Encyclopedia of fire safety

Bee products to improve immunity. Strengthening immunity with folk remedies and honey. We build the body's defenses ourselves


Dear readers, today we will talk about bee bread. Probably many people know what it is. Often we look for salvation in our pharmacies, instead of thinking about how to use what nature has given us. Meanwhile, bee products are very beneficial for our health. Of course, only if you are not allergic to them. I myself often use honey, and flower pollen, and bee bread, and propolis. All of them are great for health. The most important thing is to know all the subtleties and buy quality honey products.

Today, the guest of my blog, beekeeper from the taiga Altai Dmitry Pergoff, will talk about the benefits of bee bread for immunity. He and his wife have been beekeeping since 2005. This is their family business. In addition to honey and bee bread, they work with wax moth, propolis compositions, and wild berries. Dmitry has his own trademark "Bee goodies from the wild plants of Altai". I give the floor to Dmitry.

Bee perga for immunity

At the word "bees" you probably have such associations as honey and the fear of being bitten by this stinging insect. We all remember a delicious, thick dessert filled with the aroma of herbs from childhood. As soon as I got sick, my mother began to lament and urgently ran to the pharmacy for antipyretic drugs, prepared tea with raspberries and ordered me not to get out of bed. At this time, each wise grandmother affectionately whispered: "If only a child would have a baby, he would immediately get better and get stronger." How right she was!

Our apiary. It is located in the Krasnogorsk district of the Altai Territory

The influence of honey on the human body is so great that even meticulous and scrupulous physicians prescribe medotherapy with great pleasure - they are firmly convinced of its miraculous properties. In the meantime, a swarm of industrious bees is hard at work in Altai, buzzing merrily. Although we are all afraid of them sometimes, they generously forgive us this, continuing to extract real “gold”. They pamper us not only with delicious honey, but also with many other products that are no less valuable.

Let's see what the bees actually offer us. I have no doubt that after that you will want to be friends with them, respect their hard work and even take them as allies when the body's defenses are exhausted and the sores haunt. Are you ready to swim in the hole, take synthetic immunomodulators or immunostimulants? In this category, it is unlikely that a large number of applicants will be recruited, but, nevertheless, inexorable statistics confirm that there are more and more often ill people every year.

And if swimming in the hole is safe (with the right approach, of course), then a reasonable person does not want to take medicine. This is understandable, who wants to drink pills when nature itself has thought out an excellent alternative - beekeeping products. Among this priceless gift, it is especially worth highlighting bee pollen. Few may know about it, but those who have already experienced its healing properties will probably never take a step back to pills.

bee pollen

Perga is a unique product that is produced not by pharmaceutical corporations for the purpose of profit, but by honey bees. And this is not magic at all, but a logical process of the life cycle of hardworking insects. Sometimes it seems that they take special care of a person who is not able to create a unique natural medicine without the help of nature. Nurturing bees, of course, first of all take care of feeding the brood, like any living creature interested in producing offspring. At the same time, they manage to save some of the pollen (pollen) - they put it in the feed combs, adding their own enzymes for tamping.

Thanks to such simple actions, bee bread is obtained - bee bread. And although it does not taste like bakery products and does not smell like fresh baking, it really is bread, which, as you know, is the head of everything. Bee enzymes are special, they allow you to preserve pollen and keep it for a long time. When the pollen runs out and the brood remains hungry, bee pollen comes to the aid of the bees, as it is absolutely identical in its properties to fresh pollen. Its main difference is that perga can serve as a source of food for the brood for a whole year. This, the most precious treasure, is shared with us by bees so that we are as healthy, able-bodied and cheerful as a swarm of sonorous insects.

Perga bee. Useful and medicinal properties

The healing properties of bee perga allow you to raise immunity and maintain it at the proper level is very simple! If you are not allergic to bee products, then feel free to adopt the best that nature has given us! Due to the special composition, where the amount of extremely important amino acids, vitamins and microelements is balanced, real miracles happen - as if by magic, a reliable barrier is created for many diseases. The restored work of the immune system immediately makes itself felt: colds will no longer bother you, chronic diseases will become aggravated much less often, and acute respiratory diseases will generally cease to appear in your life.

Do you dream of good health and plan to live without doctors and pills? Perga - what you need to maintain immunity! Be successful and happy, and excellent health is guaranteed to you if you make friends with bees!

Perga for immunity. Buy bee bread

We live in Altai and have been friends with bees for many years. Our faithful workers not only help maintain the health of all family members, but also take care of the health of the nation. If you want to strengthen immunity and say "No!" colds, then, without further ado, start small: use bee bread, which has no analogues among pharmaceuticals. However, when choosing this unique product, do not forget that in this category, products can be of different quality. On our site you can find out what kind of bee bread is, how to use bee bread to increase immunity. And also from us you can buy high-quality bee bread and other bee products.

Dmitry Pergoff, with the lowest bow from Altai.

I thank Dmitry for all the information.

And for the soul we will listen today Tender than tender- a song performed by Elena Kamburova. What words, what music, what performance...

I wish you all health, good mood, especially since it is New Year's Eve, joy, harmony and warmth in your families.

Many people know about the magical power of honey, but not many people know that all bee products can strengthen the immune system and restore vitamin and mineral balance. Among all the substances that are produced by bees, most often it is honey that can be found on the shelf of a thrifty hostess.

How honey affects the body

Honey is intended not only for immunity, but also for the treatment of various diseases. This bee product contains:

  • Antibacterial substances that can prevent the development of diseases.
  • More than 20 trace elements. Honey helps people recover from various diseases.

Each variety of healing delicacy helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system, calm down after a hard day, relieve nervous tension, and normalize fat metabolism. Any kind of honey is very easy to digest due to the large amount of fructose in the composition.

Most often in our latitudes you can find linden, sweet clover, buckwheat, flower or meadow. No less useful is clover, chestnut, heather honey. Separately, it is worth highlighting the Royal Velvet honey. It usually gathers in the mountains, but today it can be found in Izmailovsky Park. A wonderful bouquet of organic flowers, herbs, shrubs and trees makes the product very useful.

The high value of the product lies in a significant amount of vitamin E, A, a number of B vitamins, folic acid and a large amount of flavonoids, which help the body resist ubiquitous viruses, and also speed up recovery in case of sudden acute respiratory infections. Honey is extremely important for immunity, but it is worth limiting its use to two tablespoons.

Overuse can cause infection. On an empty stomach, the product is absorbed much faster. With regular intake of honey, it will help not only strengthen the immune system, but will also be useful in oncology. Improving well-being and increasing efficiency is one of the beneficial effects of honey. The product improves brain activity and can improve mood.


One of the well-known and useful products of beekeeping is perga. It is not a strong allergen, so it can be taken by a large number of people. Bee bread ˗ is another name for these bee products. Bee pollen is honey-preserved pollen that bees store. Without access to oxygen, she begins to wander.

It is the fermentation process that helps the bee bread to remain intact and not become moldy. There are many more vitamins and minerals in bee bread than in honey. The concentration of vitamins A, E is much higher. A large number of amino acids can make up for the missing amount of substances in the body. Perga contains potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, chromium and iodine. The taste of perga resembles rye bread, hence the popular name.

How to take perga to strengthen immunity

Perga, honey and other bee products should be taken with extreme caution. To strengthen immunity with bee bread, you will need 40 grams of the product. The dose for children is 0.5 grams, and for adults - 2 g. Pergu must be well absorbed. After a few days of taking it, you will feel a surge of energy. To strengthen the immune system, you can prepare a vitamin remedy:

  • 1 gram of royal jelly;
  • 200 grams of honey;
  • 15 grams of perga.

All products must be thoroughly mixed and sent to the refrigerator. You need to use in the morning, on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon.


Propolis, like other bee products, is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is also called bee glue, as honeycombs are fastened with it and gaps are sealed. The pleasant aroma of essential oils distinguishes propolis from other bee products. The technology for the production of drugs is often associated with the processing of this substance. Its medicinal properties are familiar to everyone who has ever had a sore throat.

Propolis was also used in the treatment of various diseases: tuberculosis, typhoid, oncological diseases, atherosclerosis. The product has a strong antibacterial effect and stimulates the regenerative functions of the body.

Children under three years of age are recommended to give an aqueous infusion of propolis as a powerful immunostimulant. Before the first intake of propolis, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test. To check, you can drop the infusion on the baby's skin. If after a while there is no red rash at this place and there are no changes in behavior, then feel free to give the infusion.

The amount of the substance is calculated as follows: 1 drop for 1 year. Children after three years can also be given alcohol tincture, but it is better to do with water infusion.

Royal jelly

Little is said about the use of this product. Royal jelly is a very valuable product. Milk is the secret of the pharyngeal and maxillary glands of young bees. The aroma of the product is very specific. The taste is sweet and sour, slightly pungent.

It contains a huge amount of useful substances. Royal jelly helps to strengthen the immune system, increases stamina, improves memory, sleep and vision. Normalizes blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

To recover from operations and improve well-being, it is often recommended to take royal jelly. The product increases immunity to the level of self-fighting of the body. It is worth trying royal jelly and nursing mothers, because it stimulates milk production.

You should not drink milk in the evening, as this contributes to an increase in heart rate and can cause insomnia. An overdose of royal jelly can cause disruptions in the endocrine system, so it should be used with caution. Preparations with royal jelly from Tentorium can be purchased at any specialized store.


A substance used by bees to seal honeycombs. By means of zabrus, diseases of the oral cavity and respiratory tract are easily treated. It has a general strengthening effect. You can take a picture of how the beekeeper removes the zabrus when visiting apiaries during the excursions.

Zabrus contains wax, honey, perga and propolis, so it has absorbed all the beneficial properties of these products. It is not mined much, so it is sometimes difficult to get it. It is useful for children to use zabrus to strengthen the immune system, because the use of the substance helps to increase the body's resistance.

Only in modern times, beekeepers began to produce zabrus, before it was processed with all products. The substance is used only in its pure form, the product does not undergo any processing, so it is important to buy this product from trusted manufacturers. Zabrus, like bee bread, needs to be chewed. Saliva will dissolve all substances, and they will enter the body. Products derived from zabrus will help you stay healthy longer.

When purchasing any bee products, pay attention to the manufacturer. Very often, owners of private apiaries can provide low-quality goods. To be sure of the quality of products, purchase goods in special stores. Here you can find not only bee products, but also cosmetic substances made on their basis. Take honey, propolis or bee bread to maintain immunity at the proper level.

When taking any product made by bees, you must first do a test for an allergic reaction, because with a large intake of honey and other substances, severe anaphylactic shock can develop. The scope of these substances is very extensive, and the effect on the body is only positive. Take care of your own health.

To raise immunity, various remedies with plants, fruits and honey are often used. Which is not surprising, since the product has a lot of useful properties. It can be taken neat or mixed with enhancers (herbs, fruits). In any case, the result will be the same - a significant reduction in the frequency of colds and the establishment of the body as a whole.

Why support immunity?

The human immune system is a natural shield that protects people from constant illness. Immunity does not arise from nothing, in order for the body to start producing lymphocytes, pathogens must enter it. During treatment, pathogenic bacteria die, and lymphocytes remain, which allows a person not to get sick with the same strain of the pathogen. Thus, we can conclude that immunity appears after the disease, and not before it.

As a result of infectious diseases, systemic disorders of the body, surgical interventions and even ordinary stress, the number of protective cells is sharply reduced. Doctors call this phenomenon weakened immunity. If nothing is done, the person will start to get sick more and more often. With monthly colds, the body will no longer have time to restore its protective properties. As a result, each subsequent illness will last longer, and the intervals between illnesses will be shorter.

Therefore, it is necessary to support the immune system hourly. General recommendations are simple: proper nutrition, sports, drinking regimen, enough sleep and giving up bad habits.

However, this is not all that can help boost immunity. The use of foods rich in vitamins and useful microelements gives the body the strength to fight the microbes attacking it. One of these products is honey.

To raise the immune system, honey is a truly indispensable tool. To forget about infectious diseases for a long time, it is enough to eat 1-2 tsp daily. bee product.

Beneficial features

Honey, like all bee products, has a high content of nutrients. No natural remedy has a similar composition. Not surprisingly, honey is included in many folk remedies for the treatment of various diseases. The product contains:

  • vitamins (A, B, C, E, K);
  • folic acid;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium, etc.

The total number of micro and macro elements in the product is about 300. In addition, it contains proteins, enzymes, organic acids and minerals. The bee product is unique in that it contains 22 of the 24 trace elements that make up human blood. Therefore, the product is so effective in boosting immunity.

Other bee products have similar properties, such as propolis, royal jelly and pollen from flowers collected by bees.

There are many recipes with herbs and honey to strengthen the immune system. It is mixed with medicinal plants, herbal decoctions and simply fruit fruits.

Medicines made from honey are used not only to strengthen the immune system. The product is part of anti-inflammatory ointments, used for stomach ulcers. Due to its antibacterial properties, honey is used in the treatment of many inflammatory processes, such as cervical erosion. Bee products are very effective in combating polyarthritis, salt deposition and other pathologies of the spine. And the use of black cumin with honey for urolithiasis is more effective than many pharmaceutical products.

However, despite all the benefits that honey can bring to strengthen the immune system and not only, there are contraindications to the use of the product.

First of all, this is the presence of an allergy to bee products. In addition, the delicacy is forbidden for people with diabetes.

It is contraindicated to treat with honey children of the first year of life. When treating a child older than 1 year old, honey should be used very carefully, in minimal quantities and only with the permission of the pediatrician.

In addition, the effectiveness of the medicine depends on which honey is included in the recipes for immunity. It is advisable to buy beekeeping products only from trusted sellers. Otherwise, it may turn out that honey is diluted with starch and sugar, which significantly reduces its beneficial properties and increases the risk of an allergic reaction.

Traditional medicine recipes

The most popular way to strengthen the immune system is a combination of such products with honey:

  • nuts;
  • lemon
  • garlic;
  • aloe;
  • dried apricots.

The combination of a bee product with nuts enriches the body with antioxidants, which strengthen the immune system much better than the well-known vitamin E. The remedy strengthens the immune system, restores strength and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

There is no set dosage for this recipe. You need to take a peeled walnut, break it into small pieces and put it in a glass container. Next, honey is added. If the product is liquid, then the container with nuts is simply poured until the honey covers its contents. Otherwise, you should stick to such a combination as 1 part bee product and 2 parts walnuts. The container is covered with paper, and the contents are infused for 2-4 weeks. The tool is used in the morning for 1 tsp.

The combination of garlic with lemon and honey has a high level of effectiveness. The tool is suitable for both prevention and treatment of viral infections. You will need: 0.5 cups of honey, 1 lemon and 3 cloves of garlic. Lemon and garlic must be chopped, you can use a blender, and mix with honey.

During the treatment period, the mixture is taken twice a day half an hour before meals, 1 tbsp. l. For prevention, it is enough to take 1 tsp. in the morning. The medicine is stored for no more than 2 days.

If you exclude lemon from the recipe, the resulting remedy can be taken even by people with diabetes, since garlic neutralizes any negative effects of glucose.

Honey for immunity will become even more indispensable if you mix it with juice or crushed aloe leaves in equal proportions. Even children can easily use this medicine.

For the purpose of prevention, the remedy should be taken in the same way as the previous ones, 1 tsp each. in a day. In case of illness, the medicine is able to raise the level of resistance of the body. Reception schedule: 2 times a day for 1 tsp.

It must be remembered that aloe leaves must be kept in the refrigerator for at least 10 days before use. A fresh plant can have a negative effect on the body.

Another recipe that boosts immunity and has an overall health effect is honey combined with nuts and dried fruits. You will need:

  • 1 lemon;
  • 200 g dried apricots;
  • 200 g raisins;
  • 200 g walnuts;
  • 200 ml of honey.

Dried apricots, raisins and lemon must be washed and passed through a meat grinder. Chopped nuts and honey are added to the mixture. The product is stored in a glass jar, in the refrigerator, no more than 3 days. The medicine is taken 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals throughout the autumn-winter season.

This is a traditional recipe, if desired, prunes and figs can be added to it, 200 g each.

secret remedy

Few people know about such a useful plant as black cumin. Which is not surprising, because it grows exclusively in hot countries, for example, in Egypt and India. However, you can buy its seeds in any country in the world. It will not work to grow cumin, but the seeds have a lot of useful properties. They can be used for such a purpose as boosting immunity.

Black cumin seeds and honey increase immunity no less effectively than the usual recipes with garlic or aloe.

The easiest way to use is to mix 1 tsp. seeds with 2 tsp. honey. The tool has an amazing strengthening effect on all body systems, including the immune system. Use the medicine 1 time per day before bedtime.

A recipe for immunity that can overcome any viral disease. It is necessary to grind 1/2 kg of seeds into flour and mix with the same amount of honey. The drug is taken twice a day.

Recovery course for people with weakened immune systems, for example, after a long illness: 1 tsp. black cumin seed flour and 1 tbsp. l. bee product. The medicine is used 2 times a day for 30 days.

Black cumin is an extremely useful product. But if you exceed the recommended doses, the remedy can lead to indigestion. People suffering from ulcers or gastritis, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system, should refrain from eating seeds. In addition, the plant is forbidden to be used for the treatment of pregnant women and patients with diabetes.

Beekeeping has always brought great benefits to human life. A well-maintained apiary provides bee products to increase immunity, they act as medicines, only of natural origin, providing support for good health and performance for many years of life.

The bee and its role

Bees were considered almost divine insects. They create a lot in their life and help in the pollination of plants, therefore, in the growth of vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals. In places where apiary zones exist, the ecological situation is much better, thereby a safer place for human life.

And caring for bee colonies allows you to strengthen your neuro-psychological state, and forget about many health problems by using natural bee products.

natural pharmacy

The most common products of bees and the most useful are honey and beeswax, but other bee products to increase immunity are no less unique and rich in composition.

The beneficial results of the life of bees for humans include:

  • Wax;
  • royal jelly;
  • Perga;
  • Pollen;
  • Bee venom.


Beeswax is a product produced by special glands located on the abdomen of the bee. For bees, wax is the building material for their combs and for strengthening and repairing their homes. The color scheme of wax deposits varies from pale yellow, at the beginning of the bee season, and darkish, closer to a rich yellow color - towards its end. The most healing is the wax obtained in the spring.

From one bee family, a beekeeper can receive up to three kilograms of raw materials per season, and without causing any harm to the bees.

Wax contains from three hundred useful substances. The exact composition of useful microelements has been little studied, but it is precisely established that wax:

  • It has antiseptic properties, due to which it accelerates the processes of skin regeneration;
  • Produces sanitation of the oral cavity, helps to strengthen the gums;
  • Used in the treatment of ENT diseases and diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Eaten in small quantities, it improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins and toxic substances from the body.

Beeswax is a wonderful natural antibiotic, it also has an antimicrobial effect, it also absorbs harmful substances, which has a beneficial effect on health and strengthening the immune system.

liquid amber

Honey is considered to be the pantry of health. It contains almost all vitamins, trace elements, and other useful substances to strengthen, support and restore the vital and immune forces of the body.

Honey is a product produced by bees from the processing of flower nectar from flowers of various plants, shrubs and trees.

Honey products contain natural minerals (magnesium, cobalt, manganese, potassium, iodine, zinc and many others), vitamins, especially groups B, E, K.

The preservation of the unique composition of honey is ensured by organic acids and biologically active substances, high nutritional value. Moreover, each type of honey has its own calorie content, but not less than three hundred and twenty kilocalories per hundred grams.

Types of honey:

  • Flower - honey produced by bees from nectar from flowering and non-flowering nectaries (linden, buckwheat, forest, meadow). Basically, bees collect nectar from medicinal plants, which determines the healing properties of honey;
  • Honeydew - honey created by bees from honeydew, that is, from a sticky liquid secreted by insects that live on foliage, or from honeydew. The contained level of vitamins and minerals, phytoncides, polysaccharides and other active substances is higher than in flower honey. This kind of honey is perfect for raising immune forces after an illness.

The form is divided into:

  • Liquid - young honey of the spring period and early summer, then it begins to thicken and crystallize;
  • Crystallized - or otherwise shrunken honey, has maturity, contains little moisture, does not ferment. All useful substances are preserved.

Honey has a beneficial effect on all body systems, increases and strengthens local and general immunity.

royal jelly

Royal jelly is a special food for feeding the queen bee and queen bee larvae. White honey is produced by worker bees from collected pollen, which contains a large amount of lactic acid.

The product is very valuable for its composition:

  • Proteins;
  • Carbohydrates are easily digestible;
  • Fats and fatty acids;
  • Vitamins: A, groups B, C, D3, E, H, PP;
  • Minerals and mineral salts;
  • Hormonal compounds;
  • Other useful active substances.

The unique composition of royal jelly also allows women's health, increases nervous stability, normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, helps the full development of children, protects the body from colds and other diseases, and prevents beriberi.


Perga means bread or bee bread, created from pollen-pollen, which is collected from the flowers of plants, folded and compacted in a certain way, such pollen is laid out on top with honey.

Pollen collected from flowers is processed by bee salivary enzymes, special yeasts and bacteria. In the honeycomb cells, the processed pollen hardens and undergoes natural preservation due to the increase in the level of lactic acid.

The bee bread contains many protein compounds, vitamins (A, groups B, C, D3, E, K), amino acids, macroelements, microelements, enzyme substances, organic acids, carbohydrate compounds. The combination of the composition allows the assimilation of pollen completely.

Perga is useful for:

  • Hematopoietic system: normalizes and improves the quality of blood, contributes to the normalization of hematopoiesis;
  • Cardiac system: the components of bee bread have a preventive effect and prevent the development of heart ailments, strengthens the heart, cleanses blood vessels, improves their patency;
  • Gastrointestinal tract: improves the functioning of the organs and glands of the digestive system, improves the absorption of nutrients;
  • Nervous system: increases the functioning of brain activity, improves and strengthens the state of the nervous system;
  • Immune protection: helps to raise the protective forces, stimulates immune mechanisms, increases resistance to diseases, prevents beriberi.

How to take bee bread for immunity - the reception is carried out in its purest form. Parts of perga dissolve in the mouth twice a day, preferably half an hour before meals. Due to the tonic effect, it should be taken in the morning and afternoon hours.

Perga for immunity is indicated for use from one year. Moreover, children under six years of age are given it once, preferably in granules.

When a disease occurs, the doses for admission are doubled.


A unique natural antibiotic with disinfecting properties is propolis. It is made by bees from plant sap, pollen, sticky leaf extract, enzymes from their own saliva.

Propolis in its composition has more than two hundred and eighty active substances, including: terpene acid, flavonoids, organic acids and resins, and other medicinal substances.

It has antiseptic, antibacterial effects, strengthens cartilaginous, intercellular tissues and vascular walls, improves the organs of the respiratory system, prevents viral and bacteriological infections.


Flower pollen is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, sugars, fats and proteins, lecithin, cephalin, and other biologically active substances. All of them are in a balanced ratio. Reception of flower pollen allows you to make up for the lack of amino acids, vitamins and minerals, increases the body's resistance to disease, restores it after an illness, has a positive effect: on the circulatory system, mental activity, on the functioning of the endocrine glands, on blood counts.

bee venom

Bee venom is a thick liquid released during sting, which has a bitter taste and smell of honey.

  • It is a natural immunostimulant;
  • Improves blood flow;
  • Increases blood counts;
  • Accelerates metabolic processes;
  • Has a tonic effect;
  • Normalizes appetite, sleep.

Has a long list of contraindications.

To use bee products for immunity with health benefits, it must be borne in mind that there are serious contraindications for use. Therefore, it is worth consulting with a general practitioner or pediatrician.


Bee products have long ceased to be just a treat. Honey, perga, royal jelly, propolis are used to treat many diseases. All of them have a unique natural composition. Not only traditional healers recognize the magical properties of bee products, but many doctors also use elements of apitherapy in their practice.

The results of the life of bees

  • pollen;
  • perga;
  • chitin;
  • zabrus;
  • bee venom;
  • propolis;
  • royal jelly;
  • wax.

Honey is the most versatile medicine known since the Stone Age. Its beneficial properties are so diverse that we can talk about honey as a cure for all diseases. Honey properties:

Honey is good because it is allowed to be used even by small children (in the absence of allergies).


Wax has found wide application in cosmetology, dermatology and neurology:

  • Pediatricians prescribe wax compresses for increased leg tone in babies.
  • In cosmetology, wax is used for masks. When heated, the wax releases all the vitamins and minerals to the skin. This contributes to the correction of the oval of the face, rejuvenation and the removal of inflammation. Wax is the basis of cosmetics. Many creams, lipsticks, mascaras, the famous wax strips for hair removal and other cosmetics contain a certain percentage of wax.
  • Dermatologists prescribe wax compresses for various skin diseases.
  • For the treatment of wounds, burns.

Pollen contains amino acids. Nutritionists say that the vitamin and mineral composition of pollen can easily replace meat. Therefore, pollen is a real find for vegetarians.

Since pollen has a very rich composition (more than 27 trace elements), it often causes allergic reactions. Beekeeping products are all strong allergens, excluding bee bread. Their use, especially pollen, must be strictly dosed.

A beekeeping product with a pleasant specific smell. Its application:

  • In dentistry, to strengthen the gums, for the treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis.
  • In proctology for local treatment of hemorrhoids.
  • For the treatment of tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis in the form of rinses.
  • In cosmetology for enriching creams for aging skin.
  • To increase immunity, 10% tincture is drunk 1 time per day. Starting with one drop and working up to 20 drops. Then in reverse order. The course of drops is 40 days.

Propolis has strong bactericidal and antiseptic properties. It is a natural antibiotic.


These are top caps cut off by a strip from honeycombs. It is valued by beekeepers many times more than propolis. Zabrus is capable of:

  • Provide immunity strengthening, as it has antiviral properties.
  • It is actively used in sports nutrition. It improves metabolism, promotes a set of muscle mass.
  • In dietology, it is used for metabolism, used both for weight gain and for its reduction.
  • Improve digestion; in gastroenterology, it is used to treat hypoacid gastritis.
  • In the absence of allergies, it is approved for use by young children.

Bee pollen preserved by the honey-enzyme method. Its composition is so diverse and balanced that it helps with many diseases:

  • Amino acids and bee bread enzymes have anabolic properties, they are used in sports nutrition.
  • The antimicrobial properties of bee bread allow it to be used to treat various inflammatory diseases. In this, perga is similar to propolis. It has natural antibiotic properties.


These are the bodies of dead honey bees. They are processed to obtain ointments, rubbing. Apply:

  • For the treatment of inflammation and pain relief in neuralgia, myositis, radiculitis, sprains and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • For the treatment of burns, boils, neurodermatitis and acne.
  • Prevention and treatment of gum disease, toothache.
  • In masks to strengthen hair.


Bee venom is a pungent, pungent liquid. There are locally irritating ointments for the treatment of joints. Apitoxin and other bee products are used in many homeopathic remedies. They are used:

  • With neuralgia, osteochondrosis. Apitoxin is able to restore joint mobility.
  • With poorly healing wounds, trophic ulcers.
  • With obliterating endarteritis, bee venom is able to reflexively dilate blood vessels, reduce blood clotting.
  • As a pain reliever.
  • In the complex treatment of hypertension.
  • With trigeminal neuralgia.

A little about folk recipes

Bee products are actively used by apitherapists. Their properties are used primarily for colds:

  • Honey inhalations. As you know, the beneficial properties of honey are lost when heated. Therefore, it is better to make them with a modern nebulizer, and not in the old fashioned way in a saucepan. Dissolve a few drops of honey in about 5 ml of warm water and inhale using an inhalation tube. This method will help to remove mucus and pus from the sinuses, soften the throat and thin the phlegm. Helps boost immunity.
  • In the baths, a honey-salt scrub is used. Just mix honey with sea salt and gently massage into the skin. The scrub helps draw out the toxins. Regular use of this mask slows down the aging process of the skin.
  • Olive oil mixed with honey in equal proportions. Their mixture is drunk in a tablespoon 3 times a day. Regular use of the mixture will improve bowel function. The mixture is used in oncology, in particular in rectal cancer.
  • Ingredients for stimulating the immune system. Squeeze aloe leaves (at least 7 years old, they contain more biologically active substances), add melted honey to the resulting juice. Mix them with Cahors, add 10 ml of propolis tincture. Start with a few drops, once a day. Within 10 days, the volume is increased to a teaspoon.
  • Treatment of oncology under the dead. Dried podmor is poured with alcohol, at the rate of 1 tablespoon of podmor for half a glass of 95% alcohol. The mixture is infused in a dark cool place for 21 days, with daily shaking. Take 20 drops after meals, a course of at least 60 days.
  • Bee products for the treatment of prostatitis. Melt pork fat, add 75 g of propolis, 4 g of perga and royal jelly, 15 g of honey. Heat the mixture to a plastic state and form small suppositories. Candles apply at night.

Honey and bee products are a source of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. Their use improves the quality of life. For strong immunity, for the beauty of hair and skin, to combat stress - bee products will be real helpers.

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