not only diet, but also preservation of inflated muscles and elimination of body fat through training.

For drying, even at home, there are two main training and nutrition programs:

  1. The existing mass gaining program continues without significant changes. However, there are a couple of unpleasant moments here. Fat will burn much more slowly, since this nutritional method is not fat burning in nature. The diet itself will take away the strength necessary for full-fledged sports activities.
  2. Another exercise program and dietary intake means that fat will still be burned, albeit in conjunction with the muscles. In this case, you do not need to give preference to aerobic exercise or cardio exercise. The same basic exercise and diet will come to our rescue. The fundamental difference from the usual workouts will be the lower weight of the weights and more repetitions when drying the mass.

Training program for men

It is much more convenient to work out in the gym, since it has the necessary sports equipment. At home, you should have a training program and sports equipment close at hand.

  • Working out at home, you will have to increase the duration of the workouts and reduce the working weight. Exercise with aerobic activity is considered ideal. Such exercises burn fat quickly, and a protein diet preserves muscle volume.
  • At home, you can effectively train with dumbbells, a barbell and a rope. Great results will be provided by a bicycle or roller skates. If there are no such sports units in the arsenal, yard horizontal bars and bars will come to the rescue. The main thing is that during training, the load is distributed evenly. In this case, you need to pump all the muscles.
  • With regular home workouts, you will gain experience. As a result, during the examination of the figure, you will be able to identify muscle groups that are poorly trained, and adjust the training program so as to eliminate this deficiency. Even if you are studying at home, use a program designed by a professional taking into account your individual data.
  • Sports preparations for drying the body. When a person works out at home, we are not talking about sports nutrition. You can limit yourself to a vitamin and mineral complex that will help fill the deficiency of nutrients.
  • I do not recommend using professional fat-burning supplements on my own. It is better if a professional trainer helps in this matter.
  • Home drying time for the first time is five weeks. Professional athletes carry out drying for three months, however, they are guided by a special program developed taking into account the characteristics of the body.

The choice of specific exercises for drying the body is overwhelming. A professional trainer will help you choose the optimal complex for home workouts. The consultation will not be too expensive, but the money spent is more than offset by the result.

The right menu for drying men

07:00 water - 200 ml.

07:30 oatmeal - 60 g / grapefruit - ½

09:30 rice - 40 g. / Chicken eggs - 2 pcs. (white + yolk) / chicken eggs - 1 pc. (protein only) / vegetables.

11:30 buckwheat - 40 g. / Chicken fillet - 120 g. / Vegetables / 1 tsp. linseed oil.

13:30 cottage cheese - 150 g. / Vegetables / 1 tsp. olive oil.

15:30 - 16:30 TRAINING + amino acids during training (optional)

17:00 buckwheat - 50g / chicken fillet - 120 g / vegetables / 1 tsp. linseed oil.

19:00 chicken eggs - 1 pc. (protein + yolk) / turkey fillet - 80 g / vegetables.

21:00 chicken fillet - 120 g / vegetables / 1 tsp. olive oil.

23:00 cottage cheese - 200 g.

Proteins: 190 - 200 g.

Fat: 35 - 40 g.

Carbohydrates: 150 - 160 g.

Calories: 1950 - 2050

This menu is designed for a man weighing 80 kg (+ - a couple of kg). If you do not fall into this weight category, then redo the menu for yourself. Every Sunday you need to weigh yourself to find out and control the results.

Do you want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you

Menu for the day when drying men

Proper nutrition is what any body drying for men at home is based on. 2/3 of success depends on nutrition. Many men think workout is everything, but NO. A balanced diet is what will help you lose fat while minimizing muscle loss.

This menu is designed for a man weighing 80-85kg (+ - a couple of kg). If you do not fall into this weight category, then redo the menu for yourself. Every Sunday you need to weigh yourself to find out and control the results.

Below are a couple of sample basic menus for a 80-85 kg man:

07:00 water - 200 ml.;
07:30 oatmeal - 60 g / grapefruit - ½;
09:30 rice - 40 g. / Chicken eggs - 2 pcs. (white + yolk) / chicken eggs - 1 pc. (protein only) / vegetables;
11:30 buckwheat - 40 g / chicken fillet - 120 g / vegetables / 1 tsp linseed oil;
13:30 cottage cheese - 150 g. / Vegetables / 1 tsp. olive oil;
15:30 - 16:30 TRAINING;
4:30 pm Post Workout: Amino Acids (optional)
17:00 buckwheat - 50 g / chicken fillet - 120 g / vegetables / 1 tsp. linseed oil;
19:00 chicken eggs - 1 pc. (protein + yolk) / turkey fillet - 80 g / vegetables;
21:00 chicken fillet - 120 g / vegetables / 1 tsp. olive oil;
23:00 cottage cheese - 200 g.
Total: Proteins: 190-200 g, Fats: 35-40 g, Carbs: 150-160 g, Calories: 1950 - 2050

Drying for men at home, first of all, must be safe for health, for this you must adhere to the advice of professionals that relate to diet and training. First of all, don't skip breakfast. Eating a good meal in the morning will keep your metabolism healthy, and you shouldn't completely eliminate fats from your diet. This can cause negative side effects such as hair loss or worsening of the skin. Only saturated fats should be completely excluded: lard, egg yolk, butter, mayonnaise, lamb, pork, milk, cheeses, etc. Useful fats can be obtained by eating sea fish and nuts.

Prohibited flour and sweet. It is necessary to completely abandon foods that are harmful to the stomach: chips, crackers, ketchup. Canned foods and everything salty are also completely excluded.

Information for men

It is strictly forbidden to gorge yourself before going to bed. In extreme cases, you can satisfy your hunger with a glass of kefir or an apple. It is best to drink protein with water. There should be about 3 hours between meals. In this case, the portions should be small. It is necessary to completely exclude alcoholic beverages and quit smoking. During the drying period, a man should consume about 2-3 liters of water per day. The water-salt balance in the body is very important. The amount of carbohydrates the body needs should be obtained from healthy foods: cereals, vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to move as much as possible, even in addition to training, an active lifestyle will contribute to the fact that extra calories will be burned. It is recommended that you take BCAAs before and after your workout. In addition, before and after classes, you need to do it for 10-15 minutes. cardio.

It is recommended to take preparations containing a complex of vitamins and minerals during the drying period in order to avoid muscle breakdown. It is necessary to cut back on the amount of sugar in the diet. In the event that weight ceases to decrease by 3-6 days of drying, you need to reduce the amount of sugar consumed. In this case, it is desirable to maintain the glucose level at the same level.

Girls admire muscular athletes with accentuated relief. But everyone can become an object of women's views, how? The thing is that before each competition, bodybuilders go through a comprehensive program of diet and training - drying. It works to reduce fat mass to a minimum, as a result of which muscles stand out and become more accentuated. Let's consider the main element of the diet for drying the body - the menu for men.

Curious! It is much easier for men to highlight the relief of each muscle, since they have less adipose tissue. And metabolic processes are faster than those of the weaker sex. That is why the diet is markedly different from.

The main principles of drying

Drying the body is the final stage in the preparation of athletes for the competition. Its goal is to emphasize the already developed muscles and get rid of subcutaneous fat. But this stage is not complete without training and effort.

And so, the main components of body drying:

  1. Sports mode. Includes strength and cardio workouts to help maintain muscle tone.
    When drying, special attention should be paid to the regimen and quality of training - to reduce the intensity, and instead increase their duration. Too intense exercise can lead to injury.
    The power load must also be optimal. Weight needs to be selected so as to maintain muscle tone, but not burn them.
  2. Nutrition. This area should undergo dramatic changes: the transition to fractional meals (5-6 times a day in small portions), the amount of protein in the menu increases, carbohydrates are reduced.
  3. Daily regime... Too much stress on muscles can lead to muscle loss. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to a healthy daily routine, giving the muscles time to recover: sleep, rest, breaks between workouts.

Diet for drying the body for men

The main requirement for a diet is maintaining muscle mass. It copes with this task perfectly.

But this does not mean at all that carbohydrates should be completely abandoned. The breakdown of protein provokes the intensive formation of ketone bodies, which increase acidity. Which leads to malfunction of the kidneys and liver. Complex carbohydrates interfere with this process.

Fats also play an important role in the human body, especially the male, and it is not recommended to exclude them.

If, in the usual mode, the athlete needs 2 g of protein per 1 kg. body weight, then during drying, this amount increases to 2.5 g per 1 kg. body weight.

Carbohydrates from 2-7 g per 1 kg. body weight is reduced to a minimum - 2 g per 1 kg. body weight.

Fat should be consumed 0.5 g per 1 kg. body weight. Without them, internal organs will not be able to function effectively.

The correct diet during drying is developed in accordance with the following requirements:

  • 70% of the diet consists of protein.
  • 20% is assigned to complex carbohydrates: durum wheat pasta, bran bread, fruits, vegetables, cereals.
  • Fats, however, need to be consumed at least 10% of the daily diet. Only unsaturated fats - vegetable oils, oils of legumes and nuts, sea fish.

Milk contains saturated fat, it must be replaced with cottage cheese or kefir.

  • The daily calorie content is not higher than 2300 kcal. Those. one serving - 400 kcal.
  • Carbs are reduced gradually to avoid a sharp drop in glucose levels.
  • The consumption of carbohydrates after lunch is excluded.
  • Protein shakes are encouraged.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day, 3 liters of water on workout days!

Healthy products for drying

A diet for drying the body for men should be balanced in terms of vitamin and mineral composition. This is important for the smooth functioning of the body and maintaining muscle tone. Therefore, it is necessary to include such healthy foods in the diet:

  • lean meat: chicken, turkey, beef;
  • fish: salmon, salmon, trout;
  • eggs;
  • kefir and cottage cheese;
  • mushrooms;
  • cereals;
  • durum pasta;
  • legumes;
  • radish, zucchini;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • vegetable oils;
  • fruits;
  • mineral water;
  • green tea.

On a note! 250 g of rice contains 200 g of complex carbohydrates. The same amount of buckwheat contains about 167 g of complex carbohydrates.

Important! During drying, you must not eat products that retain liquid in tissues: flour products, coffee, grapes, alcohol, salt, sugar.

Diet for drying the body: a menu for men

And now let's look at an example of what should be the diet of the stronger sex during drying.

Sample menu for one day

  • Breakfast: steamed omelet and boiled lean fish fillet.
  • 2nd breakfast: protein shake or 200 g of cottage cheese with fresh fruit slices.
  • Dinner: any first course in poultry broth, 100 g of boiled porridge, boiled chicken fillet.
  • Afternoon snack: kefir, apple or orange, or banana, or grapefruit.
  • Dinner: lettuce or vegetable salad, steamed fish.
  • 2nd dinner: sunflower seeds, walnuts, cottage cheese or kefir.

On a note! Eat more cottage cheese. It contributes to the drawing of muscles.

Menu for the week


  • Breakfast : oatmeal, cottage cheese, banana, orange.
  • 2nd breakfast : whole boiled fillet, 100 g of rice, 50 g of fresh tomatoes.
  • Dinner : poultry broth, 100 g of veal, protein shake of 5 egg proteins, millet porridge.
  • Afternoon snack : Greek salad with olive oil, 50 g of rice porridge, whole boiled fillet.
  • Dinner : boiled salmon fillet, vegetable sauté.
  • 2nd dinner : orange, casein protein shake.


  • Breakfast: protein shake of 6 proteins, 100 g of cottage cheese, orange.
  • 2nd breakfast : 150 g of boiled pollock, 100 g of buckwheat porridge, tea.
  • Dinner: broccoli puree soup, steamed turkey cutlets, vegetable sauté.
  • Afternoon snack : grapefruit, 2 lemon wedges, 8 protein protein shakes.
  • Dinner : dried fruits, 150 g of boiled salmon fillet, Greek salad with green onions.
  • 2nd dinner : assorted fruits, walnuts.


  • Breakfast : 2 hard-boiled eggs, 20 g of cheese, tea.
  • 2nd breakfast: cabbage salad, 150 g of boiled fillet, 100 g of rice porridge.
  • Dinner : fish soup, baked potatoes with tomatoes.
  • Afternoon snack : protein shake of 8 egg whites, grapefruit, 100 g of cottage cheese.
  • Dinner : 150 g of boiled salmon, apple.
  • 2nd dinner : casein cocktail.


  • Breakfast : omelet of 3 proteins and 1 yolk, orange, tea.
  • 2nd breakfast : poultry dumplings (150 g), 100 g of potatoes, tomato, grapefruit.
  • Dinner : bean soup, vegetable sauté, 200 g of boiled fillet.
  • Afternoon snack : 150 g asparagus, 200 g cottage cheese.
  • Dinner : lettuce salad, steamed turkey cutlets, handful of pumpkin seeds.
  • 2nd dinner: protein shake with casein, walnuts.


  • Breakfast : 3-egg omelet, whole grain bread, 20 g of natural honey.
  • 2nd breakfast : steam poultry cutlets (150 g), 100 g of oatmeal, tomato, orange.
  • Dinner : mushroom soup, buckwheat, poultry dumplings, carrot juice.
  • Afternoon snack : 100 g steamed fish cakes, Greek salad.
  • Dinner : 6 egg protein shake, banana.
  • 2nd dinner: 100 g of cottage cheese, pumpkin seeds, walnuts.


  • Breakfast : millet porridge with low-fat milk, raisins, orange.
  • 2nd breakfast : poultry dumplings (150 g), tomato, 50 g of buckwheat porridge.
  • Dinner : chicken noodle soup, stuffed cabbage, 2 lemon wedges.
  • Afternoon snack : 200 g of cottage cheese, boiled salmon fillet, walnuts.
  • Dinner : Greek salad, steamed turkey cutlets (150 g).
  • 2nd dinner : 3 egg protein shake.


  • Breakfast : steamed fish cakes, vegetable sauté, tea.
  • 2nd breakfast : oatmeal, orange juice.
  • Dinner : pickle, 100 g of porcini mushrooms, 2 boiled eggs, carrot juice.
  • Afternoon snack : walnut, grapefruit, greek salad.
  • Dinner : protein shake of 5 eggs, boiled breast, tomatoes, orange.
  • 2nd dinner : 100 g of cottage cheese, omelet from 2 eggs.

Drying results

Diet for drying the body allows you to lose up to 30 kg. weight, exclusively in the form of subcutaneous fat, for 2 months. Adhering to the same diet and exercise is recommended for 1.5 to 2 months. During this time, you can significantly improve your relief and maintain muscle tone.

Curious! For athletes who constantly resort to drying, 2 weeks is enough to burn most of the subcutaneous fat.

Weight loss occurs through a reduction in carbohydrates in the diet and frequent meals. The body simply does not need to put aside calories "in reserve". And the increased amount of protein preserves muscle mass.

Important! The permissible weight loss per week is 700 g. If the weight drops more rapidly, you may be losing fluid or muscle mass. It is urgent to revise your diet and make it more caloric by adding complex carbohydrates.

It is strictly forbidden to adhere to drying the body for more than 2 months. Otherwise, you risk causing harm to your health.

If drying is slowed down, you can reduce the amount of sugars and fruits consumed.


Drying the body for men is a great way to transform your body, complementing it with relief muscles. However, such a diet is not suitable for everyone.

It is contraindicated to sit on a sports diet for people:

  • with kidney disease;
  • with stomach diseases;
  • with diseases of the pancreas;
  • with bowel diseases;
  • with liver diseases;
  • suffering from diabetes mellitus;
  • with individual restrictions.

Important! Before drying, be sure to consult your doctor.

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